Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 10, 1795, Image 1

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    Cfceftc tlnitci) oiaUi
fif#i i#*#n nT*\ 1 - ■ ■ ——————i' 111 ■ ■
F0 i? SALE, £ J'
J No, 12, Dock Street*
10 pipes of
;, V ery t>eft Madeira WINE, 31
ao own let ri -1 *<■ »*»7. i rinc - .. ° f
Bri A iow el'" of duTer-.'Bt fizss,
. AIU v of : ft in
ef Injar,
4 boxes of T*rd ■«jrWfee < linens,
4 bates of "«<i. e»n»*&, ,; .
5 biles of rtd, white, an<-yellow flannels!
An d the SHI P
FORI sMO V 7 //, W
bbarrels, now lying at Mr- Thadale's ' 1
/whan? in South wark. t .
Phila-lelphiu, Sept. 11. • ' —
tor A M S T £ R D A M, T ,
»| MAR I 4, ■
ffiCljiSffi John Cnflin, matter,
« Mr. Willing'j wharf; (he « almpft
Tie i fails fill, has excellent accommodations tor pal- _
ferv'ers and will fail in 8 or lodavs, the cargj being
t^r^ e A
V/. At, i?<x. ' "V-
For Liverpool, I
jrr~ ran ship -- a
tif&D I A N A,
' ffitlrf* ft»jp WJfc
BURTHEN 220 tons, is nearly a new ffifip, » H
conftm* trader, and will jail with all "f**"'®" 1
fn-cd. For freight or paflage apply to the Capt,.
- d: —
—"~T § 1
Wt.,b!r 6, 1795- t — „
the BUS 1
/r ABIGAIL, j j
"V Thomas Gif Ford, matter, j a
HAS a treat ySrt of her cargo engaged, and will fail in
' a w Jays * For freight or passage apply on-board at
V ilack's wharf°or to THOMAS NEWMAN Rof^
•cvh'arf— , „ „
Who has for Sals,
Coffee.- Cotton, Claret in cat-* and hamp«.,OMFnm-
t■ i*>iac Wine m hogfceads, and fcven doz. Mens ruffled
y:;ru. Oft, v-
T H E 8 H 1 r
HAS excellent accommodations for pafl'engers; wifl
fail io all this month ; three-fourths of Fer cargo are
rrsdv to go on boaid, a few tons of h*avy will
>«* taken on freight.—For freight or pafl'age apply to
the Master on board, Peter Blight, or to
Pragers <S Co.
September It, *79."• *'
House Coals
O' S CO,I flviality, for sale on board the brig Olive Branch,
( apt un William Moore, from Liverpool, laying at Wal
nat-ttrset wharf. Apply to
Pbiltp Nickhn & Co.
> TnE sAn> BKIG
XffijjgCTjP; SHE is a new veflel, burthen about »,000
harr< Is of Hour, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a
f. w <iaye. , •
N» B. Thofo Geat emcn who have Goods on hoard the
O ivv Hranch, are requested to fend for them as soon as
j-ciTiMe. Prober ijth
T'or Charleston, (S. C.)
MSC, r u b r,
Capt. Richards,
NOW lying the firft wharf below Ciufnut-llreet, and
V ,11 fail in a few days. For freight, which will be taken
cn low terms, apply to the Captain on board, oj to
Naltro' & John Frazicr,
Qdiober 24. Jlw. No 95 fauth rront-tlreet.
For Sale, or Charter,
Moles Town fend, matter,
BURfHEN i66*tons. A verv strong, Haunch good vef
fc!, lying at Rofs's wharf. For particulars apply to
the matter on board, or Meflrt. Anthony 'J? So,:
OAober aS. d6t
*fujl. Arrived per the Snow JBo/foit, Kirkpdtrick,
Majler, from Liverpool,
113 Crates well-sflorted Queen's Ware,
4CCO bushel* best lloved fine Salt,
& to be fold at No. 1, Pine-street, by
"James Campbell.
, Alfe, .1 few boxes well-afForted Irifa Linens.
j N. B.
>— Said Snow for Freight or Cliar
fer, cither to the Weil-Indie* or
p, Mrt yiji Europe.
Enquire as abov«.
Au~'tjl 18. £_
J. Weßdell, maftor,
i.YiiSG at Willing and Francis's wharf; 1 ttrong,
new veflel, & ve months old, built of red cedar, bur
then Ijo tons, supposed will carry about 1100 barrels
~f flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent
accouiiiiotUtioiis formaffengers. For terms apply to
It not fold in two or three days, laid vessel willgro
• -d for the state of New-York.
. ..ili'd. Sept. 19. J
For Falmouth and a Market,
P~"7!_ THE SHIP 7S
JM&I E D G E L r, *
I* hn Hod s°' ®. sftsr « . , ( with all convenient fpecd. Few* freight —
or apply to . ,
/ P'j:hp', Oram'
NovcKriVr 9- , * *3
I o iVi ti 1
j-. -gpft THE brig
Ij' [Villiarr. RuharJs, mafia , <
,Fot freight or paff«e a?- -
j y t() jgdSE is' ROUaRT WALN.
1 j November 9. : Lj
Jamaica Hum. Ha
The C tjo of the briff Peace, Capatin Gray, from the
north iidc of Jamaica, j
Wdl it hvtfltrl to-morrow morning at Southjrecl wharf, j
High Prrnif RUM,
( Peter Blight. pi :
November 0. l_. P'
At the Stores lately occupied by Wharton & Greeves, g r
4 FtW W*tS PI
London particular Madeira WIN E ;
A few quarter calks Old SHLUitY WINE ; PJ
Rjjffia MATTS, &c. l
Thirtv I'hds. prime St. Croix SUGARi.
November 6 d6t ' Pl
: GE O RGF 1)0 B SON, M
I Has jutt rec«rive<i 'tyj rile lit p|
t now opening at his iTORE, ri
NO- 134, 5
—-J,iariet-ftrcet, corrur of Fourth,
Am Large aftoruncnt of broad and narrow Cloths; F.laf- f>
;ic*do. K<rf;ymcres; Coatings; Blankets; flan- y
" nels, C<c &c.—Alto, an elcgani. aiTortment of London
and MaOchcfter printed Calluoes of the newe t patterns,
adapted for the l afon, printed Crtron Handkerchiefs and
Pullkats, Pins, &c. which he will fell by the Piece or
J Package on til.; lowett terms fer Cash or approved notes T
!at 1, 4, & 6 months. L
November j. S<
, To-MorroW Morning- will be Landed, s.
At Stamper's luharf, from on foa~d the
schooner Eliza, 'T. Arnold, tnafter-, —
tlirecl from Malaga,
Bco Quarter Barrels feeih BLOOM RAISINS
jco lWes do. do. do.
— -to*? Jars do. do. do. j,
4CO "linxcs do. Muscatel io.
11? Ouarter Barrels FIGS C
n- H..xe* PRUNES
Jam d,RAPES r
,;n Sacks Soft Shelled ALMC>NDS
ire 100 Quarter Casks MOUNTAIN \VINE -
Vth Xovi'mher. dlf
Bartholomew Conolly,
No. 48, Chefnut-ftreet,
RESPECT VULLY informs his filends and the public
in genera], that he has imported in the late arrivals j
ch, from England, an elegaut, extcnfivc and well cbofcn as- ,
al- fortmcnt of men's and women's ho fiery—amonjf which
is a very gr«at variety ef beautiful fancy hosiery—such as -y
ili iped and clouded cotton- fine plated silk and cotton—
chjrant patent fancy silk. Fine striped and clouded patens
worited, &tc. <kc. which are now offered for sale upon
his tiiual low terms, together with every other article of
rr dry good-, fw.table to tl«e feafor..
r-* j B. C lvis also imported a great variety «f gentlemen's
0° «ut size Hocking. G&. 24. Eot»» ]
II a The Parttietfhip of SAM" 6c I'ttOrsHAW
"OEING diilllved in Au;<uil last, by mutual confetit,
O all those indebted, whole accounts arc due, arc de- t
.as fired to mak: i'peedy payment at their iitore, corner of
L Front and Arch-llreet. The butinefs is now carried on
at the fame place, by
Who hes for sale, 011 reasonable terms, for cafli, or tlie
usual credit, j
A general assortment of Merchandize, '
Imported by the last vcffels t'rem London, Briltol, and Li- '
verpool, firitable for the Fall sSeafon.
A Tobacco Engine and Press to be fold by Sara. Shaw.
OAober 23. aaw37i'&iaw do.
For sale, at low prices,
! t NAILS by the calk, from 3d to iod aflorted, and a vari
ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
Cotton and wool Cards, from No. 1 to 12;
Hatters arid itoek Cards *, •
Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines.
Also Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va
' riety of articles suitable for that bufineft?, which will
be fold together.
A large flock u' Wire, and other articles for carrying on
' r t0 the Card with the valuable machines for
cutting the teeth, and otlier parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forwards
ness for finifliing. Also,
Occupied by the late partner&ip of Webster, Adgate and
WHit*- As the store is convenient for the business, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work
ed, it affords a »ood opportunity for any one inclining to
f % purchase and follow'the bulinefs to do it to advantage.
Enquire of PIiTER W. GALLAUDET,.
Otit. 20. dl«r. No. 63 Chefnut-ftreet.
iar- Freih. T E A S,
01 " Of fuptrior qualrly, viz. .
Imperial, or Gunpowder
Ryfon Gomce,
| tit quality Hyson,
2d. do. uo.
\ ounj; Hykon,
jj Hylou Skin, and
' Soticliong.
A few Boxes of each, for sale at
" a e r '_ No. 19, Third Street, South.
rt ls December to. eod,
ent iile higheifc price in Catti, will be given ior
X praferencc will be giver to Claret Bottler—Apply to
No. 187, south Third-itreet.
) Atrit is. d
Plaifter of Paris.
7J tons of Plaifl r of Paris received by the hr;g Crager,
Philip Sand>,niafter, from Havre-de-Grace,& for sale by
Andrews & Meredith,
OS. 30. S Ho. 86,fouth wharvas.
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
The falUu ' articles »f the las importation from China.
160 C- 1 rtcr CheOs Hyson Tea,
ivd • Souchong Tea,
400 Boxes . Loatain: \g Tea Settt, W
4500 Pieces Nankeens. " pack
Willings Ss 3 Francis. n
Scpjembrr 14.
Kobert Smith Sc Co. —
AV south Frtnt-JlrHt, -1°
Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li
verpool, and Hull,
A large Iffgeneral assortment of Goods,
; Suitable for the season, whieh they will difpefe of by the
package or piece on reasonable terms fur cash, 4
or on a Ihort credit: ■"
Second & coarse cloths Dimities and mullinets
Plais & mix'd caflimeres 7-8, 4-4, and ri-8 cotton
Plain & twiU'd coating? checks
Striped & rose blankets Jaconet and book muslins
White, red, and yellow & muslin handkerchiefs
flannels Printed linen and check
1 \ Bocking and other baizes handkerchiefs & lhawls
| plains, kerseys, and half- Muslin apron patterns
thicks Tambour'd muslin cravats-
Plain Si spotted fwanfcin# Cambrics and lawns A
Tambour d caffitnere veil A large afTortcnent of cali- crrc]
shapes c® es *nd chintzes
Printed do. and i'wanf- Do. of mens and womens
down do. wot fted & cottcn hose
Moreens and Joan's spin- Ruffu drillings & diapers ' TU
t nine 3-4 »nd 7-8 bed ticks
Horentiniriiml fiUinets Striped nankeens iic ging
Calimancoes and durirtts hams
Camblets, wildbore3 and Laces and edgings
bombaxetts Gloves and mitts
" RattineH and (balloons White & eoloured threads
" Veiverets, thicksets, and Tapes, bobbin Si; bindings
corduroys Pins, &c. C
also, —
r A large ajfbrtment of India Goods, viz.
* Taffaties, Bandauo. Pullicate, and m
Lutestrings, Roraj.l handkerchies 11 <
Ser.chaws, Nankrtns ail
Satt'.os Sewing Silks, &c. W
Oclober 8. ilm. B«
John Miller, jun. 8c Co.
No. 8, Chefnut-fireet, (
la addition to their assortment now recsived, have on hand _
remaining of the .. t:
Cargoes of the Thru Arethufa from India,
And for sale by the package only,
A variety of Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz. g]
Low priced CofTaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muslins
Long cloths in do. *-*J
Patna handkerchiafs Humhums bo«
Shirting muslins Baftas
Blue rcmaU Cambrieks ,
— Book handkerchiefs in Muslin \
small bales neatly as- Taffaties
sorted. Blue checks
de Also—a variety of French Goods, viz. u
Looking glasses Feathers and Flowers
l |" Angola gloves Paper hangings
Linaus and Linau handkerchiefs, fuiukle for the
Weft-India market.
~ A few elegant Time Pieces.
» ° a - *> th - j J_
Jonathan Harvey & Co.
l's No. 106, south Front-Jlreet,
_ Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li
verpool and Hull,
A large and general assortment of Goods,
'' Suitable for the season, which they will dispose of by the
° piecc or package, for ca(h or credit;
011 Coarse & fine broad cloths Corduroys
Plains, sorest and hunters Veiverets
)ie cloths India and Englifc muslins
Plain & twill'd coatings Jacenet and book muslin
Point, duffil, and rose handkerchiefs
blankets Printed linen and cheek
White, red, and yellow handkerchiefs
flannels Calicoes and chintzes
Baizci, bookings, and Mens and womtns cotton /"
duffils and worftcd hose >•
— Kerseys and half thicks Gluves asd mitts
Spotted fwanlkins Sewing silk *1
Plain Sc. mix'd caflimtrcs Scots thread
Moreens Bindings and gartering
Joan's spinning Irilh and German linens
Calimancoes Modes & Sattins
Durants Sarfnets p
m Thickfetts Table cloths
9th Oil. 179 - %itrt. K
so" Just Arrived, and for Sale
From on hoard the brig Lady Walterftorff, laying at
rd- the fulfcriber's wharf. -
A cargo of excellent St. Übes SALT,
. Fer terms apply to the fubferiber. /
rfc- jth November. dtf
, t0 F O R S A L E, B
, Imported in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and
Madrafs, a variety of "
Guarrahs, h
Pcrfians, f
To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at .
three and four months, by
No. 41 Dock Street, or
— German PaJJengers ,
Just arrived in the ship Holland, Captain Frenklin, I
to from Hamburgh, now at anchor opposite Vine-street,
Lk whose time is to be agrsed for by applying on board,
or to VKAGSR£ Ac Co.
i S*/teml*r to. i. ■
Irish Linens.
James & Henry Fiiher,
No. 8, Wzlnxt-Jtrect,
Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin! • Wje
, assortment of
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens,-
7-8 brown do. ' '
4-4 half white Sheetings, " V » \ •
9-8 brown and whitj do. "
3-4 brpwn and white LSwits,
7-8 Dowlas ; • ' ,
Which they will difptrfe of on reasonable terms, by the
package, for cafli or approved Notes, at 60 .'nd 90 J J«-
N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the
Manufa&oriet; it is they will be found worthy
of notioe. OA. 16. \
John Miller, jjun. and his brother Alexandre 1 ■ Miller,
have entered into partnerihip, under the Firm of
John Miller, jiiri. Co.
Tiey have received iy the arrivals from Europe, and are notv
opening for SALE,
At their STOKE,. No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet,
A capital aflartment of DR2 GOODS,
Suitable "to the feafbn—amongft which are,
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
Beavcretts and elastics,
I Rose and point Blankets,
A variety of coarse Woolleas,
Mancheller manufactures,
Iriih Linens,
India Goods, generally,
I French Goods.
All of which they will dispose of for c&fh »r the vfuai
1 credit. O&ober 9. §
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf,
I Tbe CARGO of the Jbip Triflram, J. Cbrfie, mafier, fro*
110 and } Muf , orado SUGAR,
7» barrel or )
45 barrels of COFFEE,
George Sibbald,
I Oft. 26. d No. i7ofcuth Front-ftieet.
459 Barrels, above 600,0001b.
224 Bags, J
I 115 Hoglheads of choice Jamaica Sugar.
I ail Bales of St.Domingo Cotton,
I Will be landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at Southr
I street wharf,
I Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica;
Brig Polly, and Schooner Induitry, from Jercniie,
I for sale by
Peter Blight.
I Otftober a#. §
The CARGO of the {hip Harmony,
1 I Exrm Lowell, mafler —from BOUS.DEAUX,
BRANDIES, in pipes and punchaons; and
CLARET in hogftieads, is discharging from on
I board thefaid ship at Cuthbert's wharf, and forfale by
Andrews & Meredith,
I Sept. 15. d. No. 86, south wharves.
I In eafks, suitable for the East and Weft-India markets.
FRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes.
jfntl a few tnfr:
Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs.
for sale by
Rundle & Murgatroyd,
OA. 28. (d»w) No. xi.Walnut-ilreet wharf.
FOR SALE by tbe Subfc-ribers, at their Store ft
WalnutJlreet Wharf,
26 Hhds. .
33 Barrels and > Hifpaniola COFFEE, lately arrivsd
1 j 4O Bags J
, I fVho have also on band,
e I Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hoefhead«
Mountain Wine Wine, in Qr. calks
I 20 Tons Brimftoae
t Nails afforsed
is I Sail Canvas, N°. I d 7 anti
u I A few gentlemen's handsome Saddles
Philip Nickjin & Co.
k July m . fL
8 H O T,
n r"*\Fnll fiies, fr®m 32 lb to Orape,
1 W Cambooies, Pots, and »ther castings exocutsd at th«
(horteft notice,
I Nail rods, from lod to spike,
I Hoop Iron, of allfizes, forcafa or witting mt« nails, ktm
j a brad 10 12d nails,
I Anchors, from 17 loolb.
I Bar Iron,
1 A Quautity of James Rivar Tobacco,
I Carolina Pork.
I Herrings in barrels,
1 Kiln-dried cor* meal in Hhds. and Bbl».
— I Rye ilaur &c. to be fold by
Levi Hollingfwertk & Son.
" 4 _ """
, lottery office,
5 1 64,fouth Second-Jlrcet,
1 f~ ANAL Tickets for faie, and caih or tickets given for
I any prizes tliat may be drawn.
1 Information given refpecling Wafhinjton lottery, and
— j eafti or Canal tickets given for prizes that may be drawn.
I Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
id I BOOKS will be kept of ach day-'s drawing in both lot
teries, and. open gratis to the enquiries of the poflelTors of
I Tickets purchased at the OFFICE.
I :fjT Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
I ha J at the above Office. Sept. 26. §
Canal Lottery-Office
| Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES,
j O£lober t, 1795.
I <lrawin g this Lottery began on Monday, the
I -L 28th ult. The sale of Tickets is comimied by the
31 j fubferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'clock
I in the afternoon, at the above office, and by J. Roberta
j at the State-Houfc, warranted undrawn.
Prize Tickets will be received in payment, fubjeA to the
I deduction exj-reffed in the tickets—Price 11 dollars until
~ further notice. Approved notes, with a good indorfer,
1 payable zoish Desember next, will be received in paymeut
in, I for ticksts amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards,
et, I ([ William Blackburn, A^cnt.
rd. j Sheck Book kept at the Office. Tickets examined n
I i-iao each number, and regifttriJ at 12-100 each ticket.
I N. B. No tickeui'old during th«hours ef drawi»g.