City bf Washington. 1 SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, * 10 K THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE m FEDERAL CITY. ril 1 A magnificent ) 20,000 Dolikit, and a«ciiu»g house, \ cato 3*,000 arc ' * £0,060 1 ditto 15,000 4c ca.ih 25,000 40,000 \ ditto \ 5,000 6c ra(h 15,000 30,00# 1 ditto & cash 10,000 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 8c eaih 10.000 l ditto 5,000 St caJh 5,000 10,000 1 Ca(h pnre o| 10,00 a t ditto 5,000 etch, ire io,or© ,'j ditto i.woo ao ditto 500 i 0,003 100 ditto 100 » lb,ooo 200 dittb 50 10,000 400 ditt® •£ U>,oo» 1,000 dtftSl ao 15,000 ditto n* 16,739 Fruci 33,461 Bla«k» 50,000 Tickets ti 8 dltf ere 400.006 Thi* Lottery wilt afford an eV-jjant fpcciivn ef thr private buildingi to be er«&cd in the Citv of Wafhibgfon <—-Twp beautiful deftgns are alrcadv felc&ed for the entire front! ori two of the public squares ; fiojn tWe r e dra«v ---u ie propoicd 10 cre& two and tour corner btuMinga, as soon j» poflible after th*» Lottery 15 fold, and lo cVrsvey fhem when complete, toth' tortnna'.c advcniur frs, !u the manner defcribsd in ilic fchenic for the Hotel Lottery. A nett of five per ernt. will he rn».dt to del ray the nt ceffaiy cxpcnce erected within the City oi Walhington. The drawing will commence as fooh as the Tickets *rr fold off. ■ ■ The money prices will be payable in thirty days after it is BpiJhed,*ifd any piises for which fortunate nUmimt arc riot produced within twelve inon«hs fj alter the drawing is clcfrd arc to be coniidetcd a# gwen e towaida the iund tor the Univerfuy, it being determin- p ed to fcule the whole bufinef* in a year from th«? ending of Ihe drawing and to take up the bonds given as fccu rtiy. t "Phe real frcurities *;iven for the payment of the Prire arc he]jd byihe Pteftdeot two Dire&ors of the Ba4ik. of Columns, and are valued at more than half the amount . oi ♦>»(. i.ixtery. J The fventy four gentlemen who by appointment of . the late ConunilDoners aflifled .a the management of thi Hotel lottery are Vcquefled to undertake this ardaous task j a second time on behalf of the public; a fufficicnt num- : her of thef'c hating kindly acceptcd, it is hoped that, the friend* to a National University arid the other federal oh- J jejfcj rryjy continue to favor the design. The fyriopfis of 6ne of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Institution, is already in the press, and will be Speedily published, together with its conftitiitibn. A compleat Plan of the Who!* of this Important lnititution, compiled from a fele&ioa of the bell matcrx- r als, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public wnene/cr the fame may hare gone through fach reviftons 4s may be ncfceffaryto eflablifh the pcrfcA confidence and general approbation, foitefTential t6 its present rife and fu ture eztltcnce for the gdneral good of America. ,* i ° By accounts received from the diilerent parts bi the | Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets have been lent for f*le, the public are alfured that the j drawing will comm«n*c, and that the care and I caution unavoidably neCeflary td insure a fafe difpolal of the tickets, has rendered the ihor: fufpaafioii indifperifablc. . February »4, 179J SAMUEL BLOD&J&- Aug 30 | ] 1 ickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; : i of James Weft &. Co. Baltimore or Gidev»n Denilon, \ ~X7i'm 11, Boil on ; ot John Hopkins j Rieh'ivjt d : and of R Coniv r'j fcrfv. j :— :—l— 1 Sale of valuable Property. ] To be Sold, by Public Audi on, On'l'ucfday, the loth day of Dec mber, 179J, At the Tontine Coffce-Houie 111 New-York, it 11 o'clock h> the forenoon, all the rfghr, thle, and interest oi the AMERICAN IKON COMPANY, In the following valuable TRAC TS of I-AND, vis. i. \ l.t. that trait of land co"t»ining about 2500 acres, . ii iltuate in the county of Oraiije, being part of the ] fnountain lots No. 21 and *;, in the patent of Cheefecock, , formerly laid out by Charts Clinton, Esq. deceased, and purchased by the Agent ot the Amerisan Iron Company of Wi linm Smith, Esq. on the Bth day of November, 1766. This trstCT contains plough laid and swamp; also ?otuckeit Pond and the outltts thereof. 2, All that trail of land situate ou the wed fide of Hud son's river, near Butterntilk Falkf containing 1000 acres In th» trad: there is laid to be a valuable mine, some good swamp and timber land. All thofetwo tracts situate on the north fide of the MohaWk riv ,r, being part ot the Manor of Cofby, pur chased by thd Agent of the American Iron Company in the years 176'jr and 176 7, of Oliver Delancy, Esq. the one con tainin^at;4o acres, the other 381 j acrca. 4. All that traet of land ti::uatc on the norf.h fide »f the Mohawk river, near the German Flats j adjoining part of Colby's manor, and bounded oW the e.iit by Canada crook. This trail will be divided*, and fold in the following Lots, V-z, Acres. Acres. Lot t corttai'ning 966 Lot 14 coWainiojj; 1000 % 907 ij 1000 3 844 16 5»9 4 411 5 j6t iS 1160 6" 8 05 ity rooo 7 97a 10 foo« 8 rooo ti 1000 9 1000 2 4 390 io rooo ij 750 ri 1000 i t4 : 9jo 12 1000 4j 13 rcQo The trail on Nrt. 4'is ehiefly beach, hiaple, hjfkand elm. The purchase money to be paid by the following inftal pivnts, viz. 011 -fourth on the day of sale: one-foUrth on the fir It 'l'utfday in April next; one-fourth on the fir'ft Tuesday in G aquatints, and upon paper l of a superior quality. The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Subs cribers, on the firft; Monday of each succeeding month, i until the prcpofed series Jhall be finally compleyd. HI. That with the last View of the series, (hall be deli vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant eharaifteriftic vignette; a map of the route, connected with the prof -5 pedis exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an c Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Marrifon, at his Print h i {hop, Maidcnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell- II cr, No. 118, Market street, PhiladMphitt, and by aU the - principal Book-fellcr* in the United States. g February aS. ■ f~O R SALE, A rerjr valuable ESTATE, Called TirtTTRNHAM. 1 Q ITU ATE in tlx trwnfiip tfUpfer Derby y and county of j r O beUivare, 7 1-1 mi\*t from Pbiladclf\ua, and half a mile ' from tin new IVefern r*ad: torrtaining 230 acres of excellent ? Land, 45 of 10hitb are good watered JMeadow, 90 of prime j Wood Land, and the ret Arable of the sirs quality. There are " on the premises a good HvoUory Brick House, -with 4 r»oms on 3 C a floor, and Cellars under the whole, -with a Pump Well of j oellent IVater in front; a large frame Barn, Stables, and other j . convenient buildings; a Smoke-House andflone Spring House ; two j good Apple- Orchards, and one of Peaches. Fislds are all in I Glover, except tbofe immediately under tillage, and are so tatd ] out as to have the advantage of IVater in each of them, which renders it peculiarly convenient for Grating. ] 'The situation ie p leaf ant and healthy, and from the high culti- C nation of the Land, the good neighborhood\ and the vicinity A» the ci- , ty, ts very suitable for a Gentleman's Country Seat. The foregoing is part of the Eflate oj faeoh Hi»mat. s deccafed J andoffered for sale hy M ORDECAI LF.WIS Surviving Executor. * | OS. 9, 1795 '"/ 31 A MILL for SALE. if I,' 1 OR Sale, en private eontraA, five undivided ftxtha !• r parts of that valuable mejsjum-milf!' caHßd Old yp.jj.-v iJJjir tw " J'.v.'lling iiourc., —i '-trTThopT caflt house, and other convenient bnildings, With about jo aei':i of good land, the greatest part thereof ; it excellent watered meadoyr. tlie rcmainper garden, orch r, ard, and wood land; situate ten miles from Philadelphia, u n«ar the Washington Tavfrn, partly on the post-road iead ihg to New-York, and partly on the River road; a r«- — mirkaMy he*Uhy country, and an eicellent neighbour hood. This mill being on Pennypack week, a heavy ft ream of water, with about 15 feet head and fall, and the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a reffel carrying 1350 bulhels of wheat to lay along fide, and u»lo«d into the mill with Evans's elevator in abont three hoars. The mill house is large and built of stone, founded on a rock, tKe walls uncommonly thick and strong, (loch a piece of mason work is rarely to bs found) contains five floors, two water wheels, and three pair of the best French burr ftonoa *' all running, douWe gaared, with three boulting reels and iC cloths of the firft quality, rolling fcreea, cylinder, and L ' fans for cleaning wheat ill the bell manner, and palling it afterwards by an elevator into a hanging garner; also, conveyers, elevators, and hopper boy, all in complcat or j?' der. There are two large frame buildings adjoining the 0 mill, which ate convenient for storing flour, ihprts, eaflcs, &c. A corn-kiln is erefled within the building, with boulting, reel cloth, and other ncceffary futures for ma*u : ® faiturir.g large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The flream of water is so constant that upwards of 60,000 lsufli els of wheat hl»e frequently been manufactured at this >c mill, annuajly. The tumbling dam was built of stone and r " frame about 30 j ears ago, but the late extraordinary frelhes ,c have made a broach therein, it can easily be repaired alto gather with stone, the greatest part of which is already at , hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as < 1r " there are fevefal good quirries of excellent stone on the | ° premises, and adjacent to the cfeek; the contiguity of this wry valuable cllate to Philadelphia, and the cafy Ha- i 8 * vigition for fhaHops, with the above-mentioned great ad- | vantages, and many others not here in ntioned, mud be i :s * obvious to any person who may view the premises. 3 An indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, wAI be i 3 . mide to ihe purchaser oa paying part of thr money, and 1 giving fatisfa&ory security fs»t havs been aay tern, imd the lawft obferva- where observed upon the face « tioiM # f nature Ancc th« molt car- lJ 11. A (Tin«ral view of the ly poriids of history. Earth. oenGdored as a planet; VIII. Hiflory and origin vri»h faveral ufcfnl definition# of nations; their fo-m» of go and problems. vernment, r.Ggnauon, laws, ■ 111. Grand divifians of the revenues, taxes, naval ana Globe into land and water, military ftrengnh. ii continents and islands. IX. Genius, manner,>cuf- « Situation and extentof em- toms and habits of the people, pi urresj kingdoms, itates, pro- X. Their language, learn __ vinces and colonies. 1 ing, arts, fcicnces, manutac- V. Their climates,air, foil", tores and commerce. vegetables, produSions, me- .. XI. Chief cities, ftn;ft I tals, minerals, natural curie- ruins, and artificial curioutioa. fi#ies, seas, rivers, bays, pro- Xfl. Latitude, longitude. o memories and L&es. " VI. Birds and Beasts pe- cipalplacesfromPhiladelp&ia T® WHICH ARE ADDED, . el I, A Geographical Index, wrfch the name* and places a pha betically arranged. . . 11. A table of the Coins of all nations, and their value m JolJara and cents. HI. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from the Creation to the present time. r By WILLIAM GUIHIUE, E/q. The Afironomical part by James Ptrvufon, F. X. J. E| Corre&ed by Dr. David Rittsnbobsi. j; To in Tables (hewing the value of obtaining then* dollars in the currencies ( ' Gsneral AbftraA from the ol ditto \ revenue laws, relating to Poft-office eftablilhment r the duty of mailers of Lift of Post-Towns, &c. \ ' vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of j. &c. of goods, and the the principal towns in the a officers of the customs; United States to the payment of duties, Banks , and the importation of Literary Institutions . goods National Manufactory, s Expcuccs of Government Seflions ef the Courts ior 1794 Wol'tern Territory t i department of War . j '* Statl Governments. ' I New Rampfhire Sooth-Carolina P j Vermont Georgia j Maffachufetbt Order ot time in which the ConneAicut fcveral States adopted the . 1 New-York federal Constitution I New-J«rfey Tahle of the Sen's riling t ; Psnnfylvunk and setting \ I ; Delaware of goods, wares, , 1 Maryland ami merchandize cxport \ Vu-ginw cd from die United States f Kentucky from the ift of OAober Nprth-Carolina to 30th Sept. \jnv ' Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. f «jwfon, of the new 1 heatre, Philadelphia. Second Ameiican edition— Price 75 ceata. [ The rapid sale of the lirft edition of this - enterefting novel, in a few month* is the best criterion of iu merit.] ( EXTRACT TROM THK CRITICAL KfcVIEW, AWtIL 1791, p. 468. ] " It may be a t.ilc ot truth, for it is not unnatural, and 1 it is a tale of real diftrefs—Charlo'te, by the ajtifice ot a I acher, recommended to a'fehool, irom humanity ra- aer than a-convi'm«u of her integrity, or the regularity, ' if her former conduct, is enticed from her governess, and ' accompanics a younyr officer to America—the marriage t eeremony, if not forgotten, is poftponcd, and Charlotte dies a martyr to the inconltaiicy of her lover and tre»eh # uy of his frieud. t The lituationc arc artless and affe&ing—the description i.atui al and pathetic ;we lhould feel for Charlotte if fucft a person ever oyted, who for one error, fcarjely, perhaps , deserved so tsvcrc a punifhmeiu. If it is a fiction, pv^etic julbce is not, thnik, properly diAributod." ' Ihe In^ailitor- —by Mrs. Howfbn. Second philadel phu edition. 87 1 a cents. .4. Adventures of Roderic Random. 1 vols. I dollar aa.i t 5° cents, coarie paper—i dclW and 75 ccnts line. 3. Notes on tha liaac oi Virginia —by Thomas Jeffeyfon. e Pricp neatly bound, one and a half. 4. Hletery ot the French Revolution, from com* mtnctmenl to the 01 the Queen and the e»ecuiioii % of Brifl'ot. i *ol|a 1 S• Plowticii * History <>t the Empire, irom May e 1 79 i» to December x 1 apiLir and a quarter £1 his is un int.resting ,-iul valuable publication as has I appcarrcl ior mat j p ()T .,. 6. Beattie $£lomex>ts ol fvforai Science. 1 Oue j lar and thr ;c quarters. tod. Mo, r i' v ln r.« -r-v r\ The Panorailia. MR. SAVAGE refpi&fully infarrat the Ladi ana Gentlemen of Philadelphia that the PANORAMA is r&w opened in Higis-ftreet, between io;h and : itH streets. The SuHjedt is a view of the Cities of Lbn ,n. and Waftminftw, comprehending the three bridges, Snuth wark, Surrey, and St. George's Fialds in the Borough, With every other objeA which appears from the top of til ; Albion mills, at the end of Blackfriars Bridge, oppoiitc the rity of Londoa, from whence this view was taken The painting contains nearly 3,000 square feet of canvas. Beirtg in a circle gives evory objeA its proper bearing, and exhibits it in its true point of compass, appearing as lan-e aad in every refpeiSt the faee as th« reality. Price of adiailfioa half a dollai Tickets far tlu Season three dollars. Panokama open every day from ten o'llock io the morning. si PRINT of the PRESIDENT „f the U. S. 18 Inches by 14; only a few skoice iiiprdSom left: th* companion is a print of Dr. Franklin A variety of choice prints may be had at tke Panorama. 31- , mtf Mr. Walter Robertfon BEGS leave to Ksquaint the Gentlemen, fubferiberj to the print Portrait of George Washington, Prefidsnt of the United States of America, engrave;] by Mr. Field, from an origihal picture pamted by \V. Robertfon, that the Proofs are ready for delivery to the several fsbferib ersat John James Barralets, No. 19 north Ninth-street; , or at J Orrnrod's, bookseller, No,. 41, Chefnut-ftrtet, where thofubfetibers are requefWd to fend their address. , O&ober 27 eod. PubliS Notice is heteby given, TO the delinquent Stockholders in the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road, to pay up all arrear ages and penalties upon their (bares by the firft day of December next, otherwise meafurej must be taken to en force payment, as the Road is now. ( nearly com pleated, and th; Superintendant is called upon to mike final set tlements with the different contractors and workmen, [ By order of the Board of Managers, Tench Francii, Treasurer. November 3 std. NEW AMERICAN r ÜBL ICATIONS. F Q R SAL F-, at Franklin's Head, Chcfnut-ftroef, three doors below Second-street, by :. J. ORMROD, I. G#i. Washington's Official Letters, 2 vols. » dolls. ». Burgh's dignity of human nature, 1 del. 75 cents j. Letters on the nature and origin'of Evil, by Soarne Jenyru, 6a 1-2 cents 4. Beauties of Sterne, 6» 1-2 cents 5. Melnaoth oh the sublime of Scripture, 50 cents 6. Patten's answer te Paint's Age of Realon, 50 as 7. Young Men's Guide, 50 cents 8. Hayley's Triumphs ot Temper,embellifhed with elegant engravings, 1 dollar 9. Pleasures of the Imagination, 50 cents 10. Pleasures of with plates, 1 dollar if.' Edwaf-ds f>ti Redemption, 2 dollars i». Romance of the Forest, I dollar 13. MyfWries of Udolpho, 3 vols. 2 dolU. 50 cents J4* Travels of Gyru , J7-I-2 cents 15. Mah (rf the World, 87 1-a'cents 16. Watts on the Mind, 1 dol. 15-100 cents '' it Life of Col. Gardener, 67 1-2 cents 18. GoldfmitVs Eflays, , • If. Homer's Iliad, trar.dated by Pope, I dollar jo. Book of Common Prayer, 67 i-a cents j 11. Brown on the natural equality of Men, 62 l-» cts" xx. Life l>f the benevolent Kow«rdV 75 cents 13. Luciaii's Uialog'jci eefc, dollaf 24. Trials of the Human Heart, 1 vols. 2 dollars 25. M'Ewen on the Types, 67 I-2' cents #6. Life of God in the Soul of Man, 50 cents . & J' Ormrod has just received an elegant collec tion of Books from London. Nov.». §6t * LOTTERY INTELLIGENCE. it h ' We are informed that the gentleman who drew the ,{ 15,000 dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, was the s proprietor of only a single Ticket —This instance of •s good fortnne, (hews that it is well to be in Fortune's [. road ; and is the more pleasing, as the owner of the i prize is a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci tizen. >f The Scheme of the Canal Lottery is certainly one 9 of the heft which has appeared—for, independent of the ufeful objefls to which its proceeds are to be ap plied, the fchemeis so calculated as to continually en hance the value of the Tickets remaining in the wheel;. ' beoaufe, while the drawing progrefTesi the chwce of e a capital prize growing greater, mufl increafc the va lue of the undrawn Ticket. The Prizes drawn to the close of the drawing oil last Wednel'day Evening, were 1 of 15,000 % of - t,ooC 5 of - 1,000 4 of - SOO II of - - .10® 1700 of - - . t* d And there then remained ia the wheel e I of 50,000 I of - 30,000 g % of - - 10,000 I of 2,500 ), 9 of - - 2,000 15 of - 1,000 IS 36 of 500 1 X g 9 of - 100 14800 of - 12 ie And ; stationary prizes of 20,000 dollars each ;by 7 which, and the nature of those 5 stationary prizes, l *i which are to belong to the Sve last drawn rickets, it will be found, that an undrawn ticket was yeftcrday j morning, worth nearly 11 1-2 dollars, which, at l ' the beginning, was worth no more than 10 dollars a and so the undrawn tickets must continue to increale A _ in vaUe, as fact as the drawing proceeds: Antl this . circumstance will account for the number of Offices which are opene 1 for the sale of Tickets, as the pro re fits must be daily iucreafing; and in a few days a te Ticket now felling at 11 dollars, will no doubt com li mand 15 dollars, and must continue to get higher as the drawing approximates to the five stationary prfcres •i of 20,000 dollars each. a A Li, peftoni indebted to the Eliatc ot SAMUEL >s I\ FRAONCIiS, late of this city, Innkeeper, de lc sealed, are desired to make payment to the fubienber; and all those who have any demands against the said 1 Eitate, are reqtitfted to bring m thwir actounts proper -1 ly'att cltcd. SAMUEL M. FRAUNCE3, Aaing Executor, n South Water-street, No. 59* Oi9ober 28, 1795. n- /\ 1.1, periods iudcht/a to the Eftats of JOHN on l\ H, GIBBONb, »ite of Philadelphia, Jecealed, are reqaefted to make payment; and those who aave L / ay demands agaui!l l'a'ct £ilate, are desired to bring in their — accounts duly atteftod, for (ettleascnt, to issl ROBhRT HEVsHAM, Attorney in fa