Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 09, 1795, Image 1

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    3prafes -JtwiStf
FO /? SALE, b r
No. I*> D° Street,
xo Pipes of £
7/ l( . i, frv bejl Madeira WINE, A
M quarter cafe of Sherry wine, Rt
Briftelvindow gJa!».of aiffenjnt W»> •.&« 11
A qtwiiti'T <"*<*<» Havannah ft-gaj* m bom,
A few fades of lutar, —
4 boics ot jifl> linens,
4 bales of do. cauvafs,
5 bales of red, wh*e, and yellow flannel!
PORIS MOU7 If, j u
BURTHEN i6oi barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's ap
wharf, in Southwark. , ,
Philadelphia, Sept. »». , _ •" —
v for AMSTHkUAM,
\ffik m a R ,t^Nßil
V John Caffin, maftcr,
NO W lying at Mr. Willing's wharfs Ihe is i'lmoft
new, fails fact, has excellent accommodations for ji.if- /
feneers and will fail ill 8 or io days, the cargo being -t
all ready—For paflage only, apply to the Captain on " f
, board, or to JOHN NIXON & Co. «
;, 1705- p,
for Liverpool,J
. yt- «.
&lf|jLo i a n
Captain Gnrge Clay,
BURTHEN 220 tons, is nearly a new ship, a
constant trader, and will fall With all convenient
speed. For freight or paflage apply to the Capt.
en board at Walnut-street wharf—or to
Philip Nicklin & Co.
Os-irr 6, 170?.
A jB I T2 A I L t
Thomas Gifford, matter,
HAS a great part* «f her cargo engaged, and will fail in
a few days. For freight or passage apply on board at -
M'ilcock's wharf, or to THOMAS NEWMAN**. Rofs's
• wharf—
Who has for Sji.f,
Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, Old Fron- J
tainiac Wine in hogiheads, and fevsn doz. Mens' ruffled si
Shirts. 03.7.2 p
HAS wtrtUeut actoßimoditions tor palTengers; will
fail in all this moriih ; three-fourths of her cargo are
ready to go tSn board, a few tons cf heavy goods will
taken on freight.—For freight or paflage apply to
the Maftcr on board, Peter Blight, or to ■;
Pragers Is Co. j
Sepittnbtr 21, 1795. §1. a
House Cqals |i
Of good quality, for sale on board the brig Olive Branch,
Captain William Moore, from Liverpool, laying at Wal
nut-fired wharf. Apply to _ I
Philip Nicklin hCo.
- i""2~w THE ® A ' D ,R, °
Jew j®Ers SHE " 1 new vessel, burrhen about 1,000
barrels of flour, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a
few days. 1
N. S. These Gent'emen who have Goods on board the
dlive Branch, are raquefted to fend for them as fopn as <
possible. OAobcr 15th f_
For Charleston, (S. C.)
r u b r>
fvi~Capt. Richards,
NOW lying the firft wharf below Chefnut-ftreet, and
will fail in a few days, tor freight', which will be taken
oil low terms, apply to the Captain oh hoard, or to
Nalbro' & John Frazier,
Oflober 34. §iw. No 95 south Front-street.
For Sale, or Charter,
Moles Townfend, maftcr,
BURTHENT6rtons. A rtrv strong, staunch good ref
fcl, lying at Rofs't wharf. For particulars apply to
the maftcr on board, er MelTrs. Jo/efb Anthony W ■Ion:
October aB. '"' £ -
JuJl Arrived per the Smiu Bojfon, James Ktrkpatriek,
Majier,.from Liverpool,
113 Crates well-sfTorted Queen's Ware,
4000 bnfhels best flr.ved fine Salt,
& to be fold at No. 1, Pine-ftrcet, by
'James Campbell.
Also, a few bo*« well-assorted Irish Linens.
N. B.
ij_- Said Snow for Freight or Char
ter, either to the Weft-Indie« or
Enquire as aboTe.
Aujuji 18. §
j, We»dell, maftor,
at \mling and Francis's wharf; a ftrOßg,
new vessel, five mor.ths old, built of red cedar, bur
■then supposed will carry about 1200 barrels
of floor, is of an e'afy draft of water, and his excellent
accommodations for palTengers. For terms apply to
If not fold n two or three days, said vessel will pro
«eei for the Bate of New-York.
Fhilad. Sept. 19. - §
At the Stores lately ©ccupied by Wharton & Grctves, pj
London particular Madeira WINE;
A few quarter calks Old SHERRY WINE; -
Ru&i MATTS, &c.
Thlrty khds. prime St. Croix SUGARS.
NoTtmbcr 6 \ d6t.
Saies of Corsica Wine. ,
On Monday the gib Injlant,
At <ro o'clock, at the Stores back of the H#ufe of
J. B. M'Kean, Esq. JJo. 95, Nerth Second-Street,
just above Arch-Strcet, will be Sold by Auflion, for ~
approved Notes, at 60 and <10 Days.
100 Pipes CORSICA WINE, of a goad quality.
Footman cSf Go. Au&ioneers. jj
Has iuft. rtc«ived l>y»tbt late irrivaU from England, and Su
. is itow opening at his
ißjfeifc/.-; N°- .34,,^*
~ Mmltt'Jtreet, corner of Fourth, p]
ALarf; af&rtiiient of broad and narrow Cloths; Elaf- p|
tft «io. Kerfeyraeres; Coatings; Blankets; Flan- g (
nels, &c &c.—Also, an elegant allortmont of Londsn
and Manchester printed Callicoea of the newest patterns,
adapted for.the fuafon, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs aad „
PuUicats, Pins, See. which he.; will fell by the Piece or !
Package' on the lowed terms for Ca(h ar approved notes
at s, 4, & 6 months. p
| Jtfovamber j. ** tf ' j
M Mornitig will be Landed,
At Stamper's wharf > from on board the
Jcho»ner Elixa, 7"- Arimld, mafitr,
dire 3 from Malaga,
800 Quarter Barrels frclh BLOOM RAISINS
300 Boxes do. da. do.
300 Jars do. do. do,
400 Boxes do. Muscatel io.
*15 Quarter Barrels FIGS
i; 7 Boxes PRUNES "
94 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS
100 Quarter Calks MOUNTAIN WINE
;th November. dtf S
> Bartholomew Conolly, ®
No. 48, Chefnut-ftreet,
RESPECTFULLY informs his fnends and the public -
in general, that he has imported in the late arrivals v
1 from England, elegant, Mtenlive and well chosen as
sortment of men's and women'- hofiary—among which
'.a a very gr*at variety ef beautiful fancy holiery—fuch as jj
striped and clouded cotton — fine plated silk and cotton —
f el?gant patent fancy silk. Fine striped and clouded patent
worsted, &c. See. which are nor/ offered for Jalc.opoii
his tfual low
_ ~^rr--^rr?rr~rcTu tSe lea'oll. ( J
B. C. ha» also imported a great variety «f gcntlemeii''s I
e <rat fire stockings. OS. 24. coim. I
I The Partuerlhip of SAM. & THO. SHAW I
0 "OEING dissolved in August last, by rautual consent, •
Jfj all thole indebted, whose accounts are due, are de- I
fired to niake speedy payment at their Store, corner of I
Front and Arch-street. The business is now carried on
at tin fame place, by
Who hes for sale, on reasonable terms, for cafc, or the j
1,1! usual credit,
A general aflortment of Merchandize, '
Imported by the last veffelsfrem London,Briftol, and Li- 1
verpool, fuitaUlefor the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine and Press to be fold by Sam. Shaw.
October 13. aawjw&tawdo.
For 'sale, at low prices,
0 NAILS by the calk, from 3d to iod assorted, and a yari- ]
a ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
Cotton and wool Cards, from No. 1 to II;
e Hatters aud llock Cards;
as Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton nachiaes. '
Also Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles suitable for that business, which will 1
be feld together.
A large llock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on
the Card Manufactory, with the valuable machines for
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
Ahd a quantity of Leather, Teeth, See. now in forward
hefs for finilhing. Also,
id Occupied by the late partnerffiip of Webster, Adgate and
:n Whits. As the llore is convenient for the business, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work
ed, it affords a eood opportunity for any one inclining to
purchase and follow tile business to do it to advantage.
1 Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDET,
OA. -20. diw. , No. 63 Chclnut-ltriit.
S H O T,
OFI JI fizcs, from 3a lb to Grape,
Cambooles, Pots, and »ther castings executed at the
(horteft notice,
to Nail rods, from rod to spike,
Hoop Iron, of aH fuses, for cafes'or cubtoig into nails, from
a Wad I*o 1 id nails,
.Aachors, from 17 loolb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James Rivic Tobacco,
Carolina Pork.
Herrings in barrels,
Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbl«.
Rye ileur &c. to be fold by
Levi Is? Son.
Au jpjl 4 %aw
r . Fresh TEAS,
r Of fuferier quality, viz.
Impci iai, or Gunpoudar
Hyson Gomee,
lit quality Hyi'on,
id. do. uo.
Young Hy»n,
Hyion Skin, and
?, Souchong.
A fetu Boxes of each, for sale at
No. 19, Third Street, South.
r- December, 10. eod.
:1s - ■
lit The highest price in Calh, will be given for
A prrference will be given to Claret Bottles.—Apply to
No» 187, iouth Third-itreet.'
A*ril l». d
Plaifter of Paris. I
75 tons of Plaifter of Paris received by the brig Crager, I
Philip Sands, maftcr, from Havre-de-Grace, & for sale by I
Andrrivs & Meredith >
OA, 30. § Ko. B.6,foath wharves. I 1
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
Tbt } fifties of the las importation from China. i
100 Quarter Chests Hyson Tea,
IJO lijuarter Chests Souchong Tea, " l
4«o Eoxes China, containing Tea Setts, I
4JOO Piece* Nankeens. | p.
Willings Ssf Francis. I
Sepjember 14. • I
Robert Smith 6c Co. -
2?0. J J south Front jlrcet, I
Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li-1
verpool, and Hull,
A large & general ajfortment of Goods, Tl
Suitable for the feafoo, which they will difp»fe »f by the
package or piece on reasonable terms for oalh, I a
or on a Ihort credit: I
Second & coarse cloths Dimities and muflinets I
Plain ic mix'd cadi meres 7 -8, 4.4, and 11-8 cotton |
Plain & twill'd coatings checks I
Striped & rose blankets Jaconet and book muslins I
White, red, and yellow & muslin handkerchiefs I 1
flannels Printed linen and check I
Bocking and other baizes handkerchiefs & lhawls I
Plain*, kerseys, tnd half- Muslin apron patterns
thicks Tambour'd muslin cravaty I
PUin & spotted fwanflcini Cambrics and lawns j
Tambour'd caflimere vtft A large aflortment of cali-1 or
lhapes 1 coes and chintzes I _
Printed do. and swans- Do. of mens and women* 1
down do. woifted&cottm Hole I
Moreens ar<i Join's spin- Russia drillings & diapers I
ning 3-4 and 7-S bed ticks
Florentines and fattinets Striped nankeens Se ging I
Calimancoes ;nd durants hams
Camblett, wildbores and Lacet and edgings
bombaie|ts Gloves and mitts
Rattinets amd shalloons White k. coloured threads J
Velverets, thicksets, a;id Tapes, bobbin St bindings I
corduroy* Pins, tec.
also, J -
A large ajfortment of India Goods, viz. \
Taffaties, Bandano, Pullicate, and 1 a
Lutestrings, Roraal handkerchies I 1
Senchawi, I 1
Sattins Sewing Silks, fltc.
O(Sober 8. ' di»i. I ®
John Miller, jun. & Co.
1 AV 8, Chefnut-Jtreet,
s Is addition to their aflortment now received, have on hand
remaining of the
' Cargoes of the Thru Brothers & Arethufa from India, I
[ And forjale bv the package only,
ji 'uarray of Bengal ana yjy j
s Low priced Coffaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muflinFT
Long cloths in do. I '
Patna handkerchief* Humhum. J I
:, Shirting muslins Buftas
- Blue romaU Cambriiks
if Book handkerchiefs in Muslin
n small bales neatly as- Taffaties
fortsd. Blue checks
Alfo~<7 variety of French Goods\ viz.
Looking glades Feathers and Flower*
Angola gloves Paper hangings
Linaus and Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the
" Weft-India market.
A few elegant Time Piece*.
OcS. 9 th. §
Jonathan Harvey & Co.
No. 106, south Front'Jlreet,
•" Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li- I
verpool and Hull, I
A large and general ajfortment of Goods,
Suitable for the season, which they willdifpofe of by the I
l. piece or package, for calh or credit;
.11 Coarse & fine broad cloths Corduroys
Plains, sorest ahd hunters Velverets
<n cloth* India and English muslins |
>r Plain & twill'd coatings Jaconet and book muslin I
Point, dtiffil, and rose handkerchiefs
1- blankets Printed linen and cheek I
White, red, and yellow handkerchiefs
flannels Calicoes and chintzes
xl Baizes, bockings, and Mens and womens eotton J
ie dulfils and worded hose
t- Kerseys and half thicks Glttves aad mitt*
[ ° Spotted fwanlkins Sewing silk
Plain Se mix'd calfimerc* Scots thread
Moreens Bindings and gartering I
Joan's spinning Irilh and German linens |
— Calimancoes Mode's & Sattins
Durants Sarfnets
Thickfetts Table cloths
hc 9th Oil. 1795. Jiot. I
Just Arrived, and for Sale
From on board the brig Lady H'alterftorff, laying at I
the fubferiber's wharf.
A cargo of excellent St. Übes SALT,
For terms apply to the fubfenber-
sth November. s dtf
Imported in the ship Arethufa, from Calcutta and I
Madrafs, a vanity of
CofTaes, I
Handkerchiefs, j
To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at I
three and four months, bv j
No. 4a Dock Street, or I
German Pajfengers \
Just arrived in the ship Holland, Captaifl Franklin, I
to from Hambnrgh, now at anchor oppofit- Vinc-ftrcttj I
whose time is to be agreed for by applying on board,
or to PRAGSH6 fc Co.
September 10. d> '
I Ir'tfh Linens.
James & Henry Fisher,
j iV». 8, Watm/f^flreet,
Hive imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a large
aflisrtment of
I and +-4 white Linens,
I 7-8 brown de. <
4-4 half white Sheetings,
9-8 brown and white do.
3-4 brown and whife La win,
7-8 frowlas;
I Which they'win dilpofe of on reasonable terms, by the
I package, for cr.ib«r approved Notes, at 60 and yo days.
I N, B. Tlk above Goods being immediately from the
I Manufactories, it is prefomgd they will be found worthy
• I of aotioe. • OA". i 6. ♦
I John Miller, jun. and his brother Alexanu-r j. Miller,
have jentered into partnership, under the Firm of
John Miller, jun. id Co.
I They hate received ky the arrivals from Europe, and are nor.v
opfhingfor SALE, \ J
5 At their STORE, No ? .8, Chernut-ftreet,
A capital ajfbrtment of DRT GOODS,
Suitable to the feafon—ajnongfl wkieh ire,
! I' Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
, I Beaveretts and claftics,
s I , Rose and point Blankets,
A variety of coarse Woollens,
s I Mmchefter manufactures,
lriih Linens,
India Goods, generally,
French Goods.
I All of whith they Will dispose of for carti or the usual
j oredit. October 9. §
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf,
. j Tlx CA&GQ of tbt fk'tp Trifram, J, Cbrtflrc % from
ft I*ort-av- Prince,
"z barrSf'' } Muf " co « d ° SUGAR,
45 barrels as COFFEE.
j I lot SALt ir
r , j George Sibbald *
OA. 26. d No. Froot-ftreet.
I 537 Hoglheads, *} ■
4 j9 barrels, i Coffee, aboVe 600,0001b.
1 224 Sags, )
I 115 Hoglheads of choice Jamaica Sugar.
I ill Bales of St. Domingo Cotton,
I Will be landed Monday morning, 46th inft. at South
ftreet wharf,
I B«ng the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jaihaica;
— I Brig Polly, and Schooner Industry, from Jeremie,
Peter Blight.
I October 22. §
The CAR.GO 6f the (hip Harrhony*
a f y J E%ra Lowell, majler—from BOURDEAUX,
BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and
CLAKEI Kogitreafie, from on
i board tKc laid ftip at Cuthbcrt'a wharf, antl WfaETßyr
Andrews Iff Meredith,
Sept. 15. d. No. 86, south wfcarvev:
j In calks, suitable for the Ea3 and Weft-India markets.
FRENCH JJ RANDY, in butts and pipes.
And a few cases of
h J Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs.
Rundle Murgatroyd,
61ft. 28. (diiv) No. il.Walnlu-ftreet wharf.
I FOR SALE by 'the Subfc-rikers,, at their Store un
JValtlutJlreet Wharf, \
.. 26 Hhds. •)
j 33 Barrels and > Hifpanielft COFFEE, lately arrived
I Bags )
IS, I Who have also an hand,
the I Red Port Wine, in Fijtes and Hoglhead*
Mountain Wine Wine, in catfes
20 Tons Brimstone
Nails assorted
ins 1 Sail Canvas, N°. I 1 7 and
[) in 1 A few gentlemen's handsome Saddles
PhiKp Nicklin & Co.
:pk \ July ti i
toa j N°. 64,/;utb Sennd-Jtrtet,
I fy ANAL Tickets for fate, arid caih or tickets given for
1 \J any prizes that may be draWn.
Information given refpe&ing Washington lottery, and
I ea(h or Canal tickets given for prizes that may be drawn.
1 Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
* I BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in bdth lot
" I teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the poffefforsof
I Tickets purehafed at the OFFICE.
£3" Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
I ha i at the above Office. Sept. 26. §
Canal Lottery-Office
Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES,
' a I October 1, i 79^.
T 1 I drawing of this Lottery began on Monday,' the
15 I _1_ i3th ult. The fala of Tickets is continued by the
I I'ubfcriber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, Until 3 o'clock
I in the afternoon, at the above office, and by J . RoberdtM
I at the Statc-Houfe, warranted undrawn.
I Prize Tickets will be receiv?d in payment, fubjeS to the
I deduction expreffrd in the tickets—Price 11 dollars until
/ I further notice. Approved notes, with a good indorferjj
1 1 payable 20th December next, will be received in p'aj-meut
I for tickets amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards.
|| William Blackburn, Ajrent.
Sheck Book kept at the Othce. rickets pafained at
I 2-100 each number, and regifterod at 12- '00 each ticket.
I N. B. No tickets fold during the hpurs of drawing.
] No- 60 South Sicohd-Stsert, PHILADELPHIA,
I I) ESPECTFULLY informs th« public, that it his Store
I Iv. they may be supplied with most of the modern Eu
-1 ropcan and oth-r publications of merit, oni'olitios, Divini.
| ty, Law, the Belles I. litres, &c. 3cc. Also a great vari
'r I sty «f ELEGANT PRINTS and Paintings, and every arJ
j tide in the Stationary bufmefs; whith Its; continues, as
I usual, to dispose of at the lowed prices.
Gentlemen's Libtaries furnifhed or purchased ; and the
tlin, J atirioft value, in exchange or cafit, given lot any qu»n
"ect j J ti*y of second hand Books.
ard, | Whblefale Dealers l'upplisd at the above tterc on vefy
o. I moderate tetms.
d, • May ». «tf.