City of Washington. j SCHEME of theLOTTERY, No.II, i FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE „ r ' a FEDERAL CITY. Hoop a i A magnificent / 20,000 Dollars, and Ancht X 6-vrlling hoafc, $ calh 30,000 ire Sarlr V ' jo,«8o A Qu i dmo i & catVi 2{,000 40,000 Caroli 1 ditto > 5,000.5t.. ralh jj»oo« 30,000 Hsrri 1 ditto ts,ooo 8c cjIH 10,000 Kiln-i i ditto 5,000 ie cab A.eoo 10,660 Ryes] 1 liitto 5,000 &. caih 5,000 10.000 1 O'h P''»* °t 10,000 . 2 ditto j,oo« c#ch, are ic.o o Au t ~o ditto t,oco 10, asm 20 ditto 500 '• to,oca ,0O OlttO 100 10,00i> A • soo aitto jo ic,ooj f\ iOO cl'SlO 3S tf>,CoO p, i.ooO ao 51 ( i'aui 25,000 ditto *" !£-> P c;i t . u D , 16,739 r oai'fti *3.'6» u,anXi Met . Tickr 3 at 6 dtiKirf . This x littery will afford an elegant jfpfctme'n of iht P'ivitc buildings to be erefttd in the Cuv ol A -r « fccjutilul deltas art already felc «cd (or the ciitir. fr - on two of the public fqtllre- i from thtsle dra.v. deltr. i"H-t, It in propo'fed in ctuCz two ecntte und eoniei the c but! !i» ,i, »» fonti as poSUbfe after this Lottery is t.i'd, and perfo te i jnvev them w lien complete, to the lort .ttate advenitsr- riient r-, in the mannef described in the Ichctuc tot ' Here fifed X.ultef 7. A ncit deduction ot H'i p.' cenr. will be madi to defiay thi nceefUi) expei.crr of ptiii "{,< &C. and the ini nlu* w—l'he money pi i»rs will be payahle ' 4a thirty day > alter it it (iflri (bed. «i nd a.i * pi for which (*,'■ nutate mitrinrrs are mn j-roriuccd sviihin twelve months aiie: the drawing is clofert are o be confidelcd as given towards Ihe fund tor the Utiivt'rfity, it bring deicriiini -A to fettle the whole buftnels, in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as (een -1 ty. , t Vhe icaf (r rSritics RiVcu for the payment of the Prize C» V'c he'd l.y ilie'Prefident and two Oircftois of ike Bawk. U lit C, .Umiiia, and arij valued at ittoic than hali the amount Viet M I,'Utrlv. ofit I'h • twenty four gentlemen who by ippointmerst of ih* biff Co-inoiiifioners aflifted in the management of the *lotci I.littery are raquefted to undertake this arduous talk > ftcoiid ' it' om liehalf of tlr. public ; u fufficient num ber tff thefts having kindly ac. epted, it is hoped that the friendi to a National Univerfit/ and the other federal ob- | I. T seiU n\#y continue to favor the defvgn. The fynopfts of | th nr.e o ' th; Colleges, to form a branch of the National ol Inllitutiom, it alrcatjy in the press, 3nd will be speedily bj pabliihcd, together with iti constitution. '• A cumpleat Plan of the whola of this Important jr Inftitntion, compiled from a feleftioa of the bed matcri- ol als, ancient and modern, vrill be submitted to the public | tr whenever the fame may have gone through fach revisions j to 15 may be ncceffary te eftabliih thtf'perfea; confidence and u general approbation, so essential to :.i prefsnt rife and f»- HI. : lire exiftcnce for the general good of Amerisi. v By accounts received' from the diifercnt parts of the T Continent as weH «s from Europe, where the ticketa p !iuve been sent for fafei the public are allured that tl* | - drawing will fpecdily. commenae, and that the care and 3 raution unavoidably .necelTary to insure a lafc disposal of fho] (lie tickets, has rendered the lnor: ful'psnfion indispensable. February 24, 17Qj. P r " SAMUEL BLODGET. I Aug 3-1 -odlf * # * Tickets may be had at the Bank ot Columbia ; of James Weft 4c Co. BaliiWote cat t.ideon Deniitjn, Savannah, of Peter (>rimi 11, B-itlnn; of John Hopkins \ ki••' »n'i o* R irh !•«. Co^'>-fc Now u -lii/ic \f Q By T. S T EPHENS, iVo. 6p>foutb Second-ffrcet, La, The curious Prophecies of /f/< RICHARD BROTHERS.]- CONTAINING great and remai liable things, not reveal- i , et' to any other person 011 earth - J his work i 3 intereftin? to every one. I ,i»gvjt, 4 , 1 iat"W g a. TiIE.ASUkY of UNITED STAi'iiS, nth, 1795. rtn NOTICE is hereby giveti tti all peilcns who are or may be Creditor; of the United States, for any va i funis of the Funded I)cht, or Stock, bearing a frejent h, i:\ifriji of fx per centuix per annum : jit, That purfujnt to an A<3 of Congress, parted 011 am the third day of March, 1795, intitule I, " An Ail making further pvovifton for the support of Public and for the redemption of the Public Debt," there will be reimburlkl and redeamed, on the firit day of January enfuuig, the rate or proportion of two per j aenlum principal of the debt or Jlock, exprelfed J in the Certificates illued to the said Creditors refpec- p e Mvely. er id, The said reimbursements will be made at the w j Treasury of the United States, or at the Loan Offices i s ehere the said Stock may Hand credited at the close ot a'r ►tie present year. na ;d, The said reiinburferrients will be made to the in said Creditors in ptri'on, or to their Attoriiies duly m tonftituteds but the powers of attorney wliith may be h< produced inull emitain an authority to receive the laid reimbursement of principal, otherwise no more than the tl: usual dividend of interefl will he paid ; and although 1 the two per centum of principal tobe redeemed, (houlti " not be demanded, yet the intere-ft thereoa will cease j ® from the said ftrii day of January next. 1 4th, To prevent the great trouble and expenee which _ iv«uld attend a renewal of .the Certificates, m conse quence of the said reimbursement of Principal, it has o , been determined that no renewal ihall be made: .inu I; farther, thu the Certificates which may be issued dur- a ing the year One thonfand seven hundred and ninety- c fix, in consequence of any transfers of the said ftx per j cent. Stock, (hall rtotwithflaricliag the reimbursement r of two per centum, as aforementioned, lie exprefled i for ti:e refpetStive I'ivms of the cfriginal Capital Stock. I A.U persons who may iregociate the Funded fix per cent. f it id of lift United States, bearing a present intertjl., 1 ire therefore cautioned to observe, that during the year t One thoufatuJ feyen hu wired and ninety-fix, th: valu; 1 or true amount of Principal unredeemed of said i>ebt I j or Stock, will be nvieiy-' sot per centum of the lihns 1 expi-effcd in the Certificates Given under my hand, at Philadelphia, the day ' and year beforementioned, pHifuant to di rections of the .Secretary of the Treaiury, SAMUEL MEREDITH, Trcajurer of th; United Statu. Aujr. 14- LL perfom indebted to the Eltate of SAMUEL FRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkeeper, de «eased. are defucd to make payment to the fubferiber ; and all thole who have any demands againfl the said Edatc, arc requested to bring in their accounts proper ly attelted. SAMUEL M. Ft<.AUNCES, A£tfng Executor. South Water-flreet, No. 59. OAober 18, 179 J. \ SHOT, \ I fizei, from lb to Grape, 1 \J Cambooies, Pots, and other castings ctccnled at tlie Pup,l fcorteft notice, Nail rods, from tod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all fiaes, for cases or #utti«ji tito nails, from Keep a brad *> I xd nails, Anchers, ffo*i ij ioolb. s ) 3ar Iron, Patei A Quantity of James Rivw Tobacco, tnfic Carolina Pork. the 1 Herrings in barrels, Bruf Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhd<. Bbls. ftyefieur&c. to be lold by Levi liollirl if worth U oj«. — *«i 4 4 a Notice. _ ALL persons indebted to the late partnei ship of IV,i- _ Q j\. p er , ■Ur.iit, Sr. IVbitt, are desired to make payment to Pet itR W. Oallaodet, No. 63, Chifnui-drect, who \ r autiiorifed to receive thefame. Fhofe who have claims d;t tlr.: said Firm will present them to hint. A Dtraartds on the eflate of the late PtlalUh WAfler, de- __ uafed, are to be erliibited to the fu' fcriber—a»d those indebted to the said estate, are requested to make pay ment to RUTH PERIT, Executrnr, AT ttfTitr 20. dim. No. 47 south Water-flreet. V ' -—.—— —— 1 moil n ALL persons having any demands oil the Estate of che XX Mary Hewson", late of Bucks county, deceased, are y desired to apply to William Heivson, near Bristol, in Mo , , the county aforefaid, for immediate fettlentent. And all c l| e , d persons indebted to said Eilate are requested to make pay- - met* to the said William Mewfon, who is hereby autho- V fifed to rcecivc the fame. uiua t Elizabeth Hewjjon, Executrix, rt€ \ 0 JONATUAM WHLIAMS.J 1 t William Hiwsbn, ) ren; •' BtlUxiaji, near Brifil, dm 0A.16, «?95- *2iw3«.. _ Li *■ > h American Landfcapcs. PROPOSALS ' g PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A J * Twenty-Four VIE WB, a.e SELECTED from the mod (hiking and interesting Profp*a» in the United States ; each «f which " Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, br i j ( . Author of tie " Moncftk Remains and Aneienl CaHln in Great oii Britain." goo CONDITIONS. b- I. That the work shall be publiftied by Subfcriotion; and ht ' a of that each Siibfcriber Ihall engage to take the whole set I [ al of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving, it blade or t 1* fcroivn, i Dollars ; and if coloured 3 Dollars. [ f I. That th« dimensions of each engraving ft all be 14 by 17 nt ' inches, executed in iquatiuta, aaJ publifhedupon paper f ri- of a superior quality. The publication to commence im- . Uc 1 mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub- hi n, I feibers, on the firft Monday of each fucceediag month, ,ft « nd until the propofedferies fhal! be finally completed. ( »- MI. That with the last View of the series, Ihall be deli- f( vercd an engraved title-page ; an char.iifleriitic he Tignette: a map of the route, conneifted with the ptof ets ptdt exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an — :tU I Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers. nd Subfcriptioßs are roccived by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print of (hop, Maid. nlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell- f le. er. No. 118, Market llrect, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-feller* in the United States. • Februnry aS. 0 ro . sty 'ty ia ; FOR SALE, A very valuable ESTATE, tk Called t ffITT ! Q ITU ATE in tU tnunjki/j «/ Upper Derby, and county O beUivarCy 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the /rrw- Weferti read: containing Iso acres oj excellent Land\ 45 cf fitbieb ar: good nvatered Meadow, 90 of prime Wood Land, and the ret Arabic of the sis quality. \ There arc i on the prtmfes a good tiroHory Brick Houfe y ivitb 4 rnomt cn , \ a floor, and Cellars under the -whole, ivitb a Pumf Well of ex~ 1 oclltmi Water in fronl; a large frame Barn, Stables, and other [> i convenient buildings; a Smoie-Houfe'Ortd Jlotie Spring Hoiitff ; tivo :i good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. The Fields are alt i.-< p f L Glover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so .nid out as to b&ve tit advantage, of IVater in each of them, 'which a , j* renders it peculiarly convenient for Crazing. :or The situAtion is pleasant and healthy, and frov: tie high culti- any nation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and thr -vic.nity to the ci- j sent #v, it is very fn't table for 1 Gent'emans Country Seat. 7he forlgoinris part of the Mate of Jacob leccafod Oil and offered for falc by M ORDECAI LA 1 > , Surviving Exccutor. . hlic oa. 9, 17V5 ft day ~A MILL for SAL E. \ t"- r rrOR Sale, on private contrail, five undivided sixths , P iFed f part 6of that valuable merchant-mill, called Old j pec- p e nny pack Mill, with two dwelling houses, ftabies, coop- j ' er's lh-ip, salk house, and othet conrecient buildings, the w ith about 10 act«-s«f gooil land, the greatest part thereof . F ices i s excellent watered meadow, the remainper garden, orcj»« I =• cos a'rd, and wood land; situate ten miles from Philadelphia, j "• naar the Wafhingten I'avern, partly 011 the post-road lead- J the ing to New-York, and partly on the River road: a r#- | t iuly markably healthy country, arid an excellent neighbour- ; vbe heod. Thi-. mill being on Pennypaek creek a heavy . laid fcom of water, witn about 1J feet head and fall, and t j |e the tide flowing about si feet, will admit a vefl'el carrying n *li *33° bulb !. >f jvheat to lay along lid-, and unload into °.j the mill with Kvans's elev..:or in about three hours. The / mill house is large jnd built of stone, founded on a rock, I ' the .vails uneommo.ily thick and strong, (such a piece of ; ,• , maton work i» rarely to he found) contains five floors, two j P water wheels, and three psir of tlie best French burr tlonas ! . 3l> , all running, double geared, with three botilting reel* and j 1 hai sloths of th. firit quality, rolling fcreeo, cylinder, and \ .'inu - anb f or caning wheat in the belt manner, and palling it ur " afterwards hy an elevator into a hanging gai'ner; also, lety- conv. yers, elevatorn, and hopper boy, all in complcat or- t pel" der. T! re ar- two large frame buildings adjoining the tient mill, which are convenient for-iloring flour, Ihorts, sallcs, efled &c. A corn-kiln is erctfted within the building, with tock. bouiting, reel cloth, and other ncceffary fixtures for manu cent' fadluring large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. Ihe j '-e/f, ltream ot wat„r is so conllant that upwards of-60,000 bufti year els of wheat have frequently besa.maiiufarftured at thU valu; mill, aniiuatly. The tumbling dam was built of (tone and Debt I frame 1; out 30 J ears ago, butthe late extraordinary frelhe. fu.n. !lave niad' a breach therein, it cap easily be repaired alto- : gethcr with stone, the greatest part of which is already at ; j. „ hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as to di- there are several good qsurrtes of excullent stone on the lr „ premises, and adjacent to the creek; the contiguity of [j this very valuable estate to Philadelphia, and the easy na fl/Jj vigitjon for lhallops, with the above-mentioned great ad . 1, vantages, and many others not here m.ntioaed, mult be j—rrp obvious to any person who may view the ptemifes. 1 " An indisputable title, claar of all incumbrances, will be r ? de " made to the purchal'er c* paying part of the money, and nber ; giving fatisfatftory fccurity lor the remainder, payable ie said Wlt h jmiireft in mitalments at fu«h times as may be agreed i roper- oa . f or furtiier particulars enquire on the premises of Frances Lewis, Executrix to the estate of Robert Lewis, cutor. deceased; Joan bwitrT, near Buffcli-Town; Or Natma -59. n2el Lewis, or David Liwy, in Philadelphia. Auguf. 3i. w&f- ! PHILADELPHIA Phkt*i> by JOHN FEN NO, N°* 119 ChtfivtStrut.—Puct Sis Dollaps Ps* Ashw* Le Breton, SJRG£ON-DF.N r tST, j T2 E< Pupil »/ tie ctklratai Mr. Dat-h, Ute to tie King an/ A* » Royal Fum'ty of France, viK-.btr if : 'j9 College and Ata- L demy of Surgeons si Parts, Keeps a complete afi'ortment of every thing nereffary tc ie be used for »he Prefervatim of the Mouth and 1 eeth. r her< Patent mineral Teeth, and and ivory Testh ; Den- 0(9: triflce in pov»der,- Opiate; excellent Eliiir for sweetening the. mouth, and prefer Tin J the tieth. He also furniihes ] Bruit-:-. and fofrS-jonges. TC He lives iu'ch.-fnut-ftreet, No. 135, above Fourth a. w t. ' y-,pt. i<>- od - a geß : Am, persons indebted to the JEftate of Do&or fI)HN H.' GIBBONS, .late of Philadelphia, deceased, are v reqaefted to mil; ■ payment; anH those who have any t j em( demands Again ft fad Elate, are desired to bring in their ; duly atteftcdjfor settlement, to ROiiKRT MEYSHAM, Attorney iti fa& for Mary Gibbons, adminiflratrix Nt to t'n • faiit decca'ed's Estate. Arch'llrec:,? c. 107, Nov. 4. **w6t Dancing School. * y WM- M'DOUGALL ha:, op :n«d his school for the present fcafon, at the elegant ball room in Har mony-ftieet, leading from Third, to Fourth, between x . ChtfnUt and Walnnt-flreets. _ 1. Hours of attendance, from ten to twelve o'clock, o» j, Monday, Wedneflkiy, and Friday morning?, for young la dies; and from fix to nine on the evening of the fame days, fcj young gentlemen. 5- Note—ln addition te the French and Bnglifh dan'.es tilually taught, he means to introduce a variety of Seotch reels, at prefentfo much admired in Europe. g The weekly praSifmgs will commence on Tuesday e vening, the aosh inft. and to be continued ever y luefdiy daring the feefon. O&tiber 15. w,th,», tf. George Hunter, i»- Chemi/i, *4' Jt his Laboratory, N?. H4> ioutbS*e«nd Jlrtet. tj. INFORMS his toiiner cullomtM and the puHie : that |6. lie his begun the BR.UG business again on an exten- I? . fi.e plan. 18. He has lor sale a general afiortment j„ FRESHDRUGS, jo. r : CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS, and PATENT MF.DI- 11. CINW. 12. Like wife, painters'colours, dry and ground in oil, paint J3 . brushes, window and coach gl*f*. dye ftuft. r , HnfeeO oil, 34. I oil ol turpthun'e, copal oil varnilh and jtpaw, warranted good. 36. Allum. copperas, madder, ground rcdwoodbythe hogs j head or fnuller quantity. ,j * , j A,', he imports the ftmpl s trOiTi tk*e oeft matfcet-, and ____ r j makes the coinpofttions ■ ud preparations bimfelt, he is I enabled to vouch for and warrant ever} art cle fold om ? of his Labnraiory, and likev/ifeto dispose of them at the ' 1 mi)[i rcafonable fates. He wifhee to fell a LOT of GROUND, * [ th- ..e.rth-eafl corner of High and Elpventh-fti ec s,contain- Vfl • nig 78 lect front «n High.ftieet, and 200 feet on Eleventh v llrect, oppofitc Mi. Li ip. i's new buildings—And another 1,01 1.0 i' on the north fide of Higii flreet, nffar the above,. 28 le-r Irorit, and 200 feet deep. Both lots have the pnvi At IC | le?col a 30 leet. all y in the rear. I Tie*-. 1 g s - r T. STEPHENS, * BOOKSELLER and STATIONER, wa No. 60 South Second-Street, PIftLADJiLPHIA, 1C Q F.SPECTFULLV informt the public, that at his Store ' |\ they may be supplied viith mod of the modern Eu- Co rcpean and other publietLtions of merit, Diviru- ap| ~ ty, Law, the Belles Lettt cs, &c. 3cc. Alio a great van- Mat cty of ELEGANT PRINTS and Paintings, and every ar- j int tide iti the Stationary bufitiefs; which he eontinues, a« wa nfual, to dispose of a-, the lowest prices. Ro , Gentlemen's Libraries furnifhed or purchased ; and the uVnoft value, in exchange or cash, given for any quan- — , tity of feconet hand Booke. " Wholelale Doa'.ers fuppliod at the above Itore on very ' moderate terms. ; »f- -J:_ £ Notice is hereby given that an at- r0 """ tachment was issued out of the inferior court of Common pr Pleas in and for the county of Cumberland, in the Rate of ti2 i" 1 - New Jersey, returnable ca the twenty-fifth day of Fcbru ary last, against the goods and ch .rtcll, rights and credit*, G f lands and tenements of George Huti (ncrt being a resident t )j tit that time witlsin the state of New Jersey) at the suit of | Jouatlian BaSlinger, l.idorfee of Job Butcher, which was j u levied by the sheriff of the county of Cumberland "on b( . a certain (loop or shallop called the Fly of Philadelphia' with its ippurtenan'ces, as by the return of the laid sheriff V ' win more particularly appear —and notiee is alio hereby 1 further given, agreeably to the direvilion 01 an a& t»f the Legislature of the state of New-Jersey in such cafe made la and provided, that unless tha said George H'X shall ap h3 pear and give special bail ,t« answer the suit so a - afore )iJ , Cud instituted against him by th ■ said Jonathan Ballinger, 3 p. ; witUin such time as is prelcribed by law, " that then and in j?, 1 hat cal'e judgment IhalXbe entered" agamft the said George cos Mutz "by default, and that the f.iid. lloop or shallop so as ch. j aforefaid i'eizxd on the said attachment" will be fold for •,; a , ; the fatisfactien of all «• n-r Ituai'jt Horatio Sisiitcn, :ito , Attorney sot the Pl'f. > file AfrU I *:-awtf t Forty Dollars Reward. :wo : n AN iwaj from'the fubferiher, living at Mordington '• XV. Mills, near FretUfiea, in Kent eov.nty, ilaie of Dcla- v and j ware, on the of the s;ih ol Jhue latt, a Cave negro ' and , ">an named RENN, about 27 yet#s old, S feet 10 «i II " ; t inches high, of a ''sv conipistion, and might paf> for a ■ lifo, j mulatto. The -ciethe» tie h:; with' nance, altho' he at times affects a foiling one ; his viiage t inu is thin, with large black whilkers; the whites of his eyes The often rad t It is not reeoliaAed whether he has any par- 1 ufli ticular ilelh-mark.,, except on his back, where may be t chi* seen (tho' light) the f». rs ef the whip, plactJ by judieial ( and authority, lor irottfe-1 real-iiiw., lock-breaking, flealitig, :fhes ! &c. as well bef .t as linc'l purchased him. He is pol ilto- i ieff-d of but H imall fharc ot : eat'on or fenlibility; a gwit ly at • coward, tho'hi-, looks are devilifc, and at the. lame time , i, at fncakitg. A» he cook IJi Cis,!it upwards from here, at 1 the the commencement of harvest, it is prefttmed he was per ty of fuaded by feme of iU. free scgries in this quarter to make j ' ' na- hit c»c..; e witiv them—should he not be io I'lnladelphia; : t ad- he is probably between h:*re end there. ft be Whoever ;:.kes up the laid uegro Beun, and feenrei, 1 him in arty puolic goal, ft> that his m'after may vet him 111 be again, th,;!'. have the ..bove r».. ar i ; and if brought home , and additional charge* for reasonable cipences, paid by ! yames Don%iafs. m' ' t W3W " x Genteel boai\iii ! .g u the print Portrait of Gsorge Washington, Prcfid «nt of tie United Statesof America, engraved by Mr. Fi:ld; from ail original pifiure fainted by W. Robertfnn, thic the Proofs »re ready for deliv, ry to th« several fubferib ers at John James Barralet's, No. 19 north Ninth-ifreet: •r at J Ornirod's, bookfsller, No. 41, Chcfnut-ftreet, where the fubfetibers we requested to fend their addrsfs O&ober a 7 eod. ' Public Notice is hereby given, TO the delinquent Stockholders in the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road, to piy up ill arrear ages and penalties upon their shares by the fir ft day 0! ~ December next, otherwise measures must be taken- to en force payment, as the Road is now nearly comv.leated and the Supcrintendant is called upon to make final set s dements with the different utitraAors and workmen. By Order of the Boasd of Managers, Tench Fraricis, Treasurer. x Norembex 3 _ _ Jtd. ■ NEW AMERICJW rUBL ICATIONS. FOR S. A L I, at Franklin's Head, Chefnut-ftroer, three doors below Second-street, by J. ORMROD, » 1. Gen. Washington's Official Letters, a vols, a dolls. ». Burgh's dignity of human natiire, 1 dol. 75 cents " I. Letters on the nature and origin of Evil; uy Soamc L " Jenyns, 62 1-2 cenu ® 4'. Beauties of Sterne, 62 X-a cents 5. Melmoth on the sublime of Scripture, 50 centj 6. Patten's answer te Paine's Age of Reason, 50 cts 7. Young Men's Guide, 50 cents 8. Hayley's Triumphs of Temper,erabellifhcd with elegant engravings, 1 dollar 9. Pleasures of tKe Imagination, 50 cents 10. Pleafuresof Memory, with plates, 1 dollar it. Edwards on Redemption, a dollars 11. Romance of. the Forest, 1 dollar 13. Myfleries of Udblpho, 3 vols, a dolls. 50 cente 14- Trails of CyrU , g7 i-a cents T5. Man of the World, 87 1-2 cents a' 16. Watts on the Mind, 1 dol. 25-100 cents 17. Life of Col. Gardener, 67 i-a cents 18./joldfinith's Efiays 19. Homer's Iliad, translated by Pope, I dollar ao. Book of' Common Prayer 67 1-a cents r I- ai. Brown 011 the natural equality of Men, 6a i-a ctr аа. Life of the benevolent Howard, 75 cents nt 33. Lucian's Dialogues in Greek, one dollar '!> 54. Trials of the Human Heart, a vols, a dollar* r< * 25. M'Ewen on the Types, 67 i-a cents аб. L'feo* the Soul of Man, 50 cents !'■ : ry- J. Ormrod has just received an elegant collec nt tion of Boiks from London. Nov. 2. $6t BURR MILL STONES (kfede by OLIVER EVANS, at his Fadtory, in the oli wind-mill in Elrafley's alley, _ South Second-Jh-cat, a little bdotv Dti i Jlreet, ' TTTHERE those who apply may be supplied with stones W of such quality a< will fyit their purposes. Also, floses for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifcer 01 Paris. ]'g ' He fir SJI E, ,i At his dwelling No. ai 5 north Second-ftrett, a little above Vine ttiert, __ Boulting Cloths, A complete assortment of both imported and American nanufa&ured for merchant and country »Vork, which he warrants good. <, , A L S 0, ore The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE. Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics ni. 1 apply to water mills with the whole o', and all the iri- late improve»SJirfs"Clir"ttic art'an»»«ui*ii..i &c. ii*- intended to be ufeful to ail concerned in building or ufmg as water-mill , which book is fold by Matthew Carey and Robert Campbell, boekfellers. the Sept. 25. , ; 3tdyawtf. *n- LUTi'ERV IN'I'ELLIGJtiviCE. ery We are informed that the gentleman who drew th« ; dollar prize, in the Capal Lottery, was the " proprietor of oniy a lingle Ticket —This mftance of good fortune, Ihews that it is well to be 111 Fortune's it- roa( i. alu l i, the more pleafmg, as the owner of the non prize is a very worthy, thotigh not a very afßuent ci =of tizen. iru- The Scheme of the Canal Lottery is certainly one i it*, 0 f the heft which has appeared—for, independent of ' cnt the ufeful objedts to which its proceeds are to be ip t plied, the fchemeis To calculated as to continually en wa* nance the value of the Tickets remaining in the wheel; ' because, while the drawing progrefi'»s, the chiwce of a capital prize growing greater, must increase the va r, I'JC of the undrawn Ticket. The Prizes drawn to the elofe of the drawing on ,laft Wednesday Evumng, were . ~ 1 of orf- « of - - l,oot> „. r J of - X.OOO d in 4 of ■ - 300 orge II of - - .10* I'o as 1700 of ■ , 14 for And there then remained in the wheel o be I of ; 0,000 r fer 1 ol • - - 30,000 a of - - , - 10,000 said 6 of 2,50®' 9J. 9 of - a,OOO *i« 15 of - 1,000 36 of - - s°® 80 of - - 100 14800 of - - - 15 And ? stationary prizes of 20,000 dollars eacn ; by which, and the nature of those j llationary prizes, which are to belong to the five last drawn tickets, it " will be found, that an undrawn ticket was yesterday "•jj morning, worth nearly 11 1-2 dollars, which, at f rjr , ihe beginning, was worth no more than 10 dollars * ll(£ fs and so the undrawn tickets must continue to increase y us in value, as fact as the drawing proceeds: And this oVen will account for the number of unices unto- which are opened for the sale of Tickets, as the pro riiage fits must be daily increasing; and in a few days a » eyes Ticket now felling at u dollars, will no doubt corn par- rnand 15 dollars, and must continue to get higher as ay be the drawing approximate* to the five stationary prizes cii«i:il ps 20,000 dollars each. ? Andover Iron Works TO BE SOLD, OR LET ON LEASE ' ' . "PHEY are situate in the counties of Sussex and Morris, re ' I in the State of New-Jersey : The ore lies within a bP • " mile of the Furnace, is sfteemed of the ftrft quality of any I'f./ in America, and particularly adapted for making Meel. ', %f The Furnace and Forge, to which belong between 11 and 12,©00 acres of Land, will be fold together, or ea e c ther separately or together:-they are distant a ut ill! mii* from each other, and are an objed well worth the ' ° attention of Iron Masters. The buildings, &c. are in ev. ry conaiiiodious. For lurthcr particulars «*pp Y s ' Benjamin Chew, or John Lardner, Philadelphia. Oct. 2. ' 3 - A good C