Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 07, 1795, Image 2

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    Ricketts Mew Amphitheatre, c
yth November, inftmt.
New Equestrian Performance f a
Merer seen here, by Mr. F. RieketU, Master Loitg, and a *
Mr. Sully, Clown to the horfcminflsip. bit
By Mr. SpikicUU, 1°
\Vho will that evening dance a hornpipe, walks 3own the /
rope to the pit, oifplay at ttU-Anie time in a pUtu
refquc manaer, the
Amirican FLAG,
'Othont a pole, and afcead to the itng:, exhibiting seve
ral surprising manoeuvres never fean here.
By particular deft re, w
Egyptian Pyramids; fe
l« which the different performer, will exhibit, id a f«r- ri
prtang ma.iacr, /)
Never perform;! here -in which will b« ulsrodncej,
with alterations, the •
Masterly & Novel Feats of Horfemanfliip aS
By Mr. Ri;kete, p
Haver cttsmptsd by any but hinrifelf.
To repeat the particular ExiiiWtisn would exceed k« yj
jSniit3 of an«t. r p
O- Mr. F.ICKETTB refye-Wullf inform, hU liberal
beoefaSori, that he ifrill spare uo expense to procure per- c
formers of th<" fir.l sminencc, and introduce that novelty ai
which Us flattefi himfdf- Will plcafs th« public in general, ol
£j- BILLS and TICKETS ts be had at the Box-Offiee d<
idjoining liw Amphitheatre, where places for the boxes
may be taken from to in the morning till 3in the as- ¥ ;
tfernonn. V. 3. No money tiken at the doors, nor
any admittance behind the fc*ncs.
*.* Boxes, one dollar—Pit, half* (dollar. w
4.*+ Doors to be openei at SIX, and the Intertiin- in
■wnt Ur begin at SEVSV. ri
James Tiffin, ' q *
No. 70, fouch Second ftrset, near the City Tavern,
HAS just recaivcd by the La'e arrivals from London
and Bristol, a Urge and elegant aiTortmant of Ladies
an.l r.entk-mcns falhionabls HATS.—AIfo, a variety ol
Qiiildr.ns HATS of different colours, which will be fold tt
' on th* lowest term for calh. kr<
X. B. Ladies Hats trimtl in the newest fafliion from 0
Loi:Vn, Oft.' 11. ' J ()
FROM the firl't of Deaem'uer next, the annual fubferip- P
tion for this Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS, h
{y s uf ribers out of the City wiil pay One Dollar a year in w
addition, for inclosing, and diroAing tfieir Papers. w
Remote fubfcribcr, are re.juefted to pay up arrearages
ic the above period; also the half year's advance from ''
that time —those who do not, will be confidcrci as de- *
dining a continuance of their fuhfeription. n
Advertisements ot a fquaro, or lifs, are published in this g
CSazette once,for half a dollar; and continued at oni a
HUaktir of a bUH.AH for pacli subsequent iafcrtion.
The Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the favors
of his advertising patrons —He affuros them, tiait the en- '■
treafed, and c-.'.crciftng number of his subscribers, is con- S
tinuully ettending the circulation in the city—lts distant y
eirculation is now eqwal to that of any otker publication a
Philadelphia, November 3, 1795.
City Dancing Aflembly. 1
THE Affemilies will commence for the Seaion, cm
ThurWay Evening, tho 19th inft. j t
Jos. Redmah, ~) i I
Sam- Steikett, > Manager». 1 r
THO. IV. FtAKcrtfj jt
Novanber 4. dti ylh. j c
Portraits, [[
\NY Ladies icd GentL-men, who are deflross of hav- ,
jTi ing their LikenelTss taken, may hav* them dune by
plying to the Fainter, at No. 112, earner of Union and 1
Fourth llreets, where they can be rsfcrred to specimens. '
Ofteber 59 eod ]
"'WAN T E D, <
'On or before the firft of December next, ]
AFurnifhed RObM, on tht firll cr second floor, on a (
northern or weftem view, and situated bctwaen |
Proni and Fifth-fWeets, and betwixt Walnut and Mulbcr
ry-!lrcetj, for which a liberal pries will be%iven. The '
furniture required are only tables and chairs, and cliimaey
ipp«ratns, as it is intended for Miniature-Painting bufinaf,. |
Apply to the Limaer a( No. IJ, north Fourth-street. ]
November a. §i4t-
Or to take 011 a Lease of about 3 years, to eommence 1
on er about 1 ft of April next, 1
A small Farm, * 1
TROM 36 to 5o acres, with fuificient building far farm- ;
ing she fame, and a decent hauft: for a genteel family— 1
an equal proportion of meadow, arable, and woodland, i
and a (hort difiance frara Philadelphia, Trenton, or Wil- ,
Islington, will be the more difirable. Apply to No. IS7,
south Third-IWeet. Nov. i. J6t<
This day is publifked,
Corner of Front and Walnut-flreetr,
On the Manner of improving the Breed as HORSXS,
in Amsiuca*
[Priee, One tj u DolUJ.]
THIS work is cakula. -d for general utility, and tho
Publilher flattefs hiinfelf that it cannot to meet with
«he encauiagement of all those who arc ut the lealt inte
rested in the fubjeft.
A French Edition of the Work is publiihed at the fame
place, and is to be fold at the fame price.
Oflober 30. * eod4t.
Jacob Johnson and Co.
147 Market Jlreet, Philadelphia,
A very general affortmeiit of
£00 KS & STAT 10 NA R r,
Which thej offer on the lowest term«.
They have also for Sale,
▲ larne quantity of Demy and Crowa PRINT
• * A liberal deduction will be made to Country Store
keepers, whose orders will be thinkfally received.
7th mo. 25th, 1/95- iw.m.
Canal Lottery.
A'o. 149. Ckefnut-Jlrttt, bet-ween Fourths Fifth jlrectt.
TICKETS examined gratis, and every information giv
en rcfpe'Sing said Lottery. Also, Washington and
faterfon Lotteries. 03- *3- t
Canal Lottery Tickets
At '53> Chefnat Strwt.
PtiU-. Sapt. *}. S
i ' ■ ?- r - fw
T» thi EDITOR.
Marietta, 03. 20/ i, 1795.
. ~ ~ us
Being on a vtfit ta this country, and taking up your
pater of the Ith injl. I, redd the Federalitt. Some p ]
addititns to his flan of getting rid of those -very trcu- g ,
blcfome vermin called Jacobins, Democrats.. Izfc. ---
currin», I have noted them down, and inclosed them
for your turufal—lf you think proper to print them
I have no objection. rf l
Mr. Fcnno, ' lt
IN sytrnr Gazette of the 7th inft. I have read, I. 1
with pleafuVe, a propofitian to establish a nevv and P"
separate Itate for the reception of that liiglily me
ritorious c'afs of citiscns in the United States called ra
Democrats. As I consider uniformity of iedtirueut in
greatly conducive to public ai well at private fclici- > c
Ty, I think, no greater service can be rendered to
the community than Vy endeavoting to form the
inhabitants of our rising republic into such fogietics 1,4
as may belt answer the afoicfaid end. But, Mr.
Prirtter, the good p»ople of this wellern courtry
have great objeiftions to the plan of furnifhing the ,
Democrats with any lands in the Nonh-Wetlerfl P
Territory of the United States, as is prspofeU by *
the Federalist. The United States have lately pur
-1 chafed this land of the savages, whose principles P'
and politics are net more oppol'ed to ours than thafe
of the democratic societies. Being now hopefully 1
delivered from the fear of the tomahawk and fealp- t0
ing knife, we beg, for Heaven's fake, not to be n<
viiited by the guillotine. As an amendment, there- a *
fore, to the plan ftiggefted by the Federalist, I 81
would propose, that the Federal Government fbouid P (
immediately dispatch an agent to the Lords and
rightful proprietors of the foil* weft fide of "•
the river Miflifippi, and there purchase a fufficient tu
quantity of land for all the Democrats 111 A <ne- -r
As Philadelphia seems to be a central point, per- G'
haps it would be proper, when their system is form, tc
ed, to take their departure from that latitude; and
though it would be greatly preferred to have them th
ireaeh their new settlement by the way of the Gulph m
of Mexico and up the MilfiGppi, yet as the warmth pi
of that climate might endanger fheir fangwinary
habits, and perhaps encreafe the natural stock #f
political Gas which they now poflef6, it may per- B
. haps be advisable t6 permit them to march well
waid from Philadelphia, until they teach the head fc
waters of the rivei Ohio, unmalejlcd. To prevent
injury and inftflt, it may become proper for the pi
Prefideut of the United States to issue his procla- j ei
mation, notifying the good people of this joyful j »i
1 event f and if the general order of match could j F
also be cut out, it might be very ufeful. I would p
; therefore propose, th;:t the Preftdents of the several ti
Democratic Societirt in the United States, with their
Secretaries, convene at Philadelphia three days pre
vious to their intended departure, that their internal
anangements may be duly adjuftedand fettled. In
tht genenl otder of march, let the President of n
the Pennsylvania Democratic Society, forhisgrtat
zeal in the cnufe, Wad the van, mounted on a pale
I horse, followed by his two Secret*]ice. Next to
I' them, and close at their heels, let the several Guil
lotines move on, which it is presumed, and heartily {
reqnefled, they woald bring along with them fr«ni | _
' their cavern of darknefs—Thefc insignia of their j
| otder shOuld all be properly mounted in carts, and
1 coveied in fable dress. Next to these, and as chief
' »Scers in the new government, let the Prelidents, r
" Secretaries, agents, and any other fclf-crcated cha- (
j rafters of eminence, in all the Jacobin Seeieties
thro' the United States, follow in elofe order.— •
Next after thefc, let all the difesntented, hotheaded, j
disappointed Democrats, Moboe rats, and all other
kinds of Rats, who arc aiming at the difTolution .
a of our Federal Government, and are unwilling to
II be governed by good and wholesome laws, fall in ,
B Without any order. _
y As government would, no doubt, feel willing to
i- provide boats to receive them on their arrival at the
head waters, that their dep*rtnre might be expedit
ed ai, much as pofllhle, it it recommended, for the
fake of perioral fafcty, that the Pretident who has (
c the honour to lead the van from Philadelphia, would
now fall in the rear of the Guillotines, placing them
all in one boat in front of the whole gang :—To
afford the whole the greatest pofiibie fafety, per
_ haps the front boat had belter affuma the style of- '
I, mourning, and may not unaptly represent the pro- J
I- aeffion and burial of Rtbefplerre-, Marat, &e.—
'• The moil effeftuaHy to guard them against attacks 1
__ and being fired upon by th« favagct, on their pas- 1
sage down the Ohio, (as has sometimes been the '
safe) it might be well fov them to have a good '
picture ofihis Infernal Majejly taken, to lie sus
pended on a flag in the front boat, and occalionally 1
5, to be displayed through the whole procefiion : the '
raafon of this isobvious, as the Indians have fame- 1
times paid adoration to his faoty majesty through
fcsu - . 1
>. Theft, Sir, are the outlines of a plan which has '
been contemplat d by some of the firm friends to
le the Ftderal Government, who reside in the North- '
Weft Territory of the United States. If a coin- 1
- plete feparatioa could take place between the friends '
to order and good government, and the Jacobins '
and diforgaiiiters of the prcfeut day, it would great
ly comfort many an honest in this quarter;
and a long and lasting adieu' would re-echo thra' 1
, all the fettlemcuts on the banks of the Ohio. 1
tfortb IVeJI Territory, OH. 10, 1795.
f- . 11 » ■ ■ 1 ■ ii' —-
1 11 —r—
* Foreign Intelligence.
By tit trig Utrmmy, CafUi« £<iit, arrived at Nivt-Tori, in
„ 5 4 Jay 1 /ron Lanitn. v
\ —
v. LONDON, September 8. ,
V- Paris is l«rrounded as we are told by its own
ld citizens, by numerous bodies of infantry and caval
— ry. Camps, provided with artillery, are formed
near it. And why ! Beeaufe the people of Paris
have declared that they do not approve of the li
mited election, which th-y are ordered by 'heir
uew tonflitutioa to Stake. And what is the an-
fiver which is givra to the Pnrtfians t Why this : »
<« We have offered th* conlfittition to the army, c(
and they have accepted it."
But let us put the cafe In Great Bittain. Let
lis fappofe that the would be reformers of the If
Britiih patliament (folio* the example of their
French frienda* and having such a house and inch
»ti army as they might like) give direction! by a
new constitution that, in ft cad of the ulual and cor
rupt method of electing members, the people (ball
firll lit bound to »e-cle£t of the old . lo
Hiid then 166 others, where they please. Let tit ip<
luppofe too, that in order to keep peacc at the j w
London election j they fhotfld form a camp at Black- ' tl
heath, and call up ihoalt of troops from distant ; fu
quatteri to the metropolis; and to complete the .ti
pidture, let tit paint a regiment marching through tl
Bristol, and murdering twenty seven of the yoilng
merchants, because {hey had taken forilething tmilj fc
in their drels. tiei«, good people, 0/ England ! rc
you may view as in a mirror the piefent
Paris. Does such liberty re-pay for the loft of j 1
blood, of money, imd commerce, which France hat y
fuffered ? j *'
We learn from Perlet't Journal, and fomc other ' ft
Parit Gazettes, " That our cabinet is divided iuto J V
two powerful partiet; that a quarrel had taken tl
place between Mr. Pitt and the Duke of Pottland,
which must be productive of leriout confequencet ;
that Lords Sydney and Spencer, one of whom is a tc
partisan of Mr, Pitt, and the other of the Duke y
of Portland, have mentioned it to the king, and y
that Lord Speneer found hit id ijeity very attentive t!
to his remunftrancet. Tliit qw• ist, however,
not likely to cause the fir!l mi :i:u» to bedifmiffed, tl
as Mr. Fox, to whom Lord Cholmondclcy has been "
anthorifed to offer the prime miiiiiterftip, hat most o
peremptorily refufed tp accept it. This offer it
said to have been made with the coafervt of Mr. is
Pitt, because Mr. Fox and hit party are alone able
to negociate that peace with the French Republic, y
which the whole English natiotvfo anxiously defiret.
Hamburg papers to the 30th of August iaclu
fively, (mifprimed in Come of them Sept. 1) came t(
to hand yeiterday.
The molt important article is front Ratifbon of
the date of Aug. 24, which dates the final deter
mination of the Diet, as to the members of the de
putation for negociaiim; a |*ace. —These are
Of the Eledtoral College—Msntz and Saxony.
Of the College of Princes—Austria. Biemen,
Bavaria, Hcffe-Darmftadt, Wurxburg aad Baden.
Of the College of Citiet—Augfburg ar.d Franek
The new English envoy to the Diet, Mr. Wal
pole, delivered in hit credentials 011 the lit. An
envoy from the Prince of Liege is also arrived there
I and several Miniftersfrom the princes on the left the
; j Rhine have given in memorial.', rtquiring that J
, peaccfhall not be made, without including the res-
I titutiou of their matter's territories.
j NANTES, Aug. 19.
Brigadier General Cambray informed the com
p mandcr in chief, that he had fearihed the marshes
of Challans, and that the republican troops had
drivta the rebels befora them. The conver- which 1
Charetti carried of at Belville, it howevtr not
near f» confideiabie as was reported ; it uonfiiied
of seventy four cam, loaded with 6000 mufkrtt,
the fame quantity of l'abres and pairt of piitolt,
' ; two barrels us powder, and a great quantity of
j blue, red aud grey cloth. ,
f It is said that each , division of the ar
my will have uniform of a different colour.— ■
' The.sloth was cut, and immediately dillributed :
{ they have also landed two piect of cannon, eight j
7 Half a brigade occupies the Hi of Mauvet 1
' Le SelHeray, L.a Maifoti Blanche, Oudajv,*An- J
ceins, Ingrand, See. Several camps are pitchcd,
" in order to defend thefeacoaft and the Loire.
J The troopt wish fur a battle ; patience only a !
" few days more, and royalifm w;ll expire together 1
with the robbers and vile rebel* who endeavoured '
° to corrupt the half brigade of L'Allier.
Unfortunately there were in that brigade many
weak men, whnle ttrength cor.fifted only in their 1
■ age agaiiilt the victims who ought to b« Ilruck by 1
the sword of the law, which alone fhouid punish I
their perfidy and their crimes. 1
0 Aug. 20.
The fittiation of this lowa it truly dreadful :
,f. surrounded by enemies, it incloses witfcin its waflt '
the most crael terrorilts and drinkers of blood.— !
_ The latter have just renewed the scenes of horrar
s worthy tfts teign of Carrier. Platted hair was the '
f. pretext for the lirft difturbancet, and was after- '
e wards eoi.tidered as a fufHcicnt motive for being af
d failed and affalliuated.
Cititen Maflilli, obliged to rcjmlfeforie by force, 1
y made use of his pitiuU, in order to' cfcape hrty as»
lC failants, several of whom he wounded. This oc- 1
.. calioned a great cry ot "to arms ! to arms! the
h Mufcadim ar« going to affiffiaate ut !" To these 1
preiaediatrd extlaiaations iucceeded the favourite
l( «riet of' thr uiifians, "To pilfage i to the Maga
o xiiies 1" A; la!) the, drums beat the alarm, and the
j. idea of ennnmt being before otir gates, dispersed '
j_ the crowds. An armed force of fifty men con- '
j s dueled tl*e pi iloncit from Port St. Pere to be tried
u before the tribunal. Six of these prifoncrs weie
t. maflaciedu. the pf'efenLe of the foldiert who had
; *C«u sent to guaid An old man, vcneiable
t > ft o*l tru agr, bem taken up at a fßrfprft
ed person at the bsrrleta, was alfo-aflafVmsted in the
1 presence of the Municipal and military officers,
near the column of Liberty. All thefs victims
— were afterwards thrown iuto the tiver,amidft accla
matinct and fong3. These ,ijangs of raifcreants were
composed of the inhabitants of Nantet, and a i.tim
in btr of women, the fcourgc of humanity ancj a dif
gractt to hum«n nature. Modell women were in
lultcd ; the afTaft*is ran through the ftrecrs singing
the MtifeilLs H«mn, in wrdei to rendorthe infur
rn re£fioit gctvcrtl. Neither the civii 1101 the military
il- authorities were ackuowiedjed. Did this proceed
;d from weaknel# <f !nim X" 1 ' 1 '■ I'he criminal tribu
is na! alone has dilplaye.i Htmoefs.
li- The tr-, ;.jn li-vc at tail qui ted this unfortunate
ir town, «ud marthed to Challans. Undoubtedly
il<* the country, through which they pafTsd has jiit
• * '• ' .
flefTed t!:e fame horrors, but we have no; *3 yet re
ceived any advices irom them.
I (Tiled by the Military criminal tribunal of the f«.
cond circuit of the western army, to the Gene
ral and Commanders of the armed force 'in N;uitei
on the 18th, 29th, and 30th Theimidorlait.
" Citizen! I
" What horrors oi«e to strike our frightened
looks ! What frightful scene appear* again to o»
) pen the wound* of our (till bleeding hearts'! Are
I we u> fee againthe times of horror and crimes, wlied
j this city Will he found to be nothing but a fright
ful grave ? Why have affafiinatiens taken place in
.this town for three days faeceffively, and none of
the aflaflin* been ar*efted !
" Generals, Commanders, Officer* ! what roev
fureS hnve you taken'ta prevent '® repre£» tiiofc
revolting atrocities? Who are the afiaiiin* wh-ni
you have bioiight before the Tribunal ? To what
i Tribunal have you denounced them ? When have
you been, whiJlt the soldiers, whose command you
; are entrusted with, were committing the mot dread
-1 ful exeefie* ? Where ought you to have been ?
1 Whither ought you to have run when you heard of
thdfe exceflc* i What ought yots t» hare done !
And, lattly, what hare you dene?
" You ought to give an account of your conduct
to the Tribunal and to'the disturbed society. If
you had fevetely reprcfiid the firil of their crimen,' ]
you would have prevented the comniiDon of u
" la the field of battle to kill one's enemy it
the terrible right of war ; but to affaflinate, with
in the wall* of a town persons who are dot in d flat#
of hurting is the utmoit pitch of barbarity.
" General*, Officers, Republicans ! If your *eaj
is «ot excited against this firfl raafTacre, you will
soon fee it renewed in a (till more dreadful manner ;
you will soon be accused of a guilty indifference.
" And you, Brave Soldier*, defenders of the
Republic ! you whose heads are cownei with lau
rels, have your brot them into this town in order
to have them faitd ! No ! undoubtedly, you will
« never fuffer the glory which you brought from thfe
North, to be degraded in the Weft of France 1 No 1
you will render a new frelhnefs, a nefr (hiring green
to your laurels, 'n fighting with your known cou
rage, against the cowardly partizansof tyranny and
royalty. But we hope you will refpeft the peacea
ble inhabitants, who love the Republic ; and with
for nothing but to ft* their perfou* and property
ia security.
" We exptft from you that you will protest
the individuals who are put under the faieguardof
the law.
" It is ia this way.and by. such a condnft, that
you will confolidaie in an ut (take ft maniier the
foundations of the Repnb.ic ior which you have
been fighting so long wi.ttl so much courage and"
PAPIN, Piefidc:,;.
TAY, Vice Pretident.
(Signed) VAUGEOIS, Milit&ty Aceufer.
1 AUDE, Substitute aceufer.
1 \ BER*f'HET, Secrttary.
1 Nanre3, Fruflidor ttt, Tt i'.-I Republican Yrir."
This'copy if warranted by
1 ' ' BERTH ET, Secretary.
, .... i :
} NEWPORT, Oa. to. <
The facility with which the fubferiptionsfor the
bank of Rhode Island were filled, is a pieafmg
proof of the revival of this town fioffi the great
. and accumulated lodes it fullained in the late war.
( And the general confidence jurtly repoftd in thi*
bank, will- enable it to give a further fpr — "
mercial enterprize—and it is hoped 1
means of advancing this town to tha< ;
fta.e which its advantageous lituation'ol
The treaty with the Indian*,'it is
t ready raised the price of new lands, fret
_ cf the Miffifippi to Lake Champlain, i
twenty five percent*
1 r On Sunday evening last, as a Mr. L
r hi* way from Greenville to this plaee, |
r miles on this fide of Fort Hamilton) i b
* bed by two white men, of 625 dollar: ik
bill*, and one dallarJu lilner. ——
Oa. 10.
We hsarn l»y the latest accouut* frotr
that General Wayne had set out a fe\
on an excursion to visit the out potts, t .
bly to build new one*, as he tr.ek w 1 *■]
e cavalry, light infantry and rifle com
chief of the artificer*
' SAVANNAH, (Georgia,) Od .
Capt. Kitche>i,of Montgomery <:our .ni<
, that on Sunday evening the 4th iuftant, SfK' '?»
. made to Capt. Harrifon, that a p»rty o: Cr, e
. dian* had crossed the Oconee river, f ■ >U'
e have hofiile ot dilhoneft intentions, ai
t oamped in the neighbourhood of Car !|
e Montgomery county. Capt. Harrifon
ly eolleaed i4or 15 men and went to *
c they intended. Approaching their ca
d ceived tjiey wera 8 in nnmber. The lid ar- a
1- ed the war whoop and ran to their arm .C"
d Harrifon inftaritly fired and closed v
c seven were killed, and the eighth eft -vu
d wetinded. One white man was kille *-:<l
e wounded, supposed mortally. After'
-kittY<s were the only uled.
c was chiefly guns and halters. <
i, Capt. Kite! en also informs, that K
.5 hill and Scott, jull frem the Indian cou
t. that a party of about forty Chickefrw
c neighbourhood us the fo*thera countif
1- dering expedition.
f. 1 i, - 11
g James
r r a r l 0 r,
y - N°. 3 South Fourth Strifl,
d r) FTUk NS hi; Z ratcf*l hi '
j. iPubbf for their liberal cneouragm*nt, MftJ b■ - .
a tontinuofH* of their fa von. .
Atb'n Shop «e%ttcmen nay be fvrmjbed ivrtb i.
C an I »tiw ibdin atiJ jimtjbed in ibt r*y fj
'y Hi wUI tbantji. y MrJtr* »J , .r,
t- punßuJ »9 ism- l S