Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 07, 1795, Image 1

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    ' SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1795 V ; v?.
Numsex QBB."| — . —
— "" ... _ _ T ' /7 T •
United States, ? /T"
Pennsylvania D'ftriA, 5 . ,
It, purfa-iacc of Writ to me frtm th: honorsi
ble Richard ?fters. lodge of the DiftriA Court in an,
for the PiSßftfTirania DiftriA, . 7
ff/7/ /£<? exposed to Public Sale,
At tl- fcfeVchanka Coffee House, in the City Philadelphia,
O-i SaturtLy, the ytb Day ofN/rvember next,
At 11 o'clock at noon,
f. . . . The SLOOP called the
wwKhl e r f e c r,
BURTHEN 64 tons, with all and Angu
lar her tacHte, apparel and furniture, as the fame now are;
the said Sloop having brsn condemned to pay mariners
■wages, &e. WM. NICHOLS, Marlhal.
Marjkat's Ofiee, OR 31, 1795. ?'• k
N. B. The inventory may be seen at my pine;. v.
for A ivfS f £ R D A ivIT
5"3~t THE BRIG
• tS. John Caffin, mafcer,
>JOW lving at Mr. Willing's" wharf; fte is almost I
new, fails fact, has excellent accommodations for p:if- £
fencers and will fail in 8 or 10 davs, the cargo being R
sll readv—For pailage only, apply to the Captain on >j
' tLrrt, orto JOHN NIXON & Co.
Oft. zt, " 5t - '
For Liverpool,
I A N A, I
Captain George Clay, | 4
BURTHEN 220 tons, is nearly 3 new ship, a
trader, and wHI M with all convenient
speed. For-freight or paflTa-e apply to the Capt.
on board at Walnut-street wharf—or to
Philip Nickhn c/ Co. i-
Ofloler 6, ■ , -Jt—
For'L 1V E R P O OL,
Thomas Gifford, matter, n
HAS a great part «f her cargo engaged, and will fail in a
a few days. For freight or passage apply on hoard at
Wilcock's wharf,or to THOMAS NEWMAN,at Ruse ■•> ,
wharf— a
Who has for Sals.,
Cpffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, Old Fron- -
tainiac Wine in hogsheads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled
Shirt*. " OA- ii
Christopher Franklin,jun. master, _
for pafiengers; will
fail in all this month ;• three-fourths of her cargd are
>,o.W m w4< * few tons ofJuSY-jrfoods Will
be taken on freight.—For freight or pattage apply to
the Master on board, Peter Blight, or to
Pragers c 2 Lo.
Septtmler 11, 1795-
House Coals
Of good quality, for sale on board the brig Olive Branch,
■Captain William Moore, from Liverpool, laying at \\ al
nut-flreet wharf. Apply to
Philip Nickhn & Co.
LIVE branch.
>HE is a new vessel, burthen about 1,000
barrels of flour, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a
N. B- Those Gent'emen who hive Goods 011 board the
O'ive Branch, are fequefted to fend for them as Coon as
poffiblc. October 15th a
For Charleftori, (S. C.)
the s Hl*
lySlSi &ub r,
Capt. Richards,
NOW lying the 'firft v.'harf 1-elow Cl.c:,iut:fircet, and
will fail in a few d*y«- IT ° r fr"ght, which will be taken
on low terms, apply to the Capuin on board, or to
A',ilbro' John Fraster,
Ofiober 4.4. f iw. No 95 fouthFront-ftteet.
For Sale, or Charter,
f IGHT H 0 ? R SE,
Molts Towiifend, master,
BURTHEN i66*ton«. A verv ftrMig, iUunch good ves
sel, lying at Rofs's wharf. For particulars apply to
the mailer on board, or Messrs. j(cfepb Anthony ISf Son:
JuJl Arrival per the Snow Bojlon, Jame! Kiripatrici,
Majler, from Liverpool,
113 Crates ,we!l-BiTjrted Queen's Ware,
4000 bufticls best ftoved fine Sah,
& to be fold at No. 1, Pine-ftrcet, by
James Campbell.
Also, a few boxes well-afiorted Irilh Lineni.
N. B.
Said Snow for Freight or Char
ter» c'thw to tl>< Weft-Indies or
Enquire as above.
Augnfl 18. '
E N S E L A E R,'
J. Wendell, maftor,
LYINXj ai vVtiling and Francis's wharfa strong,
new vefTcl, five mnjiths old, built of red cedar, bur
then 130 tons, supposed will carry about i»oo barrels
of flo'jr, is of ar. caiy draft of water, and has excellent
a*coram dations for paflengers. For terms apply to
If not fold in two or three days, said veficl willpro
•eed.fer the i:ateof New-Vork.
PLilad. Sept. 19. §
JOHN C R A I G, 7?
No. 11, Dock Street, l'hi
10 P'tM-S of
The very bej? b/Liidc'ira IV I N JL, c
<)(*<quarter r sC:f ofS'".:""v wine,
UriO-oi window "lassos (HTer -IK fe
A of best H.'.'.'ann»h t'egaa* in boxes,
As w cafics «f %
4 bows of y :rd wide Irish lineni,
4 bates of do- cauvaft, ,
5 bales of red, white, and yellow flannels;
tJRi'HbN barrels, now lying at Mr. 'I haddle t
wharf, in Southwark.
Philadelphia, Sept. zi-
At the Stores lately occupied by Wharton & Greeves, : Sa ;
' 4 ftw PiPff j
London particular Madeira WINE;
A few quarter OkISHEKKA V/INE ;
R ii/Tu J\J *i 1 c * » p|-
Tlki rr v } .1) at * ftrimeSt. Cro. x SU GAR S.
Nov-inWi 6- d6t -
* Sales of Corika Wine. p j
, _ . PI;
On Monday the gth lujt/tnt, ,
At 10 o'clock, at the Stores back of the House of p..
J. K. M-Kean, Efu; No. <).?, N»rth Second-Street, Ta
juil abovr Arch-Street, will be Sbld by Auflion, for
ar jroved Notes, at 60 ami 00 Days. Prp r
100 Pipes CORSICA WiNF., of a good quality.
Footman tf Co. Auctioneers. jyj
Nov. id^
georgeTdobson, 11
Hiisjuft received by the late arrivals from England, and
is now opening at his STORE,
N°- i 34»
Afarket-Jlrect, corner of Fourth, >'
Aljirge assortment of broad and narrow Cloths; Flaf
tic do. Etrfeyraeres; Coatings.; Blankets; Flan
nels, &c &e.—Alfo, an elegant assortment. of London
and Murtcheftcr printed Callitoes of the neveit patterns, "
' adapted for the season, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and
Puliicats, Pins, &c. which he vv;tt fell by the Piece or _'
' package on the lowed terms tor C*& ot approved notes
at 2, 4, & 6 months.
November 5. d "- M
1 To-Morrow Morning will be Landed, ~
At,Hi t>nptr , s wharf, from on board the
febooner Eiiza, T. Arnold, majler,
direct from Malaga, r
800 Qwarter Barrels frefli DLOOM RAISINS
300 Pior,es do. do. do. q
jcr: Jars do. do. do.
n 400 Boxes do. Mtifcatel do.
115 Qiiarter Barrets FIGS
iv; Boxes PRUNES L
fe- K»e«- ANP.HOVIES - —®ii L
; 5 o CSRAPES ; M P
04 Sacks Soft Shelled AI.MONDS S
100 Qiiarter Calks MOUNTAIN WINE
sth November. dtf
- — _ . ———
1- ■ Jufct Arrived, and for Sale I
From on board the brig Lady Walterjlorjf, laying at &
the fubferiber 5 wharf.
A cargo of excellent St. l)bes SALT*
Fee terfhi apply to the fubferiber.
sth November. dtf
10 " —
& J The i-arttierftiip of SAM. & THO. SHAW
BEING dilTolved it! Augull lalt, by mutual confcnt, |
all indebted, whole accounts arc due, are dc
as fired to make.speedy payment at their Store, corner of
Front and Arch-street. Tke business is now carried on
— at the fame place, by
Who h- s for sale, on reasonable terms, for ca(h, or the j
usual credit, '
AgeneraLaffortment of Merchandize, }
Imported by the last from London,Briftol, and Li- j
verpool, fuitabfe for the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine and Press to fold by Sam. Shaw.
n( j Otloberaj. aaW3w<kiaw do.
For sale, at low prices,
NAILS by the calk, from .3d to lod assorted, and a vari- 1
t. etv of Sprjgs, Brads, and Tacks; ' !
— Cotton and wool Cards, from No. Ito ii;
Hatters and flock Cards;
Card, set in calf, suitable for cotton machines.
Also Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va- j
riety rf articles suitable for that bulinefs, which will !
be Told together. '•
A large flock ot Wire, and other articles for carrying on
ef- .the Card Manufactory, with the valuable machines for
to cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward
nefs far finifliing. Also,
'k, Occupitd by the late partnerfliip of Wcb.ter, Adgate and
Whit*. As the florc is convenient for the bufmefs, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to he work
ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to
purchase and follow the bufmefs to do it to advantage.
OSt. 10. aim. No. 63 Chefjiut-flreet.
ir . " Frefli T E AS,
Jr Of fufcrior fuality, vit.
ImpeiiaJj of Gunpowder
B4jlon Goince,
lit quality Hyfoti,
— itd. do. 00.
Young Hyku".
HyJon Skin, and
R, Sotithotig.
A feu> Boxes us eacl± for sale at
ig, No. 19, Third Street, South.
jr- December 10. eod.
els ■■ —.—-
:nt The highest price in Cafli, v.'ill be given for
r O . A preference will be given to Claret Bottles,—,-\pply te
No. 187, fotltfe Third-ltreet.
Atrii 10. d
Plaifter df Paris.
75 tons of Plaiil r of Paris raceired by the brig Crugir,
l'hilip Sand?, mailer, from Havre-de-Grace,& for sale by
Andrews & Meredith, „ '
§ No. 36,fonth wharvc*. !>
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
m h Mft.V-'irREET,
The fotforving artiile* *f tbt lafl importation fron China.
160 C Hvfon Tea, ;
lao vjtftrier Ciiefts Soachong Tea,
400 Boies China, containing Tea Sett», J W
4500 Pieces Nankeens. j p ac ]i
Willings & Francis. n
Sepjember 14. I
Robert Smith & Co. ---
I\ T o. 58 foutb Front-Jlreet, J
Ilive received by the late arrivals from London, Li- I
verpool, and Hull,
A large &general ajfortment of Goods, Thc >
i Suitable for the season, whieh they will dispose of by the 1
package or piece on reasonable terms for cafli, I a
or on a short credit:
Second & coarse cloths Dimities and mulincts I
Plain k mix'd caffimeres 7-8, 4-4, and n-S cotton I
Plain &twill'd coatings checks
Striped & rose blankets Jaconet and book muslins I
White, red, and yellow & muslin handkerchiefs t
flannels Printed linen and check I
Bocking and other baizes handkerchiefs & shawls I
Plains, kerseys. and half- Muslin apron patterns |
thicks Tambour'd mullin cravats I
Plain & spotted swanskins Cambrics arid lawns I
' Tambour'd cafiimere veil A large assortment of cali- I 6re(
r lhapes c»es and chintzes I
Printed do. and swans- Do. of mens and womens I
down do. woi fted & cotton hole I
Moreens and Joan's spin- Russia drillings & diapers I '
ning 3-4 »nd 7-8 bed ticks
Florentines and fatl'mets Striked nankeens & ging I
, Calimancoes and durants hams
J Camblets, wildbores and Laces and edgings
bombazetts Gloves and mitts
Rattinets and lhalloons White & coloured threads I
Velverets, thicklets, and Tapes, bobbin & bindings I
corduroys Pins, &c. 1 '
i- also, I
" A large ajfortment of India Goods, viz.
* d ' Taffaties, Bandano, Pullicate, and u
r Lutestrings, Romal handkerchies 11.
s Senchaws, Nanktcni I ii
Sattins Sewing Silks, &c. I V
Muslins, I
o<St»ber 8. » di>». 1,0
John Miller, jun. & Co.
No. 8, Chefnut-Jireet, 1
la addition to their assortment now received, have on hand j —
remaining of the
Cargoes of the Three Brothers tf Arethufa from India,
And for sale by the package only,
A variety of Bengal and Coaji Goods, viz. g
Low priced Coflacs 4-4 and 6-4 book muslins
Long filclhs in (_•
Patna handkerchiefs HumUuni* j j K
Shirting muslins Baftas 1
Blue romals Cambricks
Book handkerchiefs in Muslin
small bales neatly as- Taffaties j
sorted. Blue checks
Alfo-,-« variety of French Goods, viz. !
Looking glafles Feathers and Flowers
at Angola gloves Paper hangings
L'naus and Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the I
n Weft-India market. 1
' A few elegant Time Pieces. I
OA. 9th. § J
_ Jonathan Harvey & Co. I
No. 106, foutb Front~J}ree* y
nt j Have received by the late arrivals from London,*Li- I
i c " verpool and Hull,
o ° n f A large and general ajfortment of Goons,
Suitable for the season, which they will dispose of by the
piece or package, for cash or credit;
Coarse & fine broad cloths Corduroys
Plains, fortlt and hunters Velverets
cloths India and Englilh muslins I
Plain & twill'd coatings Jaconet and book muslin
Point, duffil, and rose handkerchiefs
blankets Printed linen and check
w " White, redr and yellow handkerchiefs I .
flannels Calicoes and chintzes I r
Baizes, bockings, and Mens and womens cotton I
duffils and worsted liofe
iri- Kerseys and half thicks Glsves and mitts
Spotted fwanlkins Sewing silk
Plain & mix'd caflimercs Scots thread
Moreens Bindings and gartering
Joan's spinning Irilh and German linens I
va_ : Calimancoes Mcdes & Sattins
VI " Durants Sarfnets
Thickfetts Table cloths
on 9th Ofl. 1795. |l"».
rd- ROB E F RT hV'ndYr SON,
No. 10, Chefnut street,
350 Virginia Tobacco.
ind calks of Carolina Indigo, »f an excellent quality, I
the 1 chest Imperial Tea,
rk- I box purple Shawls, assorted,
r to Ginseng, 4cc.' &c Cn. 5. §.
Imported in the Jh'tp Arethufa, from Calcutta anil I
— Madrafs, a variety of
To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at I
three and four-months, by
No. 42 Dock Street, or I
German Pajfengers
Jaft arrived in the (hip Holland, Captain Franklin, |
r from Hamburgh, now at anchor oppofit - Vine'-ltreet, I
whose time i; to be agreed for by applying on board, I
or to PRAGERS .V Co. I
<| September io d. I
Irijh Linens.
James & Henry Fisher,
JVtf. 8, JVnlr.ut-jirect,
I ported by the Xebecca, from Dublin, a large
assortment of
j)nß and 4-4 white Linens,
I »7-& brown do. -J ', ■ '
4-4 l\alf white Sheetings,
9-8 brown and white do. "V
A -4 brown arid white Lawils,
I 7-8 Dowlta;
I Which tltoj o-ili of on reafonab'eTermv by the
J package, for eaih or approved Notes, at 60 and 90 days.
N. 8. The above Goods being immediately from the
I Manufactories, it is prefumad they will be found worthy
I of notioe. Oft. 26. $
I John Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Mlller,
I have entered into partnerfliip, under the Firm of
John Miller, jun. & Co.
I They have received by the arrivals from Europe, and are novt
opening for SALE,
At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftrcet,
A capital assortment of DRT GOOD,Si
Suitable to the feafbn—aoiongß which are,
t I Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
, 1 Baaveretts and elaflics,
I Rose and point Blankets,
A variety of coarse Woollens;
Manchester manufactures,
' 1 Iriih Linens,
I India Goods, generally,
° I French Good*
All of which they will dispose of for cajh or the usual
" I credit. October 9. §
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf,
1 *The QARdO of the Jhip Triflram, J. Cbrtjlie, maHcr > ff*& \
| ! Fori-an-Prince,
110 hogfteads, and ) Muscovado SUGAR,
I 7 a barrels ot )
45 barrels of COFFEE.
s s J George Sibbald,
OSt. 26. d No. 170 south Frant-ftreet.
459 Babels, '~l Coffee, above 600,0001b.
I 22 4 Bags, 3
1 115 Hogmeads of choice Jamaica Sugar.
I in Bales of St. Domingo Cotton, %
I Will be landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at South
ftreet w^ari,
I Being the entire cargoes of Show Hebe, from Jamaica 5
— I Brig Polly, and Schooner Industry, from Jeremie,
Peter Blight.
1 October 2». 5
The CARGO of the (hip Harmony*
I Ezra Loivell, majler—from BOURDEAUX,
„ s BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and
in hoglheads, is discharging from on
board the said (hip at Cuthbcrt's wharf, and for sale by
I Andtews & Meredith,
Sept. 15. d No. 86, south wharves.
In calks, suitable for the East and Weft-India markets.
FRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes.
And a few cases of
he Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs.
Rundle & Murgairoyd,
I Oft. sB. No. ii, Walnut-llreet wharf.
FOR SALE by the Suifmbers, at their Store on
Walnut jlrtet Wharf,
y. I a 6 Hhds. "s
1 23 Barrels and > Hifpaniola COFFEE, lately arr.ved
1 540 Bags j
• Who have also on hand,
the I R e d p po t Wine, in Pipes and Hoglheads
I Mountain \%ine Wine, in Qr. calks
ao Tolls Brimllone
Nails afforled
ins Sail Cadvas, N°. I a 7 and
din I A few gentlemen's handsome Saddles
Philip Nicklin & Co.
1 Jut) >4 i
ton The CARGO of the ship Harmony,
I fames Moore, tnaJler-—from St. Petcrfburgh,
100 tons (old fable) IRON;
I 100 tons HEMP ;
I 400 pieces, Raffia SHEET
j 400 pieces Ravens DUCK;
A few boxes Tallow CANDLES; and
30 ealks TALLOW.
, James Crawford, or
— George Latimer.
Philad. 11ti Sef timber, 1795. d.
iiliy, I N°. 64 } south Second-jlreety
f~A ANAL Tickets for file, and calh or tickets given for
I V>l any prizes that may be drawn.
j. I Information given respecting Washington lottery, and
eafh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may b« drawn.
k ] Both lotteries commence drawing September 18th.
and 1 BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot-
I teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the pofTefforsof
I Tickets purchased at the OFFICI..
I Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
I had at the above Office. Sept. %6- §
Canal Lottery-Oliice
Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES,
J OSober i, 1795.
I r T"'HE drawing 6f this Lottery began or. Monday, the
sat 1 i- 28th ult. The sale of Tickets is continued by the
I ftibfcriber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'clock
1 in the afternoon, at the above office, and by J.
'• Jat the State-House, warranted undrawn.
" Prize Tickets will be received in payment, fubje<3 to the
• 1 dedu6lion expreffpd in the tickets—Price 11 dollars until
further notice Approved notes, with a good indorfer,
1 payable 20fch t)ecember next, will be received in payir.c-jt
kliri, I for tickets amounting to one hundred dollars and upwar jj.
reel, j || William Blacklurn, Aj/ent.
lard, J Sheck Book,kept attheOiiice. Tickets exam incd at
10. f 2-100 each number, and rcgifter dat 12-100 each ticket.
d. I N. B. No ticket's fold during the fours cf drawing.