' No. 60 South Second Street. ■s. HPHE Wholefkle and Retail Store for BOOKS, STATIONARY, y X rai.rrs, oil paintings, dkawin k*s recti ed by the lu'i arrivals, ftr extffcvt ooitiftiu! vf ' '~-l fiethy n~> the bef SljthnA-ry. Atfo> s variaty of Ne ' tufc% ft*■' barfscurious Cat 'oatures, Prints, Oil Paint fogi, ■>' ~ Books, Ut. &c. all wbLb he will sett, f\ant exertions to merit arkinuzl favor, and to have bisfore the Slace for elegant and ufefnl hlerature. Jurte 27. F Scheme of a Lottery, Tortifc 30,900 Hollar i, on 266,000 Dollars 15 per Lent, from the Vrizts—This Lottery Civ-dtls of 38,000 Trctrts, in *hich th>r> arc 14/5x9 I >izts, a»d 2 Bhrih, icing about **c axd an .k*lf blanks to a briie. fJpUM Dirfftorsoi iht Society for ettt, of N. w Jersey, who off? 1 The Sliow mg Scheui- f. a Lattery, and pledge thei Selves to the public, that they kjN t~kr evfcry atfurtnee and precaution in their power 10 ha ire the Monies paid by the Manage?* hv.m u >.e to time, asrecciv ed, into the Uanks at New-Yo k Dnd Thtindrlphw, to rerrjam foi the pHtpofr of paying Pries which ihall he i«n»nediaieiydifch^rgeri hv ackeckopoo one ot ijie Uankk S C HE M E: \ Pri*eot 20,000 Dollars is *e,oeo t 10,000 i n ,ooo 1 s,occ ( acjoco $ B,C<*« IO.OOC 10 I,COO io,cco 2 0 500 10,000 100 100 10,000 3 f - 5® »5,000 10OC 2© 20,00 C 2 000 1 $ 30,000 :- r r a 36, ©00 HIOC 19 I^OCS 9 *' n zc»" «6 2,000 Blank,#, firfldrawn number, «,000 Laftdrawn number, 2,000 38000 ;Vjcets at 7 Dollars each is 'e66 : ooo i he dra wing will under the infpe&» *n of r c»t the Superintending as loon Jhe Tick ets arc jld,of which timely notice wiil be given T'nr japeriutevdants have appf'iiiicd John N. Camming 0} Newark, Jacob K. Harderibt rg, 01 New-»Bru< y tor discharging tli trull icpofed tncre. y-V* In order tofecure the' pur.tlnil pnymcrt of the Prizes, the Sup«rj4fendaols or: tc : -.■■■fa a* Q.,n Hooirfj wilh four iutficieot feconti ,topcifo)iU iheir iu ifrufttonsi the lubltancc oi Whicb is I. Thai whenever riihcrolihe Managers !%all receive the funi ol 1 hree Hundred Jjoiitfrs, tinmdiatvrA" ' y- -.1 t x -~ y. K• f Ttl: ■•jU KV of :/>. UuiLU iV. I Aug kjl 111, 1795, NO I ICE is hereby given to ill .v. r .on» v.ho are or i - iv 7-'CrC' ito.s ot the Urn- 1 -ts'ts, for j. n y j e Awaited Debt, or Stock, hearing a frefcnt •> 'd ; if pc czntum per annum : ' < si i hit purfiia-.it to an Aiil of Congfjfs, paffid on 1 rd. diy of March, 1795, intitule I, 44 An Aft r :nj r'ur.her provision for ti;e support of Public ' a.id for the rede.n.jtun 01 the i'ubiic Del)t," ' there mt:.. ue reimbursed and redeemed, on the fitft day ot ju .uary ensuing, the raje or proportion of two per ' tentiwi of t ie principal of the debt or Jlock, in the Cjrtifica:es iffaed to the said Cr«ditovs refpec- Uvely. - zo, The laid re!mburfera»nt» will be made al the T-ealury of tlie United States, or -J. wii?re the f .'id St jck may ftan J Credited at the close of the present year. . J 3d, The fttd Kimburfernents will be made to the ' said Creditors in p'fpfon, or to their Attornies duly ! •ontlituted ; of attorney wiiicit may be ' produced must contain an authority to receive the said r rsimburfement of principal, otherwifeno more than the ' usual dividend of intereji will be paid; and although 1 the two per centum of principal to be redeemed, (hould ! sot he demanded, yet the infercfl rhereon will cease from the said rirft day of January next. 4th, To prevent the great trouble and expence which , would attend a renewal of the Certificates, ,n eo.ile- t quence of th* said reimbursement of I'rincipal, it has t been determined that 110 renewal (hall be made: And t further, that the Certificates whieh may be ilTued dur- i ' i.ig the year One thousand lcven hundred and ninety- 1 fix, in u»ifeq'jeNce of any transfers of the said lix per s cent. Stock, lhall nt)twitii:fandi»g the reimourfenient ' of two per centum, as aforementioned, e cxprcil-d f for the respective i'ums of the onginai Capita: Stock. £ psrfons who miy negociEte the Funded fix per cent c itoci of the V tited States, beating a present inttrejl, ' are therefore cautioned to observe, that during t.ie ya.tr 1 One thousand seven hundred and ninety-Sx, he value 1 or true a aount of Principal unredeemed of laid Debt 1 or Stock, will be ,ii -ietf-tight per centum of the iuini f OKprefled in the CeriiScates Given under my jia'nd, ?.i Philadelphia, the day 1 and year be o. .•njentioaed, puriuant to di- ' regions of tne Secretary of t ,e 'freaiury, SAMUEL MF.riElin H,' ' Trcajurcr ej the Unit;* Stain. ? Aug. 24. -a a;j 1 ALL indebted to tilt Eiiate SAMUEL FKXUNChS, late* of this cny, Inakeeper, de- t eeaied, are defircd to make payineat :o the fubferiber ; \ ' and all tliofe who 1-ave any demands ajaii.U the laid > Estate, are reqtiefted to bring in their'accounts proper- c ly attested. SAMUEL M. I'RAUNCES, A6l;ng Executor. * South Watej -ftrcei, No. 59. £ OiSober 28, 1795. Genteel Boarding cV Lodgino- \ i a very r-mnil'part o: thexity, on mort moderate ter.rT » f -.iquir. of the-PriL-er. 4itl Od'. 41W SHOT, : * T i /~V?ili sizes, from it lb tn ©rape, KS V v/ Camboolfctj Pots, _nd «ther cfcliogs oMcuted. at the Ihorteft notlci, Nail rods, fr im sod to spike, le ly t Hoop Iron, f all sizes, for cafla or cuMvi.- into nails from lit a bra 1 to x 2d nait, .' r „ Aachorf, from 17 Cwt.to 100lb. ,„ly bar Iron, „„<» A 'Quantity of James RJr« Tobscpo, r ua j. Carotins Pork. Herring* in barreli, I eors meal in Hhd 5 and Ebls. y.hf. Ryefleur&t. to be fold by Levi Ho lit ngfworth c/ Son. etbc Ju yj'2 " - rrr — Notice. ALL indebted to the ©f IVeb fler, A derate, & White, are desired to make payment to Pkter W. Gallaudet, No. 63, Chefnut-flreet, who is autkorifed lo rocteive th«fame. Tliofe who have claims * " on th? said Firm will present them to him. } Demands on the estate of the late Pelatiah Webfler, de {or ecafed, arc to be exhibited to the fu fcriber—aad those r^jv indehted to the said aft ate, are requested to make pay fry ment«to RUTH PERIT, Executrix, and Oftoher a®. dt*. No. 47 south Wafcer-ftreet. iiu> ■■ "" h t . A LL parsons having any dsmands on the Estate of yci -l\. Mary Hewson, late of Bucks oounty, Jeceafed, are .VP- desired to apply to William Hewson, near Bristol, in jhia the county aforefaid, for immediate settlement. And all persons indebted to said Estate are rcqueft«d to make pay -t mont to the said William Hewfon, whe is hereby autho 'al- rifid to rweive the fame; ' w Elizabeth Hewson, Exetvtrix. r /> Towatham Williams, ) - W.U.A- HewisH, 5 £xmA ° r - Bdlt^tcade, near BriJUl y \ *0 OA. 26, ,795 "law 3». ; he k ' A.nerican Landjcapts. „ PROFOSAfc^ FS& PUBLISHING IN AfSUATIN7A ioe Twenty-Four VI EW Sj seo 7 >00 OtLECTED from the most striking and mterefting >00 ►J Profpefts in the SJnited States ; each «f which »o Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account ! >oc of its Local, Hifloriral, and other Incidental Peculiarities ! ** By, G. I. PARKYNS, )C$ Author of the " Aloiajlic Remain: and Ancient Gafilts in Great Britainj >00 CONDITIONS. J )oo I. Ttat the work shall be publifhcd by Subscription; and >00 that each Subscriber fiiall engage to take the whole set of Views, and shall pay for each engraving, if blaok or ,0 ° browa, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars, of That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 2 4 by 17 inches, executed in and pablifhed upon paper of a superior quality* The publication to commence im- IP 'S and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub- j fcriberi, on the fir 11 Monday of each succeeding month, | r until the propofod ferfes fhaU be finally completed. HI. That with the iaft View of the series, shall be dell- j t , jf vered an engraved ; an elegant charatfleriftic ; vign ttt; a map of therearc, counseled with the prof > , 0 vhiiutsd m Ibe *'^I—Work ; and an \ u , —Aipiid. »..LcU ialol me i>.ubfcribors. a Sabfa intiojis arc received by Mh Harrifon, at his Print j v » &op ; Ivlri i- .-.lane, >Jew-York, by Mr. CaR! iiook-fellera ia the United ty, • Fcbrmtry d f V F O ? SALE, A very valuable ESTATE, I TTVITTKNHAM. j OrrtfATE in the to jo'MaffashufetM ■at 8 England and Walea 3l*Con«edic« 9 Ireland ' 3e*Rhode Island io France 33*Vcrn-.oat 1( j 11' Seat of War 34*NewYork ct 12 Seven Unitid Provinelt -jj'NewJtrfey 3r 13 Austrian, French aad 36-Pennfylvaaia | Dutch Netherlands 37*De)aware ■ j 14 Germany 38' Maryland er 15 Switzerland 39* Virginia 1 _ ' r6 Poland 40' Kentucky 1,. | 17 Spain and Portugal 41' North Carolina 2 ; IS Italy 4i*TeneiTee government | 19 Turkey in Europe 43' South Carolina if. J 10 Alia 44*Geerpia ; c n'Difcovenes made,by cap- 45 Copernicao fyttem f. tains Cooke and CJerke. 46 Armillaryfphefe ln 2 2 China The M-*i" lMujlagj with stars are added to this edition, it iScluCve ef those in the-I*4 Ifondou edition. The United States Register for 1795, Price 50 Cents. C O ,V T E N T S. Calendar, wid, tht nccjlT-iry r.nnjidariea__bt the United tables, Sit. &.c. States. PopiiTiTOfr -r- GOI'fRNMI'NT. - Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers Legii'ature Statement ol XipoiU Judiciary Public Debt » i. l partment of Statw Pay, &c. of the army j Department of theTrcafury Mint EfUblifhment rt Coaimiffioners of Deans Rulus for reducing the our n , OiScers of the Cnftoms rencie6 of the diiFeraat n e ' eßue Cutters ftat«s to a par with ea«ti Ll g ht Hsufes other f t, ■ Officera of the Ercife Tables of the number of gr Duties and Dutiable articles cents and decimal parts 0 '- xiln P S from duties in any number of {hillings |V : D.meson tonnage and pence less than a dol '■ "° n domellic lax in the currencies of , Drawbacks, &c. and r l? u the different states lations to be oferveel in Tablae (hewing the value of t'. obtaining til. iu dollars in the currcrrcics •_ General Abnraft Irom the ol ditto revenue laws, relating te Poll-office eftablifliment / the duty of mailers of Lift of Poft-Towas, &c. vaffels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of artment of War Stati Governmchti. 'f New Hampshire Sonth-CaroKna - Vermont Georgia 1, MaiWhufetu Ord« of time in which the Conr.eChcut fcveral States adopted the S CW "} ° r r federal Conftitntibn - 1 New-Jarfcy Table of the S.iVs rising ■ : Pannfylvjuia and f:tting 1 1 Delaware Abftrait «f goods, wa.es, • ' ir - and merchandize evport > I from the United State* Kentucky * f tora the 0 f Q^obcr ; No » h -Caro«na '90, to 30th Sept. IJ jf t Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. f 'wfoi., j tne ' P''iladelpiiia. Second Ameijtan cditioji— J Price 7S «nts. 1 1' he rapid sale of the firll edition of thU , enterellnig novel, 111 a lew months it the best criterion of t its mcr.t.] ' EXTRAC r F*OM Ti CUI riC '.L REVIEW, AWIIL 1791, p. 468. * ) It may be a .1 nf truth, for it is not unnatural, aud ■ Itwa talc of real dillrefs— Charlo te, by the .utificc oi a 1 : "cbrr, recommoided to a Idiool, from hamanity ra- '? , Jour than a c.niviaim of her integrity, or the regularity, 1 : ' hci lotiuer tonjujl, l.eiiticod from her governrfs, and ° accoaipanics a younj; officer to Ami-rica—the n;arriage v Ocremouy, it not forgotten, is poflponed, aad Charlo:te - die-, a martyr to the mconilaucy of her liver and treatj > <-- v of his friend. ! The totuatkra. arc artleis and affeaing—the defcr.ption . » Latural and pattetw :we ffiouW feel for Charlotte if such a , per 0.1 ever rxi-ted, who tor one error, i'careelv, ie : dderved jjv.aiffimci.t. If it is a'feaon, p ,etic > luitiue IS not, v , tai ik,-properly aill. ibuted." ' 1.- lu.a.utor by Rowloa. Second Piuiadei phia tditwft. S 7 12 cents. • i Auventures of Roueric Kan.bm. 4; vols, t coiiu- auk JO touts, coariie —1 .. ,;,^ r eents ;.;.j ! V ,f ;S OQ A*'- V irginiti —by fho.r^ r IK '- 7 ') i>uu:ij, w .,. aa J . a half. : 4. 131.1 e-ry 0 1 the FrtncK Revelufion, from it* co.n n'.i -n .-.n the de.-.th o. u: : Oue WBrii'ioe. . Ij. Viowd HistO' j dw-fi Empire, Ally 1 Is*' 10 179.1." 1 ■ -»;i:i and a 1 , i> an mrei■ vataahi< puUl.atK.lj ssilm appeared for than* - «. Bertie's Blimept of ifcora! Science. 5 vol». One dol iur aiici uirti. Cw 1 W - - .■■■ \ " Mr. Walter Kobertfoß BS&S leave to rhe Gentlemen, subscribers tr, the print Portrait of Charge Washington, Prefid > n "t of the United States of America, engxavedhy Mr. Fi.ld. from in original pi<9ure painted by W. Rohrtfon, th >•' . the Proofs are reidy for delivery to the fevcral subs r: i eriat John James Barralet's, No. 19 north Ninih-itreet : •r at J Ormrad'i, bookseller, No. 4t, Chefnut-Qrec: where the fubferiber* are requested to fend their addrefi. ' . Q*oher 17 eod."' • Public Notice is hereby given, g I O the delinquent Stockholders in the Philadelphia L and Lancaster Turnpike Road, to piy ut» all arrear ages and penalties upon their (hares by the firft day of s December next, otherwise measure? must be taken to en* force payment, as the Road is now nearly comnleattdf the Buperintendant is called upon to make final Set- ticments with the < ifFcrent cor.:razors and workmen. By order of the Board of Managers, • Tench Francis, Treasurer. ■j November 3- i ' NEW AMERICAS* PUBLICATIONS. , _ FORS AL E, L _ Franklin s Head, Chcfnut-ftroof, three doori below Second-street, by - J. ORMROD, 1 I. Gen. Washington's Official Letters, 2 vols, a dolls. ». Burgh's dignity of human nature, t dol. 75 cent* j. Letters on the nature and origin of Evil, uy Soame Jenyns, 62 I-a'cents 1 4. Beauties of Sterne, 62 1-2 feats 5. Melmoth on thefublirne of Scripture, 50 cents 6. Patten s answer t« Paine's Age of Reaion, 50 cts 7. Young Men's Guide, 50 cents B'. Haylty's Triumphs of Temper,embelliflied with ' elegant engravings, 1 dollar 9. Pleasures of the Imagination, 50 cents 10. Pleasures of Memory, with plates, 1 dollar ' IX. Edwards on Redemption, 2 dollars 12. Romance of the Forefl, 1 dollar 13. Mylleries of Udolpho, 3 vols, a dolls. 50 cents 14' Travels of Cyrm , n 1* cents *5. Man of the World, 87 1-2 cents 16. Watts on the Mind, 1 dol. 25*100 cent* 17. Lifr-of C«I. Gardener, 67 1-2 cents , 18. Guldlraith'* Iffay* 19* Homer's Iliad, tranfiated by Pope, 1 dollar ao. Book of Common Prayer, 67 1-2 cents ai. Brown on the natural equality of Men, 62 1-4 ctr 41. Life of the benevolent Howard, 75 cents 43. Lucian's Dialogues in Greek, one dollar 24. Trials of the Human Heart, 4 \-ols. 2 dollar* 45. M'Ewen on the Types, 67 1-2 cents a 6. Life of God in the Soul of Man, 50 cent# C?" J- Ohmkod hasjuft received an elegant collec tion of Becks from London. Nov. 4. $6t BURR MILL STONES Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his FacStory, in the 014 wind-mill in Elmfley's alley, South StctmJ-Jreet, a littU betoiv D%ck Jireet, WHERE those %vhoapply r :tppli d with (lone* of such quality as will fn.it their purposes. Also, stones for gudgeons to rue or, a 1 ?ljlf;;r 0: Paris. ' Hi ketfs for SALE, At bis dwelling No. 21 r north ?icor!'l-f;rset,>. Httle above Viae liter. •. Boulting Cloths, A complete affortaiint oi both imported and American manufactured lor merchant and cauntry >vork, which ke warrants good. /f L S 0, Th« Your.g Milllirr-ight's and Miller's GUIDE. tionttliiTiljj tT , rni 4 r jriuiljcs as ther apply to water mills with the whol - rrocefs 01, andHrthe late improvement* on the art of rnanufa