Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 06, 1795, Image 1

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NUMBex 987.j * ' ' —_— , 1 ■ 1 r,i ~-' .; ■" ■"j ■ , ,* —"»
> |
United States, 7
PennMvjima D:ftri<3, 5 " , , j-naor--
L- •• - .H« of a Writ to mc dir-ftei, from the hoaora
| {.< 2rd Peters; Judge*: the OM& Court « and
tor ftc PennXyly*nia I}iftria,
be exposed to I uvlic Sal?,
At the Metchants Coffee House, in the City Philadelphia,
Qa Saturday, the T-h pay of Novemoer next,
;. At II o'clock at liaon,
- The SLOOP cal!ed the
BURTHEN 64 tons, with alt and lingu
lar her tackle, apparel and fwrpitare. as the fame now are; J
the fe'id oLop having been condemned to pay mariners
wages, £:c. WM. NICHOLS, Marlha!.
Mar flat's Ofce, Oft 31,1795- _. 7 '' hl
N B The inventory may be fcen at mr m
for AM S T E a D A M,
&f% MARIA,
V- IS 7 John Caflin, master, 4
a* Mr. Witling's wharf: she !. alm&ft -
new fius f'iil, b~5 cxteilent accommodations tor pat
lender and Jail bßor 10 days, the cargo being
all r 'ad —For paffa •• only, apply to the Captain on ■
beard, or to JOHN NIXON & Co. «
■ 179 y. " st -'
For Liverpool,
Captain George Clay,
"ntTRTHEN 220 tons, is nearly a new (hip, a
conftaut trader, and will fail with all -
(peed. Fur freight or passa R e apply to the Capt.
on board at Walnut-street wharf-or to t]
Pbtltp Nickltn is Co.
OMer.L 17.95- _ —
— th e br i a
Thomas Gifford, master, J
ffAS Vp-'ett part as her cargo engaged, and will fail in j
a few .lays. For freight or paflagc apply onl hoard at <
Wileock'/wharf, or to 'THOMAS NEIVMANpX Rofs t
wharf— n '
Who has for Sale,
I Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cafe:. and hampers, Old pron
tainiac Wine in hogsheads, and fevon doz. Mens roffled
i Shirts. oa. 22
The Copper Bottomed Ship
A D R I A N A,
- How laying at Walnut-Street Wharf,
Has excellent accommodations for passengers, and will
fail With all convenient speed, having a considerable part
r or passage apply-t^-
thc Captain on board, or
Thomas & John Ketland.
N. B. The A'dmnais intended to return from London
in early Spring St ip.
Oflo'.-er 7- Jl—
—For HA MB U R G rt,
1 gTiiSiT"' THE SHIP
Christopher Franklin,jun. master,
' , HAS exlelleiit accommodations tor pallengers ; will
fail in all this month ; three-fourths of her cargo are
readv to eo on board', a lew tons of heavy goods will
be taken on freight.—For freight or pauage
tie Matter on board, Peter Ji'igbt, or to
Pragers c? Lo.
S'\tt*nhfr 2t y 1715' ''"
. ~ IToufe Cods
Of good quality, for file on boarc •he brig Olive Branch,
Cipt-.h WdiM'ii Moore, from Liverpool, laying at A al
■ut-Aiect wharf. Apply to
Pinhp -Ntckltn & Co.
SpK is a n 'W vessel, burthen about 1,000
SksS*"oW, and VV if I, be ready to receive a cargo in a
■' K' d B Those Gent cmen -ho have Goods on board the
Olive Branch, are requefh-d to fend for them as soon as
poffihle. Q-''" bgr I - Cth , n . 5 ...
f or Charlcfton, (S. C.)
- i&Sk rUb r,
Capt. Richards,
NOW Vi-g the firft wharf below Chefnut-flreet, and
will fail in a few days. For fright, which will he taken
on low terms, apply to the Captain on board or to
Nalbru John Frailer,
OJober-M. No 95 f°nth Front-street.
1 For Falmouth and a Market,
„* ; >A L K R T,
V ;. . V J&t hjXU, vtcjler,
Etr. Vhk.M '00 tons is in excellent order and ready to
r ivt J re't-yo. This v-.flel is a remarkable fader, and
la, nlO : .crommodarioris for a few paffefflgew. Apply te
the capthul on board at the fobfertbers or
Wtilings and Franca.
Oftohtr 3. . —-—- \ ~t
—7-— liojton, Jxmet kirkfatnck
Master, from Liverpool,
111 Crates well-ffflbrted Queen's Ware,
4 r,00 bi Iheks best ftoveil fine Salt,
* be lo.j No. Campbell.
Alio, a few boxes wcll-afTorted Into Linens.
N. x>.
Said Snow for Freight or Char
Inv'^i^ter, either to the Weft-Indie* o
£„(jij>re a* abn»t-
Au«ujt 18.
JOHN C R AI G, 75 tor
•No il, Dock Street, Philip
to Pipes of
j 7be very btfl Madeira IV IN E, °<s.
(jn or r cnfks of Sherry wine,
H"ii\olwihdow gla!s of different fizet,
A of bell Havannah fegajs in boxes,
A few calks ®f tugar, Tie
4 noxrs of yard wide Irilh linens,
4 hales of do. eanvafs,
« hales of red, white, and yelldw flnnnets;
PORI s M OUI H, Jep:
iljßl HI.N 200 j barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle s
wharf, in Southwark. •
Philadelphia, Sept. 2S. _£J— H lv e
a The Schooner y[ fa
J. Weadell, master,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; a strong, g ecol]
new vefel, five months old, built of red eedar, bur- p |aiß
ihrn 110 tens, will carry about 1200 barrels p lain
of flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has exce lcnt SH
accommodations for & For wh ; (
If not fold in two or three days, said veflel will pro- Bock
,«eed for the ftaje of New^ork. Plain
Philad. Sept. 29- 1— thi
For Sale, or Charter,
I Tarn
J Mafis Townfend, mailer, r ,
MJRTHEN a66*ton«. A very strong, Haunch good vef- .
fel lvine at Rofs's wharf. For particulars apply to pj or(
the master on board, or Melfrs. Jofipb Anthony Son-. Ca!ir
18. d Cam
Sales of Corsica Wine. R^t
On Monday the Qth ' Injlant, co
At 10 o'clock, at the Stpres back of the House of
J. B. M'Kean, Esq. No. 95, N.rth Second-Street, J
t, just above Arth-Street, will be Sold by Auflion, for Tag
t approved Notes, at 60 and 90 .Days. Lute
ioo Pipes CORSICA WINE, ot a goadl quality. Senc
Footman Co. Audioneers. Satt
Nov. 5. Mul
Has jull received by the.late arrival' frem England, and
is now opening at his STORE,
N c- 134, lßai
I Market-flreri, corner of Fourth,
ALafjge aLfTortmerit of and parpow Clothi; Elal- Uar
Kerfeymerej^.'-Coatings; Blankets; Flan
-f nels &c Ac.—AllT'* 1 ? c » c S ant
ill and Callicoes of the neweTTpstrerns, Lq^
rt adapted for the season, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and Los
to, fins, &c. which he will fell by the Piece or
- v.- -y--y on the lowed terms for Calh or approve* notes
at a, 4, & months. p lu
bn November j. ' Boc
To-Morrow Morning will be Landed, j
- At Stamper's wharf, from on board, the
ir homer Eliza, T. Arnold, majltr,
dire [I front Malaga,
Sep Quarter barrels frelh BLOOM RAISINS An
' 300 Boxr. J.o. do. do.
10= Jars ■ do. do. do. W
fill 400 Boxes do. Muscatel do.
are Ixs Quarter Barrels FIGS 1 _
vill 1 A Bexes PRUNES
'.to 50 Kegs ANCHOVIES
<0 Jar* GRAPES
04 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS u
tio Q.iart Ci Calks MOUNTAIN WtNE »•
?th November. dlf Su
ich, —
7%]r Jurt Arrived, and for Sale
From on board the b'-ig Lady Walterflorjf, laying at
the f ibfrriber s wharf. pj
A cargo of excellent St* Übes SALT, p (
For terms apply to the fubferiber.
300 s'th November. dtf
! A few Bales of Book Muslins, K
'^ e ! One ditto of Bed fid's Carpets,— —lo be fold low, g]
\ " toVlofe Saltsi by P
1— Mordecai Lewis. iv
4. [ . £
The Partnership of SAM. & THO. SHAW j]
BEING diffol»ed ill* Aujjult last, by mutual consent, -p
all those indebted, whose accounts are due, are de
sired to make speedy payment at their Store, corner of -
f von- and Arch-itreet. The business is now carried on
„a at the fame place, by
'• cn who hts for sale, 011 reasonable t<rms, for cash, or the
usual credit,
"' t A general assortment of Merchandize,
—- Impoi led by the last veffelsfram London, Bristol, and Li
verpool, fuitablefor the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine and Press to be fold by Sam. Shaw.
oa®bera3- sawjw&iaw do.
For,fale, at low prices,
ly to NAILS by the calk, from 3d to iod assorted, and a vari
and etv Qf Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
ly to Cotton and wool Cards, from No. Xto 12;
Hatters and ftoek Cards -,
Cards set in calf r suitable for cotton machines.
Also Machines for catting and heading Nails, with a T3-
- ■- riety of articles suitable for that business, which will
rick, jj e j o i;j together.
A large stock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on
the Card Manulaitory, with the valuable machines for (
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, Sec. now in forward-
II ness for Er.ifning. Also,
Occupied by the late partnership of Webster, Adgate and
Whits. As the store is convenient for the business, the
machine* fijed, and the whole in a condition to be work
* 01 affords ii good opportunity for any one inclining to
ou'-chafe and follow the business to do it to advantage,
itnquire of PET£'R W. GALL.AXJDET,
f oa, 10. dl*. No. 6jChelnut-ftre«t.
Plaifter of Paris.
75 tons of Plaift-r of Paris received by the brig Cruder,
Philip Si«d»,niaftel', from Havre-de-Grace, tr for file by
Andrews Sc Meredith, „
Oft. 31s. § Ho. 86, South wharves. I "* e
For SALE, by the Subscribers, j.
7be Jotlmvirg articles «f the laji importation from China. 9
160 Quarter Chests Hyfov'.Tea, - -t
-120 Quarter Chests Soachong Tea. 7
400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, Wh;
4500 Piecev Nankeens. p4ckag
Willinrs Francis. N. 1
September 14. M^
8 Robert Smith & Co.
oiin A
No. 58 foktb Frnnt-Jtreet,
" Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li*
verpool, and Hull,
A large Isgeneral ajfortment of Goods, **9 1
-> Suitable ior the season, which they will dispose of by the
package or piece on reasonable terms for cafli, 4
or on a short credit:
>' Second & coarse cloths Dimities and muflinets
l" Plain & mix'd cafiimeres 7-8, 4-4, and 11-8 cotton
Plain &twill'd coatings checks
11 | Striped & rose blankets Jaconet and book muslin*
White, red, and yellow & muslin handkerchiefs
flannels Printed linen and check r
Bocking and other baizes handkerchiefs & lhawls T
Plains, kerseys, and half- Muslin apron patterns
- | thicks 'Tambour'd muslin cravats' j
i Plain & spotted fwanlkins Cambrics and lawns A U
Tambour'd caffimere veil A large afibrtmentof cali- ere( ji t
fbapes coes and chintzes
Printed do. and swans- Do. of mens and womens
down do. woifted & cotton hose yj, [
Moreens aud Joan's spin- Ruflia drillings Sc diapers
:f- •ug 3-4 and 7-8 bed ticks
t0 Florentines andfatlinets Striped nankeens & ging
Cali mancoes and durants hams
Camblets, wildbores and Laces and edgings
borobazetts Gloves and mitts
Rittinets and shalloons White & coloured threads
Velverets, thicksets, and Tapes, bobbin & bindings
corduroys Pins, &c.
Of ALSO, _
f l ' A large ajfortment of India Goods, viz. V S9
or Tafiaties, Baudano, Pullicate, and 224
Lutestrings, Romal handkerchies u j
; Senchawt, 'Nankeen
'• Satt'.ns Sewing Silks, See.. Wl
Muslins, .
- Ofinber 8. dla. JJe " l
md John Miller, jun.. &Co
No- 8, Chefnut-Jlreet, q
Ib addition to their aflortment now recoired, have on hand —
remaining of the ~ r, rn
las- Cargoes of the Three Arethufa from India,
an- ° And for sale by the package only,
Goods, viz. nv
'' Low priced Coflaes 4-4 anil U 4 Uuuk ,
" n _ Long cloths in do. (_1
)t °' 9 Patna handkerchiefs Humhumi boa
Shirting muslins Baftas
tf Blue romals Cambricks g
Book handkerchiefs in Muslin
a( -j small bales neatly as- Taffaties
" ' sorted. Blue checks
Alfo--<z variety of French Goods, viz. In
Looking glafle's Feathers and Flowers
3 Angola gloves Paper hangings
Linaus and Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the
Weft-India market.
A few elegant Time Pieces.
Otf. 9th. $_
Jonathan Harvey & Co.
No. 106, foutb Fr»nt~/lreet t '
Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li- 1
verpool and Hull,
J. A large and general assortment of Goods,
the season, which they will dispose of by the
piece or package, for cafhor credit
Coarse & fine broad cloths Corduroys
. Plains, sorest and hunters Velverets
V at c ioths India and English muslins
_ Plain & twill'd coatings Jacanet and book muslin
1 > Point, duffil, and rose • handkerchiefs
blankets Printed linen and' check I
S. White, red, and yellow l apdkerchiefs
fl anne l s Calicoes and chintzes 1 *-t
—Bai?es, bucking*, and Mens and wonens cotton j
duffils anf l worflcd hose
Kerseys and half thicks Gloves a»d mitts
low, Spotted fwanikins Sewing silk
Plain & mix'd eaffimercs Scots thread
r. Moreer.i Bindings and gartering I
iv. Joan's spinning Irilh and German linens j
— ""Calimancoes Modes & Sattins
Durants Sarfnets I
rifent, fhickfetts Table cloths
c ic * 9th o<fl. 1795- %im. I
No. lOj Chefntit street,
5r the 35ohog(head-. Virginia Tobacco,
so calks of Carolina Indigo, «f an eacellent quality, I
ze i chest Imperial Tea, I |
, '. I box purple Shawls, assorted,
ld L " Ginseng, &c. &c OS. S■ §•
J ! ,aw - ~ FOR SALE, 1
t "°' Imported in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and
Madrafs, a' variety of | '
Guarrahs, j 1
Baftas, I
rr 1
ColTaes, f
1 1 Ta " Handkerchiefs,
:h will Persians, I
m E on To be Sold by the Package, for approved notas at
ne * or three and four months, by
rw " No. 41 Dock Street, or I
"g German Passengers
work- Jul arrived in the 'lhip Holland, Captain Franklin, j
from Hambsrgh, now at anchor opposite Vine-ftrect, I
aee. whole time is tp be agreed for by applying on boifd, 1
.ET, or to PRAGEIiS & Co.
it. Sefttmber jp. "
Irish l inens.
James & Henry Fiftier,
Ne. 8, lValnut*ftreet,
Mire imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, t large
assortment of
7-8 and +-4 white Linens,
7-8 brown do.
4-4 half white Sheetings,
9-8 brown and white do.
- 3-4 brown ?nd wbi'.e Lawns,
7-8 Dowlas ;
Which they will dispose of on rtafonable terms, by the
package, for calh or approved Notes, at 60 and 96 days.
N. B. The above Goods immediately from the
Manufa&ories, it is prefumad they will be found worthy
of notioe. Oft. 16.
John Miller, jtui. and his brother Alexander J. Miller,
have entered into partnerlhip, under the Firm of
John Miller, jun» Go.
They have received by ibe arrivdh fretn- Europe, and erenow
opening for SALE,
At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet,
A capital assortment of DRT GOODS,
Suitable to the feafbn—amongft wkiah are,
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
Baaveretts and elafties,
Rofeand point Blankets,
A variety of coarse Woo II cm,
Manchetter manufactures,
Jrifli Linens,
India Goods, generally,
French Goods. i
All of Which they will ditpofe of for calh or the ufaal
credit. O&ober 9. §
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf,
the CARGO of' the Jhip Triflram, J. Chrtflie, rnafJcr, from
no hogfteads, and ) Muftoyado SUG AR,
1% barrels or )
45 barrels of COFFEE. ,
George Sibbald,,
Oft. 16. d No. t7ofouth Front-street,
537 Hogfhsads,") r
4) 59 Barrels, fCoffee, above oOOjOOOIb,
124 Bags, J
lij Hoglheads of choice ]amaica Sugar.
211 Bales of St.Domlngo Cotton,
WEI be landed Monday morning, t6th inft. at Sonth
ftreet whirl', ,
Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ;
Bcig Polls, and Schooner Industry, from Jereniie,
' rot sali by
Peter Blight.
Oflober 2«. §
The CARGO of the ship Harmony;
' y Ezra Loivelly majier—front BOURDEAIjX t
consisting of
in pipes and puncheons; and
CLA K JtT in hoglhed'is, ts from ati
board the said ship *t Cuthbert'swharf, and for fak by
Andi ews isf Meredith,
Sept. is- d. No. 86, fo'uth wharves.
In cafics, suitable for the East and Weft-India markets.
FRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes. .
And a few cafds of
he Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs.
for sale by
Rundle Isf Murgatroyd,
bst. sB. (dtw) No. ii, Walnut-street wharf.
FOR SALE by the Stibfc-ribers, at their Store on
lYalnut Jriet IVharf,
46 Hhds. ■) . .j
03 Barrels and > Hifpaiuofe COFTE6, lately am*«»
340 Bags J
S 5 Wbt have also on band,
:he Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hogfheais
Mountain Wine Wine, in Qt. csflcs
20 Tons Brimstone
Nails allotted
ins Sail Canvas, N°. I a 7 and
lin A few gentlemen's handfomeSaddles
Philip Nicklin & Co.
-< :k July >4
(011 The CARGO of the ship Harmony,
James Moore, majter—fram St. Ptferjiur £ b,
/oo tons (old fable) IRON;
xoo tons HEMP ;
40© pieces Russia SHEET f>NG;
4.00 pieces "Ravens DUCK;
A few boxes Tallow CANDLES; arid
jo <aflu TALLOW.
James Crawford, or
George Latimer.
Philad. list Septimitfi-i 795-
lottery office,
li»y, N°. 64,/~outb Secorui-Jlreet,
CANAL Tickets for laic, D.i calh or tickets given for ,
any prizes that may be drawn.
5. Information given refpefling Wafhingtcm lottery, and
ea(h or Canal tickets given forprites that may be drawn,
Bath lotteries commence drawiv.g September aßtiu
and BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot
teries, and open gratis to th<_ enquiries of the poffefTorsof
Tickets purchafcd at the OFFICE.
-ft'"Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
had at the above Office. 6y.. z6. §
Canal Lottery-Office
Near the BANK of tHe UNITS D STATES,
Otioler t, 1^95.
THE drawing of this Lottery began on MoriHay, tht
oSth ult. The sal« of' Ticket's is coisth ved by the
s*l ftibfcriber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, «s>< U ; u'ciodk
in the afternoon, -i the above olf.-.", aid by J.
°* at the State-Hotffe, warranted nrdrawiy.
or Prize Tickets will be received 111 pi-yment, fubjedi to tile
!. deduAion exprelted_m the tickets—l'ri.e 11 dollars until
further aotice. Approved not' -, witU a goo J indorfar/
payable *oth December r.cxt, will be received in parnjeut
iklin, for tUkets air.ouuting «o one hundred dollars and . wards,
treet, jj William black '•itrn, A; >nr
oard, Sheck Book kept ->t Office. Ti: V:. ur ine-at
Zo. 2-ICO each number, and reg'£t?r,-vi it 12 -100 taeh tick»t.
4. N. B. No tickets fold durieg tie h»«n of driwbif.