- CONT»N¥ATIOX Of , J( Latest Foreign Advices. By the M'mtrva, Capt. Clarkj'm, arrived at AW- i , Tori, from London. fch im FRANKFORT, August 25, Ti To judge tram Appearances, nothing but warlike rel •Deration* along the Rhine pcfeirt themselves, to ter view. W 'lie the French perfeveie in threatening w the piss <"» 9* ,hf R hinc ' an efficient opening or .£0 s i n is -iVe-mined o'l the part of Austria. jm> fej sJvt n liuo.Trt I cannon balls, bombs, dec. of have been cait in the ii jn fom.daiy of Siegen, and : tin arc to be earned i»y ttf Brifgau., Tue i«*pe- |p S •\ia( army is in two divitions. Field Marihal Count Je Clairfayt, will head the operation* on the L **it j co Ruin*, and Ration his headquarter* at Naiiiu, jKi Upon the I.ahn. _ j • General Wurmfer's head-quarter* will be atFrey- | ii ■ b'ng, Mid he will from thence advance along the j v - tipper Rhine, towards A'tface. The said General ur , is now reviewing the Imperial troops aflembled in pr Bi ifgau, aid will proceed on his operations without pr loss of time ; the head quarter* of general N uii- a,, do: I are ttill at Mulheim : but general Beaulieit, it is laid, will !»ave his htad-qnai ui .at Wil'oadi l . at Wiuch place an Imperial corpses aftijally aflent. bling 1 • h -— ( RENNES, August 17. C In a Psris paper of the 3d i ilt. devote ' to the |->te»vtt of the Convention, are the following ob • feivatiuiis : d< '• Let us remember, that by faying to the Peo plf You are the sovereign ; we have taught them _ to re-it all authority with contempt. I <» 'Puat by laving *0 them—You are free ; we ha"e accuHomed 'hem to violate every law. 4< Tijar by 1 iy: lg to them—- »V - are equal ;we - | have led them to invade all property, and often to , ittae'i Proprietors them/elvc*. _ t! " Faction. iir.rigne and wicfeednefs, pillage, op » prei's, murder, and«ieialate in the name* of Soyei. si -S reignty, Libdty and Eqiuiity. —j' a: - /r;.e i ime •> * toTfglettcr from a %% f perfo.i ot the name of Poupeau, 011 the fubjeft ot Q the infurredtion of La Vendee, which he reprefenl* j a* bti.ig lo formidable as to threaten it notfpeediiy , rfied, the verv ex-.Jlcnceot' the Republic. "If (■ i.'ty« Poupeau) the Royalist* are fiiffered to pro- ; ceed, I am of opinion, that sooner or latex they * vv!!l ,;ain their end." The lalt accounts from Warsaw, refpe&ing the j ultimate diviJion of P dand, temark, that the two Pil itiuates ol Sendoinir and Cracow are the gi m 7 Cipal objeSs of conteii'ioii. ii appears that by j f #,\ler of the King of Piuffia, the Prince of Sol j stein Beck'had marched with a large b>.(-iy of uoojjsi ; M ,ironi the N»ren towards those Palatinates; but j that lie was followed by a mueh greater force, up der a Ruffian Geneia! 1 the result of these move Mints was anx >nQy expected. Five articles are j ' 8 ' tched to the late Manifefto, publiflved by the j 1 Rulftan Gc.ieral Tutolmin, relative to the Politico- ! j Military Government of the new territory, firtiilar to the regulations puUilhect in March, 1793- n Siu- e '.h, Conttitujiofaiitt* h.n» w«iiSi i*4 £$Bt a 'i u»«~«»eOiation of their Sibyl, the Baroutfs Stael, they fivail be recalled into Fiauce, we ft" them commit fevttal a£ts of civifm in thia Country, which are 110 doubt irttended ( by little and little to reconcile them with the French Republic. At Hilt tliey considered the Bnronefs as their baf- j t tard child; but now 'hey seem rather dilpofed to . legitimate their bantlings. We aic unatsje to form , any other opinion oi their sentiments, when we !-,ep.r their sarcasm ng.ainft the King ot Verona, as ttiey aft'efled to call Louis XVIII. and when we ob serve several of them having cropt their h.Tiir, thai they may not offend the C onvention by a Cadinette (the hair turned tip bdiind.) In pother refpedts, a* Jacobi nfm begins to regain ground in the Con vention, their round hair will ex; 1 emely well anfvver the dress of their aneient bretliren. Tiie Charoii store liip, of 44 gun*, Captain William Locke, lately airived ?. 'Portsmouth from Lord Bridport's fleet, is to reairn Lack as eariv as< possible with further iupp.'ies. She will be accom panied by two ordinance traufports, an«( other vessels. Sunday an account «a* received in town, from Jeifejr, of there having bee lent in ihere three large French merchantmen, ladrn with ftorcs and provisions : they wer- captuisc' by two privateer* fitted out iiom thai p. ice, named the Hero and Vi£Vovy, carrying 26 ndns, twelve po;uider* each. The French have hJ! one of the bill Ihips of ■avy, the Montagne. of 120 guns, on the Ciarp xocks near I'Ortetit. Extract from the Gas.,'ft? of Petirjburgh. General Kofciufko; aye ing to tile Frenph Paper*, i* dead of his wottnds. It was his good f it une, they add, nut lo iurvtve Lite niit..ortune gt hi* country.^ LEYLEN CAMP. On Thurfdav, the inll. the regiment of liphr dragoons, encanij eil hers, were dru v'n utit and informed, that it w.i* hii majelty s pieafme that a Ihotild be made bum their corps for foreign service, No sooner was their fuvereign's -wish made known to these loyal Irilh lads, than the whole rei'inient requcllcd to be received as volunteers ; but the offirjr* wbo had been sent by government informed them, that his'dirett.oiis were to draft off oniv tlmfe ot a given standard, and a limited nurfi ■ her. I hi-, was ao-fooner announced, than the gi ve number (about 100) advanced with the high ,« t fpiri's, were receive ! as volunteer*, and are now or, iiieir march for Reading, in Berkshire. " All the accounts we receive from the depart ments (lays a letter from PaiLs) announce that every where the Sunday has superseded the Decadi. CrofTe* relume their former places oa the iteeples, and high roads ; and the cock supplant* the red cap on the church rowfs. The inside of the churches is cl.-aned and repaired ; graves, opened and prwphaned by the Vandals, ar (hut a pain. In villages, as well as town*, the Avt ii chimed; and the found of those bell*, ' winch have been spared by Vandalism, calls again ) th • c.tiv es to the performance o* divine service; j I til jui» again at tke ieet of the alur 1 The non. | ■ jprtnf clergy alone enjoy the of the f tc ' jo pie ; and the jurfm, p lefts, w.„k or& 'iced | t. tinder the conftituein assembly, retra ith ir i "tnu j _ - ; •,pi„us a >e? yicked ?le«rytne.'.- either ■hem ' t-. felv« < in d.iikueis, or eavry auou; '.he nn., j t impuJence, which renders therri' more odious. ><*? This sudden and „ .-tal with telpect to ,co e religi' ii* opinion* has produced a very unking . 0 .eratinAof political levels ; and this is~the reason pr t, w'iV, of la'e, the conveutio 1 has putfued luch ri if t'oimis meaiures againil pneds. 1 his leveuty is t I. I nor of that langum'i v kind, which revolt* ; but |«• ". :of that vex itiaus tlefcripUoSi which aiarm- . • Jf d I the persecution of the knave Julianu*, whi.h la- ! '- • pei -ec.es that of the atrri -ions Nt'i 0.. ® It i it is e iriteiUy wilhed thit the 1ov«j of the F -enc.i bi :r j constitution, thole who with great candoi tutei y j, igiv- up to afchlic Odium the several go.-eriimeats hi i Whicft have appealed on th stage of l'ans eve. lu jr. |ii ice the revolution, but who fay that now a.l the i le | -vils are done awav, and that It oci } reigns al unfapported by tendr, would cpoly cor.a.ler tue rc in prelcnt It ate of that metropolis, and ot the ap . t .it proarhing eleilion, and compa'e ir xvith that ot tl 11. a.iy oilier ciiy in Euiope, w'uich ca'littfeii ne«. w ir j —r« "'" " at TRENTON', Nov. 3. 11 n- O n Tti-fd iy lalt 'he legislature met at the State Hou'.v ill this city," and roceeoed to buiinefs. Elilhi Lawrence is appointed Vice Prudent of Cuuneil, ant! Ebenezer Elmer Speaker of the htmfe j be t.f AfTtml.lv, |. J f lv "Lie 1-aifl tin* will go into joint-meeting this day, for the purpose of ehooling a Governor and 01 lit r officer*- n m- _ i re Philadelphia, lIIuRoDAY EvbNiNG, rfOrS-.IBEK J, 1795.. to A Ga'lery is now ereMing in the Cha-nber of I the Senile of the Sta:e*. I v l 3' Th s mt.rning between one and two o'clock, a IS si 1 c broke out in Coombs' Alley, between Front and Second Streets, North fide of ;he Alley—and 1 3 was not got under till feveiai woo Jen buildings and i otiier properry were deftioyed. BI j — A< the p"-chafers of the firplus Ti ke'i in the " C«-'al Lottery were induced thereto for th e public gotd of comp'e'ing the Canal* of this ttatr, and have eXI oi' ned an oirice for the tale near the Bank of the United Sta es, a cotrefpondent cannot help oh- ' ' forvmg the indelicacy of any perfuti in afluming the - f va name of the " Canal Lottery OJ/ice." Ihe citi- r 111 7 *111, theretoie. are i tlormed, that no other office '5s Htilhorifcd by the company thai the one near the 1 " i Ba-k of the United Slates a.d at the State- House, 1 '!' s 1 wliere tirkcts are wariar.u'd undrawn at II '12 ' doliitrs cacli. • 'f- _ VF r.i Thursday Evening lafl, Mr. 1U " JOHN CROSBY, Me chaat,-to Mifi ELIZA ' M VG.vW* daughter of the Rev. Samuel Magaw, 1 I). D. ' a; ' I,Eveni"gj by the Rev. Dr. Smith: • JVIr. SAMITPfr L©NQCOPE, Printer, to the f c amiable Mils SARAH M-BRIDE. he S PETION, Cldrvant Mayor of Paris. Hid 1 '"j." PETmn, wis a man ot talent* and was one of 1 the p. iiKipah, in the downfall of the monarchy of j France. He wts himielf, vvithoiir the appendageß ol Royalty, a King !—Ort the memarable day the 1 ' 14th <»f Jut being the commemoration of efflan- I*l pa ted slavery, he was attended iu the Champ de Mars with a guard that tar outvied that which furn.unHed the late anfortunatt Louis—After hav paid homage to the burning Tapers sacred to , L ' Liberty, (h ■nits ofa.-clamiitioiis were heard " Vive Pen a,'" and at a distance "Vive le Roi," on their re urn they to»k different routes, but the j cavaltade of Petion was much the more numerotis. Such is the fate of men temporarily gieat, Petion yen* outlawed—Secteted by a Barber, and - finifhed "litis cxiltence, by beiug his oww executio^|r. STOCKS. mm f f> r ee Six per Cer.t. ...... and l In-ee perl em. joss, et . rs Dt .rred Six per Cent. .... I^lo and ■ — -h. BANK rn«ed -§tates, 3?pr. Cent. r '■ t Nnrth Vmrtica, - ... - rr, is or j t'cuiifylvanu, ...... j. larp Imsukakck Cbmpany North America, 3a pr csnt. 1 — Pennfyivama,[lnt. off] 6 pr. sent. ■nch — • ■°', Arrived at'the Port »f PhitjJellhia. e yt 1 day*. Brig Lady Walter (to ft, Benner*, St, Übes, jo jirriv.i/s nt the Fort. !t of Brig Neutrality, Thompson, ! Mootferat j and (»ayofo, -, New-Orleans iat a Schooner from Cape Francois, name unknown, eign Letters by the Eastern Mail received this day, iade infoim, that hole The following American vffTels from Bourdeaux ers ; for this port were taken on the coall by Admiral nent Muiray's fquadeon, and sent off for Halifax viz.' t off Ship Van Slap'horll, of Baltimore mm- Brig Sea Nyntpfi, Peddiny Philadelphia 1 gi- Mary Ann, Kearney.. do. igh- Two Sillers, from Madeira, for New-York now And two other Americans, names unknown. iart- C?" Th: Letter Bag of the Ship f/amlurgh Pack that et, Captain CLiy, fur Liverpool, \will be taken from J '' the PoJi.Ojjfac at 10 o'Cloth To-morrow morning. Nov. c. ant* ■ 5 »f Extradt of a letter dated Cayenne, September 25. ives, £Tran(lated from the Cuuriei de la France, pub 't a- lifhed in this City.] Ave " Polony, the commandant of our squadron, fct* ell*, . tail to-morrow for France in the corvette l'Expe gain ; dition ; he has 011 ht>ard, citizen Lane, formerly ice; j meyor of this place, tranfpt rted by order of the lien- j goverr.f/r ; CtiUtUliir deputed by the plan - \ • . f tcrt r<> the C mention. --n! eitizJitCir i delegate Ci j L ' the go\ *nv' His ,-arty. I net* ! 0;:r io'oiiy s J>y •» U'' approval «g ihrc t- nfre" tli n jrocs y-'i'.ra » >k so Jit le.that Live ' "-W'f -i- Jng'-g tc. ihe (. i.iti tti. s fwie Republic, Si drive at this momint their only fubfi.leace from a 6S d j cwmdenibte qu:i3?t;y of fl vjr of aimio'cco, which from ' very la.kily hasten found pn Itiatd a Fortujjude war prize, and put in requilit ion. tion Biilaud dc Var elines g'ves htmfelf entirely up to I ton, the i.uti uftioii of a pai rt, & dues not even improve C ilit peimiflioa he has, to wait on the ijmpaits of Eng { tb? fort. Lori ! C>'-T«t d'Herbo's eoninuiV'r the intimate friend Sate. ,of Cointet, enjoys his entire ii'nerty, eats at the ta- Tiio Uie •of citizen M ?rtiri, member of the Colooiel I Lilli A! mViy ; visits the governor, receives visits from G«o him, arid olien tranfatts business with him. He has dria lucceeded in perfu3 : ling him, that 1113 recall to Eng France was unavoidable ; —meanwhile he.gjilns par- I7^ tiznnsamong the-negroes and military officers. The A fl red cap it in such veneration among this p-rty. Cap that the aids de camp of the governor would ra- and tiler forget his coat, than this attribute of liberty, C which had become the sign of terrorilm under the of t bloody reijtn of Robefpiene. Guv uia seems eon- Smi fvquemljr to have become the receptacle of J ace- capt binifm. — To draw with a single stroke, the ferocious cha racter of Cointet's delegate, it will be fuffi lent to H*s | repeat the motion \vhi-h he once made on the fub | jrft of the Tree of Liber'y. "It is my ;. !v : ce,'' said lie, " to take an aoowara [a tree of the palm kind, covered with prickles he atif* it carno* be A | touched without its drawing blood, Hid blood is -Li j neceflary, it is absolutely required to conquer and ne ' s . prel'erve liberty." Citizen Couturier is a truly honed roan, and all p u ;j his qualities jultify perfectly the chji.ee of the plan- Pad ters. at ; " Citizen Lane is a vi&im irf Collot d > Hrrbois*« I worthy friend. I HI WfWW*-". ~ : <— , BY THIS DAY'S MAILS. / NEW-YORK, November 4. The following important Decree was handed us by a pp an obliging friend. I SECTION OF THE MARINE. Liberty. Equality. J Extni£t from the register of decrees of the com- — mi: tee of public Tafety, from the National Cortven- It tion, of the 26 Thermidor, 3d year of the French republic one and indivisible. The committed of public fafety, on the report , of the commission of the marine and the colonies, derogating, as necefiity may requite, from the or ' dci of the decrees of the 24 Prairial, and 14 Mef fidor, DECREE. Foreigners purchaling either prize vefiVls or those built in France, or, fold by the French be fore the date of the f.tid decrees, by virtue of ' particular authority from the repreTentatives of the to navigate them, in their name, on th* fol'owinj* conditions : These vefiels can only be navigated from neutral — ports; to those of-the republic, immediately, anij refpe&ively, from those to neutral p^rts; and not Fr to put into the, p.«rt of an enemy's country, .unless Irom forced caules duly vetified. • A j- They shall be bound to hoi it the Fren h flag as c at the pr»ce. / To warrant the performance of these conditions, thay (hall .jive as fecirity French citizens well known ~ for their abjlitie* to pay ; who (hall bind themselves 'f in donble the value of each veflel. ' The coQujrriilion of the marine and colonies are charged to give the neceflary orders £»r the due performance of the present decree. _ Signed from the minutes, e DF.FERNOES, r DOUTAL, RABOUT, }- IC HENRY LARIVIERE, w s< LE SAGE. m 1 . in J '; BOSTON, < )ft. 28. ™ By the arrival yelleulsiy ot a schooner from t! ! Halifax, Ljmdon papers 7re brought to Sept. 5 — i B In which we find no very important event detailed, n; The Rhine, however, threatens to be a bloody ' s fsene. No mc'ntionof the emperor having certain- : ly made a peßce with France; it was It ill reported he had, and several events seemed to eftabiifh it. al The September packet has arrived at Halifax <5 "• from Inland ; the mail of which may hourly be (< expected here ; a» an armed brig having the m»il on board left Halifax for this port with the above lchooncr. si FROM MALAGA. By Capt.'Tralk from Malaga, we learn, that information had been received there fram Gibraltar, j, :s. stating, that an infurreftion had broke out in the a jo dominions«f the Emperor of Morocco, and that a MuhySolyman, had been di iven from his capital at bvhis hrother, commonly called the Black Prince, lit In CO if-cpieo. e, it w.,s expected, that rhe treaty lately renewed by Mr. Siuiplon, ull.-i Muley, I v, would not be 1 conlidered hinding on his brother, t should he prove victorious ; and that our eommerce ux would be Hablej from the ciictimllance, to interrup- 1 -al tion: As confirmatory proof of the intelligence, j ij... several, Venetian men of war, on a voyage to Mo- a >re rocco, with piefcnts for the Emperor, hearing of J lia the infurredVion, had deferred entering h ; s ports. — 1 It was also said; that several Moorish ctuifers were 2 tk at sea, and had carried in feveralVenetian and S we- , dish veflels. Capt. 'Pralk saw a letter from' Mr. ( Simplon, who mentioned the infurreftion, b\it did 1 .j not expect any ferioui ill consequences from it, as J om Mulev Solyrnan was railing forees to pracced a- ] gaii.ft his rebellious brother ; and was of opinion , would fttccred in quelling the iniurre£tion. Capt. Tralk failed from Malaga, infor- | mation was received, that an f.igate us ' ib- guns, had been captured by a Venetian man of war, after a- severe confiitt. , et* CUSTOM HOUSE—BOSTON. Entries from foreign ports since the 24th. fly Ships, Adventure, Lombard, Havre ; Wincaf he set, CVnate, Liverpool; HerciVUs, C|uu oy, St. nl- j Ulski , . larth*. N*fti, Jeremie; Polly,Bof- for.. DwoatStf# ; Critar.»](i, Beal, ©portnj * n»- 1 nicrt, '1 hrce E/itnds, Nr„ in, Si. Jobnr . >Vin- ' * thrcpand Mary, Tra/k, Malaga; .Dolphin, Gore, Liverpool. Siii|j Charleftor, Capt. Fofte*, from PtfcrPoiirt;, <38day* ; Icft at E'.fmeyr, (Hpjitno, C« I** .JP«i»c«f» from Philadelphia, Saw a icjuaiirun of of war in tintNuith !scas —could cot afceruir .lie na tion they belonged to. ,cr* in the Charles ton, Mr. Thon*i» Bull'.ely, n.crchant of Lisbon. Capt. Jvcs, arn-.ee! at SaklD, trorn Plyn-.outh, Eng* left tliere Sept. i, captaiM Weft, Martif, Loml)..id, Atki.is and Re.d of 'D;.:L<.i ; j,;-esof_ Ssf3) ; JJoardmen of P ; Mid.'defo*, Thornto.», CloMlet, Smith, AoG'etei, Sir. :h and 'Lillibridge of Philadelphia : Inner f Ms; blehcad ; G«odent~of New-York ; li'oirowdale of AV-ratl« dria ; and Kean of Baltimore—aU captured by the English crnizer* on the coal! of Fiance, since the I 7th of June Ship Eiiey, Weft; wa* ready to latl- A ship belonging to New York, aavrived jiifl as Capt. Ives failed—great want of biead in and murmurs amvug the people. Capt. Lander, from CoiWcaHx, met capt.Ncsle, of this port, going up the river. Capt. Joftph ■ Smith, ill a brig belonging t» Bolton, laiicJ with capt. Lander, iiimeviijrd boui d. GEORGE DOBS'ON, > Has just received by the la*e arrivals from England, and is now opening at hii STORK, ' N O, 134 i 1 Mmrket-Jirect> corner of Fourth, / A La rgf afTortment of broad and narrow Cloths; Eiaf* g JIY tic do. JCcrl'eymercs; Coating; Blankets; Fkn- nels, &c Sic.-—Alio, ;-n elegant afl'ortnrent of London and M.mcheftcr printed Calikoes-of the newe.t patterns, adaptcd'for the season, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and !l Pullicats, Pins, Sue. whkk he will fell by the Piece or - Package on the lowed tcrtn* for Cash or approval notct at z, 4, & 6 niontLs. d 1 November 5. dtf: Sales of Corsica Wine. On Minrlny the gib Injlunt, At to o'clock, at the Stores.baek of the House ef (J• B. M Kcan, Esq. No. 95, North Secon,d-Street» _,uft above Arph-itr. ft, will be Sold by AuiSion, for y : approved Notes, at'6o and 90 Days. / i 100 Pipe* CORSiCA WINE, of a good quality.' i'folman 13 Co. Auctioneers, j Nov. 5. td*. V- ! J : » To-Morrow Morning will be Landed^ h At Stamper''/ vjharf, from on board the Jchotner Eliza, T. Arnold, majltr, r , tl>rt'ii -from Malaga, 800 Quarter Barrel* frefti BLOOM RAISINS "> 300 Coxe* do. * do. do. r * 300 Jars do. do. do. t- 400 Boxes do. Muscatel cU>. u 5 Quarter Barrels FIGS 137 Boxes PRUNES jo Keg* ANCHOVIES jo Jars GRAPES " 04 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS 100 Quarter Casks MOUNTAIN WINE 34 FOR SALE ET ir PETER KUHN. . jth November. . dtf al — — , 3d Juli Arrived, and for Sale ot From on board the brig Lady. Walterflorff, laying at ;fl the fubferiber's el*- ware, on the night of the 17th of Jnne laS, a slave *egr» man named BENN, .a'aout 17 yeois old, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, of a yellow completion, and might pass for » mulatto. The clothes hs had on cannot, with eicaftnefs, om be described, as he made several breaches of honesty, in that way, on ilia setting oat. He is a very great flo'vea ~ in his dress; has naturally a goiidt-imnad and surly counts ed. nance, altho he at times a > . , a loiilmg one ■ ius"vifage )dy is thin, with large blach w hi,lters; thp whites of his eye* t j n ". often red :It is not recolledled whether he has any p .r ---j tieu...r tefli-tnarVs, except on his back, where n.ay b« seen (tho' light) the so r. of the whip, plated by )iid;eial authority, lor lioufe-broakiug, lock-breakjng, tteali.< o , fax &c. as well before, is since I purchafcd him. He is p-% be fefTedof but a Iraall Clare of rcaTon or ieniibiiity; a great jiil coward, tho' hi? looks are Jevililh, ar.d at the famttittie ove f l,ea k' n S- A* he tool, his flight aipwards from here, at ' the commerteekient of harvclt, it is prcfumeJ he was psr fuaded by i'ome of the frae negroes in tliis quarter to mako his escape with th*m—fhould he not be Li Philadelphia, 1 he i$ probably between here and there. 13 Whoever takes -up the said negro Benn, and feenres tar » to any public goal, so tli-.t hit maftcr may jet nira the again, fhsll havethe above rraviH ; and if brought homr" hat additional charges for rcalonaUe ;xpeaces, paid By > ita 1 yames Doug'zfs. nee. Nov. 5. Jtiw3*r. at y 1 " ley, Notice is hereby- oiven that ati at her, ti'ehmeiit wa iffuedent ol th> i.iferior court of Common rice PI«1 S to and for the county of Cui.ibs. l.;n !, in the a , and provided, that uliltfi the said George Kuti fh.ill ap. £a_ pear and give special eail to .-nfvA-.r til - suit so. ... afot said in;tituted agaiii t him b,' th said Jcnat...;n T.l linger, :,lon wi.hinfitch time as is prescribed b\ la-.v, " that tlun .uk! in Hit cafe judgment {hall-be entered"»g*ia£L vhe r :..J Gtort - ifor- Hntz "by Jrfiuh, and th t the said lioap or shallop so a* . a s aforefaJdi'eized 011 tl fiU attaehment" ill be fold iof n :hf fatisfaction of all " creiiit-tn w! .. shall appeur t. oj jnstlj. entitled to any dema.id di»rs«ii, an.lfiiai! apply ftt that purpcfc." Uatedat Salem, in the c state, the tnirty lo st / *.ru: Horatio StciitGTt, "> St. Attorney 'or the I J", j lio'f- stfril X