JT 'keifs' Nc ft A ntfhi theatre, In C«I»N»T-9TIIEIT. THIS PRESENT fcVENIN'G, o sth November, infUnt. mil be '-tfenUdy (fennj tint i* Am trim J THE CANNIBAL; 0 Tf- >IN r I PORE AN DANCE. A% performed virh univcrfal applause at Sadlers' Will* Wb•{■ b cnnrlv4?s tufth frvetvv' Mew '/eats gf Lofty Tumbling, Mr Matter Sully, Signior Reaao, aad Mr; F. z Rickert*. Clown, Mr. Sniancira. Equefirian Performance.:. SLACK ROPF, DANCING, By Signior R jno. Bt hi- ■catnn I'ftr't, The PONKY \i AC' S ; Or, Th' Spixi. of Nsir M.tKKST. tV-a.li.-irt.J-- n.iccwill be introduced tK.- Jocltey Di.net, 1/ Sir'. Snl!/, Mr. Spinacr.i, Mr. «. R:rketts, MrT RCvinO, an i Mr. RiqkeCtt Exertions of HoHemanlhip, By Mr. Hicfci-tts. With y.irio?.-> other furpr ziag Feats net infi-rted in the • $HC ' • fjT Mr. B JCKEI' i s r rf?e«lfß!> inform-, hi* liWal j ritAors, th u?\s will spare no crbctx-j-.ro-procure per-, forrjr'--of tht 6rlt Jiv./ieticc. a-u4 inti\>d-.!;e that novelty ' v.'. :„-h hiflattsr-. li|m{e!f willplcafe the public in gcn»u.'. , £'{* 3li,Li an/1 I'iCKSTSto be hi J at .hi Box-OiTie? \ ! adjoining the Amphitheatre, w1.% n puce* Mr the boxen ' «h-7 be taa«a from 10 in die m.irninjj fill 3in the -f- ( 1 tern ion. No mon-y taken at the down, aqr i i.«y iKlmittince behind-the fee X... 4 Boxes, une dollar—l-jr, half 1 delkr. W Doors to be opene i at SIX, and the Intertafci- i to begin at SS.VEN. , ' City Dancing Aflembly. - TRR Aff-mhl'es .'ill comriiT.ee fcr the Season, on j-.^d-j ir.'vtfnitij/, th; lyth-inft. | Jos. Sam. SrK'Kt.TT, £ Managers. Tho. IV. Francis, j \ 4. Hit9th. A meeting of the !'vhtlslphia 30-iety for. the ?' -i V in'armation ard afJilt.inctL of Perfoni emigrating '■ iron F .reigii eor.ntrics, will bs held at the in n Foei-li-lrt-et. on \V».|«etday,'the 4th of Nov'r.ther, at p f n'cteck in the evening. N. Pllit.UPS, Secretary. T EstraA from the Contlitu i»». 3 F»cr, 8. Any ptr'oii by fuhfcriHiuj; to thn r »iiiH'att- a en. jni p.-ying the lam of «,i : - Dollar, (hall htcome a y m .T,\ber : he fha l enn'rihute, mnaally, One Dollar, in tl hi!, r ; ;arly payments, towar-ls the rtcccffhry expences of V - Soe'-iiy. OA., If t*y. 0 A pcrfuns ii-iiebttj to tfca h -iteoi Doctor JOHN -e \H, Ij-IBBON.S, late o! i" , nl.'..i,'lphia, deceased, are ' tiquelled to mak<; payment; and tnofe who have a*y .'ajanils -gainit fa . 1 HJlate, a. c desired to bring in their ci tceoufits duly attefted.for settlement, to ROBERT HEYSHAM, Attorney io faifl for Mary Gikbons, adminillratrii to "he said de?ra ed's Eft ate. _ Arrh-itreet.No. ;C7, Nov. 4. t*io6t 'f Portraits. \N' t . Ladies and 11 n-er., who are deftrous of har-- ;tl 1 mg their I ikenefles tikca,.may have tliem done by j n an- lying to the Painter, at A'o. 11?,, corner of Union and , Fourth Orerts, wh.-re they can he •- r r^-- 4>e continued every i 1 d ti iny the feaiion. October io. tn,th,s. rf. ——— -r- • <-n - . • James ! i\nn y h» WHOLESALE 1$ RETAIL HATTER, ha No. 70, south Sccond llfsec, near chd City Tavern, thi HAS j -ft ro* he:i J >y the kre ;.rri /ili from Loudon tar and Bristol, a large and affortnuiit of Ladies ma and faf.i-a.nable tiAl'S.—Alfo, a variety of Childrciit. HATS v of different celours, which will be fold t " fR N the loweil terms for calh. ths bf. B i.adies flats trim'd hi the newWl fafcion from arc tendon,- Qy-lheets, for wnich a liberal price will be given. Tlw ar *^ furniture required sre only tabi. s and chaii*s. and chimney or appnratas, as it is intended for Mini.iture-Puintirig bu£nefs. *sou -ipply to tlie Limner.at No. 13, north Fourth-llrect. f ix: November 2. r 4t . Lc Breton,. mei SURGEQ A'- D /•' A r ' r I v -r, . ; n f, fufil of fit cJJrr.i Mr. l)ui it, late Di/HfJI M th/ Km* m:ii (j e ]j Ktyal FSmiiy ef Frmtr, mrthr if tl; Cillegt and Aca- .1 - demy of Surgeons at Paris, "Keeps a complete jflortmßit of every thing neeeffary to >c " be tsfed for the i Prefervaiisn of the Mouth and Teeth. to f Putent mineral Teeth, and human and ivory Teath; Den- ar) J trißce in powder Opiate; excellent' Elixir for fweetetiißg mer thj hiont.i, and ihe tcttli. He also furnifliee p ro , Brushes and foft Sponges. .. "Jj" He lives in Chclhii -street, No. 115, above Four.h- ■ »re«t. Sell, n). e„d. ' The highest price in Cash, will be for i ' EMPTY BOTTLES, A praf —net will he yiven to Chret Bottler—Apply t« (no. No. 187, south ThiwJ-ftreet. I our Atru ,o. d ingle Canal Lottery. P'l* Ko. 149, Chsf }it-lire:!, Fifth Jlretts. ° r l ""KJKETb examined ?rJt : t,_ind every information giv- Cr,t ' L c« laid i,ott,-xy. Alio, Walhiugtoa -anij Eng Paterfon ljOtteries. OSt. li. | 1-ith Canal J.ottery Tickets c °f FOR HALF, Vne f *'■ -N"- r '*j CH. Irut Street. for <• • ' nno*. s-r- 5 with t THE THRIFrr H> IFE. A favourite new SONG. Sanj at VtnxhaH Qardtns by Mr. Dictum Written by iVlilrs Peter Andrews, ETq. Cempofed by Mr. Hook. ; , alii. ! AM a ehecrful fellow, altho' a married man, And n this age of fnlly, purftte i saving plan ; fl Tho' wivas are thought exjrtnfivc, yet who can live alone ? Tlitn fin e the* are dear creatures, 'tis bffi to Uuve but one : My choice difcoven clearly my prudence and my taste, I've a very little wife, with a very little waifi. Marrying is a draught we take for better orlWwcrfe, iiad witc 1* iic w luj can prevent the draft flpon hit nee, . P l "' lc : r< 13..t evi's arc naach leflen'd, wken wivet ar« well in clin'd, ' • For if tncy come aciol's u«, they Jhafe thcru to our ; j m ii.d: t r " 1 V. he. 1 matters a;e well nianag'd, no need to be 11 rait- 1 lae'd, - . r er ,j 011 n,a y with little danger,- increase the little wjift. ' ner- * ,i, T ' 1 no' Ipouie'a to dii'creet, ftili each fafhion lhc'll dif- v u'. I piay, "lie; ! Her Lcl'om, Hfav'n blc/s her! is open as the day j P MCt • ' 7 ' b :;f. ; g ai ">ent (may I venture a fimiie to beg < j j *c?r Han S » locfely from her fhouldo, like a t t> W u upon a c P C S i ' ,1 lfn Yet ' {e * riul of e*pen««s, fiie thortens them, tho' small, And if (he goes 011 tbortaning, there'll bt no waltc at 0 all 1, a -—1 ' on From tht Virginia Cwtinf.l, vv Printed at VVinentuer. a Addrafs to the Prcftdeni »f tlif United Stales. r( Siw, et Having lately undtrllood that a dumber of per- ft iont within iliiicoinrauimealllt have expieiied ttteir tc ing hijjjti ililptwiui cat the treaty you ot-crU tube ot in mjnie witii Great Briiaiu, ami which th c innate ap- tv »t pruvcii of and advilcd you to ratuy ; and,that le- ft rerai tumuhuou» e ccr' lU i H wc |an ( had ruiaiied out ciigagenjents 10 it. Men who'! an tcii ihe people the plain truth in icpublii!., feidom j K# B> llaud a better chance stir their favouis than tbofe jfu who venture to give -honed advice to t tyrant, :t • wt ,n lfjft bal ' e aud a flatterers ■mver omii iucli op" |th portuuities to put the people or the pruitfe out of humour with luch men,, and t.y that mcan , flu c. j often (upplant num. Other',, fr ( , m tlii ; ; thi h j lo.c of hot water, w tU ih they call repwhiicanilm uu . hate those vnw ha.e lnd any hand in keeping us ms ,y from ;,'ef ting loaded ; ab«VQ ,11 they hate yourfelf ' vc ,f. tor not t.eing put out oi your way., and for flick- ,l " - mg so long t() the fluff Others, t» whom you rh< have refuTed the loaves aift hfnes, or to whom you have no; offend enough in tiieir own opinion, take us this opportunity 10 give you a hint of .Jieir impof- tri< n taiice ; mong the people, and at what ptt'ce von we » may in tuture eotuit upon their patriotism. Oth 'vc a ers, soured by the adoption of the Comlfttr lon, so " that root of bttternrfs, and boiling with ambition] » are glad to feiie every occasion to render unpopular we some one of its branches, with a^view, at wonU- iM seem to'the ccmpafling i;s overthrow «« Csefer " J u " lap a i-sltbrati'd Eiiglifh lawyer, " ehenflied' a ma ' » spirit of lie utlous popularity against the senate ; J . Cii.lnwc!! clieiiCied the fame spirit against Ciown' ,ha e and .Senate ; Both let up a government of their li *' T f r,wn ft'bverhre of true liberty, whichever mult he "*• • f lUrjdc.f in law and proteded by it." Lalily, a J lixth dais, Made up of a good natured kiin'o? to ! folks, wha. having ntither the opportunity, the means, nor ip.elinatirtn to examine into the truth of m ' tJ miintia'ions aga-nft governmcKt or its minilhrs, ' ' believe, or seem to believe in whatever the other " claflVs tell them, except in the necclfity of" mfur- tua! , reftioJi. the Are ftich men in a temper of mind or jfittjation " ml to form an unprejudiced opinion on the treat* 0( . and what ought to be the cool deliberate ju'dg- ,or! F ment of tfie public with refpeft to some of tlirit S • proceedings and how their children b\nth, P''°! should ciri urt.lfaneescome to be'knrrwn, which the of * i bereft of your country may, at this moment, Im j perioii.iy ioibid you to ? As to the filii hve defcriptlons of ptrfon, wl o Itile themfelvec the true/iiends of their country, (none of n-hom, happily, are to be found in this county) we learn, that it is to them tlmt We arc '1 indebted ror -,he publications that have ft|k-4 OMr t , n ., 1 pipers, flic wing that the I'tench people ought to toil be offended at our takirtg care of onrf'elvts at a verv mtiea! corj;:n<3,,rc, and fettling an old dlfpute with bus.i tngl.ind before they had fully idjufled their own. a m: this pr.triotilm ? Does thin (hew a love of their Uler count' y ! „ ' v.-riti Fo t our own part, wc th- time chosen was auth fl that has offered for thefetcn year, -Sr.il, for coming to a good tind.'rlland'ng with Enfflati/ fr • 1 w.thout cttintny .0 blows ; and. we do.i't tike r'lj S! S? i ♦f-sfe pst-iot» 'ni trwe cf tlietr countries peace and welfare, t» < e putting fuel, wiij notiuns witothe heads of the FrencV ; nor do we gire them atty credit wlta . vrrr I'of running a baut as th*y do fiom houi.? ta'houfe, and f:r,m i ottn y t>> county, making speeches, and (praying that France m'.y brittle up, and threaten us, for havi-g fxcrci.ld the rights and privileges of an in dependent nation. -r Wc do Jiflureyou, Sir, that we like the French. p >pl? vry v'*ll, and (incerelv hev« that they , ft viiliuccced #11 their enemies ; bo: tho'our hrart has gos.i? with theni in their caultj .aid ean n«t uthcrwjfc than go with them,*that is no rea k'e ion why we '.hould iiin our heads into a hornets r»ef[ :« fertrch of honey ; or for Jubmitting our flc, affairs to their direction ; or that we (hould not hold it to be very prcpofterous iu them wei t they to atlrr.ipr to didatc to us what we ought or ought ■fc, »ot to,do in our own con cerns, or whe« or with his w h"m we nay or may not make a treaty. We are told that you have cheerfully, fully, 4c frafennbly dilcharged those pecuniary obligations i ,n " which our count ly Wert under to France ; and that I in whatever vo:i could ierve them further, without iur a violation of the jiniverfally acknowledged duties ! of a neutral nation, yoB have done it. We are j i it- t°W» ah"> that our government have inviolably ; i conformed to the treaty with them, whilit they, | ( regardleis of oiir right* nrihug under it', have de- c creed its violation by two folcmn adts of their Coh c if. vent ion. . e After all this good fai'h on our part, and wait f of it on theirs, is it proper that government should t be twitted, abuied and calumniated t«jr not haying n done more when more was riot required us it, by ii a either moral or political obligations, and when one t Hep Further might have involved us in a war. 11, On tins Aitjedt, some fay that it is the interest si M of France to krep us in ho' water with England, ei and the interest of England to keep us in hot wa- w _ ter with France: for eurfelves. believing it to be n ~ our interest to be ifi hot water with neither ration, ft we feel happy that yeu have not fuffered us to take fc a part with either. _ 0] A* to the Treaty which has given rife to these reflefhors we formally declare pleSr- »l ed, that by mians of your pruJcnce, forefight and m r- /kill, we are to have the western pnlts delivered up t:: ir to us without bleodfhed, a fequcitration of cebts, ! d ic or fnfpenfioa of trade, any one of which measures, J o >- o'ice so lightly talked o' mutt harp given a terrible | fe c* shock to our commerce, and afftcled «very source ■ ar • , of our prosperity. - tli j As to the articles of a commercial nature, and as ii I whatevei in the treaty refpe&s particularly the mer- *i :s j chants, having it from good authority that these w 0 , gentlemen ap; rave thereof, we do not think that ; >vc who are fanners, {hould set om selves up for bet l- j tir judges ol iiu ir mtei ell than tltemfelves, efptci u al'y as theie aie not wanting ill-natured people who i- have laid that fern.' amonj them had a strong itch tyr p ivateeting, and that othets had a hawk's eye if ! upon certain comwiiffions, cxp?6tfd frwn a certain t j quarter, upon eer;ain cargoes, let the v»yage go , i aii it would ; circumllances, that had these gentle- ha i, i men poflefTed 1.-fs p.j i iotifir,, might well be fuppo- fu i- j fed to have given a wuFerent turn to their opinions, de 1 i and made litem the irrigators ef town-meetings and Si - j lca4ers of oppofi;ion. ju! . ! Xr •; ii—viu I*—i fltut np Thfe'TrrfTrta v>F Tp ii | ju£l/ct, T« far as to fcreeu those of our wh«) de j were in «ieot to English merchants Prom bcirtg sued, ral c j and by that the ext/avagant annovg- thtm an » an opportunity to spend their eftateg, we think it oa i hut re-ifonaMe that the British creditors, who would ev< " fuffet by their baiikiuptcy, iVould be paid ; thu' lib l we civifefs, attlie tame lime, we had much rather >Ft . that the courts had Seen left open, than that we by f he oMigcd to pay debts which we had uu on r in contiacting. For the fame rcafon, wc fell think it right that Great-Britain has agreed to pay ot our merchants the amount of all illegal raptures, no; , made under color of her commiflions, end are verj tin i well fatisfied to hud if a part of the treaty, ahho' am . j *^ e people ot England, whn have divided none of! ! the prize money, may justly complaiii. 1 rcf; As to the articles which Ere intended to keep der us honelt, and make the people of the two coun- tivi tries good obliging to each ot!h r the we really 'htnk they were much wanted, what tho eve muy be the opinion of the people us Nor- er fo'k. A« to there being no article about our negroes, exp we are truly firry fdt it ; but We do not conceive It - i^ ;U 'heir value ws»of fufficient magnitude to have afc ju i tied a breaking o{F the treaty, # or vou to have ling made it an - bfolntfr condition to negociatiun. pur As to the treaty, ttygeneral, wc do not think pen that are are such aUfaiitte matters of the as to is ir have tiuitled us t® h ve carved for both them and I u '" Wa A« to the grnfVjni.i who brought it prematurely rak to light, ttioiigh he muy he well enough as a Ma- I /iff, we by no means ihiuk him qualified for a pub midwife. _ "j As so ynurjelf, si who have had so a hand fes in all rinse m-,!r.rtthut tr < which have men- rnuc tuateJ in our jvefr.t p ~ferity, so unparalellcd in I the liiftory of natiotis ; wc sckuimle ge ouif. Kcs Cha binder great.obligations to you, aid fervently pray pagi God tolr:>«;!ien your days, and that yo>} may long i;n'pi long be our President. v " E Signed in behalf of a numerous meeting of the Teg ; people of G'eerbrier county, convened the 20th and of September, i;oj. Tjrl( t A. L. Chairman, ney, Fur the Fi.tMta's \V situ Mv«fcCM. ~ 4 " There is a Lvn in the S'.rr-'r" 1 lll r S !' IT!.-, my ira.i-r!, th-tl there will be Li onjiin yout Itoufc if ytm too cretiukjuO' ;; ( to iitdvlenc'ir and iear. to t j, Enterjirize and a. k h>t! '•■■•he i!3u»ws ol rn fhat bultuef.T, j-nd in har 'The vnhte trf c '^ n h a man« ;to be rfltmai- u l. ? lire polßßion -,f A< talentf,hut by thc.r..i!.. He, who can (peak, or v/nte, or Is&or, ritU.ib 'n.:!ur oiatw, 'not an si author, oor r h;:f! , i ju'v t r( , n) p, v |" ol j ,of Hi und regret, lat thoujj!. he :i ¥ s ci.urr.ge, yet ib r,- r ■' fr-tJ of ti:t Liviu. ■ f^>Ml S!.t: i's i e «ftiie trr*flt»mj'! or fonagc* T krr-vi I 's ' I l ) e?r Htwiks at five.',,. " ,f '~ s " f l! ° but though Duty commands .on'wT " ing a- wnifpers, " there is a Lie, i fl ,h e || Vt . t[s n :nm Maay lots of my acquaintance would I,- , ay.ng sober than my Deacon, were they t , s, for dram, bysharfh creditors and fcoldi.J w ,v cl r .» .«.- di'ots that infrft upon prefc.it pay, aild clamorous tongues, are undoubtedly ugly arul reneb Img Lions. ' | row ' 'hey Spleen, or as fhc i's now generally called W can- the very nam, of Lions. L.ke fo BC old womei rea- who Are afraid that they may be rh ut , brqgui, rnets loaded, opleeo, if that there was no 1 j 4 , our exi fling, but in the defarts of Africa— would bc'p, not litivc that Ihe heard one growl in ;be streets. *y to 1 know a nul , llc holy man, who turn, ?a le If «„ ught ly a flock »f ha.mlelß fhrep KWf.-tW with door ; his terrified fancy change* them into Lions inherits from healthy inccfturi a robufi con ft u & tut ion, eats roafl beef with a relish and empties I tions daily decanter; but apprebenf oUs of the gout a, that apoplexy confUi.tly haunt hiat in the ftapc < hout Lions. utics ! Many honest people, who are unreasonably . are ; verse to wild beasts, are afraid that the wo.ld tl. ably ; inhabit will not continue a week. About ahu hey, ! dred years ago, tbofc, who are '« full „f notions ' : de- declared that the globe would be burnt, by an it Con cei,diary comet : They even felt themlelves lcotci - ed by its tail ; nnd many a white handkerchief w. vant foiled, by wiping sweat from a«xi*ns bp>ws P mild the globe ft ill rolls merrily round, neither roa/h: ring nor btoiled by ac< met's fire; and we toy laugf by mgly declare that the comet gaxers fcw a Lion i one the iky, as well as in the (trecrs. lm the midc V of July, tired of comoofitw m ■reft sermons, I walked into the meadows, and fea'rch ind, ed -.nxioufly for shade. I few a labourer with wa- wooden bottle at his mouth, and but jittle ha .be made at Lis fide ; his uieltis icythe hung danglim .on,- from the branch of a:i elm—He could not mow ake for his arms were relaxed by rum, and hcUaw.^Li on in the grass, ,cfe I at), or think myfelfan invalid, an 1 havr-a Wtiln a ~K*. fulls ar ind more favorable to composition than others, f ha, up t:iken it into my head that this week was too clou Ms, jdy to write with cl aruel's, and meant, like, f„m es, o d.Mned.Parfons, to vamp an old lerrrou. But ble felt fhrmc)bufy, with herred pent il, at rny-cherk re* and became per foamed that there was no Lion in th streets, which led 16 the office 'of my Printer, tnd applied ga ly to my talk ; and endeavored to con. er- vince my eadcrt. that i hey may work iVahy season, efe without injury from the I or he had surely been j impeached. But as to eggs, pudding., ph,»b cakes, and hor, • !>B , ; X A s/ arc fads ; h,gh emus 1 . nd' mildcmeanors ; tinconflifuttonal and illegal prac.icesj and an embezzlement of the public mo. ney, for which be ought te lose bis office, and bis hcjo - lambkin. F'™ S f-Werip. * ?, n or Gazette Will he EIGHT DO LI ark . M. r, mth • City will ?ay One y^ r T„ add'.ion, for in. fefing and dircAing their Papers. ' Remote f.l-fcnbfrs ate reqtiefted to tuv up arrearage. to the above period; alfi, the haff year's adva ,c'"rom , t.ut time tiiol" who do txe.t, vvili be ccnKdcred as de f c!inin S a eontmtia'nce of -their faVcrtM}».,. f r , ui • fquarej or !ef * lin hi* Qazerteoncr i„ r HAtr a doll.is; aßl j ct ,Vi r , yc 4 at T.' r " °T L *\ '° 7 ~ lit h.htoracauf.wde.igc, wit h th. favoso ; of h.s advmißng .. .. .„. fc ifed, and of fg. {■ be jj, tinurfly -xtendmg th? J, th.y tlVoi «y otfc-r' p.blicail ' . }'<> •'