Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 05, 1795, Image 1

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Nvmbe* 986.] , \ _. _
For Sale, or Charter, ; t
- T H I SH I P
v"-; . Moles Towniend, master,'
UTRTHFN it'Slom. lA -/er> strong, i'tavneb goo 1 vsf
•H '' at Rofs's wha'f. for pW&uUrs to
£ matter on board, or Meflrs. Atihn,
OAob.r 18.
.For Sale-, or Charier,
■ 'theship i
ffiStjh R E B E C C A, ;
BET WEE M tvfp and U»r«c yej» «ld, bar- j '
then -bout two hundred and fifteen ton-.— -
>hc now lies at the end of'Walnut-ftreet wharf- 1 °-
:erms apply to
Samuel Coates•
OAober 28. * d 6:
For' A M S T E R D AM,
<~3ri THE brig
MMh M A R I A,
Caflm, matter,
NOW lying at Mr. Willing's wharf; fti" is uhnoft
new, fails fait, has excellent accommodations for jta'f
fensers and will f:*; 1 in 8 or todays, the cargo being
all readv —For callage only, apply to the ''aptain on
beard, or to JOHN & Co.
f 'S. 2i, '"s*•
THE ship
" Clay
31c tons, built of live oak and cedar,
and lia?7tt»iW!,,,. r.,,,. vnvap-e. Sh. is in tend'''l liii-J--
constant »Vil acl-ftmAlofiiVifU 11M
an.! will flil en or "bout the firft of November, l'or
freight or paffige apply to the Captain on boaiel, .'.t
•Stamper's wharf—or to
Philip Nicklin Co. i
For L I V K R P O O L,
Thomas Giffcrd. roaftrt,
HAS a great part ef her cargo engaged, and will fail 5.t
a few days, for freight or paffige n A ply on board it
ilcock's wharf, or to THOJM iS NEJVAIANpt Rofs'a
Who has for SfHK,
Ct See. Cotton Claret in Cases and hampers, Old Fron
tainiac Wine in liogfheads, and Oven doz. Mens' ruffled
Shirts. o<st- 22
j.-u- The Copper Bottomed Ship
x r-Lr A D R I A N A,
K. ■ Fitzpatrick,
Has excellent accommodations for paffengeis, and wilt
fail with all convenient (peed, having a corfiderable part
of her Cargo engaged. For freight or pzffage apply to
the Captain on board, or t
Thomas & John Ketland.
N. B. The Adrian.! is intended t« return frtfm London
an early Spring Ship.
O&ober 7. - d.
H 0 L L AND,
Chriflopher l'ranklin, jun. master,
HAS excellent accommodations for passengers; will
fail in all this month ; three-fourths of her cargo are 1
ready to go on board, a few tons of heavy goods will
be taken an freight. —For freight or passage apply to
the Master on board, J'rt'er Might, or to
Pragen £/ Co.
Sitpttmbcr 21, 1 • § •
House Coals
Of good quality, for sale O ! board the brig Olive Branch, ,
Captain-Wiiliiun-Mosru, from Liverpool, laying at Wal
imt-ftreet wharf. Apply ; o
Philip NickHn k Co.
. -iH*' is a new vessel, byrtheti abbut 1,000
barrels of flour, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a
few days.
N. B. Those Gent emenwhn hav<- Goods on board the
Olive Branch, are requ fled to f ml for them as soon as
pofliblc. Q.-tober f ytb §
Wo. 12, Dock Street,
IO Pipes of,-
The very bejt Madeira IV IN E,
90 quarter casks of Sherry wine,
Bristol window gla's of different sizes,
A quanti'y of bell Havannah fegaas in baxes,
A few calks ef lugai*,
4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens,
4 bales of do. canvass,
5 bales of red, whke, and yellow flannels;
Eh.tK i illriN 260 1 barrels, uow lying at Mr. Thaddle's
wharf, in Southwark.
Philadelphia, Sept. 7.1. §.
j(uji Arrived per tb '■inuw 80/ for., jfamer Kirkpatrick,
Majler, from Liverpool,
113 Crates well-olfoi ted Qneen's Ware,
4000 btlfliels best fine S»h,
&to be fold at No.J, Pine-ftfejt, by
James Campbell.
Affo, a few boxes well-afforttv lrifh Linens.
Sud Snow tcrt Freight or Char- I
tlt '" c r"' cr ' ,t^e We<i-Indiet o-r
Enquire *=> above.
I MTfD States, 7 ff
Pennfyivania D ftn.l, 5
•a rurfu.iuce of a Writ to 111? direflcd, from the ho»ora
• M Krcbard Peters, Ju^y;-of the DUtriA Court in and
j lo: Psrttfylvanii
Will be expo fed: & Public Sale,
Vt tke Merchants Coifec House, in the City j
Or. SpluriLiy, tb Ith Ury of November next,
At 12 o'clock at r.»on,
■ ""g-v The sloop calk« th '"
2-j-V ER'FE CT,
KURTHEN 64 tons, withal! and fingu-
Ur'lKi :e, apparel and farni Hre. as t*ie fame now are;
the falj Slocp having besn cond.-mned to pay mariner.
v- r v fit ' " WM. NICHOLS, Marlha!.
fiyfr *i Vgite, Oft 3!, 1795. T-
X. B 'lire inventory may bef'en at my otßca.
For Liverpool,
-J) I A N A,
C*ptV» G«*i< C '«J>
BURTHEN 220 tons, ;s nearly a new (h'p, a ;
constant t>«rfer, and v/iil with all conve ient
fjH-ed. For freight or apply to tli; Capt. :
on board at Walnut-llreet wharf—or to^
Philip Nick/in if Co.
far'lee 6, f79.S- I ] L-
I'or Churlelion, (S. C.)
m R u B r '
Capt. Richards,
Ka»' Ivwu. firft wharf he low Chefnut-flrcet, and
y-ill fail in a tew X.yr For freSgllt, wmetr- -s H» t.v ... j;
; ... terms, apply to the Captain on hoard, or to
■ ■" J •- Nalhi 0' 6t' John Fratier,
Oflob.-r ia. Sire. No 95 fonth Frant-ilrc.-t.
For Falmouth and a Market,
L & R T '
• JcJfyb Lyor.s, majler,
BURTHEN 100 tons, 13 in excellent order and ready to
rcceivc lwr Cargo. This veHel is a remarkable sailer, and
has goodaccop)motaioiisf6r a few paflengcrs. Apply to
t4ie cupium on bovird at the fabi'eribers whail, or
Willings and Francis.
Oil oner 3. §
'J'hc .Schooner
3JSI J- Wendell, master,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; a Srong,
new vessel, five months-old, b'ailt of red cedar, bur
then 130 tons, supposed will can y about 1200 barrels
of flo'jr, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent
accommodations for pafftngers. For terms apply to
ttt-n nr three days, said vessel \Vill pro
ceed ror ttisltaf ot " - ■ - —
Pliiiad. Sept. 29. $
To-Morrow will be Landed,
At Latiiru:'* wharf, from on board of the (hip Sedgely,
']ohn Hodge, mailer, ironi St. Pcterfbiirgh, viz.
2 Cables, 120 fathoms, 12 Huckaback
and 14 inches
Co.dage sffoited White and yellow Candle
| Spun Yarn Tallow
Junk and Oakum Sbap do.
Fine twelve head Flax Mould and dipt Candlts
'Eeilßuflii Sail Duck Hard Soap
Ravens liuck Bar Iron, flat and square
1 Russia Sheetings Rod Iron
Drillings Iron Hoops
, Bn ad and narrow Diaper Half down Feathers
1 Crash j Hogs Bridles, &e.
1 ton HLI JY
Philips, Cramond & Co.
28. diw
The Partnership of SAM. & THO. SHAW
BEING dissolved in Augult lafl, by mutual consent,
all thole indebted, whose accounts arc due, are dc
» 1 fired to mak'- speedy payment at their Store, corner of
-Front and ,Arch-street. The bufmefs is now carried on
at tlu f.thtn place, by
Who his for sale, on reasonable terms, for calh, or the
usual credit,
A general assortment Of Merchandize,
Impoi ted by the lafl veiTelbfrom London,Briftol, and Li
verpool, suitable ior the Fall Scafon.
A Tobacco Knginc and Frefs to b: fold by Sam. Shaw.
O&ftbcr 23. do.
■ For sale, at low prices,
NAILS l>y the calk, from 3d to iod aflbrted, and a vari
ety of' Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
Cotton and wool Cardb, from No. 1 t0.12;
Hattcis flock Cards ;
Carrs fct ia calif, iuitable for cotton machines.
Aife Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles suitable for tiiat bufineis, which v/ill
1 be fold together. *
A l-irgd llock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on
the Card with the valuable machines for
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward
tief* ior fini£King. Alio,
Occupied by the late partnership of Webfler, Ad gate and
W'liHr. A. the flore is convenient for th'e buiinefs, the
m;:h.\ud, an 4 the Whole in a be work
ed, u affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to
piirchafe and follow the bulinefs to do it to advantage.
o<fx. 20. dim. No. 63 Chefnut-flrest.
Fresh T E A S,
Of fupcricr quality, vir.
Impelial, or Gunpowder
Hjfon Qdhnee,
tit quality Hyson,
2d. do. uo.
Hylon Skin, and
, Souchyng. .
A few Boxes ef each, for sale al
No. 19, Third Street, South.
December xo.
~ " /
Plaifler of Paris.
75 tons of Plaift-r of Pans received by the brig
I Philip Sand?,mifccr, from Havre-de-Gracc. $c. forfait by* »
Andrews 5c Ma ..± , T
OA- :o. f No. 86,fouth 11
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
in PEim-*TfiF£T.
The folloioi •?" articles of the lajt importation from Chins.
i6O O.jlui ■ -Is Hyfo"i 'l>a,
4®o Boxes China, containing Setts,
45CC Pieces Nankeens. p a
Willings ?3' Francis.
September 14.
Robert ■ Smith 6c Co.
iVff. 5% fh Frr.t'jlrtrf,
Ki»e received by the !a e arrivals from London, Li
verpool, a.ii! Hull,
A large & general o[fort, jnetit of Goods, 71
j Stjkabl* tor the season, whieii they will dispose <if by the
j package or piece on reasonable terms tor cafn, a
or On a short credit:
Second Sc coaife cloths Drtnu'ies'and Tnuflimts
j Plain & mix'd caflimercs 7-8, ,4-4, and 11-8 eotloti
: Plain & tw.ill'd eqatir. is checks
I Striped & fofe blankeLs Jacoii.i book mui!in«
White, .red, and )tllow i. muslin handkerchiefs
flannels Printed linen and cheek.
Bocking and other baizes handkerchiefs & (hawls
Plains, kerseys, and half- Muslin apron patterns
thicks TimbourY, muslin cravats
Plain & spotted f\vanfk!n.i Cambrics and lawn:,
Tambour'd caffimere vest A large . (Tbit'nent of cafi-
(hapes est - and chintzes _
Piintcd do. and f«anf- Do. of mens ai:d womens
ilown do. v. .■ iied &''Otl :nh fe 0 ,
Moreens and Joan's fpic- Ruliia di'iilinc;s & diapers
ning 3 4 and ;-8 bed tii ks
noreutiiles 'Itraytl 1. ikcci.s .V n«
Calimar.coes and durants hams
Camblets, u ildbores and Laces and edgings
bombazetts Gloves and mitts.
Ratt'mets ar.d (balloons White & coloured threads
Veivercts, thiekfets, and Tapes, bobbin & bindings
corduroys Pins, &c.
also, -
A large assortment of India Goods, viz. s 4
Taffaties, Bandano, Pullicate, and 2
Lutestrings, Romal handkerchics 1
Senchaws, Nankeens 2
Satt'.ns Sewing Silks, &c*
Oifober 8. dlm.
John Miller, jun. & Co
No- S, Chefnut-Jlreet,
Ib addition to their assortment now received, have oh hand
remaining of the 'j
Cargoes of the Three Brothers&Arethtfi from India,
And for sale by the package only,
A variety of Bengal and Coaji Goods, viz. j
Low priced Coffaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muslins •
Long cloths - in do. (.
Patna handkerchiefs Humhumi {,
Shirting muslins Baftas
Book handkerchiefs in - ~ ' Willi.''—J^
small bales neatly as- Taffaties
sorted. Blue checks
Alio—a variety of French Goods, viz.
Looking glasses Feathers and Flowers
Angola gloves Paper hangings
Linaus and Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the
Weft-India market.
A few elegant Time Pieces.
OA. 9th. §
Jonathan Harvey <Sc Co,
No. 106, fuutb Tront'Jh-eet,
Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li
verpool and Hull,
A large arid general assortment of Goods,
Suitable for the season, which they will dispose of by the
piece.or package, for cafli or credit;
Coarse & fine broad cloths Corduroys
Plains, forefl and hunters Velverets
' cloths India and Englifli muslins
' Plain & twill'd coatings Jaconet and book muslin .
( Point, duffll, and rose handkerchiefs
blankets Printed linen and check
White, red, and yellow handkerchiefs
flannels Calicoes and chintzes ,
Baizes, bockings, and Mens and womens cotton
duffds and worsted hose
Kerseys and half thicks Glaves aad mitts
Spotted fwanlkins Sewing silk
Plain & mix'd cafllmercs Scots thread
Moreens Bindings and gartering
1 Joan's spinning Irifli and German linens
Calimancoes Modes & Sattins
Durants Sarfnets
Thickfetts Table cloths
yth o<fl. 1J95. Jiot'.
1 ; OR SAL r~BY ~
No. 70, Chefnut-ftreet,
1 "35°hoSJeacls Vii- nnia Tobacco,
ao-raihi of Carolina Indigo,'ef au escellsc; quality,
1 chest Imperial Tea,
I box purple Shawls, assorted,
Ginseng, See. &c Cel. 5. §.
F O 1< S A LE, 1
Imparted in the ship Arethufn, from Calcutta and
Madrufs, a variety of '
Guarrahs, 1
Ii;. ''as,
To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at
three and four months, by
No. 42 Dock Street, or
German -Pa/fcnjers
Just arrived in the ship Holland, Captain Franklin,
from Hamburgh, now at anchor oppofitc Vine-street,
whose time is to be agreed for by applying on board,
or to ' tUAGEW: <x Co.
SeptK/,ier ro. " d
Irifn Linens.
James & Henry Fisher,
j' A'fr, 8, Wabiut-flreet,
v * Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, \ large
aiTortmciU of
' , 7-3 and' 4 4 white Linens,
4-4 iiaif white Sheetings, ■
9-8 Inoun and white do.
3-4. brown and Vhite Lawns,
jt~ 1 —
Whiihthey wtU d*fj»vfe - f jrt • """ rn« : by the
package, for cafii or approved Notes, at 6c and 90 diys.
N. B- The above Goods being immediately frani tUe
Manufactories, it is pr'-fumsd they will 1/e found worthy
of notice. O&. 26. |
John Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander j. Miller,
have entered into partnerlhip, under thc-Flrm of
John Miller, jun. & Co.
| < TZey have received by ipe arrivals from .Europe, and are new
j opening for SAT..b ,
At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnui-ftrect,
A capital iafTortment of VRT GOODS*
Suitable to the feifon—liiiong-d which are,
Broad and nArrow Clothe,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
Bjavcretts and claries,
Rofc arid point Blanket*,
A variety of coaffe V- r eoilens,
Mancbg.iei manufacture:;/
Irilh Linens,
India Goods, generally,
French Good?.
All of which they will dispose of for cash or the ufuai
ercdit. Goober 9. §
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf,
Tlx CARGO of the JLiJ Trijlt xri!, y, CLrifie, wafer, front
Fort-au- Prince,
72 barrels of J SUC AE.
45 barrel 3 of COFFEE.
George Sibbald,
OH. 26. d No. i south Froat-ftreet.
537 Hogfheads,"J
459 Barrels, C Coffee, above 600,0001b0
m Bags, j
115 Hogsheads of choice Jamaica Sugar.
ail Bales of St.Domingo Cotton,
Will be landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at South
ftrect wharf,
Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ; ~f
Brig Polly,' and Schooner Industry, from Jeremie,
Peter Blight:
O&ober in, §
d ; - - ■
The. CARGO of the ship Harmony,
' Ezra Loxvelly tnajler —from BQURDEAUX,
; BRANDIES, irf pipes and puncheons; and
in hogsheads, is discharging from on
board the said ship at Cuthbert's whirl. and ;or laic by
Andrew: iff Meredith,
Sept. 1 d. No. 86, ibuth wharvss.
• C L A R E T,
In calks, fuitablc for the East and Weft-India markets.
FRENCH BIIANDY, in butts and pipes.
/Lr.d a ftzv cases of
c Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs.
Rundle if Murgatroyd,
OA. 38. (diTo) No. 11, Walnut-llrect wharf.
FOR SALE by the Subfc-ribi'rs, at their Store on
WalniitJlrcet Wharf,
: 16 Hhds.
3-3 Barrels and Hifpaniola COFFEE, larcly arrived
540 Eags 3
'? Who hch\ -*fq on bind,
le Red Port Wine, in iipcs and Hogsheads
Mountain Vfine Wine, in Qr. calks
20 Tons Br.imfioiie
Nails aftorsed
is Sail Caavas, N°. I a 7 and
n . A few gentlemen's handlomeSaddk9
Philip Nicklin & Co.
Ju ly 24 d
in The CARGO of the ship Harmony,
J- •" Moore 1 7*iafler j —fro}n St. Peterfburgh %
100 tons (old fable) IRON ; *
100 tons HEMP-;
4CO pk c°« RuQia SHEFTWGS
400 pieces Ravens DUCK;
A few boxes Tallow CANDLES; and
30 calk* TALLOW.
James Crawford, or
George Latimer.
Philad. lUb Septimbcr, 17 )$. d.
I', N°. 64 t foutb Second-Jlrect,
C\NAL Tickets for falc, and calh or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn.
Information given, rcfpecling Wafliington lottery, and
— eafh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may bs drawn.
Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
d BOOKS will be kopt of ach day's drawing in both lot
teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of th? poflciforsof
Tickets purchai'cd at the OFFICE.
■rj* Halv: s, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
haJ at the above Oftice. Sepl. i 6. §
Canal Lottery-Office
Near the BANK of the UNITFD STATES,
Oclober I, 1795.
THE drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the
zßth ult. The Jal-of Tickets is continued by the
fubferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until j o'clock
in the afternoon, at iheafyove office, and by J. Roberdenu
at the Statc-Honfe, warranted undrawn.
Prize Tickets will he received in payment, fubjeg to the
deduction expreffoi in the tickets— Price ti dollars until
~ farther Notice. .Approved notes, with a goad indorfer,
payable 20th December next will oe rec ived in piymeut
n, -for tickcts amounting to one hundred dollars and iris,
t, || h ilUnth Blifci'/jtrn, A;;ent.
d, fiheck Book kept at the Office. Tickets examined at
1-too each number, and ieg.:: -,d it.ll-103ejehticket
N. B. No vieketi ("old during the hours of drawing.