Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 04, 1795, Image 4

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JfaJc by OLIVER tVANS, at hit Fadory, ia th* eU
••• nd-injii in fihnfley's al cj,
W*- "«»d-treet, a little b.U-w D.,.1 /Irmt, /
HF.RE theft wlw apply may be Applied with ftoaes
ot such quality as will f«it tbeir purposes. Alfa,
üßa * 'orgudjeoi s to run on, and Plaifter of Pari».
He kjps for SALE,
. .Atftu •cvtluigNo. 215 DorthSecind-ftriet, a Ktcle above
Bruiting Cloths,
A w npkt« sfiViilent of both imported and Amtrkui
*• aulaitursd ;or merchant and country .rork, which he
warranty; good.
The V'lunr Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE.
. a sjrffrm of. mcdunKs and hydraulics as they
•pply tow iter mills with the whole procrfs.of, and all the
la-e imp;-..vemems on the aft of manisfaAsring Sour Ac be nfeful to all concerned ia buildinr or using
water-mills, -which book is fold by Mat shew Carey and
■.obr.rt Campbell, huolifellcrs.
■** ' 2 Jtdsa-itf.
. " '1 he Panorama.
?vT R ; 3A /AGS „ rcfpe&fully informs the Ladles and
A • L •itl'jiiKrn »f Philadcfphia that the PANORAMA
i nw or> f n9<l High-street, between loth and nth
'"fl*:. Ui Su! j s « >s a view of the Cities of iondoa
T 1 f oflcr ' ™"'prchending the three bridges, South
#arl, Surrey, and St. Oeorge's Fields in the Borough.
e **?I 1 0thc ' r which appears from the top of The
A.blon mills, at the end of Blackfriars Bridge, bppafae
Vk city of London, from whence this view'was tak-n i
Uiejpamting eoatains nearly 3,000 fquara feet of cafirJs! J :
Being ma circle g ves every objeA its proper bearing, and 1 !
#I ', ,£ in lts tr "« point of compass, apoearinjr as larre
atKi in every refpeA the fa*ie as the reality! I
Price of adasiSioa half a dolla. Tickets sex tha Stale,
thre; dollars.
Panorama opon every day from tea o'slock in th*
f PIUNT of the PRESIDENT ,f ib, U. X.
tu inches by 14 ; only a few choiee impressions kit : the
companion u a print of Or. Franklin. A raristy of choie*
prints may be had at the Panorama.
_AuguJl, V . . wt f.
Scheme of a Lottery,
Toraiftj 9 , 9 00 Bjf/an, m »66,000 Dalian lidußinw ~ r
per tM sum lie Lttlvy cnM ,»/ 3 8,»02 J
JWj, m -Mk/, then are 14,53# Pntcs, and aj, 4 bi V
*"*( «1»HI eve and*, hij bU**< ti a britt.
j I'neMarsof rtieSocieiy loi .Itabhfilmg Ufrfu! Ma
nuf»f ure», ha»ing resolved to«rett LOTTERIES lor
™< ( '" "•»'«» Thousand D.u«„, agreeably A
to in Act of the Legislature o» t*e Sute of New-lerfev
h.»e I,p» o ,nted the following per s on , , 0 s uper intend and'
O'rectthe drawing ot the lame. »i r . Ni.hotai Low, R u »„, ,
Aiug, H'i man Le Roy, Watlou, Richard Har.
S r 'lo", Ahijah Hammond, and Catnelius Rav, of the city of
New-Y|ork—Thomas Willing, J„r e p!. Ball', Matthew M'.
Connel and Andrew B.yard, ot the city of Philadelphia .
-=-Hu Exeellcncy Richard How.ll, Esq. Eli.s Bmudinot L
Oenciil El,a, Dayton, Jamc. Parker, John KayarH, Doft
«r U»ii Samuel W. SiSckton, Jolhua M Wal
laie, Joseph Bi«omfiel<t, and Elitha Boudinot, of Sew
Jersey, who otter the tollowiiig Scheme •> a l.otterv
and pledge '.hem(elves 10 the public, that they will take'
every allurjnce and precaution in tin it power to have the U
Moo es paid by the Managers I rom to time,- asiece>v
«d, into the Ifankl at New-Ypik and Philadelphia to
remain for the purpoH ot ps ving Pna • which Jhal'l be
unmefliairly difehargt.i by a check upon one ot ihe Bouki
s c H E A J E:
t friic of Uellort ia ■•,000
' »?;os* 10,000 er '.
11 O|(X3O 10,000 f r !
& »»<»"» io ; coo 1
10 I,ceo io,oco ~"
i 0 fl B ® 10,080
,C 3 > c * 10,000
3' 9 3° . «4,®00
: '^ o a« 201,00e
'i 30,000 Q
•r i '" " 36,»00 o
1 ® a fr~
— ■■ ■ Lat
1 4''139 l ' r ' zt, « *61,000 IV*
» 1 fit fl «<raw* number, a, ogo
Lafttirawn number, 2,000 iM fk
jßaco Tickets at j BollKn each ii 966,000
. u: ilra virtg wi.i under 4,h« infpcAion ot ?90< i
5 ' vt>;» iir?c the Supcrinienchnu, us (oou .16 the Tick
til ire (old, of which timeiy notice eu^
J i tc have appointed John N. Cwmming ,
to. Newark, Jacob R. Hirdenberg, ot New-Brunfwick, r '"q
■Jii.u j-'tnatfean T<hea t of Titnton, as immediate Managers
> nr> |,ave ten ample fecurur tor dit'charging f "
the truJtrcpo»l in them. i
{i-3 hi order toieture the pu«sual payment of th'
Pi aes, ihc Superintendanis ot the Lottery have direftcta
that the Managers lhail each enter bonds in 4C,ouq
dollars, with rout tuJiicicutfecurui. s, to perform their in- ©
fliuctioiis, ihe fubilance ot whtcli is "*•*■
-I. That whenever itherolihe Managers (hall reiei/e
th. lum ot ! hrce Hundred Dollars, imnidiatcly he lhall
place the lame in one of the Banks of Mew.York ot phi. H*•
.jriclrhia, to the cudit ot the Governor of the Society, „
and such ol the Superiniendants as ive in the city where nr
the monies are placed, to remain there until the Lottery **'
IS'driwn, for the payment n | the Piites. with
, .11. The Managers to take (utScient leeurity for any "«'
.r? U^,£y^ay " U -' plhe - rwifctn bc 'cfpom'iblc forthem. "d,
HI. To keep regular hooks of Tickets fold, Mo- "«»r
Dies received and p a ,d int. the Bank, abft.ath of wh lC h ihg t
mall ue rut, -neuihly, to theGo»e,„or olthe Sosietv. *ark
Paierfon, January 1, 1794. hw>d
li'k 1 "" 0 e "hy ofthe abo.e gentlemen, infor. in.
Wiat'on w,P be given where tick. t, ,r,v br h.d. t.i&tf »hc ti
S l ° the proprietors in the agency of mi ' ll
hf r Winthrqi Sargent, are deposited whU Thomas «
M guen, Mo. 78, Chelimt-llreet, Philadelphia, an d m * fo]
to be dehrered when called fo>. A second divi- wate!
"ot the F l u " d » has l,ecr > declared, which proprietors A" "
may r,cc.v« by a draught upon th. treaf u-«r of rL. ciotK '
company , r lH * junsf
N. 3. Eight dollars are dae upos each (hve, for e»- lf " n
pences of the agency. eonre
September 20th, 179?. , der.
7~ —1 T — I>ww mill,'
Andover Iron Works &c
-fTHEY are situate in the couutic, of «ulTea and Morris, ftrt"
'f Ih* lte : Th * ore lies within a els of
mile of the turnace, ,s eftcemecl of the firft quahty of any mi U ;
tti iVmenca, and particularly adapted for makine Steei f amV
The Fur.acc and Forge, to which belong between 11 and have ,
i z,ooo acre, of Land, will be fold together, or IcaLd g the
th.r fepurately or together: they are dntant about feyen hand,
miles trom each other, and are an objed well worth the there
attention of Iron Masters. The budding,, & c . are in eye- premi
r J r ffpecl commodiow for further particulars apply to fhis v
oaT ° r Lardner , Philadelphia.
— — —— vaiitaj
ALL perlons indebted to tile Eltate of SAMIi, I o!)vim
FKAUNCES, late of, Innkeeper de A "
eealed. arc delired to mak? payment to the I'ul.lcriber • m " de '
and all those any demands agair.fl the ilid r ' T !° g
E«ate, are requtfted to bi .ng in their accounts prouer
ly attested. * ° !1 - -
SaVMUEL M. FKAUNCES, Aaing Executor. de«^
O(Sober as, r 79f . $o, " n Nu ' 5»" 1
* fr,m H> te Grape,
, v/ Camivjiiies, Pots, aad osher taOings nmiasil st the
. fefrtell notice,
1 ®f." Nail reds, from rod to fp&e,
•> H,. p Iron, of all lUes, for cafln ot cumkw iMo nails, k*at
a Lrad to 1 id sails,
Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loalh.
eaWc » ar i roU)
A Quantity of James Rmr Tobaecd,
Carolina Pork.
nericaa Herring 1:1 barrels,
hich he Kiln-dried eor* meal in Hhd>. and Bbla.
Ry« flour &.t. to be fold by
DC Levi Zl? Son.
as they ***** ■ "" '
I all the vt ■
our 4c NOtlCe.
,r using AI L P'rfo"" indebted to the late partnerlhip of IKei
'ey and ■ - ' l *y & IVbite, are delired to make payment
to Fir ir WTGali-aobet, No. 63, Chefnnt-flreet, who
,-vtf. > • authorised to receive tfcs fame. fhrf» who hare claims
011 the fatd Firm will prcfent them to him.
Demands on the eltate of the late Pdatiah Welter, de
les and ' , lre '? he « hibitetl to the fu fcriber—and those
A'f A mdeotcd t® the said cftate,-are requested to make pay
d nth "T-'i 0 a RUTH pERJT, Ex ccutrir,
.ondoa ta ' No. 4 7 fouth Water-ftrtet.
•roul h " ALw P=rlon6 hlTia g any demands on the Uftate of
'>r.(TIJ "T- Ma * t ' lew »®N, late of Bucks county, deceased, are
ofre [f^ t0 a to William Hkwson, near ttriftol, in
tak n t * c , Co " n . t T aforefaid, for immediate settlement. Mnd all
! ' ,e,,n5 to laid Kftiteare requested to make pay
rlnd 1?1 t0 the fald Will «'" Hcwfon, who is hereby autho- ,
} lar e t0 th< m€ - J
£lizabrtu HEWSON, Emtvtrin %
S «» f « h««ANW,I LIJ »,,j
William Hiwsom, J
■ . BeHtmiade % »ear BriJlU,
OA.ti, x 79S . 'tawjw.
r. k. — — ! t
<*« American Landfeap-es. '
Twenty-Four VIE WS,
'of & E £*? T IR from tW most striking and mterefting
,'afi? ''f, m*e ® rnitccl States ; each of which
\? cvr ?' wJI accompanied with a descriptive account
1 . 0 lts Local, Historical, and other Itieidental Peculiarities I
is for By G. I. PARKYNS,
eably Arthur y ti, « M.n.JIU Pncain, sni Aneiemt CM, in Great
crf o'» Britain
' 3 ," d CONDITIONS. I 1
Har* T h * ttt f aU he P ubliflled b y Subfcripb'on; and i 1
it* „I S«bfcrtber (hall engage to take the whole set 1
r m of \, and ftiall pay for «aeh engraving, if blade or I
Iphii t * P oUIM ! * n<l ' f coloured 5 Dollars.
linot, '• 'j;" th ' dimensions of each engraving (hall be 14 by 17 I
Do ft. "«hes, executed in nquatinta, and published upon paper T
Wal- °« a faperior quality. Ihe publication to commence im- 1
Nt w mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub- 1
'cry, leribers, on the trft Monday of each succeeding month, 1
take nntll the propofod series lhall be finally completed. I'
eth« WI. That with the last View of the series, lhall be deli- 2<
ceiT- Tered an engraTed title-page; an elegant charaAeriltic 1
I, to Tignette: a map of the route, coHnefied with the prof-
II be peds exhibited in the the course of the Work: and an t:
•oki Alphabetical lift of the Siibfcribera.
Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print ' a
,000 P * Ml ' dinlan e. New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
-000 ' 118, Market ilreet, Philadelphia, and by ali the
' 000 P ri " a H Book-fellero in the United jtaus.
February j«. d C:
,oco " ' F————
,o»o FOR s A L Ey
; 000 A varr valuable ESTATE, u
,00c Called T itittknham. J"
,000 OITUATE in ti, ttrwnfiif ,f Upper Derby, and county ,f
■ "0° DeU-utare,-J I-i mifa from Philadelphia, mnd baf a mile :D|
,OCO frvm the neiu IVeferm read: containing 230 acre, of excellent !
Land, 45 tf tchicb arc good -watered Mcado-w, 00 cf prime
,000 H'ood Land, and the r,H ArM, of the f yfi quality. There are R<
000 on the prcfxifcs a good tlvotory Brick House, with 4 room, on Li
000 * floor, and Cellar, under the -whole, -with a Pump IVell of «ca ° f
- client Water in front ; a large frame Barn, Stable, and other Dc
° 'orient building,; a Smoke-House andJfone Spring House ,• tv* Kx
rk A Pi' U -° rchard > ■ "" «f P'achc. The Fields ar, 7lt Du
Clover, exc/pt those immediately under tillage, and are Jo .a;,I —
cut a, bo have the advantage of IVatcr in ead of them, -which Vr
renders it pecufitrly convenient for Grazing. J
-CM Ihe situation i, plea/ant and healthy, and from the high eulfi- '
nation of the Land, th, g6od neighborhood, and th, vicinity to the ti.
*l>, it it vety juitable for a Gmileman , Country Seat. '
the 7l * f°"S" n S » P"' •/ <>" Efate of Jacob deccaftd '
tel. offered for sale by M ORDECAI LEWIS
>110 - Surviving Executor. K
in- O*- », „,f t
Z A MILL for StALE. \
hi- pT OR Sale ' on private contraA, fire undivided flscths Exc
tYI - 1 - P 4 "' of A*' valuable merchant-mill, called Old f<
•re p «» n ypa«l£ Mill, with two dwelling houses, .stables, eoop- B» f
ry * 8 P» ca^c House, and other convenient building*,
with about ao act** of goo 4 lan«i, the grcateft part thercoi Nev
n y u excellent watered mtadow, the remainper garden, orch- Ver
m . ard, and wood land; situate ten fniles from Philadelphia, Mai
!•* n «>r the Washington Tavern, partly 011 the pod-road lead Con
ch ihg to New-York, and partly on the River road; a re- New
y. isarkably healthy country, and an excellent neighbour- New
hood. This mill being or Pennypack creek, t a heavy Vwn
,r. fiream of water, with about ij feet head and fall, and Dela
2 ths tld ® noting about 6 foet, will admit,a vessel carrying Mar
*is° b u »h«s of wheat to lay along fide, and unload into Virj;
the mill with Evans's elevator in about throe hours. The Kent
of mid house is large and built of ftonc, founded on a rock, Non
as the walls uncommonly thick and ftroog, (such a piece of Cf
d mason work is rarely to be found) contains five floors, two new
i- water wheels, and three pair of the best French burr stones Price
rs A" running, double geared, with three boulting reelaaad enter
it ' loth ® of th£ firlk quality, roUing fcreca, cylinder, and its m
for cleaning wheat id the best manner, and palling it Ex r *
afterwards by an elevator into a hanging garner; also, " ]
eonreyers, elevators, and hopper boy, all in compleat or- it in a
T herC " c two llr S c frame buildings adjoining the each
m mill, which are convenient for storing flour, ftiorts, calks, b*r t
&c. A corn-kiln is ereded witliia the building, with »f he
boulting, reel cloth, and other ncceffary fixtures for maau accon
lacturing large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The eercm
~ stream of water kfo confhnt that upwards of 60,000 bush dies a
a els ol wheat have frequently b«m manufeaured at this try ol
y mill, annually. Ihe tumbling dam wa# built of stone and TiJ
I. frame about 30 jears ago, but the late extraordinary frelhcs tatun
have made a breach therein, it ean cafily be repaired alto- prrfot
- gethcr with ltone, the grcateft part of which is already at del'erv
1 hand, and the remainder can be quarried near th# dam, as iullicc
e there are several good quarries of excellent stone on the 1. Th
- premises, aud adjacent, to the creek; the contiguity of phi;
d this v;ry valuable estate to Philadelphia, and the easy „a- -A. Ad
ior fliallops, with the above-mentioned great ad- to
__ vantages, and many other, not here m ntioned. must be 1 No
, obvious to any person who may view the premises ' p r j
An mdifputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will be 4 K
made to the purchaser o H paying part of the money, and '' met
giving latisiaCtory fecunty for the remainder, payable of 1
with mtcreftinmilalments at such times aa may be agreed c Pi
on. lor further particular enquire on the premises of I7t)
Frances Lewis, Execatr.x to the estate of Robert Lewi, m
• deceased; Joum Swift, near Buifell-Town ;or Natha jJ,
nislLi wis, or David Lewis, in Philadelphia a i'i!
w&f- 'lar'
T t T'. r-. r __
' ®oa» .enquire oi
WILoDBItUU, KM.™. * 3W! tMXUO, K" MJ, «„ D,u..,7Zwr
BOOKS, Primed for *ua i
Pullilhcd by MATHEW CAREY,
. ( Price Sixteen Dollars.)
i New Sy/lem 3/*-Modern Geography :
Or, a O*ograpbical t tfijliru&l tud C&nmtrttml Grammar ;
and frefent JtaU *f tot fevered Xatim of ike World,
The igares, motions, and culiar to each country,
diflanees of the Planets, as- VII. Obfsrvatioas oa the
eordmgtothcNewtonianfyf- changes that havs been my
tem, and the latait obfsrva- where observed upon the face
UWW of nature Case the moil ear-
It. A grarral view of the ly peri .ds of hiitory.
< J% > • E.uth,confidcredas a planet; VIII. Hktory and origin
—- with fare rat afeful definitions of nations; their form* of go
and problems. Ternmem, refign&tion, laws,
'fit. 1 Grand divifiens of the revenues, taxes, naval and
ment G ' obe into laQd and wator, military strength,
who and islands. IX. Genius, nanners,'caf
tans Situation and extent of «m- toms and hjibits of the people,
pires, kingdoms, il.t.s, pro- X. Thfir language, learn
■ t ,j e . viitces and colonies. irg, arts, feicnces, manufac
t'hoft b -' r cliinates,air, foil, tures and eommcrce.
pay. v<f g ttabls s. productions, me- XI. Chiefcities, ftr»<fture»
i K tali, minerals, natural curie- ruins, and artificial curiofitlks.
eet. r ' cs> *'; ns . rivers, bays, pro- XTI. Latitude, longitude.
__ montorias and bearing»and diltancesof prin
:e of Vl, an< * Beaib p«- ci pal p lac wfromPhiladciphia
1, in '* A Geographical Index, with the name* and places a pha
d all beticAlly arranged.
pay - A I able ol the Coins of all nations, and their value ia
t ), # . dollars and cents.
, IH. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from
■ m the Creation to the present time.
*"'• The Agronomical part by Jams Fergxfm, F. Jt. t.
Corre&ed by Dr. David Rittinhousi.
"■ To tuhieb are added,
—— j late Difeoveriw of Dr. Herfchcil, and other em in est
The first amirican ton ion, correAei, impf»ve4, and
greatly enlarged. Containing the following
Maps and Plates.
I Map of the World jj Hindoilaa
* Chart of the World *4 Africa
jt Europe x s United State*
ting 4*Couiierie«roundthaNorth »6 Britiih Dominion* te A
lich morica
.lint S Swedcf »' Denmark, Nor- » 7 We ft Indies
[ties I wa y an <* Finlaad. 38' Province of Make
6 Ru(Sa *9'New Haiwpffia*
7 Scotland
'■"* ! s England and Wales 3l*Cono«ftiew
9 Ireland 3*»Rhode Island
I !• France 33' Vermont i
and I "*Seat of War 34* New York
s et 12 Seven United Provineei 35*, New Jerfoy t
:or Aultrian, Frenoh and J6 *Pennfrlva.iil .
Dut-h Netherlands j 7 "Delaware
17 '4 Germany 33* Maryland
per T S Switzerland „ 39*Virgiuia
im- Poland 40* Kentucky
ub- 17 Spain and Portugal . 41' North Carolina ,
ith, 42*Teneffce govsrament
19 Turkey in Europe Carolma
eli- 20 a 44*Oi»rgia
llic 1 ' made by cap- 4 ? Coperniean fyfleat
of- tains Cooke and Clerke. 46 Ancillary fph«r« *
a „ »z China r
> The Maps imarked with stars are added to this edition '
int exc.ufive of those in the last London edition. ' ' —
Ihe United States Register for 1795,
Price so Cents. CONTE NT S.
Calendar, with the neeeffary Boundario* of the United I
- tablc9 - States. Population p
Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers rt
LegiflatUrc Statement ot Export. D
Judiciary Public Debt , J.
, f Department of Stato Pay, Jcc. of the araty
'it, Department of theTre.fnry Mint Eflabliihmsnt „i
Commiffionersof Loan, Rules for rcducng the ear- S
me Officers of the Cuitomj rencies of the different
>rt Revenue Cutter, states to a par with %[
on Light Hsules oth . r r h.
- Officers of the Excifc Tables of the number of bt
<»r and Dutiable amde, cents and decuna! part, ?
xem P » ?rom d ut«s j„ , n y number of (hillinrs
«. i DutlMon tonna ? e , and pence lef, than a dol ,
rT"? C i ume , c ob ' ed » >»r in the currenc.w of Ul
eh Drawbacks, &c. and regu the di&ront ftatn
lotions to be oi'erved in Tables Jhewing the value of
*- (l ,° kt T n dolla " eurrecciio
7- General Abltract from the ol ditto
revenue laws, relating to Poll-office eftablifement
j the duty of mailers o, Lift of Post-Towns, As.
vessels, of the owners, L-titnde and Longitude of
f ,he the principal town, in the
omcers of the customS; United States
to the payment of duties, Banks
and the importation „f Literary fnftitutions
, National Manufa^orv
I Exjpeuccs of Cov«nun«Rt Sessions el the Courts'
» 1794 r „ W#ftCTn Twtitory
- Bopartment of War
' vt ~ , Governments.
1 New Hamplhire South-Carolina 1
* ?, e TTr Georgia J
■ "Si!" 0,„ , ,| wh
■ srs£ -
S££ ■*" S
I Maryland Abftrail of go<id,, wares, »nd
| Virginia mercha.duc export- in <
' Kenturkv '"e United Statw Clrc
! North-Car oil a a 'oo™ f oilob<lr i * h
Charlotte a talc of truth-by' Mr, TtfT XZ I T*
new Theatre, Phikdclphk. Second ml
SectS". l [Th= r / Pld ° £ editionTto. th
S afew month ' i$ the best «*•*« »i Of
T CMT,CAI - REV,rw . Amii'l 1791, p. 4 68. IT
It may be a tale ot truth, f«r. it is not unnatural and
it is a tale of real d.ltrcfs—Charlo- tc, by theajtifice ot a
eacher. recomniuided to a school, from humanity ra- 1
h*ii than a convi(stiof her integrity, or the rerularity, si
V " COD ' " e,ltic<Hi ' rom her jovernef,, and '
c . r m ' C3 f a ' 0 "" E o ctT to America—the marriags
ceremony, if sot forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte <J '
dies to the incoH.iancy of her lover and treash k "
t.v his friend.
Ti* lituatiou; are artlef, and affeaing—the dcfc. iption
64tU' al and pathCtu' :we fno.tid fed f or Charlotte if luch a
p rfon ever ex>ftcd, who for one error, fear,elf, perhajw J«
delervcd Ibkvere a punilhwct. If it i, a fidfoaf p.ef.c —
j .Ullicc is not, v C think, properlv diftribnted."
I. ah.: Inijuifitpr by Mrs. Rowfon. Second PhikiJel
piiia eoition. 8; i , ccnu .
4. Adventures of Roderic Random. 2 tols. I dollar and A
cents, coarfc paper—i dollar and 75 cents fine,
v Notes on tha hate of Virginia—by Thnma, jctferfan y
1 rice neatly bound, one dol ar jnd * half. '"1"
4. of the French Rrvßiurfon, from its com- _
inc&ce««B| to the death. 01 the Quetn and the vM»ution
ol Brillot y. <,]>. r».
5. Plowdeu', Kfctt rif impire, from M„ W ' U
1791; to December x r x «o>lUr and a quarter- 1
ai , W ,r n UW -' r ,Jn « T.iiuaiiie pubhe.tioii « 8 ha. /-»
af>pearc<l for ma- \ vJ C
6. licattie a Eunif ' at' Morul Scitnac. » v 1». One dol- In a
lar and three quarter** <od '", a (
a | Mr. Walter Rolbertfoii
EY R rGI leave to ac 9 ui ' at thc Gentlemeu, ifiibfcri'-.-rj to
» 1) the print Portrait Of George Waftington, Prcu.l ant
of the United States of America, engraved by Mr. I i Id"
fr»m in original pidture painted by W. Rchcrtfo:' th'-'
ihv : Prdof» arc ready for delivery t« the fev-rai filbkrl'b-
J ' ers at John Jame* Barralet's, Ne. 19 nouh Hicth-ltreet''
Mr ' !«at J Ormrtd'i, book feller, No. 41,. Che ■nut-ftrect!
> I where the fubferibers are requested to fend their address.
O (Sober eoti
>■ »h« Public Notice is hereby given^
D f" 7 i' I ® delinquent Stockholder! in the Philadelphia
i *1 X and Lancaster Turnpike Road, to pay up ail arrrar-
It ear- u g e s and penalties upon their (hares by the firft day o{
. , I December next, otherwise measures rauft be tak'n to en->
origin j f orce payment, as the Road is now nearly com dealtd
S° and thc Superintendent is called upon to niake final fe;»-
laws, tlgmtnts with the different contractors and work men,
I By order of the Board of Managers,
Tench Francis, Treasurer.
e'oplc, J November 3.
leara I ■ * — ————'
r if* "* Head, Chcfnut-ftrea/, three doors b«low
j I Seoond-ftreet, by
pr£; J. ORMROD,
iphis |I. Gen. Wafhiagio*'i Official Letters, 1 vols, a dolls.
*. Burgh's dignity of human nature, idol. 75 cents
1 P^ 1 ®" J I" Letters on the nature and origin 0/ Evil, by soaine
I . 6» i-i cents
u * I 4- Beauties of Sterne, 61 i-i cents
. J 5• taelmoth on the sublime of Scripture, 50 cents
I Patten s answer t» Paint's Age of Reafoa, 50 eta
| 7. Young Men's Guide, 50 cents
I I Hl y' e y'* Triumphs of Temper,embelltfhed with
elegant engravings, ! dollar
J 9. Plcafures ot the Imagination, 50 cents
I 10. Pleasures of Memory, .with plates, 1 dollar
inent I I*. Edwards on Redemption, 2 dollars
I i». Romance of the Forest, 1 dollar
, and I 13. Mysteries of Udolpho, 3 vols. % dolls. 50 cent*
I 14' Travels of Cyni , 87 I-i cents
I +5• Man of the World, 87 1-2 cents
I j6. Watts on the Mind, 1 dol. 15-100 cent*
I *7* Life of Col. Gardener, 67 1-3 cents
I 18. Goldfmitb's £ flays
1 j if. Homer's Iliad, 1 dollar
I »o. Book of Common Prayer. 67 i t c. Nts
111. Brown on the natural equality of 4en, 6z i-j cts'
J aa. Lift of the benevolent Howard, 75 cents
J a 3• Lucian s Dialogues in Greek, one dollar
| 14- 1 rials of the Human Heart, a vols. 2 dollar«
j 15. M'Ewen en the Types, 67 i-a cents
I a 6. Life of God in the Saul of Man, jo cent*
I . Ormrod hasjuft received an elegant collee-
J tion of Book 6 from Lsndon. Nov. a. $6t
James M'Alpin,
N°. 3 South FourthSStreett t
R E X U , P I^ S hij Friends andtke
f<Mic fw their liberal enewragemmt, and hem IwtofalteH
j m continuance tbtir Jai/*rs. J
. ?' h " gentlemen may he farnijhed -with the M natniate!
nndhave them made up and jinified m the fajh,enable manner.
Me iv 111 thankfully rectivc any order* and pay a prompt and
atUnticn to them. 0&. 1J 2aw
lottery intelligence.
We are informed th*t the gentlertfan who drew the
ted T S ,coo dollar prize, i» the Canal Lottery, was the
a proprietor of ooiy a single Ticket-This instance of
I good fortiine, ihew. that it i« w«U ttUn i. wuinc ',
road; and is the ttiore pleafmg, as the owner of the
pn*e it a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci
j tizen.
| The Schtme of the Canal Lottery is certainly one
at- 1 rr , L W »" h hss a PP earetJ —for, independent of
" objecSs to which its proceeds are to be ap
plied, the scheme is so calculated as to rentinually en
hance the value of the Tickets remaining in the wheels I
of bee a uk, while the drawing progreflW, the chince of
rts ? C "P' U | P ri2( ; growing greater, miifl increaie the va,
l"e ot the undrawn Ticket.
oi- . sri"«f ri "« d l a * n close of the drawing o*
of Uft Wedwefdty Evtning, were
I of. . . ISiOOQ
°f * " i.OO«
(M S of 1,000
4 0- • 500
11 C ■ ' ' • IO»
170® of . . lt !
of And thert then resnaintd ia the wheel
>e 1 °p 50,009
- - ,1C", 00a
°t ' " • 10,000
i °[ ' ■ t,,0»
. ' ' ' »,peo '
l S- - - 1,000
Xa °r " SCO
0 ' " ■ 100
14800 of - - , . , a
And <: (Utionary priiet ®f dollars each ! hv
m which, and the nature of those 5 flationarv prizes,
to w ,! a ; c to , bdnH S to the Sve la It drawn tickets, ,t
will oe found, that an undrawn ticket was yesterday
f morning, worth nearly 11 dollars, which, at
e ocgmaing, wai worth no more than 10 dollars—
'1 j an(i 10 t" e undrawn tickets uiult continue to increase
- < in value, as fait As the drawing proceeds: And this
* circumftanct will account for the number of Offves
r i vrhich are opened for the sale of Tickets, a 5 the pro
• j n;« mult be daily increafmg; and in a few days a
« j licket now felling at 11 dollars, will no doubt com
mand 15 dollars, and muit continue to gtt higher as
f . e drawing approxlmatet to the five fiationary prizes
1 of so,ooo dollars each. ' '
j -A. 1 a Meeting of the Stockholders in
1 t h f'** mfa " y * *'£'*' * Pnm fy lv on the ,
ajoi Alay ,aft, toßvened for the purpola. of fixing :ie
time of payment of the remaining part •!' the C«uital
t Btwk of stud Company,
JtefJvJ, tiut the rcilniniag sum of tw# hundred
tfoilars per faare, he pnia «n the 6th day of Novem
ber H€it, ucJ« tia ixnalties aaaeaed ee dofnslt h t the
i*t InccrporiitioE.
t'ubfilLiid by erdor of tke
SAMuiu. w: risHJs'a, J«V
J' w » ? ?iN§S
i'o be Said,
A fair of weil broke (family) brown carriage Horfcs;
a y, o " sidiug Horit. tlier are ah about ii*
ye-rs o.d; thc occaiion of ;a!e is the o*acr's ov«h.
Inquire ot the Printer. Oct. ii. 'lav. 3„ .
A good C< ok
Will mete with • onlLnt a;id r.'ccivj v;no-' '■£${
rous Wages. Apply lo the Printer. Oct ij.
Genteei Lodging
lln a very part ui the city, pn mo.l niol.Vrate -
inquire of the Printer. %l& 4t2av.