Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 04, 1795, Image 2
Xickctti New Amphitheatre, in Chksnwt-street. THIS PRESENT EVENING, / 4th November, iuftant. WiU beprefe.ited, never performed iil jtmtrila, t!U4 fit G H.NNIBAL; Or, Tub ANT I POISE AN DANCE. As performed,, with uniyerfaj appjsufs at SSadlcrs" Wells. f 3 conduit* with femcral New Peats 01 Lofty Tumbling, By Mr. Sully, Mjfter Sully, Senior Reano, ait. Mr. F. Ricketcs. Clowe, for the firl time, Mr.Spinacnta. Equefirian Performances. By desire, Mr. Ricketts's favourite Horf« will dirt thr.' A Blazing Sun, With ftlr. Ricketts on his back. For tb- lift fivtt nuill be r <>rt[rn*.?ds thr CHINESE SHADES; Or, Th* art of magic. Vf.-King fcvsral ftirpriQng Metamurphofci •— X*':th various other Feats not mentioned in the Bills. N. B. The performance opens with the C.»incfe Shades. The vej7 numerous Feats in this Kxhibi.ion would ex cecid the lift its of air advertif?ment to rScrpjtoiat*. Mr. EIQKBTTS refpeflfulljr hi» liberal ' buaeiaSors. thi: h- will spare no tspmat to procitre per- I fanseraoj the firft •tninenci, and introduce" that novelty ( which he u,ttt;rs hiimelf willpleafe (he public in general. < BILLS and nCKS I'S t» be had at the Bux-OflSce t adjoining the Amphitheatre, where places for tlie b.xes may b'e taken tram 10 in the rasrniiig till 3 in the »f ---twnoon --V- BNo money taken at the doors, *-r v any admittance behind the fcencs. V Boies, one dollar —Pit} half a dalkr. • ■**+ Do °" '0 be opene lat SIX, and the Entertain- 'J meat to begin at "'EVEN. c A MUS sEX TENSIVE COLLECTION OF~ e LAW BOOKS, ii LATEST IJiISH &DTTIOMS. ti GEORGE DAVIS, f v'jrm-r the Gem] men of the Bar, that a part of hit " ilrgc fail imporiarious ii arrive;!, w Per thr Ann, CaptSM Talbot, from Dublin, rt I ae< remainder he hourly expeas per the Glasgow. p. , on J * opened, Catalogues will be prepared and a. ff- 1 vered grans, of which ijoti.x will be riven. q ngbjr*t,iio.uuNov.a. 3 __ 6 James Tiffin, ° i tmOLEiALE'd RETAIL HATTER, C ' Y v a :'7°: ( OBth ficc " nJ 1>r eet, near the City Tavern, C 1 Is A / e f"f d l,y thc Uts "rival-, from Loudon l,n n' 1 to1 ' a , Ur * e 18,1 «l'gant affortmsnt of Ladict, kr andgentlemen, fe&iojjyMe HATS—AI*. a variety of an fiATS of different colours, which will be fold l v . ©u tne ioweft terms for cast. • AT, S. Ladies Hats trim'd in the newest fafljion from . Undnn, OA. u. s ins ANTE D y AOn or before die firft of December next. P'-i Furn,filed ROOM, on th, firft or feco«d floor, on a 1 »P| northern.or western view, fttusted betwe-r. 1 the betwixt Walnut and Matter-'! DO , Ty-itreets, for which a liberal price will be given Btie ' r ftirniture required only tabfes and cl,a&. ?rid chimney of apparatus, as it ismtcftdefi for Vliniatur«-Painun- «f» 1 attl Apply to me Limn,, »t No. 13, north Fourth-street. ' thi. Novtmbcr 2, r, , —: t' - ; \ and A Stated meeting of the Philadelphia Society for wi '' J. X information sad affi.lance of Pcrfons emigrating the. (Rom F resgn, will be held at the College, in l lav yourth-llreet 0,. Wednesday, the 4 th of Noremcfr at I ? 6 fleck in the evening. * ' ow N. PHILLIPS, Secretary. Ji " ; from thc Conftitu ion- not 6ier, g. Any perfot, by luSftribmg to thc Conflituti- lar ta, asd paying tne ium ,f One Dollar, fcall become . „ t h< tnemoer :he ,i>, i contribute, aunaally. One Dollar, in L n « -Halt yeirly payhients, towards the necetfa: - expences of f '"S bociety. oa. zi) t4f( fd t Thc highefl. price in Cacti, will be given lor empty bottles, r A pr«ference given to Claret Bottles.—Apply to T No. 187, iouth Third-street. I mcnt A rr>°-, , fuci 1 Canal Lottery. | con«f U '' /ir ' e J' he,wern F °w>h;f Fifth.Jlrau. T I ILK£I S examined grot:,, in d every information «v m, "S tLZ'SSg.*" and 2:;, Bartholomew ConoilT" ua' T~> ESPECTPin f l > 'Y 4B 'r Ch<: \ Ut " ftl ' eet ' ' c!ria » bri - tiiul h ofiery£fuchi P"blic °fl fT n V' me pl " ed "tt.n- I iou. si fcs afual low terms, together with every ocaer arti-Tdr l'" dry gocdi, fmtalile to tkefeafon. A «iff l2 C = ft"ktgs" nP ° rUj 1 -f gentlemen-. P«< « 8 »4- eoini. bouiltt tov ium r, l c * Jy ' 4 '1 U '° £r MOREAU IJE ST. MEPT Corner of Front and Wahiut fliv-ts " ' ma "S" AN ESSAY ' lakc c thc Miaa<st ' at the Breed of HORSES i »n America. ' lands id THTR fPrice, One Quarter ~f, Djlej.] MaflacJ Putilifher B7LI the hood ol the engagement of all +£^ seitcd in the fubjeA. w mtc * perienci •w/'n"i :h "' tl0 f n ,°. f tke a pablifcd « the farae fitce, and is to be foij at thc fame price. light or Octoher 33. , , ' n ,, * eod-jt, — I liej _ A COMPLIrf Wis r PRIN Ti N G-Q FFI C E lim <" ... e >"OU SAL £, what di «m Pr"f, ° f '? 00lli - of Jvp.. wci, I)%rtei , ; onfe . £ _ Jni|irfhi £int rrels, a«id every othci 1 article fuitaM/. »" t Unlive bufineft. It Jill be '° V note, at a, 4, and 6 m*mh, will be taken 7 For particular, apply to the Editor. f<e/h wji and tht University of Pennfyivania, D H CAL L^TURESw^ c ;t;enc V /;j -L firft Monday m next. eaufc, th Canal Lottery TieCu f 0 R S A L £ ;• At Nu. CUfnu: W T™ y Tided. Sei t. s7. * , fsconven X S tie. I-, 1^ 1,1 ■" - caufcs of the d'feafe wiil enable the gover':«e*t of , our Rates and cities to make such regulations as to our commercial towns from a repetition of the ew-Y(>rk, calamities they have once fuffered. If the disease en, iias been imported, more efle&ual mcafore* rtitift be taken to prevent its introduction—if generated in summers OUr L *" a ' ,tr s r « ■' ' e abfolutcly nece/fary for our po ■d Stares P u ' oU3 town to fuffer most decifcve amendments, in >ur"fellow lhrirdoc l £ *» houses, Urcets, 4c. -ommerce r ' al ' tu^es are tke fame as thofeof many coun jortant tt; Alia, \vhe-e tlie plague rages } and perkaps m can dr-, <mr c '" n:i ** 1 > which formerly "refilled the progress of . pronreb fatsl ssaffimilatihg itfelf annuail) lo that ca! Biitv Sl, *7 rr,irtnd Conlbwtinoph. irt of tlie * tar.not but hope, gentlemen, that you will be i the hap- "P'" 1011 'hat 'bis fubjeft is of great and univer :y of the f ""' concer " to t,lr United States : and that you will -orilVnt to aid a plan which has the health of our ibufincfs Wiow Cl'MenS. and the happfoeft and profptrity of points— our countl ) foc »« ° b je&- •mmonly 1 am - geiitlemeß, domellie * our fi -' l,ow r may be r , . NOAH WEBSTER, jun. is an ep- fevers - printers in the United States are re :ilic con- Q to publish this letter. I ure both ——— ' From tie AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. the sac- _ ' imong o- Nemo mortahuni oranitns horis fapit. opinion, !,.»■, [ a differ- Ever >' man 1,39 h " Hobby Horse. Some sre vici- ' nture of ? ut ' and orrie ot herwgys. Mine is not of the firft, no effec- inasmuch as lie is not pcrjtnal nor local. Whe- 1 the pie- ther he be of the last species, candor, be thou 1 his judge. a the yel- THUS thro' the mercy of our Gsd, that great ' ; and it blefiing, public peace, wis molt happily reltorcd ; " i the U. —And upon such terms, as flattered us with' „ ifarnJh the delightful profpeft of a continuance of th« 1 ividlion, blefling. ! ° i offered The great Eternal, who speaks, and the heavens ! t and the earth are fliaken, looked down from his • »ke the heaven of heavens, and beheld the diit.effes of the !■ nittees, fonsofmen. And beholding, he pitied ; and'was * notice, gracionlly pleased to fay to the deftroyine Avard , at the it »j- enough. ' " ' °- ication, A? Jo An as ihofe joyful words had pafled his b< United hallowed lips, the fto.m of horrors ceased ; grm and rWul ww ftopd effericelrfs. No mure was " interefi heard the fhnll found of the trumpet ; and n„ j on w r pnn- per didthe din of aim, diflurh the peaceful manfi. " Jits of oi- of doineftic enjoyment. All was happiness and' V lenwill joy, Under his fig-tree, or under his vine fat ere- " •nts of ry man in (afety and pi-ace. co places, ■ Great was the blessing.. Pcece . liher , and 8< rmraon faftiy I Ihe completion «f all our wishes. The f , ohj.a of al! our toils. Ours was all the happiness ; r obtain bqt allitbe glory and all the praifc was due to bea- ven ihe d»bt is iromenfc, and never, can never • Jcflive r 's :s firfl But in return for this infinite goodness. what h ,'' nsand hath been our co„d«a ? acknowledge the , t pro- debt ? Did we conftfs an obli C ation ? Faithfully ], ptotni to acknowledge is all that we can do : And the beit P sheen and the most acceptable acknowledgment is a life r , >of»of of obe.nencc; that u a life «f piety a „d A flrcets reverential, and grateful love of the deity and jTal— bpnevolt'ice, or a general good will to all'man- T i, and I Kred. the ilaints This reverenc and gratitude for the Deity, can 9 1 e yel- .ivc only in mrek and lowly minds. But ihfteaci of i ' icor- being engrossed therewiih, as we ought, di J we or not fuffer fuccef* to intoxicate and puff „ g up „ ;,h hm.- raiu conceits ? Independent of ail carthiv po»ei« 1 d,d V ' f at independence of him, who,' Pcl fever unconnoulable, ruleth over all > Hapuy it h/ flcJ trac *J w ' e l'«.t doll, not for these thing* condemn Wil le to I f U)Y , your I.i our rage f t>r trans-atlantic b.-tiblet, we iro- Klvt re& ported a lai ;? e assortment cf »//„?,/ J,fun :„f which many took copious draughts with i;re<dir;c-f s . bovt Inlonruch, that they laid aside the bible for the' l ' sc rnilh dogmas of.4e^1 t -al writers, who, wife in the.', ow;', ,i " U: have conceits, impioufiy attempted to bind the Om.iipo- Gau tent down to the rules of thei, philosophy, or ink- and IVii Irngs of their undei standing ! ' dress i, of I o thofc hive been added the dreams of uz< iof a man, K»ofc the multitude U P ai Altho t.afe dreams are given to the public as the hav ' r ary- opinions of a youth of only feren <sr eight veais t: tan- o.d ; yet they aie read, by numbers, with fndi a- own wns v;tity, as to ernfe from their minds all refpett ft '^ Clu f' for thofe,, important truths, " "*ti «'• pC ' lkC eveilaJJing peace <,/ all in the telieilual creation. pth, ] b.l- That opinion, which makes a man's own mind Citiz, and his own church, makes it his liar too. That is fed «t efcohfte. the will of capricious m,n, into IM. I tern *,<i code Jor a Cra J dircAory in all , pi t I rpmtUal and | t • r V m.?" ? us *"y ,csl uf <-. rod cemvi! " j • K f «"her, and bring i, no s ub . wards but'p" U ". l !° 1 P rinci pies of all virtue; place , 8 this 7 K 'mV ° f 8,1 f—-But Culfea tar thi» iu« is too blifphemous to be purfucd. and >S. - 'hi. abolition of fyftcms, and the i»C he, ed idelt anaicoy mult eofue. Every man will be It i in tenacious of his own opiriian, grid dignify k with Peth.o fe" £.ce m w'T]'' t'w r T ra , lfaCUl,) '~ W ' here;,s con- ward v x cate L f ,r b ° la,d af)dc i ai,d d ""g-' J Z ZihZ; P^° nS ' r ,U fomepleafc, and co, T it (hould "b opinion or will; even altlio' ble fici Or i.Lt VU T'n' Srerr#r, ' n the «trcmc.- combe rh 2 , "° rd ' S Rsj >so N , which ftould Le Li be " aZ": t ; ~ n ch,cf ' wiu df * rad < ,w wii ,r j -eJiSSsj2ss%'lilSi2 r, -' re ' v;i — I- W, of * ur I J r,fo ,ua ?'«t'on tothe affiitanc r i to remember their Cr' cMd 1 , youth, ' days »f their tie I 1,. s to vegetate • or u, a, ' e Offered Collear, ■ ranee, as haJdlv to knoTvThere gS"' R SrJStfS??* Tl - . I: of I thought au tiy iviji, anJ lurtt-i my feet iiKfo ow as to thy tejimtmtj ; was the language, and the clmfo-'. ion of the lation of a p.-nitent kin,/ of Xfracl. ic disease Let u« go, and do likewise, And be it engra r rtwft be ven upon y»ur hearts forever—that Riyhtewiluefe lerated in exalteth a nation j but iin is a reproach lu any peo r our po- pie : It it the great dejpoiler. Iments, in HOR, ""p'Zp"; foreign-' Inteiligence. ogress of —- ly to that PARIS, September 6. Tiiis capital enjoys the molt perfect tranquility u will be The f cw wretches who endeavour to gfve a fallc" d univer- direction to the public opinion are contemned, cifif : you will piled, hooted in ike primary aflerablies. The re of our publican hrinnefs, displayed x>n thi'9 occasion by perity of the mass of the people, has reduced the difsffVcted to Alence. The royalitta, also, are at last coit*U.c-> ed, that there is no longer any. chance left to ic trogode ; they fay it is neceffay to accept the Con , jun. ftitution; but affuroi «; a little aficr the tone of s are re- '"fallible arbitrators, they maintain, that for the fake of liberty and the Republic, i.ot a (ingle man- ber of the Convention ought to be re-ele&cd. The republic has no other enemies but vile fpe csJatori, the bloodsuckers of tlir nation j the joui J nalifts of Pitt, the hypocrite?, the sots and all those rich brigands, who fatten on the spoils of the pnb srcvici- he fortune. lie firft, 1I" foreftallers and stockjobbers demand the li- Whe- ber, y of commerce ; the little Cbouans, the liber be thou ty. of dress ; the fanatics the liberty of worfliio, and never have the Ariflocrats spoke so much of it ereat tl,e ri S hts °f man as at the prefect decisive mo j ment. is with ,• Amon S ,h <" numerou. cenfurcs on the new Coh of the wl " th wcr ~ ''anfmitted to the' Committee of hxveu ; there was a humourous one, dedicated heaven. J? ? tiz . en amUr of the pamphlet, rom his ~ Wl,at 18 tne of .795 ?" among o- ' of the rv' m ° re W,t,y t!,an f " ! ' d rcm a'ks appeared the- ' md'wa. t° low,n g i V Why did the Committee cf sword, / J 6 " eftabll ' h an Executive Diredory composed oi nvc members and fwc miaiiieis?" It is, fays he (Ted his five and fix makes eleven. ; rr'im , A ,P a ™P hlet " political afTaffinatiorr ir. was a ", P iunJeri ' or , Proscriptions and ccmfifcations," no ion- , fCCmS W,th tke K'oTcli invetftives again!: the manfi.' propofc, not king ] c f 6 tban the ' rfs and lias hucn pubiifhed un- . set ere ,j'f " a ' n ' '!■ 'c' dev!l " t Ravnai. Wc con e hardly perfnade ourfelres that advi'ccs so dan • -d h - r efl of th F French people, and The f" f ° a "Z°r r 'r y ° f . man Amild haye from >inefg; f pe " Ct |l,am , 1,1 Ray: a', wj.o retired 0 hea- ,h T,P? ,im ' 9l ,hfßtrc ' pe«*at& at M«m>. _ never «he vicm.ty of Pa. n». Informed of th- use the difafTccW make of Wktt k ZTX\\ u"1 L *»■' foleninly de gethe ' ,' hat !' e had not been concerned, neiti cr in hfuKy ! ','® et PU Cdt, ° n north « c oßipuiiiion of that pam 'aWe ,T,e c ° nf pirat6r. cease to hide tl.em- Uves behind a celebvaied name in order to influ and C lhe 7 <du ' ou ? al!d ts,e ?An .light- \ "man. ? pejple viTlHfs a " <J difefaim 1 the error, and pun,Hi the crimes of celebrated men ' ca " k\v' I"*.' « 3 t ( me P e °P k - French eflcem .h/X;,™ """ ld ' ih °' with 8u7,0t, Barbarous, and Petion «us, Jntflt w s »K.jng„f j, ine , 793> the D ; . SX'm I""'' f a ' b " , ' nlx ' and Guadcr, , J)e> from lons and joined the troops under I'elix lemn ;» tnc depa,tment of Calvados ; the io. Wfeu m their tavuu , Iveing 4 , ici!eU ■ lrn " IITJ "it * ' J m 'B ,2tcd the we {{era luf J ■*" k> *' r <*occ. !o the der-k'tmcnt <->f i j nefj. Ul,d a fl'chet in the commune of St. Vmilio,,^ ,he vic.n.ty V f Bourdcaux; after hve m„„ t !.' " own " m,a «|8 u,fl » ftclulioji from society, Ballet ."ud 'P°* a ° n 7. itl verV^fcoveUd r> «lio had grji.ted a,, afvlum to Peti. on ,ps Busot and Ba%roux, was at the fame tirre t,k n . — upas lti.pedted, and the three ur.hap r ,je"'"i"es t!l , having now no choice left, but to iurSdSSt , au eives to their implacable enerries or die fc- t-' v ' " T. Wl ° ,iUt a " tlld their ,?n : in . - ? r. national CGNvSnSJ^ :lr. Citizen RrvrfJetttatPues. cemli!; T y ' an,iy ofthe D ,b- wards him. lam a H St'TT ** re; place which witnessed the rß d If . I'°"' 8 tu Colleagues, Guadet, Buzot P. thf ' "".-'"l W | and Salles, «o had take,, refuse h"' %*»!»•"» he I ing been ou:-!;, wed. 0 a ' tcr hav be It is I, u!„, has hid and nourished Bnr! ,h lethio:, ..nd fiiiiut, during five mo.rhs m""' n- wa.d was to be d.agged about m ,hc* | 'm" "> dungeons, in which [ lam.uifluri R 1 " ,blc ; ■ -7S b mand me to apply to >oi) \ lm P criull % "m, e affiitancc f.J & °' dcr ta '« ' ' W^£ j 1 Colleagues, Z ,7 1 u.,.a, K ». • J caught i„ prison. <r< " OVU '° m tl " ; llcJ:ud » 1 I , , G " i%en H*#»*tive H app., a ju( r W $" m r " a,! ° w - me what wifi from aiiefl, which I eiKh''"""""'" — / | Mr r -.. i . li h™' 1 p ? (y«d) B.\P'l IS 1 u. *. Amd^ t It M&S.rfJ 30) m rpi . ' * 'tHCb J\rf)Nf'tr. -he toilowiu lu . . ,i , • .. . .. _ 6 K.W l-.l f!ic tUtte tu V.-1C uum.wu.i'.atcj da. 'nii