Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 04, 1795, Image 1

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    -=.'.y-3feAi^^i3t :
For Sale, or Charter,
-- it r f u T p
Moles Townfad, rrtafter,
BTRTHEN tffjpm. a ver* strong, ltaunch good vef
£l Ivine at Rot's wharf. For partituja* apply to
the' maficr on board, or Messrs. -Jtfoi Anthony V Sar.:
oaoi*r *8. . d£t
.For Sale, or Charter,
A BETWEEN two »ud three years old, bur
then about two hundred and fiftenn tons—
She no-.v lift at the end of Walant-flreet wharf.' For
""""""" Samuel Coatei.
Oaober I?. " * d6t
f. * ,
fZin. th » ins
WWI M A' R 1 J y
!( John CafHn, mailer,
$"w lying at Mr. Willing's wharf; she is almost
new, fails fall, has excellent accommodations for p»f
fengcrt and will fail in 8 or 10 da!y«, the cargo being
all ready—For paf&ge only, apply to the Captain on
' board, or to JOHN NIXON & Co.
f Og. 7.1, I? 9*. r °St-
J—" 1 ' THE SHIP
' Hamburgh Packet,
C *P r - Geor S' Clay,
BURTHEN j»o tons, built of live oak and cedar, (
and has ma 't but one voyage. She is intended for a
con,lent trader, is well accommodated for paflengers,
San. vil! fail «n or about the of November. For
freight or pafTsge apply to the Captain on board, at
Stamper'* wharf—or to
Philip Nicktin & Co.
Ofl 13. , d.
Thomas Gifford, nlafter, 1
HAS a great - art •! her cargo engaged, and will fail in
x a few days. For freight or passage apply on board at
Wilcock's wharf, or to THOMAS NEIVMANm Rofs's
Wbo has for Salk,
Coffee. Cotton Ciaretin cases and hampers, Old Fron
(ainiac Wine in hogsheads, and fevea doz. Mens' ruffled
Shirts. OA. it . (
I. - — ..The Copper Bottomed Ship
D R lAN A, ;
SujCxxiZZ&ZZ flow laying at Walnut-Street Wharf,
Has excellent acco nmodations for paflengers, and will i
fail with all convenient speed, having a considerable part
ps her Cargo engaged. For freight or paffags apply to
Ike Captain on board, or
Thomas & John Ketland.
N. B. The Adriana is intended ta return from London
an early Spiing Ship.
' Oflnber 7. _ d.
I WflTO" H 0 L 1 A N D '
Christopher Franklin,jun. master,
HAS excellent accommodations for paflengers; will
fail in all this month ; three-fourths of her cargo are
readv to go on hoard, a few tons of heavy goods will
be fSken on irt'ght.—For freight or passage apply to
the MafUr on board, Peter B'igbt, or to
Pragers & Co.
Septtmker 11, 179 5. §t
' t '\ —> i —
Koufe Coals .
Of gootl quality, for sale oil board the bngO'ive Branch, .
Captain William Moore, from Liverpool, laying at Wal-
Mt-llreet wharf. Apply ">
Philip Nick/in & Co.
is a r.:w vsflel", burthen about ifioo
tar eft of flour, and will be ready to receive, a cargo in'a
few days.
*K. B. Thcfe Gent emcn who have Goods on board the 1
Olive Bra: ch, arc requ 'fttd to fend for Lhcm as loon as
poffiblc. v : '*h . §
'FOR S A L % F.y B T
No. 12, Dock Street,
ic Pipes of
Tbe very bejl Madeira IVI NE,
9.oqi'arttr eaflcs of Sherry wiiie, . -
Brillol window gfa r s of different Szrs,
A quantry ofbefc Kavammh fcgius in boxes,
A few ealVt ef lugar,
4 boxes of yard wide Irifk linens,
4 bakrt of do. canvass,
5 hales of red, white, and yellow flannels;
*i: And the SHIP
BOR I'Hi.X 2OOJ brrrtk, now lying at Air. Thaddle's
r/hiri, iy Southivark.
Phili lelphia, $ept. ta. §•
yvjt Arnica per the S/iotu Bojlon, "James KirkpatrUk,
Master, J row Lmnpool,
113 Crates well-sfforted Queen's Ware,
4000 btifbeis heft loved fine Salt,
it. to W fold at No. 1, Pine-flrect,by
* 'James Campbell.
Alfe, a few box« well-afTorttd Irish Linens.
s— ~ N . B.
j. Saic! Snow for Freight or Char
\ ter, cither to th« Weft-Indies or
4f;:>r' :^i: ll r,,pe. >
'Tustt Entjiiite as atntv*.
Unitkd'States, 1 n~
Pennsylvania Diftriil, 5 fL
■ n pnrfiiance of a Writ to me direSed, from the hoaora
b.j R iqtard Peters, Jodjr-of the Dtftria Court in and
( fovtthe Pennsylvania Dilirift,'
Will be expo fed to Public Sale,
• At tie M»! chants Coffee House, in the City Philadelphia,
On Saturday, the, jth Day tf November next,
At 1 a o'clock at n^on,
X'jvSr**- ' The SLOOP called the
BURT HEN 64 tons, with all and finre
nr ier tackle, apparel and furniture, as the fame now are;
the said Sloop having been condemned to pay mariners
■ Wl j= CSj , &t ' WM. NICHOLS, Marlha!.
Mdrfaf, Og.ce, OR. 3 r, , 7 0 5 . JU
■ N. B The inventory may be seen at my office.
-t or Liverpool,
I A N A,
BURTHEN 220 tons, is nearly a new (hip; a
conftrmt trader, and will fail with *11 convenient
speed. For freight or passage apply to the Capt.
011 board at Walnut-street wharf—or to
Philip Nicklin Cs 5 Co.
Oft'ber 6, 1795. J
Lor Charleston, (S. C.)
|P§k RUBY,\
> ' Capt. Richards,
NOW lying the firft wharf i-elmv Chelant-flreet, ind
wiii Ciul in a few days. For freight, which will be taken
on low terms, app'y to the Captain on board, or to
Nalbro' 55" fohn FrazJer, 34. U'v. Nn 95 foathFroat-ilreet.
For Falmouth and a Market,
thi ieHoo}?Eß
Jspfb Lyons, majltr,
BURI HEN 100 tons, is in excellent order and ready to
receive h.r cargo. This vessel is a remarkable sailer, and
ha 51 odaccommodationsfor a few paflengers.. Apply to
the captain on board at the fubferibers wharf, or
Willings and Fraticm.
*F 0 R S A L E,
' The Schooncr
... .J. Wendell, master,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wKarf; a strong,
new vessel, five months old, built of red cedar, bur
then 130 tens, supposed will carry about noo barrels
of fio'jr, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent
accommodations for paflengers. For terms apply to
If not fold in two or three days, said vessel will pro
eeed for tl.c state of New-York.
Pbilad. Sept. 39. §
I'o-Morrow will be Landed,
At Latimer's wharf, from on board of the Clip Sedgely,
John Hodge, mailer, irom St, Peterfburgh, via.
2 Cables,, 120 fathoms, II Huckaback
and 14 inches
Cordage assorted White and yellow Candle
Spun Yarn Tallow
Junk and Oakum Soap do.
Fine twelve head Flax Mould and dipt Candles
Best Ruff;! Sail Duck Hard Soap .
Ravens Duck Bar Iron, flat and square
RufiU Sheetings Rod Iron
Drilling - Iron Hoops
Eror.d and narrow Diaper Half down Feathers
Crsfh Hogs Bristles, Sic.
Philips, Cramond 13 Co.
OHober 28. diw
The Partnerihip of SAM. & TTO. SHAW
BEING dilWived in August last, by mutual consent,
all thole indebted, whnfe accounts arc due, are de
; fired to make speedy payment at their Store, corner of
Front and Arch-street. The business is now carried on
at the fame place, by
Who hrs for lale, on reafyiable ttrms, for calh, or the
usual credit,
Ageneral aflortment of Merchandize,
! imported by the last vessels fr«m London, Briltol, and Li
verpool, suitable 'or the Fall Season. f
A Tobacco Engine and Press to bj fold by Sam. Shaw.
Oilsber xj. tawj^vfciaWdo.
For sale, at low prices,
NAILS by the cafic from 3d to iod assorted, and a vari
ety of Sprigs, Brads, and '1 acks;
Cetton and wool Cards, from Na. I to 12;
Hatters and ilock Cards ;
Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines.
Atjv Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles suitable for that bufu)ei>, which wilf
be fold together.
A latge stock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on
the Card Manuladtory, with the valuable machines for
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in far ward
nefs for finilhing. Also,
Occupied by the late partnership of Web(ler, Adgate and
White. A> ;he store is convenient for the business, the
machines and the whole in a condition to be work
ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to
purchase and follow the bufmefs to do it to advantage.
oa. 20. dim- No. 63 Chcfnut-ilrett.
Fresh TEAS,
Of fvfefhr quality, viz.
Imperial, or Gunpowder
Hyson Gomee,
1 It quality Hyson,
2d. do. uo.
Young Hyion,
Hylon Skin, and
A fern Bcxei of each, for sale at
No. iq, Third Street, South.
. - e °d-
Plaifter of Paris.
75 tout of Plaiftcr of Paris rtceived by the brig Cragcr,
Philip Saudf, master, from Havre-de-Grace, & for sale by
Andrews & Meredith,
3 a § No. 86,fouth wharve*.
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
rte fdlrfui** twticlet ./ tie las! Imports*™ from China.
t6o chests Hyson Tea,
Ghukt/tr Chests Souchong Tea,
400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts
4500 Pitcea Nankeen*. ?
« Willings fe 5 Francis.
Sepjember 14. , tl I
Robert Smith & Co.
M. f-i Front'jlreet, J
Have received by the' late arrivals from London, Li
verpool; 'and Hull,
A large &gtneral ajfortment of Goods, '
Suitabls for the l'ejfon, which they will difpofc of by the
package or piece on reasonable terms for cash,
or on a short credit:
Sccond & coarse c oths Dimities and muflinets
I»lai» & mixld caffimeres 7-8, 4.4, and 11-8 cotton
Plain & t wiil'd coatings checl^
Striped ferofe blankets Jaconet and book muslins
V. hite, red, and yelldw Jc rauflin handkerchiefs
flannels Printed linen and check
Bocking and other baizes . handkerchiefs k shawls
Plains, kerCcys, and half- Muslin apron patterns
thicks Tambour'd muslin cravats'
P sin & spotted fwanlkins Cambrics and lawns
Tambour d caffiniere vest A large affortmcntof cali- ,
P'ap' 3 caes and chintzes
Printed do. and swans- Do. of mens and women*
down do. - woiited k cotton hole (
Moreens and Joan's spin- Ruflia drillings & diapers
n ' n g 3-4 »fni7-S bed ticks
Florentuies and fattinets Striped /lankeens & ging
Calimancoes and durants. .hams
Camblets, wildbores and Laces and edgings
bombazetts Gloves and mitts
Kattinets and shalloons White & coloured threads
\ t lv. rrrs, thicksets, and Tapes, bobbin & bindings
corduroys Pins, &c.
A large ajfortment of India Goods, viz. ;
Taffaties, Bandano, Pullicate, and \
Lutestrings, Rormal handkerchies
Scnchaws, Nankeens
Satt:ns Sewing Silks, Sec.
Muslins, *
Oflober 8. dl»». J
John Miller, jun. & Co
No. 8, Chefnut street,
la addition to their assortment now received, have oa hand
remaining of the •
Cargoes of the Three Br others id Arethufafrom India,
And for sale by the package only, .
A ■.variety oj Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz.
Low priced Coffaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muslins
Long cloths in do. I
Patna handkerchiefs Humhums I
Shirting muslins Baftas
Blue romals Cambricks
Book handkerchiefs in Muslin
small bales neatly as- Taffaties
sorted. Blue checks
Alfo-tf variety of French Goods, viz.
Looking glasses Feathers and Flowers
Angola gloves Paper hangings
Linaus and Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the
Weft-India market.
A few elegant Time Pieces.
Oil. 9th. J
Jonathan Harvey & Col
No. 106, foutb Frmt~flrcet,
Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li
verpool and Hull,
A large and general ajfortment of Goods,
Suitable for the season, which they will difpofc of by the
piece or package, for cash or credit;
Coarse & fine bfcfed cloths Corduroys
Plains, sorest and hunters Velverets
cloths India and Englilh muslins
Plain & twill'd coatings Jaceoet and book muslin
Point, duffil, and rose handkerchiefs
blankets Printed linen and eheck
White, red, and .yellow handkerchiefs
flannels Calicoes and chintzes
Baizes, bockmgs, and Mens and womens cotton
duflils and worsted hole
Kerseys and half thicks Glaves a«d mitts
Spotted fwanlkins Sewing silk
Plain 3c mix'd ttlfimercs Scots thread
Moreens Bindings and gartering
Joan's lpinning Irilh and German linens
Calimancoes Modes & Sattins
Durants Sarfnets
Thickfetts Tablecloths
9th 0<?U'1795. %im.
No. 10, Chefnut street,
350 hoglheads Virginia Tobacco,
>0 calks of Carolina Indigo, of an excellent quality,
1 chest Imperial Tea,
I box purple Shawls, assorted,
Ginseng, 3cc. Sc: Olt. 5. §.
Imported in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and
: Madrafs, a variety of
To be gold by the Package, for. approved notss at
tlree and four months, by
No. 4* Dock Street, or
German Paffttigers
Just arrived in the ship Holland, Captain Franklin,
from Hamburgh, now at anchor oppoSte Vine-street,
whose tifoe is to be agreed for by applying on board,
or to PRAG£R§ * Co.
SJf!*''.ker La. i. •
Irijh Linens.
James & Henry Filherj
No. 8, IVjlnut-jfreet,
Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a I«rg«
assortment of »
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens,
7-8 brown do.
4-4 half white Sheetings,
9-8 brown and white do.
3-4 brown and white Lawns,
7-< Dowlas ;
Which they will difpofc of ort reasonable terms, by the
packagc, for eafli or approved jiotes, at 60 and 90 durs,
N. B. The ahuve Goods being immediately from the
Manufactories, it is prefnmsd they will he found worthy
of notioe. Oi2. %6. . J
John Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Milled,
have entered into partnerlhip, under the Firm of
John Miller, jun. & Co.
Tbty have received iy the arrivals frrmt Evrtpt, and are noVf
opening for SJL£,
At their STORE, No. 8, Chcfhut-ftreeti
A capital ajfortment oj DRT GOODS,
Suitable to the feafbn—ajnoagfc whish are,
Broad and narrow ClotJis, ,
Plain aad fancy Coatings,
Rt>fe and point Blankets,
A variety of coarse \¥ooli#n«,
Mancheller manufailyres,
Irish Linens,
India Goods, generally,
French G6ods.
All of which they will dispose of for caih »r th* usual
•redit. 9. $
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf,
Tie QARQO of the ship ¥ rift ran, *f % Chrtjiic, mafer, freet
— or—
45 barrels of COFFEE.
George Sibbald,
OA. 16. d No. i7ofouth Front-ftrert.
537 Hogsheads,")
459 Barrels, fCoffee, above 600,00d1b.
»14 Bags, 3 »
Ilj Hogsheads of choice Jamaica Sugar.
»II Bales of St. Domingo Cotton,
Will be landed Monday morning, a6th inft. at South*
street wharf,
B«ing the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ;
Brig Polly, and Sclioonur Induflry, from Jeremie,
roa salt sr
Peter Blight.
i*. $
The CARGO of the ship Harmony,
Exra Lirwelly mafler —from BOURDSAUX t
BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and
in hogsheads, is discharging from
board the said Ship at Cuthbert's wharf ( and for sale by
Aridiews & Meredith,
Sept. 15. d. No. 86, south wharves.
In caflts, suitable for the East and Weft-India marked
FRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes.
Anl * few safes of 1
Ticklenburgs & OznaburgSi
Rundle £3* Murgatroyd,
Oft. 28. (d»*o No. U,"Walnut-flreet wharf.
FOR SALE ty the Sulforiiers, at their Store on
Walnutftrtet Wharf,
*6 Hhds. •)
33 Barrels and > Hifpaniola COFFEE, lately arrived
J4O Bags J
Who havralfo On hand,
Red Port Vine, in Pipes and Hogsheads
Mountain Vf ine Wine, in Qr. ca&s
ao Tons Brimflene
Nails assorted
1 Sail Canvas, N°. I i J and
1 A few gentlemen's handsome Saddles
1 Philip Nicklin & Co.
; «4
, The CARGO of the Harmony,
James Moore, majier—from St* Pettrjburgb,
Too tons (old fable) IRON ;
100 tons HEMP ;
400 picces Russia SHEETI'NG^
400 pieces havens DUCK;
A few boxes Tallow CANDLES; and
30 calks TALLOW.
James Crawford, or
George Latimer.
l'hilad. j tth Srptimber, 1795. d.
1 N®. 64,/ontb Sefond-frect,
CANAL Tickeu for fa!e, snd cash or tickets gives for
any prizes that may be drawn.
\lnformation given refpeding Washington lottery, and
•ash or Canal tickcts given for priies that may b« drawn.
Both lotteries commence drawing September »Bth.
' BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot.
teries, and opea gratis to the enquiries of the poffefCsrsof
Tickets purchased at the OFFICE.
Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
hai at the above Office. Sept. 16. 5
Canal Lottery-Office
Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES,,
OHoher ,I> 1795.
'"P'HE drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the
X 18th ult. The faie of Tickets is continued by the
fubferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o*ctaet~
in the afternoon, at the above oiEce, and by J. Ru/hjrdeam
at the State-House, warranted undrawn.
Priae Tickets will be received in payment, fabjeft to thi
deduction expreffsd in the tickets—Price 11 dollars untii
further notice. Approved notes, with a indorfer,
payable xoth December next, wiilbe received in payment
, for tickcts amounting to one hsuidred dollarvand apwarj i.
, |f . WHlierm Blacklurn, Apent.
, 6heck Bo(dt kept at the Otfice. Tickets eranitfed at
I 2-ICO cach number, and regiSJ-red at 1 j ico each ttakk.
I N. B. No vickstsfold dwing Ue h#srief iraw^.-