StfRR MILL STONES frWe by OLIVER EVANS, at hit Fadtory, in the oH wind-mill in Elmfley't alky, WSovtb Sec'irU-Brtiti m Utile belovt DteiJlrut, HERE thole who apply may htfupplied with stones of such quality at will fait their purpofee. Alb, {tones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris. He keeps for SALE, v Athii dwelling No. 215 north Second-street, a little above - Vine ilreet, Boulting Cloths, A complete «fii»rtiiient of both imported and America® Inanufa&ured for merchant and country work, which he warrant good. ALSO, The Voting Millwright's and Miller's GUIDI. Containing a fyftcm of Mechanics and hydraulics as thffy apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all the late improvements on thfe art of inaimf.u'tunny, Hour &c' intended to be ul'efnl to all concerned in building or using water-mill*, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and Robert Campbell, boo Hellers. Sep'. 25. jtdtawtf. The Par. or am a. MR. SAVAGE rcfpe&fally informs the Ladies and OejttJcmeti «>f Philadelphia that the PANORAMA it now opened in Hiyh-fcrect, between loth and i ith streets. The 8»i jje ctnfifL of 38,00 c Tiihh, iv fc&ich there are 14,3.19 rrizes, and *3,461 t, "; ciout une aid an haij hhnki tea prize *"l "H * 1 Intel juot 1 he Society tor ettablilhing Ufelul Mi- J. iii,(ac!ur.<, having resolved toereft LOTTERIEStor Ost Hundheb Thousand Dollars, agreeably iil'Stt Ai'l of the Legifliture ol the State ol New- Jersey, »lv apf."limed the following perlons to fuperiiitend and CMTCIt.i. drawing of the fame, vi z . Nicholas Low, Ruf u » King, Hciman Le Roy, Jairiei Watfou, Richard Hiri rifon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray. of the city of Nt-w-Ynili—Thomai Willing, jolcph Half, Matthew M'. Conhei .nit) Andrew Bayard, i>t the city of Philadelphia -Hll 1 xcellcncy Richard Howell, fcfq. Klias Houdinot, General Elias Dayten, James Pa.ker, John Bavard, Do&. or Le* is Donham,-Samuel W. Siockton, JolhuaM. Was- Ince, Joleph Bloomfield, and i.lii Via iloudinot, of New Jersey. who offer the following Scheme •! a Lottery, and pledge theinfelvcs to the publie, that they will take every alfurance and precaution in their power 10 have the Monies paid by the Managers fiui'n time to time, lireceiv ed, into the Uanks at New.y o ,k and Philadelphia, to remain for the psirpofe of paying Prix s which (hall be immediately discharged by a check upon one of the flauks . S C H E M E: Prise of 20,000 Dollar* 13 2«,©00 t io,oeo io,ooo i a 5,000 10,000 $ a,coo 10,000 to i,coo 10,000 lOjOOO 100 <00 10,000 $3# 50 i^ repo r ed in them. IP" lorder tc lecure the punfitual payment of the •* Prizes, the Superiiftcndants oi '.he Lottery have directed that the Managers lhail each enter into bondft in 4C,oc>o dollars, with t<)ur (uM* lent fccuriii- s, to perforin tkeir in firuAtoiftj the fubilance of whicli is I. Thai whenever cither olihe Managers shall receivc - the sum of Three Hundred Doilm?, lainidlately he shall place the'farfie in 011 cot the Baukfc of Xew-Y6rk or Phi- to the ciedii ot the Governor 61 the Society, and such ot the Superimcndants a* ive in Ih'e city where the monies are placed, to remain there until the Lotteiy A is drawn, for the payment of the Prizes. 11. Ihe Managers to take fufticent lecurity for any Tickets they may truft,other wife to be refponiible for ilvem. HI. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Mo nies received and paid int*the Hank, abftra&s of which be sent, -noiuhly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfnn, January i, * On application to either of the above gentlemen, infor ination will' be giypn Where t.ckrtx nuy he bed. tu&ff OHIO COMPANY. ' DEED'S to the proprietors in the agency of Winthrtop Sargent, are deposited with Thomss ' M'Euen, No. 78, Chefnut-flreet, Philadelphia, and < ready to be delirered when called for. A second divi dend of the Funds has been declared, which proprietors j ttixy receive by a draught upon the treafu-er of the ' company j N. B. Eight dollars ire due apon each fhwt, for ex- 1 pences of the ageney. , September ipth, 17,;. tawtw 1 Andover Iron Works TO BE SOLD, OR LET ON LEASE. r arc situate in the couuties of Sussex and Morris 1 in the State of New-Jersey : l'he ore ltes within a' mile of the Furnace, is eftecmed of the firft quality of any in America, and particularly adapted for making Steel. The Furnace and Forge,-to which belong bctwccn°n and" *1,000 acres of Land, will he fold together, or lemed ei- 1 ther feparatel7 or together: they are' distant about seven ' miles from each other, and are an objeS well worth the attention of Iron Masters. The buildings, &c. are in eve ry refp ct commodious For further particulars apply to Benj Jhin Chew, or John Lardner, Philadelphia. *• jiaw ALL perrons indebted to the Eltate of SAMUEL VRACJNCES, late of this city> Innkeeper, de tea.'ed, are detired to make payment'to the fuiifcriber • and all thole who haye any dtniands Jgaii.ft the said Eltate, are requested to bring in their accounts proper ly Utefted. SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, A«ing Executor. South Water-ftrcct, No. n. Oiflober 18, 1795. ' "" 5 H O T, ' f~ i7*ll Asm, from 3% lb to Grape, •w Csmhooies, Pott, and other castings exe«MM «t the (horteft notice, * Nail rods, from tod 10 spike, > Hoop Iron, of all files, for cak» or AUt-aidg i»to nails, from a brad »o l id nails, , Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loolb. e Bar Iron, A Quantity of Jamies Rivor Tobacco, Carolina Tork. n Herrings in birrels, e Kiln-dried cor» meal in Hhds. and Bbli. Ry* fleur See. to he fold by Levi Hollingjkvortb $5® Son. ' 4 iaii y ■ * Notice. g A Llip«rfo*s indebted to the late partnarfliip of Web" d f' r -> Attgafe, & White, are desired to make payment to Peter W. Gallavdet, No. (#3, Chefnut-ftrcet, who is autkorifed to receive the fame. Those who have claims — on the said Firm will prcfent them to him. Demands on the cftate oT the latc Pelatiab Webjler, de ceased, are to be exhibited to the fu'.fcriber—and those indebted to the said estate, are requested to make pay- ment to RUTH PERIT, Executrix, Oftoher 20. dim, Nb. 47 south W'a^er-ftreet. n ' >" ALL persons having any demands on the Estate of '• -l \ Mary Hewson,late ofßucks county,deceafed,are 'desired to apply to Wiluam Hewson, near Bristol, in :e the county aforefaid, for immediate f.-ttlement. And all 3 > persons indebted to said Ellate are requested to make pay •• ment to the said William Hewfon, who is hertby authe- rifed to receive the fame. Elizabeth Hewson, Rxuvtri*. Jonathan Williams,> _ " WILLIAM HiIWSIX, I Bcllemcadc, near Brijiol, e OA.a6, 1795* *2tw3«/. e American Landscapes. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING IK AQUATINT A T wenti-Four VIEWS, 5 Q ELECTED from the mo ft striking and mterefting c PrrtfpeAs in the Wnited States ; each of which > Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of itsLo<;al, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities ; By G. I. PARKYNS, y Author tf tUe " Monaf is Rttnaini aad Ancient CrUlct in Great , Britain.'* 1 CONDITIONS. > I. That the work shall be publilhed by Subscription; and ■ that each Subscriber lhu.ll engage to take the whdlc set of Views, and lhall pay for each engraving, if blar 7 ; —* 1 " City of Wafiiington. ; n SGHEME of the LOTTERY, Ne.lfj s . POX THE IMPROVEMENT OF THt "* FEDERAL CITY. £ I A magnificent J 20,000 Dollars, and p dwelling house, J calh 3®,000 ate 1. 50,000 1 ditto 15,000 iceaih 25,000 40,000 1 ditto 15,000 &ca(h 14,000 30,000 14 t ditto »•, 000 & c»(h 10,000 io,ooo ** 1 ditto St 000 & " lh 5,000 io'ooqj c * 1 ditto 5,000 & caih 5,000 " 1 Cash piiie ol 10,000 1 » ditto 5,00* each, ara j 0,000 lO ditt» IjOOO 10.900 go ditto 500 10,000 100 ditto 100 10,000 n »oo ditto jo 10,000 400 ditts «si 10,000 0 1,000 ditto to to,octf 15,000 ditto i* ijt,,c®9 16,739 ' r ** e * 33,161 Blanks jo,ooo Ticket* «t 8 doKar* 400,000 This Lottery will afford an ejegant fpecirnen of the private buildings to beere&ed in the City of Washington —Two beautiful deligns are already felt fled fer the entire from* on two of the public fq'uares ; from these draw ings, it is proposed to erect two centre and l»ur corner buildiags, at soon as poftible atter this Lottery is fold, ind to convey them when complete, 10 Ihe fortunate adventur er», in the manner described in the'feheme for the HoreJ Lottery. A nett drdiifilion of five per cent, will be made to defray the n«ccff»rj- exoencfs 01' printing, &c. and the forplus will be made i part oTffirfunl IflreHSSO forTbe National University, to be erc&ed within the City of Walhington. sis* The drawing will commence as f-ion as the Ticket* are fold off.—;: —The money ptinet will be payable, in thirty day alter it is fintftied, apd any prizes for which fortunate auiabers art not produced within twelve mouth* after the drawing is doled art* to be conlideied as give* towards the fund fm the University, it ing determin cd to fettle the whole business in a year from the ending of . the drawing and to take up the bonds given as secu rity. The real (Vcaritfes given the paymesii of the Pri*e are bs'd by the President' and two DirtSort'of the ft«ik of Columbia, and atc valued at more than hall the Amount ol the Lottery, The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment oF the late Commilfioners ailifted :n the management of th« Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk a second time on behalf of the public ; a futile it'll t y nuti t ber of these having kindly accepted, it it hoped that th« friend* to a National University and the other federal ob jects may continue to favor the design. The fynopfi* of one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Institution, is already in the press, and will be speedily 1 published, together with it* constitution. A compleat Plan of the wholt of this Impehant lnftitution, compiled from a fele&ion of the bed materi als, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public whenever tiie.fatne.jTiay havg gone through ittch rcvilion* at may be nccelTary to eftablilh the perfedfc confidence and general approbation, so eiTential to its present rife and fm ture exiftencefor the general good of America. By accounts received from the diflcrent partt of the Continent as well a* from Europe, where the ticket# have been sent for Me, the public are allured that the drawing will speedily commen«e, and that the tare ami caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of , the tickets, hat rendered the nort fufpenfioit indispensable. ; February 14, 179 J. SAMUEL BLODOET. Aug jo e »drf V Ticket! wity be had at the Bank ol Columbia j of Jame> iVttk &c Co. Baltimore or Gideon Dernfon, S?vannah, of Peter Gilmsn, Boflon ; ol John Hopkins Richmond : and of R,ichard Wells, Cooper'l icrfv. LOTTERY INTELLIGENCE. We are informed that the gentleman who drew, the 15,000 dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, was the proprietor of only a Angle Ticket—This instance of good fortune, lhews that it is well to be ;n Fortune's road ; and i> the more pleafirig, as the owner of the prize it a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci tizen. t The Scheme of the Canal Lottery is certainly on« of the bell whkh has appeared—for, independent ;< the ufeful objefls to which its proceeds are to be ap» plied, the foheme is so calculated as to continually en hance the value of the Tickets remaining in the wheel; because, while the drawing progress, the chance of a capital prize growing greater, mull increase the va lue of the undrawn Ticket. The Prizes drawn to the close of the drawing «» last Wednesday Evening, were I of 15,000 t of - a,OOO 5 of - - l,oo« 4 of - 500 , 11 of . xo« 1700 of - 1% And there then remained in the whael 1 of 50,000 fcj I 1 «f - 30,009 1 * of 10,000 6 of t - - 3,500 9 of - . - *,000 ii ' ol - - i,oo« 36 of - - JOO 89 of - Ipo 14800 of - . Ia And ? stationary prizes of dollars each ; by and the nature of those 5 stationary prizes, which are to belosg to the five last drawn tickets, it will he found, that an undrawn ticlcet was yeiterday morning, worth nearly 11 1-2 dollars, which, at the beginning, was worth no more than 10 dollars— and so the undrawn tickets mult continue to increase I in value, as fall as the drawing proceeds: And this circumstance will account for the number of Offices . which are opened for the sale of Tickets, as the pro fits mull be daily intreafine;; and in a few days a $ ■ Ticket now felling at 11 dollars, will no doubt com -1 mand 15 dolljis, and mull continue to get higher, at the drawing approximates to the five stationary pri?et r of 20,000 dollars each. A good Ccok, - Will meet with constant employment, and receive gene rous wages. Apply to the Printer. OA. 13.°