Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 03, 1795, Image 2

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Informa the Gentlemen of the Bar, that a part of Ins
N Urge fall importation! is just arrived,
Per tke Ann, Cmptn'm Talbot, from D-hlii,
Tke remainder he hourly expeclt per the Glaf/ow.
As loon at Catalogue! will be prepared and
delivered gratis, :>f which niitiec will be given.
J '--fir r, No. ,;J?, Nnv. i, 3
F O R S A L E,
*t Franklin's Head, ChcOiut-ftrotf, three doors btlow
Second-street, by
I. Gen. Washington'sOfficislLetters, 1 vis. * dolls,
i. Burgh's dighity of human nature, 1 dol. 75 cents
3. Lettert on the nature and origin of Evil, by Soame
Jenyns, f> 1 x-ietms
1 4. Beauties r.f Sterne, 6j i-a cents
5. Mtunoin on thefublime of Scripture, ?o cents
i. Patten's snfwer t<s Paiue's Age of Real'on, 50 cts
7. Yo-jng Men's Guide, 50 cents
%, Hayley's Triumphs of Temper, ertbelliflied with
elegant engravings, T dollar
9. Plcafures of the Imagination, 50 cents
to. Pleasures of Memory, with plates, 1 dollar
fl. Edwards oil Redemption, a dollars
it. Romance of the sorest, 1 dollar
¥3. MyiWies of Udolpho, 3 Vols, i dollt. 56 certtt
,■ 14. Travels of Cyr»-, n r a cents
J5. Man of the World, $7 1-1 cents
16. Watts on the Mind, 1 dol. ij-foo ceute
lj. Life of Col. Garden;r, 67 1-1 cents
18. Gelditfiith's ifl'ays
if. Homer's Iliad, by Pope, 1 dollar
io. B,;ok of Common,Priy.r, 67 i-i cents
tt< B r own on the natural equality of Men, 6z 1-1 els'
Life of the benevolent Howard, 75 cents
13. Lueina't Dialogues in Greek, o»e dollar
*4. Trials ot the Human ileart, a vols. 1 dollars
Aj. M'Ewen tke Types, 67 i-a cents
a 6. Life of God in the £>«n»lof Man, 56 cents
J- Ormrod his just received an elegant collec
tion,of 'Banks From Lbnrfnn, "Nov.a.
*- - 1 - ■ - ■
Jacob johufon and Co.
147 iCtnrkH ftrf-ty Philadelphia,
A very general afTorcment of
Whisk they offer or» the lowest ttrms.
They huvc '!{■: f»r Sale t
A large quantity of Demy and Ciown PRINT
*»* A liberal dedu&ion will be made to Country Store
keepers, whose ord;rs will "be thankfully received.
?lji mo. 15th. 170?. law\m.
ANY Ladies and Gentlemen, who are d-fiross of bar
ing their Likenesses taken, may have them done by
tpplyinp t® the Painter, at No. in,corner of Union and
fourth ilreets, where they c-ui be referred to specimens.
Qdtabsr lj. eod
Dancing School.
WM. M'DOUQALL has opened his fehool for the
crefent season, at the elegant ball room in Har
mony-flree't, leading from Third to Fourth, betwee*
Chefnut and Wainut-flrcets.
Hours of attendance, from ten to twelve o'clock, on
Monday, Wednefiky, and Friday mornings, for young" la
dies; and from fix to niiie oa the evening of the fame
d<ivs, for young gentlemen.
Note-—ln addition to the French and Engliflj dances ;
finally taught, tie m*ans to introduce a variety of Scotch
feels, at prefentfo much admirad in Europe.
The weekly pr*/lifings will commence •« Tuesday e
vening, the 20th inlt. and to he continued every Tuesday
d*rtng the faifon. OAobtr 19. ctijth,*, tf.
Le Bieion,
Pupil of the eelfbrated Air* Dttboit, late Dentijl to the King mud
Royal Family of France, member of th» College and Asa
demv of SurgMiis ai Parity
Keeps a'completc aJTortment. of every thing neeeffary to
he used the
Preftrvatisn of the Mouth and Teeth.
Patent mineral Teeth, and hnmio and ivory Tenth ; Den
tritee in powder ,• Opiate; excellent Elixir f«t'lweetening
the month, and prefervmg the teeth. He alio furmthes
Brushes and foft Spomges.
£5" He lives in Chefnnt-ftrect, No. 135, above Fourth
fccet.' Sift. 19. cot'..
James Tiffin, r
Ko. 70, south Second street. near the City 'tavern, 1
HAS just received by the late arrivals from London
and Bristol, a large and elegant afiortment of Ladies
and Gentlemens HATS. —Also, a variety of
CJhildrens HATS of different colours, which will be fold 0
•n *he lowest terms for cafii.
N. B Ladies Hats flrim'd in the newest fafhion from f
L»r.don, Gift. I*. § I
" IV ANTE D, ~
On or before the firft of December ne*t, p
AFurnifhed ROOM, on tht firft or feco<nd floor, on a
northern or western view, and situated between |
Front and Fifth-ftreets, and betwixt Walnut and Mulbcr- 1
ry-ftrcets, for which a liberal price will be given. The 1
furniture required are only tables arvd chairs, and chimney q
apparatus, asitis intended for Miniature-Painting bulinefs. : fj
Apply to the Limner at No. 13, north Fourth-flreet.
November 2. i4t. f
A Stated meeting of the Philadelphia Society for the
infermatfon and afßftance of Pcrfons emigrating : J
from Foreign countries, will be held at the College, ik , f
• Fourth-flreet, on Wednesday, the 4th of November, at j r
J o'clock in the evening.
N. PHILLIPS, Secretary.
. Extra# from the Conftitu ion.
fixer. S. Any person by fubCtrihing io the Conftituti-.
#>n, and paying the sum of One Dollar, ihall become a
member: he fliail contribute, annually, One Dollar, in
kalf yearly payments, towards the neceflary expcnces oi
«ht Society. OA. 19 t4>f.
The highest price in Cafii, be given f«'r
A preference will" he given to Cleret Bottles— Apply »o
No. 187, south Third-lbeet.
At*-it io. _ d
Canal Lottery.
y* ■ I +9, Chefuut-firtet, Fourths Fifth -Jiretts ■
'' I~"ICKETS examined grcih, and every information giv
-1 ea rrfpefling said Lottery. Also, Walhington and
Faterfon Lotteries. OA.^
\ Smart a&ire young Lad of good edncition. His
J_ jui.ntioi g..irdia;:s are rcqnefted to attecd with
him at No. 149, Chefn%i»- I >reet, between Fourth 3t Fifth
streets. OA"'*.- tS. §
Canal Lottery Tiekets
. / 0 K sal x,~
At Nc. ?j3j Sirwt.
nuu. Sept. 27. s
From ti: Rvral Rl1*0»lT0iY.
Printed at LIOMINSTtk, Majuckufttti,
AS you have forward with so riuch candor
ul and moderation, to illustrate the eharafter «f the
Prclident ; as you have so amply not on
ly myfclf but many others, how black is the Htart
of our Chief Ma^iilrate, how ambitious, his riews,
and how determinedly wicked his motives and i<>-
w t««tions ; it would be but in me, to yield
yo;i that tribute of aj,plaufe which is so jnftJy your,
due. Depeud on it, !ir, not only tht pre lent ag.-,
I, but the pen of the future historian shall honour, his
its pag-s with a delineation of your exceii. ncies.—
ne Vour.patriotic intentions are visible from your 1:011-
drfceudfng to wnte in a newspaper, to few s fall
ing empire. Such are your virtue*, at you have
fully proved by a noble independence in asserting
them yourfelf, that we begin to canfider yon at a
th ftat in the political (ky ; and doubtless, fir,
you have done the fame yourfelf. But, fir, you
have not half done your duty. Fear not thecen
fures of ths wife and good. There are more knavet
and fools in the United States than'you are aware
of. Abettors and fuppwrteri will flock in from all
quartert. We have everything to hope from the
hoi ltd phrenfy of your disposition, and those gentle
dt.nanj of caij'tifton, that .hover round your foul, af
-11 It your enterprises, and dired the flaming pen of
venomous conning. Counselled by these pure
spirits, we may fay, like Satan to Sin and Death,
If your joint powers prsvai!, th' affurs ef hell
No detriment need fear. Go, and be strong-
Yeu have not half, fir, peiformed the funflions
of that toffice, with which the couit of Pandemo
nium has entrulted you, The follies and vice 3of
, c _ the President are far tore numerous than you ima
gine. His military and civil life have ever appear
ed to me to be one course of ambitious wickedneft.
DjA'j you think there is something ia him of the
kind, or the jackass ? 1 doft't fee any such
traces but the visual ray of my 'litie eye
f is 001 yet purged with th t etiplirafy and me, to
' neceflary to a llaiefmau like yourielf. I doubt uoi
but by the Linnsean fyltem, or forne other, you
p. can prove it to general fatisfa&ion. Then prove
that he hat endeavored to bribe Coiigrefs to p.refent
>r« him a Crown. Next prove, that tho* he pofTelTes
an honorable fortune, yet he receives a large annual
income from Inland, for fervicet done to that
• kingdom. Next ujfert that he lias hired some phy
sicians to communicate to the people a contagious
and deadly tiiforjer for the fake of deliroying the
id jacobins ; and after our mindt are a little warmed,
f douht not you can pnve it in your next leiter.
If you have fexn any of his wisdom in the held,
fay aothing about it. If you have seen any poli
ce tical integrity in hit character, fay nothing about
r- it. If he be a man of morals, fay nothing about
it. if of a codl, calm, deliberate judgment ;if
in an head pregnant with watchful cares for the wet
s. fare of hit country, and an heart with uriiverfal be
, c nevolence, are conspicuous in him, fay nothing
aboui it. If every wife and good man in the world
« reveret his vinuet and abilities, fay nothing ab»ut
it. And, finally, if for al] thels. Vf>u ih"irkL
be brought to judgment, and some patriotic jack
y tar ftiould so fai degrade himfelf ai to kick your
:f. backfidet, fay nothing, about it.
I am, Sir,
With fentimentt of contempt
J and iudii' nation,
From the Netu Tori Daily Aduertifsr.
Secretary of the Treasury of the United Statet.
« SIR,
% THE incorrigible obftinscy with which you con
tinue t.» jullify your conduct relative to the charges
- Observer,' obliges nnr (greatly against
my inclination ) to vindicate the piopvic-ty of those
charget, and .ice your mal-pradices in a firtner
light. _ /
1 Astoexilling appropriations, and conftitution
® al laws, they are mere farces, made to impose on
; our ignorance, and empty our pockets.
You, Sir, ita*d acculed of having granted the
i sum of m-»re tha» President of
the United States before it became aflually hit due.
A proper ftufe of your duty, and an hone It re
gard to the public good, to have fujrgefted
'1 to you the enormity of such an unfeeling ati. Me*
_ | tbinks 1 behold this very moment the President of
• | the United States, with unbecoming dignity, re
f queftinga thousand dollars in advance; and vou,
• fir, (anticipating his wautt) pulilaaimoufly com
- Wnt this an aft of yonr yirtue, or a proof of
r your patriotilm ? Mean spirit ! Had the Calm Ob
■ : server been in your place, he would hate bid him
t go borrow and be d d.
Odtober 31, LAMBKIN.
From the Netu-Turk Atiiterva.
" Among the remarkable circumftancet that dis
tinguish the revolution in France, are the gteat
- changes in opinion which have taken place in rapid
fucceflion. The French have always had the cha
rafter of a volatile people; more ciftinguiftied for
10 biill ant imagination, than for foiy judgment. The
revolution hat afforded ample confirmation of tfer
_ jliftnefs of this character.
In the eaieer of theii firft viftoriet, and in the
t warmth of their enihufiafm for liberty, they em
v _ braced a projett of fraternizing with all republics,
id «nd waging an eternal War, with all king:, which
_ they held to be fynpnymous with tyrants. They
declared in convwition, they would never make
'•-« peilce with a Monarch.
£ Their measures corresponded with these deda
rations. Tliey seemed to overlook the inconhften
- cy of their proceedings with their own principles.
The very ground on which the"y ..ppofed thf com
biration powers against their nation, and u „
which all impartial nations will juftify rhem. was
I e'f-Jel«nt» aad the right of klf-govi fwtt. 1.,
*»;iarch'e«l «n*MU,
ihey efpouted the f«r«ie principle at the combined
power* j they attacked the right of felf
government in other nation*. TKisconduft of the
French even jultified the combined power*; for
what kind of govetnnunt i« best for a particular
. nation, is,to be determined solely by that nation ;
and on lliitt principle, the French had no more
right to attempt to give England and Spain a
Republican form of government, than England
and Spain h»d to attempt :o continue the monar
chy of France.
But the opinion* of the French are wonderfully
. ctmng-d, as well as thofc of the Combined powct*.
The king* jvho united againll France are convinced
that forte will never compel the French to change
their opinions ; and their right to attempt thia
piojeit, was never contended lor with even a (bow
of reason. The French en their part have laid
aside their a ufaJes againfl tyrants, and formed a
tieaty with two of the nod absolute monarch* in
Euiope. Inttead of French men fraternizing with
none but republicans, we fee them in a league of
1 friendfhip with Sptiin and Prussia, and even with the
Ottoman Porte, the moil arbitrary prince on earth.
! Nay, we fee them accept the o filiation of the
Sp anifli monarch in favor of the Italian States, one I
of which is the Pope. Strange changes these !
But the French, while they disavow their ridi
, cu!ous idea* of dethroning all tyrants, will not lay
aside the principle of interfering in the domeftie
r concern* of other nation*. They cannot divest
themlVlvc* of their habits of intrigue. Under the
monarchy, the French education wa* directed to
this point—to teach the art of difTembling their
own thoughts and of difcov>ering thofc of other*.
This art, inltead of being banished by the revolu
tion, has received new strength and cultivation. It
. nevei wa* pra&ifed so much and to so god effect.
Indeed the intriguing disposition of the French, is
become infinitely more dangerou* than formerly;
a* it is furnifbed with a molt imposing influence and
mod tffe&ual wea'pon, in disguising its infidion*
view* under a ma(k of liberty md twtrictifm —a dis
guise wfaich Richelieu and Mazarine could not «fe
under kings.
Under this specious garti, they have effected a
revolution in the free and peaceful city of Geneva,
which in faA ruined thotifamls of its befl citiiem,
and has placed that feat of fcieflce and liberty un
der the control of French politic*. It is a mere
fati llite of France. Holland is in a worse fitaation.
That country has got rid of fwme feudal evils, but
in return (he is a mere colony 01 France : garrison
ed by French troops—drained of her money and
her arm* and military apparatus —her commerce
(lagnant—and faiftion and civil war in her bosom.
So totally paralisted aie all the a&ive powers of the
Dutch, that it is believed by many, the sea will re
gai* poffefiion of great part of her ancient domini
on in thalt country.
In the United State*, French intrigue has been
aiflive ; in success has been great; but its view*
have bees muth thwarted, and they are not yet
brought to a final result. A deep laid plan of
fubjeiling this country to the influence of France
was formed or tbree years age ; and some re
cent will warrant a belief that a con
fpiraoy againlt the conllitution of our country ha*
mr.(t aftontfl* and alarm eveiy feo
ntft man in America. The united ancf adtive ex
ertions of :he demneratic clubs to defeat the effeift
of the late Tieaty—to bring an «di'«m on the Pre
sident-—and to augment opposition to bi* mcafure*
—the falfehood* circulated with industry iefpe£t
tng the merits of the Tieaty and the pretended cor
ruption of in advocates—the riotous proceedings
in many parts of the union, at the instigation of
the club*—all announce the views, the determina
tion, and the malignity of the cobfpirati.-r*.
It is a serious fad, that things are ripening to a
ciifis, in the United States ; and my Countrymen,
it is yet a qne'tion, whether we are to be governed
by our own constitution and the virtuous Wa/h
---ington ; ot by Democratic Clubs.
liewarc of petitions now circulating againit the
Treaty. They arc » part of a deep-laid conspira
cy against our government and liberty. Rejedt
those petitions, for by fuppoi"ting<them s you may
ugn i!ie death .waitant of your Conllitution and
From the (S. C.) Columbian Herald.
Mcjfrs. Printers,
Since yuvir daily paper has appeared, many of
your fut»f-->ibers havct expressed tbemfelves much
pleased with your add'rfs to the public, and with
tiie principle* whereby you profefs to be regulated
in the management of the Columbian Herald
By such a line of condiift, you will prove yoiir
felves the friends of youi country, and make yuur
paper truly in lumental in promoting its welfare.
Never relax in your zeal for the rights of your
countrymen ; diffufe as much a* poflible the great
piinciples which form the balis and (Irength of our
independent republic ; Vut discard with care thole
calumnies which mutt unavoidably unhinge all order
and government.
A- tendency to anarchy and confufion necefTarily
results from every republican government, and per
hajjs that tendency is ((lengthened in proportion
as the people arrf free. The check* to it are de
rived from the -virtue, the wisdom, and the naiui'l
jrcud sense of the people : but. if any meant aie
fucceisfully to blind the pimple, to cor
rupt them, and t > cloud and obfeurp their judg
ment by their pnfii ns, those faluiaiy checks arc
deftrdjed and liberty so ;n degenerate* into wild
!'o r> ffemiuate the proceedi ig* of governme. t
iss« r!Te-lia! duty of the press ; but is it not s du
rv qnite as effentisl to thr public happiness tb?.t
they fhoulri be fairly atoil ;n;partiallv differuinated ?
tite people n-»e. fail t > ;,£\ Ight, wh-n rightly in
formed ; but t! j fvonetrmes wri-ng, from mif
informatittn ; ■.--iiepreffittaiidn, therefore, when
wilful, is a species or "r-.(on the people.
All governtnentA, I -i'luvh, ate lubject to trior;
fometimw, the) !r m Jepr '-y j -.f en too, from
a miftjken view of tie f in which thev foerr,
with good i,.tenti..is3. On these occafi«..»*,tl'e
tigilant ch *ak* of tit ,«ef«atci«Jif|,«>3".f.3.
i, public fcfetj ; the Editors sught to ha. e :i»e er
i of Argus to watch over our inteiefts,
should be faithful centincls to found tf n
t but this power and duly ought not to be
r proftiuted on creiy occafcun to the ambi
5- pof • of difconteut and fa&ion ; if the
; danger are made too common, they wil
c accullomed cry of Welf \ lose their cfl
1 should be referred fur cases of real dangt
1 your hundred eyes therefore always about ~ n
- ft and always at your post ; but do not fii -ntciian'.
terrify yonr fellow citizens with thecr y of e i.tnvj
r at every wind that blows and every leaf that ruf.
tint; do not allow yourfclves to be made tile Cat'/
1 paw by every madman who fees danger where
: exists, or every incendiary who wants to throw
i the country intoa flame, that he may pick up fume
r thing in the confufion. A blind or implicit corfii-
I deuce in governmenc'is unbecoming the dignity of a
t Free American j but every wist «m! judicious A--
1 merican mud be sensible that a rational a:d lii/cial
1 confidence in the constituted authorities, is not i.n
---r ly proper, but abfrtlutely ncCeflafy in a republic.—
: Every well intentioned editor, mitft then fed it hit
duty, at the farfie time that he denounce* all attach*
on our rights, tojuftify those a&s of public ad
minirtration which have been obviously and wicked
ly traduced and perverted to the support of unptiu
cipled fa&ions. In allowing full Weight t'o the
do&rine, th*t every tranfailion of government
fliould be scanned with an Eagle's eye, he fhmud
attend to the marked diftin&ion between thole
charges which aie predicated upon existing fatfis
and undeniable proceedings, and ate fairly calcu
lated to exhibit both tides of a question ; and those
illiberal ones, which, having assumed fails and cre
ated chimeras, to b« found only in the difdrderrd
minds of their authors, draw mischievous inferenc
es, tending to alarm and to coavulfc the public
mind. Some haverndeavoured to jußify those vir
ulent afpcrfious on the measures of government,
by faying, that it puts the people on their guard,
and that they should know what is said on both
fides »f the question : hut it i* not true that u is
(hewing both fides of the question. Tn_do tlp'c
the writets ought .0 (late fairly she fa<?U and thrii
reason fi«m but they reaion and argue from
things which never existed ; tbev fabricate falfc
hoods and then draw conclusions from them ; and
thus under the pretence of (hewing both fides of
the queftitin, they deceive, and inflame
the people.
In the iaterior parts of the country where the
fourccs of information are more confined, publi- •
catiuns of that kind, not being contradicted, hare
the rnoft inanfpicious effcS on focicty ; they four
the citizens agiiiuft their government and laws, and
keep alive a perpetual discontent and ill humour '
againW meafnres which they would approve were
they understood and fee 11 in their ttue
To IcfTeti these evils by the propagation "of polit.
ical truth will be an important effect of your pa
per, for which you will receive the grateful tltapks
of ■ verj Real Friend tf his Ctuntiy.
From the Maryland Jou*hai.
MefFrs. Printers,
1 IN the cotirfe »f a few weela [ have been fa
fortunate as to meet with Several general and regi
• mental reviews, betwixt lkifton and this place ; —
and it is with a pieafure and pride peculiar to a
lpvpr of his native country, that I have £gen and
1 felt with gratitude, ijie rcfpe&able and so *.!<iable
state of our militia in,mo(t of out laige towns iti
the Union. The review here fgrpafles
' any tiling of the kind I ever fecn, excepting
in theii4ife ; and 1 hope it will not be considered
■ as detracting from their laudable and exemplary
condtift, t» iay, th«y alone have be«n exceeded at
1 the reviews tinder Col. Tiacy in ConncfHciit —
■ Persevere, my fellow-citizen;, in perfecting ihis
' necessary defence and prote£tion of our country ;
it is the moll fovereigtvfafeguard to ou peace, apd
the only terrible defence to protefl 11s from foreign
! or domestic war. Let it btcome'a nerefTary attri
bute of a good citizen, that he he a soldier ; ,ind
wc hare nothing tn fear at home, or any thing t»
dread from abroad.
1 __
From an Engltfh paper.
The only litirary cnampi'onTor The prince of
Wales, who has yet made his appearanee,iu the
(hape cf a patnp. !ft, is the author of a let'et ad
?>reffed to Mr. Grey, M. P. placing the present fub
je£l of difcufiion in a llrikiug and
conftitution*l point of view. Thin ingenious au
thor has very aptly drawn the prince as the Britifit
Timon, with some maßerly allullons to his former
We (hall only her« insert a (hort extract, where
he finely charadlerifes the four great speakers of
the houfs of Commons, MefiVs. Pitt, ''ox, Dnn
das, and Sheridan, and likewise Mr. Grey re
commending to our numerous leaders the perusal
of the pamphlet itfelf sot their further informa
" With nothing of the all powerful Pitt's re
fittlefs dream of eloquence, which like the Mifiiflip
pi, bears down, with increasing force, every thing v
that would oppose its overpowering rapidity ! with
nothing oT Dundas's equal tfde of eloquence, which
like the moll loved of all the ocean's sons that flows
by St. Stephen's walls, i;
" Th« deep, yet clear, though gen'Je, yet not
dull ;
" Strnng, without rage, without o'er flowing
full !"
With not one drop of the declamatory torrent of
Fox, that like the deep and rapid, falls of N' . s 'ara,
overwhelms every unsuspicious bark tha i* dra;v«
1 too near its vortex !' with not one spark ■>
quent dr:tn atized intemperance of She .: , t
like the claflic eafcade of Tivoli, faT iii r» ' br
hulders with its ftiblime bursts, and iti !
meanders, leading us iuto the moiJ rom -.v •
rinth !
" Yon, Sir, (meaning Mr, Grey} ha r .iniK
uf the foam >f their eloquence to bi aft hti.t o agjS
some«( the Utile roiic that .
th 1 ; ldy. But Ihwuld fomc of your tri« - !**