Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 03, 1795, Image 1

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    (ffegete Uptwtojlfaicg
tt n
joLii Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Miller,
have Titercd into partnership, under the Firm of
John Miller, jun. & Co.
Tuy hrve rettnd *>' zrr-.-ua': fr■ - Strife, anJ an tuw
At their STORE. No. B,~Cheffmt-ftreet,
A capital affsrtment of DRY GOODSj
Suitabk to the feafon—i*ion;(k wWith ire,
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
B«avcret!s and elastics,
Rofeand point Blankets,
y rfl - A »T -7?"oT"cosrfe WooHtns,
JVfjncie.ter manufactures,
Iriih Linen?,
India Goods, generally,
French Goods.
All of which they will dispose of for cash or ths ofui!
•redit. Oitober 9. $
Irijh Linens.
James & Henry Fiftier,
No. 8, JVafaut-flreet,
Have imported by the Rebecca, from Ddblia, a large
aflortment of
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens,
7-8 brown do.
4-4 half white Sheetings*
9-8 brown and white do.
3-4 brown and white Lawns,
7-8 Dowlas ;
Which they will dispose of on reasonable terms, by the
package, for calh or approved Nptes, at 60 and 90 days.
N. B. The above Goods beings immediately from the
Manufa&ories, it is prefumsd they will be found worthy
of notice. OA. 26. ♦
lii cases, suitable for the tail and Weft-India markets.
FREKOiJifcANDY, in hurts and pipes.
— And a fevj cases of
STicklenburgs & Oznaburgs.
Rundle if Murgatroyd,
OA. 38. (din) No. n, Walnut-ftre«t wharf.
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf,
n* CARGO of tbe Jhip Trifram, J., master, frtm
"° « d I Mufcorado SUGAR,
72 barrels of }
45 barrels of COFFEE.
George Sibbald,
OA. 26. d No. 17ofouth Front-street.
I 537 Ho^Oieads,}
459 Barrels, > Coffee, above oocxocolb.
*24 Bags, J
115 Hogsheads of choice Jamaica Sugar.
»ii Buies of St.Dosiingo Cotton,
Will be landed Monday morning, .'26 th inft. at South
ftreet wharf,
Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica;
Brig Poily, and Schoonsr Industry, from Jeremie,
Peter Blight.
O&ober 22. §
The CARGO of the {hip Harmony,
Lowell, mafter —fr - BOURDEAUX,
BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and
in hogsheads, is discharging from on j
board the said ship at Cuthbert's wharf, and for sale by
Andrews & Meredith,
Sept. 1 jr. d No. 86, south wharves.
FOR SALE, by the Sulfc-ribert, at their SHre on
IValnutJlreet U'harf y
36 "Hhds.
33 Barrels and > Hifpaniola COFFEE, lataly arrival
J4O Bag* J
Who btii'? also an hand.
Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hogsheads
Mountain Wine Wine, in Qr. caflcs
ao Tons Brimstone
Nails allotted .
Sail Canvas, N°. I a 7 and
A few gentlemen's hnndfome Saddles
Philip Nicklin & Co.
r—- - -i - -
The CARGO of the ship Harmony,
fames Moore y mrtfi. r —-front 5/. Pttcrfburgh,
! * roo tons (old fable) IRON;
100 ton ; HEMPs
4CO picces Rufila SKF.ETfNG;
4CO pieces Ravens DUCK;
A few boxes Tallow CANDLES; and
30 caiks TALLOW.
FOK sale by
y<imes Crawford, or
George Latimer.
Philad. x Itb Sepiimber % 1 795•
N°. 64, Ojuth Second-Jireet,
CANAL Tickets for Lie, and calh or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn.
Information given refpeding Washington lottery, and
•elh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may be drawn.
Both lotteries commence drawing September 18th.
BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot
teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the possessors of
Tickets parchafeti at the OFFIC£.
Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
Tmi at*ac abov-Office. Sept. 16. § '
Canal Lottery-Office i
Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES,
Odober I, 1795. ;
THE drawing of this Lo.tery began on Monday, the J
28th ult. The sale of Tickets is contimied by the
ftibferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, untij 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, at the above ofßce, and by J. Roberdeau
at tbe St3te-Houfc, warranted undrawn. *
Prize Tickets wUJ be received in payment, fubjedfc to the
dcdu&ion expreffcd in the ticket®—Price 11 dollars until
further notice. Approved note , with a good indorfer,
f payable 2Dth December next, will be received in payment
for tiekcts amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards. 1
j| tVillian: Blackburn, Agent. J
6heck Bool: kept at the Office. Tickets examined at f
l-ioo each number, and registered at ia-100 each ticket.
N» B. No tickets foki durisg the hoaxs of drawing.
For Salej or Charter,
j-lfTSr. THE ship
Motes Townfend, maflcr,
, BURTHEN A verv flrong, ilauneh good vef-
feS, at Rofs's wharf. ■■For particulars appiy to
the master on board, or Messrs. Jofepb Anthony Son:
October 28.
For Sale, or Charter,
th s siir
BETWEEN wo and three years old, bur
then about two hundred and fifteen tons. —
ill She now lies at the end of Waluut-llreet wharf. For
term, apply to '
- Samuel Coates.
O&obrr 28. *d6t.
John Caffin, master,
NOW 'ving at Mr. Willing's wharf; (he is almofl
nev , fails fafl, has excellent acrommodatioos for paf
fengert and will fail in 8 or 10 days, the cargo being
all readv —For passage onlv, .apply to the Captain on
Se txwrd, or to JOHN NIXON & Co.
OS. 2t, I"9e. eagt.
Hamburgh Packet,
-Cnpt. George Clay,
BURTHEN tons, built of lire oak and cedar,
and has made but one .voyage. She is intended for a
constant trader, is well accommodated for palTengers,
and will fail en or about the firft of November. For
freight or p.iffhge apply to the Captain on board, at
Stamper's wharf—or to
Philip Nicklin &' Co.
" For L I V E R P O O L,
- Thomni Gilford, master,
HAS a great part »f her carj-o engaged, and will fail in
a few days. For freight or passage apply on board at
Wilcock's wharf, or to THOMAS NEIVMAUfA. Rofs's
Who hat for Sals,
t Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, OldFron
tainiac Wine in hog (heads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled
Shirts. o<sl. 21
s The Copper Bottomed Ship
. . A D R I A N'A,
K. Fitzpatrick,
Now laying at
Has excellent accommodations for palTengers, and will
- fail with all convenient speed, having a conSderable part
r of her Cargo engaged. • For freight or passage apply to
' the Captain on board, or
Thomas & John Ketland.
N. B. The Adrknais intended to return from London
an early Spring Ship.
m Oflober n. d.
Christopher Franklin,jun. master,
HAS excellent accommodations for pafliengers; will
fail in all this month ; three-fourths of her cargo are
*1 ready to go on board* a few tons of heavy goods will
be taken on freight or passage apply to
the Master on board, Peter Blighty or to
Pragers & Co.
Septtmber ai, 1795. J,
House Coals
Of good quality, for sale on board the brig Olive Branch,
Captain William Moore, from Liverpool, laying at Wal
ant-ftrtet wharf. Apply to
Philip Nicklin & Co.
the sa,d ,ri °
1 is a new vessel, bnrthen about a,OOO
barrels of flour, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a
few days.
N. B. Thofo Gent'emen who have Ooods on board the
Olive Branch, are requested to fend for them as soon as
poflible. O<9ober 15th
No, 12, Dock Street,
10 Pipes of
Tbe very beji Madeira WINE,
r 90 quarter calks ofShprry wine,
Brillol win-lev glalsof different &zet,
1 A quantify of heft Havannah fega* i. boxe»,
A few calks ef lugar,
4 boxes of yard wide Irilh linens,
4 bales of do. cauvafs,
f s tales of red, white, and yell.w flannels;
FORI s Mmr<j u
BJR 1 H£N i6oj barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddlc's
wharf, in Southwark.
Philadelphia, Sept. 12.
jujl Arnvedper tbejnoiu Ho/lon, Ja'rmr Ktrkfatrie'k,
f r jm Liverpool,
113 Crates well s(Ported Queen's Ware
4COO bushels best ftoved fine Salt,
ic to be fold at No. 1, Pine-street, bv
Janes Campbell.
Also, a few boxes v-eil-afforted Irilh Lhien«
N. 13.
Sa ' d Saow for Ereijht or Char
lolhe Wca * l,,di - s
fc'jiSSEnquire at above.
18. $
United States, ) rr-
Pennsylvania Diftn<ft, ) U.
In pursuance of a Writ to me directed, from the ho»or»-
ble Richard Peters, Judge of the Drftria Court in and
for the Peanfylvaaia Diflrid,
Will be expo fed to Public Sale,
At the MerchaatsCoffe. House, in the City Philadelphia
On Saturday, tbe Tib Day tf November next,
At i a o'clock at n*on,
The SLOOP called the
BURTHEN 64 toss, with all and sing*.
. tac^e » apparel and firnittire. as the fame now are;
the said Sluop having been condemned to pay mariners
w^/ 5 ' • WM. NICHOLS, Marihal.
° a 3'' 'MS- 7U
N. B. rhe inventory may be fean at n>y offica.
For Liverpool,
D I A N A,
CmftaiM Gtzrnr CUy,
BURTHEN 220 tons, is nearly a new fliip, a I
conltant trader, and wiil fail with all convei ient
speed. For freight or passage apply to the Capt.
00 board at Walnut-ftr«et wharf—or to
Philip Nicklin & Co.
Oil tier 6, 1795. §
For Charleston, (S. C.)
iVEV the ship
R u B r y
SBojEESisESs Capt. Richards,
NOW lying tbe firft wharf below Chefnut-ftreet,
viii fail in a few days. For freight, which will be takeu
en low terms, apply to the Captain en board, or to
Nalbro' & fohn Frazier,
O&ober 14. §lw. No 95 feuthFront-ftreet.
For Falmouth and a Market,
BURT HEN. 100 tons, is in excellent order and ready to
receive her cargo. This vessel is a remarkable sailer, and
has good accommodations for a few pafTengers. Apply to
the captain on board at the fubferibers whar*, or
Willings and Francis.
O&ob.r 3. 5
The Schooner
J- Wendell, master,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; a ftrotig,
new vessel, five mc*iths old, built of red cedar, bur
then 130 tans, supposed will carry about laoo barrels
of flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent
accommodations for pafTengers. For terms apply to
—ff -~m. suM In rwfc rr three Jays, said vessel will pro
ceed for the state of New-York.
Philad. Sept. 19. 1 §
To-Morrow will be Landed,
At wharf, from on board of the Ibip Sedgely,
John Hodge, master, from St. Peterfburgh, via.
2 Cables, 120 fathoms, I a Huckaback
14 inches
Cordage assorted White and, yellow Candle
Spun Yarn Tallow
Junk and Oakutn Soap do.
Fine twelve head Flax Mould and dipt Candles
Best RuQa Sail Duck Hard Soap
Ravens Duck Bar Iron, Bat andfqvare
Russia Sheetings Rod Iron
Drillings Iron Hoops
Broad and narrow Diaper Half down Feathers
Crash Hogs Bristles, &c.
Philips % Cramond 1$ Co.
O&ober 2%. diw
The Partnerftiip of SAM. & THO. SHAW
BEING dissolved in August last, by mutual consent,
all those indebted, whose accounts are due, are de
ired to make speedy payment at their Store, corner of
Front and Arch-street. The buimefs is now carried on 1
at the fame place, by
Who has for sale, on reasonable tirms, for cash, or the
usual credit,
Ageneral aflortment of Merchandize,
Imported by the lall veffelsfrom London,Briftol, and Li
verpool, suitable for the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine and Press to be fold by Sam. Shaw.
O&ober 23. iaw3w&iaw do.
For sale, at low prices,
NAILS by the cask, from 3d to iod alforted, and a vari
ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
Cotton and wool Cards, from No. I to it;
Hatters and ftoek Cards ;
Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines.
Alft Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles fditable for that buficef?, which will
be fold together.
A large ftockof Wire, and other articles for carrying on
the Card Manula&ory, with the valuable machines for
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward
ne£s for finiihing. Also,
Occupied by the late parmeifhip of Webster,- Adgate and
White. As the store is convenient for tht bufineiV, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work
ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining ic
pifrchafc and follow the business to do it to advantage.
O&. a©. dim. No. 63 Cheinut-ftreet.
Fre£h TEAS,
Of fuferior quality, viz.
Inipetiai, or Gunpowder
Hyson Gome*,
tft quality Hyson,
2d. do. uo.
Young Hvun,
Hyion Skin, and
A fe<w Boxes of each, for fah at
No. 19, Third Street, South.
December ic. e<xi.
PJaifter of Paris.
- ?S ton» of PJaift-r of Paris received by the brig Crmger.
1 Philip Saad?,mailer, from Havre-de-Grace, & for sale by
Andrews Sc Meredith,
o<s-3°- § No. 86, (buh wharves. |
For SALE, by the Subscribers.
Tit foUnuing articles ,f tk left im fierimtim from Clbi*.
160 Quarter Chests Hyson Tea,
120 CWh Sosc.',.a>o Tea,
4*o Boxes China, containing Tea Setts,
ASOO Pieces Nankeens.
Willingi Francis.
Sep;ettibcf 14. " _j ta
Robert Sniith 6c Co.
AV 58 feutb Frcnt-flrert,
Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li»
verpool, and Hull,
A large Iff general assortment of Goods,
SuitabU for the which they will dispose of by tie
package or piece on reafcnable terms for calh,
or on a short credit:
1 Second & coarse cloths Dimities and
Plain & mix'd caffimeres 7-8, 4.4, and xi-8 cotton
Plain & twill'd coatings checks
Striped & rose blankets ' Jaconet and book muflin#
White, red, and yellow & muslin handkerchief*
flannels Printed linen and check
Bocking and other baizes handkerchiefs & shawls
Plains, kerficys, and half- Muslin apron pasterns
thicks Tamboßr'dmuflfn cravati
Plain & spotted swanskins Cambrics and lawns
Tambourd caffimcre vest A large assortment of cali
fnapes c«es and chintzes
Printed do. and swans- Do. of mens and women*
down do. woi fled & cotton hole
I Moreens and Joan's spin- Ruflia djUUngs & diapsrs
1 ning_- 3-4 znd 7 S bed ticks
Florentines a»d fattinets Striped nankeens & g'mg ,
Calimancoes and durants hams
Cambleti, wildbores and Laces and edgings
bombazetts Gloves and mitts
Rattinets and shalloons White & coloured threads
\ elverets, thicksets, and Tapes, bobbin & binding®
corduroys Pins, &c.
A large ajfortment of India Goods, viz.
1 Taflaties, Bandano, Pullicate, and
Lutestrings, Romal handkerchles
> Senchawi, Nankeens
Satt:nj Sewing Silks, &c.
Oflober 8. diwr.
John Miller, jun. & Co
A T e. 8, Chefnutfreet,
> 1* addition to their assortment now received, hare oh hand
remaining of the
, Cargoes of the Three Brothers Arethafsfrom India,
And for sale by the package onlr,
3 A variety of Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz. ,
t Low priced Codaes 4-4 and 6-4 book mufiins
Long cloths in do.
Patna handkerchiefs Humhumi
- Shirting muslins Baftas
Blue romals Cambricks
Book handkerchiefs in Muslin
small bales neatly as- Taflaties
forttd. Blue checks
Also—a "variety of French Goods, viz.
Looking glafles Feathers and Flower*
Angola gloves Paper hangings
e Linajjt and Linau handkerchiefs, luitable for tie
Weft-India market.
A few elegant Time Pieces.
o<fh 9 th. £
Jonathan Harvey & Co.
No. 106, fcutb Frmrtjtrret, ,
Have received by the arrivals from London, Li
verpool and Hull,
A large and general assortment of Goods,
Suitable for the feafoa, which they will dispose of by the
piece or package, for cafc or credit;
Coarse & fine broad cloths Corduroys
Plains, sorest and hunters Velverets
' cloths India and Englifli mufl'mi
~ f Plain & twill'd coatings Jacenet and book muslin
Point, duffil, and rose handkerchiefs
blankets Printed linen and check
White, red, and yellow liandkerchiefs
flannels Calicoes and chintzes
Baizes, bockings, and Mens and womens cotton
duffils and worsted hose
Kerseys 2nd half thicks Gleves asd initts
Spotted swanskins Sewing silk
Plain & mix'd caflimercs Scots thread
Moreens Bindings and gartering
Joan's spinning Irilh and German lining
Calimancoe* Modes & Sattias
Durants Sarfnets
- Thicki'etts Table cloths
9th Ofl. 1795- Jlra.
No. 10, Chefnut-flreet,
1 jjo fcogfheads Virginia Tobacco,
10 calks of Carolina Indigo, of an excellent quality,
, 1 chest Imperial Tea,
1 bo* purple Shawls, afl»rted,
Ginseng. &c. Sc.c t~ ft. 5. §.
Imported in the Jblp Areihufa, from Calcutta end
1 Madrafs, a variety of
To be Sold by the Paek».ge, for approved note? a:
three and four mmi')", by
No. 42 Dock Street, or
Just arriv-d in the (hip Hoiland, Captain Franklin,
from H- m ugh, now at anchor oppofit. V.'ne-ftreet,
whatfe tiaie is tc be agresd for by applying >n board,
or to 3c Co.
S*}tMxbtr 10. , sL