The Panorama. MR- SAVAGE rcrfpe&fallr informs the Ladiee » r >d Gentlemen oi Philadelphia that the PANORAMA h no trua point of compass, appearing as large am n every refp-A the fame as the reality. Pncc of admilUon half a doliai Tickets for tha Season thro- dollar*. Panorama open every d*y frora tea o'clock in the Homing. A PRINT of tb< PRESIDENT ef the U. S. t£ inches by 14 ; oaly a few choice empreffio ?; '.e:« : tha companion a print 01 l)r. Franklia A variety of choice prints may be had at the f\ rot aria. ~ T. S I'fcPlli'.N.v &Obk$ELLkR j A r /) sr^rfOrEß, t jTo, 60 Soutj! Second-Street, PHIL A DTL PHI A, .K? LSl'hCTl'Pl.iXY informs the public, thata£*his Ssorc •fv they may be fuell ed with lucit c: the modem Eu ropean and other publications oi merit, on-^ a o:;:i..<«, Digni ty, L-hv, the Et'i.i's I-cttrcs, .cc. . See. _A.l*"o -i grriv v?ri "ety of ELEG and Paintings, a" »cry ar ticle in the Scatijnary hufiotis; which he oomiaues, as' ni'ual, to difpoleof at the lowest prices. Gentlemcii . Libraries furniihed or purchased ; and the ; v'.moiL value, in *xchz.. ge or given for any quaxi lily of second hand EoMc*. \\ bokia'-Deaiixs'ftippiiid at the above Store an wry » bu lerate terms. May «tf. No. 60 South Second Street. t j V*HE lVholefm-e anct Retail Sitre for books, stationary, J" MUilC r r iUKTS, OIL PAIN'TiiOS, UOGK.S, and i'ancy article?. THOMAS STEPHENS, Tor the ar:at:r or.vcm. ru: of cc: iu&inf bis buftnef; extenfively a i.-, rr nn sd from No. 57, Ho, No. 6© Ssutk Second Street, v.; tb; r -'- -.'' i'J: —ivotr* he has received by ibe lajl arrivals, an extensive ■it '.. ;}ok t fuftfi'lßoChl a ' th. bijl Sta!:,na-ry. Also, a verify t/V.V-v Ivlaftc', Bxxhvrtf't cut . Caricatures, Prints, Oil Paint ; >T > X &'• aii tobLb he-unit fdl, as usual, for .i ' . ' 7. S. e/iAnces this oft unity to achr.outiUdge the liberal en cct raacmeiif be has always experi- r: ij,rou the sof rhila- Wpt —returns bis mof\pneere tbc.iis, j,nd pledges b'imfeif fs .tjl Wor.jijni t.crthns to merit continual favor, m/ud to hope bisjhre tb; a it. for elegant and ;sj fnl literature. June 27. p George Hunter, Cbemi/J, At *hs Labirtttorj) AV. 114, south Second Jf}*et. Irs foitnr: ci/ftt»!i»»rs and tfae puHic, that he niis the bKUG bu>i.iefs on an cxicn- He ha? tor fab * grnrral alToftrr.ent «f FRESH DRUGS, feI'EMICAL PKtPAR ATK)NS, and PATtNT MEDI- C.IN ti. J ikewifc, painters'co!6urs, cir\ and ground in oil, paiot fc- ihes, window and coath gla-s, dye ftuflfs, linseed oil, 0- ot turpc mine, copal oil varmfh japiM, v. airtntco %"'d- AUum. copperas, madder, ground hogs >; ad or fmaHcT quSßtitVw As be imporrs the fimphs from the ocfl market-, an 4 maket the compof;tion« nd preparations himfelf, he i» .enabled to vouch to< ar>i war/act ever) art cl ou: . bi* Lai.oiatory, an i kkewifejo dispose of ihein at tac fait.ft reasonable rates. §3' He wiihes te fell a laige LOT of GKOUNt) !h. nortb-caH corner cf li t>h auri £leventh-ftreeJ«,coniani- ys feet c«» street, and 2CO feet on hieventh eppofi • Mr. Lender's n w building*— And another L'. : oa the north/k:c of Hign hrett, n«ai tlie aoovc, - : 8 f':ct troot, and 200 feet Bath iots hu*e the prtvi leee >i a 30 alley in tbc icas. Dec. ic. s r — „ - • OHIO COMPANY. D 7. E I) S to the proprietors in the agency of \\ iiithrop Sargent, are.depofitcd with Thomas ! Euen, No. 78, Chefnut-ftriet, Philadelphia, a;id 1-;ady to be delivered when called for. A second divi dend of-the Funds his been declared, whicfc proprietors niiv receive by a draught iipen the treal u'er of ihe Ci .r.pany N. B. Eight dollars are due.apon tach(h«rt, fore»- F : ces of the agency. aoth, r7»r: 3«w^w Andover Iron Woiks TO BE SOLD, OR LET O.V LEASE. THEY arc situate in the coatities of Suflex arid Morris, i« the State of Scw-jcrLy 1a; ore lies within a' wile of th: Furnace, is «f the firft quality of any h - America, and particularly adapted tor making St. ri. The FkrrHaJe ami Far-;, to which f.eiong between 11 and 1 acres of I,und, will be fold together; or Uafed ei- - tfcer separately of together: they ar. o iftji# about seven Inilci from each other, and art an abjeift well worth the attention of Iron Masters. Th; buildings, &c. are in.e»e rj r.fpecl com noJiuiis For fnrtlier particular, appiy to bsnj imio Chew, or John Larincr, Philadelphia. »• 3taw Notice is hereby given that an at- Uuhment was ifiu;d uu: of the urferior eourt of Common Plea; in and for the county of Cumberland, .u the state of ' New Jersey, returnable or, the twenty-dfth day of rcbru ary lail, against the goods and-chattels, rights and crediti, * laads and teiiemints of Geo: ge Hutz (not Jeing a reiiden; »l tliit time within the st-te of Newjcriey) at tiie suit of : Janathan indorsee of Job Jutclier, whic-h was levied by the sheriff of the coutity of Cumberland " 011 1 accrtain floopor sljillop called the Fly of Philadelphia" ' v-itil its appurtenances, a« by the return of the faidsheriif ' will marc particularly appear—and notioe is alio herebv ' farth.r given, agreeaiiiv to l oM; ihe occaton of their is the owner's death, .i.ruire of the Printer. OA. iz. , 2i\. jw. S H 6 T, j A?i: I fzit, from jx lb to Grape, Vy Csnuiooles, Pots, and other cs&ings cuecuted at the fcorteft notice, m thii roils, from xod to spike, Hoop Iron, 'if allfizes, for cafki or cutting Uto Bails, from a brad to n mm RUTH PERIT, Exzcutrix y .r 10. dim. No. 47 fputh Water-street. 1- __________________________ * ' ALL persons haviag any demands on the Eftatc gf Hewson, late of Bucks county, deceased, are p- dtfired to apply to Wtlliam Hewson, near bristol, in as >j the count} for immediatefettlement. And all indebted to said Eftatc to make pay ie ineht to die .said William Itewfbn, who is hereby autho -- riled lo receive the fame. Elizabeth Hewson, Executrix. 7 Jonathan Williams, ) r WILUAM*, J Xf'utors. Bfl'.rntadtp ne?.r BriJUl, OA. 26, 1795. *2aw3w. American Land/capes. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A , Twenty-Four VIEWS, v OELECTED from the meft ftrifcing and mterefting ~ : Profpea» in the United States ; each of which • Vic-wsj will be accompanied with a delcriptive account i of its Local, HiftoricaJ. and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, ;■ j Author of the " Monajiie Rmmns and Ancient OuRUt in Gnat e\ Britain.** ' CONDITIONS. I. Ffeat the work ftiali be publiftied by Suhfcription; and that c!«h Snbfcribsr ftiall engage to take the whole set of Views, and fiiall piy for each engraving, if bbui or brown, 1 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. I. That the dimenfons of each engraving (ball be 24 by 17 , inches, executed in pquatinta, and publilhed upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub- ! fcribere, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month, 1 until the proposed series (hall be finally completed. HI. That with the last View of the series, lball be deli vered an engraved title-page; ar> elegant charaflewftic , vigaette: a nip of the route, connected with the prof- : feds exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an i ' Alphabjtical ii|: of the Subfcribei-s. 1 Snbfcriptions 1-- received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Priat 1 scop, Mak aim .. New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell er, No. 118, Mai l t street, Philadelphia, and by all the priacipal Bookifdicra in the United .States. Fehrimry iS. , <£ IN THE PRESS, : A-«d fpecdMy wiJl be pubiilhed, by BjENJAMW DAVIES, At 68, Higb-Jircet, . THE ; American Repoikory, for 1796; containing: 1 -A com pleat Calendar for Rules for reducing the cur tae year. t renciesof thefeveralftates. Lifts of tke c*«utive, legif- Table of pounds, &r. redu- \ lativeand iadisial offia, rs eed into dollars & cents, of the federal government Summary of th- exports in \ —— of the miaifters and 4 fugcelSve years, r consuls to and from the Amount of the unredeemed . United States. debt, aanual revenue and ' A rtgiAcr of tlie land and expenditures. sea forces of do. - A \i \v of the linking fua'd. Rates «f postage, and timas An c limate of the imports , of receiving & do£.;g the of the United States, in mails at Piiiladelpkia. tv. o feverai years. A lilt of Domestic duties or excises. the •(' each, on Drawbacks and bounties, the main line, as well as Banks, with rules of con erofs roads. du&ing bullnefs. —of the federal courts. Officers of the civil govern —of the supervisors of the ment of Pennfylvauia. revenue. Edimate of eapences of do. , The mint, and monies of the in one year. U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government > c-ach state. ' of New-York. A lill of the comnoiffioners Sovereign princes and re- ' > of loans. publics of Surope. . A table,thewing the propor- Lift of the navy of Great- , tioa of troc persons to Britain, corrected agree- '• slaves, and of males to fe- able to the late 11 informa- * males, &c. in the U.S. tion. * Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy «f Fraace, r with the proportion of do. £ac ' l ' State of the air, and a diary 1 An alphabetical lift of duties of the wind: and weather : £ agreeably to the last a<* iitPhiladelph:,, during i 01 Congress. months, ending rll Sept. x > mount oi impost and tona- 1795. age cf one yi ar. Bill» of mortality in Philad. Cultom-b.oufe feos, tec. of one year. Thi. little volume will eoatain a much greater compa r s, F as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding' ° year, and will be emballiihed with an engraved frocti." " piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a head orna- 1 ment, to each month. The scenes depicted in the vig- • aettes, Allude chieSy to the rural labours olthe year. The " engravings are new. and executed with an excellence that ! ttoes credit to the American fiae arts. 4 At the fame place may bsbbatJ t ' Plan* of the ciry ot Philadelphia,-and its envirosc, accu rately engravcu from a late Maps of the United States, and of each {late fcparauly. A valyaUe celledi®n oi msdsr* Booh, and a general assort- C ' meat oi Stationary Wares. _v t V.—Those who dffire it, may have the above-menti one j Maps, or any other, coloured, canvafl'ed, and varnift- S ed, and put i. pin any manner that may be mod eonveni- ° ent, by applying at dire it ed above. J 1 OA. 2, 1795- Uw . 1 AT a Mseeing of the Stockholders in * the Insurance Cor.paty of tb. fiaU of PmnfylvunU, on the a ajth May last, convened for the pmpofe oi fiiiog the of payment of die renaming part of she Gauiial a Stock o: Cud Company, AfJ.vcJ, that the rei. aiair.g fuai of two hundred dollars per (hare, he paid on the 6th day of Novem ber next,*" under the penalties aiiatx&l to default by th t ai of Incorporation. Pubhljied by order of the Meeting, SAMUEL W. FIbKJtR, *«•- /, J' Rg rffuiiafifgli JV"" «« yuii swno, eww-iw s„ D» tl „ s " P „ A „„., " BOOK S, Printed for ana he fuLhlhed by MATHEW CAREY, M°. 118 MARKET STREET. ( Price Sixteen Dollars.) '™ f New Svlem »f Modern Geography : Or, a ica! t ifijiorical and Comr* total Gratr.mxr ; and frefcitl jbatc of the Jfever al Nation $tf the Wor id t CONTAIN in;, The figures, motions, and culiar to each country, •tirtauces of the Planets, ae- VII. Ohfcrvationi on the cordingto>hel>£wtmiian fyi- cbauges t'»»t have been any f -r'i, and the htaft oMrirva- where observed upon the face lions as nature fuico the mdfl ear il. A raneral riew of the ly ptriods of history. ' conlidcredas ap!an«t; Vfll. Hhlory arid origin witii ufefuldeoniticMs of nations; their forms of go au ! problems. vernmert', refijj n:i u on > laws, 111. Grand divifians of the revenue*, taxes, naval and Globe into land and \rat>er, military ftrengt-h. continents aad islands. IX. Genius, Hanners.'ciif [V, Situation and'extentof em- toms ind habits of the peopte, pire«, kingdoms, liatc*, pro- X. 'I heir lanyjiage, learn j e - Vinced a,l( i colonies. ing, arts, sciences, raanufs^- 3 f e V. Their fofl, ture3 and commerce. vegetables, productions, me- XJ. Chief cities, ftru&oros tals, minerals, natural curio- ruins, andartificiaJ curiotities. t fitirs, icas, r> c , pro- X;I. Latitude, longitude. montoriesand bear:ngs«iHddiftan jesr-f prin f VI. Birds aad Beasts pe- cipal place: sfromPhiiadelpiMa TO WHICH A*e ADDED, in '• Geographical ladex, with the names and places a pha aU betically arranged. y. . 11. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their vahie in 0 _ doljars and cents. IH. A Chrcaolcgical Table of remarkable ovents, from the Creation to the present time. By WILLIAM GUI HRIR, E/q. rs% The Astronomical part by James Fergvfm, F. R. S, Corre&ed by Dr. David R.ittc.vhoosb. To which are added» — the late Discoveries of Dr. Horfchell, and otiwr emhicnt Allroiuimors. { The first american edition, corre&c-d, improved, aai ! greatly enlarged. Co«taining the folios itig Ma\ps and Plates. I Map of the World 23 Hindoftaa 1 Chart of the World 24 Africa > j Europe 25 United States 4'CountriesaonndtheNorth x 6 British Domiiiioiii im A- ; PoJe* morica ut * Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Wjft Indies way and Finlaad. of Make 6 Ruiia 19*Kew Hampfhirc 7 Scotland 30*MafTachufett« •at S England aad Wales 3l*Con«ecHcut j ' 9 Ireland 3 2 "Rhode Iflani 10 France \ 33*Vermo*t 11 "Scat of War 34*NewYork et 12 Seven United Provinces 35*NewJcrfey □r *3 Austrian, French and 36*Pennfylvania j Dutch Netherlands 37* Delaware 17 14 Germany 38* Maryland er *5 Switzerland 39* Virginia a 16 Poland 40*Ksntucky b- *7 Spain and Portugal 4l*North Carolina h, j 18 Italy 42*TenefTce government I 19 Turkey in Europe 43*Soath Carolina [i. 20 Asia 44*Ge*rgia i c 2l*Difcoveries made by cap- 45 Copernicaa fyftcm ,f. tains Cooke and Clerke. 46 AnaUlary fphow ia j 22 China - The Maps marked with itars are added to this edition, at excluGve of those in the last London edition. ll The United States Register for 1795, Price 50 Cents. CO Vv TENT s[ Calendar, with the necessary Boundaries of the United _ tables, &e. &c. States. Population GOVERNMENT. Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers ' Legiilature Statement oi Exporu Jj*diciary Public Debt department of State Pay, &c. of the arn«y Department of the Treasury Mint Eftabli&ment C'ommiilioners of Loans Rules for reducing the eur- Oificers of the Customs rencies of the different Revenue Cutters states to a par with e*ch l>ight other Olricers ot the Excift Tables of the number of Duties and Dutiable articles cents and decimal parts Exsmp's from duties in any number of ihiilings j Duties on tonnage and pence less than a uot- ° n domeflic objeAs lar in the currencies of Drawbacks, See. and rega the different flutes j lations to be oferved m Tables fheWicg the value of " obtaining them dollars in the currencies General from the ol ditto revenue laws, relating to Poft-ofSce establishment ♦ the duty of matters of Lift of P£fi-T*.vns, See. vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of &c. «f goods, and the ths puincipai towns ia the officers of the customs; United States to the payment of duties, Banks and tke importation of Literary Institutions ( goods , National ManufaAcryJ Expences of Government Se/Cons of the Courts for 1794 Western Territory Department of War State Governments. New Hampflure Sauth-Carolina Vermont Georgia * Maft'achuletto Order of time in which the Conne&icut feverai States adopted tjie New-York federal Confcitation New-Jorfey Table of the Sun's ri&ag ' j and setting Delaware AbftraA of gcods, wares, Maryland and merchandize export- Virginm C( i f ro m the United States Kentucky from the ift of OAober North-Carolina 'po, to 30th Sept. 1791* Charlotte a tale truth—by Mrs. T '••wfoa, of, the new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second Amekiran edition— Price 7S cents. [1 he rapid lale of the firft edition of this * enterefting novel, in a few months is the best criterion of * its merit.] EXTRACT FROM THE CRITICAL REVIEW, AIMUL I 791, p. 468. It may be a tale of truth, far it is not unnatural, and it is a tale of real diftrefs—Charlo'te, by the ajtifice of a eacher, recommended to a school, from than a c<*mdti*n of her integrity, or the regularity, st her former conduct, is eaticed from her governess, and accompanies a young ofHcor to America—the marriage I ceremony, if n«t forgotten, is postponed, and Charloitc dies a martyr to the inconftaucy of her lover and treaoh t-y of liis friend. I Ae situation- are artless and affeiHng—the defcriptioii . r - at " ra l and pathetic ;we should feel for Charlotte if such ,a . 1 C7er who for one error, fcareely, perhaps aclerred so icvere a puuilhment. If it is a fiction, poetic not, v e think, properly diAributed." I. ihe Inquilitor—by .Mrs. Rowfon. Second Philadei phia edition. 87 1 cents. Adventures of Ruderic Random. 2 vols. 1 dollar and 50 cents, coarle—l dollar mJ 75 cents line. Notes ,on th« state of Virginia—by Thomas JefFerfoa. ; Price neatly bound, one dollar und ahalf> 4. Histojy of the French Revolution, from its co.u mcnceroent to the death 01 the Qiie«4 and the cnecution of Briffot. t i ©liars. 5. Piow cc: l . s History o." the Britifli Empire, from May *79*» DeccLji;er 1793. 1 dollar and a quarter—«— pnib is an interesting and valuable publicaaon as Las appeareti for m uir years. 6. BeattieN EJciattij. ©f Moral Scienoe. 2vwls. 0::e dol lar 1 eli: ,-c quarter*. oot i. v •. . James M Alpin, » TAYLOR* N". 3 South Faurti Street, RETURNS bis grateful acknowledgements to Lis andtbz Public for their liberal encouragement, and begj -zwoetoJolicit a continuance of their fwrs. At bis Shop gentlemen may be furnijbed ivitb the IsA materials, and have them made up and juvjhed in the r**fl fajhionable manner. He ivitt thankfully receive any order* and pay a prompt cm punctual attention to them. 08. IJ 2a W iy " ~ ~ * City of Washington. - SCHEME of the LOTTERY, N«. II; s, FOR THE ntPM'EME\T OF THt ld FEDERAL CITY. r A magnificent ( 20,000 Dol'ars, and dwelling hpafe, ) caHi 30,009 arc to n I ditto 15,000 25,000 40,-000 1 ditto 15,000 Sc cafli 15,000 30,000 M 1 d«to ie,:c? & calh io,ooe 20.c00 *• 1 ditto 5,000 10.030 c - 1 5,000 c*ih 5,000 10,000 >• 1 Cast pritc o\ 10,000 a £ ditto J,oo» each, are io.oco to dttto 1,000 10,0*0 2© ditto 500 10,000 200 ditto 100 10,000 H 206 ditto 50 io,Cg«j , 40 o ditto 2$ iO,oos v 11 1,000 •• vO t »c>e 15,000 ditto *• 150,00 c .6,739 Pr " e ' 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tiokeu ttß doFsrt - 400,000 it j Tki# Lottery will afford in elegtnt specimen of the private buildings to be ereft< d in the Cuy of Wiihington —Two beautiful designs are already felt Seil fer /he entire frontt on two of the public f<]iare» j from the'e draw, ings, it it proposed ticitfi two centre and i»ur corner buildings, s> f«,on 11 polEble alter this Lottery la fold, and to convey them when complete, to the toiuna • adveatur. «* era, in the niaoner described in the fchrmr tortbeHoief 'Lottery. A nettdcduAion •< five per ceift. be made to defray the orceffaiy expencea si prinuag, Sec. and the farplus will be made a part o( the (uud intended for the National Cniverfcty, to be ercQed within the City of Washington. #3T The drawing will commence as Toon ft (he Ticket/ are fold off. ; —The m-Miiy prise* will be payable in thirty d«y* alter it is fini(hen, aid prices for whfth fortunate aumsers are not produced within twelve months alter the drawing i* ire to be cenudeici as given towardi the fund for the Univerfiiy, ir b. uig tWrmin ed to fettle the whole bufinefa in a year from thf ending of the drawing and to take up the bond's giv*, as secu rity. The real l>cunties fciveii for the payment of the Prize are held by the President and two Diefiors jf thr a uk of Columbia, »nd jt( valued at more thin hah ftie amount of the Lottery. The twenty four gentlemen wha by appointment of the late Commissioners a lli lied in management of the Hotel Lottery are requ riled to undertake this arduous talk a second time on behr.lf of the public ; a fufticiixit num- ' , »-r of thefc having kindly accepted, it ii hoped that the frisnds to a National UnivarGty and the other federal <»- je&»m*y continue to favor the defiga The iynopfis cf one ot the Colleges, to iorm a branch of the National Inkitution, it already iu the prelt, ahif will be fpccdily i -published, together with ira conilitution. A CDmpleat_HjLAK of _ the mhoia of this Tmp.rtant lnftitution, compiled from a feleaion the bed materi als ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public' whenever the fame may have g»ue through such reviiionj as may be ncceffary t. eftablilh the perfect confidence and general approbation, so eiTential to its present rife and fa ture exiftcnce for the general good of Amuica By accouutt received front the diilcreßt' parts of the Continent as well as from Europe, where ' the ticket* , have been sent for f»le, the public are assured that the drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and" ■ aution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of , the tickets, has rendered the iDort fufpaniiou indifpenfablc. , February 14, 1795. V f/#iJtUEL BLODGET. Au £ V -V 1 ickets may be h.d at tlw Bank ol Columbia j' of J. me. vVeft & Co. Baltiraote or Gide«u Oenilon, Savannah, 01 Pe:Gi.msii. B0A00; of John Hopkint Richmond : and of Richard Welli, Coop, r f.. LOTTERY INTELLIGENCE. We are informed" that the gentleman who drew the dollar prize, is the Canal Lottery, uasthe proprietor of oniy a Angle Ticket—This ir.ftance of good fortune, Ihews that it is well to be in Fcrtuae'* road; and is the mcre.pleafi:;j, as the owner of ti.e prize it a very worthy, iiiiiigii not a very aSuent ci- Liz en. The Scheme of the Canal Lottery is certainly one of the belt which has appeared—i'or, independent of the ufeful obje<3s to which iu proceeds are to be ap plied, the scheme ia 10 calculated as to continually c'rfi' hanc« '.be value »f the l .kets remaining in the wheel becauie, - bib the drawing progreflW, the chance of a capital prize growing greater, muit increase the va lue of the uudrawn Ticket. The Prizes drawn to the close of the drawing o» 'aft Wednelday Evening, were 1 of - - . 15,000 * *- • 1,000 5 of - » i )# o, 4 Of; . J0 » II of - . 100 1700 of - - And there then remained ia the wheel 1 °f jo,o o» 1 °* " 3°iOO# * °f 10,000 1 * °f a,soa 9 °f — ■ • - I,ooa l S of - i,oo« l - of . . 8 89 °r * * 100, 14800 of - - . 13 f And ? stationary prizes of jo.eoo dollars each • br which, and the nature of those s stationary prizes which are to belosg to the Sve last drawn tickets it will be found, that an updrawn ticket was yefterdav morning, worth nearly m- 2 dollars, which at the beginning, was worth bo more than 10 dollars— and so the undrawn tickets must continue to increase in value, as fift as the drawing proceeds: And this circumttance will account for number of Ofii • which are opened for the fair of Tickets, as the pro fits mull be daily mcrejfirtg; and in a few days a r,cket now fellmg at u dpLars, will no dotbt com mand 15 dollars, and mpit continue to get hi-'he- s the drawing approximates to the five stationary p,„ eJ of zo,ooo dollars each. a A good Cook, Will meet with conduit employment, and rcceivr ecßc . rout wages. Apply to the Pristor. OiS. 1;.