Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 02, 1795, Image 1

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; J . | . • * . .
Qpfagefte fptttitojlfefe'
Nu**" f83.3 MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, 1795. . Yffl.
Jehu Miller, jan. and his brother Alexaader J. Miller,
! i have em-red inro partnerfhtp, onder the Firm of
John Miller, jun. & Co.
*tUy have rueived i\ t'* a/r,W»_/V«w Europe t aid are txohj y
*ps SALE,
At »»>eir ST X RK, No. 8, C'hefcut-flreet,
capital affurtrtient of DRT GOODS, f<
Suitable to the feufon—usoogft which are, tl
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Pi_.ii and [-~ ~7 Coatings,
Bsavcretts-ei elastic*,
Rose and point Blankets, ,
A variety of coarse Woollens,
M -::cht ier manutaclnres,
Infil linens, .
lniia G generally, '
F.-tn.h Goods. '
AI! of which they will dispose of for eafii or ot< nfual
cradit. OSober 9. § l<
i — —
Irijh Linens.
James & Henry Filher,
N*. 8, IVilnubfrut,
Have imported br the Rebecca, from Dnblin, a large
afiortment of
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens, i
7-8. brown Jo. 0
4 4 half white Sheetings,
9-$ brown and vhite co.
3-4 brown and white Lawns,
7-3 Dawls* ; ' ?
I Which ther w:'l \;fpofe of on reasonable terms, by the
package, for cash ©i approved Notes, at 60 and 90 day?. _
N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the?
Manu'a&ories, it is prefum*d they will be found worthy
of notice Oct. 26.
Vc casks, fn it able for the Eali and Weit-locia market*,
FRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes.
And a few cases »f
Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs. 2
roi sue by 1
\ Rundle Is" Murgatroyd, V
oa 28. (div) No. n, Walnut-ftrect wharf. 3
Lauding, at Hamilton's Wharf,
The CARQ~ -f tLi Jtip Trijlra.-t,, J. CLrijiie, mcficr, frm
\ Port-au-Prince,
"a bSbrf*" 3nd I MufcoTldo SUGAR,
45 teujiels ct COFFEE.
(George Sibbald, '
OS. 26. d No. 17c l.iuth Fr»nt-ft"tet. T
:Vj7 Hogflieids,"}
459 B.wieis, i Coffee, above ooo,ooolb. t
3-4 Bags, ) {,
115 Hogsheads u choice Jamaica Sugar.
ill "Bales of St. Domingo Cotton,
Will be landed Monday morning, 16th icft. at S«»ti)-
ftrt-t w:,arf,
th- entire tar cm of Sna-.v Hebe, Jamaica ;
Brig Polly, and Seioen.r Induilry, from j«remi«,
Peter Blight.
o<3ober 22. j j
* The CARGO of the ihip Harmony, j
Ezra Lmtcil, r„ajier —-from BOUM.DEAUX,
GONsitTIIfG or
I BRANDIES, in pipes and pynch^ons; acd I
CLARET in hogsheads, ii dilvharging from on ,
board the said (hip at Cuthbert's wharf, and for sale by
■ And.'ews & Meredith,
Sept. 15. d. No. 86, south wjurm.
FOR SALE by the Subfori'oers, at their B*re tn |
tValnutJlrut Wharf,
26 Hhds. ")
33 Barrels and > Hifpar.iolaCOFFEE, bHty arriT«l
Bags )
Who ha*ve also ok band,
Red Port Wine, in Piyts and Hogihea<i«
Mountain VT ine Wine, in Qr.
10 Tons Brimftoue
Nailb afibrt-d
-Sail CaKvas, N°. I 5 7 and
A few gentlemen's handsome Saddles
Philip Nkklin & Co.
July >4 *
The CARGO of the ship Harmony,
fames i\toore, m :ft —-frost Pet:rjlurgb t
tons (old fable) IRON ;
100 tons HEMP ;
40c pieces Russia SH7 ; T|*NG;
400 pieces Ravens DUCK;
A few boxes Tallow C ANDLES; and
jc eafli® TALIX)W
James Crawford, or
George Latimer.
Philad. \lt/j Sr/ttimiitr, 1795-
N c . 64Smmi-Jtreet,
C ASAL Tickets for n:e, and calh or tickets given for
any prizes Ait may be drawn.
S lr.fora'. v.KKi eiven rcfpsciing Walhington lottery, and
mlh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may b« drawn.
Both lotkries commence drawing September 28th.
BOOKS wi" be kept of ach day 's draw ing in both lot
mic , and open gratis to the enquiries of the pofiTeflarsof
Tickets pat.:hafed at the OFFICE.
•j-J" Halvi', quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
V, i at the Office. Sept. 16. §
Canal Lottery-Office
Near the HANK of the UNITED STATES,
08obcr I, 1795.
* I 'HE drawing of Lattery began on Monday, the
1 28th ult. The U!e h£ Tickets is continued by the' I
from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'cioat
•r Ac afternoon, at thezbo*eoffice, and by J. Roberdtai
at Efc-Houf" -"rar.tcdwbdrawn.
Tickets will bj received in\|\ment, fubjeS to the
deduction cxpreffed m the tickets— ll dollars until aotice. Approved notes, witii>a good indorfer,
liyiklc XOtit DcctwiWi next, wal-kt rftrived in payment
,ick.:» amonnaag to one hundred do.lars and upwards.
tV'iUiam Blaclb-urr., Agent.
6' -k Brok kept at the Olhce. Tickets examined at
2 ;oo ea.n TniFVier, and rfred at 12-;oo each ticket. j
1.. B. No l:i loldcuring tilt iwt...oTiiawiiij.
For Sale, or Charter,
i-~- Moles Towniend, matter,
Bt'RTHEI« r i 66 tons. A verv (h-oag, ftaunsh good vef- .
fel, lying at Rois's wharf. For partieulnrt apply to
the m I'' er on board, or Melfra. Jefipb Anthony L 7 Sen:
OaoV t r iS. " d6t -
For Sale, or Charter,
fkl $4 REBECCA, t
BETWEEN two and three rears old, bin- v
then about two hundred and fifteen tons.^ —
She now lies at the end of Waluut-ftrcet wharf- F° r
terms spply to
Samuel Coates.
OAobcr 28. M6t.
D a M,
TTT?V-; t H k Br 1 G !
John Caffin, master, <
NoW it Mr. Willing's wharf; the is almost '
new, 13!b sals, has exc-llfnr acrofeimolations for pas- <
fetirrws and- will fail in 8 or 10 days, the cargo being
all ready —For passage only, apply to 'he Cnptain on
be»: d, cr to JOHN NIXON & Co.
03.i1, rn- eaU.
For L I V E R POO L,
Packet, -
C<.,i,. Ceot vt Clay, ;
31-R THEN 320 tens, b. It of live oak nd tv ":ir,
an, made but one voyage. S* eis intended for a
toHilent t»ad<*r, i» well atcoinrooJaied rar patTtngrts,
an ! will fail iin or about the fir;t of Ror .
f-eic.'"-! or pafiaje tp;>'v to the Ciptain on bcird, at
Stamper's wharf —or to
Phi-Alb Nicllln isf Co.
nn.ii. . ' d.
Thomas Giffcrd, matter,
HAS a £reat j art »f her cargo and will fail in
a few For freight or applv on board at
| Wilcock*s wharf, or to THOMAS NEIVMASjX Rok\
WJ}O has for Sale,
C: Tee. Cotton. Claret in cases and hampers, Old Fron
tainiic Wine in nog&eads, anJ icvsc doz. Mens' raffled
Sh:;ts " l
The Conper Bottomed Ship
A ° K r IAN A >
Ma};r, ,AQK '
Mow laying at Walnot-Street Wharf,
Has excellent accommodations for pallengers, and will
Jail witii all convenient lpeed, having a coniiderable part
of hi.r Cargo engaged. For freiglu or passage apply t«
tkc Capt2is on bosrd, or
Thomas k John Ketland.
N. B. The Adriacais intended t« return from London
an early Spring SLip.
Otfloher 7. d.
j . Christopher Franklin,jun. master,
HAS excellent accommodations for palTengers; wi'.l
fail in all this month ; three-fourths of h«r cargo are
ready to goon beaid, a few tons of heavy goods will
be taken on freight.—For freight or passage apply to
the Mjfter oa board, Peter 2 igbt» cr to
Pragers y Co.
Septimker 21, 1795. $.
House Coals
Of good qua'ity, for sale on board the brigO'.ircßra»ch,
Capuin William M«cre, from Liverpael, iayicg at Wal
nut-.l'ect wharf. Apply to
Philip Nicklin & Co.
SHE is a new vessel, burthen about 2,000
barrels oi flour, and will be ready to receivc a cargo in a
few days.
N. B. Those Gent'emen who have Goods on board the
Olive Branch, are requested to fend for them as soon as
poffiblc. Prober 1 -tk <
Ko. 12, Dock Street,
10 Pipes of
The very bejl Madeira WINE,
90 quarter calks of Sherry wine,
Briftei window giais of different fizei,
A quantity of best Havanoah ftgajs in b«xe«,
A few calks of lugar,
4 bose« of yard wide Irifli linens,
4 of do. cauvafs,
5 bales of red, white, and yellow flannek;
bJRI'RhN 2600 barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's
Wharf, in Southwark.
Phaladeltjhia, Sept. 22. 5.
juji Arrived per the Sticu 80/lcn, James Kirkpatriek,
Majier, from Liverpool,
113 Crates weli-auortei! Queen's Ware,
4000 bufce's best ftoved fir.e Sak,
& to be fold at No. 1, Pir.e-flreet, by
James Campbell.
Also, a few bax»6 well-assorted Irish Linen«.
N. B.
i novv or Freight or Char
-err eilf,er to the Wefl-Indics or
C-; E'Jrtipe.
1 Enquire at above.
! ~'w * ■'; j x
United Statu, 1 rr
Pennfylvaiiia Diftricß, ) U.
Io pursuance of a Writ v.- me directed, from the hoaora- 7.«
ble Richard Pvters. J» lge»l tie DiAriA Court in uid PI
for the Peunfy} fin:i DiltriS,
Will be exposed to Public Sale,
•At -^^rciiatitsCoJtw« House, in tlie City Philadelphia,
On Sutu; i'jy, the jib Day of Ntrvtmber ntxt,
At 12 o'Mock-at n«on,
SLOOP called the
** BURT HEM 44 tenwith all and (iß^a
lar her tackie, apparel and furnit*re. as the fame now ?»re;
the said having been condemn^; 1 . r,» pay«
wages, &e. WM. NICHOLS, MariLai.
AUrjkaPt Of it. Oft 31, 1795. > £ . 1 _
N. B. 1h? inventory may be fc«n at my office
For Liverpool,
THZ smr
jflS|. D I A N A, i
Getrge City,
BURTHEN 220 tons, is nearly a new ship, a j f
eonftant trader, and will fail with all convenient PL
speed. For freight or pafihge apply to the Capt. PI.
on board at Walnut-ifreet tvlisrf—or to Sti
Philip Nicklin ly Co. w
Ofioier 6, 1795. §_ g c
for Charleflon, (S. C<) P!
T " "
W R V B r,
Capt. Richards,
NOW lying xhe firft wharf below Chefnut-fireet, and
wITT lail ia a few days. For freight, which will be taken
on low terms, apply to the Captfein on board, or to
Nalbro * & John Frazit?r,
?A- §tw. No 95 fonth Front-ilreot.
For Falmouth and a Market,
L E R T,
Eyvns, majier,
BURTiIZN 100 tens, is ia excellent order and ready to T
rc- 've h»;r cargo. This veflel is a remarkable sailer, and L
has accommodarious for a few paffrngers. Apply to Ss
the captain on board at tl*e fabferibers wharf, oc §2
1 - Willings ar.d Francis. to
OJtobw 3. §
The Schooner
sj 'it J. WeadeH, master,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; i strong,
new vessel, fiv« mc*iths old, built of red cedar, bur
then 130 tens, fuppefed will carry about licb barrels J
of flour, is of an easy dral't of water, and his excellent I
accommodations lor passengers. For terms apply to I
. If not fold in two or three days, fiid vessel will pro- S
1 «ted for tl* slate of New-York. E
1 Phitad. Sept. 29.' §_ I
To-Morrow will be Landed,
At Latimer's wharf, from on roard of the lbi» Sedgely,
n John Hodge, mailer, from St. Peterlburgh, via. j
2 Cables, 120 fathoms, I a 1 Huckaback
and 1-4 inches I
— Cordage assorted White and yellow Candle ?
S» nil Var« 1 allow
Junk and Oakum' Soap do.
Fine tweWhead Flax Mould and dipt Candles
Best Ruflia Sail Duck Hard Soap '
Ravens Duck Bar Iron, flat and fq**c
ij Russia Sheetings Rod Iron
. e ; Drillings Iron Hoops
m 1 Broad and narrow Diaper Half down Feathers
1 firalh Hogs Brittles, &C.
Philips, Cramond Co. ;
OAober 18 ' diw (
— — I
— ITit of SAM. & THO. SHAW j
BEING iiflolved in August lad, by mutual consent, 1
all those indebted, whofc accounts ar« due, are .de- 1
, ■ Ired to make speedy payment at their Store, corner of
Front '-nd Arch-flreet. The buSnefs is now carried on
at the fame place, by
Who hss for sale, on reasonable terms, for calh, or the
usual credit,
A general a.Tortment of Merchandize,
Imported ky the iatt veffelsfrem London, Bristol, and Li- j
to verpool, fuitabie for the FaLl Season.
a A Tobacco Engiiie aud Press to be fold by Sam. Shaw.
O&ober 23. lawjwAiaw do.
te —' ; i
13 For sale, at low prices,
— NAILS by the cask. from 3d to iod aborted, and a vari
ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
/ Cotton and wooLCards, from No. Itol2 ;
Hatters and stock Cards ;
Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines.
Also Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a var
riety of articles fuitabie for that business, which will
5 be fold together.
large stock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on
the Card Manufactory, with the valuable machine* for
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, 3cc. now in forward
nefs for finifhing. Also,
Occupied by the late partnership of Webster, Adgate and
White. As the flore is convenient for the business, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work
ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining »©
pnrchafe and follow the business to do it to advantage.
: s Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDET,
ok. 20. dim. No. 63 Oufont-ftreet.
Frelh TEAS,
Of fuperitr futility, via.
Imperial, or Qunpowdar
Hyson Gomee,
1 ft quality Hyson,
2d. do. u»i
Young Hyion,
r . Hyson Skin, and
jj- Souchoßg.
A feu Bixet of end, for fatr «i
, No. 19, Third Street, South.
Deccnbe: 10. «>d.
Plaifter of Paris.
75 tons cf Plaift-r c-f Pan- r«cm*ed by the brig Cngcf,
Philip Sand*, Dialler, from Havre-de-Cricc,& forfaleby
jfmlrtzvs 6c Mcredith %
05.3#. § |i|o. 86, south wharves*
Tor SALE, by the Subicribers,
h Plfa-tTRiFf;
Tbe Jci'tv-yr aHicUi of the las. importation frtm Cihue
ICo Chefh Hyfor. Tea,
120 Quarter Chest* Souchong Tea,
4C.0 Boxs* Ghica, containing Tea Sottft,
4<oo Piecea Nankeen*.
Willings & Francis.
September 14. j>ta
Robert Smith 6c Co.
N». 58 fjuth Fror'.-frcrt, •
Hive received by the ]at< arrival from London, Lb
verpocl, and Hull,
A large &general ajjbrtmerit of Goods,
Suitable ior the fe.ubii, which they will dispose »f by the
package or piece on reasonable terms for tact,
or od a short credit:
Second & cdarfe cloths Dimities and muSinct*
Plain & mix'J caCimercs 7-8, 4-4, and 11-8 cotton
Plain & tvrili'd costings checks
Striped Arose bhakets Jaconet and book muslins
White, red, and ytllovr & muslin handkerchief*
flannel* Printed linen and ehech
Becking and other baizes handkerchiefs & shawls
Plains, kerteys, and half- Muslin apron
thicks Tambour'd muslin cravats
Plain & spotted fwanftins Cambrics-snd lawns
Tambour d catiruere veil A large aflortmentof cali
ibapes c»es and chintzes
Printed do. and swans- Do. of mens and women*
down do. woifted & Cotton hose
Moreens and Joan's spin- Russia drillings i diaper*
ning 3-4 and 7-8 bed ricks
Florentines and fattinets Striped nankeens k ginj
Calimancoes and durants hams
Camblets, wildbot'es and Laces and edgings
Uombazetts Gloves and mittt
Rstiinets and fhallaons White & u loured threads
Veljerets, thickfcts, and Tapes, bobbin &. binding*
corduroys Pins, Set.
A large assortment of India Goods, viz.
Taffaties, Bandano, Pullicate, and
Lateftnngs, t Roraal handkerchie*
Senchaws, Nankeens
Satt'ns So> lug Silks, Jtc.
Prober S. """ • dim.
John Miller, jun. & Co
No> 8, Chcfniit sl eety
In addition t« their afTortmeat now received, hare oa hand
remaining of the
Cargoes of the Three Brothers Arethmfa from India,
And for faie by the package only,
A variety of Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz.
Low priced Cofiaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muilias
Long cloths in do.
Patna handkercluafs Hurr.liums
Shirting mullins Baftas
Blue romals Cambrick* ' „
Book handkerchiefs in Mwfliu
small bale* neatly as- Taffaties
sorted. Blue checks
• Also—a variety of French Goods, vii^
Looking glafCes Feathers, and Flower*
"Angola gloves Paper hangings
c Llnauis and Linju handkerchiefs, l'uitakle for the
Weft-India market.
A few elegant Time Pieces.
OA. 9th. f
Jonathan Harvey & Co.
No. 106, feutb Frmt-fireety
Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li
verpool and Hull, .
A large and general ajfortment of Goods,
Suitable for the season, which they will dispose of by the
piece or package, for cafli or credit;
~ Coarse & fine broad cloths Corduroys
j Plains, forelt and hunters Velverets
1 cloths • India and Englift mufim*
Piain & twill'd coatings Jacanet and book jnuflia
' Point, duffil, and' rose handkerchiefs
n blankets Printed linen and check
White, red, and yellow handkerchiefs
€ flannels Calicoes and chintzes
Baizes, bockiugs, and Mens and womens cotton
duffils and worsted hofc
Kerseys and half thicks Glsves aad mitt*
" Spotted fwanikins Sewing fi!k
Plain i mix'd caffimercs Scots thread
Moreens Biddings and gartering
Joan's Spinning Irifli and German linen*
CalimancoM Modes & Sattint
Dnrants • Sarfnets
i- Thickfett* Table cloths
9th Oil. 179J- %itn.
L _ N0..10, Chefnut-ftreet,
11 3S° hogih-ads Virginia Tobacco,
10 cafic- of Carolina Indigo, of aa excellent quality,
n 1 chest Imperial Tea,
j. I box purple Shawls, averted,
Ginfcug, Sic. &c ' Ctt. 5. . §.
Imptrhd in tlx Jhip drctbufa, frtm Cdkutta and
d Matlrafs, a variety ef
c GHurrahs,
To be Sold Wy the Package, for approved notes at
three and four months, by
No. 42 Dock Street, or
German Pajjcngers
fuft arrived in the thip Holland, Captain Franklin,
from Hambnrgh, now it anchor ocpofite Vins-ftreet»
wbafe tiac is to be agreed tor bv apj' ying au board,
or 10 PRAGERi k Co.
Sefttmt*r i«. d.