#" . > "V - T. STEPHENS, i BOOKSELLER am STATIONER, fvWI No- 60 South Second-Street, PHILADELPHIA, 1 V_/ C.i RESPECTFULLY informt the public, that at his Store ihoi they may be lupplied >vith mod of the modern Eu- j Nai! rot! topcan and other publications of merit, onfolitioe, Divini- I -loop Ir ty, Law, the Belles Lettras, &c. 3cc. Aifo a great van- j abi ety of EbEUANT PRINTS and Paintings, and every ar~ Anchor: licle in th.' Stationary bufincfs; which he continues, u J Bar ron usual, to dispose of at the lowest prices. I A- ti«»n Gentlemen's Libraries furnifhed or purch»fed ; and the Caroim. UtmoJV value, in exchange or calh, given for any qa»n- I Heiriiiu jfify of feennd hand Books. 1 ' Wholefafc Dealers supplied at the above Itore on very Aye Bel moderate terms. , I May i. — — I No. 60 South Socond Street. THE IVholefile and Retail Store for BOOK, STATION A*T J j MUiIC, PRINTS, OIL PAINTINGS, BRAWIN* BOOKS, I and Fancy articles. ' j M p tT THOMAS I s awh For the fleeter tmruini not ./ «W«S tie hufnfexlevfvetyA „„ the u- remtveiJr.m N.. S7, - - v " 60 SuD " J . Deir irffide—vAere be la, reeded by the lajtarrtoaU, ™ exienfo. ceased, Stdtiona-ry. •<»«»*< tfXe,,- Mafic, Buahurys euritus Caricature,, Pr.nt,o,l Paint- we nt t 4 : nr,n.' r Both, is*. V& allvbi.b ae-wM f.U,*ufualA 0.10, '"•r f 7!\Ch?L tbi, to aclno-wledg, the Mcraien- X L vf t George Hunter, Cbcmift, I Bell At his Lciberatory, Ne. 11 4, sorth Sewnd Jiniet. j ( INFORMS his former cufioroers and the public, that 1 he has begun the DRUG bufincfs again on » «*«»" He has for sale a general assortment e( 1 "\T < - FRESH DRUGS, £ r \ CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS, >nd PATENT KEDi- p er f 9l CIN te-S. I upon Likewise, piinters'colours, dry and ground IB ml, ftllU l bruihes, windav* artd coach glufs, dye ftuffs, linked oil, or oil.ot turpentine, copal oil varnish and j«p»w, warranted good. ~ , . FOl Aliufli. copperas, milder, ground rcdw»odbythe hogs- Fo| head ci imallet quantity. . . FOl A»ne imp itis ihe linipl -s from the oeft market;, and makes the ciiinpohtions Ind preparations himlelt, he is enabled to vouch tor and warrant ever) article (old out . of his Uho.a .ry, and lthewtfeto d.fpofc «i them at the mv.U reafonaDiC-Wics. i£s' Ht wishes ts fell a la:Ke LOT of GROUND, i" the nortli-eaft corner of High and Eleventh-ftreels, contain. tn« ing 78 feet front on High-ftieet, and zoo feet on Eleventh Septc ftici-t, '.ppolite Mr. Lciper's new buildings—And another of Pi 1.0 I on ihe north fide of High Oreet, nsar the above, i 8 thee leel from, and 200 feet deep. Both lots have the prtvi- i brahi 1.5C01 a3O feel alley in the rear. j perft • Dee. 13. s-r3® ti«e. TREASURY of the UNITED STATES, Augufl nth, 1795. Ti NOTICE is hereby given t» all ptilona who. are or rituc may be Creditors of the United States, for any : been sums of the Fimaed Debt, or Stock, bearing a pre/tut , * inlerejl of fix per centum per annum'. >ne xft, That purfuunt to an Act of Congress, pasTed on ' nou the third day of March, 1795, intitule 1, "An Ail making further proyiiiun for the fupp >rt of Public Credit, and for the redemption of the Public Debt, tIK-re will be relmburl'ed and redeemed, on the firft day Infp of January enfumg, the rale or proportion of two per ctntum ot t'le principal of the debt or foci, expressed in the Certificates ifilled to the said Creditors refpec ttvely; >.111 id, The said reimbursements will be Trade at tfte Treasury of the United States, or at the Loan Offices where the said Stock may fturid credited at the close of £ the present year. 3d, The laid Teimburfements will be made to the fftid Creditors in person, or to their Attornies duly A aimiUtuted 4 but the powers of attorney which may be t produced inuft centain an authority to receive the said Lifl regions of the Secretary of the Treasury, I SAMUEL MEREDITH, * I'reajurer as the UnM States. 1 Aug. 34* , ■- ■ • lilili—l / Notice is hereby given that an at- i taShment vi< issued out of the inferior sourt of Cemmoa J Plear, in and for the county of Cumberland, in the state of I J NewJcHey, returnable oa the twenty-fifth day of Febru- I ary last, against the goods and chattels, rights and credits, I < lends and tenements of Geo ge Hatz (not being a resident I at tliat time within the state of' New Jersey) at the fait Of j ; Jonathan Bnlliitger, indorsee of Job Butcher, which was 1 ; levied by the sheriff of the county oi Cumberland " on | j a certain floopor shallop called the Fly of Philadelphia" j with its appurtenances, as by the return of the f.iid sheriff 1 ■wilt more particularly appear—and notise is also hereby I further o-ivtri, agreeably to the dircSion of an ait of the 1 Legislature of the state of New-Jersey in foch cafe made j ana provided, that unlcfs -he said George HutZ lhall ap- j pear and give fpeeial bail to answer the suit so as afore- j l'uid instituted against him by th said Jonathan Ballinger, 1 widlin such time is prescribed by law, " that then and in I hat cafe judgment fliall be entered" againil the said George 1 Hutz " by, default, and that the said sloop or shalfop so as aforefaid seized on the said attachment" will be fold for the fettsfacthm of all " creditor, who (hail appear to be justly .wititlcd t» any demand thereon, andfhall apply for that purpole." Dated at Salem, in the county of Salem, in the fait. State, the tlurty Srst day of March A. D. 1795. -ttILES, Clerk. Lueiu, Horatio St'chm, ") Attorney for the Plff. y 1 ■ I ISWMf To be Sold, on KEASONAMLE TF.hMt, ' . . P v.r of well broke (family; browji carriage Hirfu; » :fo, a goo i ridi.Tg Horse, they are all about fix . • .. ok ■ c :. oe: lion 0/ tfceir rn meal in Hhds. and Bbli. Author • Rye (lour &o. to be fold by Levi Hollingpworth & S n. — a thai Notice. of v ALL persons indebted to the late partnerflaip of It eh- brov jlrr, AJgate, Ik White, are desired to make payment I. Th; to Pete* W. Gai.lawdkt, No. 63, Cheftmt-ftreet, who ! inch is authorised to reeeive thii fame. Thof« who have claims of a , on the said Firm will present them to him. med Demands on the ellate of the late Pelatiab Webfer, de- ferit ' ceased, are to be exhibited to the fu'^fcriber—and those unti 1 indebted to the said ellate, are requeued to make p»y- HI. Tl - nunt to ' RUTH PERIT, Executrix, vere October iO. diar. No. 47 feuth Water-street. vigr 1 . — 1 pcil \LL persons having any demands on the Estate »f Alp f\. Mary Hewson, late ofßucks oouttty, Jeceafed, are Sub 'e desired to apply to WrLLiAM Hewson, near Hriftol, in (hop, v the county aforefaid, for immediate fetdement. And all e r, N< persons indebted to said Estate are rcqucfltd to make pay- princi m»nt to the said William Newfon, who is hereby autha- Feb ~ rifed to re»eive the fanie. -i— Elizabeth Hewson, Exieutriml Jonatmak.Williams,; Exl{llttlr ,. William ) / BeltemeaJe, near Brijiol, OA.a6, 1795. *»aw3w. _ »t —- K 1 DUTT ON CARRIAGES. Pc NOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably to an aA of V>l Congress of the United States, of the jth June, 1794, ' h for laving duties upon Carriages for the conveyance of "i person' —" That there fhallbe levied, colleiled, and p.tiid, upon all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which fhallbe kept by orfpr any person, for his or her own use, '! or to let out to i/re.or for the aonveying of_ passengers, the several following, to witl 1 For and upon *ry coach, the yearly fnm df 10 dollars. 1 !*' F or al ,d npon every chariot the yearly sum of 8 dollars, t * lllc j For and upon every phaston and coachec, the yearly turn "V A f, of 6 dollars. { The (Ut For and upon every other four wheel and two whceUop '!<** he earriage, the yearly sum of X dollars. " And upon every other two wheel carriage one dollar. m "*' D The Officers of Infpedion of the First Survey of the dif- " ter ml trid of Pennsylvania,; wiU attend within the month of Hrt Ith Sept.Mnber natt, at No. 117, in Saffafras street, in ths city ner of Philadelphia; at the houfc of Daniel St. F.'.q in . 28 the county of Montgomery ; and at the houfo of Mr. A- ; vi- 1 braham Dubois, in the county of Bucks; of which all I persons possessed of f ch Mrnages are desired to tiko no -17 " credits, j Custom-house fees, kc. of one year. efident This little volume will eootiin a much greater com pa's, < I'uit Of |as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding c .ch was I year, and will he embellished with en engraved frontis- * id "on I piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a head orna- j elphia*' ment, to each month. The feen-s depiited in the vig- i i sheriff I nettes, allnde chief.y to the rural labours of the year. The < hereby I engrnvingsare new, and executed with an excellence that I of the I noes credit to the American fine arts. e made j At the fame place may he bad, hall ap- j Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environ*, aecu s afore- j rattly engraved from a late furv^y. illinger, J Maps of the United States, and of each state feparitsly. n and in I A valuable eolle&ion of moder* Both, and a general affort -1 George I ment of Stationary Wares. Jop so as Hote.—Thofe who desire it, may have the above-menti luld for oned Maps, or any other, coloured, canvassed, and varnifh jar to be cd, and put up in any manner that may be most oonveni ipply for «nt, by applying at tlireSed above. OA. 1, 1795. law. '.1795."" AT a Meeting of the Stockholders in Clerk. the Infuranee Company of iterate of Pennsylvania, on 'h icth May last, convened for the purpol'e of fixing the time of payment of the remaining part of the Oipitel lawstf Stock of said Company, Refelved, that the remaining sum of two hundred dolUirs per !h .rc, he paid on the 6th day of Novem ber next, under the penaluoe annexed to default by the Horses; »it of Incorporation. about fn Puulifhed by order of the Meeting, r'» death. SAMUEL W. FISIQtR, S,.\ jiwj*. Jnne riiiL/tDELPUI+t fatwTsw »y jfQVii fJWW 1 Anerictn I,andfcapes. PROPOSALS f)x nwusHiNG IN AQUATINT A E1 TwENTi-Foi'R VIE WS, jv / O ELECTED from the mod iftrikirig arid mtrrefting * 0 Profpgifts in thr Wnited States •; each «f which tnihaVi Views, will be accompanied with a defcnptive account % of its Local, Hiltorieal, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, 1 Author if the " Mutfi* Rfrurint and An:ient CtAlct >* Britain y j CONDITIONS. , I, That the work (hall be published b]r Subscription; SQJ that each Subscriber (hall engage to take the whole Tet of Vi«W», and ftiall pay for each engravidg, if blajt or I brown, % Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. 1. That th« dimensions of each engraving (hall be 24 by 17 I inches, executed in aquatinta, and pubhlhed upon paper I of a superior quality. The publication to commence 1m- I mediately ; Mid one engraving to be delivered to the Sub feribers, on the firft Mbnday of each succeeding month, I until the proposed series (hall be finally completed. HI. That with the last View of the series, (hall be deli- I vered an engraved title-page; an elegant j vignette; a map of the route, conne&ed with the prof- J feds exhibited in the the course of the Work ; and an j Alphabetical liftof the Subscribers. . I Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print I (hop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the j principal Book-fellers in the United-States. February aB. • J — ——: I »i Now Published, I jc By T. STEPHENS, Ao. 60, south Setond-jtreet, I * ' The curiom Prophecies of | _ RICHARD BROTHERS. , 0 , CONTAINING gTMt and remarkable things,not reveal- I cdtfc any other person on earth I Th 1 This work k inteieftinr to every oh*. I priva ■ i Au'ujl 14 { — Tv - — I front Andover Iron Works J K TO BE SOLD. OR LET ON LEASE. JlO co THEY are situate in the counties of Suffer and MorHs, I ""•» 1 in the State of New-Jersey: The ore lies within a j tQ Ot V ■tile of the Furnace, is esteemed of the firft quality of any | j a ' in America, and particularly adapted for making Steel. | The Furnace and Forge, to which belong between ii and I u 12,e00 aeresof Land, will he fold together, or taafed ei- j i ther separately or together : they are distant about seven | j mi 1m from each other, and are an objcA well worth the | are ■_ 1 attention of Iron Masters. The buildings, &c. are in eve- |,n { ,f Iry refpe e* J undred y good nfaekp* mety bt cajily utide. The lines of the abvvc incJuJt fovcm- about 40 acres of ivciJlatuL Gorrvtn'unt credits xsj'M be as} ordoa hy ihc to the purchaHr if desired. Daniel cARftpLL. Montgomery County, June *, 1795* Sf.'v N. B The latta l „'s be'.ixecn two mirchcnt rrif's, one defiant about a MiL, the othei abnofi adjoining. Jmc iNOi N°" IlJ> CtcfnilSlr*>i.—PnCF Sti Dot ' Ai • jpt* t*"7 ' ' . * Hiics M'Alpin, TAYLOR, N°. j Sciitb Fourth Stud, I} ETURNS tit grateful euiaruflflgemaat, '• £« Fr-c-ide a~i tic 1 PM C for their liberal encouragement and »ar« iWfetofiikit I 0 continuance of their favors, i At his S/jop wentUmen may be furn'ifsed xvM the b*4 material*, I tttd have thtm mad* up and fnified in the mo/ fajhwiable M&vurj 1 , Me ithH thankfully receive any order, a«d pay a prompt and 1 I pun And attention to them. Ofi. I$ City of Washington, j SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No.ll{ r I TOR THI IMPROVEMENT OF TUB 7 FEDERAL CITY. T I i A magnificent > 10,000 Dollirs, »nd dwelling hoafe, \ calk 3»,ooo are " 40, «o® 1 » I t ditto i j,ooo & csfh *S>oo» 4 0,000 . I , ditts 151000 Sc cacti is.o«« 30,00* 1 diito i«,ooo fc cjfti io,ooe *0,000 IC ] 1 into 5,000 4 calh s,oo* »0,000 • , f- J , d,tto S, 000 4 ca/h 4,000 ic,ooo in j s Ca piire ot to,eo« ; ditto i.ooo eseb, are ic,or» «t I lC ditto '|0O« J - I a 0 OHIO too IC.OO# ,e | ,00 ditto ic» .0,000 I ,oo ditto S* I 400 ditto i0 ' 00 ® ~000 dVto •• *sV°* I 15,000 ditto ** "is. 00 ® I »6,739 I fllanki }« I jo,ooo TiokeU «l ! dolUrs 400,000 I ibis Lottery will afford an elegant fpeciouu of the I private buildings to beereftfd in the City of Waihmgtoo " j —Two beautiful defigm are already fele fted for the entire — j fronia on two of public squares ; from these draw. I iiigs, it i« prosofed to creel two centre and lour corner I buildings, as ISbn ti peffible alter this Lottery is fold, and I to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventur- I era, in the manner described in the fcfterae for the Hotel ' I Lottery. A nett dedu&ion of five per cent, will be mad* '*J to defray the OKeffiry expences »f printing, icc. and f , I the fur pi us will be made a part ol the fund intended for the J National Uaiverfity, to be erected within the City of | c . I Walhington. , CD j The drawing will commeECt as soon as the Tickets the l are fold off. —The money prir.es will be payable ve - I hi thirty days after it is fini(hed,a*d any priies for which to I fortunate *uinbers arc not produced within twelve months [ ifter the drawing is closed are 10 be coofidcied as given I towards the fund for the UniverHiy,.it bn«| dctcrmin- J d to fettle the whole business in a year fiom the ending I of the drawing and to take up the bonds £iv4li ** fec»- . I rity. cths j reß j fcc%irities given for the payment of the Price are Ueld kfythe President and two Direttou ps the Ba«k )0 F" of Columbia, and are valued at more than half ihe amount n &S ol the Lotteiy. " reof The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of rch- the late Commiflioners assisted in the nwnagemen: of the >hia, Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk ead a second time on behalf of the public ; a fuftcient nura re- ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that th« our- fricnd9 to a National University and the other federal oU savy j jedls may continue to favor the design. The synopsis of and one of the Colleges, to form a branch of she National f ing Institution, is akeady m the profs, and will be fpcele, the public arc aflured that the g the drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and casks, caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of with the tickets, has rendered the fiiorc fufpenfioii yidiipenialiU. f lanu February »4, 170^. The SAMUEL BLODGET. bufti Aug 30 eo«itf *** Tickets may be had at the Bank ol Columbia ; . e nT of J amcs Wcft & Co * Ba* limore or G'rde»n Denilon t •elhes Savannah, of Peter Oilman, Boston; of john Hookint alto- Richmond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's tcrrv. dy at • LOTTERY INTELLIGENCE. ity of ~" "y na- We ire informed that the gentleman who drew the at ad- 15,000 dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, wai the uft be proprietor of only a single Ticket—This inft.tnce of £«od fortune, (hews that it it well to be in Fortune'* vSUbe road; and i» the more ( pleafmg, as the owner of the r, and „ nle a V ery worthy, though not a very affluent ci »yabl« ttzen. iicreed The jcheme of the Canal Lottery 11 certainly one lfc6 . of of the best which has appeared—for, independent of LeWl9 ' the ufeful objeas to which its proceeds are to be ap- ATHA " „]ied, the ftheme is so calculated as to continually en &r. hance the-ralue of the Tickets remaining in the wheel; 1_ because, while the drawing progrelTut, the chance of a capital prize growing greater, must increase the va lue of the undrawn Ticket. The Prizes drawn to the close of the drawing am „„ f , .1 last Wednesday Evening, were t:1 1 • oo ° rcMnt * ■ "I I'oo°1 ' 00 ° fprim. 5 * , I ' eo< » ber, are 4 of " s°® rum, m II mt - - 10» t of exa 1700 of - - I* iJ ether And there then remained ia the wheel r e , tive I of - • - $o,oo® re all in I »f - - 30,00* jo tatj 1 of - - " 10,000 1, mbith 4 of a »s°® 9 of - a.ooa •b eulti- 0 ( - - 1,000 ft tkt li- } 6 of - JOO 8 9 of - 100 4e 3, a , (be drawing proceeds: And this .s, John circumstance will actfount for the number of Offices , r ■ " llld which are opcne l for the sale of Tickets, as the pro "tH/lllw-- ts daily increasing; and in a few days a „ cmjlani Ticket now felling at n dollars, will no doubt com r4® acie* mand 15 dollars, and must continue to get higher at !»c wcjyJt the drawing approximates to the five stationary prt7e« 1 aj/ird-.n of 20,000 dollars each. 5 ! A good Cook, one Jiflanl Will meet with conliant employment, and receive geae» rous wages. Apply to the Prist v. OiSl. 13. kit Pt* AdMVM.