L-, ' jpr . • '-■ ■■ the eoticSrrence of tke canflituted antU«riti*t, . The fame men whs in Toulon proclaimed Lorn* XVII. arc preparing to tote in the primary aud e ■ cSoral assemblies, where they no doubt hops lo renew the attempts they nude at Toulon. Freron concluded by proposing a decree to th.» effect ; that the inditiduals who gave up theport ft of Toulon to ihe Englifti who maintained a lie«e of fonr monrhs again ft the troops of tke fepitbiie, and who fled with the Eng'.ilh are 'Iniliuted in the operation or the pasTed in I favor us thufe who fl«4 the.: country on account of the events of the 31ft May j that they arc declar ed. rrftigrants and shall be punished as such. Tkflien conSrtned the truth of the llaterr.ent just. given. He moved that the contention ♦ further fnjisfy itfelf on the fuojeft of a recurrence to the correspondence of the committee of general fafery. It proves completely, that the counter rev olution is making rapid advances in the south, the republic is there on the b'Uk of annihilation. Tne convention decreed, that they would hear the reading of the correspondence of the committee k of general fafety, that Ifabeau fhonld, before the F 1 adjournment make the report which he was dirc&ed to make on theliruation at the republic. Frerofl's propoled decree was in substance adopt ed. Ilabeau in the name of the committee of general fafet'^lniKunced, that that committee was busy in forming a fnmmary of their correfpoodence for three month* back : but this work was not yet uom pi.te; twodaysmore would l>e uquired to com plete this view of affairs, which would prove, that the emigrates or tranfportedpiiells whohave return ed are the principal causes of the troubles which have arisen in molt of the departments. Already the committers of the government have given or ders to the adjniniftration of Jura, Doulss and of Upper Same, to have them arrested. Several members blamed the weakness of the Convention, for not having sooner put a (lop to the 5 return ot rhofe priests. Bsrras called on 'he convention to aft with fitm i 1 ness again# the enemies ;:f the republic. Every wheic, said he, murders are committed in the name of the King and of God. I Mo not wiflji you to pals a decree.without mature reflexion ; but if you wi(h to lave youi co m'ry, direst your committee to present to you measures though severe, yet just and conformable to the unequivocal wilh of the conven tion— Decreed. 3 treat'y of peace Between French Republic and the Landgrave | of Hefle Caffel. fTranflated from a Paris paper ofStpt. 4.] Art. h i'here shall be peace, friendfhip and good Hnderftanding between tht French Republic and the Landgrave of Keffe Cafl'el. 11. Consequently, all the hostilities between the two contracting parties ftiall eeafe from the time of b the exchange of the ratifications of the prefeiV; treaty, and neither (hall, from tly: lame epocl.a, furnifh against the other, in any way whatever, yirhcfyffiftanceor contingent, in men, hones, piu- L _ vilions, money, ammunition, nr.o'hcrvvlCt. . . £ Jll. The l-.mdgrave ef HefTc Cafftl shall, as long as the war between the Republic of France *r,d England lasts, neither protect or renew the'two. Itihfidiary treaties which fubfi-t between him and England. This provision ftiall be in force from the day ot, the date (if the present treaty. IV. The Landgrave fliall conform exa&ly, with regard to thb paffageof traops through histeriito , ries, to the provilioskt ftiptilated in »he convention concluded at the last 23 of Fiona! (17th May, '95) between the French Republic and the King ot FrufTia. V. The French Republic fliall retain pofleflion ef the forlrefs of Rheinfelde, the city of Saint Goar, and that part of the county of Citzenellen- which is situated on the left fide of the Rhine. All definitive arrangement respecting thole pofTefiHns, Rial! be postponed until the peace between the French Republic and such parts of Germany as are yet at war with thens, VI. All communications & commercial relations shall be restored between France and the Itates of the .Landgrave of Heife Cartel, on the footing on which they Hood before the present war. VII. To the governments and individuals of the fwo nations refpeitively ftiall be granted rettitution of the effedts, revenues, or property of whatever nature, detained, feqneilrated, or confifcatcd, on account of the war which hat taken place between France and Hefle, as well as fpcedy juitice with re fpeiS to any credits whatever, which they might have in the territories of the eontrafting parties. VIII. All the prilonert refpeftively made since j the beginning of the war, without regard to the difference in number or rank, shall he returned in the space of two months at the fartheft after the [ exchange of ratifications of the present treaty, with out any impediment whatever, they paving, how ever, the debts they may have contused during their captivity. The fame shall take place with re fpedt to the sick or wounded, immediately after cure. There shall immediately be named on each fide commiflioners to fee to the execution of this arti i cle, the provifionj of which are »ot meant to ex tend to the HefTian ttoops in the service of Eng. . land, made prisoners during the war. I Lt»treaty>(h«ll have effeA only after be jring ratified by the eontra&ing parties, and the rat tn< ations shall be exchanged in ;his city of Bade, within a month, or fconer if pofltble, reckon in" from this day. In witueft wh»reof, we the underignW pleni potent.anes of the French Republic, and of his molt fertne highness the Landgrave of HefTe Caf fel, by virtue of our powers, have fignej this treaty of peace, and have caused our refpeitive f ea l t to be 'affixed. Done at Basle, the 11th day of the month of rurtidor.of the 3d year of the French Republic, [Aug. 20, 1795.] Signed, FRANCIS B.\ RTHELEMY, FREDERICK SJGISMUND, Baron of Walfi-d'Efchrn. HAGUE, August xf. t Mr. Scbukart, minister of his Dari/h Maje*t\* has tianlmi'.ted to the reprefeutativis or the Bata-.'- a lan people a note, to inform them, that the kme, has appointed M de Ki.iglhcrjjeu, ci s devint admiral of the Dutch fleet Under the Prince t of Orange, and who was in Febiuary lad artcutfa, e to thi flation of tirft adminrTof his uary. v . His Majesty does not doubt but that their High t Mighunedes will fee with plcafure a raan who loves 11 the republic, called to an eminent station, in the if service of 3 Prince the friend and ally of the Batav ian nation. M. de Kingfbergen, before he accep ted of the appointment, had exprtfsly refer'ted to t hirafelfthe power of never serving agaunt the United 4 province*, his native country. e We hear from Cullenbourg that the Orange par il ty having (hewn itfeltonthe 2 lit. inft. by wearing - the yellow cockade, and by the cry of Otange for e evei. the measures takc.i by the Conilituted autho uties, seconded by the courage ot the National r had lucceeded ill dillipating totally the af t and in arreltinjr the prini ipal rebe s. i Philadelphia, SATURDAY tVJiNING, OCTUHtR 31, 1795. Ycltciday the Ticket, No. '* the Canal j Lottery'of this St.ite, was draw-o a jniae 01 50,000 1 Dollars. This Ticket was purchafcd a tew days aj;o n by a Ueutlcui.u of this-citv, " Ntw-York, 19th OA. 179f. •' SIR, " ON "returning to town last evening, from Rye, I ( had the pltafure of receiving the l»tter your Excel liruy did me the humour to write an tke iu&ant ; , iiilaiminjj me, that, the uiual intercourse batween New-York and Philadelphia had been reflored, and inciofing a copy of the report of the lalpedtor. us the p Health Office on that fubjeit. This information is lendered the more accepta ble, by the leniimtjrts of benevolence «ad fympathv : which accompany it. Good offices under the pressure rot calamities, endear focietics, as well as individuals, to each other; andt'uy defi-rve -well of mankind in general, who, by infuling into the bitter cup of ad ve lity, the hlellings of beneficence and humanity, pro mote the influence and operation of this great truth, tuat Ihr rtlati've dui ta and iHtvreJis of tM.'n art lift - 1 ynvaitl'. 1 J have the honour to be, with great rcfpeift, 1 Your Excel I (si cry'a M
came cn ihdre lilt eVeninj; at nine o'clock, with an of -1 ficer to guard him whillt he lupped-— at l'upper he touud, means to cominuaicate his situation to some A 1, "tencjns who happtn|d tolje present, but he could, not lay nius'h ; luiwe'ver «pplicatios» was instantly made to General I.eveaux, by a number of American nmlteis ; the Capta.n, and all the officers of the pri ■ vateer w r re arrelled, and the Americans set at liberty. 1 Capt. Macever's il-eve buttons were found in Shap -1 lan s shirt, he alio had 011 his boots ; another his coat, t and ath rd Ins fattin breeches and lilk Itockings. M« dec.are J" upon his arrival 1 hat thev had made no prizes , on thi;ii patTagt. The proper oificcrs are now examin ing int<> ti c matter, and by the next conveyance vou shall have the refuli." Nantucket, Oflober 13. f Mr Ruflcll—'There has arrived from Woolwich f .J >on 'be CoaU of Africa, the following whalemen, with full ships, via. Ship. Commerce, Gardner ;■ B«f ---t ,<>n '"'acker, * ; Minerva, Myrick ; Union, Gard ner—and Fox, Jay. I D M * kp ;' rfe ] Saturday evening last, by the Right Revd. Dr. W mi i>., Mr. WILLIAM JAMES, to 1 the amiable Miss DOLRY, both of this city. In the Circuit Court at Bojlan. ' Reed vs. Blown. 1 his was an afti.n br«u R ht by capt. Reed for 1 the recovery of the Schooner Hope, illegally detaiu- ed from him. It appeared that the fcliooner, on a voyage; trorn Newbury Port fur Guadaloupe. wa» captured by a Britilh armed Ship, and sent into An tigua whrre, Guadaloupe, being proved actually blockaded, (lie was tried, condemned and fold The Merchant who purchased her, sent her to Bos ton with a cargo of Weft India Produce, under the command of Reed, a short tinac after her arrival here, the circumllancet of her capture being gene rally known, a number of people colle&ed aud dif mittitleil her. A few days carrying the news of her bring in this harbor, to her former owner in Newbury Port, he cnmc round and rcplevined her;, and has everfinee held pofTeflion and employed her for his own emolument. Reed proved the legality of her condemnation, and the fairnefs obfcrvatiur.s on the improvements therein, => finceyou, laftvifit, afford* additional pleai'urc; a.;d as you have jutfly observed, is evincive of the pre valence of those virtues for which it is our highest ambition to 6c Uiiinguitlied. We contemplate with fatiifi&ion the •excellencies of our federal Government, and feel pleasure it> ob i that our sentiment*, »u that important ("üb -1 jei2, ari: perfectly cotrefpondent to yours. Permit : us to adft f in | answer to the petition of the inhabitant* of Georgetown and its vicinity, refpetfinj; the Treaty between the United States and Great- Britain. United State*, Sept. 14, 179 J. Sir, I received your letter of the 31ft July, which covered an addrcli of the inhabitants of George tow* and it* vicinity, exprrffing tbeir opi»io» *n tlie Tieaty lately negotiated with Great-Britain, —and requeuing, that it »ight not reeeive my affeut. It i* now well known, that my aflent to the Treaty ha* been given—and the principle* which governed my determination have also been made public. On a fubjefi (o complex, and having such cxten five relations, foroe diversity of opinion might be expedted. But those of my fellow citizen* who believe, that " in the course of • perilous war and arduou* administration," I have giveu proof* that " I loved my country," will not easily be persuaded that, at tbi* late period, and in one of the meft 1 important aft* of a life which has been devoted to it* service, 1 have eeafed to lore it. WWle I acknowledge the pleaftfre derived from the confidence of my fellow-citizen*, I may aflure them of my unalterable attachment to their true , interest*. With due refpeA, I am, Sir, Your obedient, G. WASHINGTON. GlO&CI HzilOT, Esq. NORFOLK, Oflober 22. I The Ihip Betsey, belonging to this port, and bound to Bordeaux, with pr«vi(i«n*, i* captured by the Hebe frigate and sent into Portsmouth the 23d Augui. Yeftcrday arrived in Hampton Road* the fchoon. er Shepherdef* of Baltimore, Capt. Childs, in it 1 days from Jaquemel ; —left there the following vessel* : Brig Sea Nymph, M'Dougal, Philadelphia (Mr. Wall, the owner, sick there. Schooner Delaware, Pvudergrafs, ditto i Brig Hetty, Thompson, New-York Schooner Experiment, Pease, Baltimore Sloop Industry, Franklin, Providence By a gentleman who came paflenger, and who ha* been through all the Weft-India island*, we learn, that on the 13th and 14th Sept. there were two (hock* of an earthquake fell at Martinique ; . fame day a party of negroe* atttacked the guard on Calibafh hill, but were repulsed with very little loss. That 6000 troop* and several ships of war ar ri»ed at Barbadoe* on the 15th of September, and part of the fleet, it wa* expected, had gone for Jamaica. That he wa* in the town of 4t. Domingo, in the Spaniffe part of Hifpaniola, on the 2d of Oft. where they were gre.-.tly diffatisfied with the treat y of peace. By a Bntijh armed brig arrivet! on Monday even ing tn Hampton Roads from Spit head, we have favoured with a few Londtn papers at late as the $tb of September—they eontuiu ntthing inte rej',"S- l'rom them tut have tnk-n what follows. LONDON, Septrmb;r 5. His fcrene highness the Duke of Bourbon, ar rived in town fiom Stadt yesterday morning. The Duke d* Angoqlefme i; c*me to town with the F.nrl of Moira, to w!i»f c c *ie he is entrusted by Monficiir. The Ville f!e Paris of lto-gunj, the Duke of gf. _s"d the Dircflor ««f 64 jjil..*, were all com tnilUoucd vclcrdty for the Mediterrantsa ftitwn, Lut the names of ike cornmardett sre not veti'-.iie to hand. Ad«i. ileecan, with the fleet which were enfit nig in the Noith Se ; », it anivrd in the Down, I£> Lei tr!-'from Leghorn, us the 23th lilt, i: fiuiim, that acim. Hethara 'h the Britannia of lto guns, with tite rett of his fqaadron, were off FicjiU Bay and the Hicres, where they expedled t« meet li t French fleet. V The regiments intended for the Weft Indi'ea aic t» be completed by dnifts from other regiment* and *»lnntceis from the Fenci'cle corps, to whorx government offers a bounty of five guinea* a man. Even with both lhefe refugees it will he difficult) to make up t>ie number of 25,000 effective men. li ** confidently reported, that an infurreftio® hai taken place at Madrid, and that the King aa& have abfeonded. Letters liom Stockholm of the lid ult. adrifa I that the King Sweden has teftore£ to the wifip ol the ci dcvaiit Baron Anrfeldt all the landed ' d property he pc/ffeffed in Sweden, and to the father ot the traitor Ammoii, the elates which the latter was poficfied of in that kingdom. 1 lie Rapreleiitativei of Holland have ordered, that ail the emigrants (houid leave that province within three weeks. All foreigners are likewise to give an- account to the mutticijjahties of the cause* J of their ftajr. _ Pr.;Bi the general diff»o(iti->n that lately appeared in i*ia:ice, is realcm to hope, uotwitiillanuit g the de.rect againlt emigrants, that all thufe, wh. , since Augult 1792, have been obliged to fly f,ol* their country, hi order to save their live*, will, in _ courie 01 a few months, be permitted to ic t turn. rite state of the peace between Fiance and the t Empire, puts us in mind of a .reply of the famau* n Duke of Marlborough, to a perion who asked hi* opinion of its probability, under ciuumflancii not _ toially diffimilm : " All I know a'. with and the other with the mails due, asid an amhaflad'or. By a gentlemait e of veracity in one of the packets, lam iufo.med, that he I ft Madrid 15 days agoy at which ti*.« there was a general infui reaion. The King and Queen of Spain were incog, and duift not appear - aad » was believed there that the infunoAion w become general through the whole dominion*. A conft.mtioe the fame as Fiairte seem* the wifl> of the ' j people, and pnefts and prieftcraft dwindle into dif d r.pute. Another pevfan, who set off for London e immediately, fays, that in travelling thro' Spain he perceived a general difaontent prevail amono all rank* of people, and a gene.al wilh for a revolu | tion. 1 OAn adjourned meeting of the Pennsylvania Society fof-ihe promotmj ot the Aboli tion o; Slavery, Mc. «te. Will be held the ,d of the next month, at 6 o'clock ih the evening. ' ■ . if .iL Til J-Kanllin, Secrttiry, t Oiioberjt. c ' ITnitid Statis, ) /r " e Peanfylvtnia DiftritS, ) "• 5 In purfuanee of 1 Writ tv tnc dlteScd, from the h««ora . ble Richard Peters. Juu»eof tho DitUiCt Court in aad for the Pennsylvania Dillf-i#, | Will be exposed to Public Sale, \ At the Merchant* Coffee House, in the City Philadelphia, . On Saturday, tb■■ ji'-j Day 'if A'ovtmitr next, At 12. o'clock at p.mq, • Thon D e!L (h.dl iTccive the above reward, p.nd »TT c li v - e < b* briogmg him to SIMON V/AfKFB Ofl-3.. 4t. Doc-k-flrret.,,.. A Tic Let LoC T" A Ticket'i» the Wafhingtjn Lwtte-v v Jr i „ A ed 79 ,. 9 -wa*loA Lc Ulur L wZZTC. found the fL-tu, is r q.-fted to f : 0 . ' hereof. ,t can be .f c , u s. t. ~n ) pri.tor, « tie number ha, i. or checked ..iti. Ui. . . t oft if Lottery m P akdeiphia, . ' t