Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, October 31, 1795, Image 2

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kickttts' New Amphitheatre, =
h CnmiT'iruiT.
31 ft October, inltant. >!
Hew Feats of Ror/emanjli/>
Ni. ver farmed here*
By Mr. Ricketti, Mr. F. Rickett »»d Mr. S«Hy\ 0
(ptor.'n yrthc Horfcmanifcip.}
m\ke his feco:.a appearance, a-id perform several «
new Ctid on the . o
\ (Never .tteriipted by any b»ut himfelf.) f,
CLQTN to the r.tpe—Senior R£ANO. 1/
the lift Ortic, 1
The Ponev Rare* ; P
Or, The Sfonts of Ner WjkXiT.
Ixtraordinary Exertion* in HORShM iNSHIP. c
. particultr dejire % nihkr %
The .Egyptian Pyramids, h
v. dn pilfd upon %ci\ by nine pertorni«r*, forming a
p Txi i. view,.irtljH?ißblc to be rUfcri' ed but by t j
the icfti mony 6f tkc tyc, in whi'h wilH>e intro-
duced ths-trtily laughable dance, called,
Tin F R 1 C A $ E E.
The vfrv numerous Feat® in this Exhibit ion wofrld ex- P
eeed the limit* of an advertkfement to rccapitnlate.
N. B. The Poney Raecs conclude the evening ! ant®r- V
tamm nt. * 11
0- Mr. refpeAfttUf informs hisjiberal ft
hcnala£or», that h. will spare no cxfxn-i * to procure pe<-
fprmer&of ehe. firrt aminence, and >nn pduce that novelty
which lie flatter* himieif will pleiafe th? public in general.
0* BILLS and TICKETS t® be had it the Bot-Oftee
adjot ling the Amphitheatre, where placet for the box®*
may be taken from *o in the m®rnin£ fill 3in the :.f- D
tefnonn.- * ■' ■ -V. B No money taken at the doors> nor P
any admittance behind the femes. ' ft
'Boxes, one dollar—Pit, half a dollar. ' f c
' Doors-to be openci at SIX, and the Kntertaie
nvv ro bijriti at SiVIK,
James Tiffin,
i*o. 70, foath Second llrect, near the City ravern, J
Hj£s 'just received by the late arrivals from London /
and Bristol, a > irge and elegant aiTortmeat of Ladies m
aft* \ uU. nen* faOiiaaible HATS. —Alio, a variety of I (
Qhil'irety. HATS of different colour*, w4iich will be fold J
•/. the 10/. eft terms for cash. r
8.. Ladi.'s Hats trim'd in tkn newest fa#liif>n from tl
1 ondon, Oct. ia. S p
Jacob |ohnlon and Go. 1 £
147 M*r\et flrtet y Phiiadc'bhix, f
A Tcry general assortment of it
BOOKS <3 S TAT 10 NA R T, r=
Which they offer on the lowed t«rm». 1>
also fir Sale,
A lirae quantity of Demy and Crown i
A Hberai deduction will be. made to Cor r»;ry &t«r«
keepers, whole order* will he tbankfnlly rccoivaff
7th rao. 1.5 th, 179;. nVm».
Portraits. a ,
ANY Ladieiahd Gentlemen, who are (Ufireut of lisv- n
Ing their J-jlicgcfiet taken, may have th:m Hone by n
to the Painter, at No. i 12, corncr.ot' Union and
Ft-r'h ftrrttf, where.thoy tan be referred to fp-cjjr..-n». j
October 19. *""1 It!
tJancLng School.
WM. Vi'DO'JCALL opened his fichool tor *h?
present fcafon, at the elegant ball rodm \r Har-
leading from Thud to Fourth, tfetween
Chefnu| and Walnut itrcet*. ' Cl
Hourt of attendance, from ten to twelve o'clock, on (|
Monday, Wedne(Hay, and Vriday m®rning», tor y»u.\g la-
dies; ana from lijrto nh>e on the evening ©f the finfce
da/Sj 'l'or young-gentlemen.
NaTt—ln addition to the French an'? Engliih dance*
itltcilly ta3ght,. ke m-ans to itftoiluce a Variety of £<*otch t
tntiiy at present so" much admirad in Europe. t
The weekly praAiltng-. wtH coaimance oil Taefday e- a
veifiuif, the aoth inft. and to be continued every uefday
dcring the fealon.
O«3oh«; r 9. tf. c
Le Breton, [
of the tf.fttrauA lXfr. Duk /j, Isfc Drntifl so tbt
"•* Rr-yaL-family .9^' France y me yiker. f tht Ctileg. and
« J'*nj of Surge*rs at Parts % 1 J
Keeps a complete affortmew ot every thing neeeftiiy t® j
be nted tor the
Prefervatiin of the Mouth and T(\th. 1
Putiyu mineral Teeth, and human and ivory Teath I Den- ]
tfi£c£ in powder, Opiate;, excellent Eibur lor lwcefcning
and preserving the teeth, Ke alio ruinuhe*
Jirulhei and foft Sponge*.
He Rvcs in Chtfnu'-ftreet, No. 135, abov* FpnrtK- '
ftfift. 19. «®d. J
A SttUu meeting 01 the Pttiladelpnia Society 1# the <
mformation and aflidance of Perfou* emigrating 1
irom F-.reign countries, will be held at the Coll. gir, la
on Wednesday, the 4th of 1 Novemblr, at
7 b'ciock. in the evening.
N. PHILLIPS, Secretary.
Mxtlraab Conftitti i®n.
X. Any pe'f&U ¥7 l'nMtribing to the C®nfUtnti
•n, and th* f\axta of One Dollar, iiall became a
member: hi ih>.l contribute, annnally. One D®liir, in
half yearly payments, towards the necelfary cxpcnce* ®t
thc-Sbeety. OA 29 »4N
The highelt price in CaOi, will be given Ifer
\ preference will he giftn to CUret Bottlev—Apply «o
No. 187, iouth Third-llreet.
*ril 10. : ! t
A IX pertort .addAtd to the Ettite ot SAMUfcL
FRAUNCKS, late of thit city, Innkeeper, flr
< e«ftd. ire defirrd to make pavm-nt to the ful.lcr r*r .
and all those who have inv demandi agait.ft the said
7 itr requeued to fcrrinp in their account* proper
ly attested.
SAMUEL M. FRAITNCKS. 4«inp F.ieentor.
South \V»ttr-ftreet, No. jf.
Ooftjhcr it, ;
Canal Lottery.
fl/i, \ between FourtkWFifth Jfrerts.
r f I ICKETI examined and every information giv
J m refpeAing laid Lottery. Also, Walhington and
Patcr:*n L«tter»«. OS. tU. f
A Smart a4irr yrmng Kad of good education. His
J\ parent - or gtiiVdlam are rrfierted to I'tend with
tin. it No, 149, Chefnut-ftr-"t, between Fourth it Fifth
tint*. tidier aS. >
Canal Lottery Tickcts
r n~n ~ n a 1 1,
At 153. Ch?fttut *tre«t.
njp.i*n. .7- f*
As vci: inrf • ciiculuo thro fomc part* j
Nc#"-J t'icjr\vt»iclTth- »> publtfhca in ,
the Ita'.f do 0>: reacli, yu«." iolcrting the foil » (
ing infurrivalfii;! will "be rcA Jeriug a tcrvice to fomc t
#f vail! eufl.MHer*. S. S t
Princeton, Qthtber lfiti, I ~9S' v
1 ItftfVeel of the CoHeg* in thu placc, iit tlieii
last mcMiiijfi appointed t)r. Jt4i« M.tclean pinlclfor '
of C'lemiilry, on winch branch of uieiics he -vi'l '
give an e*tenli»e .|f Leainrrt dui the en- c
fui«(j 1.-afoa. FTr will .tlf,j us. comparat'i'- '
Auv.iimv, proTidei? tkat ailal's !>t obtained 1
that mav ciicouiagr birfl lo m 1 nfceflvy '
paint. Dr. Maclcar. ha» Hodird ChoniArv, Ana- «
tsmy, Midwifry, and Rltrgeiy, at Lo: I
don, ami Parti. He fij'"ng« wohhlm the te '
commendations fiom V-.orope and, perlenal '
*a|naii>tarice, and from atten Jng fhw: tourle oi '
hit Chemical iedlures, I can aiTure the public, that
of tkut fnbjcft, arid of the r.ewclt impror«ment> '
that h-'Te hecn made in it, he is a perfect maftcr. i
He hat made it au object of cultivatisn not only in !
it» reference to medicine, but particularly in its ap- - s
plication to tgritullure, and manufuSiurej, so ufeful '
i* every country, but efpeciaUv in a netv one. *
Other younj; Gentlemen, bchdet Phyiiciinf, of * 1
(ludious and ipquifitive turn, may find great-plea- ■
fufe and advantage in attendinij t«cfe Lcfturca — '
And •Student* of me 'iciire ; n thi-s slate who wifTi
impto»ement in these important brinchei conne&ed
w?itb their future proftlfiont, aad daring
the Winter season in the neighbouring ci.ies, may
be fayed a coafidctable expencc by attendinjj at
Princeto*. Aad lam well allured, fiptn the abi- 1 '
litici of the pmftlTmr, they cannot obtain it at pie-
Cent with more advantage in any place in America
than in the College of New Jeriey.
*AMWtL S. Smith, Prefuicnt of tie College.
/ Mr. Fxxko,
I I attended; a public commencement lately for
I conferring deyieet ta the arts, and watfo well pleas-
I ed with the diflVrtation of out us the ynanggea.
tlcmen who i attempted ironically to support the
pretention! ot the present nge to a fupeiior degree
of wililom and improvement above al) those that
have gone before it ; that I alked the favour of
him to furnia Me with the following eatrafit from
it. Aftet faeermgly Mentioning some of Mr. Vol
taire'i inaccuracie, ia poiat of hitlory aad ancient
lueratare, he proceeded :
Thomai Paini hat profited very much bv the ,
laudable example of Voltaire. He can write com- ,
Bient» and crrticifot, on hook* without feeing them
—almost without evet having read thsm. He re
tails to you scrap* of history which he think* he
ha* read somewhere when he mi a Uoy ; or ha* :
accidently lieard somewhere ia conversation. It is j
no matter if they are not true—Suck things are
nof het in ot wit. They a«fwer every good
; ptitpofe if they amuse himfelt and the public. No
| thing, mark* more strongly the growing taste and t
■mprorcmtnt of the present and efpeeially of i
my .ma dear country, thaa the approhatioii with ,
which Thorn**'* late Writuigs have been received
b* the common people. I have mentioned the ,
Lem men pee pie chiefly, beeaufe there it unhappily
fall among your literary men a spice of the old |
baibarifm. And they affeit to turn up their noses
at some little departure* from the truth which Tho
ma* has made, and beeaufe the man want* what
tney call cruduim.—Sat Mr. Paine ha* taught u*
the most excellent knack that tlii*, or any other !
age has known : and by which we may make noble
reprisals on the ancieat* for all the.labour they have
cost ut when at fchaol—He proved in one of the
many produ<aioii» with which he ha* favoured tlii*
country that the Raynal .who, wrote abotc
, thirty, year* agd, borrowed a great parr of hi* poli
tical featiment* from him, the kid Mr. Paine.
And, to prdve it, k;.quoted a great many parallel
paflagci to hie, out of the work* of the Abbe
Raynal. Now thi* it quite a new way of turning
the charge of piagutrifm iip..n ail author. If Mr.
Pope had understood it—ia all hit imitation* of
' I oi act, he might have piovcd ihat Hoiaee only
imitated him. And I have a *roug inclination
fomeliinet to set about lo demontrate, thai Horrterl j
and Virgil, and Xenophon and Livy and the reft
of them, have just borrowed the few good thiogt
they have ftom the superior* of the iri
which / have the honor to live.—l dor.'t
but I might catch Cicero and Demofthenct row
and then dealing a lenience from your humble fer
vjut. Bnt the proof* of the growmg wisdom of I
. thi* wife age multiply upon me so fall that if 1 were
i to follow my humor I (hould never have done will/
J. the pleating talk of illustrating them. See how thi
age fwar mi with book*. Even our nSrtJfei can'
- write novel* that are fit to inftruil young ladie* ia
delicacy and mcdefly, and our young men ia henor
and fotri wt>rale.
0 Our hopeful youth complain of the haidfbip; of
Oreek and Latin, can rend four or five hundred
_ these wholefottie and inftrudive book*, while a poor
■ little antiquity dog it poking hi* nose thro' Corne
- N T epo*. Thi* age hath foond out likewise that
God hin nothing to du with governmenr, with soci
ety, or vvnh good moral*, n» our pooi inivelingr H
rilanical fetheri lo think. It hat even found I
. out a trffth itil> more happy for yonng men who |
know how to enjoy life—and that it, that m„,k,nd
have no foul*. I have been in the best humour
imaginable since 1 became axronvctt to thit doctrine
r: _ u D " r Helvetia*! Hpw I lo„ ,Vv memory !
Thou hat unfiled ut all—All the little Jackanapc*
1 about me also admiie thee. Not beeaufe thev
under/hind thy principles, but beeaufe they love thy
max,nr. The very ladiet of my are
, beginning praifer thee l—l hope it i, f cr the
I, l rt 'dnm thou art pleased to recommend in the ccm
"<erce of the f,ne.*.— Vh\, it a h.ppy omeff for «.
'forties of the fitr—tad we m , T Portly t( ,
thf °f ' scheme oi kit hetnaeU :n. H
rragu thrive ap*ce. f »
« See p»pet 2(S-, ,69 0 f id Vol. aad -r.JI
« thcr pLce* m the work of Htlvetii*
?»r Ik- f .47.2TTE a/ fhc'tNTEl) StATIS. •
Mr Fehwo,
THE writers in the Aura i» object to the ex
planations given by tlu b wclai-y of the Treasury,
ni tepl* to the charges adduced by the rt Calm
Qb!r ,-n," : jt»ufe ihrv are unaecompiuied with
ofEv'si * tcments. If there was no other tribunal
than that irf the public, betote whom this officer
could b; arraigned, the ohjetlion might hare its
due weight : but, wbe« (. ongreU, whose province
i' is to decide >tp>>i< the p»ip' in will as
, nible' in the ciMnle of s nw week*, c..ridor re
quites, that if we cannot repaid hit declaration as
tlie belt evidence the ca.e will admit, wc should at
leaH fufpeiwl our judgment until be Ws had a hear
ing before bii eonHitutional judges : For it a public
officer wa« compelled to com* forward witn official
itatemeutt to difprore evcir charge \vhtch i igenuity
by malice might i objure up againit him,"
lie would have but little leitur* to attend to the
m?>v« urgent dtliiea of h i office.
Ttiifk ought to be the nvariable obje£t of the
telcarchik of all men and it every depti lure fiom
it vrai marked with the »:«ATempt it deserves, we
should nut nave is lament the impunity with which
attempts are daily made, by uttering and publithir.g
bold affeuio'ns, to rob d- r <:inj men of their hard
earned fa»se. For the < at.'.)deration, therefore, of
. tfeofe perfens who indulge the immoral practice of
attempting to destroy tnt peace of mi«d of their
fellow-citizens, 1 ft;a.! ; abmit the opinion of ai,
ethincnt Writer, on :h< Inbjrct of (lander :
" The arrows of lati.e, when they are not point
" td by virtue, at Vfrc'lw't, recoil upon (be hand
" that directs then, ar,J wound none but him fiom
" whom they proceed. Accordingly, Hoiscereds
" the whole fuecefs of >aritiri;;s of this fait upon
" the author'* being free hlTnidi" from those immo
"ml itains which he point* out in othet«. There
" canrfot indeed be a more odions, nor at the fame
'• time a more contemptible chaia&ei, than that of
" a vicious satirist. The moll frtvourab'- lip ( ht in
41 which a censor of this fpecirs •ouh! poltSly be
" viewed, would he that of * pnbhc exccutionei, Veho
" inflicts the puntlhment on others, which he has
" already merited himfelf i Hut the trath of 'i is,
" he i* n*t qualified even for lo wretched an office ;
" and there is nothing to be dreaded from the fa
" tivitt of known difconefty, but his applause.
V - Z ' *
Mr. Finno,
The attempts of foitte of your Cojrefpondents to
createa mifuuderftanding between the United States
and the French Republic; are fnfficiently notorious,
it is also we!! known that when f.iAa wdl not Terre,
mifreprefentatiftiis are resorted to.
For this purpose a wretched pamphlet published
in France about a year ago (the 24th Vendemiairc
3d year, alias 1 yth OAobei, 1794) has been con
jured up and transformed into a report made ro the
National Convention by a member thereof. [ mean
the Pasapblet entitled La PtUliijme Anglotfrdivuilee,
mentioned in your paper of latt night.
The tatt is, Sir, that Jacques Mijrtaid the Au
thor of that Pamphlet is not. and never w«s a m«m
txr (H the National Contention, and his wwk is
not a Rtptrt of ooe 'of irs Committees or Members
of that it was indeed dedicated and pttfented
to the Convention by-tilt Author, as your Corref
pondest \ works might be, but it does not make the
Conrention cr its Member*.refponlible for any of
its fentimcnts.
1 mu# add, that the extraA inserted in your pa
per is miltiaiifla'cd in fcveral places, the idea a
others of Dtft going tQ Church on Sunday
ia Philadelphia, elongs entirely to your Corres
pondent, and not to the Ficnch,Author.
Such mifrepieftutations ought to be notic ed, for
this reason 1 take the liberty to the itifer
k tiua of these ofcfcnations in your paper.
A Lever if Truth.
. ' •'
| Foreign Intelligence.
t TranjlattJ ftr tit sfurira. ■
' A PARIS, Sept. 6.
1 /$ Mkceffary consequence o'f the peace ctiacludr !
1! /vittV Spain is the evacuation of the Fortreffet which !
t fcrt so be i«ftored to that power, The latest ac- !
5 J(\uiHsTrom Prepignan Mention, that the cvacuatl-
K lon as Catalonia it going on with aflirity ; all the
' iraniages and horses arc put in requifilion for this
■P" P"'^ e » 'he Rcjjiulic'aii troops are marching tow
- mxds> Nice in orci«r to reinforce the arnvf of Italy.
v T' e late change in the commandment of the ar
: -Airs of the Republic gives much reason to exp'A
1 that the war in Italy and agamft the Royalists and
A Cholisns will be canied on with redoubled rigonf.
1 Scheie* the conqueror of Condt, Va
1 lencicnntk, of the Anßtian* at Aywaille and of *'he
r Spaniartl*, at Bafcrta ill appointed Generalir Chief ;
of the anny »f Italy b» the room ol General Kel- j
fj who retails htowtvei the commandment of
t\ tbc a mv of Alps. j
r t Tlic c mmaiidmenr of the of Bteft i* eonli- !
led to Genital MotWcV the terror of the Spaniards
t Navarre and Hifcay j
tH-iche has takm the commandment in chief of /
♦ of the Welt Charette ; and C, '
he tomirr cwmmandef has got an appointOjent in J
| hj; S»uth.
3 Gen. k<»i -inlko has died i:> prison. It is said {
r that even tTu Emprefl ot Russia couid not, without 1
ihedding some teafs hear o! the death of this mnu,
wliolc courage rcudcicd him worthy ot a brtter
s laic.
' Madame d'Orlcaus hat jult left the hotlle of»r
---1 relt tiy ord«r or the Committee of Public Safety.
p Augufi 30.
On the 30th Phfrmi.tor ( Aug. 19) 3d yeas-os
the French RcpcMi , at 4 u'clock ill the aftriooon
the i' r prckaiaiivi a ot the People Lefebuie of Nantes
1 Ramrl, went on U»ai"d a fiiip whielf
j 1 !ilpr>je>t Ihe nvtniKa) llag and aft er having failed up I
fj r 'V rr from l uit St. LaJrcut t.ll within f!'e pou
7 * they appmached the (bore, wheic they
"»*'« 'Kn/oil ants 01' the ci.v all tht . -
) r - ■ -
'nfoft under arms, and municipality with the r
gcs. One of tlu reprcfentnUves'proiiounccd
following difcouife:
The French people armi-d for their liberty, ?, m .
Ed for the liberty of nations, wh.ife encr-y' tya r,s
attempted to (hackle only count tt, e ; r victories by
the bleflingt they bestow on mankind. Tfiev u'_>
not Value ihcir exploits, utilefs they ofttr then*, ■it*'
means', to coWolidate the imprefcriptiblc rights of
nature on tSt broad bafu of public profperitv
The advantages yen are about to enjoy, will 0 (.
fer an inltance of that precious reward, co«ori»»-
bly to the wifb of the French government, «c te.';-
citate oiirfclves to be its organs; we nave ju!t re;- '
tored the liberty cf the Scheldt kept enC«J«ci f or
more thau a century. May commerce, which «,i
banished from your territory,' return and a flume its
former vigour. Prove that you have only relied
for a while in order to acquire frefh lirength ; rt.
turn to your workshops so long ibui i» cfcrr
cife again your flcill io the different brtnchi a of i -
duftry for these are your riches, revive induli y't
is the glory of civilized nations ; cultivate the arts
they afford honor ant] comfort.
Let the trUcoloured fligftream on your walls and
may the national flag hoiHedon vour (hips iiX in.he
micill of von good faith, which'is the foul of com
merce, activity, which promotes it, and courage
which protests it and causes its lights to be re£
pc&ed. May the ebb «f rhe lea cany its product
exceeding your wants to nations whodcma«d them,
and may the fwejlinguf this river Wring you the tri
butes ot both hemispheres. May commerce bring
abundance among yon and the people enjoy ail its
Lonquerort of Jcniappe, of Hondfcete, of Fie
urTis, generous warriors, who attacked Bois le Due
Grave, Niifcguen, ;.»d Gtrtruyjlenherg, deliveTc«s
of BeJjitltn and. Holland, republican folJiers, theft
willbe the fruits of yotlr exploits and magnanimity ;
mention youi triumphs, you may doit with pride]
for the recolleAiun of having ailed well is for gen
erous foul* a feouiity to bt always the fame.
Gut%tns, , '
You have seen our republican phalanxes eotnhitj
i"£ "»Je r walls, you have seen our heroes in
the held ot glory ; mingle among them, among
their parent! and stations ; you will fiud nothing
but tinccne friends ; every thing engages us to form
but one family j therefore let us draw cLfer the
ties of confidence and fraternity which -unite us,
let us swear to concentrate all our effoits, in order
that all future generations nuy repe t the cry so
ilear to Frenchmen, so dear to every freeman; /«»
j vVw. tie Fitpuhhc. /w»j /ft* the liberty ftas !
'l'he repreientativts ordered after a»rds the fol
lowing refolutioH to be printed : %
Lißtaf r—FvkTEatfi rr—EcyjjfctTY.
Antwtip, 30th Thermidor, 3d year of the
Republic. 1
The refirefet.taiivcj hear the armits of thenoith
and of Sambre aiid Menfe in Belgium
Considering that it is time that toe countries,
eonqnered by .the arms of the republic, (hnuld erj.>y
the fraits ot her vifti.ries and ti.e price of the gene
rous efforts of the defenders of liberty.
L-niiiieii*'j that y 'MM?es tohir :ri
tiwyihs the rmrancluCaiciit of the piof
penty of commerce and the advantages which the
people ought to acquire thereby.
Refo'vd as followf,
I. Thf (hips and vessels of the Antwerpcrs and
ci-devant Belgians (hall carry the national flag.
II The liberty oft heir navigation on the Scheldt
is proclaimed and guaranteed by the Frcnch Re
HI. The regulations which the.national interfft
and the ptolperity of eon-.merce iMjU.f-e for the port
ef Antwerp lb*)! be immediately psblKhed ; the and particular laws of uavigAtioa, the po
lice and reception of aational duties (ball be pro
visionally exetuted according to their form ar.d
(Signed) D. V. RAMEL,
I. LEFEBURE, of Nant*.
A generalStlifcharge of the artillery, fevrral vol
leys ofimarf I rms, the repeated cries of leng livetbe
republic, thcliberty of the Scat, the huzzas of the
the fcldiers on board of the (hipping the difplny
ing of flags aid dreamers, were the signs which ma
nifefted the joy of the people.
The representatives having delivered the above
I resolution to fhemunicipality ofAntwrip, declared
' that they committed it in trust ts their patriotifa
aid fidelity.
September, j.
Lanjuinaii, claimed "in behalf of 1 number of '
citizens acculed of emigration in the depart-ment
of Soane »nd Loire, the provifiona) exercise of
their rights as citiie«s in the primary aflemblies.
G'ljoltiard fnpported the motion, as it was meant
only to include those «ho had obtained their names
to be provisionally erased by the constituted author,
ities. A»to the real emigrants he was of opinioß
. thqt no exception fliould be made in their favor,
i Other members dwelt on the dangers, which the
emigrants returned i» the fouthcrn departments,
] prepare to the republic.
1 After some debate, the a.Tembly decreed, that
, tbofe only wh« fled in confequeace of the events
los the 31ft of May, and had obtained their names
I provisionally to bt erased, should not he excluded
j from exeicifmg the rights of eitizens.
• >uc of the geacral officers, who commanded
j the foutheru army wl e* Toulon was retaken ap
| peaiedat the bar. He gave a flriking def<rlption
of the excefits of fantieifm in the fonthera de
partOicats. The purchafcrs of natrooaf domaina
ate driven away by the emigraats—for'mer proprie
tors, and the tribunals coun'eaancc theft doju-j ;
the patriots are aflaffinated, the priests cause the
citiacua foimally tu apologize for what they l ave
dotte during the revolution. In hoe, he the peti
tioner, having purehafed the property of ai. en.i
graat, was obliged to fly and to call on the ctn
rcntiua foi juAice.
Freron backed the petitioner by laying before the
convention an extenfivc correfpoadtiK-E and a chn:d
of notes which prove that nothing can equil the
horiort cxe irifed the (ou.hern departments bv
•J e emigratils «uil thr liittctoi v Tifiifis, cvcilu.'^