Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, October 31, 1795, Image 1

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    FtVMBUt 982.3
Tokii Miller, jnn. "J hi* brother Alexander J. Miller,
kave entered into partnerfiup, under the Firm ot
John Miller, jun. fc? Co. j
Tk-y haw rrstivrj tj lb, anivah from Euroft, and are nciu L .
e?:n:fy for SALE,
At their STOKEi No. 8,
1 capital ajfartment of DRI GUUIJo, fe ]_
Sai table to the fcafon—Ji»oag!t whi* are, the
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatiags,
Js«avcrett» and eladics,
Rose and point Blankets,
A variety of eoarfe Woollen*,
Mancheder manufactures, flg
lrifti Linens, JTC
j India Goods, generally, !|S
■ French Goods. , J"*
Ail of which they will dispose of for cafc #r th« mfual She
«redit. O(Sober 9. 5 tcrr
Irijh Linens. c
James & Henry Fisher,
TVs. 8, IValnut-flrect, %
Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, * large Q
assortment ef 17^
j-8 and 4-4 white Linens,
7-8 brown de.
4-4 half while Sheetings, nev
9-8 brown and white do. j- en
3-4 brown and white Lawns, 2 jl
7*S Dowlas , « .1 Uno
Which they will dispose of on reasonable ter ms, by the
Lockage, for calh or approved Nct.s, at *0 »d 9 c, days. __
N. B The abovt Goods being lmm 'dutely from th
M.inufadtorics, it is prefum.d they will be found worthy
cf so«i«. o<St. 16. 1
" "clAret, I
In calks, suitable for the East and Weft-India markets.
}; FRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes.
Aid a few cases tf
Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs.
Rundle & Murgatroyd, frc
Oft. 28. (din;) No. xi,Waliiut-{lre*t wharf. Sta
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf, ,
Tbc CAHG.O ef lit Jblp Trifram, J. ClirjJlu, majlcr, fret*
iL Port-au-Prince 1
no hogfteads, and 7 Muscovado SUGAR, • i
72 barrils of 5
4? barrfls of COFFEE.
fox SAU BY
George Sibbald, w
oa. 26. d No. 170 loutli Front-street. wJ
459 K:r U ' | Coffee, above 600,0001b. tai
»-4 J , . , , , Sh
XI j Hoglheads ot choice Jamaica Sugar. _
»n Bales td St. Domingo Cotton,
Will be landed MbnJay mwning, ȣth inft. at South
ltrett wharf,
Being the entire cargoe* of Snow Hebe, from Jairuica , ~
Brig Pulty, and Schooner Industry, "from teremte, |
10* sall »f
Peter Blight.
OapVer 2«. ____ § ]•*
The CARGO of the ftiip Harmony, J
Ezra Lowell, mafler —from BOURDF.A(JX 9
BRANDIES, in pipes and punchaons; and laJ
.CLARET in hogsheads, if di['charging from on 1 _
toard the said ftiip at Cuthbert's wharf, an i for sale by
Andi tivs isf Meredith,
Sept. Ij. d No. 86, south' wharves.
FOR SALE by the Subforibers, at their Store on
WalnutJlrtct Wharf,
33 Barrels and ] Hifpaniok COFFEE, arrived r
540 Bags j
Who have also on hand, t
' Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hog'tKMh
' Mountain VTine Wine, in Qr
ao Tons Srimftone
Naife afforded
Sail Caavas, N°. I i 7 ind
A few ecntlcnaen's handfomeSaddles
Philip Nicklin & Co.
July 2 i d
The CARGO of the ship Harmony, .
J Mn!l Moorr, mtjfrr—from St. Pctcrfiurgi,
TOO tons (old fable) IRON;
ioo tons HEMP ; *
400 pieces Russia SHF.ETf'NGi
400 pieces Ravens DUCK;
A few boxes Tallow CANDLES; and
30 ealks TALLOW
James Crawford, of
George Latimer.
Philad. 1 til Sefitimher, 1795• d '
N°. 64yfoutb Second-fired)
CANAL Tickets for sale, and cash or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn.
Information given refpeding Wafliington lottery, and
«a(h or Canal tickets given for prizes that may be drawn.
Both lotteries commencc drawing September »Bth.
BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot
terifs, and open gratis to the enquiries of the pofleflWrsof
Tickets purchased at the OFFICE.
Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
had at the above Office. Sept. a 6. 5
Canal Lottery-Office
Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES,
Odder i, 1795.
THE drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the
28th ult. The sale of Tickets is continued hy the
fubferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'clodk
in the afternoon, at the above ottice, and by J. Robcrdean
at the St.itc-Huuf-, warranted undrawn.
Prize Tickets will be received in payment, fubjeft to the
duflion expressed in the tickets—Price 11 dollars until
si rthcr notice. Approved notes, with a good indorfer,
ravaMc 20th December next, will be received in payment
}, r tickc ts ini«anti:ig to on - hundted dollars and upwards.
William BUclburn, Agent.
«ii • k Book kept at the Oific-'. 'tickets examined at
a-100 wch number, and at n-.ooeach ticket,
j, 13 Nr . (iAeUi'old duryag the hours of drawmg.
For Sale, or Charter,
Moles Townfend, master, |
BURTHEN 266 tons. A verv strong, Itaunch a;ood ves
sel, lying at Rofs s wharf. For partieulars apply to
the master on board, or Messrs. Jcfcfb Attbony SC 6,,r. fails
OAober 28. Ii
For Sale, or Charter, m«
T H E SH 1 ? r
BETWEEN two and three years old, bur
xS&i&Ef then about two hundred and filtean tons.-
1 She now lies at the end of \V alnut-ftreet whaif*— lor
terms apply to ' KS
Samuel Coates. Fj
OAober tZ. * d 6 sea
T H 8 B R I G
? MARIA, oa
John Caffin, master,
NOW lying at Mr. Willing's wharf; she is almost
new fails fafl> has excellent accommodations for j»af
{engeft and will fail in 8 or 10 days, the cargo being
all ready—For pafTage onlv, apply to the Captain on
. board, or to JOHN NIXON & Co.
OS. 21, fg;. fO S / - j?.
Hamburgh Packet, Tn
George Clay, (
BURTHEN 320 tons, built of live oak and cedar, —
and has made but one voyage. She is intended so- a
constant trader, is well accommodated for paffengeis,
am! will fail «n or about the firit of November. For ,
freight or pafTage apply to the Captain on board, at
'• Stamper's Wharf —or to
1 Philip Niellin tf Co. Bl
0f1.21. H r "
— "—For Liverpool, t h h a ;
Thomas Gif Ford, master,
HAS a great part »f her cargo engaged, and will fail in
a few days. For freight or paflagi. apply ou hoard at '
W ikock's wharf, or to THQIvTAS NEIV Rofs^
Who has for Sji f.,
Coffee-. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, Old Fron- uc
tainiac Wine in hogfneads, and f«veti doz. Mens' ruffled ,j,
Shirt«. Oa. 22 of
, - The Copper Bottomed Ship
Mafttr, ...
No^w laying at Walnnt-Street Wharf,
Has excellent accommodation! for passengers, and will
— fail wit'i all convergent speed, having a confiderabh- part
y of her Cargo engaged. For freight or p*fiuge apply to &
' ' the Captain on hoard, or
Thomas & John Ketland.
N. B. The Admnais intenditd to return from London
an early Spring Ship.
on O&ober 7.
m r. ■ Christopher Franklin,jun. master,
HAS excellent accommodations for paflengers; will
fail in all this month ; three-fourths of htr cargo are j 1
tcJ ready to go on hoard, a few tons of heavy goods will j
he taken on freight.—For freight or pafTage apply to '
the Master oh bosrd, Ptter U tgbt, pr to (
Pragers C3 5 Co. <
Sefitmber 21, 1795 i } • J
For SAL E,
SHE is a staunch, well fitted vtflel,,
IV, two years old, burthen about 700 barrels, built of whit/
oak, and fails fact.
If not fold in a few days she will take in some frsight (
for Portsmouth, (N. H.) Newbury Port, Salem, I
Boflon —or far the Weft-Indies. Port«rms apply to .
Wharton tf Lsiris,
Prober 16. $ No. 115 south :
House Coals
r Of good quality, for sale on board the brig Olive Branch,
Captain William Moore, from Liverpool, laying at Wal- ;
nut-street whatf. Apply to
Philip Nicklin & Ct.
f* rnK said ri °
for 0 LIVE BRANCH. 1
SHE is a new vessel, burthen ab»ut a,OOO
and b» rr tls of flour, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a
W few days.
t N. B. Those Gent'emen who have Goods on board the
f Olive Branch, are r«nuefted to fend for them as soon as
fS pofliblc. ;ah J_
No, i», Dock Strest,
10 Pipes of
Ihe very bejl Madeira WIN E,
the 90 quarter cast s of Sherry wine,
. t he Briflelwindow glass ol different fires,
loc!k A quantity of best Havannah fegajs is box»«,
leau A few calks ef ItigJr,
4 boxes of yard v.:de Irish linens,
, the 4 bales of ' do. oaiivafs,
intil 5 bales of red, whke, and yell»'.r flamuds;
' r "»- FORI S MOUIII,
dat BJK i HEN 2000 barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's
:ket. yvl arf, in SottAtfirit. /
I'hiladslfhia,' Sept. aa. §.
On Saturday, at th« Merchants Coffet-Hoafs,
TBt sc" oo "**
MEB§r CHOR LE Y, pli
- —A S (Vic came from fca, now laying at v
Sim's wharf; she is thrte years old, burthen 91 tons, and
fails remarkably fift
Inventory to be seen onboard, and at the placertffale
Approved N otes, at 60 and 90 days, will be taken in pay
-111 Mitt
Footman & Co. Au&ioneers.
pa. 19, >795. tds.
For Liverpool, s t{
DIANA, h»v«
Captain George Clay,
BURTHEN 220 tons, is nearly a new (hip, a -dJ>
constant trader, and will fail with all convenient s * lU
speed. For freight or paflage apply to the Capt.
on board at Walnat-llrcet wharf—or to Seco
Fhilip Nick/in Co. Plan
Oftoltr 6, 1795- . 5 f' a "
For Charleston, (S. C.) Wi
TH * SHIT Bocl
Ruß r > Pl '?
Capt. Richards,
NOW lying the firft wharf beldw Chefnut-flre«t, and fli
will fail in a few days. For freight, which will be taken Prir
on low terms, apply to the Captain en hoard, or to ci
Naliro' Cs* John Frazier, MOl
October 14. $iw. No 95 fouthFroat-ftrect. n
- r-: ■ 1 — 1 Floi
For Falmouth and a Market, Caii
**vIS!Wt thi sghoovir Car
L E R T,
J'f*P* Lyeni, mcjhr, Vd
BURTHEN 100 tons, i« in excellent order and ready to c
receive her cargo. This veiel is a remarkable sailer, and
has good accommodations for a few passengers. Apply to y
the oaptain on board at the fubferibers wharf, or r Yh
Willings and Francis. Lu(
October 3. § Sen
. The Schooner Ml
J, Wendell, maftct,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; a strong, >
new veflel, five months old, built of red cedar, bur- j B .
ihen 130 t®r.s, fuppoled will carry about laoo barrels
of floyr, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent Ca
accomodations for paflengers. For terms to
If not fold in two or three days, said veflel will pro
eeed for the ftau of New-York.
Philad Sept. 29. _ ?
JuJi Arrived per the Snoiu 80/icn, Jamet Ktrkpatriek,
Majler, from Liverpool, yj
1 Xl 3 Crates well-sflorted Queen's Ware,
4000 bushels best floved fine Salt,
' &to be fold at No. 1, Pme-ftreet, by
'James Campbell.
Alfa. a few boxes wellafforted Irish Linens. *
N. B. A
Said Snow for Freight or Char
ter ' c ' ther 10 Weft-Indiei or V
Enquire as above.
Au£ujl 18. . L—
~ To-Morrow will be Landed,
r At Latimer's wharf, from ob board of the ftip Sedgely,
John Hodge, matter, lrom St. Pcterlburgh, ▼»».
n a Cables, 120 fathoms, 12 Huckaback
and 14 inches " ~~
Cordage assorted Wh.te and yellow Camdle g,
Spun Yarn Tallow
Tunk and Oakum Soap do.
- Fine twelve head Flax Mould and dipt Candlw p
Bell Ruflia Sail Duck Hard Soap
Ravens Duck Bar l ron » fquwt P
Rufßa Sheeting! Wjad Iron p
Drillings Iron Hoops
3road and narrow Diaper Half down Feathers
;1, I gralh Hogs Bristles, &c.
Philips, Crtmend & Co.
ht t OAober 28. d,w V
or I — . S
s • For sale, at low prices, f
NAILS by the cafc, from 3d to iod affortsd, and a yui- J
-t'j ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks; J
Cotton and wool Cards, from No. I to I*;
patters and flock Cards ; I
Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machine*. 1
Alfo y Maahines for cutting and heading Nails, with a ira
• riety of articles suitable for that bufkaefs, which will
| be fold together.
?A large stock ©f Wire, and other articles for carrying On
the Card Manufa&ory, with the valuable machines for
> cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, See. now in
J l ness for finifliing. Also,
Occupied by the late partnerftip of WebfUr, Adgate and
a White. As the flore is convenient for the business, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work
1C ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to I
fepurchafe and follow the business to do it to advantage.
— » Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDET,
OA. ao. dim. No. 63 Chefnnt-ftreat.
Of fuferier quality, via.
Imperial, or Gunpowd*
"1 Hyson Gomee,
1 ft quality Hyson,
zd. do. uo.
Young Hyien, t
Hyion Skid, and
A fetu Boxes of each, for sale at
No. 19, Third Street, South.
r iDscember 10. eod. _ j
ie's Gfenteel Boarding Sc Lodging !
In a'very central part of th« city jib naoft moderate terms. <
Knsjuiru cf the Printer. »ift OA. 4ti»w. |
Piaifter of Paris.
7? tcm ®f Plaift rOl Pari* rsocired the brig Crager,
Philip Sa a Jr, matter, from Havre-cie-G a :*,&forfcileby
jfn reivs <k Atereditk,
o<ft. 5 wV*arv««.
For SALE, hv the Subscribers,
Tit art:.-1 if lh: Ivf. importation from Chin#»
100 Quarter CKefts Hyion Tes,
I K5 Quarter thefts Souchong Tea,
400 Boxes China, containing Tea S»tts,
4joo Pieces Nankeens.
Willings & Francis. .
Sepjember 14. 3ti
Robert Smith <k Co.
A T e. 5 S foutb front fit act.
Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li
verpool, and Hull,
A large & general ajfortment of Goods,
Svitahlt for the leafon, which they wit! difpeife «f by th*
package or piece on reasonable terms for taih,
or on a (hort credit:
Second k coarse cloths Dimities, and muflintt*
Plain k. rnix'd caflimere* 7-8, 4-4, 4nd n-8 cottoa
Plain Jc twill'd coatings cheeks
Striped & rose blankets Jaconet and book muftins
White, red, and yellow & muslin handkerchief*
flannels Printed linen and cheek
Docking and ether baizes handkerchiefs k (hawl*
Plains, kerCeys, and half- Muslin apron patterns
thicks Tambour'd muslin cravat*
Plain & spotted swanskins Cambrics and lawns
Tambour'd caffimere veil A large affortmem of cali
fliapes coes and chintzes
Printed do. and swans- Do. cf mens and women*
down do. woifted & cotton hefe
Moreens and Joan's spin- Rufiia drillings & diaper*
ning 3-4 and 7-8 bed ticks
Florentines and fatlinets Striped nankeens 4c ging
Calimancoes and durants hams
Camblets, wildbores aad Laces and edgings
bombazetts c Gloves and mitts
Rattinets and (hallpons White & coloured thsead*
Vdverets, thicksets, and Tapes, bobbin & binding*
corduroys Pins, &c.
A large ajfortment of India Goods, viz.
Taffaties, Bandano, Pullicate, and
Lutestrings, Romal haildkerchie*
Senchaws, Nankeens
Sattins Sewing Silks, &c.
Oflaber 8. Aim.
John Miller, jun. Sc Co.
AV 8, Chefnut-Jtreet,
1 In addition to their aflortment now received, have on hao4
1 remaining of the
Cargoet of the Thru Arethafafrom India,
And for sale by the package only,
A variety of Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz.
Low priced Coffaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muslin*
Long cloths in do.
Patna handkerchief* Hamhum*
' Shirting muiins Bal'ui
Blue romals Cambrick*
Book handkerchief* in Muslin
small bales neatly as- Taffaties
sorted. Blue checks
Also-« variety of French Goods, viz.
Looking glasses Feathers and Flower*
Angola glove* Paper hangings
Linus and Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the
*" Weft-India market.
A few elegant Time Pieces.
Oil. 9th. §
Jonathan Harvey & Co.
No. 106, foutb Front-fired,
'' Have received by the late arrivals from London, Li
verpool and Hull,
A large and general ajfortment of Goods,
le Suitable for the feafbn, which they will dispose »f by the
pieee or package, for caih or credit;
Coarse & fine broad cloths Corduroys
Plains, sorest and hunter* Velverets
cloth* India and Eirglifh muslin*
Plain & twill'd coatings Jaconet and book muflil
Point, duffil, and rose handkerchiefs
blankefs Printed linen and check'
White, red, and yellow liandkerehiefs
flknnels Calicoes and chintzes
Baizes, botkings, and Mens and womens cotton
and worsted hose
__ Kerseys and half thick* Glsves aad mitts
Spotted swanskins Sewing silk
Plain 4c mix'd caffirmrcs , Scots thread
ri- Moreens Biadings and gartering
Joan's fpianing Irish and German Uncus
Calimancoes Modes & Sattins
Durants Sarfnets
Thickfett* Tablecloth*
9th Oil. IT)S' %im.
jj F o ft SALE, BY
or No. 10, Chefnut-ftreet,
350 kogfheads Virginia Tobacco,
d- 10 cafkt of Carolina Indigo, of a* excellent quality,
t chest Imperial Tea,
X box purple Shawls, a.Tcrted,
Q( j Ginseng, See. See- Ctt. 5. J.
te Imported in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and
Madrafs, a variety of
— Guarrahs,
To be Sold fcy the Package, for approved not#s at
three and four months, by
No. 42 Duck Street. OB
German PaJJ'engers
Ju!t arrived in the (hip Holland, Captain Franklin,
from Hambnsgh, now at anchor oppolite Vine-street,
2 whose time is to be agrsei fcr by applying on board,
ns. or to PRAG&Itt &. C®»
j 10. Ar
\Toluus sQL