Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, October 02, 1795, Image 4

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    ~ nv g Printed for *nJ \ jAM
V „S ?i, MATHEW 7 CAM?,|
{, s pirvßxX,
(Pr'ttc Dollars.) _ lv PMUforitei
I vr <?/" Modern Geography . a *f ft*'
~ . fji/hritfl and Z*mmertial Grammar; At his Sl* • </*
Or, <* Gtcgrap : < . Central b'atiens of the IV9tld t ar J have them rr.ade i
TAUfJKG, fhnvilltha.tfu!1
and enliar ts each country. punXvat attention to
• The fibres, » VII. Observations on the —
iif ~« th; f . J. . changes that haw boa. ? ay /£o//jfl
oordmgto hti- o bfj r va- where ohferved upon the .acc
te'O, and tt« Q { na t«rJ fun : the mott eat
tfcr: . ~... view of tKe ly peri iils of hiliirj- , .
B Ver.^--'*r'-- n « t ; vnv;'rtiftory autl origin a m!T
E 'Ti-"^ u >-fa!cdiniuo» S of nation,;-t'i.-u-'onni of go „ - Fo]
With" T ernment, rsfignation, kw», TH£ A
a»d F of the [-.-venue.. tMf, U4Val and
r"/' ultTland and' water,' military ftrengsh. Egyptians,
Globe mto :n.,p.(» IX. Genius, »annen,Vuf- p,.,-rfnrrin
tomsafldlvibiu°f thepsopte, g
■ r :?&i Affynans,
tures and commerce. Babylonia
, me- XI. Chiefflti tt M»r® By tl
natural curi»- ruins, and artificial Latc penpal
r f v rirai l)iy«, »!»• XII. Latitude, loimtndc. lo q U£n ee i» I
'aid I akes ' beari(ig»and<Jiftatlce»'6f pr«- Royal Ac:
P- cipalplaccsfroaaPhiladslphia. '
so WHICH AS.6 ADDED, « In this WC
j A Qeogriphical Index, with the nam» and plic«« a pha- of pr ,bity, and
haticaUy arranged. ... , minds of youtl
u A Table of the Coins o-f all nations, and their value m - ng( of thl , :u ,
'.{ollars and cents. , ~ . - _ e<l hilhop of I<
111. A Chronologieil Table of remarkable events, from be rcad wlt
the Creation to the profent time. unacquainted
By WILLT AM GUIHRTE, tjq. you call to ir
The Aftronomiial part by >*« Pergufm, F. R. *■ known, you t
Oorrwfted by Dr. David tUTTiNuocst. you em bellifli
Totvhicb are added, . old,
the late Dtfeow/ISs of Dr. Kerfchell, and other eminent - by pUein^c
Altronomers. , , 11 ■ r
the «„ST ampkicam ,».v,on. ccrrcfl-cd, improved, and even to those
greatly enlarged. Containing the following
M.vPi and Plates. > I This wc
r Map of the World 43 Hindoftan of fubfcri .er
l Chsrt of the World 24 Africa 11. It shall
r, %s United States heft printing
i*Couii'ti losronndJieNotth i 6 Britilh Dominions » A- lt lha i
„ ~ morica ly hound am
' « Denmark, Nor- 47 WeftWie. fcribersato,
v;»Unil aS*PrQVincc of Maine 0 f ea ch.
-.vayandJinhnd, New Hamplh*. IV. Eaeh
, Scotland > frontispiece,
sftf **< w ' to :Ssf!£.
,* 13*Venn«t To ' wo
»r'Seat of War j4*N«w Yo»k five utility,
i z Seven United Pr&vir.ees 35 New Jet ley ragement,
ti Aultriw, French and 36 Pennfylvaim .f the nam
Dut hNetherlands j7»Dei«ware volumes.
„ Germany Sul)frrip
j < Switzerland •*' . vis t No. 6
1 i 6 Poland 40 .K en t t hrlrori»* Pr'-nter, >
>' w - »«-«* ;i3Si£tSSr«<«
TuiWinSurope oblige°;he K
»«Dtovene. madeby cap- ,S Co P eniieanfyfV« January
tarns Cooke and Cl« We. 44 ArmiUary f P h«, ,
"m Maps marked Vitb ftan are added to this edltio., .
fcclnfive of thole in the Uft Lonaon edition. j ept _ I(
The United States Register for 1795,
¥£££*** UNi
Public Debt
fc : a™ of State Fay, &c. < rf the army Com
department of theTrraftiry „ r . A defcr ;,
rr.ncies of the different vince, c
•£f?br a« toa? " ss*ps
Light H «uf jcifc Tables of the number of
•p;tS > »iD«.»fe>ra''« Tl " 1
L- P .£ m .d.,i» srssiftaifts
p r „ba'ks, &e. and regn the different states longitud
to be oferved in Tables shewing the value 01
obtaining them the CUl " n " e6 dlfti ngu
general Ablraa from tne ol ditto Cil ,
revenue laws, relating te Pofc-oflice eftablifhmon
the duty of mailers of Lift of Poft-Towus, &e.
vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitu e o gf
See of goods, and tlie the principal town. a» the of mth
.ficers J the customs; United Stat« «tent,
•-> the payment of duties, Banks . *^ or '
*,] th« imporuticn of Literary Ir.ft.tut.on. Umteo
' * National ManufaAory te avav
_c QjTiraanat Sessions of the Court* eft Gee
ir nsT V/rft<;rn Territory ohtjn.
Beo»rtm»iit of War
StATi Govip.nmenti. 1. Th.
Mew Hampshire South-Carolina vo> ;
wThiifrtts Ordsfot tkne in which the U- b^
M-jSachurett* adopted the r
« k° l federal Confcitution UI p J
NeW-Jersey Table of the Sun, nfing iy P ,
wares, I V
from the xft of October PJ™
SSSroUaa '90, to 3 ath Sept. .7£ Y J
Charlotte a v.\t of truth—by Mrs. Rowfon, of the Yun(
ftew"fh»atre, Philadelphia. Second American edition &nd
ISL 75 csr.u. Li '« s r 'P ld falc of 1115 nr '\ e !UO " *'f A
novel, in a few mouths i. the best criterion ol I
«O*TH« e«!TIeA L REVIEW, A«n. t791.P- 468;
I it may be a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and
* ts a talc of real diftrefs—Charlo te, by the aitifice oi a
teacher re«>ramcndad to a school, from humanity rap,
,San aTonvieuo,, of her integrity, or the regularity,
J her former condud, is enticed from her /r«
• •camoanici a young officer to America —the marriage I La:
ceremony, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte Wl
d,es a martyr to the incoitftan<;y of her lover and ureach- I ,
The filiS are artless and affeding-the deforiptior. !
««ural Jld pathetic ; we ibould feel for charlotte if luch . I (<w
TH-ri'or. ever existed, who for one error, fcareely, perhaps I
d'ferved ft) lVverc a punishment. If it is a fiA.on, poetic
'vriice is not, * e think, diftributcd. 1 out
I. The lnquiCtor—by Mrs. Rowfon. becond Philadel- Ira
phia e<iition. 87 1 1 cents.
a. Adventures of Roderic Random. * vols. I dollar aad m
<0 «nts, coarle paper —I dcllar and 73 1 cents fins. T v
x. Notes on the Sate of Virginia-Uy Jefferfon.
Price neatly bound, one dollar and a half. a
1 History of the Prench Revolution, from its eom
jiicnicmsnt to the death o: the Queen and the execuuon
<v lirulot * i.ellars. .
, Vlowden't History of the Britifb Empjre, from May.
j -")1, to December 1793- 1 quarter
fr'is is an interesting and vahuble publication as has
, Elementt rfTler.l Scienee. i vols. One dol
lar and three quarters.
I Umes M'Alpin,
N a . 3 South Fourth Street, f)lf n
• • tss^,*tszS™
a *ih*e*em U p and .n tb. »$' Jj VlcwJ> be
Ht tvill lhaxtfu'k receive any order! a f y P of iwLocal, Hi
tunSMlattention to tbeu. 0a - 15 - /j-
T ~~'liollms Ancient Tliftory. am* of tu«
:' m By Benjamin Davies & Wm. W. Woodward,
5° J For nrinting, by rubferiptton, of, a
Egyptians, Medes, and mche>, cx«
± CarthaginiSns, PerGSns,. JSSS?
'r:, Aflvrtans Macedonians, and w,.i.rr.,...
lac- if ) Prprinns until the pr
3abylomans, hi. That wn
jres Rv the iuftlv celehrsted M Rollin ! yered Vi e
ties. Late pripcipal of the University of Paris Profeffor of E- vignette; ;
ndo. ' loqutnee i« the Royal College, and Member of the c, hl >
>nn- Roval \cademy of lnfcript.ons & Belles Lettres. Alphabetic
' txakkAtmd r*OM <thr wm
fy P^ o ' L
unacquainted in the learning of the f^ck.nd; for,while
t. Cwt'you?it "h thTyou' Uluftrate q AN AL
cmhellifti I Informal
old, them or Ci „
linent .by p . d more exalted b«autMi«, Both lotteri
d .
I Thi. work wiin,- S'Zpf '' soon » n.mber Tic^pu,
With a U t"yp r e entirely new, on the hadatthca
ly hound and lettered; which witl be delivered to thefub- J L
fenbersat one dollar per volume, to be paid on dejvery
0 iv. h Eaeh volume (hall be enriched with ,» SCHE
frontispiece, al ufive to fomeremarkable faA or event,
corded in the volume.
To a work of such great intr'.nfic merit and exten-
Cve utility, the publilhert hope for a generous e'lcou- , A
r/gemenW and they intend to infer, an alphabetieal lift -w ,
»f the names of their patrons, at the clofcot the last
V °Subfrription» will be taken by the Pnblimers B. Da- i
vis No 68, High Street, and W. W. Woodward,
Pr'liter, No. 16, Chefnut street, and by all the pnnci-
«» nal booksellers throughout the Uniteu
P Those gentlemen who take fubfcnption
oblige the publilher. by veturmng them by the lit ol lC
who (hall obtain n fubfcrlbers, and become
accountable for the money, Ihall receive one copy
; E ra,is; and ;o bo-.kfelleri, who promote the lubfcnp
1 fion, the customary allowance (hallbe made. i,oo<
S; pt .i6.
[ 795> — PROPOSALS ~ , »6,73
>ulation For pnMifl.<ec by fubf^ription,
orW o R, ptivitt
rray Compendious Geographical DiC riONAtv; -Two
Ig" the enr- A defer!ptlon of all the nepublTC.ft bu-ildic
different vinces, cities, chief towns, forts, >o - t •- ' locon.
with each del,, seas, bays, rivers harbours, lakes, mountain., c»p , j(|
aui premeniories in the knowa world, Loiter
umber of Together with del
imal parts „ _ OVKrnment , policy, customs manners, and reli- ,h, fu,
f fniUi aT f» n of inhabitants tl e extent,• bounowiw, and natu- to
than a dot duaion , of each country. and the trade, W
rrencies of £ai cur i o sities of Ac.cues
lomtitude hearings uvd diftancev from he capital ot l cub Jre (l
:he value of « ; nd the ° variou , events by which they have been , n , hl
: currencies ,;(v- ,„-fL,j tbftu'
' ctreially combed from the Gazetteers of a(w<
Lament Joitcty and Guthrie. jowa:
o.ig'i'tude" of J
S„ S,h»v.i» of T ,
Court. eft Geographers, travellers naviga. T
ary abtfjned within the union: the 1
1 Th. Universal Grz Ihall be pr nted .n Urge .Jla- fe ,
' ™in iu eleeant manner, on a new typ- and good pap r. her
„II As soon copies are fubferibed for, the work will fn > r
in which the , immsdiately pwt to press. h . . 3 ectl
•i adopted the ... .j.. work w ,Ube printed in numbers, oontainm£ 4 , one
iftitution nacres at one fourth of a dollar each. 1 ln.t
Sun's riling f. h 1 mone v to We p aid on the delivery as eachnumher. pu h
' • • kVrirtion S willbereceiv d-bythepubblhersN». I J
joods, wares, , l 6 High-ilre-.t, and Messrs. Cruklhank IJob'.on ng, b ,a
I'idize export- p ~e i l,H &P. Rice, Moreau de St. Merry, a.i > a ls,
United States in tI,U ciry; Ukew.febyMertH- wh
ft of October L Qrecnieaf, Campbell, M-l.ane, and Allen, New „ ,
h Sept. I <k Andrews, and David Weft Bollon ; ger
owfo.l, of the Yun( .; & Browa , Baltimore; Augutos Davis, Wchmond, , tut
lean edition— &nd vviUlam p. Young, & Pet« frcueau, . •
edition of this a? . ?°
ilk tritcrion ot I ° — j na
F 0 R S A L E, dr
ygßSka A very valuable ESTATE, «
lie a_itiSce oi a I Called TwtTtFHBAU. . , 1
humanity rap ITUATF. in the totobjiif of Upper Derby, ' "jTJ' 'j. I
-the regularity, DtUwr!> 7 ,-a m ,L, frm PLiUUfim, and
■ gov.rnefs, and I r )m tbe nrut U'ejlcrn read: containing 130 aeret j I
I—the1 —the marriage I LamU 45 ,y „/, kh are good watered 9 Jj e art 1
, and Charlotte I Land, and the ret Arable of the frfi quality. 1
Ur and ueach- a good 4 -\)
1 a floor, and Cellar, under tlx -whole, vith aPu .p / I .
-the defeription \ lUn , Water in front ■. a hrre J ra "'° B ' rn \* '"l M . „„„ '
harlotte it luch a I lenlfcn , mi I a Snoie- Houje and jione Spring Mo*f .
scarcely, perhaps Apple-OrZrd,, and ~e of PeaeJ,..
; a fiction, poetic Ic; .^ rft m f c immediately uider Ullage, an J (
ted." out aj to have the outage of iVaier in eaeb of them, ■whi.L
Second Philadel- j nd lt peculiarly convenient for Graving.
, The /Matron i. pleasant and healthy, and frm the ut>
roll. I dollar aad vaiw „ c f the Land, tie goodneigb^rLoot, and ibevumiy 1
<* cents fine. t • t ■ v(rv fait able for m Gtnt.eman s Cvu/itry ea • J
rhnma. JeJFerfon. -' qbt part of ike £j:ate £7^%™
and the execution y ulu 17 j I
mpire, from May TO BE SOLD,
p n ubliation C as has -THE time of a mulatto girl, of about I!
k 1 lias between five and fix year? to Lrve, an
. »vols. One dol- capable of the duties of a chambermaid or
eod. Enquirsol the Printer.
i - - - jrgjWtf, HP i u D„ bbAPC I' L ». Anhwm.
J.nerlc/iH Ltxndfcapsi. Sche
Ttratfe 3<f,g^
fJR PUBLISHING IN c Blnh, kin,%
Twentv-FOORVIEWS, jyg.
• nutal To lpakkyns, S ; »*;:■;
■— ✓* - "N* **• c '"°" "" SS
COND IT lONS. ,- H » Excel let
~ T k .„ k ,,„v. MSfuSSi
> that eack Subfcnb'r ,>alll engag . ;f v,Ui.k or 1 bee, Joseph
of View 3, and fhaU pay *?J ea ' h "f . Marl lerfey, who
brown, i Dollars ; and " eolou . -5 . iy 1 J(U j pledge th
I. That the dimeufioM of each en K r * in "s,. w ' p» pe , 1 every »ffut anc
.oehev, cxaeuted in ir lf 1 conXncVim- Mooies p.,11
of J f«peri«rq'!»i'ty- delivered to the Sub • ed, into the
i mediately; and one engraving t f .rwdintr month remain for
• fe, ibers, on the firfl Monday Ox " fjC , c i (. immediately
until tte proposed ferie. {hall be fij'l *,
HI. That wV the Uft View <>f f
vered In engraved t.tU-pagean elegai t Prm
vignette; a map of theJ.ute conneded with U, J,
peiS» exhibited 10 the the course | >
Alphabetical lift of the Suk [ Cr Hirr ;f on st his Print » are received by Mr-W . 800 Wel l. >•
in, (hop, Maidcnlane, New-York, by M - 7 a u thr I "
he er No. ll«, Market ftrert, Philadelphia, and by W»e ICO
it- principal Book-feHsr» ir. the UwWSlftM*. j 300
; n d : *• n
tlv M°. (ti.fnth Steatd-Jlrrlt, . 1 —
ate, y-i ANAL Tickets for sale, and cafli or tic ets giv« | .4,539 «
the L, any prizes that niaybe d«w» , nd 1 3"» 6 '
trs i | Information given Waftmgto .
lem eafh or Canal tickets given forpri«e» th J
tMM, Both lotteries commence drawing Septembe • I 3
BOOKS will be kept of ach day s drawing .n bo* l.t- T[lt dr ,
teries, and open gratis to the enqutn*. of the poffefforsot , c
, ber Tickets purchased at the OFFICK. e» are sol (
£T Halves, quarters, and eighth, of Ti.keu may be Sup
rth# had at the above 1 1 and Jonatk
i — —'I thereof, w
5 City of Wafbington. Kgf"
ivery ' ____ I Pn "*> tll
" vt I that the
itifui' SCHEME of the LOTTERY, Ne. 2, doiu..,«
H-OU- , ao,ooo, and i'.'dfych!
allift iw.llmghoufe, \ «lh 3 x,000 ue the mon.c
e 1 an is drawn,
i ditto I 5 ,ooo&c«fh JJ.coo 4 0,0 CX» n rh
Da- i d.uo i 5 ,00 0 4c.ft. 14.000 Tic keuih
ward, 1 , i«,ooo & casts ,o,cwo 111. T
idKto 4,oo« »0,000 fcil e
•11 i Calh pnte ot to,oo» Patcrfc
''T f J d.uo 5,00j «cU, are 50.0,. J
S .J-
copy l Z oitf *» A
bfcrip- ; 00 ditto «« T? OR ;
ucoo du.c *• » e r par,
! c.too ditto *2_i- Pennypa
\& : er's ttroj
x 6,7» mm with
i sv Bl»»h» ____ js excelle
LfiY » ard, and
_ „ Tick««»i# 4oK*" 4 Bear the
—— ing to ;
R'• Thi. Lottery
lY . de£. are, iclc ftcd for tbe en.ue (
' { ~° tl!l$,
us, pro "'S®'" " P P , jUihle alter this Lottery is fold, an<i 35
Tita- bu-iidlou*, » r °°" " ', C cl l c , 0 .he!0,.4e advelitur- the mill
' ,o convey lhe f chtm « lor th e Hon! «»ul ho.
V':.i; rr.t r « oJ fi-e pe: cent, win * 'he wal
Loitrry. A neu*cd««t M fj| •" of ing> 4c . ,nd mason i
to da-ay U^^' at V. B^o Uhefu..diiitmded (o. she water v
,ni reli- , h , f mp lu« will b« _v»» c jn runr
,nd natu- K-aitoual Uiuvcifcty, i® cloths <
manufac- Wa!h.<igto... fans for
■ latitude. Thc drawing will «ommene« > S soon the T.tkttt
of Penn- , r , ( ( ,id off.— — nu ' n< ">' F"'«e« wll be payable
lave been *' , hi .'. Y d.ys .ftcr it U fiuitoed.and .n r p-t».s for X
Lkm are no' oi*xJa«<i wuh.n iwckc months •
[o „ fldel ,. d ~V Ci. mill.w
• r«S: boultin
zS 'of•' ihc - B "sr
cd in this '"y- s ecur ities Kt vfo for L>,f thc PnIC , sl, ? f *
kp'.d bvthe Piefid eoi wo of tUc, JBf»lt* l mill, a
reys-and fa , te v ,l ue d .t mo.e than half the .moHnt frame
> y the lat , have r
ich can be ° '. r four gentlemen whe ty appointment of gethcr
Commillioners a-miLc-d .n the EMnagement of the hand ,
H td LotST«r«qaefted to undertake tl.i.r.rdiou»tafk t her e
large oila- a f CLo; , d time on behalf of the public ; a fuffic.ent m.nv prcm .
•oodpaper, ber of these having kindly accepted,* «hoped the thls v
work will f rien ds to a National Un.verfity and the other federal ob- v.g.ti
ed" may continue to favor the design. The synopsis of vanta
taining 40 one of the College's, to form a branch of the National obvl o
lnflitution, is already in the press, and will be speedily An
ch nnm'icr puM ;ft e d, togiffief with its eonftituta* made
bliftiersNo. v A eonipleat Plan of the wholi of this Iraportant givm
ion, Young, i n a'.tution, compiled from a felefiionof the best materi- with
, and all the als ?nc ieu't and modern, wili be submitted to the public on .
by MefTrs. w b en ever the fame may have gone through such revisions Frai
illen, New- aa may be ncceffary t» eftabliib the perfect confidence and decei
;tt, Boston ; | g entß *l approbation, so fcfiential to its present rife and i'u- his.l
Richmond; 1 s ure Cll ; t ence for the general good of America, Ai
lefton, S. C. 1 by account? received from the difierent parts of the
cod. I continent as well, as from Europe, where the tickets
— have been sent for sale, the public are aSared that the
drawing will fperdily commenie, and that the care and
TV caution unavoidably neceiTary to insure 1 fafe disposal of X-^
M t ; £ s; S ts, has rendered the lnor' indiipenfahle. M'J
' February »4. 179 - relc
,«i nunty ./ SAMU 11ILODGHT. den
and half a milt ,jo cod i f mai
r " °f „ * pickets m.y be h»d »t the Bmk ot Columbia; c 0"
'» 9° V, t r,me , Weft & Co. Bjl'imort ot (iidenn Denilon,
ty. Tver' art „ J Q , Pe;cr G.lmin, B»ftw| Hopkirt pen
„t 4 roomi on L . a „ d „f R.cha.d tr,r«. £
IVm«/ «*= '
villi, ar.d Other r-pij^E^fuhferihar ."Jtri for pit, 1 FARM, taitiaiifing about
ng tlouft itw , 300 jgrei 1 wfimtfnn tlx t%| a»J Q-rgn
FieUt arc all in .frm, tttw™ Bor 9 milts. 4 Piot in tie taW
ond arc so lat jVfr. Ft'er Cafana-oc cf Gf-ryr-Tea,, U tw .j r Mr. Thi
ef them, ■whuL 1 fiitjbitKt, in PhUMf.lia, ami t IValh, in Hai of
i t j mir e. El
m tula- las , TO j« fc Jhr*n U any fn-fau itpiyinv K J tin a 1
,vum:ty tv thect- vl l»li-MsaJjtinir,fr. Itiayi i« <
itmniry, arj \ Sc
' Seat ' . fMf a *#! ncigUxri-oxt- " r < lt « Wtoim iouniry JnvM**- a 1
At "Tigris hovft, * large «•. .'an m l Xr Jy gmt fn ; tj aMa jtunl ar
V ~ Rretm with z put fall w- 'Ire it, 3<3 „ 4 j, Mtt> h .
meadm n,ay be tafily made, rfdcabtvt htMt tf
ahvtHO""' 'f'vpullaul. C«*>lW,(, «»« f
— (V the farther if dj,red.
6 years old, who m ,, m ery i.wty, i, 1795,
:rVe 'i?* d * B ', tk ; U " J U U:wM " <**<»* nUI,, >nc ajtm.
I? }«ne ,5.'
* r'V
. . u
Scheme of a Lottery,
Ttrtife 3<J.9°° Dolln's, o« 566.000 Dollars DcdaffftK l t
per Cent. fr*m the Prizes—This Lottery canjiflt of ?P
Tickets, i" l*«r: <ir« 14,539 I'riid, and sj-i" 1
Blanks, iemf akeut »Hei*a*n kiij blanks to « fr'*' - -
<f>HE Uirfftsrsof the Society for ettablilhmi Uleluj ™ s '
L nufa&ures, hiving resolved tn crest LOrTERIt- of
One Humo*i"> Thousand t)on.AK«, agreeat ')
t0 ,n Aft of the Legifliture of the State o! New-Jetfcy,
have appointed the following fcrfons to superintend and
drawing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rn.ui
K™ Herman Le Roy, James Wa.toii, Richard Har
rifon' ADiish Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of
nVw Y »rk-Tl.orna,Wu!.n,, Joseph Ball, Matthew M"
? 1 Andrew Bav» rd > ot the city of Philadelphia '.J
Excelkney Richaid Howell, life,- EILs Boudvhot,
5 vhasfiavton, laws Parker, John Bayard, Dost-
General Elias Slockton) j o<hu , M . Wi
ir« e T(tph"'BWomfielH, and Elifha Boud.not, of Nrw
lace, Jolepl B wWi-* Schem* »f a I.mtery,
- 1 JC !» y ird«?hemlelvcs to the public, that they wil'tak.
; lane! P & " j precaution intheir power to have till ,
" CVCly 't' k, be M .?»sl.o m time to tune,
■ by a check upon one ot ihe Bank.
-\ SCHEME: i
>e . P,»e .t »0,000 Dollar* i» «®,oo*
r- 1 ?"«•' jo ,0,000
* 5,000
» aoo. •°' t>oß
« * .00. oc#
11- »• co« (
he «' 10. ,c - ob *
I 100 «J,OU»
30* * *0,009
I too* _ JO, 00*
- tooo 'i 3 f,,t, 0«
8to» " _ _
I — . *6a,00«
M,53 S 9 r,rft drawn number, ~oo»
nd »3>46« £,ft drawn u-'nbet, t.°°»
'«>. I — »66,00«
3800# Tickets at? Dollsrseacti »•
«- The drawing wifV commence, under «ke .n P«*££ f
"* a C01,t, : . of the Super, ntendants „ fa-» »»£ T '^
ets are fold, of Which timely nolle* w»l b g
b, I TlieSupm.uc.d»n»h»'< »PP° , " c J Ntv ,.i (un fwiek,
| J...b R H.,d.»« «,
- r.^<»"" - i
I Prizes, the Supertotendants ot .he Lo
that the Manage,. Ihall each enter bond.. .
2, dollars, witbt'.urfuftcientfecurUK•, toptitoi
| ftiudtom, th« fubliancc of which »s rcctiv®
I. That whenever cither ohhe Manage
the fun, ot Three Hundred DolUrs .mnidutel, he
place the fame in one of the Banks oiF New-Yo,rk ■ o fh.
I ladelphta, to"the ot .he Governor ot
I and fuchof the Supenntendants as ive in th c '
the monies are placed, f rema.n there unt.l the Lottery
lis drawn, for the payment ot the Prites. f
! 11. The Managers 10 take (uffictent feeunty 7
| Tickctithey maytruft.otherwife .» be refpo.iiib e or. 1
111. To keep regular books ot T.cke.ffold, Mo
j nies received and paid int" the Bank, auft'»tt> o w ,c
! sent, -nonihly, to theGofernor oi the .Society.
I Paterfon, January 1, 1794 :„r„ r _
1 On application to either ot the abo»e geo-lemen, >nraf«
I mation will be given where tickel. niav ht bed. fiA '. 1
I T?OR Sale, on private contrail, five undivided
JX 1 parts of that valuable merchant-mill, called O.a
1 Pennrpack'KTiW,-w«k~»»««<l>velliiigiiojties, stables, coop
er's ttrop, »nd..otlKx..cony.'n:ent buildligs,
with about 10 acres of good land, the greatest p*rt thereof
is excellent watered me idow, the reir.ainper garden,
ard, and wood land; situate ten miles from Philadelphia, '
near the Washington Tavern, part y 011 the pod-road lead
ing to New-York, and partly on the River a re- ,
of !t '" markably healthy country, and an excellent neighbour* )
lu i'°" i.od. This mill being on Pennynack creek, a h avy
, n "" stream of water, with about 15 feet head and fall, and
draW " the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a vefTel carrying
corner , j bufhtls of wheat to lay along fide, and u«load tnt«
' t "" a the mill with Evans's elevator iu about three hours. Th«
"Hole! house is large and built of stone, founded on a rockj |
. rljdc the walls uncommonly thick and strong, (.uch a piece of
and mason work is rarely to be found) contains five floors, tw®
(ni ske water wheels, and three pair of the belt French burr ttonct «| g
% itT ol all running, double geared, with three boulting reel* ana
cloths of the firft quality, rolling fcrsen, cylinder, and
r . fans for cleaning wheat in the belt manner, and palling it
m' afterwards by an elevator into a hanging garner; also,
" " 1 conveyers, elevators, and hoftper boy, all in compleat or
mcih.hs There are two large frame baUdings adjoining the
01 CTiveu mill, which are convnaient for storing flour, fuor:callcs,
, Sc. A corn-kiln is ereded within the building, witrt
ending boulting, reel cloth, and other nceeffary fiitures for maau
l( fceu- fafturing large quantities of kiln-dned corn meal. Jh*
stream of water is so constant that upwards of 60,000 biiih
Priie qls of wheat have frequently been manufactured at lth>»
le 8.,,k mill, annually. The tumbling dam was built of stone and
am -»,it frame about 30 years ago,but the late extraordinary frelhe*
have made a breach therein, it can easily be repaired alto
ment of gethcr with stone, the greatest part of which is already at
;t of the hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as
lous talk there are several good quarries of excllent stone on the
it mm- premises,' and adjacent to the creekj; the contiguity of
that the t his very valuable estate to Philadelphia, ar.d the easy na
leral ob- ligation for shallops, with the above-mentioned great ad
lopfis of vantages, and many others not here m ntioned. must be
National obvious to any person who may view the premises.
speedily An indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, willb«
made to the purchaser on paying part of th; money, and
nsportant giving fatiefaflory security f»r the remainder, payable
materi- W ish intcreft in inllalments at such times as may be agreed
he public 011 . For further particulars enquire on the premises of
revisions Frances Lewis, Executrix to the estate of Robert Lewi»,
lence and deceased; John Swift, near Buffell-Town ;or Natjsa
e and fu- xikl Lewis, or David Lewis, in Philadelphia.
Augujt 31. wicf.
rts of the " t "
ie tickets OHIO COMPANY. \
■ care and E E D S to the proprietors in the agency of
ifnofal of ' ' Winthrop Sargent, are deposited with Thoma*
(taenfable. M'Eue'n, No. 78, Chefnut-llreet, Philadelphia, and
ready to be delivered when called for. A fecono divi
>£T. dend of the Funds has been declared, wkich proprietor*
todif may receive by a draught up«n the trcif u'er of the
company. W
" Deiiilon' N. B. Eight dollars are due upon each {hare, for e*»
, Hopk.'n'. penccs of the agency. /
nr«. September loth, 3aw6w
talking about Fifty Dollars Reward.
TTOK delivering to the a Negr#
Tm Ti J? Boy named PIERCE, about nineteen year*
Un X i>vT of ace, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, speaks good
Englift, but rather hesitates a little before he anlwerf
, w h> Jdn a queflion, very fat and round in the face, has a large
yj«n.vv, arJ Scar from a wound on the back ot one of hn legi,
nt,y JwiUnr,- a little above the heel. Hadron when he went away,
ruil, aaajtaru a n old Green Coatee and Tfrowfers, and an old leather
30 it 40 iii',/1 hat torn on one fide, a pjtif of half worn Boats, but
.C altnt u.ilwit too v with him Shoes\jpsi Stockings, the Stockings art
,iU it atfiu-iLu White, had also aUJundle tied up in a red fc!k hand
kerchief ; it is likely he may have a good deal of mo-
IROLL. n ev with him—He is a barber by trade.
~ ~j, aorth Third ftrset.
iiUs, one d) tar< ,
•5- Philad. a£th, Sept. 1795. • aa