■r , mpenia*for the injuries we kavs fuffered ? that inoft i; h-.s relmquiftied important claims ttiat we had irtg h tipo-ifihe British government. That i« has given «' no protection to our Teamen. That it it injurious an fh to oir commerce, and ruinous to our navigation, out ) That it takes from lis the means we poffeffcd of re- on ft t; inting injuries w thout the har.ard of a war.— of th That it pledges the countrv for iromenfe sums cf comj money, which it does net owe, while it curtails toya our demands Upon Biifain. That itgivcß the Bri- of ti!h fuSjcfls a variety of privileges i.t our country >s in w'lich are but partially returned to JS. That it Is 0 c; it iterai\s the exilhng laws, and violates the fede- '9 fa ral conftitutien ; and that it infringes the rights of the individual dates. It is paffi'jx, that in Rating my j flip iieas of the treaty, I may have run into errors : J all I can fay, is, that if L have, none of them were eve. ! intentional | t aat havi' no party to serve, no per- a "" fonal imcet to promo:?, I have only spoken nv'ts which an ard-nj love f>r a country which hive 1 >ng served, has inspired, without witoing to coal wiiflei'lt I beg hit fcllow-cWzeni to recollect, j*fci that if the treaty will bear the eouttrnStian 1 have wt given it, though an eornmentator iiay put a different sense upon teveral ai titles, that Iti'! or t the objections I date will remain in force, since it ers, is rmt the wAe/l but the firongeft nation that con- pro | ftrues the articles that admit ef doubts, of which I we have a drifeing instance in this very treaty — law l In the treaty of peace, the article relative to the inaj taking away negroes, &c. The words are express ; j"'! the intention was acknowledged at the time by the we, cotorm Humeri on both fides, .-.« d not doubled by tei * either government: yet we find that Camidus has, Ch bv implications, Bcc. spurted out a meaning which i• < he fays renders it doubtful: he jtiftifics Mc. Jay in me relinq :ifhing our claim. If th.s is-jml reafonin. t in the mouth of an American wrier, it wll (li.i ; *1 be mo: efo in that of Britain ; snd the moil U' fa jU* forable conftrr.ftion of thf treaty, will be the tru i ■f one with refpeft to us, because every doubt is to be ge cjoftrued against us. This argument is rendered far nine 1 -. ItroHger from the circunylances under which cu Mr. Jay treated ; for if when they were mote un f-j •I favorable to Britain, than we can again hope to find m< them, doubtful condrufltonf were to be conlliucd i* i to her advantage, bv the admiflion of our en?oy, lar they raaiti in future, be so. Let us not then form co bur opinions of the treaty from distant impHctiont, \\ or iemote deductions, drawn troro fanciful reason- 1 ings on the laws of nations. *1 The express words of the treaty are our only ft true ru de. Where they contain unfavorable ft:- an pit's*:..;w, or where they neglect explicitly to de- di elaieoitr rights, their plain and obvious meaning ; in is to rifare the fird, and to abri !ge the last. Of jte this we have already fufficicnt proof in th# eon- jot ftrucVon/they have put on some parts of the treaty ■ c< by thei'ate i* truftions. I ihoul.d, befotc I close, •p >lo :Jxe for many eriors, either of the copielt or oi Y the pre is, or both. It- has so happened, that most b of the copies were made under such ciicumltanct s n< as not t» have tjeen fubmitied to my. inflection, n which, together with the errors of the prefa multi- « plied by the different imprefTwnsit tin#', a fcas ?nrrOit she laid heavy duties on*our commodities, rice t and tobatco particulairly, and atided, th it ' great Importance) it might tend to deceive thofc wh i had n>t at hand the p/opet means of cor- i reeling the miliake. CATO. Latest Foreign Advices. C<**iinua:i LONDON, July 30. I On the night of the 2id the privates of two rorps, collided chiefly from among the French prisoners of war in this couutry, (d'Hervilly'- own corps is'faiJ to "be one) and well k"own to be irre eiaimahle republicans long before they faded from t England, gave,the countefftgn to Gen .Hothe, rose upon ibeir officers, and delivered up to the enemy the pod they were datione Ito defend. This was the opportunity expected by Hoche for making a general attack upon the reft, who, furpriled, be trayed, and overpowered by numbers, were unable «ven to secure a retreat Two battalions, landed si nee the fird descent, tinder the command of M< Sombricul made so gallant a defence that general Hiiche allewed them termi of capituhrion. The whole armr, except perhaps few, who rfiay have ac cidentally been 011 board the fh'ps at the time, ate eitherjkilled, oriloners, or gone over ;o the enemy. Their number of men bearing arms, at the firit was aboat 6000. About 2000 more have beenkince landed. Among these, as our readers will fee by a letter from an officer in Loid Brid po.Ft 1 ? fleet, in this day's paper, desertions were frequent; and m-itt of the pretended Chouans, who carae to join them, daid only till they found an opportunity of carrying off the cloathing. arms, amnfuVtion, aud provisions with which they were furajlhed. A letter/ ,oro an otficef on board Lord Biidport's ■\ Fleet. Bay, July 26. " We have jud been honored with a vilit from the Mayor of ut tore-embark, indeed there :sbut little chance, fjr »e have agr.iii taken the bull by the horns. Several coaftcrs have fallen int» our ha ids, some laden, and others in ballad, but ft:!! they are not equal to what w; dai!y lofc. The deferrion from the Hand 'rd of Rovsliftn is mich greater than what we could wi(h 1 or expect : it diftreffts much our noble comma»d ---t ers, who though men of great perfeviranee audi . profeffional knowledge, will at last be failed. I "By report daily brought to us from the main _ land, we have been mo't infamoully egregioufly e imposed on with refpeft to numbers being readv to : join us, and labouring under afcaicitysf proviso 11s, e we, to vur sorrow, find lothin,; of the kind ; theie y certainly are feme fmaU bands of people, called the Choii-ns, scattered upanddotvn the coaft,|who live II in enmity with the pcefent fyllem of French guvtrn n meat, but are likewise in enmity with every thing g tha* k rcgn'ar : they seem to eo:.dtift themlclves II j like the Arab tribes, who attack each other tor the 1 i fikeof plunder, the weaker jfoing away to the g [ ■ tl onger ; they may join you t« day for the fake of ' _ e getting font thi.tg, a.d to-morrow leave you for the j — :.i fame purpose—where there is carrion there will be j ■h cioi «. Tliefe Chouar.a ought to be looked on as a: i; 1 fcparate body f:om th- French naiio", they by no — id meaas resemble those iu.'.a'oi.ants we hare met with rd in few villages through which our people on their /] y, landing m».de good their way, *scut uiifottuuitely m could not keep their hold: th.y are math like the /, White Boys in Ireland, a rapacious set of beings, r- Though we are cotidarrtly Upon the look oat, what wi h one thing, and what with a .other, yet by the ly persevering fplrit of the enemy they find out ways ti- and means to fend ve.fcis, said to be lidrn with fun e- dues, such as dorts, ammunition and provilions, : I ig ; into the different creeks of the Isle, where they as- j { Df I terwards find their way infafety. As to darving it I ( in. 1 out, this is quite out of the question, though tbt c ity • commanders think othei wife. i j fe, " N.iw snd then a foilofn deserter reaches some ■ j or one or o.her quarter of (Lis expedition : we find t oft by hiui that the lite defeat of the French fleet was j ct 5 not looked on as of r.:iy consequence, chiefly by j >n, mi trsof the emi'tants landing immediately after- ( Iti- wai.ii, and drawing th« attention of all Uands tow- there are by no means so many (hips at ] H J l Orieni as we wereTuh !-4 t /Hc!ic«e had sheltered aid there niter the late engagement : and a few of them ler, only f, em to be much fhatterrd. It ii said, fester?! ave is.ias.tie S (ing at BreS, where, by repoit many In Amctic.m runners have lately arrived : it is also rH ed, niourrd, but I cannot fay from what quarter it at "ice tirft originated,that the great American convoy was !aid |to (-■' 1 this year from America in small detatched her ' Sot.iMi", consigned to different ports in France: > for, by theie mea:j fcrrie may fail whilst others escape. lave ' Sir John Vv arren is sppointcd C immiffionary ake . Geneial to the fleet snd army acting on the coad of »<> i apce ; his new Kommulion authorises him mod lose amf'ly to purchase every thing, trolling to bis dif cor- creti<>7, which appears ueceffaryto the different op >. erat 01.s. -" 1 havejnfl heard, that part of the fleet under the immediate conamand of Lord Bridport, is about to retarn to Old Englaad.for what reason I do not *hio, know, cut fnppofe for the purpose of getting some repairs, aothe Royal George, and some other ships were much fhjkcn ir. the late naval engagement, as thry bore the brum of it." two OW n Philadelphia, ; rre . FR'P-'.Y EViNING, OCTOBER », ~ New-York, 16 me- P at '"cltor in fight. i in- A paffengcr ia the Adriana informs, that they fra- spoke the Sarah of Bodon, from Liverpool, home >ute -vard bound, »n t;ie banks of Newfoundland— jre, 1 iie Sarah, two days before, spoke tb» Mcduf,. iof French t igafe. v? ii< h had taken two horrcward isle, bound Brititii and was In cl:afe of vith three others. Lad Sunday, off 'lie Delaware the Capes, the Adria;,» spoke the brig Molly, from soil Liverpool, bound in. ■ The IXira and Ruby failed tbe Cme dayabefore tfo. ,\dif»na « At a aamtrtui meet" of the t t'.zcßs of Phila- .be a dtlp:.i*l> con*«rne»i Oflofe J, '7^5 — I fore Cel. A*B:'.iw Gsyk» in the ch :ir. ln l IlltCl Rtfolvtd unani-.j-jly, That the following per- sons be recommended to our fellow-citirers, -c ( j,;, proper charaftcrj to represent the of Phila- care delp »a >11 the Legifhture of this StaU : SENATOR, — General Jacob Morgan. mmf SKNTATIVES, Charles Peltit, Isaac Pennington, Jacob S. Swyler, Israel Israel, j Fcrgufon M'II wain t, j Henry Kammerer. PuViifhed by order of the meeting. .1 SAMUEL H. SMITH, Sec'ry. A numhei of the Citizens of the County of Phi- j ladelphia have agreed to run the following Ticket at th- General Eledtion, and beg leave to re- commend it to the confideratioa of the County Mciilr.gs to be held to morrow. Thomas Forreft, , Thc>m?s Britton, 1 Thomas Paul, Jonathan Williams, r , * Peter Mierckiti, » Richard Mu'eley. f October ti, ijqj. t ' . ■ Oi ' STOCKS. t« prr Celt. 13/" J Int. Three »t.T . ent. ------ VSft $ »ff -8 Dcftirc 1 Sii per Cert. - - - - 14/j e e BANK United States, 33 pr. C«Bt. »f »f : ■ — NoftV *nwrka, -- » - 50 i I Pcnaiylviftia, --- - - ji - . 6 a ' insoranci Compav* Nortii America, 40 cant. _ a P^ttnfyivarna. [Lnt. cent. h lr We hr.si been favoured with London pap rt of the J 9th, 30tb, and $\ft of July, received by the late g arrivals, frim which the following articles are ta- 81 »t k:n.—Further extract to morrt-w. j ie — s ,s LONDON, July 3 1. n- On evening arrived at Portf.T*«uth kit s, Majesty's frigate La Blanche, of 3* guns, Captain >f- : Sawyer, on board of whuh Admiral Caldwell, late it I Commandei in Chief on the Leeward Island flation, - bl came paffengcr. We are happy that this Gentleman j is returned to England, as it will afford him an op- j ne ■ portunity of t'c plying to the various infiuuatioiis nd thrown out againil his character by the Merchants as and Planters :n the Welt-Indus, of not Jiaving pro by perly applied the forces enlriilted U him, during his rr- command or. the Wetl-lndia station. A w- It is with much concern we are obliged to con at firm the general tenor of the news publi/hed in our 1 ed Ppc of yctterday, lefpeitmg the lateur.fortui.ite •m affair on the Pc.Mnfuia ofQnl'.jtroH. What we now . tsj Hi.? as ihe'TeTult, coßict to usTrom tilt tirft autho ny ritr, and may be depended on. 'H- Neither of the i»n Commander* of the unlor at tunate expedition to perilhed lnthcalFa.r vas of the 2 jft instant. M d Hervil:y is'and. Dat Ply ied mi nth, and arrived near town, weuncied ; and :e : nM. de Pu.£aye has saved himlelf i»-the Island ot pe. Houat. It appears, that out of 90 officers of the iry regimeßt of d'Hervilly, no more thae 30 are alive ; iof and out of 1600 privates, of which it was fompefe ', 10ft there remain no more than t.Bo. i h.- defect 10a.ui Jif- the rrgimeHt of d'Hei villy, is entinly to bealtri op- buted to the French,feamen, who were pnfoners in England, and rnlilied in this regiment All those der who were taken in ihe m*fs, and formed part of out the (hips crews, as veil as the peasants, who had not joined the R< yalifts after their defient, behaved ex ifre trenie|y About 12 or 15 .hundred of the lips latter ere with that part of the army which hasta ,as ken refuge in the isles of Houat and Hoedie.— These brave iren jwefened d aring the fate of the — remains of the troops of the line to the advantager us offeu made them by the Republicaas. It wa s in the night between the 20th aiid 2 ill inft. that the — Republican troops, by meai sos a secret tinJer don standing they kept up wiih fomc German folriiers, ice w ho under the cloak of defeiters had Itolen into the place, surprized Fort Penthievre. Mr. d'At -1 tilly, Lieutenant Colonrl of the tegimrnt of Her -na- 'illy, was nsmdered in his bed; and the other offi ao cers were malfacred. 1 tie traitors had already ren nei- dered themfelvei fufpieious since the affairsot the the 15th, by their ill behaviour to*aids their officeis. M. de Sombreuil, wh« was encamped in the Pe ninsula, was not acquainted with the traiterous >ranfaditd Moire's e*p:di. on v-... < fore proced. What i ' o,; 'y P'°* e " i dinger" partial operatic.» ;<" _ wc n " iiitcnor, under the bannrx of Rdy*)ff» » 1oU _ reafoii to believe his Majtfty's Minist er *- u " 1' °. this danjrci, will ule i*fiy rsetwi ' .<■ t elf care to render th# next expc ilio*more decide- ■ ..■< AMMimt ■ ' m BY THIS DAY'S *IAILS. NEW YORK, Oa»ber i. /frroiHTuKNii rot THK CUT. Richard Varitk, re-appointcd Mayor. Jacob John Lanfing, Sheriff. Di'&or William Pitt Smith, Health Doflof •» l he port. William J. Elfworth, re appointed Coroner. Assnt or Bxsjo. ' A loaf of fiiperfine wheat flour, to weigh I $ 0%. for 6a A ditto common ditto il. f° r "d ' A ditto infpeatd rye do. i j l : nts for 3d Daniel Phobnix, City Treafurcr. # September 24, 1795' COMMITTEE OF HEALTH. The Committee appointed to prevent the introduftlo* and spreading »f lafeilious Diseases in thiscity, REPORT, That Thirteen perfohs hive died in this City, and One at Belle-Vut, of the prstcltt Epidemic, iaaca their report of lafl evening. By order of the committee, JOHN BROOME, Chairman. fredr.tfda? E-\eni/;£, Sept. 30, 1795- DicD, ro- American Repository, for 1796; h' l CtNTAINIt/O: A Cora pleat Calendar for Rules for reducing the tur« on the year. renciesef thefeveralftatea. our Lilts of cite executive, legif- Table of ponnds, &c. redu» lative and judicial offic rs ced into dollars St cents. * of the fe: er al government Summary of the export! i* ,0 ® — of iJiii rr.icirters and A fneceffive years. ho- confuk to and from the Amount of the unredeemed Ur.;ted Statis. debt, annual revenue i»d | or . A r«g : fler of the la«d and expenditures. r t sea force« cf do. A view of the finking fund. '. ' Rate* of poflage, and times An estimate of the imports 'J' of re: & doting the of the United State*, io ami mails a; Philadelphia. two fcveral years. dol A lift of the >io!t-towns p wi'h Domeftie duties or excises. ■ ) i( . the diftase:> cf each, on Drawbacks and bounties. the m~in line, as well as Bauks, with rnles of CO*" ' ' erofs roadb. duifling bufin.fs. ' c > —of the f eleral conrn. C£c*i« of the civil g«ver«» •a ut —of the fupervifori of th* ment of Pennfylvacia. ttri- revenue. Ef imate of expcnces ef Jo. ners The mint, and monies of the in one yeor. 1 r U.S. and the currency of Officer, of rivil govsmmeni "" each state. of New-York. 1 A lift of the cbtanuConers Severeign princes and had of loans. publics of turope. | ex- A tabic,fhewing the propor- Lift of the navy of GrraN the t ' on roe P er^ons t0 Britain, corrcdcd agree flares, and of males to fe- able to tk« L.test inform** ' a males, &c. in the U S. ticn. •'* Miiitrn 0 :Ke United States, Do. of the navy of France, F the with the proportion of do. cr us each. State of the air, and a diary Bii j n An alphabetical lift of duties ef the winds and weather ' ■ agreeably to the lafl ad in Philadelphia, during i» r of Congress. months, ending ill Sept. K ' cr ' Amount ofimpoft andtonn- 1795* icrs, age of one year. Bills of mortality :e Philad. into Cuftom-hoafe feea, fcc. of one year This little volume will coatair a mnch greatercoinpa's, r_T fj . as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding L * r " year, and will be embelliftied with an engraved frontis piece, title j age, and a vignette faced with a head orna ren- merit, to each month The feenes depi>9ed in the vig t itc nettes v allouc chiefly to the ratal labows oi the year. Ihe cets. engravings are new, ar.d executed with aa cxccUucs that , p coet credit ta the American fine aAs. , roHB At the feme plate may be bad, c Jr j Plans of the eity of Philadelphia, and its environs, acca ' rately engraved from a late furvcy. icm y Maps of the United States, and of each state feparats'y. hem A valuable eoiie&ion of noicm B*&, and a general silort^ aftei ment of Stationary Wares. d to A't/#.—Thofe who desire it, ir.ay have the above-menti thc antd Maps, or any other, coloured, and varnilk ,,?r ed, and put up in any manner th t may be sioft canveni , ent, by applying at dirtied above. . oa. X. 179 J. I»w. wel! - thof " ~ ~~~ " " hith Partner/hip diffohea. Ser- r I HE partner fnlp of John Curtis and Jofsph Lippeneot X is thii day dissolved. All pexfoas ha»ii'.g deman -« n against Jolin Curtis & Company, are requeftec to exhibit ' ,LI ." them t» John Curtis for fcttiejnent J aad those indebted their w ;jj pi ta f_ t0 m ak e payment to said Cartis." yd>n CQrtis lif Co. ittu- Philad. OAober f, I7J . dlw. it of - ( h h a > '.' Andover Iron Works , r of TO BE SOLD, OR LET OS LEA E. j, are fitnate in the couuties of Suilex an j Morrfs, B ° J. ia the State of New-{erfcjr: rhe' ore liea Within a a S*- mile of the Furnace, is esteemed of the firftqaaiity of any clgi- | n .America, and narticularly adjoted for making Steei. mall The Furnace and Forge, to which belong between II and ,i m . i a.eoo acres of Land, will be fold or leafed ci ther feyarately or together: they art Jirtant aioit fevcm :.r° miles from each other, and *re an obj d vreli wcrt! th* atiention ollran Masters. The i-uiidiags, i