Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, October 02, 1795, Image 1
Number 9570 For HAMBURGH, .J*** THE SHIP MEKICAN, tVWiam SkaiUrafi, mailer, Fi AT Mr. Ruflell's wharf-She is in good order, and now ready to take in on freight, and iotende .to f*| j on 4 otl> O^ob-r. —Apply to the mate' on hoard, or to Jehu Hollingfworth & oi " b 0 R SAL A , JS i JOHN CRAIG, No, 11, Cock Street, Iri io Pipe* of # . . O: SVhe very be ft Madeira IV IN b, OO quarter oaffcs of Sherry wine, Br'ittol wmdow glass of dJTererrt rttt, A <■ uantry of bell Havannah f-gu. m b0.0., - Afe 'ift* of i«? ar > 1 4 boxes of yard wide Irtfh i:aen«, A bale, of do. cauvafs, < bales of red,' vrhk«, aud yellow fUniwls; PORI S MOUI H, EJRL HEiN barrels, now lying at Mr. Theddle » wharf, in Southwark. . Philadelphia, Sept. aa. ___ . —1 - For S AL E, or C H A R 1 E R» HA R MON T, 1 Eira Sewcll, mailer, three hnndred and thirty-four ton., Fhila- £ deirbia Sai&jtf Ifcjs -v-* and cei * r < well ' , ml)r f U lent to fe. at a small ex P ence.-For wrm«: apply to - Andrews & Meredith, be Sept.*!. 5 No. 86, fonth Wkarvea. For S A L E, THE IHIf Ir NOW lying Hamilton's wharf, bnrthen aBo tons, she is a staunch good vtffiel, will carry 53} hogsheads •f tobacco.-- —For terms apply to Jcfeph Anthony ls> Son. «.rth September. For HAMBURGH, HOLLAND, Chrifcopher Franklin, jun. master, HAS excellent accommodations for paflengert; will fail in all this month; three-fourths of her cargo are ready to go on board/ajtyr " tie 19Rrr, fin Tic'^-lTr. — cr a PP■/ Mafttr oCboarJi' fittr Bight, or to Pragers & Co. Srtif'mi'r u. T7H- . $ fey*. i'er S A L £, The Schooner s§lk!. M A H A L r, BURTHEN thirty-four tons, and fails remarkakly fa ft. For term* apply t» Jams* Gamble, or Andrews 14 Meredith, lept. 41. | N»- 86, south wharves. * " For *S A L E, J CHARLOTTE, Jona han Bowers, mafto; NOW laying at Mr. John Wilcocks's wharf. The Charlotte is 204 tons burthen, and isfuppofed will car ry flour, or thereabouts ; five and anhaif years eld, built in the State of New-Hampftiire for the Lon don trade ; is well found ar.d fitted in every refpeA, ■ I»and now in complete order to receive a cargo. Her ;V? Petitory may be seen, and the terms of file made iiiows, by applying to Naliro' £s* John Frazier. Philid. Srpt. T<>, t-oc. . .jtawt. 1 FOR SALE, The CARGO of the Ship Arethufa, from Bengal, Coafifting of an extensive Afiortment of Goods, wel! adapted to this market and for Exportation— Among them are a variety of Printing cloths, Handkerchiefs, Gurrahs, Taffatie?, Ba ftas, j Humhumi, Coffees, Nankeens. Alfo —A quantity of Hyson, Souchong and Bohsi TEAS, RHEUBARB, PEPPER and SUGAR. The |HIP ARETHUSA for Sale. She is five years old. fiort&en about 250 tons. — to JOHN MILLER, jun. or WILLINGS and FRANCIS. Auzflft 10 dtf ' - p(j ~R S Al, E, The Schooaer EttSELAER, J. Wendell, naftar, Ta Tng" at \*illi*g and Francis's Mharf; a ftronj, new veflel, five months old, built of red cedar, bur then 130 tons, supposed w ill carry abdut iaoo barrels of flour,'is of ar.'eafy draft Of water, and has excellent accommodations for paffencers. For terms apply to T. & J. CLIFFORD. If not fold in two or three days, faii veCel willpro • seed for the state of New-York. . Philad. Sept. 19. * §_ f:.jt jirriviiper the Snow Bojion, James Kirkfatruk, Majier, from Liverpool, 113 Crate* well-aflorted Queen's Ware, 4000 bushels belt ftovpd & ne Sak, ic to be fold at No. x, Pine-street, by f. James Campbell. Al'e, a few boxet 4ji(h Linens. »•. Said Snow for Freight or Char t tr, cither to the Weft-Indie« ot Enquire as ibort. ** y FRIDAT EVENING, OCTOBER a, 1795! *} Received, Per Blip Cato, captain Salter, from Bourd*aux, A Cargs of I CLARET, BRANDY, &c. ALSO, From on l*rd tie Jt>'? F™' FfienJi, Captain Gi.nn, from Bou.rdea.uKy Excellent white WINE, in eases ; " Do. do. _in do r SJ Hogsheads of red WINE ; OIL in rsfes, oF a superior __ i? Trunks, containing DRY ®OODS. AL,O » ... . Per brig Polly, Lcri Tenne, tutjier, Jrtm Da...'--, via New-York, , Irilh LINENS, in luge boxes—and OZMA3URGS. jf, t Ott. SALE BT F. Coppingcr, Sc-t 11. § No. a si, foi»k Front-ftrrrt. rKe ° f the (hip Harmony, W> More, Si. PA.jitrgSr, CON 315T1 S n O* 100 tons (old Tibk) IRON ; ,00 tor.. HEMP; .... 1 aqo picct» Rufiii I INGj ioo pieces Rovtai IXJCK; A boxe®Tallow CANDLES; and I'ALLOW FOR SALF. BT "James Crawford, or Getrge Latimer. K.(U4. ilti Stptimher, \TK. ~ The CARGO of the fliip Harmony, £%ra Lowell, Wajt'er—-from BOURDEAUX t CONJISTINXJ or BRANDIES, iipes and puncheoas; and CLARET n hogihead., is difdiarging from on j board the f*id Slip at Cuthbert's wharf, and for sale by Andrew & Meredith, j J7)t jr. d. No. 86, south wharr-**. —CLARE T, Ir. cMlf, foitablc for the Eal and Weft-India markets. f fe£NCH BRANDY in butts and pipes. _ And a few cases of Ticklcnburtrs and Oznaburgs. FOK SALE BY ( J£ Rundle yf Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut street wharf. Sept. », lip. (t,th&**w) For SALE, by the Subscribers, A A PENN-TREET, The f*!*wi.ig articlct %f the laji vMptrtatitm from China. J6O Quarter Chests Hyson Tea, 110 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea, 400 Boaes China, containing Tea Setts, 1 4500 Pk«c. Nankeens. e I'Vi!lings $2* Francis. r :<■ 3**"- Will L>C *-* • -TVTnrnincr A; Staler', IVbzrf ? It Th« CARGO of the Swedifli Qoop Stockhclm, Cap tain Bersr, ] —COM/SUNG Of— Jamaica SUGARS, ot a perior quality, til I ' Kfedi tierccs, and barrels; 5 j COFFEE in hogihead.; I COTTON in bales—and a few tons ef LOGWOOD. FOR SALE BY — George Sibbald, Sept. 9. ' (dtf.) No. 170, south Front-street. Now Landing, « cargotj of the brigs Weft-Indian and Betfcy&Pol- ' . it _ ly from Jimaica : CoSlt in hhds and barrels Sugar in hhds ' Rum, high proof, and "" 36 bags Pimanio. f ' ALSO ON HAN-D, A Qyintity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels and Bag* " c Sugar in Hhils "J _ _ ... Pimento in Bags | Eaportafo. Brandy, ill and 4th proof Sherry Witc, &c. For sale by "* Peter Blight. 1, J"'» 31 L el! JAMES TIFFIN, No. 70, Smith HeconJ-flreet, near the City Tavern, HAS just opened and for Sale, an Assortment of La dies' and Gentlemen'* Fashionable HATS, from London. Also a variety of Children'* Hats of diffcr 1M ent Colours. N - B. A Man or two a* finifhers m the above bufineft, w ell recommended, will meet with oonllant employ and sod entouragemcnt. , ve New Hosiery. •- B ART HOLD Mcr' CONOLLT, At his HOSIERY STORE, No. 48 Cbefnut Ireet, "O BSPEC TFULLY informs his Friends and the Public in IV general, thithehasjuft received by the (hip Liberty — from Liverpool, a further supply of Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton R t Hosiery. which art» very ex.enfive flffortment of Gentlc rien's plain white, fuicy, and patent Silk fuperfine fancy nj, plated silk and co'ton, fine whit', plain, and ribb'd cot lur- ton —«. very largjaffortaient of fancy Patent and fine ran rels dom fancy cotton, Jc c . which he will fell upon the most lent reasonable terms by the dozen »r single pair, o Jt ls 0, >. A General of every otiler article ef DST >ro- COODS, neivly imported. Those gentlemen who please to favorß. C. with their J commands, will meet with, at his store, a moil elegant, ~~ extensive, and weUchofcn assortment of every description ,e 'of Hsfiei y Also, a great Variety of Gentlemen's Out-fixes. Jane tod 7. TheEARTH£N-WARE Manufactory, In Frontfireet, abevt Poof's Bridge, IS continued in the mod extensive manner. A large af fonmmt of the befl ware is or. hand re«dy assorted in " Hojftea-ls and Cr««. A constant and regular supply may be depended on, at the Ihorteft notice. Ordersare raceivtd a > the P.limifaAory, «r at No J Arch llre«t. July 8 sjai A Quantity of India Bandanoes, Just Arrived and for Sale by Made mordecai lewis, Who has also to dispose of, ITT A few bales of Book and other E* t India MuAias W Ruflu Sheetings stones do. Sail Cloth Ravens Duck At hh Barcelona Handkerchiefs in boiet A cafe of Diapers A bale of Bed-fid; Carpet* A ( Roll Britnftone mA!lu New CaiWe Grlwifl»ice# • warr; l6hhd«. Jaines River Tobaeeo, of MtfcHent qnality, <!;<'. Sept. *3 jawim -Th E C'E I V E D, Con" ttj the Arethujn, Captain Swuin, from Calcutta and |j tc j, Madrafs, ami fir Sale by the Subscribers, in Penn- inten< fir eel, a valuable Afforlntent of Piece Goods ; con- water «f K °\ Taundan Kkaffa Bandanoss, ' Sahjadport Ma moody Chappa Romaub, Nympofcitiee Ccffac Silk Pulicats, Boruim Baftaas Cotton Pulic»t» Humhumi Blue Cloth Becrboora Gurrahl Durias Maida Bjsefooty Ma (lint Makla Gocii • Cambrick Alhnbad Baft* 3tringuear Hsndk»r«h-»Ss Cuz;; j;j Veiitapolam do. Tafiataw Tinnavilly do. Willings & Francit. A«r*/t V. dtf I' UR S.i LE l/y the Subja-iiers, at their Store tm IValnut Jtreet Wharf, »6 Hhd*. ■) 33 Barrels and S Hifpaniola COFFEE, lately arrived j ust j'4o Bags ) frow frt 0 have also on hand, w jj o Red Port Wire, in Pipes and Hoglheads or |( Mountain VTine Wine, in cais 23 Tons Briinftone — Nails affqrtcd Sail Canvas, N°. I i 7 »"<! A few gentlemen's bandfome SaddW* •*' Philip NickHn & Co. _J*h «t - d - LaNding at Ssuth fireet wharf, The Cargo of the Brig Fly, captain Hamer, from Gi braltar and Teneriffe. Brandy, Ift and 4th Proof, Tensriffe Wine, in pipes, hhds. and quarter clfo, Benecalo ditto, ' g Hazlertits in Sacks, Alto, cargo of the brig Oood Hop#, capt. Hubbor, from Jamaica. Sugar in HogJhefcds, Coffee in ditto, High proof Spirit, Logwood, Hides, &c. For fala by Peter Blight. A*S*H 11 EMANUEL WALKER, 1 1 < _ £}». 73, South Front-ftrect, ] bit 10 K SALS, ] 150 Hoglheacs Virginia Tobacco , ] Of th infpedtiju*. of Kickmond, Peteriburgh, and | liV.Uv.livr . - — — 20,0001b Virginia Bacon )n prime order for (hipping. I Air,, K -20 Hogsheads Windward Island Rum. Na WANTED, Hc A Miller, of chara&er and abilities, to Aj ~ undertake the management of a Merchant Mill in Virgi- g a nia, a«d to whom liberal wages will be given.—Apply a 1 mbove. Ca September l?. f-W.m.S. H< St. Croix Sugar & Rum. Now landing from on board the brig William Ptnnock, Thomas Ho//; ay, majler, Pritfie St. Croix Sugar and Rum. FOR. SAL t B Y Pragers & Co. I Who have a'fo on Hand, th St. Domingo SUGAR ; tv Havanna MOLASSES; and T London particular Madeira WINE. 01 Sept. ir, 1795. #iw a- LANDING, from on board the Ship Charlotte. Capt. Jona. Bo<wert, from Bourcieaux, 30 Pipes Brandy Jo Tons Claset For sale by :r * F. COPPING ER, . No. 121 South Front, near Pine street. m J Who has al/O, al 3300 cases of 30 &50 bottles, Choicc Old Claret ** — ioc hogsheads ditto A Qjoiitity of Annifeed _ NoyauT Liqueurs and Canibricks. ? July l 6 f ' FOR SALE, P 1,1 Imported in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and t)r Madrafs, a untidy of 0 )77 BENGAL GOODS; ti Guarrahs, Baftas, lc- Co/Ties, * 0 icy Humhums, ot- Handkerchiefs, c m- Persians, Calicoes. To be Sold by the Package, for approved notts at t three and four months, by S tr WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. 0 No. 42 Dock Street, or t - JOHN MILLER, Jun. ion' August t8 [ ~ FOR SALE, For approved Notes at futy days, 14 Pip«genuine Madeira WINE, belt London particular; r ,60 pieces light and dark grounJ CHINTZES of an exc;l- 1 lent quality. Apply to a ' "• Footman & Co. c if 14th Sept. 1795. ■ S 1 i ; n The hif'beft price in Cash, will be given for EMPTY BOTTLES, 14 A preference will be given to Claret Bottle". —Apply to j 4< No. 187, south Third-itreet. 1 Afri. I*. * burr mill stones Made by OLIVER EVANS at hi. Faclory, m the o wind-mill in Elmfley's al ey, ,U Scconi-firtd, a little Mow Dulflnet, WHERE those who apply-may be fupplie wi ( of such quality a, will frit the,,' — stones for gudgeon, to run on, and Pladcer of c ff* ketPs for- &/i I- fi-i , r\ • At hij dwelling No. »I J north Second-street, a lit e a o Vineflret, Boulting Cloths, A complete assortment of both imported and nunufa<ftured for merchant and country .vork, « warrants good. ALSO, -The Young Millwright's and Miller's Containing a system of mechanics and hydrau.icsas , apply to water mills with the whole P r ® c^ g 0 » 211 « late improvements on the art of manafa&unng < 1 intended to be ufeful to all concerned in huildinj or § watcr-mill?> which book is fold by Matthew arey Robert Campbell, bookfellcrs. c Sept. »j. 3t d2awX Frelh TEA S, Of fnftritr fujlity, viz. Imperial, or Gunpowder H) son Gomee, I ft quality Hyson, id. do- V»0. Young Hyion, Hylon Skin, and Souchong. j A fenv Boxej of each, for fait at No. 19, Third Street, South. German Pajfengers Just arrived the ship Holland, Captain Franklin, from Hamburgh, now at anchor oppofit; Yine-flreet, whose time it to be agreed for by applying on board, or to PRAGERS & Co. SdJ>ietnh*r 10. d. FOR SALE, A quantity of Frejh Perfumery, From France. Litrwifr, Malaga Wine, in quarter talks and pipes; Do. Lead, in (been ; 70 hoglkcadt upper Potowmaek Tobacco j i. And an invoice of FINE FRENCH LACES. APPLY TO Sam. Breck, jun. >ept, xS, aod6t. PETER BORGER, AV 119 Mulberry-Jlrect, Ha; for Sale, by /~\NF. hundred and fifty boxes t-f white Window Glass of a superior quality ; eonfifting of 19 bf It, 2 by res, 7 by 9, and 6 by 8. 100 Boxes of Caltile Soap. Ofnaburg and Ticklenburg, in bale*. 100 Boxes Sweet Oil, containing i» bottlet each. To* above are entitled ti a drawback. Dowlaffet—Table Cloths, i-i, 3-4, &» yirdt wide. Muslins—Oil Cloth—Traveling Cafst. , Dutch Great Coats. September 7- cr — S H O T, OF all fixes, from 31 lb to Grape, Camboniss, Pots, and other callings exetut:d at the shortest notice, Nail rods, from lod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for cafcs or cutting Ist* mailt, frost . a brad to lid nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loclb. gi" Bar Iron, 7" A Quantity of Jamet River Tobaeeo, Carolina Pork. ' - '• Herrings in barrels, Kiln»dried core meal in Hhds. and Bbls. Rye flour &c. to be fold by Kh Levi Hollingfyuortb & Son. ,C ' A*z*Jl 4 a l. United States, > P. nnfyUania Dittridt. J NOTICE is hereby given, that the trialt of criminal caufen in the circuit court »f the United Statct, for the Pennsylvania diftridl, wfll commence on Monday, th» twelfth day of Oftobcr next, at the court house in York Town; when and where all pcrlens bound by reeogniaeno* 7 or otherwise to app ar, are roquired to attend. Hy order of th_ hoco*rable William Paterfon, Esquire, one of the ACTociate Justices of the Suprcnae Court of the United States, and the honour Ale Richard Petert, "re. Esquire, Diftrift Judge of the United States foe the Fcnnfylvania diftridl. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marjhal. Marjhal's Office, Sept 9, 1795. U,th&s,iaOSt. O* The printers of newspapers to the westward and t. northward of Philadelphia, are requeued to icfsrt tin above. ret ■ ' ' ■ ■ - ■ DUTT ON CARRIAGES. NOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably to an aft of Congress of the Unit d States, of the jtW June, 179 4, for laying duties upon Carriages for the conveyance •( persons—" That there shall be levied, eolleded, and pii 4, j upon all carriages for the conveyance of persons, whiA (ln {hall be kept by or for any peifon, for his or her own use, or to let oat to |hire, or for the conveying of pafljD)j«rs, the several dutiet and rates following, to wit For and upon every coach, the ) early sum of 10 dollars. For and upon every chariot the yearly sum of 8 dollars. For and upon every phaston and coachee, the yearly sum of 6 dollars. F»r and upon every other four wheel an 1 two wheel top carriage, the yearly sum of 1 dollars. And npon every othsr two wheel carriage one dollar. The Officers of Infpe&ion of the First Survey of the dif. ' at triil of Pennsylvania, will attend within the month of September next, at No. Ix 7, in Saffafras street, in the city >. of Philadelphia; at the house of Daniel St. Clair, £fq. in or the county of Montgomery ; and at' the house of Mr. A brabam Dubois, in the counry of Bucks; of which all • ' persons pofTeflcd of f ch carriages are desired to take no. tice. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, To all retail dealers in wines, and foreign difr-Ued fpi, ular; rituous liquors, that licenoet will be granted to them, one xcel- licence for carrying on the business of retailing win si in a a less quantity, or in left quantities than 30 gallons— and '0. one licence for carrying on the business of retailing fpiri. § tuou« liquors in lels quantities than io gallon*, at the fara* time, and at the fame places, by the officers legally autho rized to grant such licences. William Nichols, *7 *° Infpcdor of the Revenue of First Surrey of the DiftriA si Peaafylvaai» 4 Pluladalphk, lj, I?9Sr d \fOLUMR Vin.