Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 29, 1795, Image 4

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    BOOK 8, Printed for and
Pultijhed by MATHEW CAREY,
n°. iiß market street.
fPrice Sixteen Dollars.)
New Syfiem of Modern Geography 1
Or, a Getvralatfol) Hulerital anJ Cammeriitl Grammar ;
end prefer.! fete r f tbe federal Satidne of the
Th: figures, motions, and culiar to each country,
diftiuccs »f thf Planets, ac- VII. Observations on the
obrftefj to the Newtonian fjri- changes that havf been any
tem, and the latest "obj&rVa- where observed upon the face
C«on» of nature since the most fiar'-
11. A g'neral view of the ly peri ids of hi (lory.
Sarih considered as a pknet; VIII. History and origin
With fwcral tifefal definition of nations; their forms of go
Knit problems. vernment, rcfigustion, laws,
HI. Grand diviCsns tlic revenues, taxes, naval and
Globe into land and tvater, military ftrengrfi.
continents and ifl-.jtds.
Situation and'extent us em- tonis and habits of the people,
pire», kingdoms, Hates, pro- X. Th?ir language, learn
and colonies. i g, arts, fcicnces, manufac-
V. Their climate",»ir, foil, tures and commerce,
vegetables, produ&ions, me* XI. Chief cities, ftru Aures
tils, minerals, nataral curio- ruins, and artificial curiosities.
fities, fcas, rivers, bays, pro- XII. Latitude, longitude,
montoriesand Lakes. bearings and diitanccsof prin-
VI. Buds anJ Brails pa- cipal placesfromPhiladclphia.
I. A Geographical Isdex, with the names and places a pha
betically arranged.
it. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
dollars aiid cents.
CI. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from
the Creation to the pr„fent time.
The Agronomical port by Jamts Fcrgujtm, F. X. 5.
Oorrciljd by Dr. David Rittenhousi.
To vjkich are added,
the l ite Dilcover/ci of Dr. Herfchell, arid other eminent
The first amfrican KGiTinN, cnrre&ed, improved, and
greatly en'.a
ifged. Containing the foilowr in j
Map» and Plates.
1 Map of the World
2 Chart of the World
3 Europe 25 United States
sroundtheNorth 26 British Dominions in A«*
F <M.
< i
Ed n, D umark, Nor- 17 W-ft Indies
•way a&dfFiuhnd. S£*Province of ATaUe
6 K : il\a
7 gcotknd
S England and Wales
3*'Rlio<te Island
3? s Vermoßt
II Seven United Provinces ; New Jtrfey
13 Ac'.trnm, French and 36'Pennfylvania
9 Ireland
10 Francs
11' Seat
Dut h Netherlands
38* Maryland
3?* Virginia
16 Poland 40*Rentucky
17 Spain and Portugal 4 i*North Carolina
18 Italy 4 z*Tcneflee government
1g Turkey in Europe 43*Souih Carolina
20 Asia 44*Gcorgia
ai*Difcovenes mads by cap- 45 Copernkan fyftcm
tains Cooke Mid Gierke. 46 ArmiUary fphans
22 China
X 4 Germany
jj Swit:
The Maps marked with linn are added to thi« odStio»,
•iclnlve of tnolc in the lift Loudon edition.
The United States Register for 1795,
Price S o Cents. C O N T E NT S.
Calendar, with the neccfiary B®ida!
sables, &c. &c,
Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers
Legislature Stateuicrc oi Export!
Judiciary Public iJeot
Department sf Stale Pay, &c. pf the army
department of 'the Treifury Mint Eftsblrfliment
Commissioners of Loans Rule* for reducing the cur-
Officers of the Csitoms rencies of the dilcrent
Rovenuc Cotters slates to a par with cach
Lijht Heul'es othor
o,!ic-cr« of the Eicife Tables of the nvrab-r of
Duties and Dutiable article* cents and decimal parts
ixsmp s from duties in any number of (hillings
Duties on tonnage and pence lefstlun a dol
•*■" ■ 1 011 domtftic olije.l? fer in the currencies of
Drawbacks, &c. and regit the diffcrcut iUt«>
Utfcm» to be ofarved in Tables (hewing the value of
Obtaining them dollars in the carreacio
General Abftrait from the 01 ditto
revenue liv;s, relating tw Pofi-olEce eilablilhment
the (iuty of matters o: Lift of Post-Towns, ice.
reflets, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of
&< ef goo is, ar.d the the principal towns in the
officers of the' customs; . Unitfcd State*
to the payment of duties, Banks
and tie importation of Literary Institutions
goods National iiaaufa&ory
JEipences of Government Scflious of the Courts
for* X 794
of War
Stats Coviknmenti.
New HampiKuc South-Carotin*
V ermont Georgia
Mafiachafett# Order ot time in which the
Gonneiticut federal States Idopted the
New-York l'ederal Constitution
tiew-Jerfey Tat"* of the Sun's riCag
Pennfvlvania and fettinj
Delaware AbftraA of goods, wares,
Maryland and merchandize export-
Virginia «d from the United States
Kentucky from the rft of October
Noctii-Carolina *90, to 30th Sept, 1 741-
Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. Rowfon, of the
new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second American edition—
Frice 75 cents. ;The rapid sale of the firft edition of this
euterefting novel, iu a f«w months is the baft criterion of
its merit.]
** k may be a tale of truth, for it js not unnatural, and
it is a tale of real ailhvfs—Charlo te, by the axtificc ot a
teacher, recommended to a l'chool, from humanity rz*
ther than'a conviction of her integrity, or the regularity,
of htr former conduct, is e»ticed lrom her goverr.efs, and
accompanies a youn# officer to America—the marriage
ccremony, if not forgotten, is pollponed, and Charlotte
dies a martyr to the inconhancy of her lover and treach
• «y of his friend.
The situations arc artless and affcfling—the description
Bafural afod pathetic \ we should feel for Charlotte if such a
person ever exitlcd* who for one error, fcarcslr, perhaps
deferred so Jevere a punishment. If it is a fivflion, poetic
juiiice is not, v e think, properly distributed."
I. The InquiGtcr—by Mrs. Rowfon Second Philadel
phia edition. 87 1 a cents.
а. Adventures of Rodcric Random-, i vols. I dollar and
jo cents, coarse paper —i dollar and 75 cents fine.
3. Notes on thj ft ate: of Virginia —-by Thomas JeiTerfon.
Price nearly bound, or? doitar and x half.
4. History of the French Revolution, from its com
mencement to the death 01 the Queen and the execution
of Brifiot. 2 ollurs.
f, Plowden's History of the Brittfh Empire, from May
-1792, to December 1 793. 1 dollar and a quarter
JThis is an interesting; and valuable publication as has
б. Beatti?'s Element* of Moral Science,
lar and three quarurs,
IX. Genius, zianners,Vuf-
v 2 9"* New Harapfliie
31 *Cormei£licut
37* Delaware
,-s of the United
1 rols. One dol
FhlLMD£LPtil/l, P&JNTSD sy JOHN jFWNO, N°- 119 C6efr,*Str<fr—i?wt Six Dv>ii,*fs £e* /\nkw«.
Collins AncUnt History.
By Benjamin DayieiW. Woodward,
For priritinir, by fubfeription,
Egyptians, Medes, and
By the juflly celebrated M Rellin :
Late Principal of the University of Paris, Profeffor of E
loqutnce is the Royal College, and Member of the
Royal Academy oflufcript ons & Belles Lettrtj.
" In this work appears the fame principles of religion,
of probity, and the fame happy enaeavoujs to improve the
minds of yonth, which are (o conspicuous in all t£s writ
ings of this author." " What you wr.te," fays the learn
ed bishop of Rochester, to the author, " may undoubted
ly be read with pleasure and improvement, byperfonsnot
unacqnainted in the learning of the fame kind; far, while
you call to mind ancient fads, and things fufficiently
k»own, you do it in such a maun r, that you illustrate,
you cmbellifh them, still adding something new to the
old, fomethixg entirely your own to the labours of others;
by good pi&ures in a good light, you make them
appear with unulual elegance, and more exalted beauties,
even to those who kave ften and studied them moil."
I This work will b; put to prefi m s oon at the number
of fubfcri'rier» a.nount to five hundred.
11. It shall be printed with a type entirely new, ox the
be A printing paper that can be procured. .
11l- It shall be contained in ten duod cimo volmici, neat
ly bound and lettered; which will be delivered to thefub
ftriH-rs at one dollar per volume, to be paid on delivery
of each.
IV. Each volume fliall be enriahed witfc a beautiful
irontispieee, al ufive to fomc retuarkabU fa4t or event, re
corder in the rolume.
To a work of such great intrinsic merit and exten
sive utility, the publifhcra for a generous encou
ragement, and they intend to mfert an-alphabetical lift
•ftlie names of ;heir patrons, at the cloftof the last
Sul.frriptinns will be taken by the Publifcera B. Da
vit, No. 6a, Hvli Sireet, and W. W, Woodward,
Pr liter, iVo. 16, Chefnut street, and by all the princi
pal booki'ellert throughout the United Stiteß.
Those gent'emen who take fubfcr ption papers, will
oblige the publilhers by returning them by the lit of
1 hose who shall obtain 11 fubferibers, and beeomr
accountable for the money, (hall receive one copy
gratis; and :o boi'kfcllcrs, who promote the(fubfcrip
tion, the cuflomarr allowance ftiallbe made.
Sept. 16. 6tiaw.
sr Francis and Robert Bailsy,
Tor by fubfeription,
Compendious Geographical Dictiohaiv ;
A defcr:pti«n of all the republics, ftatet, kingdoms, pro
vinces, c -.ies, chi- f towijn, forts, fortrefTes, caflles, cita
del?, fiias, bays,, harbours, lakes, mountains, capes,
aud promontories in the known world,
'J'or ether with
The s'lvernnnent, policy, customs, mShners, and reli
gion of tlie inhabitants, tic extent, boundaries, and natu
ral productions of each country, and the trade, mami*ae
taivs, aiid curiofitict of she citict and towns rhiir latitade,
longitude, bearings and diflances from hecapi-alof Pann
f)lvania, and tiic various events by which, tkey have been
C«r*/itlly compiled from thf Gaietteert of
Jens , and Gulbrit
Tiie inacenra-ie* and emissions generally complained
of in tke writings ot Europeans rcfpc-Aing the situation,
:ltent, &c. of o*ir owt. country, willbe obvuttl in this
work ; for the editors mean to add fi'teen new mips of the
United otites, taken from the mofl accurate fu riys—and
to avail themf'lvea of every information given by the lat
e'l Geographers, travellers and naviga:ors whica can be
obtained within the union;
1. Th« Unirerfal Grxett»er Hi .ill be printed in lirge oAa-
vo, in in elegam manner, en a new type and gaid paper.
11. As soon as 503 copies are fubfciibtd for, the Kcrk will
be iramidiattly put to press.
111. The work will be printed in numbers, •ontiiniitg 40
pages, at one fourth of a dollar each.
IV. F'he money to be pud on the delivery of each number.
*„ * Sublcriptions will be received by the publ|(her»No.
116 High-treet, and Messrs. Crukfhank, Dobfon, Youm»,
Campbell, H & P. Ri«e, Moreau de St. Merry, and all the
principal Booksellers in this city j likewise by Messrs.
Hodge, Greenleaf, Campbell, M'Lane. and Allen, New-
York; Thomas & Andrews, and Divid Weft, Bolton ;
Yundt & Brown, Baltimore; Augu.lus Davis, Richmond:
and William P. Young, & Piter i renean, Charleston, S. C.
August a 7, tod.
Tot printing by Subscription (in fu large o<9avo volumes)
With Notes, Hiflorical and Critical,and the Use of Plutareh,
by John and William Lanfh rne,
THF. Editors think it would be an intuit on common un
demanding, to expatiate on the m rits of this work: they
content thomfelves with giving the following quotation
from the Preface:
" If the merits of a work may be esteemed from the uni
versality of its reception, Plutaksh's Lives have a claim
to the f 1 rft honors of litcratute. No book has been more
generally fought after, or read with greater avidity. It
was one of the firft that was brought out of th"- ratr.ats of
the learned, and translated into the modern languages.
I This work {hall be 111. As soon at a fufficieiit
printed in weekly numbers, number of fisbferibers appear
of sixty-sour pages, at twen- on the lifts, the work will be
ty-five cents each, payable put to press.
on delivery. Responsible IV. Those who prefer,may
fubferixrs for fix copies, receive them in volumes, of
(hall receiveafeventh gratis, three hundred and eighty
-11, It ihall be printed on a four pages, bound,at one dol
finepaper,a«danentiren.w lar and ieventy-five cents
type, each. 4,
High-flxect, Mr, John Parker,
Mejfrs Carey, Dobfnn, Cdtxpbel*.
and Ormro.i, Booksellers, Phil:
Printers and Booksellers thro
August 17. '
rHF. time of a mulatto girl, of about 16 years old, who
has between tivc and lix years to serve, and who is
:apable of the duties of a chambermaid or a plain cook.
Enquire of the Printer. Aug 6 f§§!6w
Macedonians, and
O R,
ceivedby the Editors, No. 116,
•, No. 76, North Eighth-ftrect,
Hit:, Cruljbanl,Stevenj ) T~owig,
lidelphia, and by the principal
oughout the Union
m&th 4w.
American Land/capes.
Twenty-Four VIEWS,
SELECTED from the most fit iking and rnterefting
Profpe&s in the United States ; each «f which
Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Atetbtr tb* " M&najiic Remains and Avaent QaAla hi Grtat
I. That the work shall be published by Subscription; and
that each Subscriber (hall engage to take the whole set
of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving, if blaii or
brown, 1 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars.
1. That the dimensions of each engraving (hall be 24 by 17
inches, executed in ?quatinta, and published upon paper
of a superior quality. The publication to commence im
mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub
scribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month,
until the proposed series (hail be finally completed.
111. That with the lafl View of the series, (bail be deli
vered an engraved title-page; an elegant chara&eiiftic
vignette: a map of the route, conneited with the prof
petfs exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an
Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers
Subscriptions are received by Mr. Marrifon, at his Print
!hop, Maiden, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er, No. 118, Market ftrect, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Book-feller» in the United Itatus.
February J?
City ot VVaihingtoii.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, Ne. 2,
1 A magnificent ( J, and
dwelling house, 5 calh 31,000 ne
l ditto 15,000 &ci 25,000
1 ditio 15,000 & cash 15,000
1 dtno ie,ooo Si cafn 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 <Sccalh j5»ooo
1 cJit: <» 5,000 «Sc rafti 5,090
s C<ifh ptixc ol
s <111 0 5,00* each) ar«
I© ditto 1,000
ao dut«
100 aitto
100 (litl»
400 ditto
t,o©o did*
15,000 ditto
16.739 Pri4f «
33,561 Biai<ki
jo,©®© Ticktu at 8 aol'.iM
This Lottery will sfford an elegant specimen of the
privste building, to be erected in the Citv of Wafhingtou
— Two beautiful are already felefird for the entire
fronis on two of the public IquatCi ; trom these draw.
i"gs, it it proposed 10 ereik two' centre and tour cornei
buildings, at soon as pofliblt alter this Lotlery is fold, and
to convey them when complele, to the fortunate adveotur.
rts, in the manner described in the scheme lortheHoie
Lottery. A nett d. duttion of five per cent, will be raadt
to defray the nuceffary expenses of printing, &c. and
the f*i»lu< will be madea part of the fund intended sot the
National L'niveifity, to be eiefted within the City ot
Ips The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets
■ arc fold oft. " Ihe money prtret will be payable
in thirty days alter u is finifhed, and any p. iaes for which
fortunate numbers ate not ptoduced within twelve months
alter the drawing is doled are to be coofidetcd as given
towards the fund lor the Univerfiiy, 11 b ing determin
ed to fettle the whole bufiuris in a >car from the ending
of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu-
Thf ie»l frruiitics given for the pavmen! of the Priae
are Ur!d bythe President and two Dirt Son of the Hjnk
of Columbia, and are valued at more lliau hall the amount
of Hie . I y
The twentf four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commillioners affiled .n the itvinagemen of the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk
a ictond time on behalf of the public ; a lufHcient num
ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
si iends to a National University and the other federal ob
j'ea» may continue to favor the d-tign. The synopsis of
one of the Colleger, to form a branch of the National
Iflftitution, is already in the preft, and will be fpcedily
publilhcd, together with its constitution
A compleat Plan of the whola of this Important
Institution, compiled from a felcclion of the bed materi
als, ancient anjl modern, will be submitted to the public
whenever the fame may have gone through fiich reviftons
as may be ncee.Tary to establish the perfect confidence and
genera! approbation, so essential to its present rife and fu
ture existence for the general good of America.
By accounts received from the diflerent parts of the
Continent as well at from Europe, where the tickets
have been lent for sale, the public are alTared that the
drawing will speedily comratiue, and that the care and
caution unavoidably necefiary to insure a fafe disposal of
the tickets has rendered the (nor; fvfpeofion indilpenfable.
February 44, I?9J.
Aug 50
%' Ticket! m»y be hH «t the Bank ol Cilambia;
of James Writ &c Co. Baltimore or Gideon Denifon,
Savannah, of Peter Giltmn, Bo ft on ; of John Hopkinv
R" k '1 " R'fhvrf 'V-*' l ' frr***".
N®. 64,/ nit Sfi*l-J!relt,
CANAL Tickets for sale, and calk or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn.
Information given refpedin; Wafliington lottery, and
eafh or Canal tickets given for priaes that may be drawn,
Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
BOOKS will be kept of each Jay's drawing in both lot
teries and open gratis to the enquiries of the possessors of
Tickets purchased at the OFFICE.
0" Halves, quarters, aud eighths of Tickets may be
ha 1 at the above Office. Stpi. »6. 5
A very valuable ESTATE,
SITUATE M tie townfiif of Upper Derby, and aunty of
Delaware, 7 l-l miles from Philadelphia, and half amile
from lie mio IVefcrn road: containing 130 acres of excellent
Land, 45 of ixbicb are good ivatcred Afeadow, go of prime
Wood Land, and tie rel Arable of the firjt quality. There an
n the pretnt/n it good two/lory Brict Hcufe, ■with 4 rooms on
a floor, and Cellars under the ■whole, mita a Pump Well of ex
eeilent ii'ater in front; a large frame JSarn, Stables, and other
convenient buildings; a Smoie-Hau/c andfane Spring House ; two
good Applet Ore ha; -ds, and one of Peaches. The Fields are all in
Clover, except ihafe immediately under tillage, and are so laid
out as to have the advantage of IVaier in each of them, -which
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
ILe J.i-uation is phafant and healthy, and from the hi h culti
vation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and the vicinity to the ci
ty, it is very fuilabU for * Gent M ian's Country Sea..'
Iht foregoing is part of the Spate of Jacob Hi,aa K deccafed
and offered for jale by MGRD2CAI LKWIS
Surv I'.'.Tgf Executor.
June 4, 179
Britain.* 1
10, Of O
1 0,000
4 •0,000
Sale of valuable Proper!
On Tuesday, the 13th day of October, z 795,
At the Toiitine Coffee-Houfe hi New-York, at 11 o'clock
in the forenoon, all the right, title, andintcrtft of the
la the following valuable TRACTS of I.AND, "Si.
I• \LL that tradt of land containing about 1500*,
X\ situate in the county of Orange, beifig part of the
mountain lots No. tz and jj, in the pat -nt of Cheefecocki
formerly laid out by Charles Clinton, Esq. dcceaftd, and
purchased by th'c Agent of the American Iron Company of
William Smith, Esq. on the oh day of Nov;ni'b«r, 17664
This trifl contains fotije plough land and; also
Potucke'it Pond and the otitic ts thereof.
4. All that tract of land situate 011 the well fide of Hud
son's river, near Buttermilk Falls; containing lOOsacrci.
In this tract there is said to be a valuable mine, some good
swamp and timber land.
3. AU thofetwo trait; situate on. the north fije of the
Mohawk river, being part of the Manor of Cofby, pur
chased by the Agent of the American Iron Company in tho
years 1765 and 1767, of Oliver Delancy, Efq the oue con
taining acres, the other 3815 acres.
4. All that trail of land si uute on the north fide of thfc
Mohawk river, near the German F»ats; adjoining part of
Colby's manor, and bounded on the eafl by Canada creek.
This trad will be divided, and fold in the following Lots,
T containing 966
* 9°7
3 844
4 So'-
J 762
6 805
1 97°
8 1000
I 000
13 ic-oo J
The tra<st on No. 4 is chiefly beach, n/iaple, bass and elm.
The purchase money to be paid by the following
tients, viz. one-fourth on the day of sale: one-fourth on thy
firft Tuesday in April next; one-fourth on the firft Tu.fday'
in October, 1796; and the remainder on the firll Tuesday
in April, 1797* when deed» will be given tp the purchaser.
Plans of the different tra&s of lund may be fjjn by ap
plying to Mr. Peter Goelrt, one of trustees, in New-
York; or to Mr. Edward Edivards, m Philadelphia,
September 19,
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raifc 39,900 DtlUri, on 266,000 DdUn l>ci*Bi*% tg
per Cent, from the Prius—This Loiter) confifti»/ 38,003
Tukcti, in which there ate 14.539 I'riui, and ay,401
Blanks, ieing about one and an ha!j tlanks 10 4 Prize.
THl£ DireftorsoftheSocicty foieil,blifh nL'Ulelul Ma.
nufafiur™, hiving resolved toercit LO TTEi< lES lot
raising On B Humdrio Th«>ijs<nd agreeably
loan Ail of the Ltgifliture of the Statt ol New-Jeifcy,
have appointed the loliowing persons to fupermtend and
direQthe drawingo! the faint, viz. Nicholas Low, Rului
King, Herman Le Roy, James Wat lon, Kicbaid Hai
rifun, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Hay, of the ritj of
New-Yoik—Thomas Willing, Jofcph Mall", Matthew .Vl'#
Cnnneland Andrew Bayard, of the cify of Philadelphts
—Hu Excellency Richard Howell, hfq. Eliaj Eoudiftor,
General hlia» Dayteii, Janus Patker, John Bayard, £TiQ.
or Donhain, Samuel W. Stockton, VI. Wa'..
lace, Juleph Bhiomficld, and Elilha Uoudlnot, of N w
Jcrley. who ortei the following Scheme »f a Lmteiy,
and pledge themfelvcs to the public, that they will t„ke
every alJur ncr and precaution in their power lo have the
Monies frifld by the Managers !rom ti:we to time, asrectiv~
ed, into the Hanks at New-Yoik and Philadelphia, ta
remain for the purpose ol paying Priz » wl.ich ihall t>«
immeuiaielydifcharged by > ehecK unon one ol the tianks;-
1 Txixcof
3 000
1 4»539 Prirci,
38000 Tickets at J Botiirstachis
The drawing will commence, under the infpc&i"n of
a Committee of ihe Superintendents, as soon «>s the Tick
ets arc fold, at which timely noiice wiil be given.
The Supertnteadant* have appointed John N. Camming
of Newark, Jacob R. Hardenberg, ot New-Bruntwvck y
and JonaikuM Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who heve giveu ample security tor difchargmg
Che trust reposed in their..
Pr In order tofecure the punctual payment of the
Prizes, the Superintendants of :he Lottery Wave direeled
that the Manager* shall each enter into bonds in 46,000
dollar*, vyith four (uAcientfecu'ritit«, to perform the.r .11-
flru&iont, the fubitanc* of which »*
I. That whenever either of the Manager* fcall receive
| the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, ininidiatil) he lhall
place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Phi
ladelphia, to the cirdit »f the Governor of the
and such of the Superintendants as ive in the city wh.tre
the monies are placed, to remain there untii the Lottery
is drawn, for the payment of the Prizes.
11. The Managers 10 take fufneient security for any
Tickets they may trust, otherwise to fcc responsible for then**
111. To ktep regular books of Tickets fold/ Mo"-
me* received and paid into the Bank, abrtrafll of which
lhall be feht, monthly, to theGovemor of the Sdcicty.
Patcrfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gemtemA inf. r
matio'i will be given where t kets may bcjrfed. xn&. (f
James iVl'Alpin^
_ N®. 3 South Fourth Strert,
T) ETURNS bis grateful achnrnvledgementt whit TrienJ, and if,.
IV Public for their liberal encouragement, M lm leavclefotltii
a continuance of their favt s.
At bis Shop gentlemen may be furnijh C <uJtltb the bcl materiaii,'
KMjinjMJm the xicj} fafllmabl, manner.
Me -will thankfully receive aw or den and pay a prompt and
p 'nftualattention to 'bent. Oft. I {
Fifty Reward.
F, C/R delivering to the fubferiber, a Negr®
A. Boy named PISRCE, about nineteen years
of age, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, speaks good
Engiilh, but rather hesitates 3 little before he anfwert
a queilion, very fat and rogud in the face, has a large
Scar from a wound on the back of one #f his U-«s,
a little above the heel. Had on vfhen he went awav,
an old Green Coatee and Trowfera, and an old leather
hat torn on one fide, a pair of half worn Boots 7 b ( ut
took with him Shoes and Stockings, the Stockings are
iiite, had also a nundie tied up in a red fi!k hand*
kerchief; it is likely he may have a good deal of mo
ney with him—He is a bariic-r by trade.
, north Third street.
Pnilad. 25th, Sept. 1795. i •' aavtf.
Lot 14 containing 1000
15 1 coo.
16 529
17 4U
18 1169
19 Joo«
20 loco ,
a I " J 000 1
20,000 Doliai* is
1 ,cco
* OO
20,00 a
36, so*
Firrt drawn number, a,OOO
Laftdrawn number, 2,000