Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 29, 1795, Image 3

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    half so ho»r. The ce.-rette, fuppoj ted by the fort,
nas received no damage. The Engli/h, it it fup
poled, Have received considerable damage.
A letter from Praen Paille, of the 27th Meffi
dor, 13th July, dates, that the famous Chouan
Shirs Ca'ivaaor has'been killed.
From the Courier Franjaisof the 17th July.
The negotiations with Spain; have been tranf
ferred from B.iflc to- the Pyrennees, where they
Will fpcrdily be brought to a conclusion.
Eight o'clock in the evening
, We have just received the following letter from
Vaniies, dated the 19th in(t. July 7. " The im
portant news of to day in the departure of the Eng
lish fquadrnti, and the retreat of the Brigands, who,
driven from pod to poll, have taken (belter in the
peniiifula of Quiberon, where they ire blockaded
by oar army, whi hi» at Ste-Barbe in front of
Qiiibcron, by Falaife."
{[From the Batave of tlie 17th July. J
BOSTON, September 13.
Agreeable to the invitafon giveu by Citizen
Mozatd, Consul of France at Bolion, on Monday
la!t was celebrated theepoehof the abolition of
Monarchy, and of the eftablifcmcnt of the Repab
lic of France.
The Dawn of the Day was welcomed in by a
discharge of guns.from the Brutus, and from the
Castle, and by the tinging of all the bells in the
town. v
lAt noon a procession was formuJ, and moved
fi#j!h the Stale House, to Faneuil-H.dl, where an
ifk-gant dinner wag ptepared. The ptoceffion con
lifted of the refpeftable Frenchmen in tins town,
and a large number of American citizens—The din
ner was also honored by the company of his Excel
lency Got. Adams, the other officers of government,
the feleftmen, all invited by the French Consul.
After partaking with cordiality and fraternity
of the dinner, the following toasts, delivered bv
citizen M>z.»rd, were "drank, under a dilcharge of
howitzers and with repealed huzzas.
1. The French Republic. Success to its Armies
Wisdom to its Councils, and Liberty and happiness
to its citizens.
2. The United States of America. May their
citizens never abandon thecaufe of liberty, which
they were the firft to defer.d,
3. The Natianal Convention of France. The
con&itution of 1795 ; the virtuous principles ofgo
vernment it inculcates.
4. The republic of Holland—May the interest of
liberty, be one and indivifib'e.
5. Th« representatives of the American People.
The Prelident »t the United States—May lie never
furget the friends, and the principle# which led him
to glory. v
6. The day ; and the tenth Thermidor*—May
all tyrannical governments have one twenty firft of
7. The State of Maflachufetts. It* venerable
end patriotic magistrates.
8. Agriculture, Commerce, Manufafturei, and
9. The memory of those who fell vi&ims to
tyranny. *
io. The town of Boston, and iti Citizen*, friends
to liberty.
11. Tiie friendiof tlic French revolution through
out the world.
12. The Freneh armies—May the gratitude of
the French people immortalize the memories of
those who died gloriously in the cause of liberty.
13. Confufion, Defeat and Dishonour to the
enemies of liberty ; Glory, Union juid Profpeiiiy
to its friends.
14. The Widows and Orphans ot the defenders
of liberty.
15. The Liberty of the Press. Evil to those
who attaok the honor, freedom, lives and property
t>f their fellow cii/.ens.
«■!!>». Volunteer by Governor Adam*.
May Heaven dire& the mcafilretof the Republics
of France and the Unit<*d Netherlands, and may
they ellablifh a conilitution thai will fecurethe li
bertiesofthe citizens.
Volunteer by Mr. Austin.
Mayerery nation, which assumes the title of
" Free, Sovereign, and independent," maintain
the honor of those appellation«, and never meanly
cringe to the ins lenceof a foreign tyrant.
Volunteer by **•***»,
•< The Representatives of the People in Congress—
May the voice of their condituents be heard, and
re-echoed through this primary Organ.
Dr. Jams being absent, on account of in JifpoG
tion—Mr. Jutau, gave as a volunteer toall," The
Patriotic Dr. Jarvis.''
A number of patriotic songs were fi;ng—among
tvhich, we particular difh'nguifhed, ' le ReveiJ du
ftjLsi," by citizen Mallet.-J-
J*Ti»edayf ended in an harraonioni and agreeabl
-J Tl,e
h of Roberfpierrc, and deftruftion ot the
ific by citizen GaveaUx, one of the
8 of music in Parij : Thtg Cong is
beatres in France.
firft conipv
sung in all tl>
The empre Ruflia has ordered, that all nei
tral »elTels arriving within her dominions from an)
nFra:ce, fJ afll not be allowed to take on board
eral American vcfTels, wHo were wholly or in part
laden, have been obliged foyinload, and to depait
in ballafl. This while prove injurotis to otir
various Duck a:sd Iron manofa£lories, in the Uait-
A correfponclent was Vtfill pleased in reading one
©f the toafU given at t!ie celebration of Monday,
a compliment on the FreiwJi Constitution of 1795.
That inflruraent i» on the sentiments con
tained in " Defence of jhe Conftitutios of the
Ujiited States," by our iiluflrious Vice President,
oij whufe abilities and patiiotifm a vety elegant elo
giiim is given by lioi!Tv c''„Anglsis, i" his introduc
tory report on the tonijiiution. The abuse that
able and independent patriot hag received is more
than amply in the good opinion of
this equally able aud statesman.
We are informed, trom good authoritv, ilia; the
following are the heads of the Treaty of Peace, lately
concluded at Greeneville, between the United States,
and the hostile Indian nations.
Beginning at Kayahuga ; thence to the head witers
<>t Mu&ingam, at the Tufcarawa Branch; thence down
the fame to the Fork where Fort St. Lawrence former)*
flood; thence to Lorimier's ftorej thence to Fort Re'
covsry ; thence a line to the Ohio, ending opposite the
mouth of the Kentucky.
6 miles square at Lorimier's fiore.
» do. Head of St. Mary's.
6 do. Fort Wayne.
•. 2 do. Head of the Portage of Wabafo.
6 do. at the Old OuittanMi.
6 do. at Fort Defiance.
6 do. Head of Auglaife.
12 do. at the font oftheßapids of the Miamis river.
6 do. at the rnoufh (east fide jof that river.
6 do. Near the mouth of Sanduiky.
I do. at the Rapids of Sanduiky.
All ceflions formerly made to tke French and Ame
ricans at Detroit, with fix miles wide on each lido.
ivlichilimacanac and its dependencies.
Three miles on each fide the Strait between Lakes
Huron and Michigan.
White Wood Jfle; a present from a Chippawa Chief.
Six miles square at the mouth of Chickagow.
Si* do. on the Lake at the head of tkc Illonois,
where the portage place is.
Twelte miles fquar* at the mouth of Illinois.
All lands heretofore ceded to the French and Engli/h
in the Illinois country, the Wibjfti, Clark's groat,
and Fort Maffac. 6
All rivers and roads to be free to each party.
Indians not to fell lands but to the United States.
I Wenty thousand dollars, in goods, paid down to
the Indians; and 9,000 dollars per annum.
I Our reader# will perceive, by the aceoints received
by the Montezuma, arrived at Baltimore, that the E
migrants had heen attacked and defeated, and 1
driven on to a'peninfula in Bay —Further
accounts were lall evening received by the brig Betsey,
Captain While, from who left that poit
the uih of July, bat put into Yorbay, where the Cap
taiia received a j.ondon paper, the Star of the 30U1
the fame moijth—'l his paper contains an account . tiia
" on the 11ft of July,_ at night, the French Genera
Moche, with a eonfiderable force, made an attach o:
the Emigrant 1 ofts in Quiber n, drove every thing b<
fore him, attacked Fort Sansculotte, cut thai";
defended it ta pieces, earned all the entrenchments,
and completely drove the Emigrants from the peninfu
la. 7he loss on this occasion is variouflv stated: to
this country (England) the whole force kit been loft j
but it does not follow that all the individuals who com
posed it have been butchered; on the contrary many
ol them joined the Republicans, and aflifted them in
gaining the vidlory. What else could be expelled frotr
men who were prisoners of war in fiis country, am
who entitled in the emigrant corps with no other view
than thereby to be enabled to reach their own country
1 he mofl moderate aci ount we have heard, states th<
loss in killed at upwards of two shoufand, betides th<
prisoners, and those who went over to the enemy. Al
our {lores are gone, and all our attillery, includini
some upper deck guns that had been landed from ou
Ihips for the batteries, betides those which we forme
Some of the emigrant! fextunately effected tlieir
escape on board oar fleet ; we know not how
many, at Come of our a.-rounts state them at only a
few hundreds, while other» m»ke them amount to
nearly 2000, including women ana children. Ma
ny in attempting to gain the ftipi perifocd in the
Thi* morning; between 7 & 8 o'clock* fire broke
out in a wooden house, south east corner of Mul
berry and Bth ftreetn, which was not cxtinguiihed
till :he building wag nearly deflroyed and the ad
joining which were also wood, were great
ly injured.
BERMUDA, Sept. £.
The important intelligence from England, in
ferteil in tliil day's paper, prevents our giving the
rascally rcfolutions of the meetings of the mobility
in America »n the uiijinifhcii treaty of commerce,
the copy of which was given by the treacherous
Mr. Mason, of Virginia, whom we suppose, from
particular circumstances, to be confidsrably indebt
ed to the British merchants. .
The lawless banditti in the principal towns of
America at present carry every thing befoie them ;
and are proceeding as nearly as possible in the fame
manner as they have done, in France; any mau in
clined to peace or moderate measures are in danger
of their lives. "
Wednesday came an at the Court of Vice Ad
miralty, the trial of the fliip Sumerfet, Capiain
Miller, of New Y»rk, captured by hit majetty's
(hip» Argonaut.and L'Oifeau, on her passage sum
Bourdeaux, but as the decree it not yet given in,
we (hall farbear giving at present an accouut of the
On thf"above trial American honsjly never shone
m a more striking light, for in the inftruftionsto
the master, it ivai particularly ordered that the
leather for the National Convention, (of which the
(hip on her outward bound passage had a preat
quantity, for the use of the French array, and con
tra&eil for by their Ambassador in Americaffhould
not at any rate be put into a dry (lore until weigh
ed, and ii wet ten times a day would not injure it
in the least, as it was well tanned —[It mult be ob
feived, l h ;ft it was fold by 'weighty to be weighed
in France J
Extra'ft of a letter from a late made* of a British
veflel, prisoner at Aiix-Cayei, dated Jun« 14th,
to a gentleman in these Iflsnd*.
" I hope you will endeavour to make our fixa
tion known ; there are here 200 British fubjcft»;
we are condemned to the public worki ; not allow
ed the lead thing to subsist on, but on the contra
ry, art taxed a quaeter a dollar per day j a great
number have died, and if no relief soon, few will be
left to exchange."
The Aurora published lhi» marking by Mr.
Bache, contains the following candid, dicmt, patri
otic JriSurei.on the President of the United States,
ocealioned by the above privateering paragraph* of
th« Bcrmudians.
A Correspondent congratulates hit Highness, the
Pre Went of the United State#, on the rein&rce
nsent his friend*, the advocates tf the treaty, !.ave
received from Bermuda, the worthy inhabitants /IT
which appear as eager toftippoit " tHecanftitated
authorities" „ ur country as'the modern Catiline
01 New-Y .rk. rh» fuveteign contempt- thelc 'tt'>
right, hontji people entertain of « the r fcatly refo
lutions of the Mobility of Awierifa" seems to be
jult on a level with that of hit highneft himfelf, or
h s would-be fuceefTor, Catiline. With this formi
lablc acquisition, the advocates of ®ur mother coun
try, Britain, may bid defiance to the anti-federalirts.
jacobins, diforganiitrs, and democrats of this infa
tuated country, who arc fueh irreconcileable ene
mies to the bl -flings and advantages of royalty and
ariftoci acy, which alone can reflefi on our govern
ment the lollre and dignity to which it is lo iufth
entitled. J
Letter Bag of the brig I, fiu 'tn'i for
to mouth, will b' taken from the Poft-OJ/Ue on
Tkurfdny afternoon, ft <;
The following reuivia Oy tU or.g
Betsey, Cetft. White.
LONDON, J»ly N 30.
The Ville de Paris, of no RU bs, wag comp l fte .
Y on Tuesday, and went out of
£>he will be pu? in commission nest month.
A new set of i.o„ ballast h=>» been call, on »ur
poie, for the Ville de Paris, at Chatham.
Our former account of the gallant action fought
by the Dido and Loweftoffe frigate* in the Medi
terranean, has been confumrd by a letter from Me.
Udney, his Majeily's Coiiful at Leghorn. The
following statement ufit comes from general TviW,
governor of Corsica, to his Lady :
When on board Admi al Hotham, the 30th of
J nne in the b,iy of St- Florenza, a cutter tame ex-
P rr,< fr " m "P'-' Towry, who, as Senior Captain,
wen- towards Toulon i- his own frigate, the Dido,
of 28 guns, and the Loweftoffe, cf 3j, captain
Midt.leton—T hey chaied two French frigates of
superior force, who could hare got away, but after
(unning two or three htfurs, rfttet mined to fight.
Ibe Mi;'«nre, a line new frigate, of 40 ga,i B) W as
taken j the Artemife, of 36 guns, escaped. It i«
3 Very gallant thing."
1 lie treaty, as was mentioned yeftcrday in part
"f the impression of this paper, so long pending
between this country and the United States of
America, was latifted (excepting the nth article)
by the Senate, o» the 26th nil. with only five dis
senting voices.
The yoiling American, who wanted to afilrt Boll
mßni ' n eff-ftinj the deliverance us la Fayette :rom
Olmu'z, lias been set at l.berty. But both have
been obliged to take an oath never to return again
to ?ny part of the Aulhian dominions Dr. Boll
man intends to goto England, arid from thence to
embark foi America.
La Fayette Hill continues in custody et Olrr.utt,
from our Plymouth cfrrefpuMdent.
" P!ymoon, July jg.
" Last uight arrived here the Airfon cf 38 gum,
Capt. Durham, from Quiberon Bay, with" dif
patches for the admiralty, with which'an officer set
off express for London : (he It ft the fleet off Belle
ifl« last Tborfdty, then up thr French
coast. The news (he has brought is of a very un
pleasant nature. The current report is, that a
very general aflion tork place the instant, on
the Peuinfula of Quiberon, between the Republi
can army and the Royalills, in which the latter
were cut to pieces : The (laughter continued the
greatcft part of the day and night, 110 quarter being
Riven by either party. The less of the Royslifts
is variously dated, but by the belt accounts the
number miffing amounted to about 8000 men ;
The lo(Vof cloathing and arras is also Hated to he
very considerable, besides the upper-deck gur.s of
several mm of war, that had been previously land
ed for the u(e of the Royalists. In (hort, if the
defeat is ( to the extent reported, the expedition
seems nearly at an end.
" Several wounded royalitt officers are on board
the Anion, and her crew are said to be very ficklr.
«• *Ve are happy to (late, that from al we can
gather from this unfortunate intelligence, it does
not appear that any of the British soldiers were in
the action, or that any of them are miffing."
■ . mi ... . . ... . .
NEW YORK, September 28.
Health Committee.
The Committer appointed to prevent the Introduction
and spreading #f lufctfticut Difrafes in this city,
R E P O K T,
That Twenty-Five persons have died in this City,
an 4 Six at Belie-Vue, of the present Epidemic fines
their report of Jail evening.
By order of the Committee,
JOHN BROOME, Chairmaa.
Saturday Evening, Sept 36, 1795.
Report of
That twenty-two ptrions have -died in this city,
and five *t Belle-Vue, of tie present epidemic, iince
their report of I aft evening.
By order of the eommittee,
JOHN BROOME, Chairman.
Sunday evening, Sept. 27, 179 J.
The Committee thankfully acknowledge the receipt
of the following donations for the relief ef the sick
poor, labouring under the present epidemic, which
the Committee will cause to be faithfully app ied, viz.
from John Delafield, Kfq- twenty dollars; under c#ver
from an unknown hand, one hundred dollars.
IMPORTANT NEWS, dire& from Franci.
Yeftetday arrived at Marblehead, * fthoonei
commanded by Captaia W. Browij, in 53 days
from Bordeaux.- Capt. Brown informs, that the
day before he failed, an American veflcl arrived at
Bordeaux, from St. Andero, the matter of which
Capt. Blown knew, who affiired him that Bilboa
had been captured by the French.
Captain Brown furl her informs, that certain
intelligence had beer. jeceived at that
the Emigrants to tfce amount of rj,©bo f*tolyfan&, :
ed iu Qoiheron Bay, had been attacked by th<
republican forces under Gential Hoche, and com-,
pletely exterminated. -
Capt. Brown brought many papers and letter I,
which have not yet arrived in town We expect
ihem here this day.
T he accounts ate via Halifax, that the governor!
of Dominica and Tobago, had few all the Frenck
"habitants of those to Englard, and that
he infuricftion therein had been quelled, with very
little damage being; done the plantations. At Gre.
tadii, they had fuSert'd much, but, as well as at
St. Vincents, tff!re was a profped of their being
Speedily rid of their enemies.
!carn (^at c 'g^ lt or ten of their morlern mi
■ ""J —'""it of whom aie birds of 110 feeble
wing have bfea indidted, and were or. trial at
From the Columbian M rkoi isfc.
A Publication iti the Columbian Mirrpr of the
25th u!t. fignid " A Federalilt" under prctence of
difcufiing a ce-tain ail of a public feivant, being
evidently intended to gratify p;ivave malice and per
sonal hatred, would not hart been noticetfLy ih«
person at whom ihofe are levelled, did he not find
his public chara&er assailed by the groffeti calum
ny and falfehood.
Not that he feels au inferior zeal for the rights
of his fellow citizens, pot that he ihii. ks ficm an
enquiry intiAjs condpft as a servant of the public,
on the contrary, he wiftes it to be freely, but fair
ly Hifcufled ; beesufe it involves a quettion impor
tant to the American people ; namely, how far the
two hoiifes of Cos orelt have a right to withhold
from their eonftituents a .kr.ov'edpe of public
tiania£tions. A qucftion of ftifF.cient magnitude
to attract the attention of th..fe whose leisure and
talents will cEable them to do full juflice *.o the fub
jed ; and to whom he would therefore wish to c»n*
lign the talk or affording that conviction to the
publiiMnind, which reflrrfion has operated on hit
own. But the vindication of charaifter titjuftjy as
persed is a duty v.hich every man owes himlelf; di
however unicterclling to the public, such vindica
tion ought to be co-extensive with the calumny, and,
at lea It as pntiintly attended to : low and contempt,
ible peilimal abule and infmuations merit no reply,
A few previous icmarks on the queltion of feerrcy,
are however submitted to in
Older to remove the doubts of some
ed persons, who film to have mitapprchcHded the
conttitution on this fuhjett ; not tiiat the public*,
(ion a hided to contains a single ptcof orargumen*
in support of the assertion, f» roundly made refpe&.
ing this right.
The words of the eonft tutioH which are said to
give to each I ranch of tt.e ie„ifl* tire an unlimited
p«wrer &f concealing public transitions, and of ty
ing up the hands, arid sealing the lijiof its mem
bers, are, that "each house fltatl k<ep a journal
of iti proceedings, and from tiim DubliJh
the fame, exc-pting such parts as m.y, » their
judgment, require fccmy." It is res, , itrangg
that thisclaufe -of the constitution exj.iefsly intend
ed to pro.Vj c publicity in the proceedings of Con.
grefs, Ihoiild at this early d;.y kz .01, tended a* ce
ding to t'iiem a pnwer of concealing their transac
tions (rom the public view, in every cafe. Had
this clause not have been inferled :'n the coaititu.
tion, would Congress from the naiure of our go
vernraent hare had a right to draw a ve'l over a I
their proceedings ; a,id would not such an attempt
hare roused the just indignation of the people ?
Let the public opinion and feelings on the determi
nation of the fenste to keep their doors (hut, an.
fwer. Shi.ll a clause then which commands thera
to. publish, be cenftmed into sn indefinite and un
limited right to conceal ?
The true spirit and meaning of the etaufe is i
that all the proceedings of the two hoi?fti muftb#
commuted to a journal} these journal* foal] be
published, but where the divulging a recafure would
tenci to defeat its effiftt, there the two houses (hall
not lie obliged to publilh the journal of iht*r pro
ceedings refpeftiitj* it.
Deliberations of h legislature upou the propru
ety of ente: ing into a war, or the mode of con,
dueling it ; e«!t<sin articles of treaties which by
the contradling powers ale stipulated to be kept fe,
eret ; and in lime of war, secret military plans an«l
operations are of this nature; and the enumera
tion can be carried but little further, fr. such cases
the public fafe'.y admits and even requires conceal
raent ; in such cases it would be highly criminal i'a
a member to make a disclosure, is it would in any
other manner to betray the interests of his
but even there the restraint will be found to reft on
the general ground of public duty, and moral obli
gation, not on any particular conftitutioaal injuno,
'i° n - (To is t*ntinu:d-)
hYiisO at Willing and Franeis's wharf; a strong,
new vefiel, five months old, built <jf red cedar, bur*
then 130 tons, fnppofed will carry about t»pj> barrels
of floor, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent
accommodations for passengers. For term? apply to
If not fold m two or three days, feid veflel will pro*
ceed for the slate of New York.
Philad. Sept. 19. j
Canal Lottery Tickets
FOR SALS,''' „
-»■ At No. 153 Cliefjuit-Hreet.
Philad. Sept. 19, 1795.
RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, en the i-tk
Inftart, an apprentice lad named Edward Georv#
Mc|Clure, about 19 years of age, awd 2bout five fees
fix inches high, is of a dark ccraple.xlcn, Liid has 1-n- &
black hair; had'on whet he west away, a fuflion
coatce, and red striped trowfers. I forwarn all Mas.
ter» of vessels oat t« take him at their peril.
Sept, 18.
•' iaw4w.