Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 29, 1795, Image 1
Number 954.] FOR SALE, BT JOHN CRAIG, No. 12> Dock Street, V 10 Pipes of *Tbe very bejl Madeira IV IN E> $0 quarter casks cf Sherry wine, Bristol window giafa of differ .Ht sizes, A quanJ i v y ofb£!t Havaonah fegaas in boxoe, A few casks of lugar, 4 boxes of yard wide-lrifh liaeiM, 4 bales of do. caiivafs, 5 bates of red, white, and yellsvr flanaels; PORI SMOVI H> SjRrHEN iooi barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's wharf, in Southwark. Philadelphia, Sept. at. §• For SALE, or CHAR TER, llfet A R M 0 N T t tjw ' ! !hW three hundred and thirty-four tons, Phila delphia built, of live"oak and cedar, fails well, and may be fcnt to La at a lmall exosnce.—For termi apply to Andrews Iff Meredith, Pent. 1 ' For hTTB URG.H, THE SMTP HOLLAND, J, / r Christopher Franklin,iun. master, HAS excellent accommodations for paflengers; will fail in all this month ; three-fourths of her cargo are readv to po'on braid, * few tons ol heavy goods will be takrn on freight. — For freight or paflige appty to the Matter ot; board, Peter B h'ht, or to il, T * '") •* 1 '- r JbOSTON, The SCBOONL* %:.;i::'..y p o mon a, *et.* T - : "■ - - 1 IYING pear the Crooked Billet, above Chefnut street, .j and w.ii iaii in jor 6 days. For freight or paflage LAMi & CuDFRLY, apply to Or to the captain on board, Who ha* for falc, Candles, Checf , Salmon io kegs, &.C foots by live barrel!, fouthcrn oil, a few bbis. PearWQi. Sept. 23 d6t To? S~A L E, The Schooncr ikSf M A H A L T, £ur I'HEN thirty-fftur tons, and fails remarkably last. For term* apply to James Gamble, or Sept. 11. For SALE, THE SHIP CHARLOTTE, Jon a ha« Bowers, master; §$Mi NOW laying at Mr. John WiLoiks's wharf. The Charlo'te is 204 tons burthen, and isfuppofcd will car ry 2400 bis. flour, or thereabouts ; five ami anbalf old, built >11 the State ot Ntw-Rampll,ire lor the Lon don trade ; is well found a::d fitted in every respect, and tiov in complete order to receive a cargo. Her invento' V mav be Icen, pnd the terms of sale made known, by applying to Philasl. Sept. 19, 179'' FOR SAL E, 7he CARGO cf the Sl:p Arethufa, from Bengal, ConSfiiug of-an txt-nfive Affartment of Goods, well adrfpici'i to t \ irurket and .or E.xjortatku— them are a 'variety of Handkerchiefs^ Printing cloths, Gurralis, Taflanes, Ba:tas, Humhum«, Coffees, Nankeens. Alio—A quantity of Hyfnn, Souchong and Boht* TEA?, RHEUBARB, PEPPER and SUGAR. The Ship ARETHUSA I' for Sale. She is coppered! five ryears old. Burthen about 2,50 toils. — Aupnft 19 \For ST. BARTHOLOMEWS, t> THE SWEDISH SLOOP STOCKHOLM, Charles Guftavui Berg, MtJUrt KO^ 6 lying at Stamper's wl arr—will fail with all It co'ive 1 ilttt fpced. For freight or paflage apply to v the Capt4hu on bo rd, or George Sibbald, September 9". (<H r ) N '°' *7°' lo " ,h r r<wt-ftree«. J&er the Snow lxjiua, Jamtf kirkpatrisk, ' \MaJler, .from Liverpool, Xl 3 Cra« well-aflorted Queen's Ware, jbbo floved fine Salt, tc, to be fold at \ yames Campbell. Alfe. a few boxe* Irifti Linens. > N. B. 'Safel&iow for Freight or Char ter, ettha- to the Well-Indies or E<iW« as above. Jiupifi 18 j JiJi Ami r tor SAL THE SHIP JOHN, I>JOvV yiiij; ai HanuVtm's wharf, burthen 280 tons, ftie is a fljiu nch good vefi'ti, wi»! carry 533. f)i to;wceo. For terms apply to jo/cpb Anthony tsf Son. *jtk Septe anbur. THE SHIP Err* Scwcll, master, No. S6, south Wkarves, Pravert & Co. § Andrews & Meredith, No. 86, south wtarves. Kalbre' & John Fraz.itr. 3tawr JOHN MILLTR, juji. or WILLINGS ami FRANCIS. dtf. TUESDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1795. For HAMBURGH, THE SHIP MER I C A N, William Shallcrofs, mafler, AT Mr. Ruffeli'* wharf—She is in good order, and now ready to take in on freight, and intended to fail on 20th Oflober. —Apply to the matter on board, or to Jehu Hollingfworth & Co. September &6. Received, Per Jhip Cate, taptam- Salter, from BourJiMUx, A Cargo of CLARET, BRANDY, &c. ALSO, from on board the fi'tp Four Fritndjj Captain Gitmßf from ' B?urdiauM, Excellent white WINE, in eafcs 5 Do. red do. in do 5 <5 Hogfteads of red WINE ; OIL in cases, of a superior quality ; 15 Trunks, containing DRY ©OODS. ALSO, Per brig Polly, Levi Tenne, majter, Jrem Dublin fix New-Yark, Irish LINENS, in Urge boxes —*nd OZNABURGS. FOR SALI BY Stpt. ii 'he CARGO of the (hip Harmony, garnet Moore, majlcr—-frtm St. CONSISTING Of — 100 tons (old.fable) IRON; 100 tons HKMP; 400 pice s Ruffla SHEETINGj 400 pieccs Ravens DUC{C; A few boxes Tallow CAT4DLESe *n4 jo calks TALLOW. fOR SALE BY Philad. Mil Srftimler, 179J The CARGO of the (hip Harmony, Ezra Lowell t mafler —from BOURDEAUX> CONSISTIMO OF BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and GLARET in hogrtieads, is discharging from on board the said Ihip at Cuthfcert's wharf, and for Tale by And. ews & Meredith, Sept. IJ. d, No. 86, south wharr*«. CLARE T, In talks, fuiuble for the Halt and Weft-India mark«t». • FRENCH BRANDY in butts and pipej. And a f*w «af-s of Ticklenburgg ani) Oznaburgs. TOi SALE BY Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. n, Walnut ftrcet whirl (t,th&» aw) Sept. i, 179J For SALE, hy the Subscribers, /* PINN.*TREET, r Tie ftlhnvmg ariiclu •/ tie laj! iwj trtation from Clint. *66 Quarter ChefU Hyson Tea, 120 Quarter Che ft s Sow chong Tea, 400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, Piece* Nankeens. Witlings £9? Francis. taw. 14 "Will be Landed To-Morrow Morning, At Stamper t IVbarf, The CARGO of the Swedish sloop Stockholm, Cap tain —COXSJSUNG OF— JzUTlcllCcl SUGARS, of » fupcrior quality, in hhd» tiercel, anil barrels; COFFEE in hogttieads; COTTON in b»le«—and » few torn »f L 0 G IV 0 0 D. rOR SALE BY George SibbaJd, No. 170, (o*th Frout-itro«t. Sept. 9. (dtf.) Now Landing, THE c»rgoe« of the briji Weil-Indian *r4 S**fcjrfcP»l« ly fro™ Jamaica : Coffee in hhds and barrel* Sugar in hhds Rum, high proof, and 36 bags Pimento. ALSO ON HAW, A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels **d Bag* Sugar in HhJ. 7 For Ex rtatiaa Pimento in Bag» J r Brandy, ifl and 4th proof Sherry Wine, &.c. J"'7 31 Fresh TEAS, Of fuferior quality y viz. Imperial, or Guttpow dtr Hyson Gomee, I ft quality Hyson, 2d. do, uiii Yoong Hyion, Hyion Skin, and Souchong. A fcvi Boxes of each, for fate at No. 19, Third Street, South. Dec i<". eodtf JAMES TIFFIN, No. 70, South Second-Jireet, near the City Tavern, HAS just opened and for Sale, an Affortmeat of La dies' and Gentlemen's Fashionable H A T S, from London. Also a variety of Children'* Hats of differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as finilhers in the above business, well recommended, Will meet with oonftant employ and good encouragement. , The Earthen-Ware Manufactory, In FrontJlreet, above PooPs Bridge, IS continued in the most extensive manner. A large as sortment of the boll ware is on hand ready assorted in Hogsheads and Crates. A eonftant and regular supply may be depended on, at the shortest notice. Orders are received at the Manufactory, or at No 15 Arch ftr«t. July 8 »>m F. Coppinger y No. ill, south Front-street, James Crawford, or George Latimer. For sale hy Peter Blight. A Quantity of India Bandanoes, Just Arrived and for Sale by MORDECA.I L £, W I S, IVhi has also to dispose of, A few baUs cf Book and other East India Muslins RuSia Sheetings do. Sail Cloth Ravens Duck Barcelona Handkerchiefs in boaet A cafe of Diapers jfcjbslfi, of Bed-iide Carpet* Roll Briraltone New Castle Gr'n-dftonet l6hhds. James River Tobacco, of cxeelent quality, See. Sept. 13 . 3awifl> RECEIVED, JJy the Arethufa, Captain Swain, front Calcutta and Madrafs, and for Sale by the Subfcriberi. in Penn• Jlreet, a valuable AJfurtment of Piece Goods ; can- M ,n s Taundin Khaffa Sahjadpore Mamoody Nympofctice Coffae Borura Baftaes Humhums Beerboom GurmKs Mslda Eeefooty Malde Gocnkiauty Alhabad Baft* Guzeaneh* Taffata«« *J. tUli SALE by the Subfortbers, ai their Store en Walnut jlrstt Wharf, 16 Hhds. •) 33 Barrel* and V Hifp»ni»laCOFFEE, arriTfd J4° Bag» J Who have al/o on band. Red For: Wine, in Pipes and Hoefo:ad» 3fet ithSM Vf ioc Wine, in s»fl» ■t Ifco Too* Brimftooe x4aiH sfTortc d Sail Canvas, N". I 1 7 A few g«cij emeu's handsome Saddles Philip Nicklin & Co. fvfy 14 Landing at Stuth Jirest wharf,, The Cargo of the Brig Fly, nptain Homer, from Gi braltarand Teneriffe Brandy, Ift and 4'Ji Proof, Teceriffe Wine, in pipes, hhdi. and quarter caflcs, Bctecalo ditto, Hiclenutt in Sacks, Also, ctrgo of the brig Oood Hop*, c*pt. Hubbsr, from Jamaica. Sugar in Hoglbaftd*, Coffee in ditto, High proof Spirit, Logwood, HuU«, 4tc. For file by A*i*n ii EMANUEL WALKER, N®. 7J, South Front-ftr«et, HAS FOk SALty 150 Hogsheads Virginia Tobacco _ Of the mfpedions of 'Richmond. Petcrfburgh, Frederickfrurgh. «o,ooclb Virginia Bacon in prime order for fhippinj. 20 Hogsheads Windward Island Rum. WANTED, A Miller, of chara&er and abilities, to undertake the management of a Merchant Mill in Virgi ns, aad to whom liberal wages will Ue given.—iptb at ttwve. tcftmicr IS. St. Croix Sugar & Rum. Ko tu lending from on board the brig William Ptnnoik, Thomas Htlli ay, majier, Prime St. Croix Sugar and Rum. F O ft. SALE BY Pragers Co. Who havt al/t tn Hand, St. Domingo StJGAR 5 Havanna MOLASSES ; and London particidar Madeira WINE. Sept. it, *7y5.' LANDING, from on btard the Ship Charlotte. Capt. Jona. Bowert, from BssurJeauK, 30 Pipes Brandy ae 'l uas CUret For sale by F. COPPJNGER, Mo. ill South Front, ueir fine street. H'ho_ bat al/o, 1300 cases of 30 & 50 bottles, Ch»ke Old Claret ioo hoglheads ditto A Quantity of Annifeed Noyamt Liqueurs and Catnbricka. FOR SALE, Imported iit the Jhif> Arcthufa, from Calcutta and Madraft, a variety of BENGAL GOODS; Guarraht, Baftas, Coffaee, Humhums. Handlsercaiefs, Perfiant, Calicoes. To be Sold by tlie Package, for approved not«s at tliree and four months, by WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. JOHN MILLER, Jun. August iS JicxtStj The GEORGIA COMPANY,, BEING defirout to do jafticc to those interested therein, and holding Certi6cates itfued by the Grantee* thereof, infoim the holdert of such certificate* that a meeting ot the Company will take lace on the ijth of O(Sober ensuing, at Augusta, when the company will proceed and endeavor amicably to adjtiftthe clainw of individuals havingfueh cer ficatea, and who may then be ready to pay the refpc&ive f«m» due thereon. By "rde. t/ the Compmny, GEORGE WALKER, Secretary. Philadelphia, Sept. 11, 1795. *diw Bandanoe«, Chappa RomauU, Silk Pulican, Cotton PtlicaW Blue Cloth Duriat Mull: as Cambrick I Stringutar Handk»r«hiefc Ventapolam do. | Tisnavilly do. Utrigs & Fronds. <us Peter blight. §lWJ%§§t lm Air,, f.w.m A July 16 No. 42 Duck Str*«. or German Pajfengcrs Just arrived in the ftiip Holland, Captain Franklitlf from Hamburgh, now at anchor oppoflt Vine-street, whose time is to be agreed for by applying on boards or to PRAGERS & Co. September to. d. The highest price in Cash, will be given for EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will he given to Claret Bottle* — Apply M No. 187, south Third-itreet. Ap -i, 10, CANAL LOTTERT. OCj* "VT OTICE is hereby jrvrn, That the Go- Veruor has appointed Michael Hilligas, Esq. Mefirs. Frederick Kuh', John Jennings, James M'Crea, and Lewis Nichola, Cornraiffioners to su perintend the drawing of the Lottery. The Cummiffioners will proceed immediately to roll up the Tickets, ant! the rlrawinir is fixed, po sitively to commence on Mmday, tlw 23th iuftant. By ord'r rif the Boards, WM. MOORE SMITH, Secretory ef the joint Meeting. September sth, 1795. The Canal Lottery WILL certainly commence drawing on th- "Bth in®int. Tickets may be hud it {he Company's Office, and from either of the Managers, at Ten Dollars each, untH the 16th of theprefent month, after which tin y will be Told at an advance, by th' Company, who hare purchased what may remain »n hand. Sept. 19. d. BALTTMORK TOtfNG MISSES' ACADZMT. NOTHING, in this country, is f» difficult to be met ■with, as good literary>, TuriiiOied wiih reachrrs qualified ung Ladies through all the branches of inftrinftion ne. 1 ffafy and ornamental; and if there are some good Schools >u ue principal owns, as they do not in common take in boarderv, the benefit is loft t» many rich families liv : ug in the ceuntry, which would, at any rate, bring up their children in a diflinnuifh d way. This gave the id,'a of eflablifhiug a Boarding .ichoo!, whose pi n wasfirft announced to the pubKc three months ago in the Maryland Gazette, and which already de fer ved the attention and encouragement of some of the most worthy families in Bal'imore. Mrs. Lacombe, a Freprh lady, Direftrcfs of this Aca dtrny, hits endeavoured to join every eonveuiency that coulci peffibly affiil hor in giving the molt iinifhed eduoa-' tion to her pupils. Bnplifh grammar, eeography, and arithmetic, are de« monftrated by Mr Beck from Lonuon, wlio is also qua lified to give particular leffoc in drawing. French is eoi.ftantly pra'shfu-d in the school, besides the daily leflons given o:, hy ag. ctleiuaa from Pari*!, who was there a Preuuent of a College Writing, common sewing, and every kind of ry nd tambour ?.t~ likewise tai ght aiftduoufly. The your.g boarders cfpecially are attended to with thu vtmoft cart; the house is ample Wd convenient; accom modations abundant; servants and fupermteftdanb nume<j» rous; in short, rothing if fparcd that can afford ttkjn cither utility or conveniency. For further information, appliCitif rt may be made to the right R-v. l">r. Carroll, or lvlra Lacombe South-ftrcct, opposite Water fuvct. Bcj>temher 8, 1795 DUTT ON CARRIAGES NOTICE it hereby given, that agreeably £0 an a eft of Congress of the UA d States, of the sth June, 1794. for laying duties upon Carriages for the conveyance of persons—" That there lhall be levied, collected, and paid, upon all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which shall be kept by or for any perlbn, for his or her own 'lie, or to let ost to hire, or for the aonveying of paff.ngert, the Several duties and rate# following, to wit For and upon every coach, the )early sum of 10 dollar*. For and upon every chafiot the yearly sum of 8 dolfcrs. For and upon every phaston and soachee, the yearly sum ef 6 dollars. For and upon every other four wheel an«i two wheel top carriage, the yearly film of % dollars. And upon every other two wheel carriage one dollar. The Officers of Infpe&ior. of th First survey of the dif tr:& of Pennsylvania, will attend within the month of September neit, at No. H7, in Satfafras Itreet, inths city of Philadelphia; at the house of Daniel St. Clair, I'. q. in the county of Montgomery ; and at the house of Mr. A« braham Dubois, in the county of Bucks; of which all persons po(TefTed of f ch carriages are dsfired to taka no tice. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, To all retail dealers in wines, and foreign dxftilled fp'r— rituous liquors, that licences will be granted to them, on« licence for carrying on the bufinef* of retailing wines in a a ltfs quantity, or in Ids quantities than 30 gallon*— un 4 one licence for carrying on the business of retailing spiri tuous liquors in lels quantities thaa 2,0 gallons, at the fame time, and at the fame places, by the officers legally riled to grant such licences. Villiam Nichols, lafpeflorof the Revenue of First Survey of the Diftriil at Philadelphia, AupiJl 17, 179 J. Ladies and Gentleman, ara refpset fully infoi'med, THAT tke Subscriber keeps an EUgant Coatha to hire, at a rcafonable rate, which he dcives himf If as usuaL Healfo keeps an elegant Coach, to hire without horses, either o'. which maybe engaged at his dwelling, No* 174 Arch ft'reet, between Seventh and Eighth' llreets, at his Stable in Eighth near Market street, of at his nfual Hand, ths corner of Market and Fourth streets He returns his {incurs thanks to his friends, and hopes to merit a coutinuanse of their fiVor6. July 16 r 1 'HE fdfcr&tr offers for sale, a FARM, containing ahcut X 3SO Of ret : d.Jlant from ihs City of Wajkingttn and Toivn betivecn Bor 9 miles. A Plot oj this Lanais in the haiuS of Mr. Peter Cafauave of George-To-ivfi, hkewife of Air* Tho mas FitxftmonSy in Philadelphia, and Mr. Rub art lVullh y in Sal•' timore. The Land will be Jhetvn to any f>erfan> by Applying to John Lydam, who lives adjoining. It lays in a healthy toustry. mi a good neighborhood. 'There are on it a common country dwelling houfe, a large tobtcco-hhfe, and ar. orchard of good fruit, a ccrjiur* (Iream with a great fall runs thro" it, and between 30 cr 4Cacres of good meadow may it eajily made. The lines cf the clove induce at out 40 aires of woodland. Convenient crcdits will he ajfordf* to the purcbaftr if defired\ DANIEL CARROLL. Montgomery Coi.vty, JunrT,, 1795- N. B- ThtltrJ Pet L.tiutai tno n trcian! mllit, me Ji/larp tout a thill, lie otter alvttji eJ/tmir.*. Juue If- \Yqlume VIII. e:nbroiie» *todyr. HENRT MOSES.