Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 28, 1795, Image 4

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    American Land/capes.
*Tw iiiNn-Four VIE WS,
BELJ|CTEr> from the mgit finking and mtereft'mg
in the United States ; each »if which
Vifvri, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
Loci?, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
jivtSvr of the tl Merajiic Rrmainr and Anticnt dailies in Gttat
B lit sir:'
1, Rework (hall be published by SubfcrlptiOn; aed
th.u each Subscriber (hull r.ngage to take the whole set
gf V'u'ws, and {ball pay for eucK engraving;, if blade or
browii, z Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollar*.
H. That the dimensions of each engraving (hallbe 24 by
Miches, executed in iquatinta, and pubiifhed upon paper
of a superior quality. The publication to commence im
mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub
scribers, on the firfl Monday of each fucc«e<ling month,
until the proposed series lhalt be finally completed.
IUI That with the last V iew of the series, shall be deli-
vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant chara&eriilic
vignette; a ntap of the route, conne«sfced with the prof
peds exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an
Alohab«tical lift of the Subscribers.
Subscriptions are received by Mr Harrifon, at his Print
shop, Maidrnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er. No, IJ 8, Market ftrest, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Book-feller* in the United States.
February 28.
The Panorama.
MR. SAVAGE re'fpc&fplly . inform* the Ladies and
Gentlemen of Philadelphia that the PANORAMA
la mow opened in High-street, between loth End l ith
ffcreets. The SubjcS is a view of the C itie» of London
and WePminfter, comprehending the three bridge*, Sonth
yark,Surrey, and St. Qoorgc'* Fields in the Borough,
with every other obje& which appears from the top of the
Albion mill*, at the end of Biackfriars Bridge, oppofitc
the city of London, from whence this view was taken,
The painting contains nearly 3,000 square feet of canvas.
Being in a circle gives every objeA its proper bearing, and
exhibits it in its true point of compass, appearing as Urge
and in ever)- refoe# the fame as the reality.
Price of admiffio* kalf a dolla» Tickets for ths Soafoft
tar#.; dollars.
Panorama open every day from tea •'clock ia the
/! PRINT of thf PR FSI DENT of tk U. R.
X 3 inches by 14 ; o«lf a few choice impreflions lett: the
corap?nion i 3 a print of Dr. Franklin. A rarioty of tboicc
prints may be had at the Panorama.
Angujl 111
£r Francis and Robert Bailey,
For publilking by fubtcription,
O R,
Compendium Geographical Dictionary }
A description of all the republics, kingdom», pr®«
citi«, chief towns, forts, fortreffes, caflles, cita
del", seas, bays, rivers, harbours, lakes, mountains, capes,
afli prom«niorie«i in the known world,
Together with
Tk2 government, policy, lußoias, mannera, and reli
gion i>f the inhabitant*, tie extent, boundaries, and natu
ral productions of each country, and the trade, iranutic
tares, and curiosities of the cities and townj ; their latitude,
,ong:tude, bearings .ind distances from '.he capital of Penn
sylvania, ar J the various event* by which have bec«
Csrsfully combed fr»m the Gazet'.eert »f Brtcia,
jor.u, and Guthrie. f
fy The inacenra i « ana emissions generally complained
in ike writings of Europeans fefpi. cling the C. tuition,
aatcnt, Ac. of our own country, will be obviated in this
■Worfc; for the pditors xiKan to add fiitecri hew maps of the
i'niteij States, taken from the m<rfl accurate surveys—and
w' avail themfalven of every information given by the lat
•ft Geographers, traveller? and caviga.ori which can lie
9'utuiiicd within th« union:
I. Th« Univorfal Grzett«.r lha.ll lie pr nted !b large o-1a-
▼c, in in elegant manner, on a ::e\v type and good pap-rr.
EL As soon a» 500 conies arc iubftribtfu for, th« work will
beirmmsdiatcly put to prds.
XL. Tlic work will he primed in mmkri, ecotaioipj 4<>
pages, it one fourth of a dollar each.
IV. The money to be p id on the delivery ef esch fiwmber.
*„* Subscriptions will be receivedby the publiftiers N».
Ix 6 High-fireet, and MefTrs. Crnkft»ank, Dobfon, ounj*,
Campbsll.H & P. Rice, M»raau de St. Merry, and all the
principal Bookfeilcr, in tli« city; likewise by McltYs.
Hodga, Grcenltif, Campbell, M'Laoe, acd Allen, New-
York; Thomas & Andrews, and David Weft, Bn'fton;
Yundt & Brown. Baltimore; Auguilus Davis, Richmond;
nod William P. Young, & Peter Frtr.ean, ehirkfwn S. C.
August ij. ,ot *«
DEEDS to th« proprict >rs in the agenry of
VVinthrop Saratnt, are deposited vrith Thomas
M'£u?n, No. 78, Clie'hut itrect, and
readif to be delivered when '.ailcti for. A fecoßd divi
dend of the Funds hss been declared, which proprietors
may regeiv* bv a drsught ufusn the tre*fu'er of the
N*. B. Eight dolkrs'ire daeupon eachfliare, fwex
penc« of the agency.
September zotli, 1795
A very valuable ESTATE,
Catkil TtrirrENHAM.
£ ITUATK m the to-umfiip of Upper Derly, and county of
O Delaware, f 1-2 milts ft tm Philadelphia, and half a milt
from the new IVellern road: containing 130 acrct of excellent
Land, 45 of which are good "watered Meadow, 90 of prime
Wood Land, and the ret Arable of the f<fl quality. There are
en the Ore-nifti a good tv>ofiory Brick tloufe, -with 4 rooms on
a floor, and Cellars under the whole, with a Pump IVell of ex !
tellent Water in front; a large frame Barn, Sixties, arid other
Convenient buildings: a Smotc-Houfi mdjlone Spring Uoufe ; two
good Apple-Orchards, and one ef Peach.t. The Fields are all in
Clover, except those irrfmediately tmdtr tillago, and are ft laid
out as to have the advantage of IVaier in each of them, -which
renders it peculiarly convenient for Graving.
the situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culti
vation of tie Land, ih* good neighborhood, and tbevrxnity to tied
<*, it is very Juitable for a Gentleman s Country Serf.
Ibe foraroingis pari of the Rfiate of Jaeob Hi>crs\ ieccafed
andojfered for sale by M ORi)£CAI LF.W IS
Surviving B-xxutor.
Junt 4* 179
The Earthen-Ware Manufactory,
In Frontjßrcct, abav.» Pool's Bridge,
IS continued in the most eitenfive manner. A larpt as
sortment of the boll ware is on band readjr assorted in
Hogsheads and Crates-.
A confllnt and reguiar supply may b« epended on, at
the ftiorteft notice.
f«aei*sd at the Manufactory, or at No. aj
Areh'fWrt". * July 8 s.i:m
MAiLfe of the United States.
fir iHrrvtng the MAILS OF TH*
UN SITED STATES, m the following P*/t
cfjT/ h received at ihs General Poji Office
vwi'ti ike 15tb day of Odvbtr nss*t.
Froxs Pepobfco; by Prospect, BcKaAi D'Kk, I Carw*
den a»id io VV»rren. Wff a week-
Lwvc PBr.obfcot every Tnurfdav by 6 a m, and arrive at
Warren oh Friday By 6«*. Returning. Leave Warren evr
ry Saturday by % a m, and arrive at Petiobi'cot <tn Sunday by
4 ? M. _
*. From Warren bv WaMobo*ougK, Ncwoaftle, vVifcanet,
Bath, Bnmfwfckand North Yarmcu'h to Portland, **cr* we*.
Leave Wirr^every Saturday bvfi a »• arrive at Waldubo-
by io a m, at Vewcaftle by I r m i *n4 *• Wi|e*ffet
bv6r m. Leave Wifcetfet. <ta Monday b\ 8 * m, arrijre at
Barb bv noon, at Brunfwiek by 4 t m» at North Yarmouth
on Tuesday by IB a U, and at Portland by 3 f u. R**r*tng %
Leave Portland on Werinefdav by 7 'A *» arrive at Noith
Yarmouth by 11 a u, ai ftruofwiek by 4 f m, at Bath on
Thurfdaf by 9aa. at Wifc-ffet by Door,, at Newcaftla By
4 r m, Waldoborcugh ©n Friday by 10 a m, and at vVarren
3. Profit WiQrafTf.t bv Pittfton, HiWtjweH Hook, Hallow
ell court houTc, Winthrop, Monmouth Greeo, New Glbb
aeftcr and Gray to Portland, onus w*sk.
l.eavc WifcaflTet every Saturday by 7 am, and arrive at Pitti
t«n by 3 r m, leave Bullion on Monday "by 6 a m, and ar
rive at ourt house b\ ft a m, at Winthrop by 11
a M, it Green by 1 r m, at New Glouceftor on Tuesday by
g a m. at Grav bynoon. and at Portland by 4 PM. Re
turning Leave Poril nd Wcc.efday bv TA M t arrive a'
GiayVy x r Mi at New GbucslL r bv 4? M, at Green on
Thurlday bv 19 A®< Monmouth by !»*>« Winthrop
bv 3 r m, at Hallowel' tour hotife on Friday by J A M, at
Pittfton bv Io a m, and at Wifc-tflTef by 6 * m.
5. From Portland by Biddcford, Welles and York, tB
Portsmouth, N,H.
From O&ober 15, tB April 15.
Leave Portland every Monday andThurf<Jay by S a. m.
and *rrive at Portfmoutk tbs next days by 10, a m. Re
turning. Leave Poetmouth every Tuesday and Friday by
I p. M- and arrive at Portland the n*xt days by 4, P. m.
From April 15, to 0&ob?r 1S
Leave Portland every Monday and Friday by 4,«. ».
and arrive at Portfmouih the fame days bj 6, / Rrtjrn*
in*. Leave Portfmocth oft Taefday and Saturday 6 a. m.
and arrive at Portland the f»me day* by 6, p. m.
Nora. Pe?Jims making pra ojals art defited to fiati on WMf
term they uritt carry the awvc Mail threz time & week, J~; q* April
15, t$ MM* 15.
4 From Corc«» dby Plymouth to KavcrhiU, encegwtd. j . I* M ASSACHUSETTS a*» IfEW-YORX,
Leave Concuid every Mo..d*y by 6a u, airi\e ai Hyin »u,ih ?6 From Springfield by Weftfceid and Stockbiidge to
00 l'ueldav bv 3 pm, a»id at Haverhill on Wedm-Ha. by 4 Xi defh<r»n, net a week. ►-
r sc. Leave Haverhill on Ihufdi by Jam, Afcy 1t» Nowmktr 1 Leave Springfield every Tuesday by
jKiivc at Plymouth on Friday by 9 a m. and a. C-ncord on *3 P M , arrive a t Mockbridge on vVeduclday byj p m, leave
Sa'urdav by 4? * f biocn bridge on i'nu day by 7 am, and arrive a: Kinder
s. F'om Potifmouih by Exeter, Chester, Londonderry* on 1 nur'day by 4 r m, Returning. Leave Ktnderhook.
Amherit, Pctotboiough and Mar i borough to Keen, ones a uwk. eveiy Friday o> \u, ariive at Stock-bridge *»>• 4'« »"d
Ltave Port'rn »uti» every Thursday Ba m. arrive it tx- ai Springfield on ..aturday by 6p m. S9O. 1 U bium 1. Leave
cici by 1 ru t a' Lhcller by 6 pm, and at K<'en on Sa ; urday Spri»- on Weonefday noon, arrive at Siockb'idgc on
by 4 PM. Rgiwning Leave Keen eveiy Monday by Bam, j lburtday noon Leave Stockbridgc pn Friday by 6a m, and
arrive at Cn fter on iucidav by 4t m. a Lxcur on Wcdncf* arrive at Ki.iderhook by 4 * m. Leave Kindernook on $a
day bv 9 am, and at Por.ftnou.h pm. j tmdayby6A m, arrive at Stockbridge by 4r *» and at Sprisg-
C. From fcxeerto Hamprin Fills, three timet * t»ttk from fcc>d on tvednelday 1© am.
April io Oflobcr Is, and twic<d wxk i.ora October if to Im CONNECTICUT a no, MASSACHUSETTS.
l s' 1 . « e .l. #?• From Bolton by Dedhaxa, Mendon, and Pomfiet, ta
Leave Himoton Fa!l» \a one hour alter .he antral ot th« ; Hirl ', ordi tMi „ me , '
aiail from b ft® and deliv. rit at twter in t«.i houra, Lfjve &>|ion f Th.rfdiy by 7 AM, a»d arrive »t txtitr twu hour, an." return to H..otpWß f»H» » • Hartford the next Satjrdav by 6 t*. Rec«rm»g. Leave
bouts from the ti*jeot-U«vu«({ » Harttcrd rvry Monday by 7 a m, and arrive at Jlofton os
In M Usc.l <S. Wednildav j t if.
7. rrom Salem o Ulouttfttr. '.nfuwl. . „g F. om Hanf.i. dby N ew-Hartfoid, Cmian and ShtScld
Leave 'Vcaaif.iay ti f jaU, and arnve at ! Hi |, fdale a[)d Hud f ooi Mew-York State, miiwi.
Salem bv it am. Returning. Leave latent oy a r at, and j eavc Hari£ord every Monday at ap m, arrive a: Hadfop
an ivc ai Glouceftcr by bp m. . . ;on Wcdnelday by ii'a m. Returning. Leave Hudson every
Note. Shoulo this m-n be carried in a fta<«e earruge, it it Wcdncl<Uy byl rN an< j arriV e at Harttord on Friday by
to b* carried as oiten «sj the ft age rum, the hour# cell red ar« g f M
io ba »taicd in the pro. o a
8. From aiem 'o Maroleh^ada
Ma, tft to Novamber i, ia'em every Monday* Wed
•eTdav and Friday imined.a ely ati en hf arrival ot the mail
from ttoflon, and dt.ivcr k ai Marblehead in o »e h->iir and a
hall. ic«vc \fsrblcnead in one hour 4id a bait ar.d arrive at
Salrna in rwo ri<-uȤ Fiom Jtf t to t, Leave
Saicm OR M »!i 'ay and Wcdn. fia -. he nojrj 3b belo^e,
g Fiom KoAon bv -»noov r and Havernfil to Cheiler and
Coneord m New Hxmp/hire. cnte a week
Leave dotton evc»y Friday by a *f, arrive at Chester oa
Saturaay by 10 am- ana at Co card by 6 pm. Rrtttrning.
Leave Concord oa Mo*d .v by 6 a m arrive at Cbctler by a
f r|, and at B lion on Tuefd*y oy 4 PM.
IO Frota Bolton b. Concord, l.ancafter, Leominfter, and
/.Ihburnham to Marlborough, Keen and Walpole in New
Ntmpjkirr once s neek
JLrave BOKOII every Thorfday noon, arrive at Keen on Sa«
turdav by 6 p »4, t««ve K' en on by 6 A m and arnve
at Walpole by 11 am< Rettrvng Leave Wa'poie on
dav b\ 3 p m and arrive a: Keen by 5 r m, ieavf K en on
Monday by 6 am, and a'rive at iMlon on Wcdoeklay by
no»n See note et rotd N#. 7
st Fom rt lion by Quincy, the North ParilH of Hing
hain, P.ymoutn, Sandwicti and Barnltabie to Yarmouth, one?
§ ueek.
Leave Boston every Thurfdayby y A M. arrive at Sandwich
•11 Friday by 3 r m, and at Yarmouth on Saurday by 8 am.
Returning L» ave farmou hon l acfday by 6a m, arrive at
Sandw icti bv 10 a m, a id at Boltonon Wedr.elday by 5 p m
n. From Sa.»u bv Falmouth and Ho mes hole, to
Edganown tree a week
Leave Sandwich 01 Saturday by 6 a K, arrive at Falmouth
b'. 11 am, and at on b.y f P '*!• Returning. Leave
on Su«ida. a, 8 1 M. arrive it ralmouih by aovn t
and at Sandwich 'by 7 P M.
13 From niton by Tiuutonjo New-iedlord, onei e week
Leave Boston every The'fd«v by 8 \ M, arrive at iau >'.on
by 6P M, and at New-Hedford on Friday b\ 61" »vs. Rs
tuming Leave New»ttrdior<l every Tuesday by 6 * M a r»
rive at Taunton by 3 P M. and at doftjn on Wednefaay by
3P M* Sit note at road No 7
14. From New-Bed 'ord .0 NantuCket, ante a atek.
Leave New-Bedford on Saturday lodruing, a rive a Nan
tucket on Sunday evening, Returning. Leave Nans ucket on
Monday by 10 A M, and arrive at New-Bedford m the
Ftom Taunton to Providence, enteaweek.
Leave Taunton every Wednesday by 5 AM arrive at Pro
vidence by 11 A M Returning. Leave Providence by 1
P M, and arrive at Taunton 7 P .vs.
16. From Taunton b; and Somerfct to Varren,
once a week.
Leave Taunton on Wednesday by $ AM, and arrive at
Warren by :o A «€. Returning. Leave Wan en in two
hours and arrive at Taauton by 6PM
17. From New Bedford to p»rt, Towrrhi l, Wrfter
ly in Rhodc-I&md and to Stonington Point aud New-Lon-
I dou, in Connc&icvit. *nce e week.
Leave New-Bedford cn Tuifday ?AM, arr-ve at New
port by J P M. Newport on Wednesday by 6 A M,
ana arrive at New-London- oa Thus fday by 10 A M. Re
turning. L?ave New-London every by noon,
arrive at Newport on Friday fry 6PM Leave Ne.waort
Satuiday, or Monday by & A M, and arrive at Ncw-iied
h)id b 5 F M.
i£. From Boilon by Providence [E *R Greeawieh,]
ren, and 9r«il > ] to Ncwpjr. t<ux< a week.
Leave Baft >u every Tuesday and Friday by S AM; arrive
al Piovidence bv 6 PM- Leave Provide«c* on Wednctday
and Setoiday by 7 t\ M- arrive at tail Green. icn bv io
A M on Wedn fday at Warren on Saturday by 9 AM, and
at Newport fame days by 4 PM. Returning. Leave New
j>ort on Tuefaay and Thuifciay by 4 P M, arrive ai briftoJ
on Wednesday aud Friday by & A M, at Warren bv 10
A M, at Providence by noon, and at Bolton on I nut fday
and Saturday b" noon.
19. From Providence by Norwich, New-London, Savr
brook., Killingworih and Guiltord, to Ncw-H iveu, twice #
week. Leave Providence every Wednesday and Saturday t»y
0A M, and arrive at Norwich by 6PM Lrave Norwich
onThuriday and Monday by 1 A M, arrive at New-London
PHIL/iO&LPtIIA, Pwmtsb jt¥ JOHN FEN NO, 119 Ckl»uiSir«i,-~ Puce Sn Detutscj Pe* Akmwm.
>,y ,« A M. 1 live Ntv-Li.idm tu naff an hour, arid arrive
at by 6 M Leavf 0:1 tikes Sav
ant Friday by 6 J - M, and arrive ai Nawltfaven bv 3 P M.
Returning. Leave Nivv-Haveii on Mo.idav and. Wednesday
bv ) <11, arrive at Sa►brook, bv 6PM Leave Saybook
on fueldav and Tiiurfday by 6 .A Mi New-Londaa
bv it A M, at Norvieh by a N, and a< Providence ou
Wdnefday and Friday by iwon. A**f tkefimt *11 rmti
K». From Brookfield by Northampton.
Pitttfieldand New-Lebanon 19 Albany s week.
Leave BjoakSfM every Monday by 6 A M, arrive at
Northampton by jP M, « Albany on Wednesday by
P. M Rfiur .Hig. Leave Albany on Tnurfday by 6A M,
arrive at Northampton bo Friday by 8 P M. and at Brosfc
lield on Samrday by 6PM Note as at road No. 7.
It. From Springfield by Northampton, Greenfield, Brattlt*
borough, Westminster, W«lpole, Cbarleltown ud Wind for
to Hanover, tmi'ci a loetk.
Leavp SprtNjfield every and Friday by to a m,
irrive at Northampton by 2 r m, at Walpole on vVednefday
and Saturday by 5 T M, a* Wmdfor on Thutfday and Mop
day by 1r «, and at Hanover by 7t M. Reurning Leave
Hanover Taefday and Friday by 6 a «, arrive ai Wtndfor by
10 A Mi at Walpole on Wednesday and Saturday by 7 a m,
at Northampton on Monday and Thurlday by nooa aad at
Springfield by 6 r u.
2a. From Hanover by Orford and Haverhill, N. H. to
Newbury, Vermont, mcr * week.
Leave Hanover 01 Vcdnelday by f t u, arrive at Haverhill
by 4 r it, and at Newbury by 6r m . Ret irning Leave
Newbury on Thu'fday by 6 am, arrive at HavetbtU by 8
A M, and at Hanover by 7 r M.
ij Frnna Rutland to Wiudlor. onct 4 Hiek.
Leave Rutland every Mjnday by 6 a m, *id arrive at Wind
sor on i uelday by 6 t ft. Love Wmdfor on
Wedne'dly by 6 A M, a id arrive at Rutland ou ihorlday
by k r m
»4. From Burlington by Vergeonai and Middlebwy to *ut
Una, nut * awi.
Le-ve Burtngton everv Thurfdny bv S A M, »nd arrive at
Rutiami on Satarday by 6a M Returning, l eave Rutlaad
every Monday by 8 A at, tad arrive at Burlington ou Tiiurf
day no >«.
•5. From Ru laud by Manchaftti anal Benningtott in Ver
m »n r I'.l Lanimgburg and Albany is the Maic of New-Yoik.,
§ncc a tot 'k.
Lr»v* Raland on Mnndav by 9 if a ami arrive at Albany,
on Wf<fncioav bv 4r m. Recvr.ung Leave iVery
Thu WU> by 6 a m, and arrive at ftenamgto » t?y 7 r m, leave
Beninng on on Friday by !• am, and arriva at Rudaoi #u
fetnaav noon.
19 From Hartford by Litchfie,d, N-- w-Mi'lord, Daabury
and Ri«igeficid to New-York city, uxc a Wfck.
Leave Harford every Monday b)> 10 a m, arrive at Litch
field bv 7 r M 41 N?*r-Mfltord on fuelday by U a m, and
at New-Yor* on i'im-lday by IA M Returning. Leave
New-Y->r* every Pmrtaay by 4 ru t arrive at Litcnficld on
Satuiday by £ r u, and ai Hautoid on Mood*) by 8 a m
30. From Hartford by Middlctown, Cbetharn and Col
eheller to New-London, onec a week.
Leave Harttord ever\ i'uelday by 1 f M,and arrive at N T cw-
London on Wednesday by 7t m Returning Leave New-
London every I'hurfday by II A 14, and arrive at HaiJoid on.
Friday by 7 p M.
3 . Fro-n Hartford by Windham to Norwich, m*e a w#k
Leave Hartford every 1 ue'.day b, (am, arrive at Wn.d
hara by 4 PM, and ai Norwich by 7r m. Returning. Leave
Norwich on Monday by 6 a m, arrive at Winunam by 10 a
m, and at Harttord by 7 r m
31. From New-York by PccklkilJ, Fifafcill, Poyghkeepfie,
Riunebeck, Re.ihook, Cleirnont, Huuion, Cuveracfc, and
Kinderbook to Albany.
Leave New-York every Monday and Tburfday bv 4 P M.
arii/e 4t FifHkill on Tuesday and Friday by * *-* r M, at
Rn nebcek t>n Acdaelday and Saiuidav by Bam, a. Hudion
by 1 i>> r u, at Kinderbook by 4 r m, and at Albany by
8 p m, Returning. Leav? Albany every Tu.Hday and Fii
day by 4 a v. % arrive at Kiaderhook by 9 k m, at Huulon
by it . 3 a m, a. Khi«iebcuk by 4 r m. ai filbiilloo %/ed
netdav and Saturday by io a m, and at New-York oa Thurf
dav and Sunday bv 8 a u
a 3J- F r om toS'eub«n. once a week*
Leave W"»teltowu rverv Monday bv »0 a m, and arrive at
Seuben b> tp m. Returning S üben every Monday
by 5 a m and arnve at vV.-ut ttownbvS a at.
3j. From Albany b/ Sclieac&ady, Johafloa, Caaajoharry
tn-j German Fiat* to Whiteftowa.
Leave Albany every I nuilda* by 10 a u, arrive at Cona
jonairy on by 1 V m, and ai Whue&awn on Satur
day by 6t Mi Returning. Leave Whiteftown every Mon«
day by 9 a M,"aniv at Connajoltarry on i'uelday by to A u,
a»<l at Ibanv <»» Vcdiietday by $p m.
See Note at HjjJ AO. ?
34 F»oiwMi*Uo«u by Oneida, Onondaigua, Aurora, Sci
pio, and Geneva, to Kanandaigua once in tws tutcks.
Leave Steuben everyother|Monday by % ? m, and arrive at
Kaiiandaigfea ihe next 1 bur fday by 7p m. Returning. Leave
Rsnandatgua on Ffiday b) 9 a M, and arrive at Sieubca the
near • uctdan by $ P m .
34. From Whitettown by old Fort Sehuyler Onandaigua,
Aurora, Scipio and Geneva, 10 Kanandaigua, 6*u in two
Leave Whiteftown every other Sunday by 7 a m, and arrive
at Kanandaigua the next YVednefday by 10 au. Returning.
Leave Kanandaigua fame day by 4 r m, and arrive at Whuel
town.ihe next Sa urday by 6 p m.
35 From Cooajoharry by Cherryvally to Cooperftown,
f ct a wick
Leave Conajoharry avery friday by 4 9 M, and arrive at
Cooperft »wn on Saturday by noon. Returning. Leave Cooper!*
town eveiy Friday by 6 a m, and arrive 1 Cooajoharry b
>6. From Rhiitebcek by Kit»gfton, Shawangunk, Wards-
and Gothcn, Hamburg, Saflex court-house [Hackettf
toWinJ, [Rockaway Booneton] Morriltov/n and Newark of
Elizabeih-town to New York, omc s u*<k.
Leave Rhint.beck every Saturday by 5 a n, arrive at Goftien
ou Sunday by 7 a m, at Suffe* couic-houfe by 7 r r ii, at
Hackettilown on Monday by 9 A M, and at New-York on
Tu<fd«y by 10 A M. Returning. Leave New-York ou '1 uei*
day by 8 P M, arrive at Booneton and Rockaway on Wed*
nefday, and at Sussex court*houfe by 7 P M, arrive at Gofheti
on Thursday by 5 P M, and at Rhinebcck on iriday by
9 ?M.
37 From New-York by Smithftown, Coram and Bridge*
hamj ton to Sagg-Harbour, onte a week*
Leave New-York cvciy Tbuiiday by 8 A M, and arrive
at Sjgg-ttarbour on Saturday by 7P M. Returning, Leave
Sagg-Harbour every Monday by 7 A M, and artive at New*
Y-»tk on Wednetday by 5 P M.
38. From Woodbrtdge to Amboy» tkrti timti a *K?k%
Leave Woadbr dge every TueiVay, Yhurfdsy an-1 is:u-. )
day by 7 A M, and arrive at \ 'nlroy in our h «ar, iiay a;"
Araiioy two houra, and return to Woodbrllgp bv 11 A M.
39, From Trenton by Adeniown, Monmouth Court noute,
Shrewlbu v, Spotfwood, Brunlwick., Soraerfe: court house,
N:* Gcrmamowh, Pittlkan and 10 Trenton.
Leave frenton every Monday by 7 A M arrive at BnanL
wiik bv to A M, and at Trenton an Friday, to go from
Trentoe alternately'by Allentown and Flemiug'-op
-40, From Philadelphia by .Voodoury, S«M>lV>roug'n,
Woodltown and Salcaa to Bridgetown, Welt Jjrfcy, onie t
Leave foiiladelphia every Wednesday bv 3 P M, and ar
rive at Budgeiown the neat Friday by" 3t M. Rctu mng.
Leave Bridgetown evary Sa urday by 10 A M, and arrive at
Phlladeiphiathe next Wednesday *,'9 AM.
41, From Philadelphia by P.pera 10 Bethlehem, onut
Leave Philadelphia every Thursday by to A M, and arrive
at Bethlehem on Friday by 9 A it. Returning Leave
jtethleheio every Tuefrjay bv 9 A M, and arr.veai Philadel
phia on <Vednefday by s P M.
4a. Prom Su!T:l court house N.J. by Kalian, Bethlehem
ar.d Reading to Laneaiter, <nut * mtei.
L ave SulT x court ho l e on Monday by S A M, arrive at
Eatton by 6 PMj at Bctb.chem oil Hiefday by 9 A M, at
Ri-ading on Wednesday by 9 A M, and at l.ancaiter ai J P M.
Returning. Leave Lancailer on Thursday by 5 AM, ai rive
at Reading by 3 P M, at Bethlehem on Friday by 3 PM,
and at Sytfex conrr hnufe on Saturday by 6 P M.
4f. From Philadelphia by Reading, Lebiuon ud KarnC
burg to Oarhfle.
from October i jth to May tj Leave Philadelphia every
Wednesday Friday at 8 A M, arrtvi it Reading o>
Tnuifday and Saturday by 4 f M, leave Reading on rhurf
day bv M, and ariive at Cariflc on Sunday t>v 11 Mo
Returning. Lci-vc Caruflt every Sunday at « PM, ariive at
Reading on I ue'day by j f M, Leave Reading on Wednefc
May and Monda\ b, SAM. and arrive u Pbiladelp.iM oa
l"h iriday nu Taeiday by 4 PM
From May ijtbta October L"a\e FfliiidcSpht*
every Wednelday and Fiiday by Sam, arrive at R admg
every Tnwlday .and Se'urday by 11 am Lrave Reading oa
Thursday noon, and ariive atCarltllc un Si uiday byti am.
Returning. Leave Ca iiflr evety Moida. b, 4 a K, arrive at
Reading »i fuefday by a r M, leave Reading 911 1 ueiday by
jta, and on Monday by Sam, and arrive »t Philadel
phia every Wedutlday by 4 P M, am T«cf«Uy b, 9 a ac.
44. f:ota by Wtlhmgtori and vVe.t Liberry to
Whroliiig once a week. Leave Futfbu g every frnday by
J r u, and arrive at WdOting an on oatu day by 7 a m
ai Wheeling by 4f it it.tuming. Lrave evt y
rhurlday »y 9 tf, arrive at Waihington by Ia M, and at
Piulburg eu Friday by 1 t m.
44. Fr m Washington in Kentacky is Cincinnati ia tba
N. W. l'trntory:
Leave Walhington every Friday by 8 a m, and arrive at
Cincinnati on Saturdayjby 6r m. Returning. Leave Cmcio,-
nati os Monday by 2 A a, and arrive at Washington on Tuela
day by S r m.
44 Frum Walhington, by Bourbon, Ltxingto i, Frankfart,
and Harrorilburg to Danville, once a week.
Leave Washington every Friday by 8 am, arrive at Boar*
bou b< S r 11, at L xington on Saturday by anoo at Frank*
fort by 7 1 m, it Harrodfburg on Sunday by a t m aad at
Danville by 6r M. Returning. Leave Danvil.e on Monday
by I * a. aruve at Harrodtburg by 10 j a m, a.
by 7 r at, at Lexington on Taelday by noon, at Bourbon by
6 r ii, and at WaJkiagUHi 011 Wedruiday by S r m.
46, From Danville by Scardltown to Lauitvaj# e«M i*
tw<fc weeks*
Leave Danville <-»ery other Monday by j * M. arrive X
Beardtlown on Tuefdaybyg A K, jnd at Louifviileon ">Ved«
nefday not*. Returning. Leave Lauifvillc on Tbuitday by
Sam, arrive tt Btardltowa »u Friday naau, and 11 Baavtll#
«m Satsrdty by i r m.
AUtt 1. The Poll Master General may alter the.
timet of arrival and departure at any time during the
continuance of the contra«£le, he previously l'tipulating
an adequate competition for any extra expcnce that
may be occa!:6ned thereby.
Note i. H)k au hour (hall be allowed for opening
*nd doting the malt a; all office* where ao particular
time it fpecified.
N»te 3. For every hour's delay (unavoidable acci
dents excepted) in arriving after the times prefcrilxd
in any contract, the contractor lha.ll forfeit one dollar;
and if the delay continue until the departure of any
depending mail whereby the mailt deftitied for luch
depending mail lose a trip, au additioaal forfeiture as
five dollars (hall be incurred.
Note 4 Newspapers a« well as letters are to be sent
in the mails ; and if any person making propolah de>
fires to carry newfpspert other than those conveye ! i&
the mail for his own emolument, he mult ftate.'B'iut
proposals for what sum he will carry it with that '
luTient and for what sum without that emolument.
Sote £ The con net. aicto be in aocntion an the tft <*ay
of January next, and to continue until the tit day -likr t
Note 5. Should any perto'it naaking pr >j»a*ala desire an at-
tfrfiiort of the timet of arrival and departure afeive fpeciftei*
he mad ftatc in hu prop ifaU such altera io«a and the di&r*
•no** thev will make in the term® oi his cant
Afoc 7. Prrfona m tre d c &'e<4 to state their
prices by the yctr. CouU<*&Kg may rcoci/e their pay quar*
terly# — J
Pott Milter Gsacral.
General Post Offiee,
PhiUd. July 17, 1795.
New Hosiery.
At hii HOSIERY STORE, N,. 4 « C.V/W fire*,
REBPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public la
general, that he has jail received by the lhip Liberty
from Liverpool, 2 farther supply of
Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton
Among which are a very ex.enfive effortmcnt of 0«itl«-
men's plain white, fancy, and patent Silk fuperfine fency
plated silk and cotten, fine whit", plain, and ribb'd cot*
ton—a very large afl'ortment of fancy Patent and fine ran
dom fancy cotton, &c. which he will l'ell upas the aut
reafoaable (emu by the dozen or finale pair.
A General Afforawnt of every other article of DST
GOODS, newly imported.
Those gentlemen who plcafe to favorß. C. with their
commands, will meet with, at his store, a moll elegant,
extenfiva, and well chosen affortmest of every delcripti»o
of Hosiery Alib, » great Variety of
Gentlemen's Ont-Jizes.
IMPORTED and for SALE, by
No. 39, North Front Street.
A LARGE and General Aflortment of-the yariojn
articles in the Ironmongery, and y
line, also, Copper in facets and bottoms, tin platen in
boxci, London and Bristol pewter in calks, cafi-s of hit»
sorted, patent ar.d common (bot and bar lead, crou n
window glaft from 18 inches by l» to 9 inches by 7
inches ; crate* of earthen and flint gtefs ware, crates of
white and green vials and of half pint pocket bottles,
boxes of long and fliort pipe*, hampers of iiAif gallon
and gallon bottles, bottled ale and porter in caiks of
about ten dozen, Bristol grindstones, 1 box of pined
ware sorted confining chiefly of eandlefticks, ar.d upon
▼fry low terms a quantity of Bull's eye windoiv ghfs
sorted sizes, very fit for Iky lighU, warel\oufec, Jcc.
Attguft 15, 1794 M&fi iu