fubjeil to conftanl variations, and amongst these p-ople we fee a succession of all the different regimes wnich arc known under the names of democracy, •riftdorac#, and monarchy. They tried with little fuecefs different mixtures of these regimes, and it •9 too well proved by their history, that their firft IcgifUtor* did not excel in the art of organizing the public powers. Perhaps it is permitted to us to khink that the secrets of that art ire better known At present. * " Til c misfortune and error of modern legislation are not to do enougjj, I had a'moit falJ not to do' any thing, fur the regencratioiV of the people. It teems as if the art of mjral invitations was loft : ■othing in the exifling couftittitrons bears the trace of that a.ocient wisdom, which, not content with waiting m-n, affinilated them, and transformed in to a country that which had before been a territory, and into a nation that which had before been only a multitude. The knowledge of establishing be tween th; morals and the law*, the opinions, and the government, thole ftriel relations, that perma nent connexion which concentrates them into one point, and which guarantees to each element of the social eflablifhment, the invincible support of all the reft, is 101 l and forgotten." Tranjluled from the " Monitevk," a Paris paper. Letter from the Cele. MALLET du PAN. To the Editor—Sir, " In your paper of the 20th Gernninal, you in fcrted an article from Copet in Switzerland, in which it is afterted that 1 am here the principal a gent «t Pitt, and that I am charged to feud to Fiance the enorrmus sums ncceflary for the fubfiit euce of the royaltiis and the infurgenti; and that I had jult returned from England, where I had or ganized the counter revolution of France Your corrsfpondent is the mod ilupid, rfnd the moll contemptible impostor; for these sixteen months pill, I have not been one day out of Swit zerland. I never was, nor ever shall be th# agent of any body, England haß sent n<* extraordinary films to Switzerland. But whether these sums be, or be not an idle invention of the galleries of your Convention, Ijruft that Mr. Pitt would never make me Ins banker. I have many times publicly spoken againlt hi* plans and views, as well at against the fvitem of the Englifli government; he knows bet ter how to cliufe his agents, than to employ anybo dy fu«-h as myfelf. *' It being necelTary to have proofs in haad, k to sign fuck letters, the contents of which, attack ihe chara&er of others, I require you Mr. Editor, either to ;>>ove tha truth of the contents, and to sign the letter, or to publiih my contradi&iou of thufe calumnies. " All the forces, aboit the agents of Pitt and Cobourg, fetra at present to be out of fafhion. But since you introduce them again, at leall reader public your authority for such aflertiou.'' A (Signed) From the Ni w-Hnmpjhirt Gaxitti. Mr. M ELCHER, * _ . IT it of importance to the pulilie, to be inform ed of the real causes that occasioned the late tumults in the town of Portsmouth: the proceedings at the town-meeting on the fubjcil of the treaty,& the in flammatory hand-bills that preceded it, w!t amiable charadter, is one among inany of the base arts of the diforganiiers, to ca lumniate the mod deserving men among us, when it will serve their malevolent and fadtiaus purposes. A large number of signers to an address, was n»ver expe&ed, the commerce oF the town is yet on a small fcalc, the merchants are few. Sora'e well ytiflier* to the ad-itefs Have been intimidated bv t'm*ats ; thirty-'.ine had signed it when the late riot took phte'.* The open leadets of the mob-, fixed on their dny to execute their villainotis purposes, and the i with an effrontery not owtiune by atnjr fa BERNE, May 16. " Mallet du Pan." tellite of Robcfuierre, demanded an sddrefs direct ed to the President of the United States, t<> be delivered ud to them. This, riotwiihH ndiiiij their threats, was not complied with. Their number* were increased, the drum and fife were lent for & employed ; "the crier was lent about the town to request the people ta colled at sunset on Mr. War ner ,'s wharf, whe; e two were to be burnt or gibbetted. Late in the afternoon, a large b«dy of people paraded up and down the ftreeti with the effigies of our late Envoy and one of the Senatora of the State, in a cait, wl)ich they afterwards burnt at the time and place fixed on. In the even ing they paraded the streets until between nine and ten o'clock, (lopping at the houses of those who had signed theaddrefs—nfing the raoft abusive lan guage, and throwing (tones into the.houfss of two or three petfons. Many of tfcofe wha had excited the fermewt were not to be found with them in the night, when the raifchief was expe&ed to be do*e. Portfmowth, Sept. 15, FOR THE GAZETTE OF THS UNI IZD STATIS. Mr. FENNO, THE following article which appear* in the Gazette of Maint of the 14th inft. will apply without material variation to the principal scribblers in this place against the PreCdent, the Treaty, and the Con flitution. To the Printer of the Gazette of Maine, s I R, I intended to prepare a whip of some length for your paper this week, to chastise a very ignorant and wicked writer, who afluraes the name of Public Spirit. But having altered my plan at present, I ihall content my felf with proposing a few que. ies which this writer may Civc me the trouble of answering by answering them hiaifelf, or by treating the conlfituted authoritis with the prpfoundeft reverence and refpedf. The queries arc at follow: i. Is not this writer a Briton—and does he not pub licly execrate his own country ? ». Is he not known to be a rank Jacobin and difor ganizer, and to be an unprincipled foe to all good go vernment and order I 3. Is he not a foreigner unnaturalized, and To a very impertinent .ntruder in the debate upon the treaty—- more efpeciilly behaving so indecently 1 4. Is he not the tool and spy of the French Jacobin faction in this quarter, and if so, how oughfh« to be treated by all go»d company J In a certain conversation when in purfuanct of I.ls general principles (if such a fellow caai be said to have principles) he was haranguing in a seditious manner against our federal conDirution, and was aflced by a gentleman present, whether he had ever read it did he not own that he never had i 6. In his miserable writings has he not told the pub lic a number of plump lies, and insinuated in the molt seditious manner a greit many more; besides taking all he wants for granted without proof, and even when the contrary is well known ) 7. Docs he not dift over the mod contemptible igno rance of the law* of nations, and of every thing corn men fu rate with the treaty ? 8. Has he not repeatedly with the most barefaced vulgarity and impudence laid high tpeafon and other crimes to the charge of our rulers (or as he calls them our fervauts) without a tittle of evidence even preten ded ; and if so, pught not such an unprincipled railer to be bound to hit good behaviour or made to quit the town ? 9- How ought every American of fplrit to behave when this exot.c worm inltilts the .President of the United States in the most fcnrriioiis manner !—can a greater personal affront be offered by a stranger ? Thcfe few quedions are only an earnest cf the no tice I intend to take of this bold and insolent writer, if he proceeds in his farrago upon the treaty. I am, Sir, American. From the Philadelphia Gazette. In contemplating the Micitude of the citizens of Philadelphia to prevent the introdudtion of the bil lious remitting yellow fever which now prevails in New-Yot k and Norfolk into city, lam led to contribute a mite towards That end, by laying be fore them the following plan for checking the pro gress of malignant and contagious fevers : It has been the result of much reflection upon the fukijeft, I have chosen to convey it to the public through the medium of a newspaper, in order that it may he equally ufeful to all the cities in the United States. lit- Let a law be pafled to compel Physicians under a severe penalty to report to a committee ap pointed for that purpose, the exidence of a malig nant. contagious fever, — L?t this committee call a council of Pliyficians to examine the cafe so re parted, and if a majority of thtfm concur in opinion of its contagious and dangerous nature, let the fol lowing ileps,bc taken: 2dly. If the fever appears to hive been import ed from a foreign country, let the infedted vessel be removed from the wharf, and carefullywaflied and fumigated in the channel ot the r ver, and let her cargo, if any p rt of it has been landed, be con veyed from the city. ' 3dly. If the fever appears to be of dameftic origin, let the putrid matter which produced it be removed, or covered, so as effeaually to destroy all possibility of future exhalation from it. While these precautions are going forward. 4t'nly. Let all the families which are within fifty yards of the infedted person or perfous be ordered instantly to remove into houses or tents, to be pro vided for them at the public expence. Let chains then be placed acrj>fs the streets which lead to the fick,and let guards be appointed to prevent all ac cess to the infe&ed parts of the city, except by physicians and narfes, and such other persons as are neceflary to be employed in a manner to be men tioned presently. The plan ofremsTi'ng the tvell infteadof the sick, to prevent the progress of pestilential fevers is not a new one. It has been praAifed with success in Rufiia, and it has the following circumstances to recommend it. I ft. It will prevent the contagion being spread by the sick in pafling through\he streets out of the city. 2. It will not be repug nant to humanity, for if the sick be not suddenly destroyed by being informed of the cruel fate which awaits them, they often perish from the motion which is necessary to remove them, or from the an guifhof being torn from theit.families, or friends. 5. The discovery, and declaration «f the existence of malignant and outrageous fevers willb* early, & unequirscal, when an expulsion frs>n* the gity will not ka dreaded from if, and when the da- :ger of the disease will the e be leffeued by iiieceaf::ig of noises ol a!l kinds iw the neighbourhood, and the irnprob abih-y of the flck creating a icflc&ing atmosphere of contagion from tiie peri'ans who may be iufcdkd by them. > " The hospital proje&ed by ourlegiflature for |Jic fiek, may be converted into apartments fur the ac commodation of the families who may be forced from their habitations. 5. After the creation of a temporary desert in th« neighbourhood of the sick (which may be done without their knowledge) let the process of na ture for destroying contagion and m*; bid exhala tions be imitated. .Let artificial Ihowers of rain be poured down by means of ftre engines upon the in fe&ed houses and upon the adjacent parts of the streets, two or three timss a day. This may be done -by means of the city engines used for ex tinguilbing fire. TRUTH. Phe veahhy inhabitants of Smyrna preserve themfclvesin bea:th by thus wetting their houses, while the plague is deitroying thousands of their less opulent, or provident neighbour*. To every natural evil, heaven has in mercy to man, either discovered or provided an antidote. The remedies for the yellow-fever are simple, and nearly certain but m they (ire opposed in their proper extent to systems of medicine which will probably lalt'for a generation or two to come, it becomes lis more earnestly to endeavour to prevent the propagation of it ia our cities. The means for this purpose are as much under the power of human reason, and industry, as the means for preventing the from lightening or common fire. Time and repeated fu(Teri*g, will possibly cure us of our prejudices and indolence upon this fubjeft, and force us to desist from deceiving and destroying ourselves by the pradlise of arts, which are alike difgraceful to commerce and medicine. Philadelphia, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER »8, 1795 Extre& ttf a letter from NrwTirk, dated Sef tembtr 26. " I wilb I could communicate any agreeable inteliige. ee refpefling the Fever, but the report of this morning is a melancholy proof that its violcnee has not abated. A great many of the deaths re ported are, it is said, among the poor Irifti lately arrived here, who are crowded 15 or 16 into a small cellar; indeed the mortality i« wholly con fined to the poorer clalTcs df the people, whose diet and want of dean)inef»give additional strength to the disease-— many of them certainly die from ne gle£t and want of proper attendance. lam well a {lured, by a perfo'n whose business calls him into every part of the town, that the sick are laying in some houses absolutely without any person to gi/e them a mouthful of water—and in one mftance he offered so dollat* for a nurse, but the date of the room and the wretched fuflerer were so incredibly filthy, that none would accept it. These facts and other* have been represented—l hope they will ex cite the too latent sparks of humanity—The zeal and benevolence of your citizens, whom no danger or expence could deter from the cxercife of the (Juliet incident to fnch trying occasions, must ever render them csufpicuoufly pre-eminent." ExtraS, of u letter from Fort IVafhingtvn, dated Aug. 28 ' '795 " By Clarke, the prefeni exprefn, a Copy of the Treaty concluded with the Indians is forwarded to the War Office, whieh 1 hope will meet *111) pub lic approbation. The Indians, without any excep tion, are perfc&ly well fatisfied." AS the season for insuring goods, furniture, Ice. apainll fire, is approaching, would it not be well for the companies in this city to take a hint from the late efliblifhment at Boston, and enfurc for the nei/hhuiiiing towns and cities as wall as for Phila delphia ? If the j dollars per thoafand is not adequate to an extended rifle, a trifle more may be added. Si* per Quit. ------- j) Int. Three patent. ....... ii/i J »S. Deferred Sic per Cent. - - - - 14/2 BANK United States, ------ 34 pr. Cent. ■ » — North \mctia, ..... jo ■ Pennfylvaiiia, ------ Insurance Company North America, 40 per cant. —■ Pennfylvania,[lnt. «ff] 7'jpr. cent. Arrival: at the Pert of PbiLJtlphia. Day«. Brig Bet fey, Bali, Bermuda 20 Sloop Sally, Putter, Richmond 6 Charlotte, Baker, New-York 10 Ann, Mc'Cleve, Nantucket 15 Arrived at tit Fort. Brig Union, Lilhbridge, CC> The Letter-Bag of the brig Lavinit, for Falmouth, -will be taken from the Pefl-OJJici on Thursday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. BY THIS DAY'S MAILS. NEW YORK, September it. Committee of Health. The Committee appointed to prevent the introduAion and spreading «f InfeAiom Diseases ia thiicity, REPORT, That Twtnty-Seven persons have died in this City, and Four at Belle-Vue, of the prcfent Epidemic fiace their report of last evening. By order of the Committee, JOHN Chairman. Friday Evening, Sept. 15, 1795. Alexander Cut hill Challenges the Physicians of New-York, to give their reason* pnblicly for ufirtg the L«ncet, Calomel, Bark, and Cantharides or Spanish Flies, in the prcfent prevailing iicknefs. A. C. is induc ed to this challenge from motives of humanity— he therefore dares the Faculty to prove ti*eir pte BENJ. RUSH, A HINT. A Stockholder. 0 c K S. S T sent practice to be confident either with native er ■common sense. ALEX. CUTHILL. New-York, No. 47, Naflau-ftreet,| September 22, 1795. \ N. B.—A. C. further proptifes to take fir pa, tientj, Whom none of the." Faculty hare yet visited if any of the Faculty will also take fix, according to their present mode ; and the recovered sick (hall be the witneflc*. He further advifts the citizens of New-York, not to he in the least alarmed en account of the pncfent sickness, for it is by ao m«an» lafe&jouj, until ai'ter death. He further advifet to treat it as Buchan recommends ia a common cold, firft ad mini ftering a tommoir purge. Caitor-eil ha» been observed to have the best effe£t. . September 23. The brig Polly, White, wa« upfct .on Thursday last, above H«ll-Gate, with a quantity of lime aR board. Twenty-seven fail of veflLls were drove on fror« in a hurricane, about the 18th of Auguil, at An tigua. NEWPORT, September 20. Mr. Barber, A« it has b«cn reported that the Medufn frigate ran away from the Britifli frigate Cleopatra, I beg you would insert the following copy of a letter from the commander of the Medusa, and you will oblige ■■A Friend It the Republic of Fraute. " At Sea, 4th Sept. 1755. " My Dearßir, ' V " I cannot lose the opportunity by air Ameri can vefTcl, to inform you, that had I not received pontive orders not to attack, I should yesterday morning have taken an F.nglifo frigate ten leagues S. E. of Nantucket. She ought to consider her felf under great obligations to the Miniller of the Republic. " After my bed refpefls to the good penple of Newport, recommend patiencc to Capt. Horn;— I /hall retura very soon. Ship Hope, J. Hawes, from Philadelphia— Th'» ftip was loaded, in Philadelphia, bound for Ireland—Eight days since she patted the Capes, when the captain was seized with a fever, and the vefTel put away for this port. The captain it it hoped will (hoitly tccover. HALIFAX, (N. C.) Sept. 14, A correspondent dciires to know how many ci« tizens were present at the numerous and refpeSablt meeting, held at Warrtntoa on the 2zd ult. (of which there were but twodifTentients) as he was in formed by a gentleman of great lefpedlability a*d undoubted -veracity, that he pasTed late in the day through that town, and observed that all was quiet and no appearance whatever of any colkdioii of people. Canal Lottery-Office Near th« SANK of the (/SITED STATZS, A_„ September iStb, 170 c. TTENDANCE will fee given at this Officc from thefculfrX? ek " crrdaT for The price will be Eleven Dollars till tl>« further order j if Com P in y— aod for all sums exceeding one hundred dollar., approved aotet payable en or before the loth dar " Becembtr next will be taken in payment. i William Blackburn, Agent. Canal Lottery. T H * Public rcfpe&fuHjr informed, that a torreft J. Numerical Book of each day', drawing will be kent '49 ChefnuCftreet, b.fween Fourtk and Fifth-ftreet., where t,ck«t. may be regirtered and ex amined. Also, prize tickets bought, or exchanged tor others -uurrtnted vniraun during the continuance. £? A Numerical Book is also opened of WalWtoa Lottery, which commcnces in a few days. N. B. New-Castle prize-tickets parchafed at the above Office. Sept 48. .j. BURR MILL STONES Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Fad.ry, in the o!4 vind-raiil in Elmfley's allej, W South Sceoni-prut, a little b I Pennsylvania DiflriA. J NOTICE i« hereby given, that "the trhl» »f etimitiai caufct in tlis circuit court of the United States, for the Pwinfyivania diflrid, will commence on Monday, thfe twelfth day of Oiftober next, at the court house in York Town; whe» and where all perlsns bound by recognizenoe or otherwise to appear, are loquirod to attend. By »rd«r of the honourable William Patdrfon, Esquire one of the Associate Jufticoi of the Supreme Court of the United State*, and the honourable Richard Peter* Esquire, DiftriS Judgt of the United State« for the PcnmyWania AftriS. WILLIAift NICHOLS, MarJhaL MarJktl's (fact, Sept. 3, 1795. i 2 Oft. C? The printers of Hiwfpapari to the westward - Marine Intelligence " I am, &c." NEW.BEDFORD, Sept. 16. arriykd. 3td»awtf. * IIW4W.