Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 28, 1795, Image 2

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N°. 64,feu tf) ScrondJlreet
C 4.NAL Tickets for iale, and cafe or ticket* given *or
any prizes that may be drawn.
Information given refpeeling Waihington lottery, and
eafh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may bs n.
Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
BOOlV; v. ill be kefit ofeach day's drawing in both lot
te;ies, a«d open gratis to the enquiries of the p»Ucli'jr..of
Tickets; ;vuTchaf«d at th'e'OFFICE.
£>" Halve*, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
hai st"thirapeveO{Ec«. Sept-i6. $
This Day publifltcd,
Arid* for salts at hie Printing-Offict, No. 33, Mulberry
ilrect; Mathew Carer, No. 118, Market-ftrcct; H. & P.
Rice, No. 50, Market-ftrect; John Ormrod, No. 41
Ckefnut-ftreet; Robert Campbell, No. 40, foatU Second
&reet; 8c Thomas St«phens,No. 60, south Sccoad-ttr«et,
The Triumphs of Love;
Written by an American an J Crtixen of Philadelphia. Performed
•with applaufs at the Neve Theatre.
The public pipers have given the following charaAcr
of this work
" IN this Comedy are interwoven fentlment»*hat Jo
honour te the writer's heart, as a man and as a citizen,
on several iateralling fubje<fts, such as Negro Slavery, and
our glorious Revolution. The language throughout the
piece, is pure and appropriate; but the plot wants interest
and incident."
0" Some of the moll int«re!ling and incident] 1 parti
were omitted in the
September i j
Jacob Johnson and Co,
>>.7, Marlie'-Strret, Philadelphia,
A very general uTortment of
Which they offer on the lowelt termi.
A liberal dedu«slion will be made to Country Store
keepers, whose orders will be thankfully received.
<?th n:o. 15th, 1795. 2a-,vim.
« For approved Notes at sixty i»ys.
14 Piretgscainc Madeira WINE, beftLondon particular;
160 pieces light ind dirk ground CHINTZES of aa txcel
lent quality. t»
Sept. 175.5.
Dancing School.
open bis School on Monday, the 48th inft. at th«
elegant Ball Room in Harmony street, lo ding from Third
to Fourth street, between Chefnut and Walnut ftreett.
In addition rs the French and Englidv dances usually
taught, he means to introdace a varitty of Seoten Reels,
sow very much admired in Europe.
September 25. . |jt.
A Limner from Paris rrfpe&fully informs the public,
that he paints LikenefCes in Miniature, in such ftrik-
Hls and pleafinr a manner, a» will, he hopes, fatisfy those
ho may employ hm. His Likeneff«are warranted, his
fhtin'gs lhort, and his terms easy.
Hi® room is at No. 13, north Fourth street, a few doors
&om MarkeL-flrcet, opposite the Gro&Xcytj
September 7» ; 1795
P. S. As he fhortiy intend* returning ta France, he
Writes Auh Laaiet and «»« 7 lc 4*tfx»u» ur
h&v'ng their Portraits drawn, to take advantage of thf
prefciit time.
A- NY Ladies and Gentlemen, whb arc desirous of ha
j£TV virig Likcncflt-k-taken, may have them done
hy applying to the Painter, at No. i is, corner 01 Union
and toufth-Ureets; where they can be referred to fpe*
Sept. 19,
npHE following Certificates of the Funded Debt of
X the United States, iiTued fiom the Office cf the
Regilter of the TrcafOry of the said United States,
iiitiie name of Patrick Hcatly of L >ndon, to wit.
No. 6819,8810, i'u3 8811, dated 7th July, 1794,
for Four Thouiand Dollars each, of the Funded three
yer Cent. Debt, have been loit at Sea", and application
is intended to be made for the Renewal 8f the fold
Certificates at the Office of the Treafiiry of the said
United States, «f which all persons concerned ire de-
Sred to take notice.
ROBERT GILMOR, of Bainmors.
Anpift 14 • dj)6w
r T~'HE Governors of the States of FennfyWania and'
X Ntw-Jerfcy haviu£ fcfpectively issued Patent,
agreeably to the direotious of acts of the refpcsflive Legif
iatures, to incorporate a Company for ere&ir.g a Eridge
over the river Delaware; at the borough of Eaflion, by the
name and' stile of " The President, Managers and Com
" pany for erecting a Bridge over the river Delaware, at
" the borough of Ea-fton i" the undsrfigned, being the
fix ptrfons firft named in the faidLetteS Patent, do here
by. Cftnformably to the proviftons of the said a6U,
That they have appointed Saturday, the thirty-fir!! day
of O&ober next, for the fubferibers to the (lock of the said
Company to meet it the County-house, in the borough of
Ealton, at ten,o'clock, A. M then and there to'proceed to
organize the said Corporation—-at which time and place
the fubferibers afoi ei'aid (ha 1 choose, by a majority of votes
by ballot, to be delivered in person or by proxy duly au
ihorifed, one President, fir Managers, one Treafure-r, and
such other Officers as they (hall think necefiary to conduit
the bufineft of the said Company for one year, and until
Other Officers Stall be ehofen; Snd may make such by-laws
rules, orders and regulations, not inconsistent with the
laws 6i the. said Status, as, shall be necessary for the well
ordering the affairs of the said Company—" Provided cl
" ivays. That no perfoa (hall have more than iq votes, at
" ar.y ele&ion, or ill determining any question arifmg at
" such raeiting, whatever number of stares lie mav be
" entitled to; and thzt cach person (hall be entitled to a
" vote for tydry feare by him held under that number."
Sept. 24, 179J- .
N. B A few Shares of the Stock of the said Company
may yet be fubfcribcd for at the Caoipting-Houfe ef B?bi
Hollinrrwrti 13" Sm, 3d whart below the Bridge in Phila
delphia— if the fubfeription shall not be full by the sixth
ff Oeiober next, the Book will then be transferred to Se
wuel Sitgreaves, Efq Eafton.
Ss itt«d en » &ck man.-;——■ Entire at t«i« Officc.
3t «" "
Fotfman Cs* Co.
3a\vi m.
tOR THE G..Zi.r:t Of T/J£ UNIXfD STAtES.
SINCE jidam's fall are Bre'entw
In fusion's cause to preach,
And iie; till sacred truth ihall strip
The Grtenleaf from the Beach*.
• Vulgarly spelled Bache.
Foreign Advice&l
Contiivatior. of Intelligence !>y the ib.v Montezuma,
arrived at Bakiraorc.
F X A N C £.
23 d Mejjidor, Saturday, July IX.
The Rcpoiter of the Comnvffion of Eleven pre
sented a new edition of the four firft aiticles of the
loth title of the Conftituhonal Aft, relative to
the public contributions. One of the amendments
piopofed was, that the conjribution, which ftiould
entitle every inhabitant to \t clafled among thcci
tizens, (hould not exceed tie amount of three day*
labor in order.
Dubois Cranee wiflied to reduce the contribution
to the price of one day'* labor, ia order that the
poured may be claffcdas citiiens.
Gnilhimard supported the proposition.
Lanjuinais wa« in favor of the mode proposed by
he Commission.
Dubois Crance obje&ed that there might one day
be found a mass of men who in order to concentrate
in themselves all the rights of citizeM, would them
selves support the exigencies of the (late.
Dannou and Lateveillere Lsfaux spoke in favor
of the mode proposed by the Commission.
The Contention decreed the four article! in the
following terms :
1. Public contributions are difeuffed and fixed
each year by the' JLegillative body. Tfyey cannot
fubfilt beyond that period if they are not exptefsly
2. The Legislative body may create filch kind of
contribution as it (hall deem neceflary j but it must
each year eltablifh a land tax, and a general contri
3. Every citizen who, not being in the fixati
on provided for by the fifth and sixth articles of the
2d Title of the Constitution, has not been compri
sed in the lift of direct contributions, has a right to
present himfelf before th« Municipal Administra
tion of his Commune, in order that his name may
be inferibed for the payment of a personal contribu
tion equal to the local value of three days of agricul
tural labor.
4. The infeription mentioned in the preceding
article can only oc made in the month of Mcffidor
each year.
The Convention palled now to the difcuilioa of
he 3J Title. '
The firft article, dating that ever)' person if a ci
tizen at twenty one years of age, was read.
Villelaril moved to extend that period to twenty
five year<>.
Jean DArr# tl.v uiuifun,
It was *>ppt fed by Garan-Coulon, Gregoire, and
Dan*au, o» the principle that palriotifm jvas most
ardent and pure in you-.g minds, and that in many
free ftatcs persons cf the age were admit
ted to the right of voting.
The motion w; sr j.cied and the following arti
cles were decreed :
I. Every man born and resident in France, who
has attained.the ageofii, is inferibed upon the
civic register of his canton, has lived for one year
upon the territory of the Republic, and pays a di
redl contribution, is a French citizen.
i. Frenchmen, who (hall have made one or more
campaigns in the cause of Liberty, are citizens
without any condition of contribution.
24 MtJJidvr, Sunday, July 12.
Grculy presented, from the committee of Ma
rine and Colonies, a report upon the works at the
port cf Cheibourg.
" If the necessity of having a pott in the Chan
nel was felt after the unfortunate battle of La
Hog;:e, it ought to be equally felt. now. that wc
have concluded an offenfive and defenfive alliance
with Holland. The ftiips of that republic, which
tnav fail to our coast, have no port to run into un
til they come to Brest : whilll England has great
U It is not proposed to follow the useless and
expensive fyiiem of cones, but solely to finilh the
jetty, which is, already even with the f*a at low wa
ter, in order to give flu-lter to (Jiips. By making
Cherbourg, which is oppofitt t«, and only 20
leagues fromPortfmouth, one of the principal ports
of the republic, you will cause great uneasiness to
Great Britain, and you will poflefi thereby every
advantageous means for making a descent oa the
Britith coall, and for vindicating the liberty of the
The Convention decreed, that Cherbourg (hould
be one of the principal ports of the republic ; that
the committee of public fafety (hall use the necefla
ry means for accelerating the raising of the jetty, k
for carrying it with the grcatelt fpecd, to the high
est possible point of perfe&ion. The funds ne
cefiary to this work at the disposition ofthc
commilfio i of public works.
Del mnay from the committee of general fafety.
" The emigrant!, and the company of Jesus, had
united for the purpose of disturbing the tranquility
of Lyons. Your salutary decree came to the af of that commune, and tranquility was re-e
Your intention is to punish the emigrant! where
ever you find them Their existence upon the ter
ritory of the republic is no longer problematical ;
and if any doubt is entertained of it, that doubt'
mnft be done away by the intelligence of the ar
rcll Lyons of the ci-devant Marquis de Lacofte.
That intriguer, born at Conftans, has been brought
to Pan's, by order of the representatives of the peo
ple at Lyons. To obtain his liberty he presented
a certificate, figntd by nine witnefles, and delmrcd
Sf^Vt#+S- .pi-X
by the sr.unlcipaiiiy of Lyons, dating, that lie had
lefided in that commune from the year 178$.
" This certificate appeared tha more fufpirfbus,
a* the emigrant* procure as many a* they wish at
Lyons, where tiiey suborn witnefTes. The witucfscs
who signed the certificate of the Marquis de La
cottc have been examined ; part of them fay, that
.they only knew him one month before the fie^e. —
Others", that they limned without knowing him, and
that they were mitigated to it. A* the conflitut
ed authorise* of Lyons are suspended, Delaui.ay
propoftd, in the name of the committee, that the
ci-d«vant Marquis (hould be carried before the crim
inal tribunal of (he department of Ifere, in order to
be tried.
Boudin faki, that as the man was at Paris, he
ought to be tried by the tribunal of the department
of Paris. " The prisoner* at Lyon* have been
matfacred he said, " there was but one emigrant
there, and he was set at liberty."
Pierret opposed this motion on account of the
great quantity of buftnefs before the tribunal of Pa
rit, and because the witntffes lived at too great a
Guyomard wiftied that the affair should be refer
red to the tribunal of Paris. He was apprchenfive
that the emigrant might be set at liberty in hit jour
ney, for thirty had lately been released in the de
partment of the moittht of the Rhone.
Bezard moved, that the witneffe* (hould be ttied
by the fame tribunal as the ci-devant Maiquis.
This was agreed to ; and it wai decreed, that La
code should be the tribunal of Paris.
Gonpilleau feared that there were in other places,
as well as Lyons, manafafturers of forged • certifi
cates of residence for the emigrants. He asked if
it would not be proper toeftablifh, in each depart
ment, a tribunal charged solely wi h the trial of
persona accused of emigration, whose number was
conGderable. Referred to tke committee of leg if
Breard proposed to suspend the erasure from the
lift of emigrants.
The proportion was put to the vote, and inflant
lf decreed.
Sereral members, among whom was LfjijenHre,
exclaimed againlt the precipitate mode of" palling
tin decree, We know, said lie, what it has colt
us when we have abandoned principles ; we have
returned to them, and miift not swerve from them.
1 move that all who wifla to speak on this fubjeft be
a 6 July 14.
At 11 o'clock the members were aflembled in
their robet. Dreflault pronounced a discourse on
the taking of the Baftile, which wai frequently
interrupted by applause. As the national institu
tion of music had not yet arrived, the convention
proceeded to other bufincfs.
Thibeaud, in the name of the committee of
finance, refuted a rumour that the plate!
livrcs had been ftolcn. He likewifc contradicted
the repart that the committee of public fafety
had, ai wa! pretended, augmented the appoint
ments of it! agents ; they had not the power;
the treasury would not pay them, ile also canfcd
two plans of a decree to be adopted :
I. That there shall be opened a National Ton
tine, of which the (hares shall be a thousand livre*.
Tk.j- m«j ■nvcKtiek'i* De iubdivided in 500 livre»
and 200 livtts. The Tontine to be divided into
fixteea claffts, each for five years.
11. 1. That there (hall be opened a loan of
1000 millions at 3 per cent annual iaterefl—2.
Every fubferiber (hall be credited on the great
book of the coiifolidated debt, in only one and the
fame article and under the number.—3. The cont
miflionert of the national treasury are charged
with the execution of the present decree. Thty
(hall give in their account to the committee of fi
1 7 Mtjftder, WetinrfJay, July IJ.
Bordai, in the name of the committee offafety,
made a report on the mode of cancelling the office*
of ci-devant Savoy, in the department of Mi<nt
Blanc. The inhabitant* of that department, he
observed, hnd broken their chains, and fhewtt-them
frlves worthy of liberty. They had diclared them
felvcs Frenchmen ; and all the righ'.gof the Ficnih
were common to them.
Monnot made foene reflexions on the decree
which ordered the fchoo! of artilleiy, now at Be
fancon, to be removed to Rennet. Befidet the
weightier confideration6 which might m.ike this
measure dangerous in the present circlimftances, he
remarked that fey removing this eUablifliment from
the east to the weft, the republic wo«Id be depriv
ed of the services of the inhabitants of Franc-he
Comte, who will not travel 200 leagues to the
school of Rcnnes. This department would besides
create an expercc of several millions of livres, with
out being really uft ful, feeing that fcite of the fea
tide was less fitted for an exercise of this kind, than
that of the mountains bordering on Benfancon.
The reporter moved the suspension of the decree,
until after the report of the united committee, on
its advantages and ineonvenienccs. Decreed.
Jean de Brie. "At the moment when you are
engaged in giving a republican conttitution to
France, you cannot doubt but that malevolence
cifely the cafe; but is is in the foul and principles
endeavour to employ whatever is calculated to keep
up the energy of true republican*, by solemnly pro
claiming .the facted principles which have made out
armies triumphan:. Weill malevolence fays, that
it is terror you wish to propagate. Oh you, who
groaned for eighteen month* under the most hoi
rid tyranny, of wiiich you were fad vi&im', can it
be your aim to reftme the terror you have proscrib
ed? (No, exclaimed feveial members.) It will ne
ver be renewed : jultice and firmnefs aie your inva
riable principles. (Applauds.) 1 have ceitainl)
rtafon to be astonished, that malevoleHce can have
asserted boldly, that I yeflenlay piopofcd a decree
foi the renewal of terror, The royalists alone car
-ombat what you have decreed. (Here he read
tbete-'i catjvft*! jiuid»and ttoops g[
- J tJwSI
> S '
line, &e.) This decree, he continued, girt* , eiy
latitude to the arts and friends of liberty.
The convention in tlicfe civic airs Zf ,
both him who ha» driven the enemy to the u.h, r
(ide of the Khine, who hat alTcmbicd bands u s
youthful warrior* under the flags of mik) ij.
berty, and him who made them triumph in ;hg
plaini of Gemeppe and Fleurug. The convention
wilhc* merely to piopagate the energy oi pauiot
lfm, not the system of terror. It wifliej the pu.
nillimcnt of the real criminal*, the indulgence of
error, and concord and union among good citizens."
28 Meffidor, July 16.'
Vernier brought up a report, and presented \
plan of dccrees: I. On the territorial contribute
on, and on the neceflity of enforcing half of it ia
kind, and the reft in affignats, according to the
fcaleof proportion j 2. Oil the mean* of verifying
demands in surcharge and abatement ; 3. On the
ptopiiety of ebliging tenants to pay half their rent
in provisions to their landlords ; 4. On the necefi
fity of renewing the contribution of moveables, or
taxes on articles of ease and luxury; 5. Of re(lor<
ing patents for merchants only 5 6. Of cnadinjr
wife and severe police laws, tefpefting commerce,
and particular the corn trade.
The law* -relative to finance, (aid he, form s
chain, the links of which are closely conne&ed,
and mutually cQrrcfpondinjj ; unfortunately, all
those links have beeu broken ; it is then necessary
to give them a n<w connexion and a new order.
To begin the regeneration of our finances, three
things must iudifpenfibly take the lead, notwith.
Handing the due prefervatiou of the scale of pro
portion : r. We must reftere our ufuil revenues,
and our diredi contribution.: a. Find the meant
of procuring grain in such a manner, as may pre
vent the necessity of those rutfious purchases which
devour the public treasury, while jullice is done t»
the landholder*, whose rents are stipulated to be
paid in (pecie : 3. Bring iuienfibly, by the wifetk
regulations, proviftoni, and all articles of trade, t*
their real value in the scale of commerce.
In the difcufSou of Vernier's plans, some arti
cles were adopted refpefting the territorial contri
bution, the payment of rents,,and the mitigation
of frircharges. The firft article runs thus :
All requisitions in corn hitherto levied on land,
lords, farmers, and others, (hall be abolilhed, a»4
cease on the ill of Vendemiaire.
It mtifl forever repress the pride, and mortify
the vanity of all who think that high birth is ai
iidifpenfaUe riquifne for high employments, t»
know that Jean Baptille Louvet, the Prelident of
the Convention, an assembly wh:ch, w» con»
fider the valt functions attached to it, and the ex.
tent of its authority, may fairly be deemed the Aloft
powerful that -the world has ever seen, that Jean
Baptiile Louvet, the President of the National Con
vention, keeps a bookseller's (hop in the Maifon
iigalite, near the Rtte des Enfans; it alt*
a printer and publisher, and is the editvt of a daily
paper, wtitten with great energy and eloquence.
* lie title of it jfl La Sentrnelle. The following it
au cKtracft from the Sentinelle of the 9th inft.
f« If tKcrc mr »va« an rpoch in which philofo
p. y might laboer with the firm h'ope of contribut
ingto the happinef. of humanity, it i, pt rha p .th«
prelent, when wc have jutt efcaptd from a dreadful
" It was indeed to be expe&ed, that eorinptioa
become inveterate d,„mg f OUrUen ccmßlits of dc s,
polrim, would be agitated in the pretence of bbtrt y,
and would obftmateiy oppose the efeablinimtnt of
?k' r ■ i !" d lhe re U«n«ation aod revival of
the social order. I„ this va(l ebullition, all the p f
fions have afTumed a m»,e n enacirg attitude, ar.d
* r", Wl ',, k ed drafter. Their features arc ,11
enlarged. R.yalry h«s fermented into hatred—
fe«» have fwellcd into factions—and ambition Lai
maiJdriitd ln to tyranny.
In the mid ft of this effervefcence, the legiflj-
O" . duty hat been to watch the crifi», .to develops
the caulc, prcdl a t)ie co„fcq U e«e.: it was hi.
duty to make an experimental crurfeof public im
morality, and thus to learn the task of fiJhio.ili)?
lug laws ,» such a manner, as that they might pro.
XreffiveTy foften, appease, reprds, «nd, in th? £d,
era urate vice. which concentrate thetn
irive. are seldom cured ; and in the fecial body, a*
m the human body, impure feed, are flever so eafi
y extirpated a Ba t the epoch of their fermentation,
i/ U P llonand cxpiofior.
taiel vV"I lC of facie ty have Seen igt.
I e ' OT f U f' e rowlt have been perceived.
I« a period of tranquility they give to philosophy
hcrfelf nothing more than objure feufations, and
it, w;.sneceffary to receive lively sensation, to acquire
upon the nature of thefc elements, their'operant,
i leir propenhtiei, the knowledge nectflary to
>„ h " ,hefa,e of foc,e, y•' ■*»
go ,y, ms oi Icgiflations have been preceded bjr
revolutions more or less disastrous. Ha PP y arc the
people who know how to convert theii calamities
into profit.
'to r.r'frf ® BC| f n ' Ifgi'flatorg ire much left antioua
:r 'Ue. 1 puHJic powers, than to organize,
IZ-r b ?,1 ,10Wf 1 d ,hatex P re ®°». the nation.
_i • e# * thought that to inflitute a peo»
them T'l* nfCel F- r ? ™ '° mC mea s ure to rccreal#
bits to i 'heiiifelret to reform their ha*
to ™Pose thefr opinion., to eire the*
Tf tlat,^nar » « decidec character, and a
" P h y''ogn«imy, which /hould forever divide
them from foreign powers. Such wa, the <*de».
The'n P t' rt,CU f y j°j Mof «» Xyrurgu., and Nuna,
ed for fl , oUndt( l ana by them,
and the mofl ? H , '' e,c^efn v 'Viffilucis,
bt the firw rm^COm^ tIO f >8 - Th <J M>Mc4
txifition tn ih ° rCe °m° '"ftitutioiiß. and in op-
She Aft i ■" m "" US d^*W t he law* relating
to the diftributiondf powei't. -
mer .«*«>* pempk' of for.
f K of '•»' admiration and
ZZ ' ,ft H**>«'«»<» mean ro.
;£Sr* ft, " n 1,W cquiKbrfqa. of ,u
---he llwa p es th< 'creations as
**' ■*4* 0 *!"* i F°W' icpih and:
Lnd vhh • J P°' ,t "' Ci, !> \*erc Tertatiu.y
" nc! cio cd. Tier fi ov C ,« me m. we "re