f NVMBJfX 953-5 FOR SALE, Br J Oft N CRAIG, No. it. Dock Street, Id Pipes of The very befi Madeira IV fN E> 93 quarter eaflcs of Sherry wins, Brift®l window glass of different files, A qtvnati'y of best Hivtumah in toxM, A few caffcs ef iugar, 4 boxes of yard wide Irifk linens* 4 bales of do. cauvafs, £ ba!es of red, white, and yellow fennel* j POR? S MOU7 N, BOK-t'tit-N »ooj barrels, now lying at Mr. Thiddle'i wharf, in South-ivark. Philadelphia, Sept. il. J- For SALE, or CHARTER, C"y&Tl TH I SHIP |S HARMON r, Eir» Sewell, maßer, SU A I' -lEN three hundred and thirty-fonr tont, Phila delphia built, of live oak and cedar, failj well, and may %e sent to f.a at a lmill expellee — For ferms applv to Andrews & Meredith, § No. 86, south Wkarv«». Sept. as. For HAMBURGH, HOLLAND, Chriftophar franklin,tun. matter, HAS exreiknt accommodations for passenger* j will &ii in all this month j three-fourths of her cargo are rta & to be fold at No. 1, Pine-Or<.«, by James Campbell. All®, a few boatfli welU®*rt«d Iriih Linens. N.' B. Said Snow for Freight or Char tei, cither to the Weii-Indie* or fr4i v us above. *-/t'i 'ji Pragers & Co. Andrews £5* Mrfcdttb, No. 86, tovth \vh»rve», 3*3*' Gurney Es* Smith. d. MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1795. For HAMBURGH, THE SHIP M E R 1 C A N ' William Shallcrt/s, mafler, AT Mr. Rufleli'i wharf—She is in good order, and bow ready to take in on freight, and intended to fail on 10th Odtober. —Anply to the master on board, or to Jehu Hollingfworth & Co. Sibtmiet 46. 5 SALE, For THt SHIP NOW lying at Hamilton's wharf, burthen 180 torn, ihe is a staunch pood vefiel, will carry 53 J. hogfheade of toijaeco.—For terms apply to Jofepb Anthony Zlf Son. fcftli September. Received, Per Jhip Cato, captain Salter y from Bordeaux, A Cnrvo of CLARET, BRANDY, &c. ALSO, From m board the Jhip Four Friends, Captain (rfew*, f ror9 Bcurdtutx Excellent white WINE, in cases ; Do. red Ho. in d 9 5?5 Hogsheads of red WINE ; OIL in cases, of a superior quality ; Trunks, containing DRY &OODS. ALSO, Per brig Polly, Levi Tenr.c, mnfttr, from DubOm ria k, Irish LINENS, in large boxes—and OZNABURGS. fOR SALE BT F. Coppinger, § No. 221, fcuth Front-ftrft. S*pt. 11. The CARCTO of the (hip Harmony, Jama Afoorr, mnfter —-frvn P) % CGNSISTi: 100 ton* (ol<3 fc&lfel IRON 5 100 tons HEMP ; 4CO pi< c- s RuflU SHF.E FINGj 4.00 pieces Ravens DUCK; A few boxes Tallow CANDLES; and Jo coflu TALLOW. FOR SALE BT Phllr.ri. xltb Seftiiier, 1795 The CARGO of the (hip Harmony, Ezra Lrwelly mafi;r —-from BQURDJIAUX, CONSISTING 0t BRANDIES, in pipe* and puncksojii; and CLARET in hoglheads, it dif barging c rom on board tlia said 3up at Cuthb'rt's wharf, and for sale by Andi eu>s & Meredith, d. No- 86, foiith -vharT-"*, For a a r;i; J quantity of Frejh Ferfumcry, Frem France. LHnvtfe, Malaga Wine, in quarter caiks and pipes; X>o. \,eud, in {heets ; 70 hogflscads upper Potowmack robacco; And an invoice of FINE FRENCH LACES.. Sept. x 6, 1795 CLARE T, in ca!k«, (uitable for the Eal and Weft-India marlteU. EK-ENCH BRANDY in butts and pipes. And a few cases of ami Oznaburgs. tor iALr sr Rundle & Murgatrtyd, No. 11, Walnut street wh*rf. Sept. l,_r?9S. (t,th&» iw) For SALE, by the Subscribers, h rimsTREET, The JttUrvfag articles of the Ittfi importation from ChinM. 160 Quarter Chefls Hyson Tea, 1%0 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea, 400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, 4,500 Pieces Nankeens. Stpjemter 14. ill be Landed To-Morro At Stamper's IVtarf, The CARGO of the Swedish sloop Stockholm, Cap tain Ber?, —COtfSJSf JNG OF— Jamaica SUGARS, a a superior quality, io hhds tierce», and barrels; COFFEE in hogiheads; COTTON ia b»le«—»nd a few tom »f mo G IV 0 0 D. FOR SALE BT George Sibbald, (id.) No. 170, south Front-ftreoL Sept. 9. Now Landing, r T~"HE cargoes of the brigs Weft-Indian and B«tfey&Pol- JL ly from Jamaica : Coffee ii: hhds and barrels Sugar in hhds Rum, high proof, and 36 bags Pimento. Also ON A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels and Bag* Pimento } For El P° rU " o * Brandy, ift and 4th proof Sherry Wise, &.C. 7"'j 31 JAMES TIFFIN, No. 701 South Second-Jtreet, near tbe City Tavern, HAH just opened and for Sale, an Assortment of I*>- dies' and Gentlemen's Falhionable HATS, from London. Also a variety of Children's Hats of differ ent Colours. N. B.' A Man or two as finifHero in th« abbve business, well recommended, will meat with tenitaEt employ and good aacouragement, C, j( — James Crawford, or George Latimer. A?PLT TO Sam. Breck, jun. eod6t. Willings Ssf Franciti taw. Morning, Fbr fcle by Peter Blight. A Quantity of India Bandanoes, Jult Arrived and for Sale by MOXDEGAI LEWIS,- ffia bas alfa to difpofc cf, A frw )ale» of Book and oilier E&ft ladia Muflias lUiiiia Jheetinga da. Ssil Cloth. Havenj Duck larcelona Handkerchief* in boMt A cafe of Diipers A V>t« of sde CarprU Roll Brinsftont New Ciftir Grindflonr* i6hhds. Jarae» River Tobacco, ef fxcclfnt quality, &c. Sept. %■$ • R E V E I FTB, By the Arcthufds Captain Swain, from Calcutta and Mttdraf:, and fir Sale by the Subscribers in Ptnn firiet, a valuable /Ffortment of Piece GaoJt ; eta- Jtfting oi Taund*n KhtiTs Sahjadpore Mamoodjr Nympofotice Coffae Borum Baftaes Humhatns Beerboom Gurrah* Malda SesTooty Malda Gocalcauty Alhabad Guzeenahs TaffttaM Ji'tm/I 5«. tUH. SALE by ik> Hut/p-nta i, at tuctr Store an Walnutfireit Wharf, s6 K'nds. 3 * Barrels anJ > Hifpaniola COFFEE, lately arrived J4O Bag* 3 IFbo have a)ft on band, Rett Port Vine, in Viy — --nd Hogfecwk Mou' calii \fine Wine, in Qr. caika 20 Tons Brirnflonc Naife ifforted Sail Canvas, N°. 1 5 J and A few genticmen's handsome Saddlee Philip Nicklin & Co. Landing at South Jtreet wharf, The Cargo of the Brig Fly, captain Hooter, from Gi braltar and Teneriffe Brandy, Ift Mid 4tk Proof, Tcnsriff; Wine, in pip«, hhis. and (jnarMT ffc, Benecalo ditto, Htzlcrratt ir. Sacks, Also, cargo of ti»™ brig Ooad Hope, Mst. HaVW, from Jamaica. Sugar in Hogfhakis, Coffee in ditto, proof Spirit, Logwood, Hides, tic. For f»l« by EMANUEL WALKER, N«. 73, South Front-ftrcet, BAS FOR SALE, 150 Hogflieads Virginia Tobacco Of *hl" «»gk, "ril FredencWburjth. Virginia Bacon in prime order 20 Hog&eads Windward Island Rum. WAN TED, A Miller, of chara&er and abilities, to Undertake the management of a Merchant Mill in V irgi uia, aad to whom liberal wageiwill be givoa.—Apply at miw. Siftanbcr iS. St. Croix Sugar & Rum. N»i» landing frtm on board the trig (fillism Pennock, Thomas Holli ay, majier, Prime St. Croix Sugar and Rum. fOK SALE BY W'M have a'fo an Hand, St. Domingo SUGAR ; Havanna MOLASSES; and London particular Madeira WINE. Sept. il, IV)S' f IW> LANDING» from on baard the Ship Charlotte, Capt. Jona. Boiuert, from BourJeaux, jo Pipes Brand/ M Too* CUrnt F. COPPING Ell, No. 211 South Froi*, near Pine ftraet. IVbo hat al/a, tjoo cases of 30 & 50 bottles, Ch«ice Qld Claret 600 hsgHieads ditto A Quantity of Annifred Noyaux Liqueurs and Cambric ki. FOR sale, Imported in the Jinp Arttkufa, from Calcutta and Madrafs, a variety of BENGAL GOODS; Guirrahj, Bal'tas, Cnffiei, Humhumi, Hmdlu Pcrfur.j, Calicot?. Tc be Sold by tlie Package, for approved notos at three and four months, by WILLIAM MACLU-RE & Co. JOHN MILLER, Jun> Attgtifti* WJt The GEORGIA CO MP A NT,, BEING desirous t» dojttftice to those interested therein, and holding Certificates issued by the Grantees thereof, inform the holders f»J9f. totes Bandanoes, Chappa RomiuW; Silk Pulkat», Cotton PulicaW Bhie Cioth Durias Muslins Cambrick Stringucar Handkerchief* Ventapolara ck>. Tinnavilly do. tilings iS 5 Francis. Peter Blight. §I rous; in ihort, nothing is spared that can aiTurd them either utility or conveniency. For further information, application may be made to the riffht Rev. Dr. Carroll, or Mp. Lacombe herielf, South ftrect. oppoht* Water Ilivtt. - Septemherß, 1795 DUJT ON CARRIAGES. NOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably to an a d FARM, containing about 3®Q aeret ,♦ difant frwt the City of IVttjbingion and Town Utvjech Bos p milts. A Plot of this Land is in the hard of Afr. Peter Cctfarave of GcQrge- r Teii'>' y hbeivife cf Air. 77c. mas Pit*fimtns t m Pbihukifibia, And Mr, Robert IVal'b > in i?«/ timort. Tie Land "Jbill be fitwn to any ptrfin, by applying f>o John Lydam, who lives adjoining. It-lays in a htvfi healthy country, and a good neighborhood. There are on it a comma# country dwelling houfet a large tol+6co-boufe, and an orcJwd of gwd fruit, acrmjumt ffream with a great fall r?sns thro' it, and between 36 or 40 uc>e* of good meadow may bt easily toad*. The lines bf the above include about 4O (ures of wcodlund. Cottveftient credits will be afforded H the frurcbaftr if deftrcdi DANIEL CARROLL. Mcntgcmrry J ant i, IJ)S- N. S. TbtUni lit: iet'Mtn tv: