PETER BORGERi No. 129 Mu.'berry-Jlretty H»- for Sale, ONE hasdretf juid &&y boxes »f white Wiadov. Giafs of u iuperior quality ; eonfifling of 10 by 12, 8 by is, 7 by 9, and 6 by 8. 100 Boxes of Castile Soap. < Ofnaburg artd Ticklcnburg, in bales. 100 Boxes Sweet Oil, containing 13 bottles each. Tne abo-ve are entitled to a drawback. Dowtafles—Table Cloths, 1-1, 3-4, & 1 yards wide. Muslins—Oil Cloth—Travelling Cases. Dutch Griat Coats. September 7 S H O T, OF all lizcs, from 32 lh to Grape, Gambonie*, Pot 9, and other rafting® executed at the fhort&i nofice, Kail rod*, from .tc-d tt> fpifce, Iron, of forcafiks or cutting iat® nalli,' from a brad to 12d nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwtj to loolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina Porlr., Herjriigs in barrels, Kiln-dried corii meal in Hhtis. and Bbls. Rye flour &c. to be ibid by Levi Hollingjworth & San. Mcvfi 4 Fkaunces's Tavern. A r o. 59 South Water Street. i tZx. Subfcrfrer refpe&fttjlj begs leave to inform Jm friends and the public in general, tb^thc ha* remov ed from N9l' if 6 fout-h ad Street, to that lar&e, commo dious, House in Water Street, between Chefnnt and Walnut i> treats, lately occupied by ?vlr. Iptae Hazleiurj} y and, on which he has fp&red no paiits or cspenfe, to make it con venient and agreeable for the receptio.. of gentlemen. Th< being on r!u fume spot where the noted Bee Ste-uk ?nd Pane-; Ivjiue formerly f.ood, sea"3 the advantsgi o. the Left this city, known long since by the nam ef the Grew %rei Wait)-. As there are leveral elegam 7 large to accommodate any Society or fW. company of gentlemen, and iron! hi* well known abilities The re,l feruritifa siven for ti»e payment of the Prize • topJenfeih the line of hisHi'ftnefs, he flattershimfelf with Bre ' *•*! with a number of Boxes, conftra&ed in such a man- : 3 cc ®"d time on behalf of the public ; a fufficieitt num ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as please— ' these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the Where may bs had, at any hour, Scups, Beef-Steaks, I fiends to a National University and the other federal ob- Reiiihas, &.c. &c. 1 je&s may continue to favor the design. The fyuopfis of He ha,* on hand, and w93 keep a eonftantf upply ofSSp- °ne of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National rituotts and Malt Liquors, and of the best qualities. I fnftitution,- is already in the press, and will be speedily Breakfafts provided—Also Dineers and Suppers cook- ( P u together with its constitution. eJ in the mofc approved manner, at a ftiort notice, andPaf- i A compleat Plan of the whole of this Important sry of artl forts, made to order, in the House, or to fend Institution, compiled from a fele&ion of the best materi out at any • als, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public j ■ the fame may hare gone through such revisions is may be ncceilary te establish the perfect confidence and | He hasTeveral v, r cll fiirmihed B?d Chambers, fcr.Board ers and Lodgers, by the Week, month, ®r year. Jane z COLLEGE of AD VE R TISE ME NT. T HE Grammar School formerly attached to this College, having gradually declined through the wtcreafing inflrmitifes of the late President for some time before his death, it is propoled by the fubferiber inVtnediatel\*to revive it, and to put it ur.der tnc mofl careful in'trudliun and government. The Latin, Grtek, antl French " A'Jlnm. ccip'ocras, madder, ground red hogs- hp?d or invt 1 r quant -^y Ashe itnpons the i.mpl t from the Deft rear and the cp ; «Uf>ofit]oos ud preparations himfeU, he is enabled to vouch lor and warrant evcr> article (old out of his Laboratory, and likewifcto dispose of them at the moA reasonable r3Ctes. I He wjfhes to fcM a large LOT of GROUND, the north-east corner of and Eleventh-streets, contain ing 78 feet front on High-Ureet, and aon feet on Eleventh ftreer, oppofrte Mr. Leiper's new buildings—And another LOT on the north fideof High ftrcet, near the above, »3 feet front, and aoo leet deep. Both low have the pnvi legeof a 30 feel alley m the /ear. Dec. 13 AT a Meeting of the Stockholders in tlje Insurance Gcmpamy cf tb• fid!; if Pdmfyivaiiix, on the ajth May last, convened for the purjiofo of fixing the time of payment of the remaining part of the Capital Stock of laid Con-.pany, Reftl+ti, that the;j ium of two hundred dollars per {hare, he paid cn the 6th day of Novem ber &ext, under tlie'perultics annexed to default by the acl of Irotrpotation. publiihed bv order of tiie Meetinj-, SAM'JJiL W. FISHER, S ec \ liN§s Jnnc i; TO BE SOLD, r T~'HE time of a mulatto girl, ot'about 16 years old, wim X has between five and fix years to frrve,' and who is capable of the duties o£ a chambermaid or a plain coc.k. Enquire of the Print** *• ■i 1 • At%.6 *aw3\v \fUEL FRAUNCES. NEW-JERSEY. MAY 26, 1795 PSIJ. Ckjp of Wailiington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, Ne. 2, for. '-nil i.\ym r v.i£\r of the federal city. 1 A rnjioilicciu f 20,090 ljojlms, a „j dwelling Itoafei ) cath 3«.0i0 ire i ditto 15,000 Sc caili 25,000 4 ditto i£,Ov>o 6c cash 15,000 1 rfiiio 10, coo Sc cdlh 10^000 t ditto 5,000 6c cam 5,000 j 'liifu 5,c00 A: cafb s,cet» t C.ilh prize o* s»oca each, are 1 o tint > SO i,oco ICO 40- fi.'tlO JlllO 16,739 P r ' ff ' Blanks 50,600 Ticket at 8 dol'irs This Lottery will ailord an elc-gact specimen of the private buildings to be ereefced in the Ciiy of Washington —1 wo beautiful deiigns are already fele&ed for the eniuc fronli (in two of the public squares ; froin ttafe draw. i»g«, it i« j>ropoled to ereel two centre and tour cornet building, as soon as poilible after this Lottety is fold, and to convey them when complete, to Ihe fortunate adventur. ers, in the manner defenbed in the fehejne for the Hotel l ottery. A nett dedufilion of five per cent, will be Vnadt l t> dehay the ritfceffary expences of printing, See. and the furpins wilt be made a pan r>f the fund intended for the National Uniyerlity, to be eit£led within the City of Waflimofon. (fT The drawing will commence as soon ai the Tickets are fold off. - ■■■■■The money will be payable in thirty days after it is finiihed,and any prixes fur which fortunate numbers are not produced wiihin twelve month* after the drawing is closed are 10 be confideted a? given towards the fund for the University, it being determin ed to fettle the whole business' in a year liora the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as (ecu* general approbation, so effl-ntial to its prefcnt rife and fa- turc exiftcnce for the general good of America. By accounts received from the difterent parts of tta Continent as wtH as from Europe, where the ticket* have been sent for Pale, the public are allured that the drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and caution unavdidably necefTary to insure a fafe disposal of the tickets, has rendered tho ftaqr: fufpenHon indiipenl'able. February 14, j 795 . AlJ£ 3O " %* Tickets may be hart at the Bank ol Cplutrtbia. of Jamr* Weft & O. Bal* * more or Demlon^ c u 1». i»;».— ,i» .v-.-, »( JoKit Hopkins Richmond : and of Richard Wflli, Cooper't fcrfVm A MILL for SALE. FOR Ss.!e v on private contrA&, five undivided fSxths part* of that valuable merchant-mill, called Old Penny pack Mill, with two dwelling houses, ftablrs, coop er's shop, cask house, and other convenient buildings, witk about 10 acres of good land, the grcateft part thereof is excellent watered meadow, the remain per garden, orch ard, and wood land; lituate ten miles from Philadelphia, near the Wafliington Tavern, part y on the post-road lead ing to New-York, and partly on the River road; a re markably healthy country, and an excellent neighbour hood. This mill being on Pennypack creek, a heavy stream of water, with about 15 feet head and fall, and the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a VefTel carrying 1350 bulhcls of wheat to lay along fide, and unload into the mill with Evans's elevator in about three hours. The mill house is large and b*tilt of Jlone, founded on a rock, the walls uncommonly thick and strong, (fuph a piece of mason work is rarely to be found) contain* five floors, two water wheels, and three pair of th« best French burr ilones all running, double geared, with three boulting reels and cloths of the firft quality, rolling screen, cylinder, and fans for cleaning wheat in the befl manner, and passing it afterwards by ar\ elevator into a hanging garner; also, conveyers, elevators, and hopper boy, all in compleat or der. There are two large frame buildings adjoining* the mill, which are convenient for storing flour, fhorti, calks, &c. A corn-kiln is ere&ed within the building, with boulting, reei cloth, and other ncceffary fixtures for manuj faJturing large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The ftreim of water is so constant that upwards of 60,000 bulh els of wheat have frequently been manufa&ured at this mill, annually. The tumbling dam was built of flone and frame about 30 years ago, but the late extraordinary frefhes. have made a breach therein, it cair'eafily be repaired alto gether with flone, the greatefl part of which is already at hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as there are fcveral good quarries of excellent flone on the premises, and adjacent to the creek; the contiguity of this very valuable estate to Philadelphia, and the easy na vigation for shallops, with the above-mentioned great ad vantages, and many others not here m ntioned, mull be obvious to any person who may view the premises. An indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will be made to the purchaser on paying part of the money, and giving fatisfa&ory security for the refnainder, payable with interest in lnllalments at such times as may be agreed on. For further particulars enquire on the premises of Frances Lewis, Executrix to the eflate of Robert Lewis, deceased; John Swift, near Buflell-Town ;or Natha niel Lewis, or David Lewis, in Philadelphia. IMPORTED and for SALE, by THOMAS and JOHN CLIFFORD, No. 39, North Front Street. A LARGE and General of the various articles in the Ironmongery, Cutlery, and.Sadlery line, also, Copper in sheets and bottoms, tin plates in bsxei, London and Briflol pewterin calks, cases of hats sorted, patent ard common shot and bar lead, crown window glass from 18 inches by 12 to 9 inches by 7 inches > crates of earthen and flint giafs'ware, crates of white and green vials and of half pint pocket bottle", boxes of long and fcort pipes, hampers ol'ihalf gallon and gallon bottles, bottled aie and porter in calks of about ten dozen, Briflol grind/tones, a box of plated ware sorted consisting chiefly of eanrifefticks, and upon very low terms a quantity of Bull's eye window glali sorted (i7es, v;i*y fit for Iky lights, warchoufes, &c. Augtijl i;, 1794 ' tu&fim >jRD£LPHIA t Printed by JOHN FE}fNO, N°« 119 CkefitutS.'rat.—Puc? Six 3olvabs Pbk Annvk. 50,000 40,000 30, C:-0 2©,CO£ 10.000 10,0'"-0 1 o,roo C, 0.00- io,6oa> 10,^30 ' V-' :-o io,ooo v ifia.o&j 490,000 SAMUEL BWDG£r. w&f. New Hosiery. BARTHOLOMEW CONOLLY, At bis HOSIERY STORa, iVo. 48 Chefnut flreety RESPECTFULLY informs his Frieadt and the Public in general, that he has just received by the ship Liberty Prom Liverpool, a farther ftipply of Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton Hosiery. Arnone which arc a very ex.enfive-nfTortment of Gentle men & plain white, fancy, and patent Silk, fuperfine fancy plated silk and co'tan, fine white, plain, and ribb'd cot ton—n very large assortment of fancy Patent and fine ran dom fancy Cotton, &c. which he will fell upon the moil reiifonabje tqvm* by the dozen or Angle pair. A General A/TortWKnt of a-v«ry oAer article of DRY GOODS, newly imported. Those gentlemen who please to fa*orß. C. with their commands, -will tnett with, at hi» store, a moil elegant, extensive, and well chosen afTortment of every description "f Hosiery Also, a great Variety of Gentlemen's J one American Landscapes. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A Twenty-Four VIE WS, SELECTED from the m®ft {hiking and niterefting ProfpeiSa in the United States j each »f which Views, will be acccwnpanied with a descriptive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Authtr of tic " MonjJtic Remain, and Aniitnl 6UMn in Greet CONDITIONS. I. That the work shall be published by Subscription; and that each Subscriber (hall engage to take the whole Ut of Visws, and shall pay for each engraving, if bla&k or brown, a Dollari ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. 11. That the dimensions of each engraving shaH be 14 by 17 inches, executed io nquatinta, and published upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub fcrifcers, on the firft Monday of each fuccoeding month, until the proposed series shall be finally completed. HI. That with the lad View of the series, shall be deli vered an engraved titl®-page ; an elegant chara&erillic vign .tte; a map of the route, conuected with the pr»f pc&s exhibited in the th« course of the Work ; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifo'n, at his Print shop, Maidrnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell er, No. 118, Market flreet, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-feller* in the United Skitas. February aS. T. STEPHENS, BOOKSELLER j« STATIONER, No. 60 South 'Second-Street, PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that at hii Store they may be supplied with m'oft of the modern Eu ropean and other publication! of merit, on Politic*, Divini ty, Law, the Belles, Lettres, &c. Sec. Also a great vari ety of ELEGANT PRINT'S and Paintings, and every ar ticle in the Stationary hufinefs; which he continues, as usual, to dispose of at the lowetl prices. Gentlemen's Libraries furnifhed or purchased ; and the rfSiS'StaSP or clfh > « iTen for quao- Wholesale Dealers fuppli«d at the above Store on Very moderate terms. May %, No. 60 South Second Street. THE IVbolefale and Retail Store for BOOKS, STATIONARY, MUSIC, TRINTS, OIL PAINTINGS, DRAWING BOOKS, attd Fancy articles. THOMAS STEPHENS, For the greater conveni-nct of coidufling bis huftnefs extenjtvely, has rem wed from Ao. 57, bo No. 60 South Second Street, on the iveflfide —uthere he has received by the lafl arrivals, an cxtenft-vc •etit&ion of ufeful Books, and tie be [I Stationary. Also, a variety of Neve Mvfic, Bunbury s curious Caricatures, Prints, Oil Paint' ings, Drawing Books, l&o. lift, all wbicb be will fell, as usual, for a small profit. T. S. embraces this opportnnity to acknowledge the liberal en couragement be bus always experiencedfrom the citizens of Phila delphia—-returns bis mofi Jtnee're tbanks, and pledges bimfelf to eonjlant exertions to merit continual favor, and to have bisfore tbe bliue for elegant and ufefnl liter a hire. June 2J, The Earthen-Ware Manyfa&ory, In Frer.tfiretit above PooPs Bridge, IS continued in the most extensive manner. A large as sortment of the baft ware is on hand ready assorted in Hogiheads and Crates. A constant and regular fnpply may b< «p#nded o«, at the ftiortefl notice. Orders are received at the Man»fa&ory, or at No. Arch street. July 8 »jm Notice is hereby given that an at tachment was issued out of the inferior eourt of Common Pleas in and for the county of Cumberland, in the state of New Jersey, returnable on the twenty-fifth day of Febru ary last, against the goods and chattels, rights and credits, lands and tenements of George Huts (not being a resident at that time within the state of New J«rfey) at the suit of Jonathan Ballinger, indorsee of Job Butcher, which was levied by the sheriff of the county of Cumberland " on a certain floopor shallop called the Fly of Philadelphia" with its appurtenances, as by the return of the said sheriff will more particularly appear—and notiae is also hereby further given, agreeably to the direction of an ad of the Lcgillature of the state of Ne'w-Jerfey in such cafe made and provided, that unkfs the said George Hut* (hall ap pear and give special bail to anlwer the suit so a* afore laid instituted against him by th said Jonathan Ballinger, within such time as is prescribed by law, " that then and in that cafe judgment fhafl be entered" against the laid George Hutz " by default, and that the said sloop or shallop so as aforefaid seized on the said attachment" will be fold for the fati'sfaction of all M creditors whp shall appear to be justly entitled to any demand thereon, and (hall apply for that purpose.V Cated at Salem, m t(»e county of Salem, in the f?»kl ttate, t4ic thirty first day of March A. D. 1795. tTLiiS, Cieri. Lucius Horatio 3t'..> Attorney f®r the Plff. j April I Now üblifhed, STEPHENS, By T. An. 6Otfauib Seco:yl-jlreet, The carious Prophecies of RICHARD BROTHERS. /CONTAINING and rtfuarkaMc things, not rcvcal cd to any other period on earth. This work is interefti hg to every one. Aupu'7 14. J I so, BritiMn** r awstf hSb&fif A MERCHANT MILL, EANDS, and other PROPER I f, FOR SALE. ATriiS containing 90} acres of lan J, with a mcr:han mill and saw mill thereon, situate on ?. branch o Rappahannock river, in Culpepper county, Virgioi'., neat Chester's Gap of the Blue Ridge. The mill houi, is about 41 by 52 feet, has two water wheel* 18 by 19 feet ftvat, and 30 feet head and fall, a pair of Burr fsoaes a bout 4 feet 6 or 8 inches, and a jfair of excellent csuntrjr stones; the stream it full capable of working three pair of Hones nearly the whole year. The whole stream whl h is large and the moll coullant of any in that part of ; j country, may be conducted to the wheels, if delired, witll a very trifling "xpetice, no part of she works can voilToly' beaffef a fca-po. t to", 'i, as its fituatioi) in a small improv ing village at the of frw® capital roads acrojs tha Blue Ridge, and an eiteofivo country unfupplied with tan yards, gives it the advantage of a mi exe'snfive cuflom. A confiderabk part of the amount will b* required ba hand, and a credit will be given on the belanci. To a parson desirous of eftablflhing himfalf or son in this buu nefs, to advantage, cannot but be an objedl ot importance. 300 acres of land about five miles from the town ot Fror.c Royal, on which are two itxemeats, aod upwards ot 109 acres cleared. 384 acres ditto, about the fame diflancefroin the fa id to Wr with two (mall improvements upon ujco bearing apple rrees. 6 304 acres within two hundred hid town, near. 1; all clear, which wall be foia altogether, or in lots of ai to 3 acres. I^°.* crc ® ditto tra&s adjrwiinjr, on which are two fmjlKeitlcmcntr-Wlh lo£ souses, and about 25 a;re#clearcd and under good fcrwe, halt a mile from the lali meatioaed , place, i- JT Ha!, <*!Ta tract of 200 acre# of land one mile from thfc (aid town of lront Royal, wherecu i» a large liiil houfc with four ftiUa, near 100 head of hogs, abcit 10 head of :ow» and feme younj c»ttle, a vnry Sue team of line «orfe» and ag»od road waggon and geers, and about 30 acres of corn growing the half of which will be fold with half of the Und. Thu diitillory is never flopped far the vi:iffi tudes of weather, being supplied with water from nB rs ™-f nt f P ri "g:- On this traA it a capital <« t oa Paflage creek. 200 acrea Unci all in wood adjoining the !aft mentioned, facially large" pines, which would tfc the purohafcr of the adjoining tra Lot t ;containing 8 og 970 1000 1000 xooo 1000 1000 1000 Tile trail on No. 4 it chiefly beach, n»apU> b*ft ud elm. The purchase money to be paid by the following inftal iients, viz. o:i-'-iourth on the day of file: oae-foarth on the firft TueMay in A pril nc*i; one-fourth on chs firu Tuesday inOftober, 1796; and the remainder