Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 26, 1795, Image 3

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    t,\vr vrhea.. & (even freeholder* may find' it fieeefisry
n> s k their opinion on f_»me other fubje&. Aa
thcfjfewVtiftg* can be called immediately on jjown
sn ,m*s taking a:>y important step, the ariftocrati
will have neither time nor i*fnfe
doubts, and raift arguments, their insidious projeftt
may be defeated before they are mature for execu
tion. The public mind at such a conjuncture will
be like a clean (heet of white paper, without any,
or with very few arguments pro. or. con. We Ihull
then have its opinions witho.uc prejudice or biafs.—
It', on *iir other hand, by the arts of placemen the
meeting should be delayed or adjourned, a variety
of obje&i >is and answers, replies and Rejoinders
•Will be pnbl'.fhed by anonymous writers ; tne peo
ple mjy nor be able to discover whether the re
fpe£tivc writers are ariftpciai* or democrats, pub
lic creditors, or insolvent debtors, and thus may be
induced either to give no opinions at all or to gire
such moderate and mistaken ores, as will grieve the
ji-hteous foul of every zealous patriot, and
ftrcßglhen the hands of the government, to the ut
ter fuWei fion of our liberties. By the unfair dif
cufiion above mentioned.a cloud of darkness and
obfeurity will he thrown on the fubjeft, the pub
lie will be divided, and unanimity, the glory ofa de-
tnocraticlcwn meeting, will be frittered away to -i
small majority. When the debate is carriedon in
open town meeting the audience can fee who {up
port, and who oppose, whether they are whigs or
tories, members of Congress or candidates ; weight
will l«f given to their fevcral arguments according
ly ; the friends of the people will be applauded,
their enemies will be hilled, or driven with deferred
contempt from the hall, fhowersof stones will telti
fy the indignation of all honest and candid men a
gainst British stents, and public robbers, while reK
olutions'couched in the animating language of mo-
tlcjrrt declamation, and calculated tq rekindle the ex
pVing flame of patriotism, (hall meet the loud re
peated itclanatMn'ff of a f'ee unantmolis multitude
A u,unerom herd of aristocratic Cavillers, some it
terse gnd others in humble prose, have lately un
their npwfpsper batteries upon the town o
B for giving their opinion of the treaty hcfore
they had read it. I alk why fhonld they have read
it when they were fatisfied they could not give it
their approbation ? were not many of them oppose
; to entering into any ncgoeiation at all, and could it
be fuppmed that they who wete opposed to the
negotiation wouid fanftion it when finirhed ? uati
jh._-y delayed their resolution* till they had
formed an the treaty upon calm enquiry
mpd Ctyol deliberation, the Preiident might have
rati tied it before theii sense of the measure could
have rcJehed him. They were therefore obliged
tither to' vote theii refutation? hallily, without re
gard toA-he merits of the £[ue(lion, or to delay them
till they would have failed of their effedl.
But so pa tiotia was their zeal, so induftilous |
irwr.'they to prevent the impending ruin, that great i
and pteffing as was the cunofity of many who had
not teen the Treaty to Icnow what its content# were
they nobly preferred the falvatioit of their coun
-try to the gratification of an inquifitivc difpofitio : ;
they iranedia:ely condemned the odiou» bargain in
the Bioft pointed and uo^alifie^t|; r Marlcnow
itig all the bitizens from their refpe&ive advocati
ons in order & discuss lb* tftmrriu of tnis ignoni
m Hi-, Convention, they parted their vote of cenlurcj
and then a refpeftable committee voluntary ofFe-ed
to fnrnifh fiilficient reasons for their conduct : this
offer was accepted, anr) the citizens leturned with
unexampled regularity to the r refpeftive habitati
ons. The members of the Democratic Sociefy
were in9n-need by some particular reafont to urge
an immediate decilion. Ever watchful for the com
mon weal, they saw that by delay the public mind
might cool ; they were apprthenfive, that fupiiie- j
ncls and indifference to their sw.i intereih might
creep upon tJ»e people,and that their enemies might
tak; the opportujiity to peifuadethem (a 6 they had
done with regard to other obnoxious naeafurel of
government) that the "! reaty was not so very bad,
a, it had tic en represented : So careful were the
I of the People to counteract the treacherous
wiles of Ariflocracy. t think then that all good
men and Hue republicans are convinced with me,
that Town-Meetings are wholesome and cafy reme
dies for all d>{orders iii the bodyjpolitic. 1 hat tl ey
adminilter salutary correction t<i the faults and er
rors of men ill Power. I hey arii in uuth power
ful checks and balances in our republic, A repub
lic is pteferved in its genuine purity only By checks,
6ppofitions, fadiions, and contradiction* : So said
the grandfather o£ the patriotic Bach?. By .the
expedient of of town-meetings, after 11 1*- officer* of
government have with great Rudy and • onhderati
on devised some fckrine to , promote our political
welfare, we can withoatj interrupting i.Ur private
btifinefs, wichaut > even troubling our 'leads with
rcafoning-give our fandtion to tlieir cc dust, or if
we think prope- can blow up a fire from New-hamp
(tiire to Georgia, which wil coafurrte to the utter
fji the plan and its A'uthsrs. Happy country,
guards, the checks, the controls of whose con
ation are so numerous "and 'well contrived,
that no motion can be ande in one part of the ma
chine without exciting a contrary motion in another
The congress is the centripetal, the town-meetings
#re the centrifugal force, which compel the govern
ment to move iu its orbit, with a never ceasing whirl.
Concrete cannot destroy our Freedom, because town
meetings can fetter th«-ir hind*. Town-meetings
cannot change ! he conlfitution because they have 110
right to ail. Though envy and British gold have
barred out from the supreme legiflatme all incor
ruptible patriots, yet unmindful of ingratitude, ne
glect and tvrn contempt, they watch without wea
riness, t<J deleft the macliin.uums and expose the
con option of our rulers. If they have yet discover
ed nothing, tWy have the more to difirover. Though
our fix dollar watchmen, whom we have conftitu
/ tioually appointed, lulled by toe opiate 01 Briiifn
influence, mayfometimes nod upon their -ofts, yet
our volunteer Guards, the democratic so i<?tie», will
never nft nor 'tilj they have pounded to
«h»lt the fetters of-ariltocracy, and have JVctired our
liberties beyond the pofliMh'y of fubveifion.
Fniixh-iurg dr St. Anlotnt.
A nvjiU, Tr~i . -n.u i.-KViRniA-rr.Lr, _
•f». atiesu ob a fiok man- 'Expire at this Office
P Jt A tf C k.
July 13.
Doulcet, in the name of the committee of p«b
lie fafety, communicated two difpatchei from the
commandtr in chief of the weilern army. The Srtt
was dated head quarters of the Jth division, . 2o:h
Meffidor, (July 8,) and stated that the Engliih and
emigrants, were blocked up at Qiiiberon. . They
had made a sortie t: e evening betoie, but were vig-
oroHfly repulsed. They loft a howitzer and a
camp fraggon, having on it the English arms —
I,a Hauff.vye, andfeveral other emigrants, were left
dead in the field.
The second inslofure was from the,admi"ift-ator»
of Morbihan, dated Vannes, 20th Meflidor, and
llated that general Hoche had blockaded Quiberon
_in such a way, that there was no poffioihty of the
Chouans forming a juti&ion with the emigrants and
English by land. .
Bailleul, in the name of of gener
al fafety, made a report on the ma! ceuvies
bf the enemies of the tepublic, who, he oblerved,
lavished ;he highelt praiife on the fagacit yof our
enemies. They had circulated a rumour that one
of our poits was in their hands, and rmintaineij
that in fix weeks the government would no longer
employ itfelf about supplies, and would deliver up
the fubMence of the people,to' tne perfidious spec
illations of jobbers. Lalllv they aficrted that the
committor* had deiibeiated una iewval of the in
famous fyiti'm of terror, and that there had been
two votes only ag»init tliis ptopofition : but what
added the repott, will they not fay? however ah
furd these rumours may be, your committee has
thought it expedient to contiadi£i them. [Infer
tioii in the Bulletin.] *
Goupilleau .Hated, that at Avignon the royal
iftsand the ariitocrals allaflinitted all those who vot
ed in 1790 for the union of Comtai to France.
The dqj>s eat in the ftrcets t'«e bodies of the dead
The national inditutiou of music entered. Tft e
hall instantly resounded with those airs so dear io
the friends of liberty ; the hymn,Ca-ira
and several others excited theloudcll applause.
Jean de Brie—" Let us rtftore to he public
spirit all its energy, by those foiigs whicli were a
prelude to the victories of freedom. 1 move that
the Marfe.lleshymtr, whi h contributed to gain the
lirit riftory ovet she corhblned (laves, b>. inserted
in the minutes of the d ty, and tha the military
committee ifTue ord rs that it he performed eVery
day on the mounting Guard." Decreed.
Legen ire, " On the day of the fellival of the
14th of July, it becomes a friend of liberty to speak
to patrons. I invite the committee of general fafe
ty to separate among the prifoneu, those who are 1
patriots 111 their hearts, and wh'.fe hands air pure, i
1 from the drinkers of blood. Undoubtedly the fef
fionj have afel well in denouncing the teiroriiU,
but it is poffi de that some trival injury, some
private animosity, rhay have led to the arrelt of par
ticular citizens ; and it is not fitting that th« ty
rannyofthe oppressors should be fuc e.ded by the
wf}B tSSy'fie'cfangerous to liberty a'B t\le
public fafety ; but we ought not to leave in prison
those who have served their country, and who may
j tlill beferviceable." Applauded.
i Bailieu!—" The committee of general fafety
have anticipated the willies of our colleague.—
Tli:y were la'l night engaged in difcuiTmg the
means of reltorinjj to liberty, those true patriot!
who have been unjnftly arretted." Applauded.
The discussion was then opened again on
Daunotl.—'• Your coromiffion of eleven persist
in prcpofing to you the adoption of the article.*,
that from the 12th year of the republic, it (hall be
necefTary to be able to read and write, in order to
be inferibed on the civic rcgifter, and admitted into
the primary assemblies. These obje&iont which,
have been urged might have some weight, if we
wi(hed to demand fueh a qualification in the pre
sent moment : but against whom will this regula
tion now apply ?—Only agninll those who, being
now minor», ftiall refnfe, at the age fixed, to acquire
arts so ufeful in all the situation« of life. Is there
any citizen wh« has not had an hundred timet rc»-
son to regret his ignorance of reading and writing ?
Despotism might dread the propagation of know
ledge ; liberty ought to call in the aid of inflruc
tion. The difFufion of knowledge is the best mode
of producing a proper equality, which i» not an
nbfuid levelling, but an inHrnment of protefling
the citizens from the despotism of intrigue. How
can citizen* be worthy of taking part in the choice
of their legiflatois and magftrates, if they cannot
read the laws of their country ; and, remark, there
is no intention to exclude those from whom our old
government ,withheld the means of reaiing and
writing. All citizens of 2 t years or upwards will
be inferibed on the civic regiller, and cannot be
fit tick out from it. There is no doubt that the
young people placed in your primary schools, bet
ter distributed and better organised, will be able to
acquire that simple and elementary inllruftion.
Those will be without excuse who refnfe to learn
what you put within the reach of all. I move,
that you adopt the article, in the following terms :
VIII. Young petfons cannot be inferibed on the
civic regifler, if they do not prove that they are
able to read and write, and to exercise the me
chanical profeflion.—the. manual operation* of
agriculture are included in the mechanical pro
ftflions. This article (hall not be in force till
the twelfth year of the republic.
The article was decreed.
A member called the attention of the conventi
on to title 3'. relative to the primary aflVmbliei : —
he ftatcd the necefiity of fubltituting eledtoral bo
dies i ileadof the immediate ele£iioj>s of the prima
ry 4flemblics, such as the commission of eleven had
Bentabol—" This will have place in aiticle 14.
I move that the order of dift uffion may not be in
terrupted, and that we fir ft dispose of the thirteen
rticles before we discuss this motion." Decreed"
The firft eleven articles of title J. we.e decreed
without alteration.
Gaupilleau de Montnign, just. returned from his
mifflon to the south—" You have already been told
citizens, that a new fyllcm of terror was the order
of the day iji the louib, where the enemies of the
republic hate made every effort to ftiflc liberty.
AfTafiinations, calumny, lies, falfe intelligence, eve*
ry expedient, in flhott, ha* been resorted to, to ac
complish rhis aim. A longer (ilenea on this head
would be * ci-irae, the new terrorills have (bed more
blood in the space of a few- months than was (bed
by Rob«fpierr.f and hie agents. Children, old men,
women and girls—neither age nor sex is spared by
the homicidal Iword. The affaflins murder without
(nercy all those who hare dtfplaycd any patnotifm."
The prefidenf anno«nced that the mayor and
pu!)fic ju.vufrr of Lyons were piefent. He tlxn
addrellcd himlclf to rhem and tefiifk'd the indigna
tion of the convention, at the afTalTmations com
mitted in their commune. He demanded of them
an account of their condtitt.
The mayor replied that the afTaflinaliong alluded
looriginated with.foreigners, who had kindled up
the resentments excited by the recollcftion of what
the citizens"nf Lyons had fuffered under the reign
of terror ; the constituted authorities did every
thing in their power to repress these excesses ; but
their meat s were inftlffkient. 1 myfclf, continued
he, feiied one of the instigators, when, in an in
stant, another made his appearance, a man of a ve
ry tall stature, wearing a mask. In one hand he
held a sword, in the other a pistol, but in spite of
his arms I apprehended him, and delivered him up
to the Gens d'Armes. These acts will prove to
you unquestionably, that we were very far from
peaceably fuffering these exeefles to whi;h these ter
rorills proceeded. He next recurred to the senti
ments which animated the. inhabitants of Lyons,
whose inviolable attachment to the convention he
atteftfd. He urged, that they had replied by their
conduct to the calumnies circulated against them,
and cited a trait truly honorable to them. They
were each of them reduced to four ounces of rice
per diem, when 50, COO quintals of corn arrived
from Marseilles for Paris ; money was needed for
the transport ; the national chelt was empty ; of
this circumstance the merchants of Lyons yfereap
piir.ed, and they did not lofc a moment in tender
ing 600,000livres for" the purpose of the transport.
The mayor eoncludcd by declaring that he was
ready to reply to any charge that might be bro't
ngaind him.
Rovere bore te p (imohy to the patriotism of this
citizen, •add moved that a« well as the public acctl
fcr, he should be admitted to th* honors of the fit
This was opposed by fe*errl member!, who ob
ferved,that the invelligation was not yet concluded.
The convention referred the affair of Lyons to the
Fertnond, in the name of the committee of ge
neral fafety, made a report on colonial affairs. He
observed, that noiwithftanding their small number,
the republicans of St. Doningo had refitted the
efforts of the English and Spaniards. The report
w?.s terminated by a decree, that the brevet of ge
neral of division should be sent to general Lavaux ;
that the tanks granted by that general to -fevcral
i .ffit-cro are <-""^"-med; and that there shall be no
.colonial aflemblies, unti" !t {hall have been oFlered
by the constitution. Tki» decree to lie dispatched
instantly to St.
circumftancts will allow.'
It was decreed, that the conrention should meet
at trn o'clock to-morrow morning,' when the nati
onal establishment of mulic should execute airs ana
logous to the feftival of the 14th July, to be then
28 Meflidor, July 16.
The Convention proceeded to the discussion «B
The following article! were decrced :
IV. The primary affesnbiies are provisionally constitut
ed under the presidency of the senior member in
poin> of yeart. The youngest it provisionally to fill
the office of secretary.
V. They are definitively constituted by the appoint
ment by ballot of a president, a secretary, and three
The convention terminated by dtcrteing, at a priri
cipd, that the elrflbral bodies are preserved. By the
plan of the committee of eleven they were fupprefled,
and the primary aflemblies allowed the right of all the
TO cokresfondknts.
We arc greatly obliged by tlie friendly sentiment*
expressed by " a Ftdtralifi. " We are iure that the
time will come, (in any event, at to pending politi
cal queftiont) when a difceinine public will fanflion
hit observations. On rtfleftion he will conclude
that the publication iu this Paper would be improper.
Arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia.
Brig Vigilant, Small, Porto-Rico 22 days
Phoenix, Jemmeny, Great Fgg Harbour
Schr. Sally, Tupman, Fredeuckfburgh
Gov. Brook, Hilton, James River
Delight, Bird,
Arrived at the Fort.
Schooner Hope, Bartlftt, Boston, via, New-York
Renflelacr, Wendell, Lanfinburgh, via N. Y.
Triton, Waite, Kingston, (Jam.)
Sloop Delia, Watson, New York.
(O* 7'lt Letter-Bag of the brig Lavinin, for
Falmouth, vuill Is taken from the PoJl-OJice on
Thursday afternoon, at 5 o'clock.
NEW-YORK, September 25.
Committee of Health.
The Committee appointed to prevent the introduAion
and rereading «f ]nft£liou» Diseases ia this city,
That Fourteen perfon9 have died in this City, and
Five at Belle-Vue, of the present Epidemic fiuce their
report of last evening.
By order of the Committee,
JOHN BROOME, Chairman.
Thurfdaj Evening, Sept. 14, 1795-
Died, yeft'erday mormrtg,' Mr- Jam* Rhodes,
merchant, ,of thi« city-, of the feoufc of Jame*
Rhor)«B 8c Co. 2J years of age He obtained
and merited, the esteem and love of a refp;£labic
circlc of friends and acquaintance.
Ship Neptune, Cambridge,
ALBANY, September s,
The treaty with the Oncidas was concluded on
Wednesday-—particular! we have not obtained.—
The quantity of land purchased of them is about
iOG,OOOairc9. .
The treaty at Fort George, opens this day—
The commiflioni'is of the United States' and this
(late left this city on Thursday. It is cxpedted as
many asfiom four to five hundred of the St. Regis
or Indians have arrived at the place
of treating.
Died—on Monday last, af,?r a few days iflnefs,
Henry Ten Eyck, Eft{. of ikw t-iiy. Htf wms a
citizen much refpedied and iflerintd— »d in liis
death tile public have fultaiited an ii reparabU
, at Stherre&ady, Mr. Nuhulat Tatts, bro*
ther to h!» honor the Chief Justice.^ —His luiiiidl
was on YVednefilay last. "" '
, in this city, on Tutffday lift, Captain
John, on* of the Oneida Sachems, and the princi
pal orator and public speaker of that nation ; and
on Wednesday, his remains were interred in th«
Preftjyterian cemetry. The deputation of chiefs
and fachcms of the Oneidas, then in this city, at
tended the fitneral, and performed the fulcmnitiel
thereof according to the custom of their nation.
Shenandahoi has recovered.
On Wednesday lalt tlie commissioners appointed
by the legiflatute, to negotiate with the Cayuga,
Onotidago and Oneida nations, completed their
business". ''They have purchased from the Cayugai
about 60,000 acres, from the Oneidas upwards
of 100,000 acreß, and from the Onondagos their
comiron right of the Salt Springs and tlxf Intuit
adjoining. These fevetal tra&s (except what be
longs to the Salt Springs) are to be surveyed gut
into lots of 250 acres, and maps and field books
filed in the office of the furveyor-getreral in Albany,
in the office of the secretary of alie (late in New-
York, and in the office ot the elerk of the county
in which the lands lie, and public notice thereof
to be given in the newfpapeis in cach girat dillriet
of the state, for the space of two months, imme
diately after the fitrvey (hall be completed. And
afterwards the day ot sale is to beadvertiicd in like
manner for the (pace of two months, to tlie end
that all perfoni inalii ing to put chafe may have time
to Tiew the land and make their artangements,—
The terms arc *ery easy, viz.—Ten Pounds to be
paid doVn 011 the purchase of each lot, a d ten
years credit given for the remainder of the ptnehafe
j money—lnteieft at fix per cent, per annum.
A raoft melancholy aciident happened here last Sa
turday afternoon. M after Thomas Wayne, ion of
Richard Wayne, Esq. a fine prcmifinj hoy of about 9
years of age, unfortunately fell 'into the river at Cun
mgham's wharf, and instantly funk. Every attempt
made during the afternoon and evening to recover kim
proved ineffcAualj he was not found till i»ext morn
ing, confequeiitly top late to restore him to l.fe, and
tn his afflifled parents.
Died, on Monday last, Capt. David M'Culloiigh, of
the ship Wilson. He was an inhabitant of Philadel
phia and had fallen down with his ytfTtl to Five Fa
thom Hole, bound for that city ; but Fate had deter
mined him (or a voyage to that port from whencc no
traveller returns. His remains having been brought
to town were on Tuesday decently interred, after be
ing refpeitfully attended to the grave by many,of th«
principal citizens of this place, who remembered in
Capt. M'Cullough, while he commanded the kattle
fnake armed (hip, which 'ay in Savannah river Iqr
some time during the Revolutionary War, the old
Patriot and Friend.
So daily drop the Fathers of the Land,
And soon mult all that Patriotic Band
Mingle with dust, resign their martial breath,
The' vidtors once, be conquer'd all bj Death.
For Falmouth, to fail on Thursday next,
■ Jit* Cbarnwi, Master,
SHE is iheathed with copper, and has good accommo
dations for paflengers. For paflage only, apply to
the Mafteren board, at South flrert whirs; cr to
Sept. 16th.
*'*"7 William Shallcrefs, mafler,
AT Mr. Russell's wharf—She is in good order, and
now ready to take in on freight, and intended to ftil
on 30th O&ober. —Apply to the mailer on heard, or tc
Jehu Hollingfworth & Co.
September 26.
N°. 6 4,Jbutb Seconds rut.
GANAL Tickets for lale, and cash ox tickcts given sos
any lhares that may be drawn.
Information given refpeding Washington lottery, and
eafii or Canal tickets given for ftures that may ti« eirawo.
Both lotteries commence drawing September jßth
BOOKS will be kept of drawing in both lot
teries, afid open gratis to the enquiries of the poflcfforsof
Tickets purchai'ed at the OFFICf..
Halves, quarters, and eigluhs of Tickets may be
had at the above Offics. Sept. 16. §
Anarrativeof the Br it ijh Embajjyto China
In the yeajrs 179-1, 1793, and 17.M,
Containing the various circamftsnces of the cmbaffy, witk
" accottrits of customs and manners of the Chiacfe, and
a description of the country, towns citus.&c,
Br £A £4S siN DliJiSOiX,
Than »n &e fcrvice of his eseellenoy Earl Macartney, K., B.
Ambaffidor from th« Greut-Buwiu to the- -
' Sept. 2»-
Arrived' at this Part)
September 21.
SAVANNAH, Sept. 3.
Philips, Cramond, & Co.
This Day is "published,
No- 40, feuth Sccona-llreet,
• Halifax*
6t t&f.