Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 23, 1795, Image 4

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    BOOK S, Printed for and
Vullijhcd by MATHEW CAREY,
N ,J . !l8 market street.
( Price Sixteen Dollars.)
ji Neiv Syfiem of Modern Geography :
Or, a iipbifql) Hijlorical and Commercial Grammar ;
aria' pr/feni Jtais of the federal Nations of the World,
The figures, motion*; and culiar to each country.
difuGktea of the Planets, ac- VII. Observations on the
cording tothcNewtoman fyl- chaages that have been any
tcm, an J th e l .tcft where observe*! upon the face
lons of rtature finest he moll ear-
M A gsaera! view of the ly periods of history.
Earth, considered as a planet; VIII. History and origii
ufcful definitioas of nations; their forms of go
vevnment, resignation, laws,
111. Grand divisions of the revenues, taxes, naval and
Globe into land and water, military strength.
continents arid ifhnds.
Situation and'extent of em- toms and habits of the people,
piles, kingdoms, ItatCb, pro- X. Th«ir language, learn
vinces and colonies. ing, arts, sciences, manufac-
V. Their climates,air, foil, turea and commerce,
vegetable*, productions, me* XI. Chief cities, ftru&ures
tafs, minerals, natural eurio- ruins, and artificial curiosities.
fities, seas, rivers* bays, pro- XII. Latitude, longitude,
montories and Lakes. bearings and distances of prin-
VI. Buds and &eafh pe- cipalplacesfromPhiladelphia.
I. A Geographical Index, with the names and places a pha
betically arranged
-11. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
dollars and cents.
Jti. A Chronological Table of remarkable eventi, from
(he Crerftion to the nrtfent tiirfe.
The Afironomical part hy "James Fergufm, F. R. S.
CorrcAed by Dr. David Rittenhoose.
'To which ate added,
the late Difccvcries cf Dr. Herfchell, and other eminent
The first AMERICAN edition, corre&ed, improved, and
greatly enlarged. Containing the folk>wicg
Maps and Plates.
t Map of ttfe World 23 Hindoftan
z Chart of the World Africa
3 "Europe A 25 United States
4*CouiitrksroifndthcNorth 26 British Dominions in A-
Pole. mcrica
5 Sweden, peu'mark, Nor- 27 Weft Indies
way and Finland; 2s* Province of Maine
6 Ruftia 29* New Hampfhi-re
7 Scotland jo*Maffachufett3
8 England and Wales 3l*Conne&icut
9 Ireland 32 *R bode Hland
'*0 Fiance 33*Vermo«t
i l*Seat of Wr.r 34*NewYork
% Z Seven United Province# 34 *New-Tcrfey
13 Austrian, French aad
Dutch Netherlands 3 7"Delaware
14 Germany 38* Maryland
15 Switzerland 39* Virginia
17 Spain and Portugal 4i*North Carolina
18 Italy 41'TcnelTee government
19 Turkey in Europe 43 'South Carolina
20 Asia 44*Geergia ,
21 "Discoveries made by cap- 45 Copemican system
' tains C<?okeand CHerkc. 46 fphcne
i 6 Poland
21 China
The Maps marked with stars are added to this eiMtion,
exclusive of thole in the last London edition.
The United Spates Register for 1795,
Pricc s° Cents. C INTENTS.
Calendar, with the noceffary Boundaries of the United
tables, <S:c. &c. States. Population
Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers
Legislature Statement ot Exports
Judiciary Public Debt
Department of State Fay, &c. of the army
Department of theTrcafury Mint V Eflakliftimcut
CommiiTioners of ,Lo3tis Rulss for reducing the cur-
Ollicers of the Cuiloms rencies of the different
Revenue Cutters
Light limifes
Officers of the Excise
lXutiet> and Dutiable artu les
Exounp.s from duties
Duties on tonnage and pence less than a dol-
on domestic objects lar ip the currencies of
drawbacks, &c. A and rcgn the different slate*
lations to be oferved in Tables fhewjng the value of
obtaining them dollars in the currencies
General Abilra& from the ol ditto
revenue laws, relating to Poft-ofiice eftablilhment
the duty of mailers of Lift of Post
veiTels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of
&c, ©f goods, and the the principal towns in the
officers of the cuiboms; United States
to (he pay ment of duties, Banks
and tke indentation of Literary Inftitmtion*
goods National Manufavltory
Expences of Government Seflions of the Conrts
for 1794 Western Territory
Department of War u
State Governments.
New Hamplhirc
Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. Rowfon, of the
new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second American edition—
Price 75 cents. [The rapid sale of the firfl edition of this
cnterefting novd, in a few months is the best criterion of
its merit.]
" It may be a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and
it is a tale of real dittr^fs —Charlotte, by the ajtifice of a
teachcr, recommended to a school, from humanity ra
ther than a co«m&ion of her integrity, or the regularity,
of her farmer conduct, is enticed from her governess, and
accompanies a young officer to marriagf
ceremony, if not forgotttfti, is postponed, and Gharlott
4ies a martyr to the inconflancy cf her lover and treacfc
ery of his friend.
The situation* are artlsfs and affeifcingf—the dcfcription
natural and pathetic ; we ihould feel for Charlotte if such a
jjerfon ever exifticd, who for one error,- fcv.rceiy, perhaps
defer Ved so severe a punithment. If it is a fldion, pbetic
juflice ii not, v e think, properl/ diitributed."
X. The Inquisitor—by Mrs.-Rowfon-. Second Philadel-
phia edition. 87 1 2 aeiits.
i. Adventures of Roderic Random. 2 vols. I dollar and
50 cents, coari'e paper—l doliar and 75 cents fine.
3. Notes on tlis state of Virginia—by Thomas Jefferfon.
Price neatly bound, on? dollar and a half.
4. History of the French Revolution, from its com-
menceniect to the de*th 01 the Queen and the execution
of Briffot. I collars.
.y Plowden's History of the BritilH Empire, from May
1791, to December 1793. S dollar and a quarter
JThis is an interesting and valuable publication as has
appeared for many years.
j. Beattie's Elements of Moral Sciencc. ; v.<4ls. One dujr
lar and three quarters. eod.
IX. Genius, manners,*cuf-
states to a par with each
Tables of the number of
cents and decimal parts
in any number of (hillings
>Towns, Sac,
Order of time i& which the
fcveral States adopted the
federal Ccmftitutton
Table of the Sun •5 Trtfing
and setting
Abftra& of goods, tvares,
and merchandize export-
Ed from the United States
fiom the Ift of October
'90, to 30th Sept. 1701*
Printed by JOHN FEN NO, N°" rig Chefrmt Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annum.
City of Wafiiingtdiii
bGHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 2,
i A £ 20,000 Dollar, and
dw .iitighoifrlfc, ) caih 36,000 arc ,
1 ditto 15,00 >&cacti 25,000
1 ditto & caih 15,000
i iiii'o ie,eOo & cafa iOjCGO
5,000 & ca'h s*ooo
l Jjtr.u 5-.003 6c caih 5,00 a
1 Ca'h pntcol
,s,eoi> each, art*
i jOOO
S CO 1
2 i'n'o
iO nit'."
30 ci If IO
2CO fiUW
2CO riitu*
dCO dlllO
l5,:>oo diup
16,739 P rll «
33,£61 B!ank.j
50,000 Tickeii al 8 dol'ari
This Lottery will atford an elegant fpecimeu "of the
pr ivacc buildings to be erected in the City ot Washington
— Two Wcauti'ul defrgns are already ferle died for the entire
fronts on two of the publfc kjuares ; from these draw.
• ••gs, it 13 proposed to enft two centre and tour corner
building*, as soon as poihble alter this Lottery is iold, and
to convey them when complete, to the tortuuate adventur
ers, in flic manner described in the scheme for the
Lottery. A neu deduction ol five per cent, will be made
lo del ray the neccffary expences of printing, &c. and
the lui plus wili be made a part ot the fund intended for the
National UnlverTuy, 10 be eretted within the City of
jpf The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets
are foKI off. rThe money piires will he payable
in thirty days after it is finiftied,and any piizcs for which
fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months
after th- drawing is. ciofed are to be conGdcicd as given
towards the fund tor the University, it being determin
ed to fettle the whole business in a year from the enchng
of the. drawing and to take up the bonds given as secu
The 1 cal fifcuritics given for the payment of the Prizes
are Ue'd by the President and two Dirc&ors of the Bank
ot Columbia,.and are valued at more than half the amount
of the Lottery.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commissioners aflifted ;n the management ef the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk
a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficiejit num
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National University and tfie other federal ob
jects may continue to favor the design. The synopsis of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
Institution, is already in the press, and will be speedily
publilhed, together with its constitution.
A compleat Plan of the whola of this Important
lnftitution, compiled from a fele&ion of the best materi
als, ancient and modern, will be fubmkted to the public
whenever the lame may have gone through such revisions
as may be ncceffary to establish the perse& confidence and
general approbation, so essential to its present rife and f»-
ture exiltcnce for the general good of America,
By accounts received, from the diiierent parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the
drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and
caution unavoidably necefiary to insure a fafe iifpofal of
the tickets, has rendered the Ihorr fufpeufion indifpenl'able.
February 24, 1795.
Aug 30
*** Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia}
of James Weft & Co. Baltimore or Gideon Dcnifon,
Savannah, ol Peter Oilman, Boftpn ; of John Hopkins
Richmond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's ferry.
Notice is hereby given that an at
tachment was issued out of the inferior court of Common
Pleas in and for the county of Cumberland, in the Hate of
New Jersey, returnable on the twenty-fifth day of Febru
ary lift, against the goods and chattels, rights and credits,
lands and tenements of George Hutz (not being a resident
at that time within the state of New Jersey) at the suit of
Jonathan Bellinger, indorsee 6f Job Butcher, which was
levied by the sheriff of the county of Cumberland " on
a certain sloop or shallop called the Fly of Philadelphia"
with its appurtenances, as by the return of the said sheriff
will more particularly appear —and notiae is also hereby
fftrther given, agreeably to the direction of an atS of the
Legislature of the state of New-Jersey in such cafe made
and provided, that unless tha said George Huta (hall ap
pear and give special bail to answer the suit so as afore
laid instituted against him by th • said Jonathan Ballinger,
within such time as is prescribed by law, " that then and in
that cafe judgment lhall be entered" against the said George
Hutz " by default, and that the said sloop or shallop so as
aforefaid seized on the said attachment" win be fold for
the fatisfaction of all " creditors who lhair , app|ar to be
justly entitled to any demand thereon, and lhall apply for
that pm-pqle.".
Dated at Salem, m the county of Salem, in the said
state, the thirty first day of March A. D. 170?.
GILES, Clerk.
Lucius Horatio Stockton,
Attorney for the PlfF. }
April r
OF all sizes, from 31 lb to Grape,
Cambonies, Pots, and other catlings executed "at the
ihorteft notice,
Nail rods, from iod to spike,
Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for cases or cutting iato nails, from
a brad to iad nails,
Anchors, from 17 ioolb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James River Tobacco,
Carolina Pork.
Herrings in barrels,
Kiln-dried cor* meal in Hilda, and Bbls.
Rye fleur &€. to be fold by
Levi Hollingfavorth Sen.
Auiufl 4
]) UNAWAY from the Subscriber, on the 17th
J-V Instant, an apprentice lad named Edward George
Mc'Clure, about 19 years of age, and about five feet
fix inches high, is of a dark complexion, and has long
black hair; had on when he went away, a fuftion
coatee, and red striped trowfers. I forwarn all Mas
ters of vefTels not to take him at their peril.
Thomas Rimer.
Sept. 1?
No; 60 South Second Jlreet,
The curious Prophecies of
CONTAINING great and remarkable things,not reveal
ed to any other person on earth.
T his werk is intercitinj; to every one
Auguji 14
ID 000
Jc ,0 o
1 0,00;)
P 10,000
1 0,60q
* I4W4W.
THE Grammar School formerly attached to this
College, having gradually declined through the
increasing infirmities of the late President for some
lime before his death, it is proposed by the fubferiber
immediately to revive it, and to put it tinder tne most
car&ful inftruclion and government. The Latin,
Greek, and French Languages (hall be taught in it, to
gether w.irh the principles of English Grammar, of
Geography, and practical Geometry. Parents, like
wise, who do not tluife that their children Ihould go
througk the intire course of studies in the College,
tnay now hava them inftrudVed in any particular
branches in the fame pianner, on the fame terms, and
to the fame extent as in the College—particularly in
the antiquities and mythology of Rome, in Geogra
phy, in the Mathematics, in Natural Philosophy and
Aftrorniiny, in Moral Philosophy and the Principles
of Civil Government, in Eloquence, and in the Ele
ments of History. They may address their children
to any of the Mailers in the College, or to
N. B. The vpung gentlemen (ball be under the
fame rules of moral discipline as the ether students —
shall be fubjetfted to public examinations, and, at leav
ing the College, (hall be entitled to public testimonials
of the branches they have fludied, and of their profi
cltncy in them.
P. S. The School is already opened, and under the
direflion of Mr. Scott.
Scheme of a Lottery,
Toraife 39,900 on 266,000 Dollars Deducting 15
per Cent, from the Prizes—This Lottery conjtjls of 38,000
Tickets i in which there are 14,539 Prizes, and 23,462
Blanks, being about we andean Jialj blank 3 to a prize.
THE Dire6lorsof the Society toYeilabiiliung Ufeful Ma
nufactures, having resolved t<» cre£l LOTTERIES lor
raising One Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably
to an A& of the JLegiflature of tUe State of New-Jeifcy,
have appointed the following persons to superintend and
dire&the drawingot thefame,viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, James Watfou, Richard Har
rifon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of
New.York—Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew MV
Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia
—'Hu Excellency Richard Howell, Esq. Elias Boudinot,
General Elias Dayton, James Parker, John Bayard, Do&
or Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joftiua M. Wal
lace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elifha Boudinot, of New
Jersey, who offer the following Scheme of a Lottery,
and pledge ihemfelves to the public, that they will take
every affurunce and precaution in their power to have the
Monies paid by the Managers from time to time, asreceiv
ed, into the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, iq
remain for the purpose ot paying Priz s which (hall be
immediately discharged by a check upon one of the Banks.
1 Prize of
1 coo
a 000
*4*539 Writes.
23,461 Blanks.
38000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is
The dr« «viiig will commence, under the infpe&ion of
a Committee of the Super inlendants, as loon as the Tick
ets are fold, of whicji timely notice wiii be given.
The SuperintendaTUs have appointed John N. Cumming
of Newark, Jacob 11. Hardeoberg, ot Ncw-Brunfwtck,
and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample security tor discharging
the trust reposed in theih.
In order tofecure the puH&ual payment of the
Prize*, the Superintendants of -he Lottery have dire&ed
thai the Managers (hall each enter into bonds in 4«,ooo
dollars, with tour fufficieni (ecuruits, to perform their in
fttuttions, the fubitance oi which is
I. That wheoever either of the Managers (ball receive
the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, immdiately he lhall
place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Phi
ladelphia, to the ciedit of the Governor of the Society,
and such of the Superintendants as ive in the city where
the monies arc placed, to remain there until the Lottery
is drawn, for the payment of thf Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficieht security for any
TicketMhey maytrufk,otherwife to be refponiibleforihem.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Mo
nies received and paid iufw the Bank, aoftra&s of which
fhal! be sent, "nonthly, to theGovcroor of the Society.
Paterfon, January i, 1794.
On application to either of the above gentlemen, tnfor»
mation will be given where lickcts mav be hed. tn&rK
By Mat hew Carey, 118 Market Jireet,
American Remembrancer,
No. 11.
EJfays, Re/olvcs, Speeches, isfc. relative to
the Treaty with Great-Britain.
Camillm, Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8 ; Impreflment of A
merican seamen at Jeremie, by the commander of the
Hermione ; Breach of the laws of neutrality by the
commander of the Africa ; Resolutions of the citizens
of Petedburg ; Caius's addrels to the Prelident ; Cato,
Nos. 1 and % ; Aadrefs of a number of citizens of
Philadelphia to the Prefidtnt of the United State*—
Prefideut's answer ; DisTent of a number of citizens of
Boston ; Diflent of a number of citizens »f Trenton ;
Proceedings at Trenton, August 13th, 1795 ; Pro
ceedings of the Boston Chamber of Commerce ; Rcfo
lutions of the citizens of York ; Carolinienlis; Refuta
tions of the citizens of Richmond ; Report of the
committee at Savannah ; Refoiut'ons of the inhabitants
of Bordentown ; An eflay on Jacobinical thinkers ;
Remarks on the lld articlc of Mr. Jay's treaty.
Augujl 17.
No. 39, North Front Street. |
A LARGE and Genera! Aflbrtment of the various
articles in the Ironmongery, Cutlery, and Sadlery
line, alio, Copper in (beets and bottoms, tin plates in
boxes, London and Brilloi pewter in calks, cases of luls
sorted, patent ar.iJ common fbot bar lead, crown
window glass from 38 inches by 12 to 9 inches by 7
inches ; crates of earthen and flint glass ware, crates of
white and green vialb aft-i of half pint pocket bottles,
boxes of Jong and lhoft pipes, hampers of ,half gallon
and gallon bottles, bottled ale and porter in calks of
about ten dozes, Bristol gr'uvlftones, a box of plated
ware fcrted coafifting chierly of car.dleilicks, and upon
very low terms a quantity of Bull's eye window glass
sorted fizcs.'verv fit for sty lighu, warehouses, &c.
Ang-ifi 15, [794
MAY 26, 1795
20,000 Dollar* it 29,000
s»o€> o
i OO
1 5
Firftdrawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
T H £
Rollin s Ancient History.
By Benjamin Davies&Wm. W. Woodward,
For printing, by fubfcnption,
Egyptians, Medes y and
Carthaginians, Perfiams,
Aflyrians, Macedonians, ant'
Babylonians, Grecians.
By the justly celebrated M Rodin :
Late Principal of the University o£ Paris, Proicffor of E
loquence in the Royal College, and Member ei the
Royal Academy of lnfcript.ons & Relics jLettres.
" In this work appears tlie fame principles of religion*
of probity, and the fame happy endeavour to improve th»,
minds of youth, which arc so -.onfpicuous in all tke writ
ings of this author." 44 What you write," fiya the learn
ed bishop of Rocheiler, to the author, " may undoubted
ly be read with pleasure and improvement, by perfensnot
unacqnainted in the learning of the fame kind; for* while
you call to mind ancient fu&s, and things
kiown, you do it in such a munn r, that you rthiftrate,
you embellifli them, still adding new to the
old, something entirely your own to the labours of others ;
by pJading good pi&ures in a good light, you make thtm
appear with unusual elegance, and more exalted beauties,
even to those who have seen and studied them most,"
I This work will be put to press as soon as the number
of fubferibers amount to five hundred.
11. It ihall be printed with a type entirely new, on the
best printing paper that can be procured.
111. It shall be contained in ten duodecimo votUm": neat
ly bound and lettered; which will be delivered,tl iub
fcribersat one dollar per vplume, to be paid ),iary
of each.
IV. Each volume lhall be enriched with a beautiful
frontispiece, al ufivc to fume remarkable fad or event, re
corded in the volume.
To a work of such great intrinsic merit an n
five utility, the publishers hope for a generous encou
ragement, and they intend to insert in alphabetical lilt
of the names of theu- patrons, at th« cloie of the lift
Subscriptions will be taken by the Publiihers B. Da
vis, No. 68, High Street, and VV. W. Woodward,
Printer, No. x 6, Chefnut itreet, and by all the princi
pal boekfellers throughout the United States.
Those gentlemen who take iubfcriptinn papers, will
oblige the publiihers by returning them by' the jft of
Those who ftiall obtain 12 fubfcriberi, and become
accountable for the money, (hill receive one copy
gratis ; and to bonkfellers, who promote the subscrip
tion, the customary allowance /hall be made.
Sept. 16,
Sale of valuable Property.
10,00a 1
On Tuesday, the 13th day of October, 1795,
At the Tontine Coffee-Houfe in New-York, at 11 o'clock
in the forenoon, all the right, title, and intcratl of the
20,00 c
In the following valuable TRACTS of I.AND, viz.
I. \ LI. that trait of land containing about 1500 acres,
XjL Ctuate in the county of Oiawge, being part of the
mountain lots No. si and 23, in the patent of Cheefecock,
formerly laid out by Charles Clinton, Esq. deceaftd, and
purchased by the Agent ot the American Iron Company of
William Smith, Esq. 00 the Bth day of November, 1766,
This trad contains some plough land and l'wamp;
Potuckeft Pond and the outlets thereof.
2. All that tra& of land situate ou the weft fide of Hud
son's river, near ButUrmilk Fails; containing 1000 acres.
In this tra<ft there is said to be a valuable mine, some good
swamp and timber land.
3. AU those two trads situate on the north fide of the
Mohawk river, being part of the Manor of Colby, pur
chased by the Agent of the American Iron Company in the
years 1765 an 4 1767, of Oliver Delancy, Esq. the one con
taining 2940 acres, the other 3815 acrcs.
4. All that tra& of land si
Mohawk river, near the Geri
Cofby's manor, and bounded
This trail will be divided, ai
i containing
TUe tra«sl on No. 4 is chiefly beach, maple, bass and elm,
The purchase money to be paid by the fdliowing inffcal—
rtients, viz. one-fourth on the day of sale: one-fourth on the
firft Tuesday in April next; one-fourth 011 the fir ft Tuesday
in October, 1796; and the remainder on the firft Tuesday
in April, 1797. when deeds will be given to the purchaser.
Plans of the different tra&s of land may be seen by ap
plying to Mr. Peter Go eld', one of tha trufiees, in New-
York; or to Mr. Edivard Edivards, in Philadelphia.
September 19.
For printing by Subscription (in fix large oclavo ToiV«e»)
With Not»s,Hi£lorical and Critical,and the life of Plutarch,
by John and William Langhorne.
THE Editors think it would be aa mfult on common »n
---dcrftanding, to expatiate on the of this work: they
content thew?felves with giving the following quotation
from the Preface : \
If the merits of a work may be esteemed from fti
vorfality of its reception, Plutarch's Lives have s> claim
to the firft honors of literatujp. No book has beql more
generally fought after, or re£d with greater a\i«ty. It
was one of the firft that was'brought out of the rgreats of
the learned, and tranflatcd into the modern laigiiges.
I. This work lhall be 111. As foonas a fufficknt
printed in weekly numWrs, number of apprvr'
of sixty-sour pages, at t\fen- on the lifts, tj£ wpk .will be
ty-five ccnts each, payable put to press
on delivery. Responsible IV. piefer,may
fubferitoers for fix copies, receive tJym in volumes, of
shall receive a seventh gratis. three- hundred *i\\ eighty*
11. It (kali be printed on a four bound,it one dol
fine puper,and an entire^-w lar ant feventy-ive cents
type. -v each.
SUBSCRIPTIONS are received 1/the Editor,No, 116,
Higb.-fl.reet, Air. 'John Pctjgher, No. &,North' Eifhth-ftreet,
Mejfrs Carey, Dobfon y Ca»ftobeil y RicjGrtikjbcink ,
and Ormrod, Botikfellers, Philadc^ and by tic principal
Printers jjnd Bookfcllers'thr the Vfuoi.
August 17. tf|. 7 fi&th 4W.
6:? aw.
situate 011 the north fide cf the
Fiats; adjoining part of
d on the east by Canada creek,
ind Iwld in the following Lota,
Lot 14 containing 1000
1 9i°