Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 23, 1795, Image 2

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s'r'o c k s.
Si*K per CVnt. ------- Ityf ? Int.
I'hr •. fTCent. ------ lift $ off.
Dctlrrei iJix per Cent* - - - - 14/j
U-irt&d State*, -
——■• — Vmcrica, -
... '< Pc-nnfylvaiiia, - -
Insurance Compavv North America,
. -Vcni:fj)lva:iia,[lnt. off] 7iV>r. telii
A Limner from Pavls reipeetfaUy informs the public,
that he paints Likcac' in Miniature, in such fink
ing and a manner, a» will, ho hopes, Satisfy thofu
who iuay employ him. Hh Liksncffesare watranted, his
fittings inort, an J his terms eai'y..
His room is at No. 13, north Fourth ftrest, a few doors
ftpm Markct.-ftreet, opposite the CroMviys.
September j, 1795- O T - dlJt 'u
, P. S. As lie Ihortly intends returning to Trance, he
invites such Ladies and Gentlemen as may be desirous of
having their Portraits drawn, to take advantage of th«
prefciit time.
For the Advice isf Affijlartce of Emigrants.
A SPECIAL meeting of this Society will be held at the
Collar' in fourth-ftreet, on Wcinefdajr evening
next, it 7 o'clock.
Sept. IX.
J|||y H A R M O N T,
Ezra Scwcll, maftcr,
iuarrtKN three hliii Ired and thirty-four tons, Phila
delphia built, of live eA and ccdar, fails well, and may
'•>a font to fca at & (mall expence. —For terms-apply to
Ahdrcws Iff Meredith,
- $ No. 86, south Wkarves.
:<■, :. 22
No la, Dock Street,
10 Pipes of
The very
JO quarter casks us Sherry wine,
Sriftol window gla'.'s of different sizes,
A o r fed Kavann*hfrjpu* in boxes,
A few calks of lugar,
a boxes of yard wide Irish linens,
4 bales of do. eaimfs,
? !;aU-»of red, \vhis, and yellow flannels;
BJRI HEN 10Q0 barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddk's
wharf, in South-wurk.
Philadelphia. Sept. 22. ,
llglilK For SALE,
M A H °A L T,
BURTHEN thirty-four t®ns, and fails remarkably fact,
I'or terms apply to James Gamble, or
dreivs i±>
No. 86, south wharves.
Sept. 22,
Augujl : 4 'M, 1795.
NOTICE is hereby given to alt peritms who are or
may fee Creditors of the United States, for any
funis of t!\e FptdtJ 'De,bt* "r Stock, faring a prejent
interefl of fx per centum per annum :
lft, That pursuant to an A& of Congress, pafled on
the third day of March, 1795> inritu'cl, "An Afl
making further provision for the support of Public
Credit, and for the .redemption of the Public Debt,"
there will be reimbnrfed and redeemed, on the firlt day
of January ensuing, the rate or proportion of two per
centum of the principal of the debt or fleck, exprefied
in the Certificates issued to the said Creditors refpec-
jii, The said reimbarfements will b« made at the
Treafory of the United-States, or .;t the Loan Offices the said Stock may stand credited at the clole of
the present year. .
id, The fiid reimburfemcnts will be made to the
said Creditors in person, or to their Attornies duly
conttituted < but the powers of attorney which may be
produced m'uft contain an authority to receive the said
rrimburfmcnt of principal, otherwjfe 110 more than the
uiual dividend of interefl will be paid ; and although
the two per centum of principal to be redeemed, fliould
not be demanded, yet the interefl tbefeojj will cease
from the said fivft day of January next.
4th, To prevent the great trouble and expence which
would attend a renewal of the Certificate-, 111 confe
rence of the said reimburfemenfc of Principal, it has
been determined that no renewal ihall be made: A nd
further, that the Certificates which may be iifued dur
ing the vear One thopfand leven hundred and ninety
fix, in
cjuence of any transfers of the said fix per
cent. Stock, (hall notwithliuidiflg the reimburfewient
of two per centum, as aforementioned, he exprefTed
for the refpeetive sums of the original Capital Stock.
All pjrfons who may negotiate the Funded fx per cent.
Itock ofths United Str.tes, bearing a present interefl,
arc therefore cautioned to observe, that during the year
One thousand seven hundred and ninety-fix, the value
or true amount of Principal unredeemed of said Debt
or Stock, will be ninety-eight per tent urn of the funis
cxprefTcd in the Certificates: .... ,
Given under my hand, at Philadelphia, the day
and year beforcmeiitioned, piufuant to di
rections of the Secretary of tne Treasury,
Auc. 24
- ~ To R SAI. E,
A very valuable ESTATE,
Called TirnrKNHAM-.
SITUATE in l '' e toivnjhip of Upper Dfly, ani county of
DcUware, 7 1-2 miles from Ptiladclphia, and hjif a mile
front the new Wejlcra road: containing %gO atrcs of excellent
Land 45 of which an goci -watered Meadeny, prime
Zf-W Land, and tin red ArSt-ie of the ftrjl quality. ftiers arc
en the premises a good t-Milyy Brick House, -with .( rumu on
a floor, *nd Cellars under tbc vcbdc, n-iti a Pimp Well of ex
ee'lent Water in front; is large frame Hem, Stables, and other
convenient buitiings; a Stnoie-Houfe andf one Spring House;
cod and ort: of Pxickss. Thz Fields are all in
Clover ' except tbofe immedUitdy under tillage, and are Jo laid
out ay to have the aik'antage of H'ater in each of than, iubkh
■ renders it feculhitly t<m<venient for Grazing.
flic ftuation is pleefant ami lealtiy, and from the bib culti
vation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and the vicinity to the c'f
ty it is very suitable for a Gentleman's. Country Seat.
Ike forming is part of tit EJlate of Jacob Harmat. x dtrccafed
ind offered for fate by M ORDECAI LEWIS
Survrvtmr Executor;
June 4. 179
Chairman of the Committee.
Madeira WIN JE,
Treajurer of the United Stales.
c picture: OF PARIS. C
The following pi&ure of Paris in the ir.ontk of June
lail has been transmitted by a German traveller,
reiidiiig in that capital, ajid pucjithcd in a Get-
mmi paper.
" Six o clock in the morning to be
fcen in the liretts but women and children with
pale faces, carrying to thuir refpeiftive habitations
the allowance of bread for which they have watched
one hfilF the night at the bakers. At 9 o'clock the 1
.fecne io qtsite changed, then you may lee swarms of |
stock-jobbers, ha'Umng with bags full us gold anci
lilver coins to the palace of equality wjjeve tliey {"pe
culate on the fall of Affignats, the Erie or the nati
onal domains See. and gain from three to four bun
dled per cent in a lingle hour ; from the palace ot e
quality, they go to hear the debates of the Nati
onal Convention. At two o'clock is the usual hour
for ; a'lmoft every inhabitant of thi&t'ity has
become a merchant or (hopkeeper and every man of
some property has t;«nnsformed his house into aftore
where all kinds of merchandizes are foundingreat
quantity. Strangers and friends are well received
in these houses, the greatest abundance reigns on
the tables and the best wine is drank there. Poli
tical topics are so rarely touched at tha table, that
a body would think the Republic was in peace with
all the world. Aftrr dinner it is cuflomary to vi
lit the theatres, fifteen of which are daily crowded
in such a manner that a little before the beginning
! of tha exhibition, a place is hardly to be found.—
The ballets and operas are executed with extraordi
nary pomp and fplnndor ; from the theatre they
go to gaming houses, where plenty of gold and sil
ver is to be seen. At the reftautateur's may
have a supper for 50 livres and chufe from among
60 to 80 different dilhes, you have the whitett
bread, the best wines, and even what is called deli
cacies in such profufion, that you believe yourfclf
transported by some magic power into the regions
of plenty. The Greek dress among the females is
already out of fafhion, they »ow wear a kind of a
chcmii'e with a girdle which is wore very high—
Tho' the dress of both sexes is very simple it is nfi
verthelefs extremely expensive because of the many
particular ornaments belonging thereto ; carriages
and among these many elegant ones make also again
their appearance. All the hotels and even the room|
in private houses are filled with people ; llrangert
who arrive at Paris are often obliged to run from
one inn to another befvre they can find a lodging.
In short Paris is Hill now what it formetly was, tie
picture of the grealeft abundance contrafled by the
greatest want.
34 pr.Csnt.
S° -
JJ -
" The devil is in the fellow," said one democrat
to another on reading a number of Camillus, " for
I am sure that he is full of sophistry, and yet I can
not pofiibly point my lingerto the place." " Ah!"
said the other, '-J Jonathan has told us that this wri
ter converses with the wicked one, and I now veri
ly believe it—what he writes is so like truth, that
he can be no other than an anjrel of darknef* trar.f-
• jrmed into an angel of light." Just with this con
versation I entered the room, and was immediately
alked my opinion of Camillus and the confequencc
of his writings. Finding that they were extreme
ly perplexed, and feiring left their despondency
might have a bad effect upon others, I addrefled
them nearly in the following manner :
" Gentlemen," said 1, " your inability to de
tect the errors of this writer is no argument that lie
is found. His errors do not consist so much in his
pieces, as in the foundation on which they reft.—
He takes for granted that the treaty is goed, and
then goes about to prove it ; whereas the treaty is
bad, and thus his whole fuperllructure mull fall.—
He is like a builder, who instead of laying a foun
dation and proceeding upwards, begins at the
top and works downwards. ' This lalt fentenc*
I observed they could not fully comprehend, but
it gained their confidence, in me, as one able to
explain the whole affair, and [ proceeded thus:
" Gentlemen, you alledge that Camillus conver
ges with his satanic majesty ; for my part, had Rich
ard Brothers mentioned him in his 1 Revealed
Knowledge,' 1 should believe him to be the great
red dragon, prophesied of in the Revelation, which
deceiveth the whole world." To this they seemed
to give entire credit, and I concluded with advising
them, that if they had 3ny scruples about the bad
ness of the treaty, to keep thefn to themselves ;
that if they could not read Camillus without dan
ger, not to read him at all j and that, above all,
they cught torepofe Unbounded confidence in their
leaders, who were as infallible as any Pope who ever
filled the chair of St. Peter.
"In a future number I may difclwfe the secret,
who Camillus is, and the import of the name. At
present, I (hall only remark, that fomc of my bro
ther democrats spell it Camelus, which lignihes a
Camel, and they apply these words, It is easier for
a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for
this author to be right. In this I am inclined to
believe, that they arc millaken, and am rather of
opinion, that, as it is evident this author can write,
that he can also spell and write his name truly.
This may require, h«wercr, some difcuflion.
Poblilhcd by Benjamin Franklin Bachc.
To the President of the States
'S IR,
THE proof of ypm fallibility may be dednced
not less from the political heresy I have cited, and
to which you have given all the fanftion of your
name and authority, than from the precipitate and
extraordinary manner, in which you have executed
the mod important aft of your life, the ratification
of the British treaty. How far cabinet intrigue,
which fiiuns the light, might have contributed to
that irresolution of conduct, in whiclu according
to the voice of public fame, having oVrce resolved
riot to ratify the treaty, you so quickly revelled that
determination, mull reft on future developement.
Other circumltances juflify the charge of "precipi
tancy and rashness. The Senate adjourned the
day of June ; a few days after, the treaty was
publilhed, and, it h believed, fey your order, in
Brotynts eyeuimfgazeUe. This publication, as it
invited, lo it produced immediate public discussion.
Town-meetings were quickly convened in Bolton,
Charleftown, New-York, this City, Baltimore,
Wilmington, Charlelloti in South-Carolina, and
Various other places ; all of which having tellified
their disapprobation of it, and actuated by the com
mon apprehension that you would immediately pro
ceed to aft upon the treaty, dispatched, by ex
pretles, addrefles and petitions, couched in terms
of refpcctful decency, requesting and urging you
to suspend or withhold your ratification. This,
moment seems to have been seized upon by you.
cabinet advisers, at the moil precious that could
occur, to seal the treaty ; to discountenance, and
if possible, to arrell the progress »f public opinion ;
to cenfute and insult what then appeared and dill
appears to be the major public sentiment icfpe&iug
it ; and to invite support from the Btiiifh faitioo
and all their adherents thro'out the United States.
Accordingly your answer to the town meeting at
Bolton, which was the firtt that you gave, appears
sure ; insinuating, that under the impulse of sudden
und enonedus impreflions they had not conlulted
the substantial and permanent interests m{ their
:ountry, which, without regard to personal, local
ind partial considerations, had unilormly directed
four system of adminiftratiei) : Then declaring,
hat '* the constitution is the guide which you can
lever abandon," you boldly advance the political
lerefy, which I have before cited, and conclude
his paragraph of your answer, with another infi
-1 nation, that yotirfelf and the Senate have fought
he truth through the channel only of a temperate
ind well informed investigation. In the last para
graph you inform them, that you had resolved on
he manner of executing the duty be'ore you, and
hat to the hig)j responsibility attached to it you
Yeely submit ; auth'oritlng them to make known
:hofe fentimeßts, as the grounds of your procedure. J
Every fer.tence of this extraordinary antwer requires j
ind.will receive a particular comment: fraught
\itk contradi&ion, and bearing indiscriminate cen-1
urc, equally on those who approved, as thole who :
lifapproved the treaty, it carries with it the highelt j
ividence of hade, intemperance and paflicn. But |
sir, it is my present purpose only to rematk on the
particular contradi&ion and indelicacy, arising oat
jf two circumstances of your condyft in this buii
lefs. The fir ft is, that on the 28th of J:ly, in
his original answer to the feledtmen of Bolton, you
leclare, that you had then resolved on the imtiner
jf executing the duty befere you ; and oh the 14th
if August, tha day you ratified the treaty, you
ranfmit to the people of Wilmington a copy of
:hat original answer as applicable to them. Www,
Sir, if there bs truth in the report which has pro
bably come forth through some leaky vessel of your
idmioiftration, that, at one time, you had resolved
lot ta ratify the treaty without some further con
;:flion on the part of Great-Britain than was ad
,'iled or recommended by the Senate, it may be
ftferred frotai the tenor of your answer to the peo
ple of Bolton of tire 2Sth of July, that you Ud
hem so resolved ; and y«t, on the 14th »f August,
pin you nulled tl»r ireacy, without iuititer can
:effion than was sdvifed by the Senate, you icier
he people of Wilmington to the answer you had
icfore given to those of Boston ; a circumstance,
>ir, which in connexion with what I have before
tared, manifeltly involves contradiction and evasion.
n the other, in which I (hall remark, I
reely applaud, as hitherto I have freely condemned ;
>f fending to such portions of your conlhtuents,
s, in the exeicife of their constitutional rigjit, had
lifapprobated your treaty, the copy of an anfvOer,
nd yielding to the weight of public cenfire at a
ondmS so improper, you hire now given an ori
ginal, and not a duplicate answer, to the ftlefr men
ifCharleftown near Boston, published in tie Daily
\dvertifer of Thursday. In this inftanct, 1 will
irefume, that you have acted on your oVn inde
isndcnt judgment, uninfluenced by tlx- pernicious
ounfel of those evil advisers, whose private views,
tarty purposes, and inflamed ambition, will always
nifguide. BELISARUJS.
NEW-YORK, September jgj
The following are extraSs from a get
from Burton in England, to a citizen in
and a tnembtr of the Democratic Society
kindly handed ui the fame for public,it
Burton, June sc,
" THE war, I'm sorry to £sy bl's fair .for
eontintiauce ; at this very moment a powerful ar
my invades the eoalt of France, compbfed of our
own Regulars and the French Emigrant Regiments
in our service, to aft in conjunftren with the roy
alills of Britauny and Normandy, and proclaim
the new monarch —What the result will be God
only knows, but 1 regret so many brave fellows
going over as a facrifice to the ihfatiable demon of
war. The general wish in this country feemi for
a continuance of the wai, but on our Cde only hy
sea, whiltl the Emperor and Rufiia employ France
by land. Certain it is tl»t immense warlike pre
parations are going on in all our naval ports, and
that more numerous and more powerful fleets will
be at sea this year, than ever were known. The
grand object is supposed to be the final reduftun
of all the French Islands, and the conquest of the
Dutch Colonies in either herrmphere. Thus,you
fee, the toivering ambition of our rulers, keeps
pace with their power and rufources, wl»icl)j the
enemy too well know arc immenie !
1 also believe another grand dbjeft with out - ex
ecutive, is totally to crush (if poflible,) tlte Dlitch
commerce, and annihilate it, al '.hey have done by
that of France ! Indeed the with Holland
seems to give almost generai/fatisfaftion ; hti ex
tensive commerce 'avid ric!/ prizes, are Itronj.' in
centives to that love of planter so natural to Sail
ors and Soldiers. Awl l/re;; y believe ir Spain
(hould join France, lo pr fr >ni caufirrg alarm, it
would be joyful tidings V how< 'er the present trade
to Spain and her colonics is v lly great and lticra
tive.—At home, the cnornv js loan of near five
millions llerling, to the Enaaor, and the Prince
- of Wales's debt 3, aie wry inch disliked and re
probated. Vet tLe miniUry
I th, 1795
)/. I
Mr Dear. Friend,
I think, men,* populai thaw ever! and aft j»ift as
they pleafr ; rio wondtff, when evrry. pevfoii
of property, in the nation is determined to hip.
port their mc-afures—frightened at tye exceiles and
inflability of the French, and the idea o a irvyly.
tioiv, they rufli intoHhe other extreme.
JL judge our Peasantry, Sailers, Soldiers, and
Merchants, as very loyal, (a term yoy hate, but
expreftivc of try meaning,) whiiit the Mauufac- .
turers and Dotneftics in towns are many of them
ditaffected, but these latter ace effectually retrained
and kept in check by the Gentlemen and Yeo-?.
inanrv voiunteets, who are regularly trained and
accoutred-»-theie, together with the Regulars, mi
litia, Fencibles and Navy, (all vaitly ttreng'thened,)
form between 4'and 500,000 men, in Great-Brt-.
tain alone ! This you may rely on at a fact, and
believe me although fijeh numbers kave entered
4he navy, and army abroad, the country where
ever I have been (fat inland from Dover,) fencing
with people ! Iji Manchester alone, near 60,000
perions have besu enroil'd, chiefly into the army,
and yet the county is computed to e«ntain near
400,0110 people ! (Lancalhire) and its neighbour
Yorklhiie, 7504000.
As for many folks, they really believe England
is too populous, and too wealthy—or rather they
should fay our wealth is too unequally divided,—
but that evil inevitably Occurs wherever trade and
cummcrce abound, provided good laws fecurc to
every one the fruits of his labors, and th« inheri
tance of his anceltors. Equally true is itj tjiat
Agriculture, Manufa&ures, and Commerce, art;
flourifning in an astonishing degree ! hitherto un
precedented. Yet you will judge rightly if our
population and wealth are too our minillry
are using very effectual methods of diminishing
both : And if our ex.rtions in the war are great,
it m.ifl; he allowed, the enemy keeps us iri full
play! —My good friend, makc.your own com
ments on the foregoing plain matters off tcl, which
T have taken some pains to at-'i tain, and then de
cide what credit as a putlcitian,"y , ou o»-
to give the many idle and faife repoits circulated
in your American papers (as well as our own,)
and fabricated by ignorant, or violent prrjuuiceil
persons Though you and 1 disapprove of his
measures, we mult allow Pitt to be a very clever
fellow, yet the minority in Parliament are peihaps
equally strong in abilities, though not in power ;
you must alf» in candor allow (however nnwillingj
that the government or conllitution of this lfland,
Kisg, Loids, and Commons, to be far the bed
calculated for a nation like this—ancient, populous,
and wealthy. The security of prrfun and pioper
ty is equally diffufed to all ranks, from, the Noble
to the Cottager ! and the police all things confi
-1 dered is admirable! The energy, and prompt at
cution, and (lability of our executive, are too w ell
known to be refuted. The Chuich elhiblifhment
and its Concamtlunts greatly need reform, but I
defpairsof feeing it. Thus have I expatiated for
your amusement, (perhaps inltruiSiuujfc oil fixne
points, of the political concerns of the country I
now inhabit, and where I hope and perma
nently to abide through the remainder of my life 1
and to confcf» the truth, the more ]"vr fcen and ex
perienced of other countries, the more 1 love Eng
land ! next Switzerland, then your own, though I
nmft acknowledge the superior beauty and fereni'.y
of your climate ans Iky, which perhaps amply
compensates for the extremes of heat and cold»
whereas here we are rarely blefTcd with i clear day!
and throughout this present month of June, good
coal tires have been very eomfoitable ! this will
surprize you, broiling under an American sky !
our spring has been extremely cold and variable—
Summer commences much the f;ime, and the win
ter was the fevetsrt for many years ; 1 never recoi
led so much fno-.v fallen. One of out bell advanta
ges over your Columbia, is our freedom from Ne
groes, Mulattoes, Meftees, and Indians, thole hide
ous and nasty diltindtions of mankind; what a
pleasing contrast do our lovely, fair and rosy female
domcllics, present to the aforefaid gentty ! I should
have hk d America better, had it not been for that
horiid and unnatural mixture, which I hope will,
be the wife policy of your government to lefien,
in pioportion as the white population increafcs.—
Since I lett town I dont recollect feeing a Black or
Mulatto ! and lut one Frenchman ! As to our pea
santry of either fcx, they are certainly the hand
fomclt by far of any nation 1 know—blocking
and fair, very flout and mufeular, they ilili prove
Britons arc not degenerated, as Croaltrt and block
heads pretend; although our common people aic
ttoutcr and handsomer, I think yours have more
expressive countenances, snore indicative of a cutle
pcretiation arid (agacity,—doubtlels proceeding in
a greßt degree from their superior education, sense
of their own confluence, and perhaps in part from
the peculiar nature of your clime, keen and clear !
The general prevalence of cold weather, plenty of
luccuient diet, and cleanly habits, easily account in
my opinion for the beauty and jolly looks of the
English, Scots Eowlanders, Normans, Danes,
Swedes, and Saxons—these and your Nqkv-Eng
landers are probably the handsomest nations of the
world; the Italians, Polanders, Swift, and Turks,'
eome next in the scale. So much for'climate and
beauty; perhaps you may deem me"a fanciful fel
low, but inch .s thelefult of my obfervajtions.
Remember—a wife regttla'ed republic can only
fiourift by good morals. France pofl'eflfes not that
essential—and never will into a " Re
pu'blique une et indiviiiblc."
line letter
j, who has
*7 95
I fulped the Sans Culottes, alias "moderates,"
will return to their old allegiance, and adopt cither
f ra ° n » r C.hy, or perhaps degenerate again
into dclpotifm . Franc* is foo extensive, natuially
too wealthy, too populous,*and Hill too much en.
slaved by ancient prejudice,, ever to abide by their
new fyltem They love novelty, and warfare, &
vanity—all materially repugnant to sober republi
canum, founded on the Anglo- American example,
ihe Hollanders and ourfefves are much better a
daptect for that popular government than meffiolires
les cttoyens ! Time will veitfy tie truth or fallacv
of my opinion. What thiol vou of the fate of
your old friend Robespierre. and his adheients ? i
eeer thought him an egregious viilain, a feoowd
Nero ! Aftoirufhingly lca jjf and decifivc have :
Convention oeen in ticftroying each other
id the monarch art