Number 949.3 For HAMBURG H, Chriftoplicr Franklin, jun. matter, HAS excellent accommodations for passengers; will (ail in all this month; three -fourths of her cargo are ready to £Q on boaid, a tew tons of heavy goods will be taken on freight.—-For freight or paffoge apply to !!ie MaiWi on co-rd, Peter Bight, or to . Praters & Co. •September 21, 1795 For SALE, r TH E sHIp CHARLOTTE, i Junu han Bowers, mailer; NOW laying it Mr. John Wilcocks's wharf. The Charlotte is 404 tons burthen, and is supposed will car ry 14QO bis. flour, or thereabout ; five and an half y--ars old, built in the State of New-York for the Lon don trade ; is well found and fitted in every refpecl, and now in complete order to receive a cargo. Her inventory may be seen, and the terras of sale made known, by applying to tfalbro 7 & John Frg%icr. Philad. Sept. 19, 1 FOR SALE, > The CARGO of the Ship Arethufa, from Bengal, Gonfifling of an ext-nfive Aflcrtment of Goods, well adapted to this market and for Exportation— Among them are a -variety of - Printi»)f* cloths, Handkerchiefs, Uurrahs, Taffaties, c ,Htimhums, C oflacs, Nankeens. Aho—A cj'jantitj' of Hyson, Souchon-r and Bohea TEAS, k.H E U B A R B, PEPPER and SUGAR. The Ship ARETHUSA '» f° r Sale. *?he is coppered, five it?v' ;X'll3sWs years old. Burthen about z;o tons. — to JOHN MILLER, jun. or WILLINGS and FRANCIS. Aujruft 19 For HAMBURGH, r£|> th e.s h1 p P E ttNSTL VANIA, Lying at Cuthlert's wharf, FO fail with til expedition. For terms of freight or patfage apply to Sept. 10. For ST. BARTHOLOMEWS, 7IIE SWEDISH SLOOP STOCKHOLM, Charles Guftavus Berg, Mcfer; NOW lying at Stamper's wharf—will fail with all convenient fpced. For freigat or pafiage apply to the Captain on board, or George Sibbald, Scptcmfarg. (dtf.) No. 170, south Front-ftrcet For SALE, The Bm<; GOOD HOPE, _______ Now lying at South-street wharf.—An American bottom',' —<850 barrels. An excellent veficl, ready tri take in cargo.—A liberal credit will he given, apply to August 12 j'uji Arrived per the Suenu Bojlon, James Kirkpatriek, Majler, from Liverpool, 113 Crates well-alTorted Queen's Ware, 4000 bushels best ftoved fine Sih, & to be fold at No. 1, Pine-street, by J antes Campbell. Also, a few boxes weil-afforted Irish Linens. Said Snow for Freight or Char ter, cither to the Weft-Indies or Europe. Enquire as above. Augujl 18 RE C E JSy the Arethufa, Cap'ain Muirafs, and for Sale flrcet, a valuable /Jjori M'">S °J raundan Khaffa Bandanoes, Sahjadpore Mamoody Chapp'a Romania, Ny mpofatice CoiTae | Bilk Pulicats, JJoriim Baftaes Cotton Pulicats Humhwms Blue Cloth JSeerboom Gurrahs Durias Malda £ee£r>oty Muslins Malda.43Mtulnauty Cambrick Bafta Stringuear Handkerchiefs Guzeenahs, Ventapolain do. TafFataes « Tinnavilly do. Willings & Francis. Auguji 2]. dtf FOR SALE, Imported in the Jhlp Arethufa, from Calcutta and Madxqts, a variety of BENGAI GOODS; GuariaJis, Baftas, C'lfTiee, Huthbums, « IJijifilierchieffi, Perlians, Calicots. To be Sokl bv tie P; tl'.ree and four months* WfLLI JO Au ;ul2 jtawj Gurney & Smith, Ciptain Isaac Hubber Peter Blight. djw IV E D, S mzs£r~~-fro»! BOU&DEAUX, CONSISTING OF I3RAI\DIES, in pipes and puncheom; and CLARET in bogfheads, is discharging from on board the fa'id {hip at Cuthbcrt's wharf, and for fal l)hds tierces, and barrels } Oil'FJvP. 1.....9>eadi; COTTOttf in bales—and a few tons of LOGWOOD. FOR SALE BY George Sibbald, ( _ Pimento in Bags | For Exportation Branr.f, Ift and 4th proof Sherr;'Wine, &c. J'Ay 3i JAMES TIFFIN, No. 70, South Second-Jlreet, near the City Tavern, HAS just opened and for Sale, an AlTortment of La dies' and Gentlemen's Fa(hionabre HATS, 1 from London. Also a variety of Children's Hats of differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as finfflieri. in the above business, wsll recommended, will meet with oonftant employ and good encouragement. June 6 j United States, P.nnfylvania l)iftri&. j NOTICE is hereby given, that the trials of criminal catJfes in tlie circuit court of the United States, for the Pennfylfania diftricl, will commence on Monday, the twelfth day of Odober next, at the court house in York i own; when and where all perfens bound by recognizance or otherwise to appear, are required to atcend. Ey order of the honourable William Paterfon, Esquire, bnc of the AiTociate Justices of the Supreme Court of (he United States, and the honourable Richard Peters, Ifquire, Diftrift judge of the United States for the ffsiuuylvania diftridt. .. L . WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marjhal. f j S 'P tm 3> '795- tu,ih£3s,isoa. CJ 1 j l!arWh, of the Funded three per Cent. Debt, have een U at Sea, and application it mtemled to be ma< > for Vhe Renewal of the said Certificates at the Ofl « of (he Treasury of the said United States, of wh 1 all persons concerrie'd are de sired to take notice. ROBERT Augufl 14 'ILMOR, of Bohimorr. Sam. Breck, jun. eod6t. Witlings fe 5 Francis; If.lW For falc by Peter Blight, 4Uw German Pajfengers Just arrived in the ship Holland, Captain Franklin, frem Hamburgh, now at anchor opposite Vine-street, whose time is to be agreed for by applying' on board, or t0 PRAGERS & Co. September 10. d. fiOH SALE by th; Sul/foribers, at their Store on IV'j I nut fired Wharf, 26 Hhds. -j ' 33 Barrels and > Hifpaniola COFFEE, lately arrived 54° Bags 3 o Who hervCalfo on hand % Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hog(head6 Mountain Wine Wine, in Qj* calks 3Q Tons Britnflon-e assorted Sail Canvas, N°. I a 7 and A few gentlemen's handsome Saddles Philip Nicklin & Co. J"b *4 Landing at South Jlreet wharf, The Cargo of the Brig Fly, captain Homer, from Gi braltar and 'l'cneriffa. Brandy, ift ami 4th Proof, Tcnariffe Wine, in pipes, hhds. and quarter calks, Benecalo ditto, Hazlenuts in Sacks, Also, cargo of the brig Oood Hope, capt. Hubber, from Jamaica. Sugar in Hogsheads, Coffee m ditto, High proof Spirit, Logwood, Hides, &c. For sale by Peter blight. §iwX§§t l m 12 EMANUEL WALKER, No. 73, South Front-street, HAS FOR SAL St 150 Hogsheads Virginia Tobacco, Of the infpedion# of Richmond, Peterfburgh, and Fr«dcrickfhurgh. 20,0001b Virginia Bacon in prime order for filipping. Alb, 20 Hogsheads Windward Island Rum. WANTED, A Miller, of character and abilities, to uulirtake tile management of a Men-hunt Mrll in Virgi nia, aadto whom liberal wags* will be given, Afuly at itioX'f Scptemler 18, LANDING, front onboard the Ship Charlotte Lapt. J una. Bowers, from Bourdeaux, 30 J'ipes Brandy 20 Tons Claret For file F. SOPPING No. 221 South Front, near Pine ftrect. Who has aljo, a .100 cases of Jo & 50 bottlw, Choice Old Clsm &S7G hog {heads *2ittjy " A Quantity of Annifeed Noyaus Liqueurs and Caitibricks. 5 Tnlv if, American Landscapes. PROPOSALS FIR PUBLISHING IN A&UATIN7A T wentv-Four VIEW S, Q ELECTED from the meft striking and mterefting Profpe&s in the United States ; each ef which Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Author of the " Monajllc Remains and Ancient CafUei in Great CONDITIONS. J. That the work shall be published by Subscription; Mid that each Subfcribcr shall engage to take the whole set of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving, if LJa(«k or brown, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. That the dimensions of each engraving ftiall be 24 by 17 inches, executed in rquatinta, and publilhed upon paper of a Superior quality. The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub scribers, on the firft Monday of each Succeeding month, until the proposed series {bail be finally completed. [•11. That with the last View of the series, ftiallbe deli vered an engraved title-page; an elegant charadewftic vignette; a map of the route, cdnnedted with the prof pe&s exhibited in the the course o£ the Work; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print fliop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell„- er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-Sellers in the United-States. February 28, St. Croix Sugar h Rum AW landing from on board the brig William Pennock, Thomas Ho/li ay, majfer, Prime St. Croix Sugar and Rum. FOR SALE BY Who have !/0 on Hand, St. Domingo SUGAR ; Havanna MOLASSES; arid London particular Madeira WINE. Sept. 21, 1795. . Jiw. CANAL LOTTERT. (£/" is hereby given, I'hat the Go _L\l vernor has appointed Michael Hillrjras, Esq. MeflVs. Frederick Kuhl, John Jennings, James M'Crea, and Lewis Nichola, Campniflloners t,o su perintend the-drawing of the Lottery. The Commissioners will proceed immediately to roll up the Tickets, and the drawing is fixed, po iitively to commence on Monday, the 28th instant. By order of the Boards, WM. MOORE SMITH, Sectary of the joint Meeting. itemb'tVjth, 1795 The Canal Lottery WILL ieftainlv commence drawing on the ifjth in ft an Tickets may lie had at the Company's Office, and (ron either of the Managers, at Ten Dolfars each, until the 26 th of theprefent month, after which thry will be fold at ■an advance,, by the Company, who have, purchased what may remain hand. ' jSept. IJ>. ' d. f.w.m.s. Britain Pragers & Co. Tho iigheft price in Cash, wili be given for ' ■ /EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be given to Claret Bottles,—Apply to No. 187, south Third-fireet. April jo Landing, enharithtfiip Four friends-. Cap:. GUn*if,rm BmtnUiuc, Excellent white WINE, in cases; Do. red do. 5 CO ITcgftieads of red WTNE ; OIL in caltrs, of a fupirior quality ; is Trunks, containing DRY WOODS, FOR SALE BY 5.21 BALTI M O RE TOUNG MISSES' ACADEMT. NOTHING, in this country, is so cifiicult to bs met . with, as good literary establishments, furni/hed with 1 tiadiera qualified t& conduct YouDg Ladies through all *he branches of ihftjfiiftipn n.'cefiary and ornamental; ufaid if there are fomc good Schools in the principal towns, as they do not in common take in boarders, ths benefit is loifc to many rich families living in the country, which would, at any rate, bring up their chfldren in a distinguished way. This gave the idea of cftabliihing a Boarding Sohoo : , whose plan was firft announced to the public three months ago in the Maryland Gazette, and which has already de ft rved the attention and encouragement of feme of the most worthy families in Baltimore. Mrs. Lacombe, a French lady, Dirc&refs of this Aca demy, has endeavoured to join every conveniency that coifld possibly aifill her in giving the molt finiflied educa tion to her pupils. Englifli grammar, geography, and arithmetic, are de mooft rated by Mrs. Beck from London, who is also qua lified to give particular lessons in drawing;. French is oonftantly pra&ifcd in the ichool, besides the daily lessons given on grammar by a gentleman from Paris, who was there a Prelident of a College. Writing, common sewing, and every kind of embroide ry 2nd tambour are likewise taught afiiduoully. The young boarders especially are attended to with the utmcft care;. the house is ample and convenient; accom modation* abundant; servants and fuperintendants nume rous; in short, uoihing is spared that can afford itwm either utility or conveniency. For further information, application may be made to the right Rev. Dr. Carroll, or Mrs. LacjQmbs herfelf, South-ftrcct, oppofne Water ftr^et. September 8, 1795 DUTT ON CARRIAGES. NOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably to an aft of Congress of the Unit d States, of the jth June, 1794, for laying duties upon Carriages for the conveyance of persons—"That there shall be levied, collefled, and paid., upon all carriages for the conveyance of "jierfons, wHieft shall be kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, or to let out to hire, or for the conveying of the several duties and rates following, to wit >" For and upon every coach, the ) early sum of 10 dollars. For and upon every chariot the yearly sum of 8 dollar*, For and upon every phreton and coachee, the yearly sum of 6 dollars. For lad upon every otter fovr wheel and two wheel ton carriage, the yearly sum of 1 dollars. And upon every other two wheel carriage one dollar. The Officers of liifpe&ion of the First Survey of the dif trifi of Pennfylvar.ia, will attend within the month of September next, at No. 117, in Saflafras street, inths city of Philadelphia; at the fcoufe of Daniel St. Clair, Esq. in the county of Montgomery ; and at the hcufi of Mr. A braham Dubois, in the county of Bucks; of which all perfoos pofleffed of f ch carriages are desired to taLa no tice. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, To all retail dealers in wines, and foreign diftilleil Spi rituous liquors, that licences will be granted to them, enj liccnce for carrying on tl»p bufineSsof ruailintj wines in a a k-fs eam with a great fall runs thro" it, aid between JO or 40 acyj* •/ good meadSw may bt easily made. The Una of the above inclub about 40 acres of woodland. Convenient credits will be afforded to the purchaftr if aefred. DANIEI. CARROLL. Montgomery County, June 3, 1795. •AT. B. The land list betiveen iuno merchant mills t one dflmai about a mile, the other almojl adjoining. June Ij. James M'Alpin, a r N°. 3 South Fourth Street, RETURNS btsgruteful Mknon>ledgementstt- lis Friends and the Public for their liberal encouragement, and begs leave toJ'oitcit a continuance of their favors. At his Shop gentlemen may be sum jl,ed ivith the 6gQ wat:rials r and Lave them made up and jimfoed in the nu>ji"fafiHonalU wanner* , Me ivill thankfully receive any order r and pay a end punfiual attention to thet;t. x Qci. 15 The Earthen-Ware Manufj&ory, In Frontfireet, aL/Vi- J'uol'f Bridge, IS continued in the moil exienfive manner. A Jargc as sortment of the befc ware is on hand rcsdv parted in and Crates. A conflant and regular fapply n,,y be depended on at the ihorteft notice. 1 ' Orders are received at the Manufadorr, or it N» or Arch street. - July 8 J VIII; in tic. F. Ccppinger. No. 211, south Fro/it-ftrecr. *eod^w HENRT MOSES. l§Sfmz A,