Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 22, 1795, Image 4

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    B O O K ?, Printed for and
i 3 ubiifhed by MATHEW CAREY,
(I'rset Sixteen Dollars.)
4 Nevj Sytian of Modern Geography :
* . Or, i Hijiurtsal an 3 Commeriial Grat/i'mdr ;
andprcfcttt jlote of thr several Natiom of the World\
The Figaros, motion*, ard cui&rto each country. n
flifiances 6* th? Flints, ac- VII. Obfei vations on
to the Newtonian fyf- changes thatliavc been any
ieiti, and the iatefl obferva- where observed ujion the face
Zfe'A* of nature fincc tHe-ihoft car-
•! A j ueral view of the ly periods o'f liiftory,
£- lr Y' c.vvid-.'ied as aplariat; Vlll. History and origin
»*Wkfeveral ufcfnl definitions of nations; their form's of go
jfrolilems. vrrnmeni, rcfignation, law's,
111. Grand ctivifians of the re", cuues. taxes, naval and
Globe into land and water, military strength.
cortin.*nts aad islands. Genius, manners,!cuf-
Sif,uation.and'ext:ntof cm- tomsand habits of the people,
pires, kingdoms, state&, pro- X. Their language, learn
Vinces md colonies. ing, arts, fcienees, manufac-
V. Their climates,air, foil, tui es and commerce,
vegetables, productions, me- XI. Chief cities, ftru&ures
ta's, minerals, natural etirio- ruins, and artificialjcuriofities.
Cities, leas, rivers, bays, pro- XII. Latitude, longitude,
inontoriesand L,al:ep. prV
VI. Birds and Beads pe- cipal places fromPhiiadelphia.
I. A Gi Isdrx, with the names and places a pha
bftically arranged.
11. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
dollar? and coits.
IK. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from
the Creation te the prcfent time.
The Agronomical part liy yarnet p!rg:fir, F. R. S.
Coireiled by Pr. David Kitten/. oush.
Te which are Added,
fee late Difcovcries of Dr. Ktrfchell, and other eminent
The first AMERICAN edition, corre<9?ed, improvtd, and
.grsatly enlarged. CfsKtaining the follow ioj
Maps and Plates.
I Map of the Wjrld 23 Hindoftan
i C!Wt of the World 24 Ai'rie*
3 Europe 25 tVvited States
i!'Oogatriesroundthei(orth Dominions in A*
I'ofe. tnerica
Denmark, Nor- 37 Weft Indies
vay and I-inland. of Maine
29 "New HampiK.*ie
S-.-otland jo' jVTalTachufotts '
S Lr-iaud and Wales
9 Ireland 32 * Rhode liland
o France 33* Vermont
jE*"Wat of War 34*NewYork
A S®vaa Un; t jd Provinces 35* New Jtrfey
£3 Auftnan, French and 56*Penniylvama
Dutch Netherlands - 37* Delaware
14 Germany 3
15 Switzerland 39*Virgiaia
16 Poland 40*Keittucky
Spain and Portugal 41* North Carolina
18 Italy 4i*Teneiree government
Tu4*y in Europe 4.3' South Carolina
*0 Alia 44*Georgia
-sU*Bifcovenes madefy cap- 45 Copemjoan fyilom
Cooke and Clei kc. 46 Armillary fphore
2Z Chin*
o Rufr.ii
'■.The Maps marked with stars are added to this edition,
oxchifive ©f thole in the last London edition.
l?ie United States Register for 1.795,
Price .50 Cents. C 0 jV T E N T S.
Calendar,- with the uecelfarj Boundaries of the United
States. Population
tables, &c. <Scc.
Lift of the Officers
Lcgillaturc Statement of Exports
Judiciary Public Debt"
Department of State Fay, &c« of the army
Department of the Treasury Mii?£ Eilablifhment
Commiflioners of .Loans Rules for reducing the cur-
CJllicer6 oi the Calloins rencics of the different
Revenue Gutters flutes t© a pfrr with each
Light Haufes other
Officers of the Excise Tables of the number of
Duties and Dutiable articles cents and decimal parts
Exempts from duties in any number of {killings
Duties on t(•nhage and pence less than a dol-
on dorneftic obje&s lar in the currensies of
Drawbacks, See. arid regit the different ftatei
■ " ) Fables ftiewing the value of
dollars in die currencies
Supreme Executive
obtaining the n
Central Abllru *~t irom the ol dilLo
revenue laws, rejiting to Poft-ofßce eftablifliment
the duty of matters of Lift of Poft-Towias, &c. *
voiTdis, of owners, Latitude and Longitude of
«Bccv ©f goods, and the principal towns in the
officers of the cufto n>«; United States
to the payment of duties, Banks
and tkc importation of Literary Inftitstion#
goods National Manufactory
Kxpencei of Covelnment Scfiions of the Courts
for I7'> ( 4 Wcftern Territory
Dcoartiacvit of War
St}\te Governments.
C eorgia
Order' of time in which the
several States adopted the
federal Constitution
Table of the Sun's rifiag
and letting
Abftrait of gtfoda, wares,
and mierchaiidilse export
ed from the United States
New Hairipfhire
Charlotte a talfi of truth—by Mrs. Rowfon, of the
new Theatre,"Philadelphia. Second American edition—■
1 rice 75 (tents, [ T<)e rapid file of the firft edition of this
en'tereituig novel, in a few months is the best criterion of
its merit.]
•' It may be a tale o'f truth, for it is not unnatural, and
it is a "taleof teal by the ajt-itice of a
teacher, recommended to a school, from humanity ra
ther than a conviction of her integrity, or tile regularity,
of her conduit, is enticed from tier governess, aud
accorfipanics a young officer to America—the marriage
ceremony, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte
dies a martyr to the incouftancy of her lover and treach
ery of his friend.
The fituafions are Srtlefs and affecting—the description
natural and pathetic ; we (liould feel for Charlotte if l'uch a
person ever existed, who for one error, fcar.tely, perhaps
deserved fofevere a ptmiiWenf. If it is a fiflion, poetic
jufticeis not, we think, properly diftrikflted."
j_ Inquisitor—by Mrs. Rowfon. Second Philadel-
phia edition. 87 1 1 cents.
«. Adventures of Roderic Random. 1 vols. 1 dollar and
s -o cents, coarl'e paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine.
3. Notes on the ttate of Virginia—by Thomas jefferfon.
Price neatly bound, one dollar and a half.
4. Histoi/ of the French Revelution, from its eom
nvcucement to the death 01 the Queen and the execution
of Briffot. a vioHars.
, plowdai's History of the Britilh Empire, from May
•179 a, to December 1793- * dollar and a quarter
[This is an interesting and valuable publieauon as has
anpeared for many years.
Beattie's Elements of Moral Science, a vols. One dol
lar and three quarters. " eod.
ftom the lit of Goober
'90, tc- 30th Sept. 1701*
PHILaDELPHIA, PgjNT-ED by JOHN FENNO, N°' 119 CJ>efnutStrset.-~T&ice. Six Dollars Per Annvm.
Mft-js <>f the United s States,
PROPOSALS for carrying, the .MAILS OF TH c
UNITED STATES, on the following Pofl
R lords'; will be received at the General PoJI OJJice
untit the Ifl day of November next.
4s. F? pr> Philadelphia by Wilmington. Newport. Chrifliana, Mid
dletorir-i, ritid Georgetown crirfs-r »>ads to (Jteftertow/i.
May \& to November iit. Leave Philadelphia eve y Monday,
!l idntfday and Friday by g A M. am<% at iVilw'trfv#* by 212
P M. u- A'tjrwick by q P M, and at Chcjlertown the next days by 1 y
AM. Returning, teuve CHtjlertown every Mot day, WedncCda }
and FrfdAyhy 10 AM. an ivc at Warwick by 3 P M at Wil ning
ton by 7 P Jit, and at Pft>'ade'phia the next daw by 3 P M
November Ift ; o Mxy Ift. Leave every Monday
and Friday'byri A As. arrive at Wilmington by 4 P M, at Warwick
on Tu(J>hy and Saturday by A A, and at Gie fit r town by \P M
Reuiminp;. Lew ( h flertown every Monday and Friday by 8 AM,
arrive at Warwick fa 3Y J M, at Wilmington on Tuesday and Satur
day hy>(j AM, and ai T'ki o-id;hia bs 4P M,
49* si om Wilmington by Neivcafife, CantuKlfafridgc, Duck-Creek,
Dover, Freds. Ika and Mitford to Broadhil/ once a week.
Leave Wilmington every tt'edncflay by 6 A bland arrive at Broad•
ill on Thutjaax by 6P M. Returning. L;ave Broadkill on Fri
day or Monday by 6A M and arrive at Wilmifgtoh the succeeding
day by 6 P
50. From by Dagftrrvugh, Snoujkill, Ilorntown and
Accomrtzicourthoufe to Northampton court houfe y o«ce in iwe weeks.
Miy lit to November jft Leave Broadkrlt every other Wed
nesday by 11 AM. am.*; 6t SnotuhiH on Thursday by 2 P As. and
at Northampton court hmfc the next Saturday by 6 P As. Return
ing. Leave North,irr*;>tvn court hnuje on Monday by 6A M, arrive
at Snow/tilt on Wtdriefday by g A M. leave Snowhill the next Tuef
da\ fry 6 4 Mwd arrive at BroadkiU on fVedteJday by 9 A As.
November ift to May 1 Leave Snow hill every Friday by 2
P M and jrrive at Northampton court house on TueJ day by 5P M.
Returning. Leave Northampton court hoaje on liedvefday by 9 A
jfi aitd arrive at Snowhiliti* next Friday by 8A M. Leave and re
urn to Broa&kill as before. 1*
51. From Northimftton court house ta Norfolk, Hampton or York
tun, the mail to be carries! once a week to either of those places,
on such days as jhallbe mojt convenient to the contractor.
52. From Ck\fieitOb.<n by Cheje* mills, Eaflon, Vienna and Salis
bury to Snowhiil. Pnacefj Ann and Salisbury, oflxc a week.
May 1 ro November 1. Leave Chefiertown every Tuesday by 11.
A M, or as much teener as, the NorUitrn mail ecu be obtained, and
arnve at Eaflon by 6 P M, leave Eaflon on Wednesday by 4 A M
-andarrive atSnoojhi/l on Tuurjday noon and at Princess Ann by 5 P
M. Returning. Leave Pnncefs Ann on Friday by 10 A As, go di
rect* to Salifiwry, and arrive at Eajtcnon Saturday by 6 PM, leave
Eujhn on Monday by 4 A As, and a-rive at 6heJlertowa by 1P M j
November ill to May 1(k. Leave Chefiertown every Wednesday
hi A M >.arrive at Ehftou by 3 P M, leave Eaflon on Thursday by
6 A As, arrive at SnowhiU on Friday by 1 P M and at Piincrff Ann
by PM. Returning. Leant Princess Ann on Saturday by 10
AM, arrive at Eaflon uc\t Monday by 6 P M, Leave Juiflan on
Tuefiay by 8A M and arrive at Cheflertown by $P M. J
'53 "From Elkton to frarzotek, once a week.
Leave Ektcn evc/y Monday by 11 AM t arrive at Warwick by a
PM 4. Returning. Leave '-farmtk every Mondiy by 3P M and
#11 ive at F.lkton by 7 P AJ.
54. From Harford by Bd-air to the B!ack Horse on the road be
tween York and Baltimoreonce a week.
Leave Harjoi d on Friday by 3 P M and arriv? at the Black Horse
on Saturdp oy to A M Returning. Leave the Black Horse by
11 AMjane day and arrive at Harford by 7P M.
55# F. o*n Baltimore by the Black Horse to Yorktown, once a
Lcai'e Baltimore on Friday ly 5 P M, arrive at the Black Horse
on Saturday by 10 A M and at Yorktozvn by 8 PM. Rtturning.
Leaix Yorktoivn every i hurfday by 7 A M and arrive at BaUiw e
on Friday noon.
56* From Yorkiown by Hanover Petxjiurgb, Tansytowrt gnd
Ftqlcricktown-to Leefbnrg, once a week.
Leave i orktoiun every Monday by 6 A M, arrive at Frederick
town on Tuesday by 5 P M, and at Leefburgk on Wednesday by 3
in the afternoon. Returning. Leave Leejlvrg on Saturday by 6
in the fore'noon, and arrive at Fredericktvum by a intke after nc.a t
and at Yorktow on Sunday by 7 in the aflet noon.
57. Horn Baltv.nor eby Frederic ktouMi, Hagcrfiown and Chamberf
burg to Skippcnffrurg, ouce a week.
Leave Baltimore every Friday by 11 AM, arrive at Frederick
town on Saturday noon, at Hager/lown a.t Monday by 8 A M, el
Chamberfburg by 4 P M, and -it Skippenjburg by 7 P M. Return
ing. Leave Mifipenfburg on Wednesday by q AM, or soon as the
Ptitjburg inail can be obtained', arrive at HigerJhevA by 3 P if,
at bredtricktownon Thursday by 7 AM. and at Baltimoreo>'. Friday
byZAM. 7
58. From Magerflown by Hancock, Old town, Cumberland, Mor
gantoojg, Uniontown and Brownsville, to 'iVafhiiigton, once m
two Weeks.
Leave Hagerfoum 01: Tuesday by z P M s and arrive at Wajh
ington. tfc next Tuesday by & AM, Re urging. Leave Wafting ton
on Tuesday by 2 P if, and Hageffiffwx the next Tuesday
by SAM
59. From Baltimore to A*napo(is t once a week
Leave Baltimore every Monday by 9 A At', arrive at Annapolis by
5 PM, R tuning. Leave Annapolis every Tuesday bySJM,
and arrive at Baltimore by 5 P M.
Note Should this /nail be carried in a Jiagc-itaggon, it is to be
carried as often as the flare runs, the Contractor tojlatc the tines of
arrival and departure deju cd
60. From Bahimo) eby Annapolis, Upper Marlborotigh, Pi/oat a
way, Port-Tobacco, Aliens Frejh, Newport and Chaptics to Leo
hardtown, once a week.
Leave Baltimore every- Friday by To A. M, arrive at Annapblis
by 6 P, M. leave Annapolis on Saturday by 7A. M % arrive a! Up
per Marlboro' Fy now, at Pifcataway by 6P. M• and at Leonard
town on Monday by 9A. M. Returning. Leave Leonardtozun
every Monday by 3 P. M. arrive at Pifcataway on Tuesday by 6 P.
M. at Upper Marlboro* on Wednesday by 11 A, M. at Annapolis by
6 P, M. Leave Annapolis on Thursday by 7A• M. and arrive at
Baltimore by 3 P. M.
61.. From Georgetown by Montgomery Court-Houje to Fredcricky
town, Once a week.
Leave. Georgetowii on Friday by 6 A, M. and arrive at Frederitk
h'jjn by 6P. M. Returning. Leave Frederkktown every Thurs
day by 3. A. M. and arrive at Georgetown by 5 P. M.
62. From Alexandria by Salifbnry, Lee (burg, Shep
herdftowri and jtfartiniburg to Wi«cheier, once a
Leave Alexandra on -Monday by 6 A M, arrive at
Leefburg on Tuefcfey by 8 A M y at Shepherdflown by
6 PMy at jtfartinfourg on Wednesday by 7 AM, leave
Afartinfburg on Wednesday by 2 A M, and arrive at
WincheAer by 6P M. Returning, Leave Winches
ter 011 Thursday by 9 A M y arrive at iljartinfburg by
3 P -M, at Shcpherditownby 7 P My arrive at Leelburg
on Friday by 4 P M, and at Alexandria on Saturday by
P My
6s-. From t Winchester by Steveniburg, Strafburg,
Woo'dftock and Rockingham court house to Staunton,
once a <wee&.
Leave Winchester every Tharfday by 9 AM, and
arrive at Staunton on Saturday by 7P M. Returning.
Leave Staunten on Sunday by 6 AM and arrive at
Winchester on Tuesday by 7 P M.
64. From Staunton by Lexington, Fincaftle, Montgo
mery Court-Hcule and Wythe Court-House to Abingdon,
once in two 'weeks
Leave Staunton every other Monday by 6 A M, arr ivc
at Fincaftle 011 Tuesday by 4 P M, and at Abingdon the
next Saturday by 5P M. Returning. Leave Abingdon
every other Mmday by "6 A M, arrive at Fincaftle on
Friday by 9 A M, and at Staunton on Saturday by 5 P M.
65. From Abirtgdon by Jonelborough, Greenville and
Jefferfon Court-House to Knoxville in two -wetts.
Leave Abingdon every other Sunday by 6 A M, and
arrive at Knoxville the next Wednesday by 7. P M.
Reluming. Leave Knox\ulle every other Wednesday by 6
A M, arrive at Abingdon the next Saturday by 6 P M.
(>(*• From Fredericklburg by Culpepcr and Orange
Court-Houses to Charlottefvilla, once a -week.
L«ave Frederickfburg every Wednesday I P M, and
arrive on Friday f,y 7 P ivf Return? ?.
laCavj ChaviotteiVille on Monday by 6 A Mt., arrive at
Fredcrickfburg oji Wcdnefday by 10 A M.
67. From Frederickfburg by Port Royal, Tappahannuk
and Urbanna to Glouc jfter Court-House, to return by
Urbanna Lancaster Court-House, Northumberland Court-
House, Kinfale, Wefhnoreland Court-House, BLiehmond
Court-House, Tappahannuk, and Port Royal to Freder
ickiburg, once a tueck\
Leave Frederick (burg every Wednesday by 5 A M,
arrive at Tappahannuk on Thursday by n A M, at Ur
hanna by 7 P M, and at Glouceiler Court-House 011 Fri
bay by 2 P M« Returning. Leave Gloucester Court-House
011 Friday by 4 P M, arrive at Urbaana on Saturday by
I P M, at Lancafccr Court-House by 4 P M, at'Kinfaie
011 Sunday noon, at Tappahannuk on Monday noou, aud
at Frederickfburg on Tuesday by 5 P M.
68. From Richmond by Newcastle, Toddfbridge, Tap
pahannuk, Richmond Court-House, Wellmoreland Court-
Hotife, Kinfale, Northumberland Court-House, Lancaster
Court.Houfc, Urbanna, Tappahannuk, Toddforidge and
Newcaftie to Richmond 9 once a ivetk.
Leave Ricl irond every \Vednefdaybys A M, arrive
at TappaKanuuk on Thursday by n A M, at Weilmore
land Court-Houle by 6 P M, at Northumberland Court-
House on Fru. y by 2 P M, at Urbanna on Saturday by
XI \ iVI. Returning. Leave: Urbanna on Sunday by 3
P M, arrive at Tapp A on Ivlonday noon, ana at
Richmond on Tuesday by 5 P M.
69. From Richmond by Columbia & Charlottefville
to Staunton, once a week*
Leave Richmond every Thursday by 8 A. M. arrive
at Charlotteivillc on Friday by 7 P. M. and at Staun
ton 011 Saturday by 7 P. M. Returning. Leave Staun
ton every Monday jbiy 6 A. M. and arrive at Char
lottefvilTe by 7 }\ M. and at Richmond on Wcdnef
day by 5 P. M.
70. From Staunton by Bath Court-House and Sweet
Springs to Greenbrier Court-House, once in two weeks
Leave Staunton every other 3for»day by 6 A. M. and
arrive at Greenbrier on Wtdr.efday by 6P. M. Re
turning. Leave Green Briar every other Thursday by
6 A M and arnve at Staunton on Saturday by 6 I J M
yi» From Richi.iond by Hopkins's to Powbatan,
Cumberland and Princc Edward court houfet* 10 Lynch
burg and New London, once a week.
Leave Richmond every Monday by 5 A M, arrive at Pow
hatan by 3 PM, m Prince Edward on Tueiday by 7 P M,
at Lynchburg on Thursday 8 A M, and at New-London by
11 AM. Returning. Leave New-London every Thuriday
by 1 P M, arrive at Ljneiiburg by 4 P M, at Princc Edward
on Friday by 7 P M, at Powhatan on Sunday by 8 AM. and
at Richmond by 6 P M.
72. Fiom friucatUeto Liberty, New-London. Liberty, and
Rocky Mount to Martinfville, once in two zoeehs.
Leave Fmcaftle every other Saturday noon, arrive at Liber»
ty on Sunday ncjon, leave Liberty the next Thursday by 6
A M, arrive at New-London by iu A M, leave New-Londoa
Dy 2P M, arrive at Liberty by PM, and at Martimviile
Saturday by 6P M. Returning. Leave Martinfville the next
unday by 6 A M, arrive at Liberty on Monday by 6P M,
leave Liberty the next Thursday by 6 AM, arrive at New-
I-ondon by 10 A M, leave New-Lontloa by 1 P M, and ar
rive at FincaHSe on Saturday by 10 A M.
73 Fiom Prince Edward court house by Charlotte, Hali
fax, Pittfylvania court house*, and Martinfville to Genuanton
in N. C once in two weeks.
Leave Prince Edward every othct Wednesday by 5 A M,
arrive at Halifax on Thursday by p AM, and a; Martinf
viile ou Friday by 6 P M, and at Germanton on Saturday
by 6 P ?.T Returning. Leave Germanton the next Friday
by noon, arrive at Maitiiifvilie on Saturday noon, at Halifax
Court-House on Monday noon, and at Prince 1-dward on
Tuesday by 7 P M.
74. From Galdfons, by BrunUvick Court-House, Gee's
Bridge, St. Ta-mnany's and Mecklenburg Court-House to
Halifax Coilrt-Houfe once in two weeks.
Leave Gold Tons on Monday 9 A Ms and arrive at Halifax
Court-House on Tuelday by 6 PM. Returning. Leave
Halifax Court-House every other 7A M,
arrive at Goldfons on Thursday by 6 F M.
75 From Smithfield by Southampton Court-Houic to
Hicks'*ford once a week*
Leave Smithfield every Thursday by 9 A M, and arrive at
Hicks'sford oa Friday by I P M. Returning. Leave Hicks't
ford on Friday by 3 P M # and arrive at Smithfield on Sa
turday by 6 P M.
76. From Suffolk by Edtnto.n, .Plymouth and Washing
ton to once a week.
Leave Suirolk every Monday by noon, arrive at Edenton
on Tuesday bv 1 P M, at Plymouth on Wednesday by 6
A M, at Washington fame dav by 6 P M, and at Newbern
On Thursday by 6 P M. Returning. Leave Newbern on
Friday by 6 A M, arrive at Washington by 5 P M, at Ply
mouth on Saturday by 4 P M, at Edenton on Sunday by 9 A
M,and at Suffolk on Monday bv 11 A M:
77. From Harris's near Nottaway river to Hicks'sford in
Virgioia, and Halitax, Tafborough, Greenville and Wash
ington in North-Carolina once a week.
Leave Harris's ou Saturday by 5 AM, arrive at Hicks's
ford by 10 A M, and at Halifax by 7 P M. Leave-Halifax
on Monday by 7 AM, ar;ive at Tarborough by 4 PM,
and at Washington on Tuefdavhy 6 PM. Returning. Leave
Washington on Wednesday by 6 A M, arrive at, Tai borough
on Thursday by 7 A fcl, at Halifax by 5 P M, at Hicks'sford
on Friday by 1 P M, and at Harris's by 7 P M.
78. From Halifax by Princeton, Murfreeiborougb, Win
ten, Bridge en iienneu creek and Mitchels Edenton once a
Leave Halifax every Monday at 2 P M, and arrive at
Edenton on - Wednesday by 6 PM. Returning. Leave
Ederiton on Thursday g A M, aud arrive at Halifax on Sa
turday by 6 P M.
79. Fiom Edenton by Hertford, Nixonton and Sawyers
Ferry, to Indiantown, once in two weeks.
Leave Edenion every c>ther-Tuefday by 1 P M,and ar
rive at Indiantown ©n Wednesday by 5 P M. Returning.
Leave Indiantown every other Thursday by 6 A M, arrive
at Edentonon Friday noon.
80. From Halifax by'Blountfvi-Ile, Williamfton and Ply
mouth 10 'Windfq*, once in two weeks.
Leave Halifax every, other Monday noon, and arrive at
Windsor the next Wrdnefday bv 6 P M. Returning. Leave
Wind for the next Thursday by 10 A M, and arrive at Hali
fax on Saturday by 6 P M.
81. Fiorn Halifax by .Warrenton, Williamfborough, Ox
ford 2nd Hillfborough to MartinvilJe once a week.
Leave Halifax every Monday by 9 A M, airiveat Warren
ton by 7 ? M, at Hillfborough on Wednesday by 2 P M,
and at on by 2 PM. Returning.
Leave Martinvilie on Thursday by 3 P M, arrive at Hillfbo
rough cn Friday by 3 P M, at Warrenton on Sunday by 8
A M, and at Halifax by 7 P M.
82. From MartinvilJe by Salem, Lexington, SSlifbury
and Iredell Court House to Charlotte, and from Charlotte
by Cabarras Court-House to Salisbury and Martinvilie once a
Leave Mariinvillc every Thurfdav by .3 P M, arrive at
Salem on Friday by I 1* M, atSalifbury ou Saturday noon,
and at Charlotte on Sunday noon. Returning. Leave Char
lotte ob Monday by 3 P M, arrive at SalifWy on Tuesday
by PM, at Salem on Wednesday by 4P M, and at Mar
tiuviile on Thirfday by noon,
83. Fr«m Hillfborough by Person, Cafwell,and Rocking
ham Couri-Houles to Gcrmdnton and Bethania, onct in txuo
Leave Hilllborough every othei Wetfnefdav by 3 P M.
or in one hour aftei the airiva! of the Halifax maii, and ar
rive at GermantSn the next Saturday by 6 P M, and at
Bethania on Suoday by noon. Returning, Leave Bethania
on Mordaji by 6 A M, and arrive at Germanton by 10
A M, and at Hillfborough the next Thurl'day by P M
84. From Salem by Bethania, Huntfville, Rockford,
Wilkes, Morganton and LiKcolnton to Pinckney Court-
House, once in two IveeJis.
Leave Salem every other Friday by 3 P M, arrive at
Bethania by 5 P M, at Lincolnton 011 Wednesday noon,
and at Pinckney Court-House on Friday by 9 AM.
Returning. Leave Pinckney Court-House on Friday noon,
arrive at "Lincolntop on Sunday by 9 A M, at Bethania
the next Thurlday by 3 P M, aud at Saiem by 6 P M.
Louifcarg ky Jfufli TarboroHgji
if ce a week '
.Leave Louifburg oa Fridny by 2 P M. arrive at Tar
borough on oaturdiy by 6 P M. Returning. JL ■'ive
Tarborough on Thursday by 3 A M, and arrive a: Lou
ifburg on Friday noun.
86. From Raleigh by Chapel Hill to Hi»<Vorou?!». a»id
from HilUborough by Chatham Coart-ilouw io
tnce a week. '
Leave Raleigh every Tuesday by 6 A M, and UHvc
at Hillfborough by 6P M. /Utur.;in ? Leave H,!l(bo-i
rough on Wednesday by 7 AM, and arrive at Raleigh on
Thursday by io A M.
87. From Raleigh by Smithfield, asfil
Kiiifton to Newbenj, ones in tivo weds.
Leave Raleigh every other Tuesday by 6 A M, ar-ive
at Newbern the nett Friday by Io AM. Rcturnii,, ' J_c ive
Newborn every other Fr'iday by 2 P M, and arrive at
Raleigh the next Monday by 6 P M.
88. From Newbern to Wilmington,™,* ivteLs
Leave Newbern every other Friday noon, a,id arrive at
Wilmington the uext Sunday by 6 P jVT. Leave
Wilmington every other Tuefiiay noon, arid arrive t
Newbern the next Friday by 10 A ,\i.
89. From Fayetteviile by Llizabethtown to V
and from Wilmington by bou:h Wal:liugtert D
San-.pfon Court-Hoafes to Fayettev;|]e m,
mail is to be carried alternately i'rom Fayett
Sampson and by Elizabeth-town
Leave Fayetteville avery Tue day by a P M, ir. ■ .
as Wilmington the next Friday by j A Jut. Lc ve
mington every Friday by 4 P M, and arrive at Fayettc
vilh the next Monday by 6 PM.
90. From Fiycttavilie to Saliffiury, once in Hut uetit.
To go and return by the following routes alternately j
from Fayettviiiehy Richmond, Anion and Montgomery
Cojrt-Houles to Saliibury, and lio.a Faycttivflle by
Moore and Randolph Cotirt-Hoiijes to oali+Ua.'y
Leave Salisbury every other Mon'Jay by 6 A M, and
arrive at Fayetteville the next Thu;fday by 6P M. Re
turning. Leave Fayetteville the next Friday by io A M,
and arrive at iaaliibury the next f uelidav by 5 P , wait
ing 2 hours at the i.'ttermediate offices.
91. From Cheraw Court-House to Georgetown, a
L.-ave Cheraw every Wednesday by 6 A M, and arrive
at Georgetown the neat Frfttay by 10 A M. fin rain*.
Leave George Town by 3 ? M, 03 Friday, and arrive at
Cheraw on Monday by 8 A M.
9». From Columbia uy Orangeburg, \fo Charkfton,
once a week. f 1
Leave Columbia every Monday at nooa, and arrive
at Charleston on Thurfdayby 9 A. ivl. Returning.
Leave CharkAon every Thursday by 3 P. M. and ar
rive at Columbia on Sunday by noon.
93- From Ldgefteld Court-House by Cambridge,
Abbeville, and Pendieron Court-Houles, to rlattoni
ford, Franklin Court-House, Elbertor. and i'e eriburg,
to Waihington, once in two uiteks.
Leave Edgefield Court-Boule .every other Friday
b) # 8 A. M. a .-rive at Pendleton Cc/uri-Houfe the next
Sunday by 9 A. JVI. at Franklin Court-House on Mon
day by 9 A.M. and at Wafhingion on Tuesday by 6
P. M. Returning. Leave Waflungtoo on .iuaday by 1
P. M. arrive at Franktin on Monday by 6 p. M. at
Pendleton Court-House 011 Tuesday by 5, P. M. and
at Edgefield Court-House 011 Thursday by 5 P. As.
94. From Charleston by Jackfouborough and Coo
favatchie to Savannah, on;: a week.
Leave Charlefion every Wednesday by 6 A.M. ar
rive at Garde'ii Comer on Thursday by so A.'M. a»d
arrive at Savaufaii on Friday by 6' P. M. lUiurmw.
'Leave Savannah every Saturday by 1 P. M, arrive at
Gardens Comer on .Monday by 9 A. M. ana arrive at
Charleston the next Tuefdav bv noon.
95- From Gardens Corner (on the road from Jack
fonborough to Cooiawatchic) to Beaufort, once a week.
Leave Gardcn» Corner every Thursday by u A. Ivl.
arrive at Beaufort by a P. M. Returning. Leave Beau
fort by 4. P. M and arrive at Gardens Coiner bv 7
P. M. fame day.
96. From Augusta by Washington, Greenfboroagh,
Lexington and Georgetown, to Augufla, once in t<wt>
Leave Augufla every other Saturday by 6 A. M. ar
rive at Washington on Sunday by 11 A.M. and at
Augufla the next Wednefday'by 6 P. M. waiting at
each Poit-Office on the route a hoars.
Notv 1. The Port Master General may alter the
times of arrival and departure at any time during the
continuance of the contracts, he previously ftipulatiiig
an adequate compensation for any extra expense nut
may be occasioned thereby.
Note 2. Halt an hour shall be allowed fpr ppenim*
and doling the mail at ail offices where no particular
time is fpecified.
Note .5. For hour's delay (unavoidable acci
dents excepted) in arriving after the times preTcribtd
in any contra#, the uontra&or ihail forfeit one dollar ;
and-ii the. delay continue until the departure of any
depending mail whereby the mailp (Liliiied for fucu
depending mail lose a trip, an additional forfeiture of
five dollars (hall be incurred.
Note 4- Newspapers as well as letters are to be sent
in the mails ; and if any peri'on malting propolals de
ft res Jo carry newspapers other than t'hofe conveyed in
the mail for his own emolument, he mud state in his
proposals for what fmn he will carry it with that emo
lument and for what sum without that emolument.
Note 5. The conrrafts are to be in operation on the ill day
of January next, and to continue until the ift day ot April
1708 e '
Note 6. Shouid any perrons making propazin define an al
teration of the times of arrivai a id depart ire above fpeciliei
he mull state in his proposals I'ucb altera ions and the differ*
ence they will make in the terms of l/it contiatft.
No/ty. Per lons'jjrapoUis are desired to date their
prices by the year.,„£tors .nay receive their nav nrfar
tcrly. • ' '
Post Mailer General,
Genera! Poll Ofßee,
Philad. July 27, 1795
By Mat hew Carey, 118 'Market Jlreet,
American Remembrancer
No. 11.
Essays, Resolves, Speeches, &c. relative U
the Treaty with Great-Britain.
Camillas, Nos. 6, 7, and 8 ; Impreflment of A,
mencan seamen at Jftemie, by the commander of the
[lermionc ; Breach of the laws of neutrality by the
commander of Ae Africa ; Kefolutions of the citizen,
of Peteriburg ; Cams s address to the President • Cato
No., 1 and * , Address of a number of
Philadelphia to the President of the United States—
Kntn" n r D " ° f a mimb " " f citizen, of
Bolton ; Diflent of a number of citizens »f Trenton •
Proceedings at Trenton, August 13th, i 7 - p'
ceeduigs of the Boston Chamber of Commerce • Refoi
lutions of the citizen, of York ; Carolmienfis ; Refac
tions o. the citizens of' Richmond ; Report of the
committee at ; RefcluPons of the inhabitant!
of Bordentown ; An elTay on Jacobinical thinkers •
Remarks on the ITd article of Mr. Jay's treaty
Au S»fi *7- ' X ' pnH
>*» Ji-