Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 22, 1795, Image 1
.B.] Number J JSC®-* THE SHlf HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin, jun. master, HAS exc« lent accoininodatious for pa!Tengers; wi<l fail in at] this month ; three-fourths of her qargo are ready to goon board, a few font of heavy goods will be takpp ™. ftriahl.—For freight or paflage apply to Praters & Co. September 21, 1795 For "SALE, THE SHIP * CHARLOTTE, Jona'han Bowers, maflor; NOW laying at Mr. John Wileocks's wharf. The Charlotte is 204 tons burthen, and is supposed will car ry 1400 bis. flour, or thereabsuts ; five and an half years old, builf !n the State of New-York for the Lon don trade ; is well found and fitted in every respect, and now in complete order to receive a cargo. Her inventory may be seen, and the terms of fa'.e made Itnawn, by applying to Nalbro' tsf y<>hn Frazier. Philad. Sept. 19, 1795 FOR SALE, The CARGO ef the Ship jlrethufa, from Bengal, Confiftiug of an extensive AfTortment of Goods, well adapted to tiis market and for Exportation— Among them are a variety of Printing cloths, Handkerchiefs, Gurrahs, Taflaties, Battas, Mumhums, ColTacs, Nankeens. AHo—A quantity of Hyson, Souchoitg and Bobea TEA'S, RHEUBARB, PEPPER and SUGAR. i, The Ship ARETHUSA or Sale. i>bc is coppercd, five C.)\i years old. BurtKen about 250 ton 6 Apply t° JOHN MILLER, jun. or WILLINGS and FRANCIS, dtf. August 19 FOR SALE, BY JOHN CRAIG, No, 12, Dock Stffctt, 60 punches of Tobago rum, 90 quarter calks os-Sherry wine, Briilol window glass of different sizes, A quantity of best Havannah fcjjais in boxw, A few cafics ©f ittgar, 4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens, do. eanvafs, 4 bales of 5 bales of red, white, and yellow flannels PORISMOUIH, i ,>fOW lying at Mr. Thaddle's wharf, in Souihwark. Philadelphia, Sept. 3. 4t\rtf. For HAMBURGH, THE SHIP \ PE KNSTL VA NIJ, * at Cnthbcr{s wharf, '] i'O faii wiih all expedition. For terms of freight or p afiage apply to Sept, 1 o? For ST. BARTHOLOMEWS, THE SWEDISH SLOOP \ STOCKHOLM, Charles Guftavus Berg, Majier; :NOW lying at Stamper's wharf—will fail with flll speed. For freight or palTage apply to •the Captain on board, George Sibbald, September 9. (dtf.) No. 170, fomh Front-ltrect For SALE, |||L GO OD V 'HG PE, yw&fSjiL Captain Isaac Huhber. Now lying at "South-itre< r wharf. —An ,American bottom, — '850 barrels. An c celtent veflei, jrcady to take in cargo.—A liberal credii Will he given, japply to August 22 "Jlift -Arrivedper the Snow Boston, James Kirkpotriei, Master, from Liivrpoo/, 113 Crates well-aflorterl Queen's Ware, 4000 bufljehs best floved fine Salt, to be fold at No. 1, Pine-areet,by Jams Campbell. Alfa, a few boxes well-afiorted Irifc Linens. Said Snow for Freight or Char tcr, either to the Weft-Indies or Enquire as above. Augujl 18 RE C E My the Arethufa, Capt am Madraft, and for Sale flreety a valuuble AJfori Sifting oj v Taundan KhaCTa •Sahjailpore Mamoody Nyoipofatice Celiac Borum Baftaes Humhutns Beerboom Gurrahs Maida Bcefooty Maid a Gocjilnauty Alhsbad fjuaeenal*. Taffataß9 Augujl »t> 3 taw 3 Gurney & Smith. d, Peter Blight. d3W iy e d, Swain, from Calcutta and by the Subfirtbers; in Penn \mmt of Piece Goods ; con* Bandanoes, Chappa RomauU, Silk Pulicats, Cotton P»licat> Blue Clotii Durias Mull ins Cambrick Stringuear Handkerchiefs Ventapolam do. Tinnavilly do. ill:n?s & Francis. - dtf $f>asette fpWtein j&totts TUESDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1795. The CARGO of the fliip Harmony, 'James Moore, mafter —-from St. Pcterjburgb, CONSISTING OF — ioo tons (old fiible) IRON; , 100 tons HEMP ; 400 pieces Ruflia SHEETING; 400 pieces Ravens DUCK; A few boxes Tallow CANDLES; and 30 casks TALLOW» FOR SALE BY "James Crawford, or George Latimer. Philad. ilth fteptimber, 1795 The CARGO of the ship Harmony, Ezra Lowell, majicr—;from BOURJdEAUX, CONSISTING OF BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; nnd i CLARET in hogsheads, is discharging from on board the said fliip at Cuthbert's wharf, and for sale by Andrews & Meredith, d„ No. 86, south wharves. Sept. Ij, FOR SALE, A quantity of Frejh Perfumery, From France. Litrwifc, Malaga Wine, in quarter calks and pipes; Do. V,ead, in Iheets ; 70 hoglhcads uppf r Potowmuck I'obacco; And an invoice of FINE FRENCH LACES. A P Pi. Y TO Sept. 16, IJ<)1 CLARET, In calks, suitable for the East and Weft-India market*. FRENCH BRANDY in butts and pipe*. And a few cases of Ticklenburgs and Oznaburgs. FOtt SALE BY Rundlc & Murgatroyd, •$ No. li+ Walnut street wlyrf. (t,th&s.jw) Sept.i, 1795 For the Subscribers, Jr. PEm-STHEET, The foMowing articles of h''" laji importation from China, 160 Quarter Ghefb Hyson Tea, I*3 Quartir Cherts Souchong Tea, 400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, 4500 Pieces Nankeen's. 14 Will be Landed To-Morrow Morning, At Stamper s IVharf j The CARGO of the Swedilh sloop Stockholm, Cap tain B^r?, —CONSISTING &?- Jamaica STTCAR3, 0 f , superior. quality, in jinds tierces, and barrel*; COFFEE in hogsheads; COTTON in bales—and a few tons «f LOGWOOD. FOR SALE BY George Sibbald, (<ftf.) No. 170, fottth Front-ftreat. Sept. 9 VINEGAR. 2© Pipes white Wine Vinegar, And a few Hhds. very strong Cyder do. FOR SALE BY Benjamin W. Morris, Sejit 8. (r£cth2w) Corner of Dock 3c Pear-streets. Now Landing, THE cargoes of the brigs Weft-Indian an 4 Betfey&PoJ ly from Jamaica : Coffee in hhds and barrels Sugar iirhlids Rum, high proof, and 36, bags Pimento. ALSO ON HAN'Dj A Quaptity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels and Bags Saear in HhJs 7 „ _ Pimento in Bags j For E T°»at> o a Brandy, iftand 4th proof Sherry Wiue, &c. JujyyL ■JAME£ TIFFIN, No. 70, South Second-street, near the City Tavern, HAS opened and for Sale, an Assortment of La dies' and Gentlemen's - Fafliionable HATS, from London. Also a variety of Children's Hats of differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as finHhers in the above business, well recommended, will meet with oonftant employ and good encouragement. June 6 ,d United States, "> Ponnfylvania Diflri&. J NOTICE is hereby given, that the trmls of criminal causes in the circuit court of the United States, for the Pcnnfylvania dilhict, will commence on Monday, the twelfth day of October next, at the court house in York Town; when and where all pcrtenshound by recognizEnce or otherwrfe to appear, are required to attend. By erder of the honourable William Paterfon, Esquire, one of the Aflociate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the honourable Richard Peters, Esquire, DiftriiSt Judge of the United States for the Psnnfylvania diftridl. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marjhal Marjhal's Office, Sept. 3, 1795. t«,ch&s,l2O&. gj" The printers of newspapers to the westward and northward oi Philadelphia, are requested t» insert the above. following Certificates of the Funded Debt of 1 the United States, iflued si ora the Office of the RegilWr 6f she Treasury of thf said Unifed States, inthe name of Patrick Heatly of London, to wit. No. 8819, 8820, and 8821, dated 7th July, 1794, for Four Thouland Dollars each, of the Funded three per Cent. Debt, have been loft at Sea, and applkatiou is intended to be made for the Renewal of the said Certificates'at the Offics of the Treasury of the said United States, of which all persons concerned are de sired to take notice. . ROBERT GIJ.MOR, of Baltimore. Au;nft 14 d<j6w Spin. Brecky jun. eod6t. Witlings Francis. 3taw. For sale by Peter Blight. 10-morrow morning will be Landed, AND FOR SALF, BY PETER KUHN, too qr. casks. Malaga WINE. IVho has also on band, Bloome RAISINS in kegs, latefl importation. Sept. 14. German PaJJengers [uft arrived in the (hip Holland, Captain Franklin, from Hamburgh, now at anchor opposite Vine-street, whole time is to be agreed for by applying on board, or to September I o FO/f SALE by the Subfo-ribers, at their Store on Walnut Jireet Wharf, • 26 lihds. 33 Jarrels and > HifpaniolaCOFFEE, latelyjarriverj j 4O Bags J Who have also on hand, Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hogiheads Mountain Wine Wine, in (Jr. caflcs 20 Tons Brimstone Nils alTortad Sail Canvas, N°. I a J and A few gentlemen's handsome Saddles Philip Nicklin & Co. July n Landing at South Jlreet wharf,, The Cargo of the Brig Fly, captain Homer, from Gi braltar and Teneriffe. Brandy, rft and 4th Proof, Tcn«riffe Wine, in pipes, hhds. and quarter calks, Benecalo ditto, Hazlemits in Sacks, Also, cargo of the brig Oood Hope, capt. Hubber, from Jamaica. Sugar in Hogfheadt, Coffee in ditto, High proof Spirit, Logwood, Hides, &c. For sale by yjugujl 1 a EMANUEL WALKER, No. 7,3, South Front-ftreetj HAS FOR SALE, 150 Hoglheads Virginia Tobacco, Of the infpeflions of Riehmond, Peterlburgh, and Fredertckfhurgh. 20,00c1b Virginia Bacon in prime order for Clipping. Air o , 20 Hogfceads Windward Island Rum. WANTED, A Miller, of chara£ter. and abilities, to the management of a Merchant Mill in Virgi nia, aid to whom liberal wages will be given.—Apply ar above. September 18. *O R SALE, Imparted in the Jhip Arelhufa, from Calcutta and Madrafs, a iwiety of BENGAL GOODS; GuarKsho, Baftas, Coflaes, Humhums, Handkerchiefs, Persians, Calicoes. To be Sold by tlie Package, for approved notes at three and four months, by WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. JOHN MILLER, J#n. August 18 LANDING, from on board the Ship Charlotte. Capt. Jona. Bowers, from Baitrdeaux, 30 Pipes ■io Tous Claret For sale by F. GQPPINGKR, No. ail South Front, near PineJlreet. IVb6 has aljo, ajoo cases of 30 & jo bottles, Choice Old Claret 6©o lieg(heads ditto A Quantity of Annifeed Noyaux Liqueurs and Cambricks. American Land/capes. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A Twenty-Four VIEW S, SELECTED from the most ftribing and mterefting Profpe&s in the United States ; cach ®f which Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Autber of the " JMonajlic Remains and Ancient Cafiles in Great CONDITIONS. I. That the work Ihall he published by Sußfcription; and that each Subscriber fliall engage to take the whole set of Views, and {hall pay syr each engraving, if blauk or brown, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. 11. That the ditnenfions of each engraving fhalibe 24 by 17 inches, executed in. aquatinta, and published upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to commence im- mediately; and one engraying to be delivered to the Sub- fcribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month, until the proposed series Ihall be finally completed. HI. That with the lafl View of the series, Ihall be deli vered an engraved title-page; an elegant charadfceriftic vignette; a map of the route, connected with the prof pe<SU exhibited in the the course of the Work ; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcribcrs. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print Ciop, Maiden lane, 3Sew-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell er, No. 118, Market ftreot, Philadelphia, and by ali the principal Book-fellers in the United States. February 28. The highest price in will be given for EMPTY .BOTTLES, A preference will be given to Ckret Bottles.—Apply »• No. iS?f south Third-street. April 10. of the d6t. PRAGiIRS & Co. d Peter Blight. §inv%§§%rm f.w.m.s. No. 42 Dock Street, or § JaJy ¥ Britain St. Croix Sugar & Rum. Now landing from on board the brig William Penmct, Tbomps Holli ay, mafer, Prime St. Croix Sugar and Rum. FOR »ALE BY Praters U Co. Who have a'fn on Hand, St. Domingo SUGAR ; liav.nnna MOI,ASSES; and London particular Madeira WINE. Sept. 2), 179;. |iw. Landing, From on boarflthejbip Four Friends, Ccpt. Glenn, from BourJeanx } Excellent white WINE, in cases ; Do. red do. in 550 Hogflieads of red WINE ; OIL in cases, of a fiiperior qualitT ; 15 Trunks, containing DRY GOOt)S FOR SALE BT Sept. 21 New Hosiery. BARTHOLD ML W CQNOLLY, At bis HOSIERY STORE, No. 48 Che/nut [ireet, RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public ia general, that he hasjuft received by the ship Liberty from Liverpool, a further supply of Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton Hosiery. Among which are a very of Gentle men's plain white, fancy, and patent Silk, faperfine fancy plated silk and cotton, fine white, plain, and ribb'd cot ton—a very large assortment of fancy Patent and fine ran dom fancy cotton, See. which he will fell upon th? most reafonablc terms by the dozen or single pair. 4 L S O, A General AfTortment ©f every otiier article of DRV GOODS, newly imported. Thofe-gentlemen who please to favorß. C. with their commands, will meet with, at his store, a most elegant, extensive, and well chosen assortment of every description of Hosiery Also, a great Variety of Gentlemen's Outjizes. IMPORTED and for SALE, by THOMAS and JOHN CLIFFORD, No. 39, J4orth Frcpt Street, A LARGE and General AfTortment of the various articles in the Ironmongery, Ciulery, and Sadlery line, a!fo, Copper in ("heels and bottoms, tin plates in boxes, London and Bristol pewter in calks, cases of hat* sorted, patent a ;d common /hot and bar lead, crown window glass front J 8 inches by 12 to 9 inches by 7 inches ; crates of eartheij and flint giafs ware, crates of white and green vials and of half pint pocket bottles, boxes of long and short pipes, hampers of (half gallon and gallon bottles, bottled ale and porter in calks of about ten dozen, Bristol grindstones, a box of platecj ware sorted confining chiefly of candleftieks, and upon very low terms*a quantity of Bull's eye window glafc sorted fizes,i|very fit for Iky light*, wareKoufes, &c. Augufl 25, 1794. tu&fim The Canal Lottery WILL •eruiniy commence drawing on the 48th instant, Tickets may be had at the Comp.ay'i Office, and from •ither of the Managers, at Ten Dollars each, untii the 46th of the present month, aft«r which they will be fold at an advance, by the Company, who have purchased what may remain op hand, Sspt. 19. <L CANAL LOTTERT. Kj* "VTOTICE i» hereby given, l,hat the Go, J.N| vernor has appointed Michael*Hillegas, Esq. MeiTrs. Frederick Kulil, John Jennings, James M'Crea, and Lewis Nichola, Comßaifiioners to fiw perintend the drawing of the i-ottery. The Commiflioners will proceed immediately to roll up the Tickets, and tte drawing is fixed, po- Ctively to commence on Monday, the 28th ipftant. By order of the Boards, WM. MOORE SMITH, Secretary of the joint Meeting. September sth, 1795. * j ' partntifhip of M'Kuchnie and Sloane is dissolved J. with mutual eonfent; those indebted to the compa ny are defircd to make payment to L. M'Kechnie. JOHN SLOANE KcJpeSfMy informs the Cujlomers and the Puilic, that he continues to carry on the Taylor and Habit-Making Business, No. lit Chef nut, bet-v cm Front and Stuml-ftruts, As formerly ; and that all poflibk attention will be paid to merit a continuance of favors. September 17. DUTT ON CARRIAGES. NOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably to an aft of Congress of the Unit :d States, of the sth June, 1794, for laying duties upon Carriages for the conveyance oS persons—" That there Avail be levied, «oilesed, and paid, upon all carriages for the conveyance of persons, whicfc iiiall be kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, or to let out to hire, or for the conveying of passengers, the several duties and rates following, to wit;"' For and upon every coach, the ) early sum of 10 dollars. For and upon every chariot the yearly Aim of 8 dollars. For and upon every phaeton and soachee, the yearly fun| of 6 dollars. For and upon every other four wheel and two wheel top carriage, the yearly sum of 1 dollars. And upon every oth»r two wheel carriage one dollar. The Officers of Infpe&ion of the First Survey of the dif trift of Pennfyl#ai>ia, will attend, within the month of September next, at No. 117, in Saffitfrjs f'treet, intn« city of Philadelphia; at the Jjoufe of Daniel St. Clair, Esq. ia the county of Montgomery ; and at the house of Mr. A braham Dubois, in the county of $ucks; 0 f a jj persons possessed of f ch carriages are defred to taka no-, tice, NOTICE IS ALSO QfVEN, To all retail dealers in winee, and foreign diftiHed fpi-, rituous liquors, that licences will be planted to them, one licence for carrying on the bufipefa of retailing wines in a a left quantity } or in lei's quantities than ,;p gallons— and one licence for carrying on the bufinefd of retailing fpirin tuous liquors in less quantities than 20 gallons, at the fame time, and at the fame places, by the oiijeers legally author ri2ed to grant fueh licences. William Nichols, Infjiefior of the Revenue of Firfl. Survey of the Diltriit of Philadelphia, A"g\!i I7> }T)S IVcLumr VIII. F. Ceppin^er, No. i2J, fomh Front-ftreer