Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, September 04, 1795, Image 4

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    BOOK S, Printed for and
Publifhcd by MATHEW CAREY.
(Pr.ce Sixi&n Dollars.)
New Syfiem of Modern Geography :
Or, a Gsegraphical, Historical and Commtrt 'ud Grammar {
and present Jlate of the several the lVorld>
The figures, motions, and culiur to each country.
difUnces of the Planets, ac- VII. Observations on the
cording totheNewtonian fyl- diaRR-l'that havit been any
tem, and.the latclt oblerva 7 where obfarvea upon the facd
tir-r.s of nature i'nee the moll Car-
i; A general view of the ly peri ids of hilldffv.
\i,.'fvh as a pljuifl't'; VUt. Iliflory and origin
withf;;»."-ral ufefo'i of nations; tneir forms of go
and problems. vdrnrueitt, n (ignition, Uws,
111. Gr'fui <li7:fi«iiVtff the jtver.wes, taxes naval and
Globe into land and water, military strength.
continents and iflatids.
SituatiOn aadVictent of em-' tomsand fiabits of the people,
pirc.,», pro- X. Their ianguage, learn
vinees and colon: '-:. . i:'S, arts, fcier.ces, manufac-
V. Tficir cliiivatci,air,ft>:l, tares and commerce,
vegetable*, pro'daJticiis", me- XI. Chief cities, flruftures
tuis, mmerars, nattiral curio- ruin', and artificial curiosities.
foifS, leas, rivers, bays, pro- XII. Latitude,'
moatoi ies and Lakv Kcaringsanddiftancesof prin-
VI. Birds and Beails pe-~ cipalpiacesiVomPhiladelphia.
I. A Geographical 1.-idcx, with the names and places a plift
betiea'dy arranged.
11, A Table of the Co:2* of all nations, and their value in
dollars and cent'
l-y. A Chronological /Tabts of remarkable events, from
tlitf/U'eution to the jird'trjt time.
m By WU.iJJ.AM GU/ HRIE, F/q.
The Afconaaiicsllpart by Sfrgnji*, F. R. S.
DAVID RiTTtxttousE,
\ Tt •jhlch are added,
tire lute Difeovw'ea if Dr. Hcrfchcll, ind other eminent
/ Aitronomers.
The first AH'sn «m edition, corre&ed, improved, and
greatly eulJgcA. Containing the following
Maps and Plates.
r Map of the' World 13 Hindoftan
h Chart of the X'orld Z.-; Africa
3 Europe 25 United States
4*Co*:iti'icsrourilUhtfNorth xh JBritifh Domhiioni* ill A-
Pole. mcr:ca
5 Sweden, Nor- 27 Indies
way and Fiaiujtj. a3*PrcVince of Maine
6 RuiTu 29 'New Haraplh-re
ft Scotland 30*MalTachufc:t5
8 England andSValcs 31 '
9 Ireland 32"Rhode i/*Tnd
10 France 33*Vermoxt
Xl'Seat of Wsr 34*NeivYor!c
XI Siven Unit, i Provinces 35 "New Jerfejr
13 Austrian', f < .-rich and 36'Pennfylvania
Dutch 37* Delaware
14 Germany 3S*Maryland
rj Switzerland 39 s Virginia
16 Poland 40 "Kentucky
17 Spain vrhd Pprtugil 4;" North Carolina
i 3 Italy . 47. , ''rcnefrce government
I) Turkey in jfeurope 43' South Carolina
ZO Alia / ■ 44*Gcargia
il'Difcsverus madehv cap- 45 Cop rnican system
tains Cool-.iand Cleric:. 46 Armiliary sphere
tt China
The Maps marfced with £ars are added to this edition,
of tiio&in the last London edition.
The United States Regifler for 1795,
Price 50 Cents. C O /V T E N T S.
Calendar, uecefo-ry Boundaries of the United
i, &c. ixc. StiU'i. Population
of the Gflicers
Suprerr.J Ki'.cntiv;
judiciary Public Debt
vyepr.rtment of State Pay, &e. of the array
Dtjjirtnient ol tkeTrcafury Mint Eftablifhiricnt
Commissioners of Loans Rules for reducing the cur-
Otncers of the Cufloins rencies of the different
RiVvßliC CllLfCfj
Light Kwufes
Ofjirety of the Excifc
Duties and DutiiMe articles
Extftnp.s from duties
and pencc Irfs than a dol
■ on florn-elh:-. objects kr in the currencies of
Drawbacks,. Sec. and the different flare*
jations to be olerved in TaLleslliewing the value of
obtaining ththi dollars in the currencies
General Ahf)rav.-l from the ot ditto
rsvtaue, relating to Pott-oflice eftabli (foment
the duty of ruafters of Lift; of Polt-Towhis, &c.
vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of
scc. of g00d".,, and the the towns in the
ofHcers of the Cufloms; United States
to the payment of duties, Banks
and the importation cf Literary Institutions
National Manufactory
Essences of Go/ernment Seflions of the Courts
Dt'ijoson tonua^':
. i'or 1794
Department of War
St av% Govf.r wmy. n t 1 «.
ficw HampfltUe
JJorth-Caroliiia > *90, to 3Cssi Sept. iTIV
Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. Rowfon, pi' the
new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second American edition—
Fries 75 cents. [The rapid fa!e of the firfl edition of fhis
enterefiing no*«I, in a few month* is the best ■criterion of
its merit.]
" It, may be a t..!-: ct truth, for it is not unnatural, and
it is a tale of real distress—Charlotte, by the ajtitice of j
teacher, recommended to a school, from humanity ra-
ther ttu:i a conviction of her integrity, or the regularity,
of hev former conduct, is enticed from her governess, and
accompanies a young officer to America—the marriage
ceremony, if not forgotten, is pollponcd, and Charlotte
dies a martyr to the iucocUancy of her lover and treach
ery of his friend.
The fituaticns are artless and aficiting—.the description
natural and pathetic ; we Ihorald feel for Charlotte if such a
peifonevcr exitted, who for one error, scarcely, perhaps
delerved fofeverea punishment. If it is a fidtion, poetic
luilicc is not, v-e think, properly diflributed."
I. The InquiStor —by Mrs. Rowl'on. Second Ph.hlel
phia edition. S; x » cents.
l. Adventures of Roderic Rau i"m. t vols. I dollar and
ro cents, coari'c paper —i dollar ar.d 75 cents fine.
.! rioter, on -tha ft ate of Virginia—by Thomas Jcfierfon,
ftrice Jieatly bound, one dollar and a half.
. History of the French Revolution, from its com
' mateerocnt to the death ot the Queen and the execution
of Eriffot. 1 dollars. «.
; Plowden's History of- the Britiih Empire, from May
1 t0 Decen>her 1793. I dollar and a quarter
SThis is an interesting and valuable publication as has
Appeared for many; years.
Seattle's Elements of Moral Science. 2 vols. One dol
lar and three quarters. eod.
IX. Genius, manners,"cuf-
Statement pt Exports
states to a par with each
Tables of the number of
cents and decimal part
in any mimber ot fhiHin^s
\Y sf:er!i Teri itory
Order ot time I.i winch the
fcvt".r;il adopted the
x cd;• r?,I Constitution
Table of the Sua's riling
and getting
Abl'trail of goo«?% wsr?s>
aad rnerchar;dizc'export
ed from the United States
from the ift of October
To be positively SOLD,
T9 the beji and bighefi bidder, »
On. Saturday Evening, September sth,
Prcsifely at 8 o'clock, at the Merchants' Coffcc-Htuft, South
Second-fireety Philadelphia,
ALL that well-known, beautiful and well-finiftied
BUILDING, lately completed (and formed of the
V materi >li) by Joftph Cooke, on the corner of south ,
Third and Market-streets, being 81 feet front on Third- .
street, and 26 feet on Market-flreet; built seven stories
ftigh, including garrets and two under ground ranges of
kitchens, pantries, necefTaries, and wood vaults, with au
area round the errtire, iron grated; the whole being now
| divided into three separate houses, with an elegant geome
trical stair-case to cach, with continued mahogaay hand
rail fix stories high, and a pump ©f fine water at the foot
of each star cafe ; the south houfjC of which is 20 feet
front, and now leafed to Mr. Atyuie for tw© years frern
the fir ft of OAober next, -at 3001. per annum, but wonld j
now let for 400 I; from which it is evident the whole- I
wold would rent for 10001. or upwards, being 107 feet 1
front, equally well built, much more convenient, and of
l'uperior Hand, the corner commanding two fronts ; the
middle houfc is unoccupied, and immediate poffeflion can
be* had of it. The proprietor will rent the corncr of the
purchaser, or remove at three months notice* Ihe whole
of the premises are finilhed, from garret to cellar, in the
moll elegant European stile, with handsome mantles, mar
ble chimney pieces, Veuctiim windows and doors, fccret
nailed iloors, and elegantly palifad.d and ornamented
round the roof. At the expence of two doors ia the se
cond :I«ry, the whole may be turned into a most capital
I dwelling, which, for fiEC and convenience for a public
Colfse-Room, is not new to be equalled in the United
States, it being 81 feat ltng, and 26 wide with 5 fire
place., and the third story may be made the fame size with |
convenience, the fourth (lory and garrets are turned into a j
number of lodging rooms. The ceilings arc elegantly or i
namented withfpaciouscornirhes, &c the sashes are all d»u
ble hung, from garret to cellar, and there is upwards of
3000 lights of glass in the building, with feverul doorfe of
looking glass. The floret, are spacious, Shelved and coun
tered in the newest stile, and fit for airy kindcf business,
us the Hand is not to be equalled ; Indeed it far exceeds the
limits of an advertisement to defcribethe convenience and
clegance of this building—-fuflice it to fay, that it :s the
moll extensive property, and will rent for more than any
other on the fame f.ale of ground in the United '-t
coil the proprietor a very large sum of money, together
with three years striA application to the various mechanics
emplo/ed in the execution thereof ; and he now hopes to
rcceivc a compensation for his labor#, which ii he does, no
doubt he will continue to beautify the city ; but be that as
it may, the whole must and will positively be fold with
out reserve ; fubje& to a ground rent of £.200 per annum,
or if fold in separate tenements, iachone to be fubjeft .to a
third of the ground rent.
Terms, One fourth of the purchase to be paid in hand
on the execution of the deed, the remainder :n three equal
payments of 3, 6 and 9 months, with interest. Thegrouad
plan and elevations of the premises may be feeft at the Cof
fee house, and for further particulars apply to the propri
etor, JOSEPH COOKE, on the premises, or to
William Shannon, Auctioneer.
* S.
August 11, 1795
Ladies and Gentlemsn, are refpedt
fully informed,
THAT the Subscriber keeps an Elegant Coachee to hire,
at a reasonable rate, which he drives himfilf as usual.
He alto keeps an elegant Coach, to hire without horses,
either o' which maybe engaged at hi* dwelling, No. 174
Arch ftrcet, between Seventh and Eighth llreets, at his
Stable in Eighth near Market flreet, or at his uftial (land,
the corner of Market and Fourth street*.
He returns his sincere thanks to his friends, and hopes to
merit a continuance of their' favors.
A very valuable ESTATE,
Called TiriTTEWHAM.
SITUATE in the toivnjbip of Upper Derly y and county of
DeLvivare, 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia? and half a mHe
front the ne*u PVtjiern road: containing 2%0 acres of excellent
Land, 45 of ichich are good ivM/rcd Mc(tdoiv y 90 of prime
IVood Land\ and the reft Arable of the frjl quality. There are
on the premifts a good tivodory Brick Houfe y ivith 4 rooms on
a floor, and Cellars undsr the ivhole, with a Pump IVell of ex
cellent IVatcr in front; a large frame Bar?, Stables, and ether
con vsn ent buildings ; a Smoh-Houfe andJlone Spring Hquf; ; tisso
good Apple- Orchards, and one cf Peaches. "The Fields'are all in
Clover , except thofe_ immediately under tillage, and are so laid
out as to have ibe advantago of Water in each of then/y ivbicb
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
The Jituation is p leaf ant and healthy, and from the high culti
vation of the Landj the good neighborhood, and tme vicinity to the ci
ty, it is very suitable for a Gentleman s Country Scat.
The foregoing is part of ike Eflate of facob deccafed,
and offered for [ale by
THE subscriber offers for file, a FARM, containing alo tit
300 act ;/ ; dijiant from the City of IVajhington and Georges
Toivn between Bor 9 miles. A Plot of this Luna is in (he hand
of Mr .Peter Cafinavc of Georgc-Toiun, liheiuift! of Mr. Tho
mas F'tlxftmons in Philadelphia, and Mr. R»bcrt IValfo, /» Bal
The Land mill Is Jhcxvn to any perfon y by ofplyiff to
Lydatfty ivho lives adjoining. It lays in a m»JI healthy country, and
a ?ood neighborhood. There art on it a common couiiryjliuelling
houfey a large tobacco-houfe t and an orchard of good fruity accnjiant
Urear.v ivith a >rrsat fall runs thro * //, and between or 4® aeres
of good meadow /nay be easily matte. The lines of the above include
about 40 acres of ivoodljmd. Convenient crcdlts will be afforded
to the purchaftr if dtjired.
Montgomery County, June 3> 1795 *
iV. The land lies between tyeo merchant mills, en/* difiint
hnut a mile, thz other alrnojl adjoining. June 15.
""TiIE Grammar School formerly attached to this
JL College, having gradually declined through the
iticreaftng infirmities of the late President for some
time before his death, it is proposed by the fubferjber
immediately to revive it, ami to pat it.under tne rnoft
careful inftru&ion .and government. The Latin,
Greek, and French Language* shall be taught in it, to
t "iher with the principles of Englilh Grammar, of
' ieogwphy, and {tragical Geometry. Parents, l/k;-
wist, who do not oluife that their children should go
throijgk the intire course of ftujies in the College,
may now have them inftrnited in any particular
branches in the £smc on the fame terms, and
to the fame extent as in the College—particularly in
the antiquities and mythology of Rome, in Geogra
phy, in the Mathematics, in Natural Philofopliy and
Alironomy,, in Moral Philosophy and the Principles
of Civil Government, in Eloquence, and in the Ele
ments of H'.ftory. They may addreis their children
to any of the Millers in the College, or te
N. B. The young gentlemen (hall be tinder the
fame rules of moral discipline as the other students —
shall be ftibjedled to pu tlic examinations, and, at leav
ing the College, (hall be entitled to public testimonials
of the branches they have studied, and of their proS-
Ancy in them.
P. S. The School is already opened, and under the
direction of Mr. Scott.
r IL^%DELPHI-4 t P&jstso 6? JOHN FF.NNO, N°* 119 Chef nut Street.—Price Six Dollap s Per Annum.
' Survi"J/r~ Executor.
may 26, 1795
For printing by Subscription (in fu large o<Stavo rolumes)
With Notes, Historical and Critical,and the life of Plutarch,
by John and William Langh. rne.
THE Editors think it would be an insult on common un
derstanding, to expatiate on the merits of this work: they
•content themselves with giving the following quotation
from the Prcface :
« If the merits of a work may be esteemed from the uni
versality of its reception, Plutarch's Lives have a claim
to the firft honors of literature. No book has been more
generally fought after, or read with greater avidity. It
was one ©f the firft that was brought out of the retreats of
the learned, and translated into the modern languages.
I. This work (hall be
printed in weekly numbers,
of sixty-sour pages, at twen
ty-five cents each, payable
on delivery. kefponfible
fubfenbers for i'<x copies,
receive a fevc nth gratis.
H. It shall be printed on a
fine paper,and an entire n w
High-street, Mr. "John Parl-et
Altfjrs Carey) Dobfon, Campbel
and Ormrody Booksellers, Phi
Printers and Booksellers thr
Auenift 17
By Mat hew Carey, 118 Market jlreet,
American Remembrancer,
Essays, Resolves, Speeches, &c. relative to
the Treaty with Great-Britain.
Camillus, Nos. 6, 7, and 8 ; ImprefTment of A
merican seamen at Jercmie, by the commander of the
Hirraione ; Breach of the laws of neutrality by the
i»inmand«r of the Africa ; Resolutions of the citizens
of Peter/burg ; Caius's addrtfs to the President ; Cato,
Nos. 1 and z ; Address of a number of citizens of
PhiladelpHia to the President of the United States —
Prdideut's answer ; DiiTcnt of a number of citizens of
Boilon ; Diflent of 2 number of citizens ef Trenton ;
Proceedings at Trenton, Augufl ijth, 1795 ; Pro
ceedings of the Bolton Chamber of Commerce ; Rcfo
lutitins of the citizens of York ; CarolinienGs; Resolu
tions of the citizens of Richmond ; Report of the
at Savannah ; Refolut'cns of the inhabitants
of lordcntown ; An effav 011 Jacvbmical thinkers ;
Remarks on the lid article of Mr. Jay's treaty.
/qtguji 27
Ao. 41 Souib Second Street,
Volume XIY,
CONT AINING, among a variety of other articles,Paf
fions, Paflime, Pasture, Patagonia, Patriarch, Paul,
PearJ, Pegu; Pcltin, Pelew-Iflands, Pendtrlum, Pennsyl
vania, Pcrgamns, Pcrlla, Perfpc6tive, Peter, Petrita&ion,
Syitcm of Pharmacy, Philadelphia, Philip, Philology,
Philosophy, Phoenicia, Phosphorus, Physics, Phyiiogno
my, Physiology," Piits, Pila, Planet, &c. illuftratcd with
fixxeen copperplates.
Thg fifteenth vohinie is in the press, and confidcrably
Such S-übfcribers as have not completed their sets up tm
the present time, are very particularly requeited to take
av/aj and pay for the volume* low ready, whieh they have
not jeceived.
T. Dobson, has on band a fcv copies of this valuable
wo&, to'he disposed of, at one Lundred and ten dollars,
thefet of 18 volumes, the whole money to be paid on de
livering the volumes now and the remainder of the
woik to be furniflied to the order of the purckafer, when
ready, without further charge.
The sale will continue for three months on .these terms,
if tny copies ihould then remain unfold, tho price wili be
en Created ten dollars.
Wuguft 4
And to be had at S. DA VIES's Sc»k-Store y
Nit. 68 Higb-Jireet,
Del Pino's Spanijh Grammar,
To which is added, an English Grammar, for the Hfe of
Spaniards. At the fame pla«e may be had, a few copies of
Boycr's French iff Englijh Dictionary.
JuJl PMiJhsd*
Bj M. Carey, No. xi 8 Market Jlreet,
Priet 4JB,
AGREED up®n by Mr. Jay and Lord Grenville ; to
which is added, ji copious appendix, containing,
1, better from Mr. Jeiicrfon to Mr. Hammond.
2, Motion Burr.
3, Motion of Mr. Tazewell.
4. Treaty of Amity and Commerce between France and
the United States.
5» Treaty of Alliance between do.
6. Definitive Treaty between Great Britain and the Uni
ted States.
7. Conftitutionof the United States. j
i. Explanation of the aitnal fitualion of Mr. Jay's tceaty.
.9. Features of Mr. jay's Treaty.
10. View of the commerce of the United States, as it
stands at present, and as it is fixed by Mr. Jay'streaty.
It. Riiolution* of the citizens of Boften.
Iz■ Address of the citizens ol Portsmouth.
Ij. Resolutions of the citizens of New York.
14. Memorial of the citizens ©1 Philadelphia.
15. Report of the Charleston com»iitt«e.
16. of thejuftices of Norfolk.
17. Resolutions of the citizens of Baltimore.
18. New Jersey petition.
iJj. Resolutions of the citizens of Trenton,
10, Resolutions of the citizens ol flemington.
31. Address of the merchants of New York.
22. Resolutions of the New Y*k chamber of commerce
23. Observations on the extent of the Preffdent's power
with refpcOl tc tteaties.
24. Curtius's Vindication of Mr. Jay's treaty, in twelve
25. Britiul proclamation, November 6th 1793*
j6. , Ditto ditto January *794-
%-j. Lord Dorchcllcr's reply to the "Indians.
28. Commercial refolntions moved for by Mr. Madison.
28. Mr.Payton'srol'ohi ion tor the fequeffration of Bri
tilh property.
30 Resolutions moved for by Mr. Abraham Clarke, for
suspending the intercourse with Britain.
A WAIER MILL*, near the City,
(For a Manufactory)
To purchase, or lease far a uumbcr of years. Apply to
amis Davenport,
No. 66, North
Sept. i,
111. As soon as a fufficient
number of fabferibers appear
on the liiU* the work will be
put to profit.
IV. These who prefer,may
receive in volumes, of
three hundred and eighty-
four pages, bound,at one dol
lar and feventy-five cents
| each,
ceived by the Editors, No. 116,
r, No. ?6, North Eighth-street,
11, Rice % Crui/bank,Stevens, Young,
iladelphia, and by the principal
oughout the Union
m&th 4 -v.
No. 11.
City of Wafnington.
Scheme of the Lottery, No 2,
Far the FmprovemeHt of
1 A magnificent 20,00© Dollais, and
dwelling house, J cash are
I ditto 15,000 Sc caH» 25,000
I ditto 15,000 dc cash 15,000
1 ditto 10,000 & calh 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 &c cfclV 5,000
2 dittw 5,000 Sc cafli 5.000
i Caih p»«/e of
2 ditto
iO diito
100 <J itto
800 ditto
400 ditto
15,000 ditta
33,£61 aiar.ks
50,000 Ticke.s at 8 dol'.if«
Tliu Lottery will afford an elegant fyecrriciv of rf>e
privaw buildings to becre<?t<d in*rhe City of Wnfhington
—Two beautiful deligiis are already fele£ted tor <he entire
fronts on two pt the puDhc fquarc* ; horn iliefc draw
ings, it is proposed to erctt two centre and four corner
buildings, as soon as poifible atici Lh;s*LciUcry ft fold, and
to convey them vyhcfi complete, ro nc fortunate adventur
ers, hi the manner delcribed in the lche.nie for the Hoicl
Lottrrvu A nett deduction of five per cent, *'ill be made
to def«ay the n*cel(«iy expencet ol pointing, &c. and
the fui plus will be m*«le a pari of the lund intended for the
Njhoiml Univerlity, to be pie&ed wiUmi the £jty of
i'4ie drawing will commence as soon as the Ticket#
are fold o'V. The money pn«et will be payable
in thirty days after it is,and any for which
fortftiaie numbei* are noi produced *itbiw twelve months
after the drawing is closed are to be conflicted given
towards ihe fund for the Univerfiiy, it bong determine
ed to fettle the whole business in a >ear from the ending
of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu-
The real feeu-ities given for the payment of (he Prires
are he!d by the Preticjeot at id two Dtrc6lor& of the Bank
of Col urn rrta, arid arc valued at more than Hjl! t he amount
of 'he I.o;teiv.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commissioners ailHtcd in the irwmagemen; the
Hotel Lottery arc r quested to undertake ihii»arduous taflc
a second time on behalf of the public; a lufticxcnt num
ber of fhefe having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
frieiTds to a National Univeriitv -in<"i the other federal oq
je&s may continue to favor defij>n. The synopsis of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
Institution, is already ir\ the press, and wiil 'be speedily
putjliftcd, togerher with its conifcitufion.
A complcat Plan of the who!* of this Important;
institution, compiled from a felcctica of the best materi
als, ancient and modern, will be fubmkted to the public
whenever the fame may have gone through fach revisions
as may be nccefi'ary to eftabliih the perfect confidence and
general approbation, so essential to its prefect rife axid fa
ture eiiftencefor the goners! good of America.
By accounts received from the diiicreiit parts, of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been lent for sale, the public arf aiTared that the
drawing will speedily com£:en>e, and that the care
caution unavoidably ncceiiary to insure a Ufc diipofal
jthe tickets, has rendered the :n»>r iufpeaiion indifpeuiabfc.
ir ctruai-yJ4, 175J
* Ti-vkr'.s -nay r-i • v
It &
S iV-,U;i«th , ()' r
Ricli .n>nfl : buti ■*[ Jyi.lnid VVciis, (.
SCHEME of a pottery authnri:
led " an a&to eviahltthe Prefidcut a ,ci Managers
of the Schnylkill and SffCjuefcanria Navigation, and the
I'refident and Manager., of the Delaware and Sc huyl
kill Canal Navigation, to rrife by way of Lottery, the
sum of four huii red thousand dollars, for the pur
pose of compietin'g the works in t];«ir a&s of incorpo
ration mentioned."
i Prize of dollaw is
t& f 6
5 20,000 to b» paid to the potlifibrs of
the tickets of the five lait drawn (lumbers, 100,0 s>
6 Vso°
X t,poo to be paid to the pofletTbr of
the ticket of the firft drawn tlumber,
16,687 Prizes ,
33*3*3 Blinks,
50,000 tickets zt 10 doHars .each,
AH Prizes fhatl l»e paid tto day« after the drawing
is finifhed, upon the demand of the pofleflbr of a for
tunate Ticket, f»bje<9 to the deduction of fifteen per
, Such prizes as are not demanded in 12 months after
idrawing is finifhed, of which pubiic notice will be
given, fha.ll be considered as relinquished for the use of
the Canal, and applied accordingly.
At a mrrting of the Prefdent anj Manager 3 of the
Schuylkill and Suf/iuehanna Canal navigation —and
tie President nnd Managers of the Delaware aud
Schuylkill Canal, Wednejday, May 13, 1795.
That David Rittenhonfe, Joseph Ball. John Stein
metz, Standilh Forde, and Francis Weft, be a Commit
tee to arrange and dire eft the mode of dilpofing of the
Tickets; which Committee shall deposit the Money in
Bank, to lie c i cried to the credit of an account to be
opentid for the Lottery.
Extract from the Minutes,
r. MATLACK, Sec'ry.
to the joint meeting of ihe two oards
(KT The drawi lg of this Lottery will pal tively
commence on the firlt day of September ne\:: ■
Tickets may be had at the Company's Office near the
Bank of the United States, and of either of the fub
JOHN STEINMEI7,, > Managed.
T O B E S O L D,
THE Time »f a likely, healthy, NEGRO LAD,
ieventeen years of age, who has three years and an
half to serve; is an excellent waiter, and acqua;n:od
with all kinds of houi'e work. —Apply at No. ioi, Pine*
flreet near Fourth-street;
Au«nf: 7
10 000,
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