Number 933.] FOR SALE, imported in (he Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and Mttdrafs, a variety ef BENGAL Guarrahs, pastas, CofTaes, Ilurahums, Handkerchiefs, Persians, Calicoes. To be Sold fcy the Package, for approved notes at three and four months, bv WILLIAM MACLURE & Co.' JOHN MILLER, Jim. August 18 Pipes Port Few Of a Superior Quality, Now landing at Pine-Street Wharf, For sale by William & Samuel Keith, No. 579, South Front-Str*et. July i 4' S H O T, OF all f»ze% frcTti "2 lb to Grape, Cambor.les, Pots, and other catlings exccutcd at the ffcortefl notice, Nail rod», from lod tofpiVe, Koop Iron, of all flzfor t»(ks cr cutting into nails, from a brad to lid tails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to joolb. liar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina PcrV. Herring in barrels, Kiln-dried ccrj4 merlin Hhds. and Bbls. Rye f.our See. to be fold by Levi Ss 5 Son. An.; v; 7. 4 Now Landing, THE cargoes of the bricks Weft-Indian and BctH'y&Polr ly from Jamaica : Cfeffec in hhds and barrels Sugar in hhds Rum, high proof, 36 bags Pimento. ALSO ON HAND, A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels and Bags Sagarin Kn.J6 For Exportation Pimento in Brandy, I'fl ami 4th proof Sherry Wine, &c. July ■?! LANDING, FK.OM ob beard the brig E:gle, Capt. Dewar, and Sloop Cieorgre, Capt. Chapman, frora Port au Prince, at Hamilton** wharf, r hogfh«ads, J tirrces, & barrels, r hogiheads, N tiertes, ) Barrels, & C bags. Mufcovaclo SUGAR) in COFFEEj in COTTON, in Avzufi f 300 Hkds, 2.iaryland and Virghini TOBACCO, OF a fHtwrior qutlity. part of which is Kitefoot, and particularly adapted lor the .manuf»£aircrs, cr for tl.e Holland or Hamburgh market. ALSO, 500 Hogflieads ready to be delist red on hoard a voffel in jChcfaj>eake Bay, for sale by George Si I >bald, No. 170 South FrontJlreet. $ .. Vl/tv in LANDING, from on board the Ship Charlotte. «Capt. Jbrui. Bowers, from Bordeaux, 30 Pipes Brandy ao Tons Qtaret or falc liy F. C PPINGER, No. m South Front, ju.rPirve street. li'bo has nl/O, 230Q cases of 30 & 50 bottles, Cue - : -£ Claret 6go hogfaeads ditto A Q uauticy of Annifeed Noyaux Liqueurs and Cambricks. American Land/capes.. FRbPOSALS FOX PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT 4 Twenty-Four VIE W S, SELECTED from the raoft-ftriking and mterefting Proipe&s in the United States ; each »f which '■Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account its Local, Historical.and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Author of the - u Monastic Remains and Anciejit Cafllcs hi Britain." CONDITIONS. J That the work ftafi be publiihed by SubfcripWon; and ' that each Subfcribcr ItoU engage to tike the whole set of Views, and fhsll pay f«r each engraving, if black or brown, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. 11. That thadimenfions of cachengraving jhall be 34hy 17 inches, executed in >qii«tinta, and pubhfhed upon paper of a fupetior quality. The publication to commence im mediately ; -and one engraving to be delivered to the Suh fcribers, on the firft Monday of each Cutceedmg month, until the propofod series (hall be finally compleyd. 111. That with the I aft View of the series, fhallbe deli vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant oharadenftic vignette: a map of the route, conne&ed with the proi peils exhibited in the the course of the Work; anfl an Alphabetical lift 'if the Subscribers. Subforiptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print {hop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell er. No. 118, f hiladcfpma, and by all tht principal Hook-!ell.r> ir. the ifnitedStates. February ■ GOODS; No. 41 Dork Street, or Wine For faleby Peter Blight. S bales, & packets, For Jul» by •George Sibbald, No. 17c South frontJireet. § July I 6 FRIDAY EVENING,* SEPTEMBER 4, 1795. FOR S ALE, BY JOHN CRAIG, No. ii, Dock Street, 60 punches of Tbbago rum, 90 quarter calks of Sherry wine, -Briliol window glass of different fizet, A quantify of best Havannah fegais in boxes, A few calks ef lugar, 4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens, 4 bales of do. cauvafs, > 5 bales of red, white, and yellow flannels; P 0 R1 S MOtJl NOW lying at ivlr. Thaddle's wharf, in Southwark. Philadelphia, Sept. 3. 4tvnf. FOR SALE, The CARGO of the Ship Arethufa, from Bengal, ConMing of an extensive AfTortment of poods, well adapted to this market and for Exportation — Among tbem are a variety of Priuting cloths, Handkerchiefs, Gurrahs, Taffaties, Baftas, I/umhums, Cofiacs, Nankeens. A!fo—A quantity of Ilyfon, Souohong and Bobea TEAS, IIHEUBARB, PEPPER and SUGAR. i The Ship ARETHUSA Is for Salt. She is coppered, five da£iffi/I'Vrajg'years old. Burthen about 150 tons. — Apply to JOHN MILLER, jun. er WIL'LINGS and FRANCIS. dtf. August 19 For S A L JL y The Brig ffiSk GOOD HOPE, jajSra&ffiiJ. Captain Isaac Rubber. TCow lying at Soutii-ftreet wharf. Vn American bottom,—*Bso barrels. An excellent vefel, ready to take in cargo.—A liberal credit will be gi*n. apply to Allg'lfl 22 FOR HAMBURGH, (Warranted to fail on or before the $th Septwi&r,) The Ship CONCORD, Captain John Thompson- A Philadelphia Live eak =nd teiiar Ss&SKSSiSSShip about 18 months old ; the quarter part of her cargo is on hoard, a few heavy good 4 wid be taken if speedy application is made. Apply to Capt. Thompson, South-street wharf, or j Peter, Blight. Who has for S be s ec liberal credit will be given, August 21, Fir FREIGHT, CHARTER or SALE, The Shi?' AMERICAN, At Mr. Nixon's Wharf, fcip will take a Freight to any of the Winjfeard 1 iflanJior Europe, if one offers soon, as ihe B i(,w reaJyw take in. She is in complete order, and has |jul accommodation. forpaCengers. For part.Gi.Ur, a pplj to Jehu Hollmgfvvorth oc La ! WHO HAVE FOB. SALE» A Feiv Puncheons of Excellent Run, By the abeve Ikip, oue ef which is old. [ult i •**/? Arrived per the Snow Men, Jamee ku kpa.ruk, J J Majler, from Liverpool, 113 Crates well-adortert Queen s W are, 4300 bulhels belt (loved fine 3ak, & to be fold at No. 1, Pine-street, by James Campbell. Also, a few koxes well-afiorted Irife Linens. , ___ • N. B. Said Snow for Freight or Char ter, either to the Wfcft-Indies or Europe. sEnquire as above. Augujl i S For SALE or CHARTER, The Snip TLVA NIA, Ss2b££s=£3£» BURTHEN 3400 Bl>l HifpaniolaCOFFEE, latelylarriveid J4° Bags • 3 Who have also on hand, Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hogfiieado Mountain V ine Wine, in Qr. calks 20 Tons Brim(lon« Nails alTorted Sail Caavas, N°. I a ; and A few gentlemen's handfane Saddle* Philip Nicklin & Co «4 JAM E S No. yo, South Seernd-ftreet, near the City Tavern, HAS just opuned ana for SUc, an Aflortmebt of La dies' and Gentlemen's Falhionable HATS, fjrom London. Also a variety of Children's Hats of differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as fimlhers in the above buSnefs, well reeommesded, will meet with oonQan't employ and good encouragement. June 6. For SALE by the Subscribers, in Penn-Jlreei, the fol lowing Articles, of the laji Importation from China. 105 Chclls •) 95 Half Cells ? Sohoa Tea. 3i Quarter Ctitfn J • 160 Quarter Chests Hyson Tea, I*3 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea, • 40b Boies China, containing Tea Setts, 4500 Pieces Nankeens. Augull 10, T _ 'Landing at South street wharf, c'ii? fiSKP.of tb« Bri» Flv. ctotain Homer, frc-n) Oi- Brandy, ift and 4th Proof. Tcn«riffe Wine, iu pipes, hhd?. ami quarter calks, Benccalo ditto, Hazleautc in Sacks, AUb, cargo of the Coed cap*. Hubber, .roiji Jamaica. Stigar in Hogsheads, ; Coffee in ditto, '' High proof Spirit, Logwood, Hides, &c. For file by Peter blight. ii received, i'y the Arethufa. Captain Swain, from Calcutta and Mjdrafs, and for Sale by the Subfctbtn. in /W Jlreci, a valuable AJpjrtment if Puce Loud; ; con fiflia? of Taundan Khsffa Sahjjdpcre Mamoody Coffee Borum Bsftaet Humhumt JStxr'ooom Gurrahs Malda Bccfooty M-ddi Goculnauty Alhabad Bafta Guzeenahs T affataes The hieheft price in Calh, will be given for EMPTY BOTTLES, A prefertnce will be given to Claret EottW- Apply to No. 187, south Third-ltreet. April 10. Ihe Agent for the Georgia Company TNI'ORiVIS all persons holding an interest in the said JL Company, tliat an arrangement is made for com pleting the payment to the State of Georgu., Md taking np the Mortgage on the Company s Land in November next. Philad. Aug. »;th, 1795 nnHE following Certificate's of the Funded Debt of X the United States, jffued fiom the Office of the Register of the Treasury of the said United States, inthe name of Patrick Heatly of Lone on, to wit. No. 8819,8820, and 88xi, dated 7th July, 1794, .for Four Thousand Dollars each,,?f .the Funded three per-Cent. Debt, have been loft at Sea, and application is intended to be made tor the Renewal of tr.e fcjd Certificates at the Office of the 1 reafury of the tea United States, of which all perfofls concerned are ck fired to take notice. ROBERT GILWO.R.J oj Baltimore. Aupi-ft U Aif,v - BELVIDIiII fc. Formerly WHARTON PLACji. THE Sobfcritxr returns bis grateful acknowledgment' I to his friends »nd the public for thefavors he has al ready received, and refpeSfully informs them that his House continues open for their .reception. Public and pri vate parties are accommodated at any hour. An extensive suite of Rooms for those inclined to quit the city during the hotfummer and excellent ttabUng and clover, I jtf thUpUceiwgfoweSllrtown dcfcription.S? .-Win. PURVIS. neeaa no ■Augufi i J taiei eo.itf TIF FIN, Wi/lings fe 5 Francis. dtf § 2-wt § i % 1 m Banflanoe*, Cliappa RomatiU, Silk Pulicats, Cotton Pulicatf Blue Cloth Duriat Muslins Cambrick Stringruear Handkerchiefs Ventapolam do. Tir.navilly do. Vtilings iff Francis. dtf PROPOSALS sr Francs and Robe p.t Bailey, For puMiftiifig by fuhfcription, universal Gazetteer ; Compendious CecpT,pineal Dictionary ; No A dcfcnptien c*f?!l the rt-piiMu--, states, kingdoms, pra"? vincos, cities, f tcv, forts, fortrclu-s, caflics, cita del?, seas, bay?, i ivers, hi:Vuw, kkei, mountains, cape*, and promonicrics iu t.:<- ivorki. ■The government, policy, ciifosw, rainners, and r«u gioivuf the inhabitants, extent, l.nundacitf,,-mi i.atu ral prodnSipns of each country, and the trade, tares, and curiosities of tJu> cities and towne their latitude, longitude, bearing* and distance* f/oni he cnpi-al of Penn sylvania. and the various evcrjij by wjiicli they have been aiftinruifhed * ' Csrp&Uy compiled from the Gazetteers sf Brodtt, ayjo Guih) 'e. . ' Tile flßullioflsu'-nfrnllv COfWtd ;si n e'd of in the writings of -Europeans refp''T the f'tuatio:* rxtcn't, &c. of our own country, vvi'L br WoviVecl-in this work ; for the editors oican to add si t • n iK-w'retps of the UniteciSlates, t '.ken the ,mo*t — mi to avai4 lhcmfa4rcTT of every laforniation given by the lata eft Geographers, travelers and navigator* which can be obtained within the V.nlot): I. The ITnivcrfa 1 Grz-t: vo, iu iit «legant manner, on a new type and good paper, 11. As soon as 500 copies atrs fublcnbed ioj, the work will be immediately put to prefc - 111. The work will l»e printeu in numbers, containing <0 pages, as one fourth of a dollar each. IV. Thcltioriey to be p id on the delivery of each number. *„* will be received by the publifhejs Ns. 116 Jrligh-ftreet, and Messrs. Cnakfhapk, Dobfon, Young, Campbell. M & P. Rice, Moreau de St. Merry, and all the principal Booksellers in tUij city; likewise by MefTrs. hjodge, Gre«nleaf, Campbell, M'Lane, and Allen, New r York; Thomas 6c Andrews, and David Weft, Eoflon; Yundt & Brown, Baltimore; Augustus Davis, Richmond; 'Bud V/ill;am P. Young, & Peter Froneau, CharleCton, S. C, LOO KI M G-GIASS PLATES Fur SA Ij E y ly JAMES and HENRY REYNOLDS, No. 56, Market-ftrcct, ' by the box or ftnalltr quantity. Also, .3 general Afllirtment of Looking-GlaiTes fram ed. Bracketts for Lamps, &e. Girandoles ; Glass or Picture Frames tnadt; in burrtiihfd gold,oil white and'golq!, black and goiu or plait; August 18 IMPORTED and FOP. SALE, JJY THOMAS and JOHN CLIFFORD,! No. 59, North Front Street. A LARGE and General Aflbrtmept of the articles in the Ironmongery, Cutlery, and Sadlerj > line, also, Copper in iheets ai>d bottoms, tin pl?tes ij > boxes, London and Bj-iftol pewter in ca(ks, cases of ha/ / sorted, patent a d common shot and bar lead, crcj 1 window glass from ig inches by I j to by inches; crates of eai then and flint f»lafs Li r'r :-K— -TT and gallon pottle?, bottled ale and porter in t a .es ot about ten doi:n, Briilol grindftonri, a b-x of piatcij wate sorted cotjfifting chiefly of caadlelticks, and Upon very loy terms a quantity of Gull's eye window jfhft sorted flies, ve/y ht for iky tights, warehpafes, & • Augufl *j, I 7Q4 t "-' f ITTI j A ivi £ 6 Y A K i-) Has for t.'-le, at his ftofe on Walnut-ftrcet St Croix Rbjb nn4 Steal' fit fojptrior quality. St. JDomingo ladigo. Laguira aiid ft, DeiTVtng.o Hide?. , joo Pockets ef f*r,e Cotton. ■ ~ CLARE T, la cafics suitable for the EaS and Weft-lowa nia.'kits * JRENCtt ERAKDY in-butts and pipes. .And & few caf's of Ticklenbiirgs an 3 Ozn-ouig!. FOR SALE 3Y Rundle & Mvrgatrijd, No. 11, Walnut j (t,th&« tw) Sfpt. 1. 179J - DUTT ON CARRIAGES. y OTICE is hereby gives, that agreeabj,/ to an a*,of j\ (Jongreft of the Unit'd States, us the Jur.e, i;gi, for laying"duties upon Carriages lor the conveyanc^flt pcrfons That there (halite levied, and paid, ipon all carriages for the conveyance of lierfons, which (hall he -kept by orf?r any person, (or his kr her own us:, or to let out to hire, or for the envoying t f pafl-iiger-, t{ie several duties and r*tes following, to wit i" For and upon every coafh.the yearly furn I>[ lone iar«. lor and upyn eyery chariot the yearly suM of 8 dollar- . I Fcr and upon eyery phxton and toachee, the yearly lum of 6 dollars. For and upon every other four -fhee'i ana t'vo ivheeltop carriage, the yearly fnm of a dollars. " And ujson eyery other two wheel earriageone dollar. The Ofkcers of Infpeflionof the Fir ft survey of the dif tria of Pennsylvania, will attend within the month of September next, at No. 11.7, in Saffifras Street, in the city o( Philadelphia; at the house of Daniel St. Clair, V.fq. in the countv of Montgomery ; and at the hotjfe of Mr. A, braham Dubois, in the county of Bucks; of which all ; pert'nns poffeg'ed of f ch carriage* arc defied to take no, tice, *djw NOTICE IS ALS2 GIVEN, To all retail dealers in wines, and foreign dift!V.a4 f- r -> rftuou* liquors, that licences will he granted to .th -m, one lircnee for carrying on the bufaiefc©fx«|Ui»S in a a left quantity,or in left quaitil:" thai* f 2n ." one licence for carrying on the bufmefs of ipin tuous liquow in less quantities tlian 10 pilous, at the lame time, and at the fame plates, Jiy.tlj? rfSUcws legally luthup rizeii to grant fucja licences. mm tofpeflorof the Rcvcmue of First Survey of the P.ftn.l of Per»r.lyivHi>ia' Phila^d] THREE FOUNDS I-KWaKD. T> AN away frtt¥n {tie SuWcrUr, ;> 'i «• p'y e IV 28th day of JutyUft, '-;^ h >"<«••<« Patience, betv»' een ft* r ty 3ivi fifty V < ars o\ A ; Stature, vtr.y black comp>e&ori: T«Hc with her t "' t few cloaths, tbofe chiefly of common weanag Spparc.l. It is fupofed (he-wi" eiw'eavojir to get into P-:u»fylvann either at Bristol or Phitadelyhii, at the formr ct those places Ihe has a mother and fitter living. • Whoever apprehends and fecui e me laid Wench 1 1 that her master may havener again, flaJl receive the •">" ™« rf »" d "* r s:Si ITW&V^. Monmouth erunty, New-Jerky, August 5, 1T95- [Volume VIII. OR, T c^cthcr CONDITIONS. •er ih ul he in Inrgr <\stv» 17. i7?5 Au->