The fplceu, the pancreas, the rpiniaadthe bladder were found. The epiploon and the mesentery, not fat, were covered with lymphatic pimple*, like those of which we have already spoken. Similar tumours were dispersed over the peritonaeum and the interior of the diaphragm* : this muscle was found. The lungs adhered to the pleura, to the n diaphragms, and to the pericardium, found in sub ftaitce, and without any pimples; there were a few only near the trachean artery and the aefophagui; thvf pericardium contained the usual quantity of fe fti.u ; the hesrt wa< pale, but in its natural ttate. Th< brain and its dependent parts, wero in a per fectly jrO'id condition. '• All the disorders, of which we have given a fctail, are evidently the »f a fcrophulous ha hit of a long itanding, to which we decidedly a;- tribilte the deith of the infant. " The present Process verbal has been drawn up at Paris by the underligned, at half pall 4 o'clowk, »n the day above-mentioned. " Signed by us, ROME, May 20. The Popr arrived hers on the Bth from Yarraci na—Prince AujiiSus of England rode before him to the other fide of the gate of St. Sehaftun, where he descended from his carriage to kiss the hand of the who received his toyal highnels in the mo.'l afteAionate manner. His holinefse itercd the city amidll the acclamations of an immenfc crowd, a»d the mod brilliant symphonies of two orshellras, which the manager* of the play-houses had placed on his passage, to tcftify their acknowledgments for the permission which the Pope had given them of re-opening the theatres this year. ALTON A, June 13. The deadful fire in Copenhagen was not pot un der before Saturday lait, the 7th inlt. between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The numbe/ of buildings confuted by that great conflagration, amounts to 1363, and the number of families who have loft their habitation!, to 3000. Among the former arc, beli leg many merchants houses, the town-hall, the hospital fororphans, the latin school, a convent, two apothecary (hops, 2j. brew-houses, five sugar-houses, 200 gil-fiittilleritjß, the admiralty and the principal magazine of naval lioies. Forty three Itreetslay in afheb, and about lß,coo p.ople, who have loit their "homes, live under tents in the Philosophic Grove, and other public places. The D inifn government takes the utmolt eare to provide the indigent with bread and beer, and his majelty* has appointed a committee to enquire into the cause of the tire, which is not yet known. Yefterday-a report was aurrent on the exchange at Hamburg, that at the very fame time when the fire broke out at Copenhagen, a conflagration e »qually dreadful had taken place at Carlferoon, in Sweden. But as the Swedilh letters of the 6th inft. which arrived lait night, do not ruake theleaft mention of fuoh an event, it is undoubtedly the feul fiiSion of the fame miscreants, who charge the courts of St. Jamc« and Peterfbnrg wi»h the fire at Copenhagen. By this Day's Mails. NEW YORK, Augvtft to. ARRIVED. Srig Betsey, Barr, Trinidad; JWary, Grozier, Egg- Harbour ; ially, Clark, ilfartiniio; Concord, Wright, Laguira ; Recovery, M'Comb, St. Croix ; Schooner Qoimelcence, Phillips, St. Bartholomews ; Sloop , wo Friends, Ttmfon, Bermuda. BRUSSELS, June 8. The Saxon and Heflian tioops, who lined the nglit hank of the Rhrtfe 4 from Valendar to Mul lieim, have relinquished their position, canfotmably to the teims of the second treaty concluded between France and the King of Piufiia. The army, or rather the chain of the French ar my, whish extends from the Cologn e? to Bn'fgau, Contains 300,000 men. ■ " All the Fortifications in Weft Flanders are repair ing with the greatest activity. DUBLIN, June ii. Yeflerday the hon. Jam.-s Butlci j ftfn to the Earl of Ormond, and Piitlip NewtSu, of the County of Carlow, Esq. were brought to the E tr oPtlie court of King's Bench, to receive fetrtencc for a riot and outrage committed on the Dwelling lioufe of Red mond lJufFy of the eity of Kilkenny, Surgeon, on the of the 3d of September, : 792, and of which they and others not yet broi: ht up, were convi&ed last iiimm.'r aflizes at KMcenny. The court, in mail elegant and learned (htw ed the enormity of the offence, and the neccifiry of Risking an example 0/ people of Mr. Butler's rank, but that 111 coniideration of their Ager.t, Mr. Kern mis, engaging to pay allehe coils and cxpe.nces (out of pocket,) which we un lerflaud amounts to 4461. 12s. id. the court were pleafcd to reduce the si ne they intended to impose on them to 6d. I but ordered themtwo months imprifonraentin New gate, and to give security in 5001. each, and two sureties in 2jO;. BIRMINGHAM, Jan. a* Tranquility is restored to this town and neigh bourhood. The King's awn Dragoons are return ed to their quarters from Dudley, and Brooms-grove, except about thirty men, who have been left at the latter placc on accounts of its being fair-day. The following excellent handbilhwas circulated, in «ounteraAipn »f a very fcJitioui out calling the people to arras, aiwi for the discovery of.the author or authorsof which,* rc*ard of one hundred pounds is offered ky i samber of the nrait refpeilable citi- j sens: JJrother Artificers, and Fellow Townsmen. For our own credit, fafety and bippii'.efs, let »s rwwreaee the Magiftrares, and the laws of the land ; rioting cjh do no good, but rr(3y do much mifchicf, and increase the tou-n rale?, already too heavy tb be borne ; and as th-.reiatio answering for the conduit ot armed men when infultcd on their duty. ■My advicc i«, to keep out of the way. It isihe light of a large crowd of curious pi?rfi>ns th*t entourages the real rioters, wh® would be as " P. J. PELETAN; " P. LASSUS, " N. JEANROY, •• J, B. F. DUMANGIN." to '* f left the flreet to themselves. Let every peaceable man, therefore, flay in his ownhoufe and there keep his servants and children, and my word for tt, the rioting will soon cease. I am, for ever and ever, Your sincere well-wilher, Tuesday, June 23, i 79 j. HAMBURG, June 13. The fec*fliv»n of Prussia, as Elector of Branden burg, has been followed not only by Heft: CafTel, but also by Heffj Darmstadt, B.irden Dourlac, the Duke jf Wurtembcg, the Duchies of Anfpach and Biricth, and by fe*eral petty Itates of the empire lituate iu Francania and Swabia. This critical situation of affairs ts alf> nne of the principal reasons which hnve hitherto delayed the opening of the cam* piigp, whinh the emperor cannol begin aHy effect, as long as such a variance of sentiments shall tubfilt among the Princes who owe him their sup port. f here is a very strong; repoit now afloat, that the EmprrfS of RufTu will fend an army of £0,000 men, to a& in the Imperialists, and ten fptw on the pufjllanimous petty Princes of Germa ny, to do their duty towards their chief, while the reft of the Empress's forces in Poland, which are tft be augmented to men, will fnffijiently engage the attention of the Prussians, and keep Frederick William any active in those events which shall happen en the banks of the R line. Great expectations may be formed from such a meaiure, (hould it adttially take place ; and without forae extraordinary itir oi this kind, the Emperor finds invincible obilacles to his refutation and eagerness to profecut? the war. BOSTON, A ij, BOSTON CHAMBER OF COrl'i'F.RCK. At a large and rcfpedable meeting of'he Boftoi Chamber of Commerce, convened at the rcqu.-Ii of a number of the mrmbeis, and held at tiicir hall on Tuesday, Aug-uft llth, 1795, h X adjonrnm-nt, to confi.ier of and exp.-ls their leniime'its rehtive to the Treaty made b\ \l\ Jay, in behalf of the United States, with Grea'-Briiain. A motion was made to have the Treaty read, which was dona : It was then moved to dif:ufs and pass upon the Treaty a tide byaiticle; this motion was objected to, bccaufe tlie fubjett had been so fully and so publicly difeuffed, and the members had had so much time to (ludy the Treaty, and de libcrately to form their opinion, that eveiyone mud be rcaoy fur the qurllmn ; it was therefore difpcnf ed with. A motion wis then made in the words follow inj*, viz, Rrfafae.!. as the opinion of the Chamher, That the recommendation of the Senate to the President of the U-ited States, to ratify the Treaty, as a mended by them, was wife and prudent ; becanfe it fettles in a fair amieable manner, points of dif ference bctirren rhe two nations, which mufl other wise neccffarily ftiWjcft our country to a humiliating iubmilSon to British impositions and injuries, or induce a war, with all its horrors and dlfreffrs, to obtain fut h redress ; and be aufe, when conlidcred c«lleeli»ely, the Tendency of the Treaty he to promote and extend, rather than to injure and ic- Arain our commerce. This motion gave risc to a lengthy and free du cuffion of the fubjeift at lar e*; after which the qucftion was put by the president, when the fame was adopted with one dilT ntient only Another motion was then made in the words following, viz. R:/e..W, therefore, Thar the Chamber cannot but lament and difapp'ove every attempt to excite an oppofitioi; to the Treaty in the mi»d, of the people, artd to detach their confidence from the government of the Union ; bccaufe in a free go vernment like ours, a firm reliance of the people on the wisdom and integrity of those authorities which they have themselves condituted to manage their public concerns, aud a chearful acquiefeence in the dectfions of rulers of their own appointment, are indjfpenfible to feenre the p-ace, the honor and the happiness of the community. This motion was also put by the President after a short discussion, and was adopted wijh one diflen tient only. Another motion was then made in the words following, viz. Refdued, That the President of the Chamber be nqttefted to forward ac authenticated copy of the preceding resolutions to the President of the United States, and to publish the fame in the public news papers. This motion was put also, and p.ifTed unani moufiy. The qucflion upon the whole was then put by the Prelident after a few observations, and palled in the affirmative. Copy. - THOS. RUSSELL, Prefidt. A true copy from the records of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. HENRY PRENTISS, Scc'ry. SALEM,' (Stan New-York) August i%. IT is our wish, ifpojible, to fatisfy thepublfecurio the reception. which is given to the Treaty in -different parts •/the Continent. It is to be regretted, that too little dependence can be placed on the publications of the day, which, with a few exceptions, favour flrongly of party spirit .• —each party endeavours to represent matters in a manned mojl frit able to its ondu& would item to be interfering with the conftitut«d authorities, which ought never to tak* place but in cases of the greatest neceflity ; that it wuuid betray a want of confidence in the Senate, and in the Pre sident ; that it would te«d to weaken our government, and gite foreign nations a bad opinion of its wisdom and {labi lity ; and that it would have a dire& texadency to rage anintofitics, factions and divisions among ourfelve*. 3d. Resolved, That wc have a full and entire confidence that the President of th« United States will never cxceed his conftitutionul powers, and that in the exercifc of them will combiners h« always hitherto has done, wiidom with integrity. a. Resolved, That we deem the conftitutitfnnl guard up on the executive as fufficiently ftro*g, even where ieis con fidence is due, in requiring the advice a»d conient of two thirds of the Senate as an efleatial rcquilite to the ratifica tion of treaties. 5 Resolved, That we cheerfully leave the Treat j *fe .ween this country and Great Britain where th»#Tfiituti on has dire&ed it to be left, feeling trie most ger /cv eating a frnail quantity of green paint, made of verdipfafc. The Copy of the JdArefs of the Merchants arJ Traders prtfeiuedyejlerday ro the Prefulent of the Uni. ted States, was not received in season for this Day's Gatet/f but will be publifhtd to mcrrsw, vjith tht names of the Signers annexed. For SALE by the Sub/tribtrr, in Penn-fireet, the fol lowing Articles, Of the last Imposition from China. 105 Che^i . <;.? Ka'tf Ccl>« 8i Quarter Cherts 16c Quarter Chests Hyson Tea, 120 Quarter Cherts Schong Tea, 400 B ,x«s China, containing Tea Setts, 4JCO Pieces Nankcers. Aueuft 20, AxX Ptiions indebted to the Estate of Alexander Ritchie, deceased, are requested to male im mediate payment to the fubferibm ; and thali: who have demands again,'i said eftati, are requcftudto brir.g in-their accounts auU receive payment. FKANCIS GJKNEY, S ROBERT SMITH, ( Exeter* banisi. smith, 3 Philadelphia, July 17, 1795. Land and Commijion Broker's Office-. JosiPH Harvey, of North-Carolina, Henk*' Kvg siLt, of. Ik Wtflern Territory, Chaklfs An. DRtv/s, of Virginia, SamueL Tfmpie, 0 f Pen»- fylvatiia, and James Leach, •/Phiradelpi.ia, have formed a co.nncdlion in bufmef* in this city, under the Frm of ' JAMES LEACH, & CO. At their Off.u, No. 17, Cbc/nul-jtnet, near Vroat*- Jtreet. , THEY rcfpeaful!y inform all dealers la Lands, that from a genera! Ac- uaintance with the Quality of Lane's in -rariosis parts <>f the continent, they presume thevcan give erery utisfaiiion to any gentlemen who pleife to command their fervires; CommiiTion Bulnn's of alf kind, tranfa&ed ; Csrtificatej, Bank Stock, &e bought ana fold ; ISotes discounted at a moderate prerciitsm. 1 ickets divided into snares and companies fro th? convenience ef thole who do not ch'jfe to aurchafe whole alio capital Poi:.;,„ a£ cae dol lar each. JOSEPH HARVEY, HENRY F.UB3ELL, . , , CHARLES ANDREWS, ni"a/tptAz*. \ SAMUEL TEMPLE 151b, 1/9.5. ; JAMES LEACH. * ' Editor of the Columbian CtiiUH'ji ig rcqucli'd to jo