Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, August 21, 1795, Image 1
Number 921.] HAMBURGH, FOR The Ship ADRIANA, «_ Captain Samuel Cljipp, Will receive Freight, (part of which AiWMjCff- it en«a«{«4) for Hamburgh, ami is to fail "as soon as ihe is difeharged, and- can be loaded. Passenger? that purpose to go to England, are to be landed at Deal or Dover, the Ship having good ae -oram .dations, being lately enlarged for this purpose ir. Lonton. For freight or parage erv]Uire ot Ralph Mather, No. <71, Race-Street. J-.ily t4' For FREIGHr, CHARTERer SALE, AtMr.Nxon'sWUrf, r T""HE ship will take a Freight to any of the Windward 1. [Sands or Europe, if one offers scon, as lhe is now ready to take in. She is in complete order, and has good accommodations for paffeng*rs; For particulars app yto Jehu Hollingfworth & Lo. WHO HAVE FOR SALE, _ AMERICAN, A Few Puncheons of Excellent Rum, By the above ftip, one of which it old. July 27 * For SALE or CHARTER, rhe Sf!!F pjrf TL V A NIA, Burthen 3400 bw«. rionr—compß»ut #»»»*,' «""• nay Ik- sent to sea at a Imall '- x P en f^ - , rf l or terms apply to GURrfk . WIIO HAVE FOR SALE, A Quantify of Excellent bordeaux Claret in casks and Bran-ay in Pipes and Butts. Tulv t6 - For SALE or CHARTER, The Snow Bfnjamin F*lt K*Jt, Mnjlct, Four years "old, will carry about 1900 barrels, now IL- S in the stream, nearly opposite to Vine-Street wh,rt. Apply to the Captain on board, or to Samuel Coates, ?::/} jh-rt'Vidper tbs *nw Bufion, -junus Ktrtyutrlck, T\",n"cr, Liverpool,^ ii] Crates vm It-aiiorrcil Ware, -aooo bt!(licit belt fl-'-'ed fine Halt, & to Lt fold at No. i, James Campbell. Also, a few boxes weii-affbrtcd lr:fh Lirjtnf. N. B. • Said Sno'w fwt freight or CW ter, cither to the Weft-li>dics or Enquire as above. Aitzvi FOR S A I- E, Thr CARGO of the Shif Arcthufa, from Bengal, Confiftin<r of an exttnfive Assortment of Qoods, w£ '' adapted to this market and for Exportation Among them are it 'variety (f Printing cloths, Hanrilc£rclil*'S» Onrrahs, Taffaties, Battas, Mumhuras, Cofiacs, Nankeens. . Also—A quantity of Hyfan, SoUffhong md Bohea TEAP, RHEUBARB, PEPPER and SUGAR. Thi S«ip uAj: arethusa Is for Sale. She is coppered, five is.tV , fVvsSf'©>- ve?r» old. Burthen about »cb tons. — I"'# ' "•'*% -'-I'jf' . to JOHN MILLED, iun. or WiLLINGS and FRANCIS. j(Jii4saw tf August 19 For Alexandria & George-Town, POTOWMACK. Th SLC 1' GEOR E, ' 4£p* John Patt- ■'» Master. Now loading at Hamilton's'wliarf; w Ifrfail in a fevr days.—lor Freight or Pafiage apply to ti.e Captain on board, or Aiipuft 19 300 tihus. Maryland ana I irgmui TOBACC O, OF 1 superior quality, part of which i-s Kitefoot, and particularly adapted for the manufacturers, or for the Holland or Hamburgh market. <00 Hogflieade ready to be delivered on board a vcffel in Chcuptalte Bay, for (ale by George Sibbald, No. 170 South FrontJlreet. ' i_ j"b Now Landing, '"T" I HE cargoes of the trigs \Veft-Indian and Betsey &.l'ol- X !y from Jamaica : COfl'ee iii hhds and barrels Sugar in hhds Rum, high proof, and 36 bags Pimento. ALSO ON HAND, A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels jjiij B?j;s Sngar in HhJs "> p or Exportation • Vimetito in Bags j Brandy, ill ani 4th proof Sherry Wlrte, &«• yitit si FhC hi'gheft Price in Calh, pw ior empty bottles, a preference will be ,given to Claret Bottles- Apply to No. 187, i'outh Ihird-itreet. Tlie Shi? No. South Frout-Sireet, GEORGE : TBBALD, No. \]C, South Froiit-ftreet ALSO, For sale by Peter Blight. FRIDAY EVENING,. AUGWI 21, 1795. JAMES TIFFIN, No. 70, South Second-street, near the City Ta-vern, HAS jiift opened and for Sale, an AiTortment of Li dies' and Gemlomen'» Fashionable HATS, from London. Alio a variety of Children's Hats of iiffar ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as finifhers in the above business, well recommended, will mea with oonftant employ and good encouragement. , . fnne 6. ' ** ■ AND'ING, ffoiithkhoard the Ship Chjrlot te. CapL Joji'a. B'"Wi'rs, from Bordeaux, 30 Pipes Brandy 20 I ons Ciarot F. COPPIXSF.R, No. 221 So-2'Ji Front, near Pine ftrcit. Who has al/o, cases of 30 & 50 bottles, Choice Old Claret 600 hogsheads ditto A Quantity of Anntfeod Noyauxliiqueurs and • Cambricks. § fcly 16 ~FOR~SALE bylhe Subscribers, at their Store on WalnutJirect Wharf, l 6 Hhds. •) 33 Barrels and V Hifpaniola COFFEE, lately irrivcd ,540 J ( Who have crffo on hand* Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hogsheads Mountain Vt ine Wine, in Qr. caiks ZO Tons Brimllone Nails assorted Sail Canvas, jSf®. I a 7 and A few genticaaeu's handsome Saddles Philip Nicklin & Co. J«'y 7 -4 A.nerican Landscapes. PROPOSALS FJR PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A TWENTY-FOUR VIE W S, Q ELECTED from the most striking ar.d mterefting O Profya&s in the United States ; each «f which Views, will be accompanied with a - descriptive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Author of the " MonaJl'u Rtmaint and Anient CaHles in Great Britain*' CONDITIONS. I. That the work shall be publifned by Subscription; and that each Subscriber (hail engage to take the whole let of Views, and shall pay for each en graving, if bU.k er brown, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. 11. That tli« dimensions of each engraving ftiall be i 4 by 17 inches, executed in aqtfatinta, and publilhed upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to b« delivered to the Sub scribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding nionth, until the propofe4 series shall be finally completed. 111. That with the lafl View of the series, (hall be deli vered an engraved title-page ; an elejant oharaifleriftic vignette: a map of the route, cohne&cd with the prol pe&s exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcribefs. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print {hop, Maid.n'tane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-iell er. No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellcr-i in the EJnitied itatcs. February 28. . Fraunces's Tavern. No. 59 South IVater Street. THE Su'ofcriber r-cfpeafully begs laava to inform his i friends aiulthe public in general, that he has rcmov- | cd from No. 166 south 2d Street, to that large, commo dious, Houfc in WaterStre-.-t, between Chefaut and Walnut Streets, lately occupied l)y Mr. Ifaat Ha-tUbvrJi, and, on Which he has fpered no pains orcxpenfe, to make it con venient and agreeable for the rcreptio.. of gentlemen. The Houle being Situated on the fame spot where the noted Beef Steak and Punch house formerly stood, has the advantage of the WCc water in this city, known long since by the name of the Greer- 7r " ' y^r - As thcre are fev ' ral ele g ant Rooms, fufficiantly large to accommodate any Society or company of gentlemen, and from his well known abilities to please in the line of liisbufintft, lie flatters himfelf with a continuance of "that patronage which he has experienced Once he firft opened a Public Houfc in tins City, and, for which lie begs leave to make a public acknowledgment. For the accommedation of Small Parties, the Large Coffee Room on the ground floor is conveniently fitted tip with 2 number of Boxes, confirmed in such a man ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as thqr please— Where tony be had, at any hour, Soups, Beef-Steaks, Reliihes, &c. &c. He ha* on hand, And will keep » conftantr upply ol Spi rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the best qMliti«s. Brcakfafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook ed in the most approved manner, at 1 ftort notice, andi'af try of all forts, made to ord :r, in the House, or to fend out at any hour. He has several well furniflied Bed Chambers, for Board ers and Lodgers, by the month, or year. b SAMUEL FRAUXCES. i_ fuile 4. LANDING, FROM on board the brig Eagle, Capt. Dewar, and Sloop George, Capt. Chapman, from Port aa Prince, at Hamilton's wharf, Mufoovido SUGAR, in COFfEE, in COTTON, in ■uji S \l c Subfcriba-s have for Sale, the following GOODS, via. Oarfe E*ft-I»dia Muslins, ) W t h e Bale. Very fine do. J A bale of Muslin Shirts, Bandannoe Handkerchiefs, ) |j V theTnn;k. TafTeties, J ' A package of Silesia Table Cloths, Ditto, ' of German Linens, 700 bags Benares Sugar, Bordeaux Brandy, in pipes, Old red Port Wine, Malaga Wine, in quarter calks, Good" Hyfim Tea, -S hongdo. OU<h °"VliiL L IP3, CRAMOND & CO. For sale by C hoglheads, 3 tierces, & ( barrels. (' liogfheids, \ tierces, "J Darrels, & C l,a«s ---( bales, & I packets, For fate by George Sibbald, No. 170 South FrontJirtet. $ B EL V I D E R K. Formed) WHARTON PLACE. THE Subfcrncr returns his grateful acknowledgments to his fhejds and the public foe the favors he has al ready received,fciiid reipe&jully informs them that his House continueiopeti for th&lr reception; Public and pri vate parties areiccommotiated at any hour. An faite of Roomdfor those incl.nod to quit the city during the hot funimrr months,,and excelle*tt stabling and clover p.;> 're for hcrrps. I b~ S'autifui profof this place being so well known net J* no Wm. Pi) AiiZHfl is TL Pipes Few Of a Superior Quality, Now landing at Pme-Stre*t Wharf, tOR SALE BY William & Samuel Keith, No. 279, South Front-Street July 14 LANDING, From on board lit brig John from Gonaives, at Clifford's wharf — 60,0 o wci<;ht of COFFEE, inlihds, and bags, 14,000 lb. GOTTON, Some Sugar, Moi.dics, "John Claxton, or John Clark. August 11 Landing at South Jlreet wharf,, The Cargo of the Brig Fiy, captain Homer, from Gi braltar and Tcnariffe. Brandy, id and 4sh Proof, Tenexiffe Wine, in pipes, hhds. an 4 quarter calks, IV'.l. o ditto, I l..rLi.vts iii c.clvS, M'.J, ear«;o of th? bri ; i Ooed II»pe, capt. ilub'oer, frem Jamaica. Sog?.r in Hogfbeads, in diit.©, High proof Spirit, Logwood", Hides, &c. For sale by 12 "HpHE following Certificates of the Funded Debt of A the United States, issued fiom the Office of the Rtgilirr of the Treasury of th<- said United States, inthe name of Patrick Heatly of Loudon , to wit. No. 8819,8820, and 8821, dated 7th July, 1704? for Four Thousand Dollars each, of the Fundrd three per Cent. Debt, have been ieft at Sea, and application is intended to be made for the Renewal of the laid Certificates at the Office of the Treasury of the said United States, of which all persons concerned are de sired to take notice. ROBERT GILMOR, of Baltimore, August 14 TO BE THE Timeof a.likely, healthy, NEGRO LAD, l'eventeen year# sf age, who has three yejrs and an half to serve; is an excellent waiter, and acquainted wirh all kinds of house work.—Apply at No. 101, Pine flreet sear Four* street. August 18. FOR SAL R, Imported in the Jhip Jrethufa, from Calcutta and Madrafs, a variety of BENGAL GOODS; Guarrahs, Bafta«, Cofl'ieJ, Humliuras, Hjridkerchiefs, tertians, Caliooes To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at ;hree and four months, by WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. No. 4a Dock Street, or JOHN MILLER, Jun. AuguftTß New Hosiery. BARTHOLOMEW CONOLLT, /It his HOSIERY STORE, No. 48 Chefnut street, RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he hasjuft received by the ship Liberty from Liverpool, a further supply of ' ' iMen's & Women's Silk Hosiery. Among v.Hich are a very ex.enfive assortment of Gentle men's plain while, fancy, and patent Silk fuperCne faney plated silk and cotton, fine whits,-plain, and ribb'd cot ton a very large assortment of fancy Patent and fine ran dom faney cotton, &c. which he will fell upon the moll reasonable terms by the dozen or iingie pair. A Genera! Assortment of every other artide of DJff GOODS, newly imported. Those gentlemen who please to favorß. C. with their somr,lands, will meet with, at his store, a moll elegant, extensive, and well chosen assortment of every description if Hosiery; Also, a great Variety of Gentlemen's Out-Jizes. June WHARI 0 N L E W/S, HAVE removed their INSURANCE OFFICE ana STORE to No 115 South Front ilrect, Where they have for Sa\e y Coffee OM Bill Madeira Wine Souchong Tea Sail Canvas &c. July 15 Mr.. EDWARD A L I, E N, BORN at Cambridge, England, and educated at Kirkbride's, near Barnard Cattle, Yorkthire—Who is iuppofed to have come to America in the yelr 1787, is rttiuefls-d to call on, or write to Captain James 1 ho rn as Bifliop, at Doflor Spence's, No. 120, South Se cond-ftteet, Philadelphia, where h* will hear of fome thmg much to bis advantage. Capt. Biftop will thaak any person for any informa tion rd'poaing the above Allen Auguil 18. fates V\ me Port For Salel>y Peter blight. §i-w% im $6w ' SOLD, and Cotton ALSO, THIS D/f r IS PUBLISHED, By THOMAS DOBS6N, at The STONE HOUSE, A 0.41 South SztoiiJ Str'ett, ENCYCL VOl OME CONTAINING, among a variety of other articles, Pitf fions, Pafcime, Pallure, Patagonia, patriarch, Paul, Pearl, Pegu; pekiri, P:lew-Iflacd!, Ptr.dulnm, Penniyl vania, Pergarfius, Periia,, P&tcr, Petrifaction, Syilem of Pharmacy, -PliPip, HhilcilOjjy, Phiiofophy, Phi*nrcii, Phcphorns; fhylics,•Phyfioguo my, Phyfioioffy, Pitts, Pisa, Planet, icc. illuftratcd with -fijttecn copperplates. The fifteenth volums is in the press, and cor.fiderab/y advanced. • Slich Subfcrjbers as ha ire not completed their fats up to the piefent time, ire very requufted to tike away and pay lor the volunias now ready, they havs not receive^, T. Dobson, ha« on hand a few copies of 'his valuabts work, to be difpofcd or, at one hundred, and ten dollars-, thefet of xS volumes, the who.e money to be 51 aid ou de livering the now r-indy, and the remainder of the work to be furmfh ed to the order of the pur chafer, when repdy, without further charge. The sale will continue, fox three wiojiths on t.hefe term-,; if any copies fhcuid then remain the price will be encrealid ".<.i\ Goliiir^i Auguli 4 T TO RESOLD time of a mulatto girl, of about 16 years old, who X has bet%yeen five and lix years to serve, and who is. capable of the duties of a chambermaid or a plain cook. Enquire o l toe Printer. Aug 6 JAMES Y A £<. i J Has for sale, at his ilorc on Walnut-ftrc-t wharf, St. Croix Rum r.nd Sugar of fup-rior quality. St. t)oniingo Indigo. l.nguira and St. Domingo Hide 6. ico Pocket" o> Cotton P. ROI'OtiALi) By FRANCISfV ROBERT BAILET\ For printing by Subfcriptipn (in fix large oilavo vbluraes) PL'UTARC Pi's L IV E'S. With Notes, HiAorical and Critical, the lire of Plutarch* by John and William Laugh me THE Editors think it wouW be an inlult on common un dcrftanding, to expatiate on the merits of this work: they content themfcives with, giving the tallowing quotation from the Preface " If the merits of a work may be efleemed from the uni versally cf its reception, Plutarch's Lives have a claim to the firft honors of literature. No book has been more generally fought after, or with great r avidity- It was one ©f the iirft that was brought out oi ; the retr.atsof the learned, traftilatcd into the mddern languages. CONDITION S. I. This work ftrall be j 111. As soon as a fnfF.cifnt! printed in weekly numbers, s number ol fubferibers appear of sixty-sour pages, attwen- i on the lifts, the work will be ty-five cents each, payable on delivery. Responsible fubferibers for £x copies, shall receive afeventh gratis. 11. It fnali be printed on a fine paper,and an entire n.w type. SUBSCRIPTIONS are received by the Editors, No. I ;6, High-itrcct, Afc. jtiu Fun.i, No. :6,North Li s htli-fircct, Alcffrs Carey, DJi/nti, Cjr:jtl-eU, Rice, Cmlfka.:i, St„vtns,Young, ;uiu GimnJ, LooMliiu's, i'hiladelphta, and by the pnuc.fal lViutcrt :tnU Boukicllero throughout the Liaon Augufl 17 Ladies and Gentleman, arerefpcct fully informed, r | 'HAT the Subscriber keeps an Elegant Coack'se to hire, JL at a reafqfci&le rate, which he driveshimf.lf asufual. He alio keeps an elegant Coach, to hire without horses, either o which may be engaged at his dwelling, No. 174 Ai<ih ftrtet, between Seventh and Eighth lireets, at his Stable in Eighth near Market street, or at his usual the corner ot Market and Fourth ftreeU. Hz returns his sincere thanks to his frtepds, and hopes to merit a continuance of tneir favors. Ju'.y 16 iflC iiAHTHtN- W ARE lViaiibtaCtury, In FrontJii ett, abuve Pool's Bridge, IS continued in the moil txtenfive manner. A large a- r . fortment of the bett ware Uon hand ready assorted 10 Hogsheads and Cr*tcs. ' A conllant and regular supply may be depended on, at the ihorteft notice. Orders are received at the Manufactory, or at No. 25 Arch it reel. j u ! y 8 sjm LOOKI G - G LASS PLATES For $ A L Ey by, JAMES and HENRY REYNOLDS, Mo. 56, Markct-flrerJ, by the box or linaikr quantity. Also, a general Assortment of Looking OlaJTes fram- cd. lkacketts for Lamps, &c. Girandoles ; Glais or Piflure Frames raadc in burnished g»kl, oil gold", white and gold, b!*ck and gold or Augvift 18 *]? RESH i & Ab, Of Superior Quality, via. Imperial, or Gunpowder H) lon Gomee, t It quality Hyson, 2d. do. uO> Young Hyion, Hyloti Skin, aifd Sbuchoftg. A few Boxes of each, for fule at Nt). 19, Third Street, South. l)tc to. " 'eoJtf iH£ ftjifcribir offers fir file, a FARM, coaiai'nitjg, abs, » 300 acres ; dtj-iant from the City of Wujhingtyrf l aitd Gcc;gc~ Tmvn between Bor 9 mists. A Plot of this Luna n m the lUiit of Mr. Peter Cafrwave if Ceorre-i oivn, f'lemjetf Mr. Tl - mat Fitifh-.ons, in Philadelphia, and Mr. Jitter! IVtit'b, in Bai m timare. Tlrt Lar.d -mill l< Jic-cvn to any perfgn, by applying H Jcln Lydqm, njbo lives adjoining. It lays in a mijl healthy country y and a good neighborhood." There are on it a com won country boyfe, a large tobacco-house, and an orchard of good.(il it, aconjlapi lire am ivitb a great full runs thro it, and or A© qcrfj of good tneado'W may bt f cajtly made. The I hies of t the above include about 40 'acres of uoodUnd. Convenient Credits will be afforded to (he put thafir f dejircd. CARROLL. Montgomery County., June 3, 1795. 2V. if. The land lies between two Merchant mills, one $ft ant UUi a mth, tkt etbsr almoji adjsinmg. June jj. saw tf [Volume VIH. > P&DIA. XIV. t& ; 6 put to pr fs IV. ThoiVwhoprcfcr > may receive then* in volumes, of three hundred and eighty four page*, ont dol ht and cei'ts c.ich. ra&th 4\v. HENRT MOSES. i§§}2m 3«\v 3W