Number 920.] FOR HAMBURGH, The Ship ADR.IA.NA, Captain Samuel Claft, Will receive Freight, (part of whieh ' s engaged) for Harab'jrgh, and ii to fail as ftoa as flw is discharged, and can be loaded. Paflengers that purpose to go to F,ngland, are to be landed it Deal or Dover, the Ship having good ac coinmodatioM, being lately enlarged for this purpose in For freight orpalTage enquire of Ralph Mather, .My T4 Tor FREIGHT, CHARTER tr SALE, life- At Mr. N xon'j Wharf, r 'PHE ship wffl take a Freight to any of the Windward JL lijands or Europe, if one offers fooa, as flic is now ready to take in. She is in compieta. order, and has good accommodations for paffena^rs.' For particulars apply to Jehu Hollingfworth Sc Co. WHO HAVE FOR. SALE< AMERI C A N 9 A Few Puncheons of Excellent Rum, By the above skip, one of which is old. _ July »7 ***' j—-- For SALE or CHARTER, Tit 'Tn • p ENNS Vifc&ti-j* BURTHEN 34C0 Bbls. Flour —eompl'**lT-f«i« - \pply t 0 JOHN ir.n. or WILLINOS and FRANCIS. $1432w tf August 19 For Alexandria & George-Town, POTOWMACK. The SLOO P • GEGI G E, . _ John Pattfv, M>H«r. "" Now loading at Hamilton's wharf; wilifail inafew 9 . —For Freight or Paflage apply to th= Captain on board, or Aupr.ft 19 300 tibds. Maryland and Virginia TOBACCO, OF a fijperior quality , part of which i< Kittfoot, aiid particularly adapted for the manufacturers, or for the Holland or Hamburgh market. ALSO, joo Hogsheads ready to be delivered on bsariVa vessel in CJicfapealce Bay, for sale by George Sibbald, No. 170 South Frontjireet. i_ Julj Now Landing, ""[""HE cargoes of the brigs Weft-Indian and BetftyscP»l- J. ly from Jamaica : Cfcifee in hhds and barrels Sugar in hhds Rum, high proof, and 36 bags Pimento. ALSO ON HAND, A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrel's and Bags' lingar in HhJs 7 For Exportation Pimento in Bags j Brandy, Ift and 4th proof Sherry XVhrc, &c. For file by Peter Blight. J/'b' 3* The hieheft price in Caih, v.'ill be given for EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference w ill be given to Claret Battles — Apply to No. 187, Youth Third-street. No. 71, Race-Street, y The Shi? No. '62 South Front-Street, d HiipanioiiiCOFflLE, lately arrived 54 o Bags 3 Who have also on hand, Red Port Wine, in Pijes and Hogfhcads * Mountain V? ine Wine, in Qr. calks 20 Ton* Briniilone Naih» aiTorted Sail Canvas, N°. I a 7 and A few gentlemen's liandfome Saddles Philip ¥icklin & Co. '4 American Laud/capes. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A T wenty-Four VIZ W S, SELECTED from the most striking and mterefting Profputts in the United States ; each ef which Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Author of the " Jlfonajlic Svmaim and Aiuieri Catllcs in Great Britain " CONDITIONS. I. That the work {hall be publilhed by Subfcriptlon ; and ] that each Subfcribcr Ihall engage to take the whole set of Views, and shall pay lor each engraving, if blade or brown, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. 11. That the dimenQons of each engraving shall be 14 by 17 inches, ixeeflted in aquatinta, and published upon paper of a fiiperior quality. The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub scribers, on the fir ft Monday of each fucc«eding month, until the proposed series (hall be finally comple^d. 111. That wiih the lafl View of the series, shall lie (kli rered an engraved title-page ; an elegant ohara&epUlic vignette; a 'Ttfip of the route, connected with the prof pefls eihibited in the the cotirfe of the Work; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcribars. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print fiicp, 'Maidmlaae, New-York, by.Mr. fcarey, Book-fell er, No. 118, Market Greet, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellera in the Cnited uataa. February iS. d«. Fraunces's Tavern. No. 59 South Wattr Street. Subscriber nefpe AMU EL FRAUNCES. fune % LANDING, FROM on board the brig Eagle, Opt. De-war, and Sloop George, Capt. Chapman, fron» Port an Prince, at Hamilton's wharf, r hogfhsads, Mufaovldo SUGAR, in J tierces, & (_ barrels. ( hogfheldt, \ tierces, "J barrels, & C bags -3 bales, & £ packet*, For fakhj George Sibbald, No. z j.o South FrontJireet. COFFEE, in COTTON, in Augufl s The Subfcrtbtn hate for Sale t th* falkivi*z GOODS, viz. Coarse East-India Muslins, j fc the Bale> Very fine do- > < A bale ef Muslin Shirts, j Bandannoe Handkerchiefs, 7 by the Trunk. TafFeties, _ V' A package of Siltfii TiUc Cloths, Ditto, of German Linens, 700 bigs Benares Sugar, Bourdeaux Brandy, in pipes, Old red Port Wine, M?lag* Wine, in quarter cafki, Good Hyson Tea, CRAMOND * CO. BELVIOER E. Formerly WHARTON PLACE. Subscriber returns his graceful acknowledgments JL to his fncads and the public for the favor« lie.nas al ready received, and refpedtfuUy informs theili that his House continues open for their reception. Public and pri vate parties are accommodated at any hour. A.i extensive suite of Rooms for those ind nod to quit the city during the hotfuniraer mouths, and excellent ftabliag and Clover failure for horses. 'Che brautiful profpefl of this being so well kHOwa needs no dcfcription. Wm. PURVIS. Auz«J} 15 § . Few Pipes Of a Superior Quality, Now landing at Pine-Stre«t Wharf, For sale by William & Samuel Keith, No. 279, South Front-Sffet. July 14 LANDING, From on hoard tbs brig from Gonaivts, at Clifford's wharf- — 00.000 weight of COFFEE, iiihhds, and br.'jjs, 14,000 lb. COTTON, SomeSug jr, Molafics, arid Sate. For Sale by "John Claxton, or Jvbn Clark. Aufrvft I I Landing at South Jircet wharf,, The Cargo of the Brig Flj-, captain Homer, fram Gi braltar and Tcucriffe. Brandy, ifl and 4ill Pro»f, Tcneriife Wine, in pjprs, hbds. and quarter calks, Benocalo ditto, in Sacks, Alio, cargo of the brig Oo©d lUpe, capt. Hubber, from Jamaica. Sugar in Hogftieads, Coffee in ditto, High proof Spirit, Logwood', Hides, 4cc. For sale by Augujt 1 a 'T'HE following Certificates of the Funded Debt of JL the .United Slates, iflued fiom the Office of the Regilter of the Treasury of the f2id United States, lathe name of Patrick Heady of Loudon , to wit. No. 8819,88 m, and 83il, dated 7th July, 1794> for Frflir Thousand Dollars each, of the Funded thrive per Cent. Debt, have been loft at Sea, arid application is intended to be made for the Kenewal of the laid Certificates at the Office of the Treal'ury of the laid United States, of which all parsons concerned ire de sired to take notice. ROBERT GILMOR, of Baltimore. Augufl 14 TO BE SOLD, THE Time «f a likely, healthy, NEGRO LAD, icventeen years of age, who has three yejrs aud an half to serve ; is an excellent waiter, and acquainted with all kinds of house work. —Apply at No. 101, Pinc llreet near Fourth-street. August 18. dtf FOR SALE, Imported in the Jhip Arcthufc, from Calcutta and Madrafs, a variety cf BENGAL GOODS; Guarrahs, Baftas, Cofiief, Humhumt, Handkerchiefs, Persians, Calicoes. To be Sold by tlie Package, for approved notes at :hree and four months, by WkLLIAM MACLURE & Co. JOHN MILLER, Jun. August 18 {icrH-t- New Hosiery. BARTHOLOMEW CONOLLT, 4t bis HOSIERY STORE, No. 48 Cbefnut street, RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he haajufl received by the (hip Liberty from Liverpool, a further supply of Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton Hosiery. Among which are a very exienfive assortment »f Gentle men's plain white, fancy, and patent Silk fr.perfine fancy plated silk and cotton, fine white, plain, and ribb'J cot ton a very large assortment of fancy Patent and fine ran dom fancy cotton, &c. which he will fell upon the moil seasonable terms by the dozen or single pair. A General AfTortment of every other artide of DRY GOODS, newly imported. Those gentlemen who pltafe to favorß. C. with their commands, ivili meet with, at his Itore, a moil elegant, exteniive, and well chosen aflbrtment of every defeription »f Hosiery; Also, a great Variety of Gentlemen's Out-Jizes. FOR SALE,. A very valuable ESTATE, Called TWITT EM HAM. SITUATE in the tvwnpip of Upper Derby, and county of DeUvtart, 7 l-Z miles f"*» Philadelphia, and half a >aHe from the nrtv WeJlern road: containing 230 acres of excellent j Land, 45 of -which are gted ■watered Meadow, 90 of pHme Wood Land, and tie ret Araile of the frjl quality. There are on tie premises a good twoiory Mrick House, -with 4 rooms on a floor, and Cellars under the -whole, with a Pump Well of ex (client Water in frtmt; a large framt Barn, Stables, and other convenient buildings; a Smote-ffoufe andJ!one Spring House ; t-.uo 'good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. The Fields are all in Clever, except thofi immediately under tillage, and are so laid ■out at to have the advantage cf Water , in ejth of them, •which renders it petuUarU/ tontunienl for Grinning. Who fttuation if and btdthy, andfrtm. the high culti vation of the Zand, thi good neighborliooi, and tin vicinity to the ci h, it is fuiHble for'' Gentleman's Country Seat. Ike foregoing is part of the SJate tfjtuoh Hnma,. s diccafed, and offered for fule by 7«» 4, »?? Mei Wine Port Peter Blight. §l-U/% §§X tm No. 41 Dock Street, or A L f 0, M ORDECAI LEWIS /'. Ariel, Captain jjecatur, 48 days front Bourdstiux. al contention. 14 i'rairialfiith June.) The citizens of Grenoble write to the Convention ; " Keprefecttatives of the People, speak, and immedi ately the interval Which separates us from the rebeis will be terminated, we I'wear not to quit our arms da til the inajelty of the pejplc Hull be avenged: Lei the factious know, that the inhabitants of Paris' are only a lection of the French pecple ; that tke naco reprefcntitwn belongs to the entire Republic ; that * every Department, tvery city, every individual will defend, to his last breath, the fecurjty of the Liberty of your deliberation.—Applauded. An address at the citizens of the commune of Mou lins, denounced the tteprelentative of the People Fouihe,' of Nantes; it acculed hini of having com pared the popular corriniiffion of Lyon of individuals whom he knew to be wicked ; of having produced liefore this commiflion, »j unhappy citizens of Mou lins, of being glutted as much in the departments of La Nievre, as i* those of l'Allier, with individual and national riches.—Sent to the committee of legislation. Vernier announced, that to-morrow, or the dav al ter to-moriow, at latest, the conimifiion e'f finances will make its report 011 the law concerning the isle of national goods. A member. " When you have created affignats, you hawc not power t« add to the evils, which rcfuit from their number, thofc of' their agiota- e and of ttecir monopoly. It was thought, by the Constituent As» fenibiy, that afiignais of j.coo livres uas more than chough for the necellitics of commerce. Prelled, no doubt, by important conliderations, you hav* created atTignats of 10,000 livrcs. Thefc allignats lose two cests by the exchange. To repress this feandalous agiotage, i demand that these who shall have the fu-n* to receive, cannot refufc allignats, if the sum te render exceed not the lam of 300 livres.* Sent 10 the Com mittee of c-.s. Latouche, in tiic name of the committee of agricul ture, made a report on the law which commands the drying up ef pouds j he developped the motives o: nature —the neceffitiej o< animal* and of men, the pros perity of agriculture itUlt, which IheWcd the necelf;:y of at least moderating a law, which, in its generality, is much more deltruclive than ufei'ul. He ad led w> these general conSderations, tbofe of particular lf ponds. In fine, laid the repqrter, be fore the revolution, particular interests caufej a »un»- ber of ponds to be dried up, the fcitea of which be came meadows or arable ground. The fupvj, effion of the monriftic pr.lcrs has since encreafed. the drying tip of ponds ; but it is not for a general law that we coiti ; mand'thc #gric|jl:ufal interest : it is not a general ' measure which' can make dried ponds fruitful. The ! nature of groustl ar.d local liruat.ons, may alone de termine those waters arc nuisances. One ihould not confound marikes with ponds ; the firft can never produce, and can only be liu.fauces, and mufljurnifc all the means of dellru- expeiSUtion of a new tyrant. ITh'eK fevcral propj fitions were fijK to the conim;:- tee of pu'jiic work;. \VOLVME VIII. confideraLy t&'6