?ompafeurg paper of MonJay latt contain*. the foSowing artjcie : ■ ... - . ■ " By thec refit, as moll of the squadron has received damage, though glorious to relate, he has not a single man killed, but several are saul to be wounded. The Photon frigate, with the captain of the Royal Sovereign 011 board, charged with difpatehes for go vernment, left the squadron the day after the aiflion, and is supposed to be gone to Portsmouth. The aclion happened ten days after admiral Corn wallis in wish the fleet of merchantmen bound frpm S*. Sebaflian to France, of wh'ch he captured twelve (ail, as stated yefkrdav, one of whom, a French brio-, arrived here this dav. LONDON,. June 25. Some private letters arrived by the last mail from Hamburg intimate, that the Empress of Russia is applying, in a very energetic manner, to the court of Berlin, to induce the kiog of Prullia to annul the treaty of peace which he has'latelv made with the French Convention; and that a deffnitfve ques tion is put to him .on the fubjeft, in which his an fiver is required on or .before the 22d June. Oil his reply will depend the execution of some very active measures, which tin court of Peterfhurg has .in agitation. The news seems to be confirmed by a circnrnftanc.e mentioned that some French emi grants of rank and consequence, who were prepar ing" to fail for the Well Indies, have received letters from friends ir. Berlin, desiring that they will not leave Europe, as circumstance* of a very unexpei~t- ( ed nature will probably soon be made public, which may throw a very different afpeft on their con cerns ; and gite a much fpc-dier opening for their return to their native country than 1 as yet pre sented itfelfto their hopes. Philadelphia,., Attgtijl 19. STOCKS. Six per Cer.t. - - Three per Cent. - Deferred Siic per Cent, BANK United States, . —— — North \meiica, Pennsylvania, - insurance Company North America, At a numerous and refpefta'ole meeting of the citi zen*. of Trenton and its vicinity, convened on the 13th Augut 179.;, at the state houie, General Freling huyfen, one of the Senators of this state in th<* Congress of the United States, attended, and at the request of the citizens present, confemed to give his sentiments 011 the treaty now depending between the United Mates and Great Britain ; whereupon it wis Refol-ved, (without reference t» the merits of the [aid treaty i) That the meeting have the fulleft confi dence in the honour, virtue and integrity of Frederick Freiingoujfen, one of the Senators of this state : That this meeting are fully of opinion that in voting for the said treatv> he.was actuated by the purest principles of p3triotifrn : anc that the thanks of this meeting be given to him for the candour witji which he has stated the reasons which induced him to vote for the said treatv PETER PORCUPINE, The celebrated Peter Porcupine has published a pamphlet on (he Treaty ; this fubjeft he has han dled with his usual wit, yivaciiy and judgment. This work is recommended to the perusal of the public ; for the many excellent es says which have appeared, this writer has many new •bfervations, am] his manner of treating eveiy fub being peculiar to himfelf, affords a great varie ty of iiiterefting ideas on that important instrument. A corr fpondent recommends to the advocates of the Negro claim, under, the treaty of 1783,—-that they (hoiiW turn their attention to the " Other Pro perty" carried off ar.d destroyed by the British. It is supposed that this other property, in favor of which, nothing is said, amounted in value to more than the Negro Oaves carried off. \cllerday, the Present's Levee was attended by an uiiufually large number of citizens. EDENTON, Aug nil 6. On Sunday last we experienced as severe a gale of wind, accompanied with rain, as wc recolledl to have happened here for many yeais. It began at E. N. E. about two o'clock in the morning, and continued in that direction until near evening, when it (hifted more to the southward, increasing in violence. The water in the Sound rose nearly four feet higher than what is generally conftdered a high tide, and did considerable damage to the wl\arve6, and stores, &c, near the water. Several old buildings, and a number of trees and chitrinies were blown down, and a brig belonging to Boftou, the Sally, Capt. Matchett, went a {hore in the marsh, but has fortunately since got off, by taking out her caigo. r.-iii' 'vA - - - - - - It/ 14/ 32 pr. Cent, jo - »8 - 'eanfylvania.flnt. off]. 6 From evety account yet received, an almost in tire of the crops of Corn has taken placed Extra ft of a I tter from a gentleman in Nw-York, to hie friend in this city, Aug. ly. By letters from Boston, I am informed, that a counter current to What has hitherto existed, has gained great strength in that quarter, and that the treaty, as better nnderltnod, is more liked —up wards of two hundred merchant! and traders, in cluding almofl every man of property and intereß in that hue, in Boston, have signed a rsmbiifttance again R the town meeting refolutioris." Extract of a letter from Dr S. L. ftfttctfl, to Dr. Barton, dated New-York, Aug. 16. " You are told, we hear, alarming (lories con cerning a yellow fever prevalent in New-York, at this time. Our Coin mitt re of Health, hVe made publications, which doubtfefs you have read in tin news papeis, tending to remove tlie difqilietode io/■ the citizens. Since which, the Phvficians have had a meeting, of which the foiiovving is a roiaute, last evening. At a meeting in trie Senate Chamber of the City.Hall, i'.i the ritV of New-Yolk, on the evening of Saturday 15, 1795; " Samuel X' Mifcbi!], Chairman. " It was agreed to, as the opinion of'this mc'eti'iip, that no cafe ot yilluw fever vvitiiin ihe circle of nraftice of any person, now preit-nt ; and that the fame he declared to their fellow citizens, with 4 view to calm their apprehctiijons, on the preferit occasion..". On Friday last, Mr. Haflirtlafid ilis Britannic Majerty's minister plenipotentiary *o«k leave of the Preljdcht of the United States, previous to his ei». barking for Englahd. \ eflerday Mr. Bond was presented to the Pre. fident, by the Secretary of State, as his Biitannic Majelty's Charge d'Affaires. Original A necdote. A Saner, on hearing i Jacobin (not worth a (hilling) (peak of the diflflwled situation of our commerce* ol>- lcrved to him, '' Pretty d——d fitnation our commerce is in indeed, when the merchants find it for .their m tcreil to pay us 21 dollars a month, beftdes l oufc-rent, visuals and driek." J}. Mercury. Ftom London Papers r wived ly lb- Ihrcuks. PLYMOUTH, Jnne r 2 5 . Copy OF Thank*, by Vice Admiral Corrwallis, to his fqupdron, June 18, 1795. \ ice-,Admira! Cohn wallis returns his lincere thanks to the captains, officeis, seamen, and ma rines, of the ships of the fleet under his inters, for their Heady and gallant conduct in the presence of the French fleet yeflerday • which firmnefs, he has no doubt, deterred the enemy fnom making a tnore feiious sttack. It would; give the Vice-Ad'miral plealiire to put the whole of their exeitions in eiFeir E. Cower, Knt. 38 Capt. Hon. R. Stopford. 32 Capt. Hon. H. Curfon. PARIS, June ax. CRIMINAL CODE. The Convention on Prairial 50 (June 18,) palled the following Decree : I. In future all aits of wilful hoipicide, qualified murder, (hail be puniflied wth death. This law is a derogation from the article in the Penal Code, which condemns that crime to the punilhment of twentv years imprisonment in fetters. 11. In cafe of murder or aflaflination, the guilty (hall be arretted by Orders of the Justice of Peace, or an Officer of the Gens d'Arms, and brought to Le tried by a Criminal Tribunal. 111. )h default of a Justice of Peace, the National Agent, or the Municipality, Jhall fulfil this funi£Hos. IV. The Public Accuser stall draw up an Act of Accusation, if ntceflary. If the accufatio» is not made out, the latter has no authority to discharge the pri soner, without the content of the Tribunal. V. A Lift of Juiors stall be drawn up, who /hall give the vertlifls by a majority of votes. The fen tencea to be executed within 24 hours ; no appeal in criminal cases. VI. A!! Adminitlratiori', Municipal Officers, and Military Commanders (lull put in execution the pre sent Decree. The Civil and Military Officers, who ffiould neglect the execution of it, are to be difmijled fron their places. VII. Tile sth title of the Law of gftl Nivofe, ref peifting the Revolutionary Code, (hall be executed by the Tribunals, as far as it ihould not be contrary to the principles of this Decree. *" Cinics UJ lino (Extract fcom the Monitor. J -hiappe, Representative of the People wiih the Ar mies of the Alps and Itaty, having joined his Col leagues in Toulon, to the National Convention. " 7culor., 19 Ptaipal, Third Tear 0/trend Liberty " BRAVE COLLIAGUFS, " In the beginning of this month, your firmnef; was the salvation of Liberty—That memorable epoch w ill bear witness of your principles and yotir energy to future generations. You have to weep over the tomb of the unfortunate Ferrand : I have the addition al regret of not having participated your dangers in the bosom of the Convention. Those dingers, which I surmounted at Toulon, can only console me. You are already informed of the events which took place ; ill that rebellious City. Their result is a new triumph for the Republic—Never was a more horribleplot com bined, and traced out by hands ft.ll reeking with the blood of innocent Frenchmen. Its centre was in Pa ris ;• nay, in the tnidft of the Convention ; bnt its grasp extended to Toulon 2nd Roehfort ; in snort, to the utmost bounds ef the R-public—Hence it burst forth in one and the fame day—the fame hour; hut every where Justice and the Law? have triumphed— every where has guilt been crusted. At prcfent, we ®u!t not be lulled, by the pretended return of bloody men tojuft principles—We muii run no ch»nce with them ; we must separate our cause from theirs, other wise the jufl; and heneft might finally be we.iried out, and render your victory infeifurc. For a long time, tliefe tigers have declared, ,ip she den cf the Jacobins, that two parties were. p/tted figainfl each other—-Wc admit of this a« truth, and therefore, must make a T- 0 ' ajrainfttW A'! departments, ?°° a Cu z ' ns » turn their ey s afi i : -!s von—'They are altoniihed at vur indu":.«i e '.-'in-. I!> it W! Uttn*. -What !vi t vbu ftin'rkv on the conversion and con' „0> t «,fe'n.tmWs of fumanity, or JuJt.ce, a.;d Virtue? Have they not beet, in open revolt againfl you finrc the ,th of Tber raidor ? Do th.y not still, both ni hlv and daily, con,p,re a,,a:nfl Liberty and Equality ?- In short is it notrbei: termination to rcic over von. the medut,n ~t a Government of blood a,,! Wm not till H> ,y afliffijure the ■ogether ; the example of terra-,id ought not to be orta moment rrorri bttore votir eyes. IVuilitr i mvil-jf .•'Of ? in 31, y pooil liepublican defile, the de-< hof ■'/ mdeum.n: l,„ 1 ear.icSly desire thar of'.hofe who ■ Uux t.K" who have fMrooral z d the People, who • nve robbed, brayed, and aflaffinatrd t !v. pun.lnment mv.lt kis ii„|J y-: 1tlle b,;:rkne ft. »t 'he plot! ofth-ofe in 'th?M ? t ' A' h<7 JUVt N a ' m " cd 1,3 «>ame the fidelity, or on:. Armies l?y th'eir the"- perfidious A.r J ,vllts : that, of the Alps and of Itily has been tampered with by everv pofiible means t If' the ,! rue D -'-tn«ter* of the'.-. Country,' nuhfulto their pofl«, JuVe jiftened to lh # voice if tnetr Kepi, tentative?. i hey will p'tverfigftt for any otnei• caufebut tor the-Convent ion, the Republic, and .he Law; and here I C-em ..to cattle-the murmur, of the remain, of that infamous Leven , I hear my. felf caLod a koya.ift. , NO) i 9. Vtk : ,-alumniators ' sam not <• koya.ift,- and ye known well, i detefl the Government of Km,,,. I)ut abw rv 1 Bl r°- }**">*> that r a'oijf, during tltJ Mx hours, braved in Tot,ion the d'aggc r . of your f iU l lues, in order to accelerate a national jnealure, wh.ch £!if' ve £ ~a3' b loV t( 7 ••vfcom vou iit frying L.,,„. that tnat formidable fqtiadron which yoU had encsamed ui the Road of Toulon, has failed. You know, that I wilh iv Liberty and Repubb canifm, but only Inch a Republic as forever Yo n ,r r m y ° Us % P«--?<»W^hfef. Yot.r manoeuvres in the South have for a while torn ZrJEVS r° f 3n Ar "i' " hich • I n r : • at , fopn rfturn thither. Ton- yo,irS ' an board~or' Pa ' Hu'iihurtis, 4 If' • «■ Nankeen,. Alio A quan.ity of $d»jchfc| and 3abn PEPPER and \s UG A K. The Ship are t husa Is for Sale. Slie is eoppe el, vws old. iiurthen about , J0 com.— •Anpiy to. ■fife SGSSssSSSsk .JOHN MirXES, i„n. or and t'RANCIS.V 3\V tf August 19. Persons indebted to the Eftste of Alexander KJtciie, diewfed, are to iried.atp payment io the fi.bfeibris M d thefc who havft'i dsiuacds »?aißft-f«d-ett W ., are r«n'sftdd!o brjnft in theii' accounts