Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, August 19, 1795, Image 1

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NtJMBER 919.]
The §h»p ADRIANA,
. Captain Samuel Claw,
Will receive Freight, (part of which
'* <®»ged) f° r Hamburgh,' and i*
to fail as loon as fhr is discharged,
"ihd can be loaded. ■
PalTengers that parpofe to go to England, are to be
fancied it Deal or Dover, the Ship hiving good ac
commodations, being lately enlarged for this purpose
iu Lonioa. For freight or padage enquire of
Ralph Mather,
July .14;
jfr Mr. 1V xon't Wharf,
r T~'HE ship will take a Freight to any of the Windward
X Ifiands of Europe, if one offers soon, as fbe is now
retuiy to take in. She is in complete order, and has good
accommodation; for paflengeri. For particulars apply to
Jehu Hollirigfivorth & Co.
A Fciv Pic-ickeons of Excellent Rum
By the abov; foip, one of which i; old.
jiUK.I Hatfl thirty five tons ; built in North
JLJ of Oak and Cedar, f ven years oi4 a*ii pretty
*jcil found. For term? k£p!y ro
Anthony ly Sin.
/fugufl C
TJt Snip
BMMt p ztiws ri A r /^,
BURTHEN 3400 Bbls. Flour—comp'.eatly found, and
Kiay he sent to sea at .i I'm.ill rxpencc.
For terms apply to GUR\'EI" SMITH.
A Quantity of Excellent Bordeaux Claret in cases and
Brandy in Pipes and Butts.
Jiiiy 16 $
Benjamin Fflt Knap, Mnjler,
Four yeir> old, will carry about 1900 barrels, now
lies in the stream, nearly mpofite to Vine-Street wh.rf.
Apply to the Captain on board, or to
No. South Front-Street.
dst. __
Aupuft 15.
yii/? Arrived per the Snow Bcjton, Jamet Kirkpatrick,
I Master, from Liverpool,
113 Crates weli-ilTortsd Queen's Ware,
4000 bushels best ftoved fine Salt,
& to be fold it No. 1, Pme-ftreet, by
James Campbell.
Alio, a few boxes well-assorted Irish Linens.
N. B.
Said Snow for Freight or Char
either to the Weft-Indirs or
Enquire as above.
Augufi 18 $
300 Hhds. Maryland and Virginia
OF a superior quality part of which is Kitcfoot, and
particularly adapted for the manufaiturers, or for the
Holland or H imburgh mirkc*.
500 Hogrticads ready to be-delivered on board a vessel iff
Bay, for £ale by
George Sibbald,
No. 170 South FrontJlreet.
Juff 24
Now Landing,
THE cargoes of the brigs Weft-Indian and Betsey 5cP« U
lyfrrnn Jamaica :
Cfcffee in hhds and barrels
•T Sugar in hhds
Rum, high proof, and
36 bags Pimento. ,
A Quantity of Col Tee in Hhds. Barrels :r:d Bags
Ssgar m HhJs > For E rtadon
Pimento .in Bajs j
Brandy, ift and .»ih proof
Sherry Wins, &c.
y idy 3*
on board the brig Eagle, Capt. Dewar, and
X Sioop George, Cupc. Chapman, fro:* Port a* Prince,
at Hamilton's wharf,
r bcgfhcads,
Mufaovsdo SUGAR, in < tierces, &
£ hogsheads,
% \ tierces,
j barrels, &;
C. ' )a£a
\ bales, &
\ packets,
Fcr sale by
George Sib bald,
Ko. I jo 'SoutJj'Fr jr.tJlrett,
AuguJ} r
For $ L* jby
No. s®, Market-ftrect,
by the box or (mailer quantity.
Alio* agciiaral Allor t rnt nt of I*ock;'ij-O Ij.Tc? fram*
•4: ; Jsrackett» for Lamp* Jcc. Girattd<tfes ; .Glair or
urc Frames made in burnished g»ldj oij gold, white
*iid gold, biack'JlsJ jold or plain.
Aiiguft i 3:
No. 71, Race-Street,
The Shi?
For sale by
Peter Blight
3*iw 5W
' »U«> 1 • ' * ■ ~ !*■•■.
In Bath Couttty, Virginia,
Acres of Good Land.
WHEREON are the Hot Springs f which are from 70 to
110 degrees of beat. Tier* is on the said land a band
fome and commodious house twoflories high, 60 by 30 feet, -with a
\ portico the full length of the house, and extending to the upper fiory y
and other nuejfary house sft for a Public House, for ivbich thev
were intended f go*! houses are over federal of the berths, ivitk
fiyeating rooms. There are adjacent thereto, two remarkable cold
fyrings of well tajled Ume-fime water, These baths are a
for the mof objlinate rheumatic and all other originating from
colds or obfi rutted and gives great relief in tbegiut ;
they have effected wonderful cures in various diseases incident to the
ladies ; they have this fpririg made a perfect cure of a disease on a
IVeft-Indian refewbling the. Uprofy, and are remarkable for the
cure of "white fw filings, contracted nebtes y and many other difcaf
are obstinate to be ejfeiled fry medicine.
There it near tb said Baths ,
A new Saw-Mill er«£led, and a Race
dug from thence, to build a Man if: flu ring Mill, ivhich reclaims
about 30 acres of as rich Jlfeadoiu Land as any upon the Continent,
end may be •watered every night, and the hay made thereon fcll{ as ,
it'ell as any that is made near any city or town within the United
States. % \
The trap rtriors as the above property loill treat for the fume On
the prem]fet t at any time the lOth of Augufl and the 20th
cf Scptsrr.l'ir ; they tuHl zlfo fell Viluable Land for tivo or three
Farms near the *fai<f Springs, and if the said Land and Houses at
the fprinns are not fslJ y they ivillbe rented.
N. 3. Good accommodations are provided at the above [prints
for ladies and'gcttiie&en (lis fea/pQ* "which from experience is found
bejl to commence in _June s and end tie frjl of Oil tier.
» -4
No. 70, Sortfh Scrond-Jire'et, near the City Tavern,
HAS just opened and for Sale, an Affortmcnt of La
dies' and Gentlemen'*
Falhionable HATS,
from London. Alio a variety of CkiW&.n'a H*Uef differ
ent Colours.
N. B. A Man or two as &iiftiers in the above business,
well recommended, will meet with eonftant employ and
good encouragement.
June 1>- d
LANDIbiG, from on board the Ship ChakloxiE.
Cap!. °Jona. Bowers, from Biitrdcaux,
30 &ipct Brandy
10 Tons Clar»t
For fa'ie by
Wo. 121 South Front, near Pine llrcct.
W!?o hat nljo,
i joo cafe? of 30 & 50 bottles, Choice Old Claret
6qo hogfhcads ditt-j
A Q mnticy of Aimifeed
Noyaax Lt -jucurs and
FOR SALE by the S'J'fcrileri, at their Store en
IValnuiJlreet Wharf,
26 Hhds. •)
33 Barrels and £ HifpaniolaCOFFEfi, lately arrived
J4° 2:i£s 3
Who have alfv "bn ban J*
Red Port Wine, ifl and Hogsheads
Mountain Vine Wine, in Qr. calks
ao Tons Brimflone
Nails aborted
SailCaavas,. N°. I a 7 and
A few gentlcnen's handfamc Sadies. .
Philip Nicklin & Co.
frfr- »4
A nerican Landfcapa.
SELECTED from the most striking and hiterefting
Profpstfls in the United States ; each i»f which
Views, will be accompanied with a deforiptive account
of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Author of the " RlonaJlic Htmain* and Ansient Caftlcs in Great
!. That the work (hall lie puMtifced by Sulifcription; and
that each Subscriber (hall engage to take tlie whole set
of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving;, if Llac-k 01
brown, 1 Dollars ; and if coloured S Dollars.
11. Thst the ditnenfions of each engraving (hill be 14 by 17
inchee, executed in itnd publilhed npon paper
of superior quality. The pnblicati®n to. commence im
mediately.; and one engraving to'bt delivered to the Sub
scribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month,
until the propofod feriei (Hall be finally completed.
111. That with the last View of the series, (hall be deli
vered an engraved tifele-page ; an elegant oharatfleriftic
vignette: a map of the route, connected with the pcof
pe3s exhibited in the the course of the Work ; and an
Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
Subfcription> ar: received by Mr. Harrifop, at his Print
shop, Mauh'nlanf, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by aid the
principal Eook-fclI«r» in the United Jtates.
February 18
Fraukces's Tavern.
No. 59 South Water Street.
r T 1 HE Subscriber fffpeflfully begs leave to inform his
JL friends and the public in general, that he has remov
ed from No. 166 Iputh id Street, to that large, commo
dious, House in WiterStreet, between Chcfaut and Walnut
Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Isaac Hatlthurfl, and, on
which he has ffmred no pains or cxpenfe, to make it con
venient'and agreeable for the receptio„ of gentlemen. The ;
Hrv.'c being situated on the fame spot where the noted Beef
Steak and .Punch honfe formerly stood, has the advantage
of the best water in this city, known long since by the name
of the Greetl Trie Water. As there are several elegant
Rooms, fuflkiently large to accommodate any Society er
company of gentlemen, and front his well known abilities
to please in the Tine of hisbufinefs, he flatters himfelf with'
a continuance of that p ltronage which he has experienced
since he firft opened-a Public House in this City', and, for
which he Legs leave to make a public acknowledgment.
For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Large
Coffee Room »n the ground floor » conveniently fitted
t up with a number of Boxes, conftra<ftad in such a man
ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as they pleafe--.
Where may ba had, at any hour, Se»pe, Beef-Swaks,
Relishes, &c. &c. - -
He has on hand, an J Will keep a constants upply of Spi
rituous and Malt ap.d of .the best qualities.
J&reakfafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook
ed in the most approved manner, at a short notice, andPaf r
try of all forts, made to order, in the House, or to fend
out at aay hour. •
Kf h:is frv-eral well furnifhed Bed Chambers, for Board
ers upti Modern, by the Week, njantli, ®r year.
June a.
In the Prtfs, and in a few ddytwill be published,
By Mathew Carey y xlB Market Jlreei,
No'. 1
<1 ,1
Of a Series of papers refpe&ing Mr.
Jay's Tfeaty.
/CONTAINING!—Speech.of Mr. Pinekney to the eiti
zens of Charleston. Speech of Mr. Thompson at a
meeting of the citterns of Petersburg. Speech of John
Dickinfon, at the meeting held in Wilmington. Camillus's
Defence of the Treaty—ascribed to the late Secretary of
the Treasury—With i'undry othet papers on this ail-im
portant fivbjeA* , ""
'V si E L V I L> h K E.
nTHE Subscriber returns his grateful acknowledgment#
JL to his friends and the public for the favors he has al
ready received, and reifpedt fully jnforms them that his
House continues open for their ree ption. Public and pri
vate parties are accommodated at any hou*. An, extensive
suite of Rooms for those inclinod to quit the ci(y during
the holfummer months, and, excellent stabling and clovtr
pafturc for horses.
The beautiful profpe& of this place being so well known
needs no ddcription. Wrn. PURVIS.
Auguji 15 §
few Pipes Port
Of a Superior Quality,
Now landing at Pinc-Streat Wharf,
William & Samuel Keith,
No. 279, Soath Front-Str«et.
July 14,
From on board thu brig Jtsbu from Gonaives, a I
Clifford't wharf —
" weight of COFi'EE, ia hh'dj. and b2gs,
14,000 lb. CO I TON,
tome Sugar, Mlj-.1, c , arid S»h.
Jagvjl 11
Landing at $outh Jirect wharf y
The Cargo of the Brig Fly, captain Henier, from Gi
braltar and TencrilTe
Brandy, Jft and 4&h Proof,
Tcr.erifte Win?.
Benj&alo ditto,
Haikailtl ill bad'-,
Also, cargo of the brig Oo©u Mope, c&pt. Hubbcr* from
Sugar in Hogsheads,
OfFcc in ditto,
uly 16
High proof Spirit, Logwood", Hides, &.C. For sale by
r T"'HE following Certificates of the Funded Debt of
A the United States, issued fiom the Office of the
Register of the Treasury of th' said United States,
intht naine of Patrick Heatly of London , to wit.
No. 8819, ttui, and 8811, dated 7th July, 1794»
for Four Thousand Dollars cach, of the Funded three
per Cent. Debt, have been left a: .Sea, and application
is intended to be made ror the Renewal of the said
Certificates at the Office of the Treasury of the said
United States, o{ which all pcrfom concerned are dc
fircd to take notice.
ROBERT CILMOR, of Baltimore
August 14 $6w
By FRANCIS to* ROBERT BAILEY, and to be fold at
their Bookstore, No. 116 High street, and by the prin
cipal Printers aad Bookfcllcra throughout the United
A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies
Particularly of th« prefeut time, the present war, and
the prophecy now fulfilling. Containing, with other great
and remarkable things not revealed to any oth« r person on
Earth, the sudden and perpetual fall of the turki#«, Ger
man and russiah empifes. Wrote under the diretflion
of the Lord God, and publifiied by his sacred command ;
it being a fecood sign of warning for the benefit of all na
tions ; by the map that will be revealed to the Hebrews as
their Prince and Prophet. The year of the World }Zl3.
FROM th( following ExtraSls the Public wili he enailed tc form a
judgment of this atoil.
" A man that has b#en an officer in the Navy, whose im
mediate ancestors have been separated from the Jews for
such a considerable length cf time a» t9 make them forget
they ever belonged to the name, such a man declaring him
felf openly to the world a prophet of Ood, the rev«aled
prince allotted to order the fudien return as the Hebrews
from all nations, and govern themm the land of Israel, will,
with some reason 1 allow, excite both afkoniihment and
doubt; but from <Uhe multiplied recorded testimonies I
produce, which r.o other on earth can, it ought not to pre
vail with any perfpa as a just objeditn against believing
what I write."
" The prophet Daniel, chapter 8, verse 8. And four
gr at beasts came up'from the sea, deferent from one ano
ther. 4. The firit was like a Lion, and it had Eagle's
wings I Wield 'till the wings were plucked* when it
was lifted up on the Earth, and £iade to Itand on the feet
as a man : and a man's heart was given to it.
" The Lion means George the Third, the prefect King
of Fngland : plucking the wings of the Lion, means tak
ing;; away the power of tke king: made to Hand on the
feet as a man, with a man's heart, means his reduction to
the condition of other men, aud poffefling similar thought*.
" The Spanish Monarchv will cease by this war, and
the Stadtuold ot Holland will be cut off cioie
to'the gfound ; according to the vHiens of god to me, in
1792, and which I communicated at that time, by his i'a~
cred command, to the King and Queen of England.
« i'l lc Dutch will acknowledge the French Republic,
and make a hasty peace with it; the Portuguese and
Prussians will do the fame."
The United STA-fts of America will declare war
against Eng,ari(l • but before they de, France will lose ail
her Weft India Islands; »nd after vhey do, Jamaica wiil be
the la£L io the possession of the English.
Augujt i a
The Earthen-Ware Manufactory,
In FrontJlreet, above Pool's Bridge,
IS continued in the most extenlive manner. A large af
forunent of tke ijoil ware is on hand ready aflorted in
Hogtheads ,and Crates.,
A constant and regular fupp'.y may be depended on, at
the ftdrteft notice. • ~ ' . ■ '
Ordersare rtouved at the ManmfaAory, or at No. is
Arch ftre«. J ul X *
For Sale by
John Claxton, or
Jchn Clark.
in hhd\. and ouarter ca&s,
Peter blight.
and Times,
[FolvmS vm.
< City of Wafliington.
Scheme, of the Lottery, No 2,
For the Improvement of
i A magnificent ) 20,00b Dollars, a*td
dwelling hoaft, y calh 3c,p00 aic
1 ditto 15,000 Sc ca M 000
l ditlo \ ZyCC'C at calh 15*000
1 dnto ie,ooo,&cafh io,oco
S ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000
1 unto 5,000 ot cJlfe 5,000
1 C-fa pi uc ot .
2 diuo each, arc
ao .ditto 1,000
jc diiw*
toe aiito
eoo 'ditto
400 ditto
1,000 dm*
15,000 ditto
i& i739 P"«ei
33,£.61 iiiaitki
50,000 Ticket ai 8 dol'.arr
This Lottery will afford an elegant fpt-ctmm of the
private buildings to beerittcd in the Cm ot Wtfhmgion
—Two Ifeauulul detigns arc already fele,fted tor ike cotirc
fronts on two ot the public fquaie.v; i;ooi theie craw,
nigs, ii is propaied to c>ect two centre and lour corner
buildings, as fooaas poihble attcr this i,otn«j i» lold and
to convey thcin when complete, 10 tile fortunate aivelttur
ers, in tlif manner dtienbed in the IcDenie loj the Hotel
Lottery. A not diductron ol five pei cent, wjjl be madt
to defiay the ucctflaiy exptnera of pjriniiiig, & c .
the futpfu* will be made a part of th' lund intended lor the
National Univeiiity, to be eictted witbia the City of
The drawing will eomm, nCe as soon as the Ticket*
are (old oil. • —.—— 1 i:e nunc, prizes will be payable
in t.tiny UaVj after u ia hailhcd,and any prices for wnicti
tortmaie »aui:>er» arc noi produced ». . ; .
alter tile drawing a ciuled are to be conlideied as- g'ven
-nwaicU ibe fund tor the Oriiveriiiy, it bung deirimin.
Ed r« fettle the whole business in a year tiom the ending
of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu-
The real fccui ities given for the payment of the Prizes
are held by the Piclidcnt and two Directors of the Bank
of Columbia, and aic valued atmoie than half the amount
ot the Lonery.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
Ihe late Commiiliouers afliUed in the management of the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thUarduous talk
a leeor.d time on behalf of the public ; a fuflicient num
ber cf these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National Univeriity and the other federal ob
je<Ss may continue to favor the design. The fyntjpiis of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
Inftitntion, is already in the press, and will be speedily
published, together with its constitution.
» A compleat Plan of the whols of this Important
Institution, compiled from a feleflion of the bed materi
als, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public
whenever the fame may have gone through such revilions
as may be neeeffary to establish the perfect confidence an<i
general approbation, so essential to its prtfent rife and f»-
ture cxifterice for the goneral good of America.
By atcounts received from the different parts of the
Continent as well a« from Europe, where the tickets
have Veen f.-nt for faie, the public are allured that th»
drawing will speedily commence, and that the care aad
caution unavoidably. necefTacy to insure a fafe disposal ot
the tickets, has rendered the iflorc fufpeafion indifpcnfable*
February X 4, 17^5.
Tickets rr.ay be had at the Jiatjk oi Colombia 1
of jame* Weil 6c Co. tfaltirnorp or Gideon Deoifon >
Savannah, of Peter Gilman, Boftoh; of John Hopkinf
Richmond : and o7 Richard Wells, Cooper's fcvfS
Aug 30
Department y>/' IVeir, July 22, 1795.
- 1 Information is hereby given,
To all the Mivtary Invalids of the United States, that
the sums to V.hich they are entitled for fix months of their
annual penfiw., from the 4th of Marcn, 179J, and whicV
will become due ou the fifth of September next, will bt
paid on that day by the Comniiffioners of Loans, under the
ufuul regulations.
Applications of estcutors and administrator* ainft fefc
z*r.con;panicd witfe Legal Evidence cf ibcir refpc&ive ap»
poimnnefits and ef the time of the deasalc of the invalids
whose pensions they muy claim. -
Hereafter, all Invalids on the panficr. lift are to apply to
tke refpe&: veLoau Offices their penuon> mi the fifth of
March and September in every year without further notiic
-5v Order •/ tin Prsjldsnt of tbs United State:,
~i imsthy Pickering,
Secretary of War.
ju'y it
The Subscribers have far Sale, the fallowing
' GOODS, viz.
Coarse Eaft-ladia Muflms, ) . the Bile .
Very Fine da. J
A bale ef Muilin Shirt*,
Saudanaoe Handkerchief., j bvthe T nlß v,
TafiTctks, S '
A package of Silesia Table Ciotht,
Ditto, of German Linens,
700 bag« Benares Sugar,
Bourdcaux Brandy, in pipes,
Old red Port Wiae,
Malaga Wine, in quarter caflcs,
Good Wyfon. Tea,
Souchong do.
Augvft 18
Imported in the jhlp'Arttkufa, from Calcutta and
Mudrafi, a variety of
To he Sold by the Package, for approved notr.f a;
three and four months, by
No. 4.1 Dock Street. 6r
August 18 ■' _iS 1Q tvt.
T O B K U L D,
THE Time «f a likely, heahhy.KEGßO LAD,
ieventeen years of age, who has three yean and an
half to I'efve j is an excellent waiter,' and, acquainted
with all kind* of house *OTk>—Applyat No. loi, Pine
ftreet near Fourth-flreet.
Augnlt 18.
. dtf