Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, August 18, 1795, Image 4

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    MaLs of the United States.
for tarrying the MAILS of the United States On
fie following Pofl Roads, will be received at
the General Pofl Office until the Jirjl day if
oSober next. S<.- Note pi.
"i. From PaiTamaqUoddy by Machias, Goldfborough,
Sullivan, Trenton, and Bluehill to Penobfcot.
Kef i -e the Mail at PaiTaniaquoddy every other Sa
tariUy bv 8 o'clock in the morning, and deliver it at
Penobfcot the ns*t Friday by 6 in tke evening. Return
ing. Rec ive the Mail Ptilabfcot every other Satur
day by 10 o'clock forenoon, and deliver it at PafTaiiy
(J'toddy the next Friday afternoon by 5 o'clock
z. From Hatlowell by Vaflalfeorough, Winftow,
( Fort Halifai) Fairfield and Canaan, to Norndgewurth.
Leave liailoiA-ellc v»ry other Wednesday by noon, and
arrive at Norridgewort'n the n,*xt Thursday by 6 P.M.
•Returning. Leave. Norndgeworth on Friday by 10 A.M.
and arrive at HalloweH the next Saturday by 4 P M.
3. From Welles by Waterbury courthoufie, Sanford,
Douty'sfails and Berwick, to Dover in New Hampshire.
Leave Welles ever* Friday by 8 A. M. and arrive at
Dover the next day by 3 P. M. Returning. Leave
Dover every Wednesday by 1 P. M. and arrive at
Vt ei'ies tile next Thurfi'ay by 4 P.- M.
4. From Portsmouth by Dover, Rochester and Moul
tonborough to Plymouth, returning by New-HamjJton,
Meredith, Gilmantown, Nottingham and Durham, to
Leave Portfrnout'i every Wednesday rnoming by 8
o'clock, and arrive at Dover by noon, every .r.her Wed
nelday, and at Plymouth the next Friday by 6 P- M.
Returning. Le*ave Piymoiuh r,n Saturday by 8 A. M.
anil return to Portsmouth the next Tuelclay by P. M.
Note. " The post is to go and return on this route
alternately," and the mail is to bt''carried but once in
two weeks from No*eniber ift to May ift.
5. From Conajoliary by Ciie' L ryval)*y, Cocper's
town, Butternuts ami Oxford academy, to Union (at
she mouth of the Chenango) once in two weeks.
Leave Cop - johary every other Wediufday by 8 A.M.
arrive at Ce.»;ier'i-town by 1 P. M. and at Union the
next Saturday by so A. M. Returning. Leave Union
every other Saturday by 3 P. M. aad arrive at Conajo
tiary the next Tuesday by 6 P. M.
FromTifhkill by New burg and New Windfbr to
The mail to leave FLfhkill on Wednesday by 7 a m,
and arrive at Gefhcn by 5 p m. Returning. Leave Go
ftien on Tuesday by 7 A M, and arrive at FLfhkill by 5
r m
7. From Bethlehem to Wilkefbarre.
Leave Bethlehem every Thurlday by i fM, and ar
rive it Wilkefbarre on Saturday by % P M. ReturningJ
Leave Wiikefcarre every Tuesday by 8 A M, and arrive
at Bethlehem Thursday by 10 a m.
8. From Piper'stavein in; Bedminfter' on the post-road
from Philadelphia :o Bethlehem) by Alexandria, to
Pittfton in New Jersey.
Leave Pipdr'a every Thursday by 6 A M, and arrive
at Pittfton by noon. Stay at pittfton two hours, and
return to Piper's by S r M, or eft Friday by 15 AjM.
9. From Reading by Sunbji'y and Northumberland,
to Lewifburg.
Leave Reading every Friday by 6 A M, ariiveat Sun
bury on Saturday by 6 f M, and at Lewifburg by Sun
day noorl. Returning. Leave Lewifburg on Monday
by 7 A M, ?.r>d arrive at Reading the next Wednesday
io. From Yorktown by Abbot'stown ai'd Oettis
burjjh to and WiUiamfport in Maryland/
to Ma. tinfburg in Virjrmu" 1 .
Lcive Yorktawn every Monday by 6 A M, arrive at
Hagerstown on Tifefciay noon, and at Martinlburg by
7 PM. Returning. Leave Martinfbarg" cn SaturJ iy
by 6 A M, arrive at Hagevstown by noo«, andatYoik
towrt on Sunday eveniiig by j o'clock.
Ii« From Boirdstown in Kentucky to NaQiville,
South' Weftefri Territory.
Leave Bearusoown every other Tuesday by 10 A M,
and arrive at Nashville the next Sunday by 5 P M. Re
turning. Leave Nashville the next Monday noon, and
arrive at Beardstarvvn the next Saturday by 7 P M.
U. From- Annapolis by Lower Marlborough and
Calvert c-iiirt house ttf St. Leonard's creek.
Leave Annapolis every Tuesday by 7 A M, arrive at
Lower Marlborough by 3 p"*i, at Calvert courthouse
by 7 r M, aadatb't. Leonard's creek 011 Wednesday by
10 AM. Returning. .Leave St. Leonard's Creek on
l'riday by 3 P .v, arrive at Calvert courthouse b) 7 P M,
at Lower Marlborough on Saturday by 9 a sj, and at
Annapolis trj' 7 P m.
1 v From BladcfifbL-rg by Upper Marlborough and
Nottingham to Bcnnediijt
Leave Biadenibnrg on Saturday by 6 A. M. arrive
at Upper Marlborough by II A. M. leave Upper
Marlborough in two hours, and arrive, at ik-rnecliit on
Sunday noon. Returning. Leave BennedkS on Mon
day by 6 a. m. arrive at Upper Marlborough by 4
T. M'. and at BiildenfDMrg on Tuesday by 9 a. M.
14. From Whichever by Roniney to MooifieWis.
Leave VVinchcfter every' Monday by 10 A m. arrive
at Komney on Tuesday noon, and at MoorheWi oA
VVednefuay by 9A M. Returning- Leave Moorfields
011 Tuesday by 1 ? M. strive at Komney on Thurs
day by 8 a! M.'and at Wi:\chefter on Friday by 4 r. m.
15. From Charlottesville hy Warren, Warminftcr,
New Market, Amherft, Cabejl&xrg and Madifan, to
'Leave Charlottesville every Thurtdiy by 8. a. m.
and arrive it Lynchburg the next Saturday by 4, r. m.
Returning. Leave Lynchburg on Monday by 9, a. m
and arrive at Charlottesville the next Wednesday by
5. P- M.
l'j. From Powhatan courthouse to Cartersville.
Leave Powhatan court houle every Tuesday by 7 a
m, and arrive at Cartersville Return
ing. Leave Cartersville every -y and arrive at
Cartersville- .
No information of the length of tKis rcfed is yet re
ceived : : ptrftins tfilkmg propofall are de-tired to ftatc
fnch times of amrA'l and departure at and fri>m Carters
vine, as fha'rl t>e convenient to theii.
17. From- Yorktownia Virginia to Glouc&ftar court
Leave Yorkfctfn every Monday by 7 a m, artd ar
rive at Gloucetter court house by 11 a m. Retiring,
Leave Glouceirer e~irt houle by 2 P ax, and arrive at
Yofktowri by 5 r =**•
18. From Camden' S. Carolina, by Lancaster lo
Charlotte and LjncoUtou in North Carolina.
Leive Camden every other Monday by 7 a m, arrive
at Ohlrlote the next Wednei'diy by 9 a m, and at
Lincolnton on Thursday by 9 a m.
Returning' Leave Lincolnton every other Thursday at
noon, arrive at Charlotte on Friday by noon, and at
Camden on Sunday evening.
19. From Columbia by VVinnlborough, Chester,
Pinckney, and Spartan court houses to Greenville court
Leave Columbia every other Thursday by 6 am, ar
rive at Pinckney on Friday by 6 P M, and at Greenville
court house the next Sunday noon. Returning. Leave
Greenville court house.on Monday by 6 a m, arrive at
Pinckney c«urt house on TueTday by 3 r m, and at Co
umbia the next Thursday by 3 p m.
to. From Columbia by Newburv to Laurens, Green
ville, Wafhingtdn and Pendleton court houses.
Leave Columbia every other TJiurfday by noon, and
arrive at Greenville court house on Sunday by iq a m,
and at Pendleton court house by 7 r m. Returning.
Leave Pendleton court house on Monday by 8 a m, ar
rive at Greenville court house by 3 ?m, and at Colum
bia the next Thursday by neon.
at. From Savannah by Newport bridge and St.
Savilla to St. Mary's.
Leave Savannah every other Monday by 7 A. M.
arrive at Newport bridge by 3 P. M. and at
the next 'l'huriday by noon. —Returning. Leave St.
Mary's 011 Friday by 5 A. M. arrive at Newport
bridge on Sunday bv i P. M. and at Savannah bv 7
P. M.
Note t. .The Post Master General may alter the
times of arrival and departure at any time during the
continuance of the contracts, he previously stipulating
an adequate compensation for any extra experice that
may be occasioned thereby.
Note 1. Half an hpur (hall be allowed for opening
and doling the mail at all offices where no particular
time is fpecltied.
Note 3- For every hour's delay (unavoidable acci
dents excepted) in arriving after the times prescribed
in any contrail, the contractor (hall forfeit one dollar ;
and if the delay continue until the departure of any
depending mail whereby the miita deflined for ftich
depending mail lose a trip, an additional forfeiture of
five dollars ihallbe incurred.
Note 4. Newspapers as well as letters are to be sent
in the mails ; and if any person making proposals de
li res to carry newspapers other than tliofe conveyed in
the mail for his own tmolument, Ke mull itate in hij
proposals for what l"u:n he will carry it with that emo
lument aad for what sum without that emolument.
A ote .5. The contrails for the Mails Number 1
19, 10, and 11, are to be in operation 011 the firft day
of Oilober next, and all the others on the firft day of
November next. —The contar<sU for the fourteen firft
numbered roads are to continue in force tmt.l the ift
! of Odlober 1797 ; the contrails for the road No. 4l>
! is to continue until the ift of 1796> and the
I confeadU for the roads No. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 aud
I 20, are to continue until the ift of April 1798.
Note 6. Should any person making proposals desire
an alteration of the times of arrival and departure
above fpecified, he must Hate in his proposals such al
terations and the difference they will make in the
terms of. his contrail,
Nate 7. Proposals for the Road No. I, will be re
ceived by the Post Matter at Peitobfcot; for the Road
No. It, by Mr. Walter Beal, at Beardftown ; for the
Roads No. 19 and 20, by Dr. S. Green, Post Master
at Columbia: and for the Road No. 21, by General
James Jackson, at Savannah ; proposals for the other
Roads must be sent to this office. No proposals for
the Roads No. 1, 19, 20 and 21, willba received after
the 20th of September next.
A'ate 8. Contractors may receive their pay quar
General Port Office,
Philad. July »7i 1795-
Post Mister General.
July t8
JuJi Publijbtd,
By M. Cars?, No. 118 Mar kit Jlreet,
Priu 4jß,
AGREED upon by Mr. Jay and Lord Grenville ; to
which is added, a copious appendix, containing,
1, Letter from Mr. Jefferfon to Mr. Hammond.
2. Motion of Mr. Kurr.
3". Motion of Mr. Tazewell.
4. Treaty of Amity and Commerce between France and
the United States.
5. Treaty ot Alliatfce between do
6 Definitive Treaty between Cireat Britain and the Uni
tfcd States.
7. Conftitiitior. of the United States
i!. Explanation of the a&ual lituation of Mr. Jay's treety.
9. Features of Mr. Jay's Treaty.
So. View erf tlie corrinicrce of the United States, as i£
(land* at profcnt, and as it it fixed by Mr. Jay's treaty.
11. FLefolutions of the citizens us Bollon.
11. Address of the citizens ot Port&touth.
13. Resolutions of the citizens of New York.
14. Memorial of the citizens of Philadelphia.
15. Report of the Charleston committee.
16. Resolutions of the Juiliccs of Norfolk.
17. Resolutions of the citizens of Baltimore.
18. New Jersey petition.
18. Resolutions of the citizens »f TreWon,
10, Resolutions of the citize*s of Fiemington.
SI. Address of th« merchants of New York.
it J. Resolutions of the New York chamber or cotnmeree
13, Ohfervations on the extent of the Preffllent,B power
with rcfpedl to tteaties.
24. Curtius's Vindication of Mr. Jay's treaty, in twelve
2y British proclamation, November 6th 1793*
16. Ditto ditto January 1794.
27. Lord DofchefterVfeply to the Indians.
iB. Commercial refftlutions movad for by Mr. Madifori.
28. Mr. Dayton'srefolu ion for the of Uri
tifh property.
.10 Rtfol'utioiw moved for by Mr. Abraham Clarke, for
i'lrfpentiing the intcrcourfe with Britain:
Aun/I 14
Engllsh Cheese.
TUST ft yi ported, and in excellent order, a Qnarrtity of
sale or by the single cheei'c, by GILL & HENSHAW,
No. i zS South IVater Jlreet
A l s 0,
Bottle Porter, for exportation, taverns, ot family use
Port Wine, in cases of one doz. each
Brandy, Rum, Gin, &c.
August i
Nb. 60 South Second Street.
THE Store fir books, stationary ,
and Fancy articles.
'For the greater convent,nee of conducing his Infnefi txtenfvely,
has rmoved from No. 57, to No. 60 South Second Street, on tie
ii„a fide—where he bat received by the lajl arrival,, an cxtenfive
collection of ufful Emts, and the hej Siationa-ry. Also, a variety
of New JVlujic, Bunbury s curious Caricatures, Print,, Oil Faint
ing,, Waiving Books, &e. 'Sc. all -which he -wHI fell, a, usual,
for a f tall profit.
T. S. embraces this opportunity to the liberal en
couragement he has always experience*!from the citizen, of Fhila
, delphia —returns hi, mojlfmcere thaais, and pledges bimfef to use
conjlant exertions to merit continual favnr, snd to have bisjlore the
J tlace for elegant and uses ill literature.
Juru %~jm
PHILADELPHIA, P&inteb BY JOHN FENNO, N°* 119 ch *" ut Slreet — ?R,cf s,i 801. LARS P ER ANNUM.
Scheme of a Eottery,
Toraife 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars\l)edvftin% 15
per Cent, from the Prizes—Tips Lottery conjijis 0) 38,00 c
Ticketj, in wAi'c* there are 14,539 Ptius % and a3>s6i
Blanks, being about one and an ha'ij blank* to a prize.
THE Dircftwrsof the Society forettablilbing Uletul Ma
nufactures, having resolved tocreft LOTTERIES tor
railing One Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeab*
to an Aft of the Legiflatufe ©f the State ot New-Jcitey,
have appointed the following per Tons to fuperuiteod and
drawing\)t the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, James Watlou, Richard Har
rifon, Abijah Hammond, arid Cornelius Rav, of the city ol
New-York—Thomas Willing, joseph Ball, Matthew M'*
Conncl and Andrew Bayard, ot the city of Philadelph a
Excellcncy Richard Howell, Esq. Elias Btfudinot,
General EliaaDayten, James Parker, John Bayard, D<>&
01 Lcwii Donlum, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua M. Wal
lace, joicph Blooinfield, and Etilha Boudinot, of New»
Jerfcy, who oiler the fallowing Scheme ©f a Lottery,
and pledge theinteives to 1 the public, that they will take
every aiiur mce and precaution in their power to have the
Monies paid by the Managers trom time to time, atrecetv
cd, into the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpose ot paying Pn* s which {hall be
immediately discharged by a check upon on« of the iiauks.
t Prize of
23,461 Blanks.
38000 Ticket* at 7 Dollars each is - 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the infpctti'Jii o!
a Couuuitfce of the Superintend a as dsibe Tick
ets are soU, of which timely wtil i ; e given.
Tiit Supcruitcadants havt appointed Job" A'. Cajturmg
of Newark, Jacob R. Hdrdenbcrg, ot New-Brun/wtck,
»nd Jonathan Rhea, of Tren on* as immediate Manager*
thercol, who have given ample fecurtty tor
the truss reposed in them. >-
(£T In order toiccuie the pun&ual payment of the
Prizes, x the Superiotendants o? :he Lottery have dieted
thai the Managers lhall each enter iato bonds in 4C.000
dollar*, with tour (ui&cientfecuriti? s, to pcrtoim their in.
iliu&ions, the tubftance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers shall rcceivc
the sum of Three Hundttd Doilartt, itnnfdiatcl) ue ihall
place the fame 111 one of the banks ot Ne*-York or Phi
ladelphia, to the ciedit of the Governor ot the Society,
and fucli of the Supennrendants as tve in the cuy where
the monisr are plated, to remain there until tbe Lottery
is drawn, for the payment ot the Priitcs.
11. The Managers to take (ufficJcnt (ecurity
Tickets they maytru{f,otherwjfe to be refponitble for t hem.
111, To keep regular botks of Ticket# iold, Mo
nies received and paid iei* the Bank, aoltiacts ot winch
(ball be sent, nonchly, 10 theGovcrnor ot the Society.
Pateifon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gentlemen, infoi.
matioi* will be yiven where t ck»*n be hed tflfli'f.
AT a Meeting of the Stockholders
in the Injur an ce Company of the Jlatc of Pennfylva
nia, on th£ 15th May lad, convened for the pufpoi'e of
fixing the time of payment of the remaining pare of tue
Capital Stock of said Company
that the remaining Turn of two hundred
dollars per ftiare, he paid on the 6th day of Novem
ber next, under the penalties annexed to default by the
ail of Incorporation.
Publilhcd by order of the Meeting,
J«ne n
In orte volume octavo, price one dollar and an half,
The federal Politician.
To be fold by the following pr:ncipil Bookfellert in this
city—F. & R. Bailey, Matthew Carey, John Ormved,
Thomas Stephens, William Woodioufe, and at the office
ef the Aurora. Aug. 8 |§f it
oj i.
MAY 16, 17951
THE Grammar School formerly attached to tliii
College, haying gradually declined through the
increasing infirmities of the late President for some
time before his death, it is proposed by the fubfenber
immediately to revive it, and to put it under tne mofl
careful inflruition and government. The Latin,
Greek, and French Languages (hall be taught in it, to
gether with the principles of English Grammar, of
Geography, and practical Geometry. Parents, I ke
\vifc, who do not cfiufe that their children fhoiild go
through the intire course of studies in the College,
may now have them inftruifted in any particular
branches in the fame manner, on the fame terms, and
to the fame extent as in the College—particularly in
the antiquities and mythology of Rome, in Geogia
phy, in the Mathematics, in Natural Philosophy and
Aftrdnomy, in Moral Philosophy and the Principles
of Civil Government, in Eloquence, and in the Ele
ment's of History. They may address their children
to any of the Mailers in the College, or to
N. B. The young gentlemen shall be under the
fame rules of moral discipline as the other students —
shall be fubjedled to puflic examinations, and, at leav
ing the College, shall be entitled to public teflimonials
of the branches they have studied, and of their profi
ciency in them.
P. S. The School is already operted, and und«r the
direflion orf Mr. Soott.
ALL Persons indebted to the Estate
of Alexander Ritchie, decesfed, are requested to make im
mediate payment to the fubfsllbir» ; and th»fe who have
demands againftfaid estate, are requelted to bring in their
accounts and receive payment.
Philadelphia, July 27, i"9>
James M'Alpin,'
1 A T L 0 R,
N°. 3 South Fourth Street,
RETURNS hit grateful aclnoxvledgenents t* his Friends artel the
Public for their liberal encouragement, and begs Icaveto foticit
a of their favors.
At his Shop gentlemen 9 may be furnifoed -with the heft materials,
and have them mads up and fnijhed in the msft fajbionable manner.
He ivill thankfully receive any orders and pay a prompt and
Pun&unl attention to therv. 08. TC * +
And to bs had at M, DA VIES's Eook-SUrCf
No. 68 High-/{recti
Dee Pino's Spanifr) Grammar,
To which is added, an Englifii Grammar, for the use 0 f
Spaniards. At the fame place may he had, a few eopus of
Beyer't French cS? Engiifb Ditticna.y.
20,000 Dollars ia
1 oc
firfl drawn number, 2,000
Lalfcdrawn number, 2,000
3 taw I m
O K S, Printed for and
Publijhed by MATHEW CAREY,
( Price Sixteen Dollars. J
4 New Sy/iem of Modern Geography :
Or, a Geographical, Hi/loriial and Commercial Grammar ;
and prtfent Jlatc <f the several Nations of the ]Varid,
The figures, motions, and culiar to each country,
difier.ces of the Planets, ac- VII. Oblervations on the
cording to the Newtonian fyi- changes that hav« been any
tera, the obferva- where observed upon the fate
nature since t:.': molt ear-
11. A general view of the ly of hillary.
Earth, confidcred as aplanjt; VIII. Hiflory and uii»in
withfeveralofefuldcfinitioss of nations; their forms of go*
and problems. vernment, fefignaJ&n, laws,
lit. Gi'and divisions of the revenues.. taxes, naval alii
Globe into land and water, military ftrengrii. ,
continents and islands. IX. Genius, 7aaflne!*s, cuf*
Situation and'extent of em- torus and habits of the people,
fires, kingdoms, states, pro- X. Their language, l«arn
vincei and colonic*. ing, arts, fcier.ces, maimiac-
V. Their foil, tures and commerce.-
vegetables,produ&ions, me- XI. Chief cities, ftni&ures
tals, minerals, natural curi«- ruins, and artificial curiofnies.
fities, fcas, rivers, bays, pro- XII. Latitude, longitude,
montoritsand Lake». beanngsanddiftance.ofprin-
VI. Birds and Beasts pe- cipalplacetfioaaPiulidclpliia.
I. A Geographical ladex, with the name 6 and placcs a phi-
2 O,GrOC
bttirally arranged.
11. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
dollars and cents.
111. A Chronological Table of remarkable events) from
the Creation to the pixfent time.
The Agronomical part by 'James Fe'rgufin, F. R. S.
Corrc&ed by Dr. David Rittenhousc.
To hich are added,
the late Difcovenes of Dr. Herfchell, arid other eminent
The fiRST amckicak eoition, corre&ed, improved, and
greatly enlarged. * Containing the folio wing
Mavj afcd Plates.
1 Map of the World 23 Hindoflaa
2 Chart 01 tlic World 24 Africa
3 Europe 25 United States
4*Co«:ntriesroundthoNorth 26 Bricifh Dominions in A*
Pole. mcrica
5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 W;ft Indies
way and Finland. 28* Province of Maine
6 Ruflia ay* New . * {
7 Scotland
8 England and Wale* 31' Connecticut
9 Ireland 32 *j<hode liland
10 France 33*Vermo«t
H*Seatof War 34*NewYoik
12 Seven United Provinces 35*NewJaricy
13 Aultrian, French and 36*Pencfylvania
DuithNethcrlai-d* 37*Dei^waie
14 Germany 38*Maryl:md
15 Switzerland 39* Virginia
16 Poland 40*Kcatucky
17 Spam and Portugal 41 'North Carolina
18 Italy 42*Texienbe government
19 Turk y in Europe 43* South Carolina
20 Asia 44*Georgta
2i*Difcoyerie? made by cap- 45 Copernican fy^cm
tains Cooke and Gierke. 46 Ariailiury fpherc
22 China x
The Maps marked with stars are added to this 1
excltifive of those in the last London edition,
The United States Regiftef for 1795,
Price .50 Cents. C 0 N T E N T &.
Calendar, witli the eeceti.ry Boundaries of the United
tables, &c. See,
Supreme Enecutive Lilt of the Officers
Lcgiflature Statement ol ExpoiU
Judiciary Public Debt
department of St-ate Pay, &c. of the army
Department of the'l'reafury Mint Elubiifhmcat
Conimiflioners of Loans Rules for reducing the cur-
Officers of the Cult cms rencics of the diffcrt-nf
Revenue Cotters states to a par with each
Light I leufes other
Officer* of the Eicife Tables of the number of
Duties and Dutiable articles cent* and decimal' parts
Exenip s from duties in any nuiAber of shillingS
Duties on tonnage and pence iefrthan a dol» <
on domestic objects lar in tin: cuireucies of
Drawbacks, See. and regu the different ftatts
lationt to be oferved in Tallies shewing the vilne of
obtaining them dollars iu tiie currencies
General Abllrait from the ol ditto
revenue laws, relating te Pod-office eftablifcment
the duty of masters of Lilt of Poft-Towus, icc.
vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Lougitude of
&c. ef goods, and the the principal town* in the
officers of tiie customs; United State*
to the payment of duties; Banks
and the importation of Literary Imitations
goods National ftflanufa&ory
Expences of Government Selfions of the Courts '
for 1794 We'tern Territory
Department of War
New Hamplhire South-Carolina
Vermont Georgia
Maflachufetts > Order ot time in which the
Connecticut several States adopt :d the
Mew-York federal Conftitutior.
Ncw-Jerly Taole of the Sun's ri£ag
Pcnnfylvania and fettiug
Dda ware Abl'traol ol goods, wares,
Maryland aau merchandize txport-
Virgini-a ed from the United States
Kentucky from the lit of Ofio'oer
North-Carolina '90, to 30th Sept. 1731.
Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. Rowfo::, o; the
new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second American edition
Price 75 cents, [The rapid sale of the firit edition of this
enterefting novel, in afc .v months is the belt criterion ef
its merit.]
« It may be a tale of truth, for it is' nut unnatural, Antl
it is a tale of real ditlrefs—Charlotte, by.the aatitice 01 a
teacher, recommended to a lchool, from humanity ra
ther than a convidlion of her integrity, or the regui.rf.ty,
ot her former conduct, is enticed from her governtis,
accompanies a younjj oiticer to America—the marriage
ceremony, if not forgotten, is poflponed, and Charlotte
dies a martyr to the inconilancy or her lover and treaeu
cry of hi» friend.
The situations arc artless and affe&ing'—rh; defer.;,tion
n itural and pathetic ; we (hould feel for Charlotte' if fudi a
picrfon ever existed, who for one error, leaf rlv ; perhaps
deferred so fevcre a puniftimeiit. If it isUfc'tiun, p.etic
justice is not, v e think, properly diftrjbutsii."
I. The lnquilitor—by Ivjr». Kovvfon. beuond phM --| r
phia edition. 87 1 % c:uts.
%. Advauture* of kodcrii Random, z v^i 9 . 1 'r!ol!ai '.hi
50 cents, coarse—l dollar and jj it:.u fine:
3. Notes on the ate oi Virginia—oy 'i i,uuiao J
Price -neatly bounii, one and a juii'l
4. History of the trench Rcvslntioa,. (tain, ith
mencemcnt to the death oi the Queen and tin. cu;-.iiioa
of Bl'uTot. % oUal i.
•5 Plowden's History of the Bntiih Eaiprc, froiu May
179», to December 1793. j CoUat *Li * qUri u- 1
[This is an 'interesting aa4 valuabi: yuoiicauo.. ;* ha
appeared for yams. ,
). Ik-attie's Elements of /.Wal Scwnsc, i vo'U. Ouc uu,-
lar and three quarter.
J"(y £