Numb£R 9 ■' < JlQ:^ AMr.tfxon'j Wharf, r F , H? > . ihip will take a Freight to any of the Vfindwafd JL Iflafids or Europe, if one offers soon, a» foe is now Feady!to take in. $he is in complete order, and has good accommodations for For particulars to Jehil Hollingfworth & Co. WHO HAVE FOB. SALE, A Few Puncheon's of Excellsnt Rum, AMERICAN, By the above skip, one of which is old, Tuly 27 FR I E T N D°S HI P, miit}' five tons; built in North Carolinh, of Li/s OA aui Cedar, f.ven yearn old and pretty found, ror t£rm« apply to Jofepb Anthony & Son. 6t 6 J~~.: For SALE or CHARTER, TL- Ship MMM^. PENNS TLVA N/ A BURTHEN 3.100 BMs. Flour—-complaatly found, and xiay be tent to fsa at a small cxpcnce. For tcrniiapply to • GURNET 13" SMITH. • WHO HAVE FOR SALE, A Qv.antity of Excellent Bordeaux Claret in calks an Pr . Pimento in Bags j Brandy, ift and 4th proof Slurry Wine, &c. J-'b 31 For SAIE, TlteScHOfc.N i* 3t! CHORLEY, AN American built veffeJ, burthen aboi.t 800 bbls. of Flour, and well found—For terms arpiy to the cap tain cn board at the fubfcribcr's wharf, or to Joss j h Sims. Who has for Sale, imparted in J,'aid Schooner, St. Croix Rum and Sugar, in Hhds. and barrels, Coffee, &e. Aurvjl 10 LANDING, FROM on board the brig, Capt. t)eifrar, and Sloop George, Capt. Chapman, ftoi» Port aa F'lince, at Hamilton's wharf, Mufuovado SUGAR, in COFFEE, in COTTON, in Jtugiifl 5 TO BE SOLD, A Lot, containing about seventeen acres, on the WilTahiekon read, 4 miles, troni the city, ami directly oppofitc to toe house of Mr.ll'aac Wharton. A Lot, containing 10 acres, in Islington Lane, on said road, near the estate of Jaf er Moylan,-Efq. j\. Lot, containing 10 acres in Turner's Lane, 011 said roac\ and dircftly to the estate of Mr. Ternant. J?n Kace-Street. The. Shi/ No. Jii South Front-Street. djt. ■ For sale hy Peter Blight. f hopiheavls, 3 tierces, & barrels. ( iogfheads, \ tierces, j barrels, & C tags. 3 bales, & L packets, For JuU ly George Sibbald,. No. 170 South FrontJlreet. i _ ■V' FOR SALE, In Virginia, 450 Acres of Good Land. WHEREOM ere the Hot which are from 70 to 110 degre&t of heat. There is on the fjid kind a hand fame and cam'modious bouse twojiories high, 60 &y 30 feet, with a portico tit full length of tlx house, and extending to the upper fioro or three farms near the fa id Springs, and if tbe said Land and Houses at the sprints are not fold, they "willbe rented. A. H, QooJ acccmtKoddt'ians are provided at the alo cv /prints for ladies ahdgcntlsinert tbi.; Jl.ifori, which from experience is fotinJ Lft to otrkmetccin Jttne l and end ike jir/i vf October, * "July 14 JAMES TIFFIN, Ac.. 70, SoiHv Second-Jlreet, near the City Tavern, HAS just opened and for Sale, an Affbrtment of La di;s* and Gentlemen'* Fafhionablc HATS, frcm London. Alfa a variety of Children's Hats of (Effer ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as finifticrs in the above business well recommended, will meet with constant employ and good encouragement. 1 Tune 6. d LANDING, from onboard the Ship Charlotl£, Cdf>f. "Jona. Boivn's, from Bourdtaux, io Pipes Brandy sc Tons Claro: 1 joo cases of 30 & £0 bottles, Choicc Old Claret 6Co hoglheids ditto A Quantity oi Annifecd NotauT Liqueurs and CambriGkß. » FOR SALE by thb Subjcrilersy at their Siors on Jireet Wharfs 26 Khds. "J 33 Barrels ahd > Hifpaaiola COFFEE, lately arrived 540 Bags j Who ban*? also on ha>id y Red Port Wine, in Pipes and Hogsheads Mountain V! ine Wine, Li Qr. calks 2© Tons Brimstone * Nails assorted Sail Cemvfcs, N°. I a ) fcnd A few gentlemen's handfomc Saddles 7«( v 14 American Landfcapcs. PROPOSALS FJR publishing in aquatint a T w entv-FOUR VIE W S, SELECTED from the mougar : MolaCos, six] Suit. For Sale by 'John Clrxtort 3 or John Clark. 11 Landing at South Jlreet wharf, The Cargo of the Brig Fly, captain Homer, from Qi bralt-r and Teneriffe. Brandy, id And 4511 Proof, For /ale by Tcnerrtfe Wine, in pipes, hhds. and quarter caiks, Beuecalo ditto, Hazlout« in Sacks, Also, cargo cf the brig Cood Hope, capt. Hubber, from Jamaica. Sngar in Hogfceads, Coffee in ditto, proof Vfcit, Logwood, Hid«», 4cc. For file by Peter blight: July 16 S?vg u j} 11 r ? T HE following Cirtificatrs of the Funded Defrt of 1 tinr United Sti\ei, iSued fiom the Office of tht RtgiiWr of the Treafuiy of th.* fa id United States, iHthe name of l'strick Heatly of London , to wit. Nj. SBx9, S"U«, and 8811, dated 7th July, 1794, •for Four Thousand Dollars each, of the Funded three per Cent. Debt, have been loft at Sea, and application is intended to be made for the Renewal of the fa.d Certificates at the Office of the Treasury of the laid United States, of which all persons concerned, are de- Cred to take notice. Aupuft 14 By FRAXCIS ROBERT BAILET, and to he fold at their BookfWe, No. 1 1 6 High ftrect, and by the prin- cipal Printers and Bookfelieri throughout the United States, A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies Particularly of the prelent time, the present- war, and the prophecy now fulfilling. Containing, with other great and remarkable things not revealed to any otht r person on Earth, the sudden and perpetual fall of the Turkish, glr maJi and nutSiAN empir s. Wrote under the diredlion of the Lord God, and publi&ed by his sacred command ; it being a fecood figu of warning fov the benefit of all na tions ; by the man that will be revealed to tlie Hebrc-vs as their Prince and Prophet. The year of the World 5813. By RICHARD BROTHERS. FAOM the foHmnng ExlraSi the Public wilt be enabled H form a judgment of thit work. " A man that has bi.-o an officer in the Navy, whose im mediate anceltors have been ft- -arated from the Jews for such a considerable length of time as to make them toiget they ever belonged to the name, such a man declaring him felf openly to the world 2 prophet of Ccd, the revsaled priace allotted to order the fudtLn return as the Hebrews from all nations, and govern them in the l .nd of Israel, will, with some reason I allow, excite both allonifhment and doubt j but from the multiplied recorded telliinonies J pr9duce, which no other on earth can, it ought not to pre vail with any perfoa as a just obje&i»n against believing what 1 write." " The prophet Dan el, chaptcr 8, vcric 8. And four gr it bealis came up frora the i'c i, different from one ano ther. 4. The firlt was like a Lion, and it had Eagle's ■wings: I billed 'till the wings were plucked, when it was lifted up 011 the Earth, and made to (bud on the fc-.t an a man : and a raan'sihe»rt wat given to it. " The Lion mean* George the Third, the prcfent King ef Fns>hnd : plucking the wings of the Lion, wtaus tak ing. a-.vjy the power oi tkukiug: made to itatid on the feet as a man, with a man's heart, means his reduiliou to the cendition of other men, aud poffcfliug similar thougnts. " The SrANisii Monarchy will cease by this war, aad the STADTHOLDCdSHIP of HuLLAND Will be cut ofi cloie to the ground ; according to the vinous of god to mt, in 1791, and wh eh 1 communicated at that his le ered command, to the King and of hngiind. " The Dotch will acknowledge the French Republic, »Bd tnike 1 liafty peace with it; the Portuguese and Prvssiaxs will do the Hijie." " TheUxiTED Statis of America will t'eclare w:ir ; but before th*y do, i'rance v/ill ioie all her Weft India llbnds; a-ndiftei uiey do, Jamaica will ire tljfe lal hi the possession cl the £n-!uh." ■Attgufl ii The Earthen-Ware'Manufactory, In FrontJreet, above Pool's Bridge, IS continued in the nroft extensive manner. A large af fortmcnt of the baft ware is on h?nd ready iffortcd id Hoglhc-ads and Cr*te». A copftant and regular supply may be depended on, a: the fliorteil notice. Order? are rotcived at the erat Nj Ai'& ilftet. J'Jly -8 No. 1 Few Port Pipes Of a Superior Quality, Now land in j at P;rie-stre«t Wharf, POR SALE BY William & Sa-.nuel Keith, >To. 179, South front-St" et. ROBERT GILMOR, of Baltimore, JUST PUBLISHED, and Times, Mes SCHEME of a Lottery authorized by an a£l .entit led " an aft to enable the PafideiU and Managers of the Schuy'kiU an;! Sufc]uehanna Navigation, and the Prefuleat and Managers of the l.)eliwire and Schuyl kill Canal Navigation, Jo rfliftf by war of Lotttry, 'Ire film of four huil red tiiolrfand do!!.'.r«, for the r poie of completing the works iu their aot j of incorpo ration mentioned." Mr. j 2C,000 tn i> ■ pai'! to tl\e polTeflori of the tidv'cts cf thsCve Uftjijrawa munbti s, ' I I.'jCQO i a,oc3 to he f>iU\ to the pofTciior of the ticket of t)ie Ei-ft drawn iju.-.ibcr, 1,000 10 i,oco 16,500 Pr ' 2 « » 53 >313' Blanks, 50,000 tickets at ic dollars each, VViue - Ail Prizes shall '>e paid ten days after the drawing is fimflieu, upon the demand of the pollellor of a for tunate Ticket,.l'ubjtdl to the dcduilion of flrteen per cent Such prizes as are not demanded in ia moMhs after ihi" drawing is nnifhed, of which public notice will he o 'ivtr>, ihail be considered as rehnquiih'.d for the ulc of the Canal, and applied accordingly. At a meeting of the I repaint and Managers of tht Sdjuylktll and Sufqucbu'Ma Canal navigation —and the i're/ldent anil Manugers of the Dela ware and Schuylkill Gaunl, IVednefday, May i-, 179.5. Resolved, That David PJttenSoufe, Joseph Ball. John Stein raetz, Standifli Forde, and Francis Weft, be a Caiouut tee to arrange and dir&S the mode of disposing of the Tickets ; which Committee depoiit the Moil y n Bank,, to be carried to the credit of an account to be opened for the Lottery. ExtraA From the Minutes, r. MATLACK, Sec'ry. ft?" The drawi ~g of this Lottery will p tiveiy commcnot or, the firft day of September neve : Tickets may be had at the Company's Qiiice near the Dank of the United Stales, and of either of tlie fub-i fciiUers. ."TWO new {lory brick haufee, neatly fintfhed; om X on the south fide of Filbert, above ninth ftrcet; each house has the privilege of a three feet alley, and the lots run back to a 30 feet wide dree?. Aifo, a large tliree ftorv brick building, thirty fix ?.nd arj half feet front on the iouth fiuc of filbert, above Eighth ftrcet. This lot extends 120 feet in depth and has the pri vilege of a nine feet alley from Filbert street the whole length of the lot, and of a 30 feet square court for carria- ges to turn m, This last building is not finifiied in the inSde, and may be made cither into one or two houses—it will azU'.vcr for any large manufu&ory. The whole dear of ground rent or any incumbrance. {6w RICHARD BROTHERS Such peri'ons as £.re"fiil! in poElffion of Sub'Criptior. Papers for the'afcove Work, are refpeflfpily rtrjuefito to forward liitin to AV«.' and Kezmercr, junr. No. 2j North Third «»»reet. !Vba have on har.d, A Colleilio'i of valuable Pnok, »! rr.e fatefl and i.i-& Editioni.; aifo, a variety or Children: E-oltSj Prias«. & the Grift, Dozen or Single. At!£lHl 14, Cavern of Dsath —A Moral Tab JuJi Puhlifhcd- —Price s"o CmU, And for JaU at WILLIAM /A H t ooD^lk)j : S Printing Office No. 16, Green sign of 3 Head, Chef nut Street, HAVING removed to the place fro.\ - No. 36. Bookfeiiers can be f;.ppiied whhu aunjlß of Menv Publications on the most rcfaieiiable tirnis. j uji Received, price So THOUGHTS ON DIVINE CQODNESB, Relative to the of rr.orai agents, iy elifpfetycd in future rewards ar.d panifliniciits'; trJUtflaL. n. } y mm in ii '-f (_ha-jx oe I-on;'. W, W. Wooi>w«Afei3 htffc on hand a ne?.: aiTurtment o J?GO&S 8? STATIONARJ\ The Public rei'pc- i-f -lly iiifcjmwi that the escelknt work oi BURKiTT oil the Ixitffl H BSS'A \i<: ,VT, it Wuatber, will iooii i. tn *5 *' i CANAL LOTTERY. 1 Prize of _;o,oco dolla»s is 1 30,000 10,000 a,5 00 1,000 5-so to the joint meeting of s i;un , . 1 .;" v -s, '•very j y.-CJ/.S. *% A good font cf iV;oui 7/6 per JOl Ijale. The higheit pHce in Cufh, will given for EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference given to Claret Sottles.—Applv t.< No. 187* south Third-ftr.eet. Aprii Id [Fqlumb vnr. ' Dollars. 50,000 .10,000 15,000 a._>,ooo i.-;,oco 20,000 *0,000 10,000 198,000 5C0,0C-d 500)000 Managers. tn K A fS3J:j Lo^i«er- :pif.4L- !.»uail» :r 14 d- slu*. J