Number 917.] HAMBURGH, FOR The Shu ADRIANA, . j-. Captain Samvkl Cijipp, Will r «« ive (part ut " wsl ' ,e . h KPrjr^'ie engaged) for Hamburgh, and it *&S£3yss*«fca2 to fail u soon as fl»e is difeharged, and car. be loaded. Pafiengers that purpose to go to England, are to be )and«d it Deal or Dover, the Ship having good ac commodations, being lately enlarged for this purpose in Lonfan. For freight or paflage enquire ot Ralph Mather, No. 71, Race-Street. £>1y 14 jar FREIGHI, Cll AIITKR or Sa Lb,, L—TIIC S H I ? ■ Jit Mr. N'-xon's Wharf, r-j -iHF, snip will take a Freight to any of the Wind wan J_ ISands or Europe, if one offers loon, as jhe is nov, leadyto take in. She is in complete older, and has good accomaioda;io»s for tor particulars apply to Jehu Hollingfv/orth 5c Co. WHO HAVE FOR SALE, AMERICAN, A Few Punch cons of Excellent Rum, By the above skip, one of which is old. Tuly 17 r i e t nd°s h i p, BURX'iliiM thirty five tons ; built in North Carolina, of Live OA and Cedar, seven years old and pretty ■wtill found. Fer terms apply to Jofepb Anthony C3 5 Son. yiauuft 6 Fcr Sale or charter, Tit Ship tl V A NI A, BURTHEN 340Q Ebls. Flour— compleatly found, and ■nay be sent to tea at a small cxpence. r For terms apply to GURNET SMITH. who have for balk, A Quantity of Excellent Boiardeaux Claret in casks and Brandy in Pipes and Butts. July 16 . $ For SALE or CHARTER, Tlic Snow MEHI TABLE, Bittyamim Ftir Knap, Majlcr, Four years old, will carry about 19=0 barrels, now lies in the ftrearo, nearly opposite to Vine-Street wharf. Apply to the Captain on hoard, or to Samuel Coates, No. Si South iiront-Street. dst. August 15. 300 Hhds. Maryland and Virginia TOBACCO, OF afijperior quality, pirtof which i« Kitcfoot, ini! particularly adapted for the manufacturers, of for tin Holland or Hamburgh markot. JOO Hcgfocads ready to be delivered on l.oarJ a vessel in Cfrcfapeake Fay, for faie Hy George Sibbald, f?o. 170 South FrontJlreet. i July 24 Now Landing, THE cargoes ox" the brig# Vv eft-luuian aau Betfey&Pol ly from Jamaica, : Coffee in hhrfs and barrels Sugar ;nhhcis Rurn, high pfoof, and 36 bags Pimento. ALSO ON HAND, A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels and Bagi S.gar in Hhu* > por £x rta . lon Pißiwto m Bags j Erandy, ift and 4th proof Sherry Wine, &c July 31 ForSALF, ThcScHOoNfK JI8!L CHORLEY, AN American built vessel, burthen about ",co bbls. of Flour, wid well faund—For terms apply to the cap taia on board at the fubferiber's wharf, or to "Joseph Sims. Who has fir Sale, imported in fald S. burner, St. Croix Rum and Sugar, in Hhds. and barrels, Coffee, &c. Augitfi 10 ' LANDING, FROM on board the brig Eagle, C2pt. t>ewar, and Sloop George, Caj*. Chapman, from Port au I'rmce, »t Hamilton's wharf, Mufeovulo SUGAR, in COFFEE, in COTTON, ia Au%tiji 5 TO BE SOLD, A Lot, containing about seventeen acres, en the Wiifohiskon road, 4 mil", trom the city,and direiSly oppr-fite to the licufe of Mr.lfaie —ton. A Lot, containing 10 acres, in Iflrngton Lane, on laid road, near t!ic estate of Jasper Moylan, E. 4. /v Los containing 10 acres in Turner s Lane, on said road, -asl direfliy Bfr.oP.te to the estate of Mr, Ternant. £1 ijiiirs of Jolijil; Redman, Woodstock corner 0- I ur- Apt!! 6. ALSO, For faje by Peter Blight. C hoglheatU, J tierces, & ( barrels. (' hoglhsads, \ tierces, "S barrels, & (_ bags. } bales", 6c ( packet., For sale by George Sibbald, No. 170 South FrontJlreet. § FOR SALE, , In Bath County, Yirginia* 450 Acres of Good Land. WHEREON are toe Hot Springs, ivbicb are from IO to 110 degrees of beat. Tkere is on the said land a hand- Pome and commodious bouse twojlories high, 60 by 30 f*et y with a portico the full length of the bouse, and extending to the upper fory, and otber ncceffary hoifes ft for a Public Houfe,for which they were intended; good hoafa are over several of the baths, with sweating rooms. There are adjacent thereto, two remarkable cold fyrings of well tafled lime-done water, These baihs are a fpK'fe for the mofl obfiinate rheumatic and all other originating frotn I colds or obJlruSled perspirations, and gives great relief in thegout; they have :ffe6led wonderful cures in various diseases incident to the ladies ; they have this faring made a pcrfeil cure of a dtfeafe on a IVejl-Indian resembling the Uprofy, and are remarkable fur the cure of white fwellingSy contra Sled nerves, and many other difeaf are tuo obfiinate to be effeSled by medicine. There Is near the said Baths , A new Saw-Mill ere&ed, and a Race dug from thence, to build a Man ufa£lu ring Mill, wbicb reclaims about 30 acres of as rich Meadow Land as any upon the Continent, and may be watered every nighty and the bay made thereon fells as weii as any t/jat is made n*ar any city or town vmthin tlx; United States, The proprietors of the above property will treat for the fame on tht promt fa, at any time betwem the lOtb of Auguji ami the loth of September ; they willalfo fell Valuable Land for two or three Farms near the said and i f the saidf aid Land and Houses at the are not fold> they will he rented. N. $ k Good accommodations are provided at.the above springs for ladies and gentlemen this season, which from experience it found befl to commence in fune t mid end th e frfl of 0 fitler, July 14 JAMES TIFFIN, No. 70, South Heconi-Jlreet, near the City Tirvtrn, TT AS jtift opined and for Sale, an AiTortnient of La li dies' and Gentlemen's Faftiionable H A T S, from London. Alio a variety of Children's Hat* of differ ent Coiours. N. B. A Man or two zt faiifhers in the above business, well recommended, will meet with oonflant employ and good encouragement. Tune 6. d LANDING) from on board ibe Ship Charlotte* Captt joncL 80-wen 9 from BottrJcau.x, 30 Pipes Brandy 20 Tons Claret F. COPfINGER, No. 321 Sonth Front, near Pine ftrcct. IVfro has aljO, 4>oo cases of 30 3c 50 bo:tis<> Choice Old Claret 600 hog iV: ads ditto A Quantity of Annifeeil Noyaax Liqueurs a.ii CamLl icki. FOR SALE by the Subscribers, at their Store cr. Walnut ftrcet IVharf, jf. Hhds.. ■) 3*l liarivls and lately aniVcd S4O Bug. Who ta-je aJo on hand, Red Port "Wine, in Pipes and Hogfiicads Mountain V* ine Wine, in Qr. calks so Ton 6 Brimdone Nails aflorttd Sail Casvas, N°. I a 7 and A few gentlemen's handfcme Saddles Philip Nicklin & Co. Uy >4 A.nerican Landscapes. tOR PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A Twenty -FOUR VIE W S, SELECTED from the most fhiking and mtrrefting Profpe&t in the United States ; each as which Views, will be accompanied with a deferiptive account of its Local, Historical, and other iHcidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKTNS, Autb'jr *f tbt 14 JUtnaJltc Remains and Ancient CafllM in Great Britain* 1 I. That the work fnall he publilhed by Subfcrlption; and that cach Subscriber ftiall enjage to take the whole set of Views, and fliall pay for each engraving, if blaii or bp«wn, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. U. That the dimensions of each engraving lhallbe 14 by 17 inches, ixecutcd in aquatinta, and publilhed upon paper of a superior quality 1 The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub scribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month, until th>; proposed series shall be finally completed. Til. That with the -last View of the series, fhallbe deli vered an engraved title-page an elejant oharaflemftic vignette: a map of the route, connected r.'ith the prof peile exhibited in the the eourfe of the Work; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcribors. Subfcriptior.s are received by Mr. Marrifon, at his Print (hop, Maidrnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell er. No. 118, Alarketftreet, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-feller* in the Unitsd States. February 2?. <*•. Fraunces's Tavern. A r a. 59 South Water Street. $ lot TIE Subfcriberrcfpeflfujly begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that lie has remov ed from No. 166 south id Street, to that large, omrao diour, House in NVaterStreet, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Ifmac HuzUhurJ!, and, on which he has fparti no pains orcxpenfe, to make it con venient and agreeable for the receptio.. of gentlemen. The Koufe being situated on the fame spot where the noted Beef Steak and Punch house formerly stood, has the advantage of the best water in this city, known long sinCe by the name of the Green Tnc Water. As there are several elegant Rooms, fulheiently large to accommodate any Society or company of gentlemen, and from his well known abilities topleafe in the line of hisbufinefs, he flatters himfelf with a continuance of that p itror.age which he has experienced since he firft opened a Public House in this City, and, for which he begs leave to make a public acknowledgment. For the accommodation of Small Parties,- the Large Coffee Room ©a the ground floor is conveniently fitted u;i w ; t h a number of Boxes, conftrufted in such a man ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as they please— Where may be had, at any hour, Soups, Eeef-Suaks, Relishes, &c. &c. - . He has on hand, and wfflkeep a constants upply of Spi rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the best qualities. Breakfasts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook ed in the most approved manner, at a feort notice, andHaf try of all forts, made to order, in the House, or to fend ""lie tasVevcral well furnifhed Bed Chambers, for Board ers and Lodcers, by the Week, month, er year. g J SAMUEL FRAUNCES. ecdtf June a. MONDAY EVENING, AUGUSI *7, 1795. For falc by PROPOSALS CONDITIONS. In the Press, and in a "few dayi will be fmblijhed, By Mat hew Carey, Ixß Market Jlreet, No. 1 Of a Series of papers refpe&ing Mr. Jay's Treaty. CONTAINING— Speech of Mr. Pinekney to the citi zens of Charleston. Speech of Mr, Thompson at a meeting of the citizens of Pcteriburg. Speeck of John Dickillfon, at the meeting- held in Wilmington. Camilla's Defence of the Treaty—aicribed to the late Secretary of the Treasury—With fuadry other papers wn this ail-im portant fubje«£V ylu The Earthen-Ware Manufactory, In Front street, above Pool's Bridge, TS continued in the most extensive manner A large as- I fortment of the baft ware is on hand ready aflorted m Hoorfheadi. and Crates. A tonftant and regular supply may be dependtd on, at the (hortfft notice. Orders are received at the Manufaflory, 9 r at No. 15 Arch street. ■ J«'7 » «3 m Me® Wine Port Peter Blight. §lwX§§X lm and Times, City of Wafiiington. Scheme of the Lottery, No 2, For the Improvement of The FEDERAL CITY. 1 A / 20,000 Dollars, d «id dwelling haufe, JvCalh 3&,64q..ate • .ditto ij,ooo&ca!>i 25,006 I dtt'.O »siO(>Q 5,?oo II v*tt\ 5,006 i ditto s,°°o 4 cofli ,5,009 i CalH prize ot I! ditt" s>obi each, *tc jo 1,000 500 ICO d JU 40 ditto ICO ciitto SOQ ditto ditto ss,ooo ditio >6,739 P"«" Biai»k» 50,000 Tickeis at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford an elegant fpecirtien of the private buildla*;* to bcere&ed in the Ciiv <»f Walhingtou —Two i*tuuti{ui are alreadv felc ttcd for the entire fronts on two or. the public ttjuares ; fiom these draw ings, it is propoled to erect two cent ft and t«ur corner buildings, as fbon as polhble atter tfcit Lottery is fold, anil to convey tbcm wlien complete, to tht fortunate advtutur rrs, in the manner described in the fctieme toi the Hoiel Louery. A neu deduction ol five pti cent, will be made to defray the ixcefiaiy cKpeneet «>f piling, &.c. and the (utplus will be made a part of th fund intended for the National Un»vti(iiy< to be eit&cd wuhiu the City of Walhingron. (£3" The drawing will Commence as soon as the Ticket® are fold off. - ' ■-i nc money ptue* will be payao e t in thirty days alter it is Hnilhed, and arty p» ires for which fortunate numbers are not ptodutetl wuhio twelve month* after the drawing is doled are o be confidcud as g ven the fund fbi the UnivcfJity, it bang determine cd to fettle the whole business in a year from the ending of the drawing *fon on earth. This work is to every ©nc Augvjl 14 Is now in the Press, Anil will be fublifhed with a)! foffible exfeditisn Calvary, Or, Tlx DEATH of CHRIST. A I'OEM 113 EIGHT Bt>OKS By RICHARD CUMBERLAND Such uerfont as are Sill in poflcfjion of Papers for the above Work, are vcfpeci/U.iy r%00®, r,0,000 10,900 10,000 a 0,030 15 ,000 SAMUEL BLGDGET. c.idtf tuOfif i